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學校核心競爭力指標建構之研究-以技專校院為例 / Study on establishment of school core competitiveness indicators–with vocational and technical institute as examples陳賢舜, Chen. Hsien Shun Unknown Date (has links)
九、受訪談者對於提升技專校院核心競爭力的策略,認為應從「師資水準」、「學生能力」、「政府政策」、「學校經營策略」與「合作策略聯 盟」等層面推進。
(三)針對不同的學校性質,建構分類的學校核心競爭力指標。 / This research aims to establish a system of school core competitiveness indicators with vocational and technical institute as examples, utilizing methodologies such as literature review, Delphi technique, interviews and questionnaire survey to conduct the research. The research first collects relevant development and information related to core competitiveness, school competitiveness, school core competitiveness and educational indicator of vocational and technical institutes. Consequently through initial establishment of school core competitiveness and subsequent collaboration with 18 Delphi technique experts, a school core competitiveness system suited for vocational and technical institutes are established. Through the process of the research, six other experts are interviewed to provide suggestions of practical understanding to researchers and assist in acquiring a more accurate research data. Finally, 465 indicator acceptance questionnaires are sent to 93 technological universities, technical and vocational institutes and purposive samples were utilized to investigate teacher opinions. 340 questionnaires were returned, giving an effective response rate of 73%.
According to literature review, Delphi experts’ questionnaire surveys, interviews and teacher opinions surveys of vocational and technical institutes, the research reaches the following conclusions after integration and analysis:
1. Core competitiveness is composed of several types of abilities.
2. Characteristics of school core competitiveness include uniqueness, value, integration, mobility, extendibility, process and core.
3. School core competitiveness is the fundamental of sustainable management.
4. Discussion of school core competitiveness is focused on higher education sector.
5. Vocational and technical institutes are facing the critical phase of re-engineering.
6. There are 79 indicators in the process of building school core competitiveness system and they include: “R&D core competitiveness”, “teaching staff core competitiveness”, “students’ core competitiveness” and “school performance core competitiveness”.
7. Delphi experts have higher consensus and appraisal regarding “R&D core competitiveness” and “teaching staff core competitiveness” compared to “students core competitiveness” and “school performance core competitiveness”.
8. The interviewees have high affirmation regarding the function and value of vocational and technical institutes.
9. The interviewees thought effective strategies to promote core competitiveness of vocational and technical institutes include raising “teaching staff level”, “students’ abilities”, “government policies”, “school management strategies” and “strategic alliances”.
10. Teaching staff of vocational and technical institutes have overall higher approval level concerning “school performance core competitiveness” than “R&D core competitiveness”.
11. Evaluations of indicators established in this research are affected mainly by school types (technological university, technical institutes, and vocational schools) rather than gender or age group.
12. Variables of teaching staff of vocational and technical institutes have significant differences with respect to “A-2 R&D value”, “A-2-4 Number of technology transfers” and “B-1-2 Qualified Ph.D. teaching staff”, and less significant differences with respect to “C-1-1 Number of students with qualifications”, “C-1-2 Number of students who passed technical examinations”, “C-3-3- Students’ public service performance” and “D-2-3 Area of school buildings”.
According to the above research conclusions, this research proposes the following relevant suggestions for education administration authority, the educational institutes and future research:
1. Suggestions for education administration authority
(1) Place emphasis and employ practical application of the school core competitiveness indicators of vocational and technical institutes, and incorporate those data into school database.
(2) Strengthen positioning and functions of vocational and technical institutes, develop their unique competitiveness and core competitiveness ability.
(3) Actively assist weaker vocational and technical institutes to improve their management and establish appropriate exit strategies to encourage school re-engineering and consolidation.
(4) Establish center for school core competitiveness to assist assessment of core competitiveness of vocational and technical institutes, follow international educational core competitiveness trend and host forums and research on school core competitiveness.
2. Suggestions to vocational and technical institutes
(1) Strengthen scientific, technical, practical and integrative core competitiveness of schools to develop the five core competitiveness: professional, talented, training, expertise and specialty.
(2) Establish teaching staff competitiveness edge by actively improving teaching staff quality and structure; promote practical experience sharing and encourage involvement with the industry.
