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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bedömning av den kliniska relevansen av signaler från elektroniskt expertstöd (EES) vid användning på en akutklinik

Ucar, Andera January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Grid connected large-scale energy storage : Literature review regarding present technology and application, with a complementary case study that investigates the profitability of storage within a wind farm

Skoglund, Per January 2017 (has links)
In the transition from traditional power plants to more environmentally friendly alternatives will generate a need for more flexibility in production, transmission and consumption. Energy storage can be provide the flexibility that are required to continue to have a robust and stable electrical system. The purpose of this report is to give an overview of the electrical energy storage technologies. The classification of energy storage technologies used in this report is mechanical, chemical and electrical. In these three categories were ten different technologies presented with function, advantages, disadvantages, degree of maturity and research area for each technology. The distribution between the globally operational energy storage technologies were presented. Also the framework and regulations for actors to own and operate an energy storage in Sweden. This review was complemented with a case study about connecting a lithium ion battery system to a wind farm. The case investigated the profitability for 20 MW wind farm with a 12 MW and 18 MWh energy storage system for a five and ten-year period. The utilization of the storage was optimized with \textit{What's best} for three different investment cost. The review were done in order to answer: what is the futures energy storage technology?, what applications can be replaced by energy storage for an electricity producer? and what will the effects be of the new actor Aggregator? The result from comparing three different prices for lithium ion batteries resulted in a non-profit scenario for all the cases in a five-year period. There were a maximum, minimum and predicted futuristic price, which generated a loss of 731, 220 and 76.6 MSEK for respective case. Only the futuristic price for a ten-year period indicated an profit. The conclusion that can be drawn from this case study is that energy storage is too expensive and the extra income from utilization of the energy storage is not enough to motivate an energy storage investment. There are not a single technology that possesses all of the required properties for the applications. In the future there will be a combination of technologies to cover all the applications. For the seasonal storage pumped hydro and compressed air are most promising technologies. The flywheels and supercapacitors can contribute with short powerful burst of energy that are needed for power quality and operating reserves. For the more wide range application such as power fleet optimization and integrate the renewable energy production, batteries in form of lithium ion battery and sodium-sulfur battery will most probably be used. For electricity producers energy storage can replace existing solutions. Instead of using diesel generators for black start services, an battery can be used. Also the power quality could be enhanced with batteries acting as filters. The process can be more utilized in a more efficient way with an energy storage. The aggregator actor gathers small variable load from e.g several houses and participate on the electricity market. This actor will level out the differences in power demand during the day. It will reduce the losses and reduce the need for grid investments in both the transmission and distribution networks. It would also generate more available frequency reserves and probably change how the market is paying for the generated benefits.

Smarta elnät med fokus på energilager; en lösning till hållbar tryckluftsförsörjning inom industrin : Simulering och optimering av energilager för utjämning av intermittenta energikällor / Smart Grids with a focus on Energy Storage; a Solution for Sustainable Compressed Air Supply within the Swedish Industry : Simulation and Optimization of Energy Storage to balance Intermittent Energy Sources

