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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Challenging Current Paradigms Related to Cardiomyopathies: Are Changes in the Calcium Sensitivity of Myofilaments Containing Mutations Good Predictors of the Phenotypic Outcomes?

Dweck, David 24 November 2008 (has links)
Three novel mutations (G159D, L29Q and E59D/D75Y) in cardiac troponin C (CTnC) associate their clinical outcomes with a given cardiomyopathy. Current paradigms propose that sarcomeric mutations associated with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) decrease the myofilament calcium sensitivity while those associated with hypertrophic (HCM) cardiomyopathy increase it. Therefore, we incorporated the mutant CTnCs into skinned cardiac muscle in order to determine if their effects on the calcium regulation of tension and ATPase activity coincide with the current paradigms and phenotypic outcomes. This required the development of new calculator programs to solve complex ionic equilibria to more accurately buffer and expand the free calcium range of our test solutions. In accordance with the DCM paradigms, our result show that G159D and E59D/D75Y CTnC decrease the myofilament calcium sensitivity and force generating capabilities which would likely increase the rate of muscle relaxation and weaken the contractile force of the myocardium. Alternatively, the lack of myofilament change from L29Q CTnC (associated with HCM) may explain why the only proband is seemingly unaffected. Notably, the changes in the calcium sensitivity of tension (in fibers) do not necessarily occur in the isolated CTnC and vice versa. These counter-intuitive findings are justified through a transition in calcium affinity occurring at the level of cardiac troponin (CTn) and higher, implying that the true effects of these mutations become apparent as the hierarchal level of the myofilament increases. Despite these limitations, the regulated thin filament (RTF) retains its role as the calcium regulatory unit and best indicates a mutation's ability to sensitize (+) or desensitize (-) the muscle to calcium. Since multiple forms of cardiomyopathies exist, the identification of new drugs that sensitize (+) or desensitize (-) the calcium sensitivity could potentially reverse (+ or -) these aberrant changes in myofilament sensitivity. Therefore, we have developed an RTF mediated High Throughput Screening assay to identify compounds in libraries of molecules that can specifically modulate the calcium sensitivity of cardiac contraction. The knowledge gained from these studies will help us and others to uncover new pharmacological agents for the investigation and treatments of cardiomyopathies, hypertension and other forms of cardiovascular diseases.

Formation and Decomposition of Platinum–Thallium Bond, Kinetics and Mechanism. Structural Characterization of Some Metal Cyanides in the Solid State

