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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vědecké tábory jako možný prostředek pro zvýšení znalostí, dovedností a zájmu žáků o geologická témata / Science Camps as the Possible Way to Increase Pupils' Knowledge, Skills and Interest in geological topics

Pražáková, Martina January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on non-formal education. It describes science camps with a geological topics which are non-formal events that may be visited by children and youth during their initial education. The aim of this thesis is to describe concepts of science (geological) camps and learn about the specific knowledge, skills and interests of their participants in the field of geology. The thesis is introduced in four independent studies which describe a completed mixed research and a solution by the researched targets. Camp groups from five non-formal educational institutions in the Czech Republic were examined. The analysis of camp concepts took place with instructors (N=21) during ten camp sessions. Thereafter two alternative content of camps were established: a field laboratory concept and a concept with equally represented focus on the participants' activity. In this part of research the questionnaires with open-ended questions were used, which were directed at instructors' statements about scientific and educational activities of participants. A data collection for the analysis observing specific geological knowledge, skills and interests of participants always took place at the beginning and at the end of the nine or ten camp sessions. Questionnaires (N=143 knowledge, skills; N=138...

Lärarperspektiv på hållbar utveckling i gymnasieskolans samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur samhällskunskapslärare ämnesdidaktiskt motiverar stoffinnehåll

Isaksson, Björn January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur samhällskunskapslärare på gymnasiet ämnesdidaktiskt motiverar stoffinnehåll i sin undervisning för hållbar utveckling. Undersökningsmetoden i studien är kvalitativ med en teoristyrd ansats och de två teorierna som ligger till grund för studien är frontlinjebyråkratteorin och Shulmans kunskapsteori. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med semistrukturerade enskilda intervjuer, därefter blev dataunderlaget föremål för tematisk analys. Datainsamlingen avgränsades till Norrbotten och Västerbotten. Totalt medverkade fem skolor och sju lärare. Studiens resultat visade att stoffet samhällskunskapslärare väljer är mångsidigt, exempelvis livsmedelspriser, omställningsbeslut som berör fordon eller gruvdriften i Sveriges nordligare delar. Nutida omvärldshändelser stod oftast i centrum av lärarnas stoffurval men historiska utvecklingar förekom. Lärarnas motiveringar av stoffurvalen uppvisade en varierande komplexitet men det valda undervisningsstoffet hade ofta anknytningar till olika kursmoment i samhällskunskapen, exempelvis privatekonomi eller globalisering. Lärarnas motiveringar för sina val av stoffinnehåll handlade exempelvis om att eleverna ska få förståelse för bakomliggande faktorer till samhällets hållbara omställning eller för att det som stoffinnehållet behandlar medför socioekonomiska och miljömässiga påverkningar för eleverna och samhället. Avslutningsvis, lärarnas undervisning införlivade vanligtvis samtliga tre dimensioner av hållbar utveckling, även om undantag förekom. Graden av de tre dimensionernas genomslag i undervisningen varierade beroende på hur lärarna hade tolkat styrdokumenten om hur de ska arbeta med hållbar utveckling i olika kurser. Oavsett kurs var det den sociala dimensionen av hållbar utveckling som fick mest genomslag. / The purpose of this study was to examine how civics teachers at upper secondary schools motivate educational content in a subject didactic manner within their teachings for sustainable development. The study used a qualitative research method with a theory-driven approach. The two theories in question are street-level bureaucracy theory and Shulman’s knowledge theory. The data collection method was conducted through semi-structured individual interviews, and the data was then subsequently subjected to a thematic analysis. The study limited its data collection to the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten, Sweden. In total, five schools and seven teachers participated. The results of the study showed that the educational content chosen by civics teachers was diverse, including but not limited to topics such as food prices and mining in the northern parts of Sweden or a decision related to a sustainable transition of transportation. Contemporary world events often were at the center of the teachers’ educational content selection, though historical events were also featured. The teachers’ reasoning for their choices of educational content exhibited varying degrees of complexity, but the selected content could often be connected to different course modules such as personal finance or globalisation. The teachers’ reasonings behind their choices of educational content included statements that it was to provide students with an understanding of the underlying factors for the sustainable transition of society. Furthermore, the teachers also explained that their choice of content addressed things that result in socio-economic and environmental impacts on the students’ quality of life within society. In conclusion, the teachers’ teachings typically incorporated all three dimensions of sustainable development, although exceptions did occur. The degree to which the three dimensions were integrated into the teachers’ classroom sessions varied depending on how teachers had interpreted the policy documents regarding how they were supposed to work with sustainable development in different courses. Regardless of the course, the social sustainability dimension predominated.