Nydahl, Helena, Marmolin, Annica January 2015 (has links)
Världens energibehov förväntas ökar samtidigt som miljökraven blir allt hårdare. För att komma till rätta med klimatförändringarna och utsläppen av växthusgaser måste användningen av fossila bränslen minska samtidigt som energieffektiviseringar och förnybara energikällor måste öka. En större andel intermittenta förnybara energikällor på elmarknaden medför utmaningar. Finns det inget elbehov då det exempelvis blåser eller när solen skiner går den producerade elen förlorad, detta leder till att produktion och konsumtion av elektricitet måste ske samtidigt. För att förnybar energi ska kunna expandera men också effektiviseras måste samhället utveckla smarta elnät. Det finns olika uppfattningar vad som krävs för att skapa smarta elnät men elektrisk energilagersystem återkommer ofta i litteraturen. Det finns forskare som anser att satsning på intermittenta förnybara energikällor inte är ett alternativ om inte energin går att lagra. Compressed air energy storage är ett energilager som använder komprimerad luft för att lagra energin tills det finns ett behov. Industrin i Sverige står för drygt en tredjedel av den totala energianvändningen. Över 90 % av tillverkningsindustrin använder tryckluft. Det finns stora och små förbrukare av tryckluft beroende på användningsområde.  I denna studie kommer en internationell nulägesbeskrivning ges i utvecklingen av smarta elnät med fokus på elektriska energilagersystem. Syftet är att studien ska vara ett diskussionsunderlag, en informationsbärare och idéskapare. Den internationella nulägesbeskrivningen baseras på studiebesök, litteratursammanställning samt intervjuer. Resultatet från den internationella nulägesbeskrivningen visar att intresset för elektriska energilagersystem ökar då det är en central del i utvecklingen av smarta elnät.  Mellan 2011-2013 ökade investeringarna i elektriska energilager med 521 %. En anledning till denna ökning är den internationella trenden med microgrids och mindre decentraliserade kraftverk. Med ökad efterfrågan på energilagringssystem kommer nya energilagringssystem skapas och befintliga system utvecklas. Syftet med studien är även att undersöka om energilager är en lösning till hållbar tryckluftsförsörjning inom industrin. Målet är att dimensionera ett luftningssystem bestående av vindkraftverk och energilager, med en viss volym och maxtryck, för en stor- och liten tryckluftsförbrukare. I studien kommer även kostnadsbesparingen för den stora förbrukaren optimeras genom arbitrage. Dimensioneringen görs utifrån simuleringar i Simulink och optimering görs i MATLAB. Dimensionerat luftningssystemet för den stora tryckluftsförbrukaren består av ett vindkraftverk, ett energilager på 200 m3 med maxtryck på 10 bar. Täckningsgraden, det vill säga andelen av luftbehovet som kan täckas med vindkraft tillsammans med ett energilager, är 26 % för det dimensionerade luftningssystemet. Resultatet ger då 48 % mindre energiförbrukning, cirka 1,2 miljoner kronor i kostnadsbesparing och en miljövinning motsvarande 532 ton CO2-ekvivalenter. Kostnadsbesparing, då el köps via arbitrage, för den stora förbrukaren optimeras till maximalt 1,2 miljoner kronor. Generatorn har då en verkningsgrad på 85 % och kompressorn 90 %. Dimensionerat luftningssystemet för den mindre tryckluftsförbrukaren består av en vindsnurra, ett energilager på 20 m3 med maxtryck på 30 bar. Täckningsgraden, det vill säga andelen av luftbehovet som kan täckas med vindsnurra tillsammans med ett energilager, är 61 % för det dimensionerade luftningssystemet. Resultatet ger då 93 % mindre energiförbrukning, cirka 26 tusen kronor i kostnadsbesparing och en miljövinningen motsvarande 10,7 ton CO2-ekvivalenter. Skillnaden mellan en vindsnurra och ett vindkraftverk är att vindsnurran inte producerar el utan använder rörelseenergin direkt. Ett system bestående av energilager som drivs av energi från vinden lämpar sig bättre för ett mindre tryckluftsbehov där det går att nå upp i högre täckningsgrad. Övergången till smarta elnät är nödvändigt för att tillgodose alla aspekter av hållbar utveckling. Det är ingen del av smarta elnät som är viktigare än någon annan. En hållbar tryckluftanvändning inom industrin är en del av smarta elnät och för att göra det möjligt har energilager en avgörande roll. Nulägesbeskrivningen visar att det i dagsläget finns ett ökat intresse för EES internationellt men att det inte finns ett EES som ensamt kommer lösa integrationen av förnybar energi. Tekniken för energilagring finns idag och växer imorgon. / The world’s energy demand is expected to increase and at the same time the environmental requirements are becoming stricter. To deal with the climate change and the greenhouse gas emissions, the use of fossil fuel need to decrease, while the energy efficiency and renewable energy production must increase. A greater share of intermittent renewable energy on the electricity market entails challenges. If there is no need for electricity when the wind is blowing or when the sun is shining the electricity is lost, this leads to production and consumption of electricity must occur simultaneously. To expand the renewable energy and make it more efficient, society must develop a smart grid. There are different opinions about what it takes to create smart grids, but electrical energy storage, EES, reappears frequently in the literature. There are even scientists who believe that investment in intermittent renewable energy sources is not an option unless energy can be stored. Compressed air energy storage is a technique that uses compressed air to store energy until there is a demand.   The Swedish industry accounts for over a third of total energy consumption in the country. Over 90 % of the all manufacturing industry uses compressed air. There are big and small users of compressed air depending on the industry.  In this study, an international status description is given in the development of smart grids with a focus on electrical energy storage systems. The aim of this study is to be an information carrier that creates discussion and new ideas. The international status description is based on field visits, literature surveys and interviews. The results from the international status description shows that interest in electric energy storage systems is increasing since it is a central part in the development of smart grids. Between 2011 and 2013 the investments increased in electrical energy storage with 521 %. One reason for this increase is the international trend of micro grids and small decentralized power plants. With the increased demand for energy storage, new energy storage systems are created and existing systems evolve. The purpose of the study is also to examine if energy storage is a solution for a sustainable supply of compressed air in the industry. The goal is to design a compressed air system consisting of wind turbines and energy storage with a certain volume and maximum pressure, for a large and a small compressed air consumer. The study will also determine the cost saving for the big users is an optimized through arbitrage. The design is based on simulations in Simulink and the optimization is done in MATLAB. The selected compressed air system for the large consumer is based on one wind turbine, energy storage of 200 m3 with a maximum pressure of 10 bar. The coverage ratio, i.e. the proportion of the air need that is covered by wind energy with energy storage, is 26 %. An investment in this system would give reduced energy consumption by 48 % leading to a cost reduction of about 1.2 million SEK and a reduced environmental impact equivalent to 532 tons of CO2-equivalents. The generator then has an efficiency of 85 %, and the compressor has 90 %. The selected compressed air system for the smaller consumer achieves a coverage rate of 61 % with the following dimensions; one windmill, energy storage of 20 m3 and maximum pressure of 30 bar. An investment in this system would give a reduced energy consumption by 93 %, leading to a cost reduction of about 26 000 SEK and a reduced environmental impact equivalent to 10.7 ton of CO2 equivalents. The difference between a windmill and a wind turbine is that the windmill does not produce electricity instead it uses kinetic energy directly. A system consisting of energy storage driven by energy from the wind is more suited for smaller air requirements where it is possible to achieve greater coverage. The transition to smart grids is necessary to be able to meet all aspects of sustainable development. There is no part of smart grids that is more important. Sustainable use of compressed air in industry is a part of smart grids and to make it possible energy storage is crucial. The international status description shows that there is a growing international interest in EES but there isn’t one EES alone that will solve the integration of renewable energy. The techniques for energy storage are existing today and are growing tomorrow.