Nagy, Péter January 2004 (has links)
The kinetic and mechanistic features of a new series ofplatinum-thallium cyano compounds containing a direct andunsupported by ligands metal-metal bond have been studied insolution, using standard mix–and–measurespectrophotometric technique and stopped–flow method.These reactions are interpreted as oxidative addition of the cspecies to the square planar Pt(CN)42-complex. Each of these processes was found to befirst-order in Pt(CN)42-, the corresponding TIIIIcomplex and a cyanide ion donating species whichacts as a catalyst. Both di- and trinuclear complexes werestudied, and the kinetically significant thallium complexes intheir formation and the catalytically active cyanide sourcesare as follows: [(CN)5PtTl(CN)3]3-: Tl(CN)4–(alkaline region), Tl(CN)3(slightly acidic region) and CN–; [(CN)5Pt–Tl(CN)]–: Tl(CN)2+and Tl(CN)2+; [(CN)5Pt–Tl–Pt(CN)5]3-: [(CN)5Pt–Tl(CN)]–and HCN. Appropriatemechanisms were postulated for the overall reactions in allcases, which include i) metal–metal bond formation stepand ii) coordination of an axial cyanide ion to the platinumcenter. Two experimentally indistinguishable kinetic modelswere proposed for the formation of the dinuclear complexeswhich are different in the sequence of the two steps. In thecase of the trinuclear complex, experimental evidence isavailable to exclude one of the alternative reaction paths, andit was proven that the metal–metal bond formation precedesthe axial cyanide coordination. The cyanide ligands coordinated to TIIIIin the Pt–Tl complexes could be replacedsuccessfully with aminopolycarboxylates e.g.: mimda2-, nta3-, edta4-. The [(CN)5Pt–Tl(edta)]4-complex, with a direct metal–metal bond hasbeen prepared in solution by two different reactions: a)dissolution of [(CN)5Pt–Tl](s) in an aqueous solution of edta, b)directly from Pt(CN)42-and Tl(edta)(CN)2-. The decomposition reaction is greatlyaccelerated by cyanide and significantly inhibited by edta. Itproceeds through the [(CN)5Pt–Tl(CN)3]3-intermediate. The formation of [(CN)5Pt–Tl(edta)]4-can proceed via two different pathways dependingon the ratio of the cyanide to the edta ligand concentrations.The’direct path’at excess of edta means theformation of intermediate[(CN)4Pt···Tl(CN)(edta)]4-, followed by a release of the cyanide from theTl–centre followed by coordination of a cyanide from thebulk to the Pt–centre of the intermediate. The’indirect path’dominates in the absence of extraedta and the formation of the Pt–Tl bond occours betweenPt(CN)42-and Tl(CN)4–. Homoligand MTl(CN)4(M = TlI, K, Na) and, for the first time, Tl(CN)3species have been synthesized in the solid stateand their structures solved by single crystal X–raydiffraction method. Interesting redox processes have been foundbetween TIIIIand CN–in non–aqueous solution and in Tl2O3-CN–aqueous suspension. In the crystal structureof Tl(CN)3·H2O, the thallium(III) ion has a trigonal bypiramidalcoordination geometry with three cyanides in the trigonalplane, while an oxygen atom of the water molecule and anitrogen atom from a cyanide ligand attached to a neighboringthallium complex, form a linear O–Tl–N fragment.Cyanide ligand bridges thallium units forming an infinitezigzag chain structure. Among the thallium(III) tetracyanocompounds, the isostructural M[Tl(CN)4](M = Tl and K) and Na[Tl(CN)4]·3H2O crystallize in different crystal systems, but thethallium(III) ion has in all cases the same tetrahedralgeometry in the [Tl(CN)4]–unit. Three adducts of mercury(II) (isoelectronic with TIIII) (K2PtHg(CN)6·2H2O, Na2PdHg(CN)6·2H2O and K2NiHg(CN)6·2H2O) have been prepared from Hg(CN)2and square planar transition metal cyanides MII(CN)42-and their structure have been studied by singlecrystal X–ray diffraction, XPS and Raman spectroscopy inthe solid state. The structure of (K2PtHg(CN)6·2H2O consists of strictly linear one dimensional wireswith PtIIand HgIIcenters located alternately, dHg–Pt= 3.460 Å. The structure of Na2PdHg(CN)6·2H2O and K2NiHg(CN)6·2H2O can be considered as double salts, the lack ofhetero–metallophilic interaction between both the HgIIand PdIIatoms, dHg–Pd= 4.92 Å, and HgIIand NiIIatoms, dNi–Pd= 4.60 Å, seems obvious. Electronbinding energy values of the metallic centers measured by XPSshow that there is no electron transfer between the metal ionsin all three adducts. In solution, experimental findingsclearly indicate the lack of metal–metal bond formation inall studied HgII–CN-–MII(CN)42-systems (M = Pt, Pd and Ni). It is in contrary tothe platinum–thallium bonded cyanides. KEYWORDS:metal–metal bond, platinum, thallium,kinetics, mechanism, stopped flow, oxidative addition, cyanocomplexes, edta, redox reaction, metal cyanides, X–raydiffraction, Raman, NMR, mercury, palladium, nickel, onedimensional wire

Barrier function of the Follicle-Associated Epithelium in Stress and Crohn's disease