Příprava a realizace kurikula. Vliv profesní přípravy učitelky na kvalitu tvorby vlastní pedagogické dokumentace / Curriculum design and realization. The influence of vocational preparation of a teacher on the quality of creation the own pedagogical documentation

Kuběnová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Key words curriculum, educational programme, teacher, kindergarten, competence, vocational preparation, educational content, focus group, general educational programme for preschool education Annotation This thessis deals with selected topics related with issues of curriculum of a preschool education. In the theoretical part, some basic terms are explained. Then, the personality of a teacher and the educational programme is put into the context. At the end of this part, the characteristics of content of the recommended curriculum of a preschool education is given. The practical part deals with the form of the project curriculum of preschool education, particularly with the educational program. Subsequent elements, such as content analysis and comprarison of the research sample, provide an outline of the educational prerequisites utilizable for creating the own pedagogical documentation.

Současný učitel občanské výchovy / Current teacher of civics

ŘABKOVÁ, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the characteristics of the current the qualification teachers of civics and current state of this course. The theoretical part will be explained the basic concepts: competence, approbation, cross-cutting themes, textbook civics, civics in General education program. Empirical research will be carried out quantitatively by questionnaire. The aim is to ascertain the qualifications of current teachers in Vysočina. Furthermore, this work investigates how these teachers are satisfied with the educational content of the subject civics.

Média a edukace (na materiálu vybraných domácích a zahraničních výzkumů mediálních edukačních obsahů) / Media and Education (based on the material of the selected domestic and foreign surveys of the media educational contents)

Landová, Marína January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the problematics of the research of the educative media content, using mainly the data we gathered during surveys carried out between 2003 and 2011. The paper handles several theoretical and methodological aspects of the relationship between media and education, namely the role of educative media in education as such. In the theoretical part we focus mainly on the interdisciplinarity of the subject, i.e. the differences in the media studies and other social sciences perspectives. After a description of the necessary theoretical/methodological framework, an outline of a classification system of educative programmes is proposed that could be useful both in pedagogical and media practise. In the next part of the paper we discuss the current state of the czech public service media education area. The second chapter itself consists of selected researches results carried out in the area of education programmes and contents, some of which the author of this paper collaborated on. The survey choice consisted of questionnaire and enquiry surveys focusing on the relationship of structured media audiences (students and teachers) towards educative programmes. The other survey then aimed at selected educative programmes, using both content analyses and focus groups as tools to...

Začlenění tématu ctností do výuky žáků primární školy / Incorporating the theme of virtues into teaching pupils in primary school

Pojerová, Denisa January 2020 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with virtues of first grade primary school pupils. The theoretical part is focused on explanation of the term "virtues" and on description of individual areas in which the virtues can appear within education in first grade of primary school. The attention is paid to how the topic "virtues" is related to the goals and contents formulated in "RVP ZP" (General education programme for primary school education). In this part I also focus on introduction of context of ethics, where I concentrate on theories of Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg, and ethics education. Furthermore, there are programmes, projects and aids mentioned in this thesis, which deal with development of virtues, with education to values and with ethics education. The practical part of this thesis consists of active research. In the research are stated four lessons which deal with the way, this topic can be realised as a content of education and the way the pupils understand this topic. I also deal with virtues of respect and empathy in detail. These education units which develop the topics of virtues are suggested, verified and reflected. Keywords Virtues, ethics education, social and personal competence, personal-social education lessons, first grade of primary school, educational content

Reálné uplatnění vzdělávacích obsahů výtvarné výchovy u dětí s IVP / Real application of art education content to children with individual education plan