Coufal, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the front part stiffness of modern vehicles, especially for the use in the field of forensic engineering in the traffic accident analysis. During the traffic accident analysis, an inquiry into the collision between vehicles is carried out which is an integral part of determining the energy loss of the vehicle at the impact, or more precisely the deformation energy expressed in the form of Energy Equivalent Speed (EES). In case of known stiffness of given part of the vehicle and based on the depth of deformation, it is possible to calculate the deformation energy, or more precisely EES corresponding with given damage of the vehicle. In the field of forensic engineering, the values of stiffness of individual vehicle components are not known and therefore, alternative methods are used to calculate the EES, they are outlined in the research part of this dissertation. However, the current methods of EES determination have some limitations when it comes to usability, and therefore, new EES calculation for the front part of the vehicle was designed in the research. It was based on the real crash test results using real stiffness characteristics of the front part of a vehicle. The front part of the vehicle is divided into individual areas and each of these parts is characterised by its own stiffness coefficient. The designed EES calculation can thus be also used for collisions with partial overlapping, taking into account the real stiffness of the damaged part of the vehicle, which was not possible with existing methods. In the research part of this dissertation, a computer programme to calculate deformation energy and EES was processed. It works with individual stiffness characteristics in given areas where the input data are entered by the user and include the depth of permanent front part deformation in individual areas, vehicle weight, the direction of an impact force and the friction coefficient on the contact surface. Considering the fact that the vehicle stiffness is also one of the control parameters at solving collisions in the PC-Crash simulation programme, which is used in forensic engineering practice for the analysis of a collision process, a supplementary computer programme was designed. Based on the above-mentioned input data, the supplementary programme can further calculate data for collision solving in the simulation programme, namely stiffness, restitution coefficient and the vehicle damage stated in the output report of the simulation programme. Based on these data, the expert thus has the opportunity to solve the collision of two vehicles in the simulation programme with as much preciseness as if it was a real collision.