(3) Increase students’ multi-faceted competitiveness by assisting students in receiving their professional certifications, enhancing their practical skills and encouraging them to participate in professional competitions.
(4) With sustainable management as key principle and effective utilization of resources as model, actively exhibit a positive image of quality education and strong competitive edge.
3. Directions for future research
(1) Increase number of research targets and employ random sampling to make research conclusion more objective and have wider inference aspect.
(2) Establish more multi-faceted indicators to enhance research appropriateness and effectiveness.
(3) Establish different types of school core competitiveness for different types of schools.
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台北地區高級中學全面品質教育指標建構之研究 / Construction of total quality education indicator for senior high school in Taipei閻自安, Yen, Zi Ann Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以參與北區公、私立高中聯招的學校為研究對象,抽取270位教師,1089位學生;以18位學校行政管理專家所建構的「高級中學全面品質教育指標評量表」為研究工具,進行指標重要程度與實施情形的評量與比較;資料分析的方式包括:專家判斷指標的模糊相似性整合法,模糊層級分析法,Cronbach α信度分析,單因子變異數分析,單因子多變量變異數分析,重複量數變異數分析與Scheffe's多重比較法。
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教育指標及家庭資本對學業成就影響之研究-以臺日韓美義為例 / The relationships between educational indicators and family capital on student academic achievement林倍伊 Unknown Date (has links)
影響學生學業成就因素,是值得關注的議題。本研究欲瞭解教育指標和家庭資本對學生學業成就之間的影響關係,以臺灣、日本、韓國、美國和義大利五個國家已公佈的教育指標資料和TIMSS 2007資料庫問卷調查結果的24383份追蹤樣本,進行現況分析、變異數分析、相關分析、多元逐步回歸分析、結構方程式分析,結果發現:
依據上述研究結果將提出相關結論與建議以供參考。 / The issue of student achievement has been concerned. In this research, will focus on the relationships between educational indicators and family capital on student academic achievement, the participants include students in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the United States and Italy. The published educational indicators and TIMSS 2007 survey results of 24,383 samples for the analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, stepwise multiple regression, structural equation modeling found that:
1. The relationship between educational indicators, student academic achievement in mathematics and science as a positive. Secondary education teacher/ student ratio, literacy, education expenditure/ GDP ratio of and academic achievement in mathematics and science as a negative.
2. The educational indicators of academic achievement in mathematics accounts for 25% variance, in science accounts for 9.7% variance.
3. In analysis of variance, the collection of books and learning resources on academic achievement in mathematics and science indicate that a group has more is higher than the group has fewer.
4. In analysis of variance, parental education on academic achievement in mathematics and science find that in United States is not significant in this analysis. In Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Italy, groups of higher education is the highest.
5. In analysis of variance, self expectation on academic achievement in mathematics and science indicate that a group with high self expectation is highest, but U.S. students in math and science academic achievement and Korea students in mathematics can find out that the students who "do not know" is the highest group.
6. In analysis of variance, parental support in student academic achievement in mathematics and science that groups with high parental support is higher than those with low parental support, but parental support on student academic achievement in mathematics and science in Italy, and parental support on academic achievement in science in Taiwan indicate that the highest group is less than the lowest one.
7. In analysis of variance, parental involvement in student academic achievement in mathematics and science that groups with high parental involvement is higher than those with low parental involvement, but in Taiwan, parental involvement on academic achievement in science indicate that the highest group is less than the lowest one.
8. The correlations between family capital and student academic achievement indicate that mother’s education is in no relation with academic achievement in mathematics and science, self-expectation is in no relation with mathematics academic achievement, the relationship between father’s education and academic achievement is negative, other variables and academic achievements is positive.
9. The variance of family capital in academic achievement in Taiwan is the highest: 27.5% in mathematics and 28.8% in science.
10. SEM results show that parental support and parental involvement is in no relationship with academic achievement in math and science. Educational indicators and family capital on academic achievement can be explained.
Based on the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations will be presented for reference.
Key words: Educational indicator, Family capital, Student academic achievement, TIMSS 2007.
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