Keita, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
Crohns sjukdom är en kronisk inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom av okänd orsak. Det tidigaste tecknet på Crohns sjukdom är mikroskopiska sår i det s.k. follikelassocierade epitelet (FAE) som täcker ansamlingar av immunceller i tarmen. FAE är specialiserat för att fånga innehåll från tarmen och transportera det till underliggande immunvävnad. Denna funktion är viktig för att inducera skyddande immunsvar, men den utgör också en ingångsväg för sjukdomsalstrande bakterier. Crohns sjukdom är associerat med ett kraftigt ökat immunsvar mot bakterier, och sjukdomsförloppet kan ändras av stress. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att studera effekterna av stress på FAE samt att undersöka rollen av FAE vid utvecklingen av tarminflammation, särskilt vid Crohns sjukdom. Inledningsvis studerades effekterna av psykologisk stress på FAE. Stressade råttor uppvisade ökad genomsläpplighet av bakterier efter stress, och passagen var högre i FAE än i vanligt epitel. Efterföljande experiment visade att stressförändringarna i slemhinnan regleras via kortikotropinfrisättande hormon och mastceller. Vidare visade det sig att vasoaktiv intestinal peptid kunde efterlikna stressens effekter på genomsläppligheten, och att detta kunde förhindras genom att blockera mastcellerna. Studier av tunntarmsslemhinna från patienter med icke-inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom och friska kontroller visade en högre passage av bakterier i FAE än i vanligt epitel. Hos patienter med Crohns sjukdom var bakteriepassagen genom FAE betydligt ökad jämfört med kontroller. Resultaten från detta avhandlingsarbete visar att stress kan förändra upptaget av bakterier från tarmen via FAE, med mekanismer som innefattar kortikotropinfrisättande hormon och mastceller. Detta har gett nya kunskaper kring regleringen av slemhinnebarriären. Vidare presenterar denna avhandling nya insikter i sjukdomsuppkomsten vid Crohns sjukdom genom att påvisa en tidigare okänd defekt i barriärfunktionen i FAE. / The earliest observable signs of Crohn’s disease are microscopic erosions in the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) covering the Peyer’s patches. The FAE, which contains M cells, is specialised in sampling of luminal content and delivery to underlying immune cells. This sampling is crucial for induction of protective immune responses, but it also provides a route of entry for microorganisms into the mucosa. Crohn’s disease is associated with an increased immune response to bacteria, and the disease course can be altered by stress. The overall aim of this thesis was to study the effects of stress on the FAE and elucidate the role of FAE in the development of intestinal inflammation, specifically Crohn’s disease. Initially, rats were submitted to acute and chronic water avoidance stress to study the effects of psychological stress on the FAE. Stressed rats showed enhanced antigen and bacterial passage, and the passage was higher in FAE than in regular villus epithelium (VE). Further, stress gave rise to ultrastructural changes. Subsequent experiments revealed the stress-induced increase in permeability to be regulated by corticotropin-releasing hormone and mast cells. Furthermore, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) mimicked the stress effects on permeability, and the VIP effects were inhibited by a mast cell stabiliser. Human studies of ileal mucosa from patients with non-inflammatory disease and healthy controls showed a higher antigen and bacterial passage in FAE than in VE. In patients with Crohn’s disease, the bacterial passage across the FAE was significantly increased compared to non-inflammatory and inflammatory controls (ulcerative colitis). Furthermore, there was an enhanced uptake of bacteria into dendritic cells, and augmented TNF-α release in Crohn’s disease mucosa. Taken together this thesis shows that stress can modulate the uptake of luminal antigens and bacteria via the FAE, through mechanisms involving CRH and mast cells. It further shows that human ileal FAE is functionally distinct from VE, and that Crohn’s disease patients exhibit enhanced FAE permeability compared to inflammatory and non-inflammatory controls. This thesis presents novel insights into regulation of the FAE barrier, as well as into the pathophysiology of Crohn’s disease by demonstrating a previously unrecognised defect of the FAE barrier function in ileal Crohn’s disease.

Formation and Decomposition of Platinum–Thallium Bond, Kinetics and Mechanism. Structural Characterization of Some Metal Cyanides in the Solid State