Modelling a Solar Driven Absorption Heat Pump

Gigos, Pierre-Antoine January 2016 (has links)
Absorption Heat Pumps (AHP) have been developed since the late 19th century. They enable to produce cooling and heating directly from a heat source, unlike Compression Heat Pumps that require mechanical work. In the context of scarcity of resources and global warming, the company Helioclim develops solar air conditioning using an Absorption Heat Pump. The heat is gathered at rooftop solar concentrators and powers an ammonia-water AHP. The present study proposes an EES model of Helioclim’s AHP allowing assessing its performances under various operating conditions. Another aspect developed is the Modelling of the whole system (from solar energy to the economic assessment) in order to find the best parameters to propose to a potential client. Regarding EES model, three existing EES examples of AHP have been used. Those models, ranging from the simple single-stage ammonia AHP to a more complex GAX-cycle, did not correspond exactly to the features of Helioclim’s cycle. Therefore, a new model has been built: the position of the GAX and its connections to the other heat exchangers have been adapted and a recirculation in the generator has been proposed in order to correspond to Helioclim’s design. The model obtained is then used to assess the improvement of the performances with the GAX. It is also compared to the available experimental data. In the present study, a software program representing the whole solar air conditioning system is also developed, integrating the previous EES model. The software program considers the solar energy gathered by the collectors and deduces the energy transmitted to the heat pump. The EES model is then used to assess the performances of the heat pump in the operating conditions, allowing determining the produced cooling and heating. An economic and energy synthesis is produced, summarizing effectively the parameters and economic advantages of the installation. This software program allows sizing an installation for a client much more quickly than before.

Análise numérica e experimental de sistema de ar condicionado em edifícios verdes

PEREIRA, Gutenberg da Silva 22 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Santana (rafael.silvasantana@ufpe.br) on 2017-07-12T17:40:35Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Tese_Gutenberg da Silva Pereira_1.pdf: 6410667 bytes, checksum: ddf1e84a9a1b8bcce71836f13e8707fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-12T17:40:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Tese_Gutenberg da Silva Pereira_1.pdf: 6410667 bytes, checksum: ddf1e84a9a1b8bcce71836f13e8707fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-22 / Com a atual escassez de energia, alta demanda e aumento do custo da energia elétrica, verifica-se que uma questão importante é a melhoria da eficiência dos sistemas de climatização dentro de um padrão de eficiência certificado possibilita-se, assim, para uma comparação real de qual é a melhor opção de layout e operação dos sistemas, já que os sistemas de climatização são responsáveis por uma alta parcela do consumo energético. O presente trabalho se propõe a comparar dois sistemas de refrigeração diferentes, usando chiller de compressão de vapor, para a climatização de ambientes. Foram propostas diferentes modalidades para a comparação em operações isoladas e ações combinadas. Essas operações são avaliadas nos conceitos de edifícios verdes. Foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático baseado nos princípios de conservação de massa e energia, complementado por várias funções, de modo a determinar as propriedades termofísicas e eficiências dos compressores. O modelo avalia a influência dos parâmetros operacionais principais do sistema de refrigeração a água gelada operando em três configurações diferentes. As equações do modelo foram resolvidas pelo programa EES (Engineering Equation Solver). Os resultados mostraram que o sistema com compressão diferenciada apresenta COP igual ao do sistema com chiller parafuso na faixa de 0 a 300 TRs, e um COP superior em média de 9% na faixa de 400 a 800 TRs. / With the current energy shortages, high demand and rising cost of electricity, it turns out that an important issue is the improvement of the air conditioning efficiency within a standard of efficiency certificate for a real comparison of what is the better layout option and operation of systems, as the HVAC systems account for a high share of energy consumption. This study aims to compare two different cooling systems using vapor compression chiller for air conditioning environments. They were different proposals modalities for comparison in isolated and combined action operations. These transactions are valued on the concepts of green buildings. A mathematical model was developed based on the principles of conservation of mass and energy, supplemented with various functions in order to determine the thermophysical properties and efficiencies of the compressors. The model evaluates the influence of the main operating parameters of the cold water cooling system operating in three different configurations. The model equations were solved by EES program (Engineering Equation Solver). The results showed that the system presents differentiated compression COP equal to the screw chiller systems in the range from 0 to 300 RTs and a higher COP (average of 9%) in the range of 400 to 800 TR.

