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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Česká rozvojová spolupráce: Naplňování principů Pařížské deklarace o efektivnosti rozvojové pomoci / Czech development cooperation: Adherence to the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

Ocknecht, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the range the Czech Republic fulfills the international commitments stipulated by the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. And, if it needed, to find factors which influence fulfilling of the declaration commitments. This is done by analysis of the documents and interviews. The analysis of the data related to the supplied development aid is the core of the thesis. The aid depends on these key principles: ownership, alignment, harmonization, managing for results and mutual accountability. Two projects of the Czech Development Agency between years 2013 and 2015 in Cambodia and the State of Palestine are analyzed in two case studies. The operationalization of the terms and following own methodical framework application to the output data led to a result, whether the international commitments are (not) complied with. The performed research implies that commitments are fulfilled rather insufficiently in the Cambodia case, whereas the commitments in State of Palestine case were fulfilled completely. A new innovative approach was crucial. The projects are directed by Palestinian partner. In Cambodia, the critical principle is the mutual accountability because of the lack of the capacities (mostly in funding) and unsatisfactory management. There is a...

Мулти-стејкхолдерски приступ ефективности организације догађаја као фактор успешности дестинацијског туристичког производа / Multi-stejkholderski pristup efektivnosti organizacije događaja kao faktor uspešnosti destinacijskog turističkog proizvoda / Multi-stakeholder Approach of the Effectivness of the Event’s organisation as a factor of Successfulness of Destination’s tourism product

Stamenković Igor 02 July 2014 (has links)
<p>На глобалном, то &nbsp;јест, планетарном нивоу&nbsp; догађаји&nbsp; уопште (фестивали, конгреси, конференције&nbsp; и&nbsp;слично),&nbsp; а посебно они са јаком&nbsp; културном&nbsp; компонентом (као што &nbsp;су:&nbsp; музички фестивали,&nbsp; филмски, фолклорни&nbsp;фестивали,&nbsp; разне манифестације &nbsp;или&nbsp; аниматорски&nbsp; програми&nbsp; и&nbsp; тако &nbsp;даље),&nbsp; значајно &nbsp;се бројчано &nbsp;повећавају.&nbsp;<br />Поред&nbsp; тога што &nbsp;унапређују&nbsp; локални понос&nbsp; у&nbsp; култури,&nbsp; стварају јак идентитет и имиџ локалне заједнице, то јест&nbsp;брендирају дестинацију, &nbsp;ови догађаји&nbsp; могу&nbsp; такође&nbsp; промовисати аутохтоне националне&nbsp; мањине, и оставити&nbsp;бројне позитивне или &nbsp;негативне, економске, друштвене, еколошке, политичке и друге ефекте и &nbsp;последице на&nbsp;дестинацију.&nbsp; Догађаји, то јест фестивали су добар повод да се гостима покажу&nbsp; нови&nbsp; народи&nbsp; и њихови &nbsp;обичаји,&nbsp;култура,&nbsp; веровања, начин живота,&nbsp; а од боравка на дестинацији осети се и&nbsp; допринос&nbsp; локалној економији, друштвеном&nbsp; и мултикултурном&nbsp; животу. Без обзира,&nbsp; какав&nbsp; догађај&nbsp; или&nbsp; фестивал&nbsp; био &nbsp;он представља&nbsp; нови талас&nbsp;алтернативног&nbsp; туризма&nbsp; који&nbsp; доприноси &nbsp;одрживом &nbsp;развоју&nbsp; и&nbsp; побољшава &nbsp;опднос између&nbsp; домаћина и госта&nbsp; а исто&nbsp;тако унапређује &nbsp;дестинацијски туристички производ. Током боравка на фестивалу туриста ће конзумирати и остале производе и услуге и мултиплицираће ефекте свог останка на дестинацији. Свакако тај се процес не&nbsp;може остварити без добре координације стејкхолдера и њихове добре међусобне умрежености и сарадње.</p> / <p>Na globalnom, to &nbsp;jest, planetarnom nivou&nbsp; događaji&nbsp; uopšte (festivali, kongresi, konferencije&nbsp; i&nbsp;slično),&nbsp; a posebno oni sa jakom&nbsp; kulturnom&nbsp; komponentom (kao što &nbsp;su:&nbsp; muzički festivali,&nbsp; filmski, folklorni&nbsp;festivali,&nbsp; razne manifestacije &nbsp;ili&nbsp; animatorski&nbsp; programi&nbsp; i&nbsp; tako &nbsp;dalje),&nbsp; značajno &nbsp;se brojčano &nbsp;povećavaju.&nbsp;<br />Pored&nbsp; toga što &nbsp;unapređuju&nbsp; lokalni ponos&nbsp; u&nbsp; kulturi,&nbsp; stvaraju jak identitet i imidž lokalne zajednice, to jest&nbsp;brendiraju destinaciju, &nbsp;ovi događaji&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; promovisati autohtone nacionalne&nbsp; manjine, i ostaviti&nbsp;brojne pozitivne ili &nbsp;negativne, ekonomske, društvene, ekološke, političke i druge efekte i &nbsp;posledice na&nbsp;destinaciju.&nbsp; Događaji, to jest festivali su dobar povod da se gostima pokažu&nbsp; novi&nbsp; narodi&nbsp; i njihovi &nbsp;običaji,&nbsp;kultura,&nbsp; verovanja, način života,&nbsp; a od boravka na destinaciji oseti se i&nbsp; doprinos&nbsp; lokalnoj ekonomiji, društvenom&nbsp; i multikulturnom&nbsp; životu. Bez obzira,&nbsp; kakav&nbsp; događaj&nbsp; ili&nbsp; festival&nbsp; bio &nbsp;on predstavlja&nbsp; novi talas&nbsp;alternativnog&nbsp; turizma&nbsp; koji&nbsp; doprinosi &nbsp;održivom &nbsp;razvoju&nbsp; i&nbsp; poboljšava &nbsp;opdnos između&nbsp; domaćina i gosta&nbsp; a isto&nbsp;tako unapređuje &nbsp;destinacijski turistički proizvod. Tokom boravka na festivalu turista će konzumirati i ostale proizvode i usluge i multipliciraće efekte svog ostanka na destinaciji. Svakako taj se proces ne&nbsp;može ostvariti bez dobre koordinacije stejkholdera i njihove dobre međusobne umreženosti i saradnje.</p> / <p>On a global planetary scale events in general (festivals, congresses, conferences&nbsp; etc.), particularly those with&nbsp;a strong cultural component (such are: music festivals, film festivals,&nbsp; folklore festivals,&nbsp; other events and&nbsp; animation&nbsp;programs etc.) are substantially increasing in numbers. In addition to enhancing local pride in culture,&nbsp; they produce&nbsp;strong identity and image of local coummunity (they are branding the destination)&nbsp; these events could also expose&nbsp;indigenous national minorities to the increasing number of international visitors.&nbsp; Also, they could make many either&nbsp;positive or negative, economic, social, ecological, political or any&nbsp; other effect and consequences for/to destination.&nbsp;Events, namely festivals&nbsp; are&nbsp; a good occasion to&nbsp; show&nbsp; guests the&nbsp; new&nbsp; nations&nbsp; and&nbsp; their customs, culture, beliefs&nbsp; and&nbsp;lifestyles. From the&nbsp; stay&nbsp; of the tourists&nbsp; the&nbsp; resort&nbsp; could&nbsp; feel&nbsp; the&nbsp; contribution&nbsp; to&nbsp; the local economy, social life,&nbsp; multi-cultural&nbsp; life&nbsp; etc.&nbsp; Regardless, how big an&nbsp; event or festival is, it should and would represent a new wave&nbsp; of&nbsp; alternative&nbsp;tourism&nbsp; that contributes&nbsp; to sustainable development and&nbsp; improving&nbsp; the relationship between the&nbsp; host and the guest&nbsp;and also promote destination&rsquo;s tourism product. During ones stay at the festival, tourists will consume other products&nbsp;and services, and multiply effects of &nbsp;their stay at the destination.&nbsp; Certainly&nbsp; this process&nbsp; can not be achieved&nbsp; without&nbsp;<br />good coordination of stakeholders and their good inter-networking and cooperation.&nbsp;</p>