Nagy, Péter January 2004 (has links)
<p>The kinetic and mechanistic features of a new series ofplatinum-thallium cyano compounds containing a direct andunsupported by ligands metal-metal bond have been studied insolution, using standard mix–and–measurespectrophotometric technique and stopped–flow method.These reactions are interpreted as oxidative addition of the cspecies to the square planar Pt(CN)<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>complex. Each of these processes was found to befirst-order in Pt(CN)<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>, the corresponding TI<sup>III</sup>complex and a cyanide ion donating species whichacts as a catalyst. Both di- and trinuclear complexes werestudied, and the kinetically significant thallium complexes intheir formation and the catalytically active cyanide sourcesare as follows: [(CN)<sub>5</sub>PtTl(CN)<sub>3</sub>]<sup>3-</sup>: Tl(CN)<sub>4</sub><sup>–</sup>(alkaline region), Tl(CN)<sub>3</sub>(slightly acidic region) and CN<sup>–</sup>; [(CN)<sub>5</sub>Pt–Tl(CN)]–: Tl(CN)<sub>2</sub><sup>+</sup>and Tl(CN)<sub>2</sub><sup>+</sup>; [(CN)<sub>5</sub>Pt–Tl–Pt(CN)<sub>5</sub>]<sup>3-</sup>: [(CN)<sub>5</sub>Pt–Tl(CN)]–and HCN. Appropriatemechanisms were postulated for the overall reactions in allcases, which include i) metal–metal bond formation stepand ii) coordination of an axial cyanide ion to the platinumcenter. Two experimentally indistinguishable kinetic modelswere proposed for the formation of the dinuclear complexeswhich are different in the sequence of the two steps. In thecase of the trinuclear complex, experimental evidence isavailable to exclude one of the alternative reaction paths, andit was proven that the metal–metal bond formation precedesthe axial cyanide coordination.</p><p>The cyanide ligands coordinated to TI<sup>III</sup>in the Pt–Tl complexes could be replacedsuccessfully with aminopolycarboxylates e.g.: mimda<sup>2-</sup>, nta<sup>3-</sup>, edta<sup>4-</sup>. The [(CN)<sub>5</sub>Pt–Tl(edta)]<sup>4-</sup>complex, with a direct metal–metal bond hasbeen prepared in solution by two different reactions: a)dissolution of [(CN)<sub>5</sub>Pt–Tl](s) in an aqueous solution of edta, b)directly from Pt(CN)<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>and Tl(edta)(CN)<sup>2-</sup>. The decomposition reaction is greatlyaccelerated by cyanide and significantly inhibited by edta. Itproceeds through the [(CN)<sub>5</sub>Pt–Tl(CN)<sub>3</sub>]<sup>3-</sup>intermediate. The formation of [(CN)<sub>5</sub>Pt–Tl(edta)]<sup>4-</sup>can proceed via two different pathways dependingon the ratio of the cyanide to the edta ligand concentrations.The’direct path’at excess of edta means theformation of intermediate[(CN)4Pt···Tl(CN)(edta)]<sup>4-</sup>, followed by a release of the cyanide from theTl–centre followed by coordination of a cyanide from thebulk to the Pt–centre of the intermediate. The’indirect path’dominates in the absence of extraedta and the formation of the Pt–Tl bond occours betweenPt(CN)<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>and Tl(CN)4<sup>–</sup>.</p><p>Homoligand MTl(CN)<sub>4</sub>(M = Tl<sup>I</sup>, K, Na) and, for the first time, Tl(CN)<sub>3</sub>species have been synthesized in the solid stateand their structures solved by single crystal X–raydiffraction method. Interesting redox processes have been foundbetween TI<sup>III</sup>and CN<sup>–</sup>in non–aqueous solution and in Tl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-CN<sup>–</sup>aqueous suspension. In the crystal structureof Tl(CN)<sub>3</sub>·H<sub>2</sub>O, the thallium(III) ion has a trigonal bypiramidalcoordination geometry with three cyanides in the trigonalplane, while an oxygen atom of the water molecule and anitrogen atom from a cyanide ligand attached to a neighboringthallium complex, form a linear O–Tl–N fragment.Cyanide ligand bridges thallium units forming an infinitezigzag chain structure. Among the thallium(III) tetracyanocompounds, the isostructural M[Tl(CN)<sub>4</sub>](M = Tl and K) and Na[Tl(CN)<sub>4</sub>]·3H<sub>2</sub>O crystallize in different crystal systems, but thethallium(III) ion has in all cases the same tetrahedralgeometry in the [Tl(CN)<sub>4</sub>]<sup>–</sup>unit.</p><p>Three adducts of mercury(II) (isoelectronic with TI<sup>III</sup>) (K<sub>2</sub>PtHg(CN)<sub>6</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O, Na<sub>2</sub>PdHg(CN)<sub>6</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O and K<sub>2</sub>NiHg(CN)<sub>6</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O) have been prepared from Hg(CN)<sub>2</sub>and square planar transition metal cyanides M<sup>II</sup>(CN)<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>and their structure have been studied by singlecrystal X–ray diffraction, XPS and Raman spectroscopy inthe solid state. The structure of (K<sub>2</sub>PtHg(CN)<sub>6</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O consists of strictly linear one dimensional wireswith Pt<sup>II</sup>and Hg<sup>II</sup>centers located alternately, d<sub>Hg–Pt</sub>= 3.460 Å. The structure of Na<sub>2</sub>PdHg(CN)<sub>6</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O and K<sub>2</sub>NiHg(CN)<sub>6</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O can be considered as double salts, the lack ofhetero–metallophilic interaction between both the Hg<sup>II</sup>and Pd<sup>II</sup>atoms, d<sub>Hg–Pd</sub>= 4.92 Å, and Hg<sup>II</sup>and Ni<sup>II</sup>atoms, d<sub>Ni–Pd</sub>= 4.60 Å, seems obvious. Electronbinding energy values of the metallic centers measured by XPSshow that there is no electron transfer between the metal ionsin all three adducts. In solution, experimental findingsclearly indicate the lack of metal–metal bond formation inall studied Hg<sup>II</sup>–CN<sup>-</sup>–M<sup>II</sup>(CN)4<sup>2-</sup>systems (M = Pt, Pd and Ni). It is in contrary tothe platinum–thallium bonded cyanides.</p><p><b>KEYWORDS:</b>metal–metal bond, platinum, thallium,kinetics, mechanism, stopped flow, oxidative addition, cyanocomplexes, edta, redox reaction, metal cyanides, X–raydiffraction, Raman, NMR, mercury, palladium, nickel, onedimensional wire</p>