Zrucká, Vendula January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this theses is to determine a rate of real fulfillment of educational goals in the art education. As a research method there will be used a case study of four pupils in the secondary school with an individual educational plan. The study will focus on real application of the educational content of the art educaion for these children. The author will find out to what extent and if it is even possible to achieve educational goals for children with individual education plan in real art education classes at a standard elementary school. Using several art activities, she will diagnose the achieved level of individual educational objectives in the art education. For a better idea, there will be also offered a comparison of the secondary school children without individual education plan, selected by random selection, with children from an art secondary school, who will be selected by random selection as well, and who are expected to be more talented and passionate about art activities.

Odraz Rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro základní umělecké vzdělávání v českém základním uměleckém vzdělávání / Reflection of the Framework Educational Program for Basic Schools of Art in Czech Elementary Art Education

Lojdová, Jaroslava January 2018 (has links)
The Ph.D. thesis Reflection of the Framework Educational Program for Basic Schools of Art in Czech Elementary Art Education deals with current development of pedagogical reform and its implication in lessons of music theory at basic schools of art. It traces its historic development and changes in educational content, methods and organizational forms of education, according to resources that are at disposal. Based on the research, current pedagogical reform helped to define content and scope of work in lessons of music theory. It enabled to adjust its educational content to specific conditions and profile of individual schools, it gave new view of teaching goals and strengthened teacher's position in creation of strategic school documents. Content based, interpretation skills are complemented with understanding of music core; pupils'values and attitudes are built. Among popular teaching methods feature critical thinking, peer learning and group work, learning through demonstration and actions. The most frequently used progressive method, according to the research, is the simulation method. Based on research findings, music theory at basic schools of art is a subject to continual improvements. Currently, according to accessible resources, there is no complex teaching material that involves modern...

Managing mobile learning in a higher education environment / Olivier V.

Olivier, Vanessa January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to conduct a thorough theoretical study on mobile learning (mlearning) in order to achieve the primary objective of the study which is to develop a general framework to implement and manage mobile technologies in a higher education environment. The focus of the literature study was to research the state of mobile technologies and their relevance to teaching and learning. The literature study investigate the implications of mobile technologies for students, lecturers and thus for the institution and provided an overview of frameworks found in literature with the emphasis on the management of m–learning within the higher education institution. M–learning is part of a new mobile conception of society, with the mobility of the technologies impacting on the mobility of the students, the lecturers and ultimately on the mobility of higher education. Literature suggests that, while m–learning is proving to be innovative, the factors that most strongly impact on the ultimate success or failure of mlearning will depend on human factors, the balancing of technological ideals and pedagogical imperatives, and the successful management of the interface between human educational systems and technology systems. The proposed general framework focuses on addressing key issues related to m–learning from the perspective of the student, the lecturer and thus the institution. In order to remain competitive higher education needs to be diligent in maintaining the complex technology infrastructure that supports a thriving mobile culture that will meet and exceed the expectations of both lecturers and students. The empirical research conducted had as objectives to investigate the mobile technology assets of respondents with regard to the hardware and the software that they own, the mobile technology actions of respondents in regard to what they do with the mobile technology that they own and to investigate the respondent's attitude towards mobile technologies. A survey was designed and distributed to a sampling of the academic staff and students of the North–West University (NWU) in South Africa, specifically the Potchefstroom Campus. There is ample proof from the empirical study that there is a gap with regard to the level of accessibility, usage, and attitude with regards to the different interest groups in the higher education environment. Higher education institutions should invest in investigating these gaps further and in leveraging off the benefits of the effective management of these technologies to improve teaching and learning. The final chapter concludes with a summary of the secondary objectives researched in the literature (Chapter two) and empirical research (Chapter three) chapters in order to support recommendations towards the primary objective of this study. The rapid pace of adoption and advancement of mobile technologies creates opportunities for new and innovative services provided through such mobile devices. Higher education finds itself in the early innings of the mobile Internet pulling both lecturers and students towards the same place: smaller, faster, cheaper devices working together in a web of connectivity. Recommendations were made in this final chapter on how higher education institutions can leverage the benefits of the effective management of mobile technologies to improve teaching and learning. M–learning has the potential to increase the capacity of higher education through improving efficiency and productivity of teaching and learning. Mlearning could address challenges related to quality of teaching such as continuous professional training, lifelong upgrading, connecting with academics worldwide and communicating effectively with students. Higher education is discovering the potential of mlearning to promote student engagement and improving the quality of learning. Management of higher education institutions and systems, management of policymaking including storage and analysis of data, construction and assessment of policy scenarios, and tracer studies or academic tracking systems can be improved through the use of m–learning. Mobile technologies will continue to increasingly become an integral part of students' and lecturers' private and day to day lives and m–learning will be integral in educational content delivery. Additional research is required to study the effective and optimal implementation of m–learning. A better understanding of the benefits and leverage thereof is required and additional research should provide answers to these questions. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Managing mobile learning in a higher education environment / Olivier V.