Contributions en classification automatique : agregation bayesienne de melanges de lois et visualisation interactive

Bruneau, Pierrick 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Internet, ainsi que des architectures r´ecentes telles que les r´eseaux de capteurs, sont le si`ege de masses de sources de donn´ees distribu´ees `a large ´echelle, en perp´etuelle croissance. Cette profusion, accompagn´ee du besoin d'outillage des utilisateurs, implique le d´eveloppement de techniques d'analyse et d'indexation adapt´ees. Les techniques de classification automatique concernent la caract´erisation de classes dans un ensemble d'´el´ements. Celles-ci sont tr`es souvent employ´ees pour la r´ealisation d'outils rendant l'information accessible aux utilisateurs. Dans le cadre de cette th`ese, nous avons contribu´e `a l'agr´egation de mod`eles de m´elange de distributions de probabilit´e. Cette classe de mod`eles est en effet souvent utilis´ee pour des tˆaches de cat´egorisation. Nos propositions, utilisant un formalisme bay´esien variationnel, sont caract´eris´ees par des coˆuts de calcul et de transmission r´eduits. Avec ces travaux, nous entendions fournir une solution partielle `a l'estimation de mod`eles sur des donn´ees distribu´ees. Nous avons ´egalement contribu´e `a la classification visuelle de donn´ees en flux. Pour ce faire, nous avons notamment employ´e des principes bio-mim´etiques, ou encore des r´esultats de la th´eorie des graphes. Outre la proposition d'interfaces efficaces pour un utilisateur, nous avons ´egalement envisag´e la mani`ere dont celui-ci peut r´etro-agir sur le processus de classification.

Economia solidária: um estudo sobre emprendimentos econômicos solidários (EES) apoiados pelo projeto tecnologias sociais para empreendimentos solidários da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)

Weippert, Rosângela Márcia 23 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:57:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 23 / Nenhuma / Este estudo objetivou analisar os aspectos de formação e de gestão de seis Empreendimentos Econômicos Solidários (EES) incubados pelo Projeto Tecnologias Sociais para Empreendimentos Solidários (Tecnosociais) da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Partiu-se de suas histórias de formação e analisou-se o apoio da UNISINOS para verificar seus processos de gestão do negócio, fundamentalmente: tomada de decisões, verificação de oportunidades de ampliação e prestação de contas interna quanto aos resultados. A metodologia da pesquisa incluiu visitas aos EES e entrevistas com seus participantes através de aplicação de questionário aberto. Esta investigação foi orientada por indagações acerca da viabilidade econômica desses EES e da sua caracterização enquanto empreendimento solidário. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram afirmativamente para ambas as questões. / This I study planned to analyze the aspects of formation and of management of six Supportive Economic Undertakings (EES) incubated by the Project Social Technologies for Supportive Undertakings (Tecnosociais) of the University of the Order of Rio of the Bells (UNISINOS). It left of his histories of formation and analyzed itself the support of the UNISINOS for verify his trials of management of the business, fundamentally: decision-making, enlargement opportunities verification and installment of you count internal as regards the results. The methodology of the research included visits to the EES and interviews with his participants through application of open questionnaire. This inquiry was oriented by inquiries about the economic feasibility of those EES and of his supportive undertaking while characterization. The results of the research aimed affirmatively for both the questions.

Elektroniskt expertstöd ur kundens perspektiv : En enkätstudie om kundens kännedom och inställning till EES / Electronic expert system from the customer's perspective : A survey of the customer's knowledge and attitude to EES