Aproveitamento de ítrio e lantânio de um carbonato de terras raras de baixo teor em cério, de um carbonato de ítrio e de um óxido de terras ítricas

VASCONCELLOS, MARI E. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:51:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:03:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Aproveitamento de ítrio e lantânio de um carbonato de terras raras de baixo teor em cério, de um carbonato de ítrio e de um óxido de terras ítricas

VASCONCELLOS, MARI E. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:51:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:03:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Fez-se a separação, enriquecimento e purificação de iantânio e ítrio partindo-se de um concentrado de terras raras empobrecido em cério, conhecido como LCC, \"low cerium carbonate\", um concentrado de ítrio designado como \"carbonato de ítrio\" e um terceiro concentrado designado como \"oxido de terras ítricas\". Os dois primeiros concentrados foram produzidos industrialmente pela NUCLEMON - Nuclebrás de Monazita e Associados Ltda, usando monazita brasileira. O \"oxido de terras ítricas\" é proveniente do processo de obtenção de Iantânio durante a execução do trabalho experimental desta tese. Fez-se uso das seguintes tecnologias: 1) precipitação fracionada com uréia; 2) lixiviação fracionada do LCC com carbonato de amônio e 3) precipitação dos peroxicarbonatos de terras raras usando-se seus carbonatos complexos. Obtidas frações enriquecidas em terras raras estas foram refinadas por meio de tecnologia de troca iônica em leito de resina catiônica sem uso de ion retentor e eluição com sais de amônio do ácido etilenodiaminotetraacético. Com a associação das técnicas acima mencionadas foram obtidos óxidos puros de ítrio (>97,7%), oxido de Iantânio (99,9%), óxido de gadolínio (96,6 %) e oxido de samário (99,9%). O processo aqui desenvolvido tem viabilidade técnica econômica para a instalação de uma unidade de maior porte visando a industrialização. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Prevention of Postoperative Duodenal Ileus by COX-2 Inhibition Improves Duodenal Function in Anaesthetised Rats