Posouzení investičního projektu / Assessment of investment project

Zmeškal, Jakub January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of financial stability and investment activities in the municipality. It characterizes investments and feasibility study and describes the grant policy of the European Union and the Czech Republic. The diploma thesis also deals with the indicators of financial analysis, describes a specific municipality and assesses its financial stability. It also presents investment projects in the municipality, assesses their effectiveness and proposes further development of the municipality.

Ekonomické ukazatele udržitelného urbanistického rozvoje středně velkých měst / Economic indicators of sustainable urban development of medium-sized towns

Pavlas, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse how to measure an economic pillar of sustainable urban development when it is understood in terms of qualitative city development. This principly means achieving economic prosperity which does not lead to damage of the city areas and decrease the quality of life for its residents. This approach requires the creation of an appropriate set of indicators that will cover qualitative aspects of sustainable economic development. The first section summarizes existing approaches to the definition of sustainable development and ways of measuring both on the Czech and the international level. There are also defined basic characteristics of the urban development which are appropriate to express a qualitative development of the city. The second part is focused on existing ways in which sustainable development is measured, i.e. especially in the context of indicator sets. These are under detailed assessment which aim is to show how useful is to measure the economic sustainability from the qualitative point of view. In this part, the limits of using economic macro aggregates (especially Gross Domestic Product) is emphasized because there are still regarded as one of the key economic indicators of sustainable development. In the next part the thesis deals with the definition of economic prosperity and focuses on the characteristics typical for short, medium and long term perspective. Measurement of sustainable urban development in the short term is based on assessment of financial situation. From the medium-term point of view, it is crucial to assess how the city handles its property, i.e. mainly buildings and land. These property components are substantial for a further direction of city development. In the next section are designed indicators aimed at measuring the ability of the city to maintain a skilled workforce which is one of the most important conditions of long-term economic prosperity. The final theoretical part of the thesis is focused on how the long-term sustainable urban development is to be expressed in an economic way through the assessment of investments in urban infrastructure and its operational efficiency. The designed set of indicators is verified on case studies of three medium-sized Czech cities.