Juhlin, Madeleine January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Medicines are substances used to prevent, alleviate or cure diseases which is an important part of health care. The role of the pharmacist in the healthcare chain is important because they are the patients last contact with healthcare professionals. After this contact they must assume responsibility over their own treatment. The pharmacist's responsibility is to make sure that the patient has received essential information about their drugs and to check that the prescribed dose is correct. The increased digitalization of society brings an opportunity for the patients to increase participation and understanding of their drug treatment. Decision support systems are different methods used to obtain a basis for decision making. Pharmacists use these systems to check if prescriptions are correct, for example by ensuring that the right medication, in the correct dose, has been prescribed to the right patient at the right time. In Sweden there is a decision support system called elektroniskt expertstöd (EES). This system offers pharmacy customers further drug control in addition to other controls that are available through the pharmacy's other systems. The benefit of this system is that the pharmacist has better support in detecting incorrect doses, interactions, duplicate medications and if the drug is inappropriate for the patient's gender or age. When the system alerts, the pharmacist makes an assessment which may be discussed with the patient or the physician if needed. Purpose The purpose of this survey study was to investigate what the pharmacy customers knows about EES and the pharmacists use of the system. Method Before the study started, approval from the southeast ethic committee was obtained which said that there were no ethical barriers for the performance of the study. The surveys were handed out to anyone who would receive prescriptions at different pharmacies in Luleå, Grängesberg, Värnamo, Kalmar and Torsås. The common goal was to spend 20 hours of handing out surveys per student. The results were put together and analyzed in IBM SPSS Statistics with descriptive statistics.  Results and discussion The results show that most of the respondents did not know about EES and did not know if the pharmacists are using this support system. The results also show that most of the respondents had not given their consent to EES and did not know if EES could support the pharmacists work. More than half of the survey population answered “do not know” on a question asking if they wanted the pharmacist to use EES when dispensing drugs. Almost a quarter of the total population wanted the pharmacist to use EES and close to three quarters of the total population had no knowledge of the system. This could mean that the customers who have knowledge wants the system to be used. A reason for wanting the system to be used without having knowledge of it could be that customers trust it is beneficial for themselves and for the pharmacists. Building trust and showing care in each customer meeting is important to make the customer susceptible to information. Sufficient information can lead to better compliance in drug treatments. Before the pharmacist can use EES for the first time the customer must consent. Although it was a few years since the introduction of EES into pharmacies, some pharmacists find it difficult to connect customers to the system. It is a relatively new way of working with drug analysis at the pharmacies in Sweden. More practice in the system could provide increased use of it and help the pharmacists decision making.   Conclusion Only a small proportion of the pharmacy customers have knowledge of EES. But even so, one fourth of them wanted the system to be used to analyze their medication which is considered positive.

Compressed air energy storage : Process review and case study of small scale compressed air energy storage aimed at residential buildings / Tryckluftsenergilagring : Processöversikt och fallstudie av småskalig tryckluftsenergilagring riktad mot bostadshus

Steen, Evelina, Torestam, Malin January 2018 (has links)
The potential for electrical energy storage to both provide services to the electrical grid and help to better integrate renewable energies in the electrical system is promising. This report investigates one type of storage, compressed air energy storage (CAES), where energy is stored by compressing air during hours of low electricity demand and later expanding the air to generate electricity during high demand hours. To this day it exists two large plants, but small facilities have yet to be implemented, raising the question whether it could be viable to use CAES on a smaller scale as well. By creating a model of a CAES system based on the principles of thermodynamics and applying it to a hypothetical group of residences, its ability to balance daily fluctuations in electricity demand is explored. The result show that the system is able to cover some of the demand but there is no economic profit to be gained. The results of this report suggest that a CAES system of this size is not a viable option during current price market for electricity in Sweden but during other circumstances it could be relevant. / Dagens energisystem kräver vissa tjänster för att kunna behålla stabilitet och tillgodose energibehovet. Energilagring är ett sätt att förse systemet med dessa tjänster samtidigt som det också skapar möjlighet att bättre utnyttja förnyelsebara energiresurser, som vind och sol, som annars kan vara för oförutsägbara för att kunna utnyttjas maximalt. I denna studie undersöks komprimerad luft som energilagring (CAES). Sammanfattningsvis används billig elektricitet under timmar då elförbrukningen är låg för att komprimera luft och lagra denna för att sedan expandera luften igen och på så vis generera elektricitet vid behov eller då det finns ekonomisk vinstmöjlighet. CAES systemet kan vara uppbyggt och dimensionerat på flera olika sätt vilket undersöks samt beskrivs i närmare detalj. Möjligheten att använda CAES i liten skala för att tillgodose ett dagligen varierande energibehov undersöks och det utrönas ifall detta är ekonomiskt gynnsamt eller inte. Detta undersöks genom att skapa en modell över ett CAES-system som appliceras på energibehovet för en grupp bostäder. Resultatet visar att systemet kan täcka en del av energibehovet men ekonomisk vinning är inte möjligt. Utifrån dessa resultat konstateras att CAES i liten skala inte är ett ekonomiskt försvarbart alternativ för att täcka toppar i ett varierande energibehov vid det rådande energipriset i Sverige men under andra omständigheter skulle det kunna vara möjligt.

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