Sedin, John January 2013 (has links)
Abdominal surgery inhibits gastrointestinal motility, a phenomenon referred to as postoperative ileus. Since the postoperative ileus disturbs duodenal physiology it is important to minimize the side effects of this condition. Recent experiments in our laboratory show that treatment of anaesthetised rats with parecoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, prevents duodenal postoperative ileus, increases duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion and improves other functions as well. One aim of the thesis was to investigate whether removal of luminal chloride affect the parecoxib- and the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-induced stimulation of duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion. The proximal duodenum of anaesthetised Dark Agouti rats was perfused with isotonic solutions containing zero or low Cl- and the effect on luminal alkalinisation determined. The basal as well as the parecoxib-induced increase in alkalinisation, but not that stimulated by VIP, were markedly reduced in the absence of luminal Cl-. One important function of the duodenum is to adjust luminal osmolality towards that in the blood. It is believed that the adjustment of osmolality in the duodenum is achieved by osmosis and diffusion of electrolytes along their concentration gradients and that these processes occur predominately paracellularly. Another aim of the thesis was to examine whether prevention of postoperative ileus affects the duodenal response to luminal hypertonicity. The proximal duodenum of anaesthetised Dark Agouti and Sprague-Dawley rats were perfused with hypertonic solutions of different composition and osmolality and the effects on duodenal motility, alkaline secretion, transepithelial fluid flux, mucosal permeability and the adjustment of luminal osmolality were determined in absence and presence of parecoxib. It is concluded that COX-2 inhibition increases duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion by stimulating apical Cl-/HCO3- exchange in duodenocytes. Furthermore, pretreatment of anaesthetised rats with parecoxib improves a number of duodenal functions in both rat strains that contribute to improve the ability to adjust luminal osmolality. The choice of rat strain is another important feature to consider when interpreting the results because the DA strain was more responsive to luminal hypertonicity than the SD strain. Finally, several evidences are provided to suggest that the adjustment of luminal osmolality in the rat duodenum is a regulated process.

Modellierung, Analyse und Bewertung des chemischen Gewässerzustandes in Flussgebieten

Heß, Oliver 13 June 2005 (has links)
Modellierung, Analyse und Bewertung des chemischen Gewässerzustandes in Flussgebieten Der Schwerpunkt der chemischen Belastungen von Oberflächengewässern durch Abwasseremissionen verlagert sich in jüngerer Zeit, durch die Ertüchtigung der Abwasserreinigungsanlagen, von biologisch leicht abbaubaren organischen Substanzen hin zu Mikroverunreinigungen. Die Expositionsanalyse von Gewässersystemen gegen xenobiotische Substanzen mit dem Ziel einer Steuerung der Belastungen rückt immer mehr in den Vordergrund des Interesses (EG 2000, EG 2001). Am Beispiel des nordrhein-westfälischen Rheineinzugsgebiets wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine Analyse und Bewertung des chemischen Gewässerzustandes durch georeferenzierte Modellierung von Flussgebieten durchgeführt. Eingesetzt wird das Modellsystem GREAT-ER (Georeferenced Regional Exposure Assessment Tool for European Rivers). Der methodische Teil der Arbeit beschreibt die Kalibrierung des Modellsystems für das Einzugsgebiet des Rheins in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Weiter werden die für die Modellierung notwendigen Eingangsparameter verschiedener beispielhafter Substanzen aus verschiedenen Quellen hergeleitet. In den Anwendungsstudien werden Simulationsergebnisse für die Stoffe Bor, EDTA, HHCB, und Diclofenac sowie Diuron und Ammoniumstickstoff dargestellt und mit Messwerten der Gewässerkonzentrationen verglichen. Die Emissionsmengen für Bor und EDTA aus dem Gebrauch im Haushalt sind gut quantifizierbar. Beide Substanzen verhalten sich in den Gewässern konservativ und konnten deshalb für die Kalibrierung des Modellsystems genutzt werden. HHCB und Diclofenac sind Substanzen, die typischerweise über Haushaltsabwässer in die Gewässer gelangen, aus diesen jedoch gut eliminiert werden. Das Pestizid Diuron gelangt mit dem Oberflächenabfluss von versiegelten Flächen in das Abwasser und die Gewässer. Die Elimination aus den Gewässern ist gering. In der Arbeit wird eine Quantifizierung der Emissionsmengen auf Basis der versiegelten Flächen durchgeführt und damit eine räumliche Zuordnung der Eintragsmengen erreicht. Mit Ammoniumstickstoff wird schließlich die Gewässerexposition einer Substanz berechnet, die auch über diffuse Quellen in die Gewässer gelangt. Grundannahme ist hier, dass die Frachten aus Punktquellen die diffusen Einträge überlagern. In Abhängigkeit von der jeweiligen Substanz und Lage der Messstellen zeigen die Ergebnisse sowohl gute Übereinstimmung als auch stellenweise große Abweichungen zu den gemessenen Substanzkonzentrationen in den Gewässern. Für die auftretenden Abweichungen ergeben sich Erklärungsansätze, aber auch weiterer Untersuchungsbedarf wird deutlich. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit belegen, dass das mit GREAT-ER entwickelte Werkzeug zur georeferenzierten Modellierung von Substanzkonzentrationen in Gewässern auf dem Gebiet der zeitlichen und räumlichen Analyse von realen Messwerten und im Rahmen eines Immissions- und Belastungsmanagements einsetzbar ist. Es können aus den Umgebungsparametern begründete Hypothesen zu lokalen Substanzkonzentrationen in Gewässern entwickelt werden, deren Informationsgehalt gegenüber Messung und generischer Modellierung höher ist.