Olivier, Vanessa January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to conduct a thorough theoretical study on mobile learning (mlearning) in order to achieve the primary objective of the study which is to develop a general framework to implement and manage mobile technologies in a higher education environment. The focus of the literature study was to research the state of mobile technologies and their relevance to teaching and learning. The literature study investigate the implications of mobile technologies for students, lecturers and thus for the institution and provided an overview of frameworks found in literature with the emphasis on the management of m–learning within the higher education institution. M–learning is part of a new mobile conception of society, with the mobility of the technologies impacting on the mobility of the students, the lecturers and ultimately on the mobility of higher education. Literature suggests that, while m–learning is proving to be innovative, the factors that most strongly impact on the ultimate success or failure of mlearning will depend on human factors, the balancing of technological ideals and pedagogical imperatives, and the successful management of the interface between human educational systems and technology systems. The proposed general framework focuses on addressing key issues related to m–learning from the perspective of the student, the lecturer and thus the institution. In order to remain competitive higher education needs to be diligent in maintaining the complex technology infrastructure that supports a thriving mobile culture that will meet and exceed the expectations of both lecturers and students. The empirical research conducted had as objectives to investigate the mobile technology assets of respondents with regard to the hardware and the software that they own, the mobile technology actions of respondents in regard to what they do with the mobile technology that they own and to investigate the respondent's attitude towards mobile technologies. A survey was designed and distributed to a sampling of the academic staff and students of the North–West University (NWU) in South Africa, specifically the Potchefstroom Campus. There is ample proof from the empirical study that there is a gap with regard to the level of accessibility, usage, and attitude with regards to the different interest groups in the higher education environment. Higher education institutions should invest in investigating these gaps further and in leveraging off the benefits of the effective management of these technologies to improve teaching and learning. The final chapter concludes with a summary of the secondary objectives researched in the literature (Chapter two) and empirical research (Chapter three) chapters in order to support recommendations towards the primary objective of this study. The rapid pace of adoption and advancement of mobile technologies creates opportunities for new and innovative services provided through such mobile devices. Higher education finds itself in the early innings of the mobile Internet pulling both lecturers and students towards the same place: smaller, faster, cheaper devices working together in a web of connectivity. Recommendations were made in this final chapter on how higher education institutions can leverage the benefits of the effective management of mobile technologies to improve teaching and learning. M–learning has the potential to increase the capacity of higher education through improving efficiency and productivity of teaching and learning. Mlearning could address challenges related to quality of teaching such as continuous professional training, lifelong upgrading, connecting with academics worldwide and communicating effectively with students. Higher education is discovering the potential of mlearning to promote student engagement and improving the quality of learning. Management of higher education institutions and systems, management of policymaking including storage and analysis of data, construction and assessment of policy scenarios, and tracer studies or academic tracking systems can be improved through the use of m–learning. Mobile technologies will continue to increasingly become an integral part of students' and lecturers' private and day to day lives and m–learning will be integral in educational content delivery. Additional research is required to study the effective and optimal implementation of m–learning. A better understanding of the benefits and leverage thereof is required and additional research should provide answers to these questions. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

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