Hodnocení investičního záměru výstavby mateřské školy / Evaluation of Investment Plan of Kindergarten Construction

Janusová, Barbora Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the evaluation of investment plan for the kindergarten construction, what is a public investment project. The first part of the thesis is the theoretical part, which discusses the theoretical basis of investments, investment plan, investment and public projects, investment decision - making and strategic planning. The theory part also describes the feasibility study and methods of project evaluation. Within the methods of project evaluation, the thesis deals with the Cost – Benefit analysis. The practical part of the thesis evaluates the investment plan named “Nástavba a přístavba mateřské školy Elišky Krásnohorské 15, Brno “, where is also performed the sensitivity analysis and qualitative risk analysis. The evaluation of investment plan for the kindergarten construction is performed in the eCBA application.

Sport jako veřejná služba: Sociální spravedlnost a efektivnost sportovních zařízení v obcích / Sport as a Public Service: Equity and Efficiency of Local Sport Facilities

Popelka, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Title: Sport as a Public Service: Equity and Efficiency of Local Sport Facilities In the Czech Republic, clubs traditionally played a key role in providing sport facilities. In recent years, the role of local authorities in sport has strengthened. Hence, there have been changes in the management of sport facilities in the context of new trends in public administration and sport participation. The thesis analyzes and evaluates current modes of provision of public sport facilities as the consequence of these changes. The examined issue is narrowed down to the two theoretical concepts - sport equity and efficiency of sport facilities. These are perceived as a part of the performance of sport facilities (see Liu et al., 2009 or Kung and Taylor, 2010). The first part of the thesis aims to test the effect of different forms of management of sports facilities on the sport equity score in the framework of institutional analysis (Houlihan, 2005). On the basis of the original instrument for measuring of sport equity, the survey is carried out. The research sample (N = 193) is made up by the municipalities with extended powers, except for regional cities and Prague. The second part of the thesis has the character of an action research. The author evaluates the application of the NBS: Financial questionnaire...

Řízení stavební zakázky / Construction Order Management

Saňáková, Miroslava January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves problems of construction orders management. The key to successful business and stable position in a competitive market is the way of planning, managing and quality processing of construction orders. The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe and analyze the management of a construction order in a selected company, in my case ARCHATT, s.r.o. I also deal with this in this work, namely for the specific order Oprava Severního parkánu a hradeb of Prague Castle. The content of the work is a processed documentation of the supplier's preparation for this order and a detailed description of the entry of construction workers to this daily guarded building.

Trigenerace a její využití v praxi / Trigeneration and its use in practice

Čupera, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
e master's thesis clarifies the concept of trigeneration and the principle of absorbing cooling. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of this method of manufacture cool with compressor cooling. It presents an overview of the implementation of a developing cold absorption and performance. Acquainted with the types of absorption chillers of the two leading suppliers, their characteristics and existing applications of these refrigeration units in operation in the Czech Republic and abroad. It also assesses the possibility of using these units in conjunction with a cogeneration unit powered by internal combustion engine. It follows from the economic assessment of costs and income of the absorption chillers and compressor chillers and on concrete examples and an assessment of the effectiveness of the various options.

Problematika šablonového tisku pájecí pasty pro součástky s malou roztečí vývodů / Problems in Solder Paste Stencil Printing for Fine Pitch Components

Šimeček, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Despote the indisputable advantages of fine-pitch components, is need to calculate with a few trouble during production, especially increased requirements for accuracy of mounting and solder printing. In this work I’m concerned with problems of solder printing for these components and evaluation using SPC. For the evaluation I used 3D paste inspection based on laser scanning of the surface. The output of this work is to describe the principles of solder printing and elaborating of GR&R, SPC analysis and histograms of solder printing for some outputs. I focused in my master thesis on motive design change of problematic components and economic evaluation of the adjustments.

Posouzení návratnosti investice do nízkoenergetického nebo pasivního rodinného domu / Assessment of Return on Investment in a Low-energy or Passive House

Ryba, Radim January 2014 (has links)
The subjects of this thesis are low-energy and passive houses. The main objective is to compare the acquisition costs and operating cost of the low energy and passive houses with conventional construction of houses offering the real estate market, respectively evaluating of investments in energy-efficient buildings. Furthermore, the work focuses on the history, properties and basic problems of designing energy efficient buildings with subsequent by an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of their implementation. Klíčová slova

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