The effects of radicular dentin treated with double antibiotic paste and EDTA on dental pulp stem cell proliferation : an in-vitro study

Kim, Ki Wan January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Introduction: Regenerative endodontic therapy in immature teeth promotes continuation of root development and likely increases the prognosis of these teeth. The use of double antibiotic paste (DAP), equal parts of ciprofloxacin and metronidazole, followed by the dentin conditioner, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), has been suggested for canal disinfection and facilitation of stem cell attachment/proliferation, respectively. However, the effect is unknown when all these agents are used on on radicular dentin surfaces to facilitate the level of stem cell proliferation. Objectives: The aim of this in-vitro study is to compare the proliferation of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) on human radicular dentin treated with two different concentrations of DAP followed by EDTA. Materials and Methods: Human premolars and incisors were prepared into standardized polished 4 mm x4 mm radicular dentin specimens. Groups of specimens were treated with DAP 500 mg/mL, DAP 1 mg/mL, DAP 500 mg/mL followed by 17-percent EDTA, DAP 1 mg/mL followed by 17-percent EDTA; 17% EDTA, or no treatment. All groups treated with antibiotics were incubated with DAP at 37°C for one week. All specimens were washed with distilled water. The hDPSCs were seeded across all specimens and unattached cells were collected after 24 hours. LDH assay was completed on unattached cells for quantification. Three days after attachment, WST viability and LDH cytotoxicity assays were performed. Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in hDPSC viability, unattachment, and cytotoxicity on dentin specimens treated with DAP and 17-percent EDTA. Clinical Significance: These results can be used to help identify the best treatment concentrations when using DAP and/or EDTA to promote endodontic regeneration. Results: The results demonstrated significantly less viability of hDPSCs on specimens treated with 500 mg/mL DAP with and without 17-percent EDTA. Groups treated with 1 mg/mL DAP, 1 mg/mL DAP and 17-percent EDTA, and 17-percent EDTA alone had no statistically significant difference in viability compared with control untreated dentin. The results of the unattached cells from the LDH demonstrated that cells from the specimens treated with solely 500 mg/mL and 1 mg/mL DAP had significantly higher levels of unattached cells when compared with all other groups. The LDH assays in summation with the WST assays showed a trend of a lack of proliferation on groups treated with 500 mg/mL DAP with and without 17-percent EDTA. Conclusions: Paste-like concentrations (500 mg/mL) of DAP are detrimental to hDPSC viability, whereas the present study supports the use of low-concentration antibiotics consistent with current recommendations for intracanal medicaments used during endodontic regenerative procedures.

Développement des méthodes bio analytique pour l’analyse quantitative et qualitative des peptides et protéines marqués par le couplage de la chromatographie et la spectrométrie de masse / Development of bio-analytical methods for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of labelled peptides and proteins via hyphenation of chromatography and mass spectrometry

Holste, Angela Sarah 24 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est le résultat d’une cotutelle entre l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) à Pau, en France et l'Université Christian Albrecht (CAU) à Kiel, en Allemagne. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration internationale, des méthodes bio-analytiques sont développées pour analyser quantitativement et qualitativement des peptides et protéines marquées par le couplage de la chromatographie avec la spectrométrie de masse. Les peptides et les digestats des protéines sont marquées selon un protocole optimisé par des lanthanides en utilisant des composés à base de DOTA. La séparation des peptides est réalisée par IP-RP-nanoHPLC. Des données complémentaires sont acquises par MALDI-MS pour l'identification et par ICP-MS pour la quantification. Dans ce contexte, une étape de pré-nettoyage en ligne est développée et mise en œuvre dans le protocole de séparation par nanoHPLC. Cette étape permet l'élimination efficace des réactifs appliqués en excès et ainsi la diminution du bruit de fond lié à la présence de métaux lors des analyses par ICP-MS. Les données obtenues sont alors plus facile à interpréter, la sensibilité des signaux des peptides n’étant par ailleurs pas modifié. L'extraction en phase solide (SPE) appliquée comme alternative entraîne des pertes importantes de peptides et peut être considérée comme inadaptée pour l'analyse quantitative. Des additifs pour éluants de nanoHPLC, tels que l'EDTA et le HFBA sont testés et jugés non bénéfiques pour l'analyse des échantillons peptidiques normaux. HFBA peut être reconsidéré pour une application spéciale sur des peptides très hydrophiles. Des peptides marqués sont développés. Leur utilisation en quantité connue pourrait permettre la quantification rapide et simple d'un échantillon de digestat à faible complexité. De plus, cet ensemble de peptides permet la superposition fiable des chromatogrammes, et ainsi de comparer des données complémentaires obtenues par l’analyse d’échantillon par ICP-MS et MALDI-MS. Expériences d'application avec le couplage laser femtoseconde avec ICP-MS sont effectuées sur des plaques métalliques de MALDI MS et montrent des résultats très prometteurs. Pour cela, les échantillons préalablement identifiés par MALDI-MS sont analysés par fsLA-ICP-MS. Les premières tentatives de quantification sur la plaque en acier modifiée sont satisfaisantes et donnent des résultats répondant aux attentes. L’optimisation des paramètres de MALDI-MS facilite l’identification des peptides. / This PhD thesis was a Cotutelle between the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) in Pau, France and the Christian-Albrechts University (CAU) in Kiel, Germany. In the course of this international collaboration, bio-analytical methods for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of labelled peptides and proteins were developed, which were based on the hyphenation of chromatography with mass spectrometry. Peptides and protein digests were lanthanide labelled using DOTA-based compounds according to an optimised protocol. Separation on the peptide level was performed using IP-RP-nanoHPLC. Complementary data sets were acquired using MALDI-MS for identification and ICP-MS for quantification. In this context, an online precleaning step was developed and implemented in the nanoHPLC separation routine, which allowed for effective removal of excess reagents. This lead to lowered metal backgrounds during ICP-MS measurements and thus better data interpretability, while guarding peptide recovery at a maximum level. An alternative offline purification using solid phase extraction (SPE) resulted in important peptide losses and can be considered unsuitable for quantitative analysis. Additives to the nanoHPLC eluents, such as HFBA and EDTA were tested and not deemed beneficial for the analysis of normal peptide samples. HFBA can be reconsidered for special application on very hydrophilic peptide species. A set of labelled peptides was developed, which due to application of known quantities could be employed for quick and simple quantification of a low complexity digest sample. In addition this peptide set allowed for the reliable superposition of chromatograms, enabling sample comparability especially for complementary ICP-MS and MALDI-MS data. Experiments for application of fsLA-ICP-MS on MALDI-MS target plates were conducted and showed very promising results. For this purpose, samples that were already identified using MALDI-MS were supposed to be remeasured using fsLA-ICP-MS. First quantification attempts on the modified steel target plate were successful and in the range of expectance. Adjusted parameters for MALDI-MS allowed for proper peptide identifications.

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