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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Välfärdsjobb - en insats för hela familjen : En innehållsanalys av kommunala dokument

Wallin, Per, Spetz Nyström, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Välfärdsjobb är en relativt ny typ av insats som används i flera kommuner i Sverige. Den går ut på att personer som har levt länge med försörjningsstöd ska få en tidsbegränsad anställning med kollektivavtalsenlig lön för att komma närmare den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Uppsala har börjat ge insatsen under hösten 2013 och där startade intresset för att genomföra en undersökning. Den har ett barnperspektiv för att belysa barns situation. För att besvara frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts. Materialet har bestått av en utvärdering, en delrapport och en rad olika kommunala texter. De kodades och kategoriserades utifrån barndomssociologiska begrepp och Jahodas (1982) teori om arbetets latenta och manifesta effekter. Dessa delades upp i underrubriker som passade ihop med datamaterialet. Kommunerna som använts är Malmö, Sigtuna, Sundsvall, Uppsala, Botkyrka och Ludvika. De inkluderade kommunerna är positiva till resultaten av insatsen välfärdsjobb. Malmö har fortsatt använda sig av den sedan år 2005 och Sigtuna redovisar stora ekonomiska vinster av insatsen. Personerna som deltagit i insatsen berättar om hur de har fått bättre självförtroende, större nätverk och förbättrad ekonomi. Flera av deltagarna har efter insatsen fått en reguljär anställning. Vissa deltagare har dock framfört kritik för att arbetsuppgifterna känts enformiga och påhittade. Malmö hade problem att få in kvinnor i insatsen och att några inte förstod att insatsen var tillfällig. Barnen syns inte så mycket i kommunernas texter. Några kommuner prioriterar barnfamiljer medan till exempel Malmö enbart nämner barnen som blivande motiverade studenter. Kopplat till vad som framkommer i tidigare forskning skulle insatsen kunna vara bra även för barnen, de får till exempel bättre ekonomi och därmed möjlighet till fler aktiviteter. Om föräldrarna mår bättre gör barnen det också. En nackdel som kom fram var att insatsen är tillfällig då barnen känner en osäkerhet i vad som händer efter insatsen. Det framkommer skillnader i hur mammor, pappor, barn och familjer representeras i kommunernas material. För framtida forskning skulle det vara intressant att ha med barns perspektiv vid utvärdering av insatsen. Nyckelord: långvarigt försörjningsstöd, arbetslöshet, välfärdsjobb, barnperspektiv, arbetets effekter / ”Välfärdsjobb” is a relatively new kind of intervention that is used in some municipalities in Sweden. It means giving people that have been living a long time with welfare payments a fixed term employment contract. The participants get a salary and get closer to the regular labor market. Uppsala started a project called “Välfärdsjobb” autumn 2013 and that is where the interest for the subject came from. The study has a child perspective. A qualitative content analysis has been used to respond to the research questions. The data material consists of an evaluation, an interim report and different documents from the municipalities. The material was coded in relation to childhood sociology and Jahoda’s theory of latent and manifest effects of unemployment. The municipalities that have been used are Malmö, Sigtuna, Sundsvall, Uppsala, Botkyrka och Ludvika. The involved municipalities are positive to the intervention. Malmö has had it since 2005 and Sigtuna shows great economic savings. The persons participating in the intervention convey that they have gained better self-confidence, larger social networks and better economy. Several of the participants have a regular job after the intervention. The negative aspects of the intervention were that some of the participants have expressed that the work tasks felt repetitive and made up. Malmö failed to recruit women and some participants did not understand that the job was temporary. The children are not very visible in the data material. Some of the municipalities have families with children as a prioritized group, while Malmö just mentions children in terms of becoming motivated students. Looking at earlier research the intervention seems positive for children. They get a better economy and hence a wider array of activities are possible. Also, if the parents feel good, it affects the children positively. Something that could have a negative impact is that the intervention is temporary, since the children often feel worried about what will happen next. There are differences in how mothers, fathers, children and families are represented within the material from the municipalities. For future research it would be interesting to have a children’s perspective included in the evaluations of the interventions. Key words: long-time welfare payments, unemployment, workfare jobs, children’s perspective, effects of employment

俄羅斯的失業問題暨就業安全制度之發展與效用(1991-2009年) / A study of Russian unemployment problems, and the development and effects of employment security system (from 1991 to 2009)

尤俊雄, 無 Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯解體後,俄羅斯從計畫經濟走向市場導向經濟體,傳統上保障俄國公民完全就業的情況不在,經濟轉型造成大量失業人口。為防止失業帶來經濟社會的負面效應,政府通過俄羅斯聯邦居民就業法,並建立俄羅斯聯邦國家就業基金,逐步建立起就業安全制度。本文為深入了解俄國失業情況與就業安全制度,將探討俄國主要失業類型與因素,以及就業安全之發展與其對緩和失業的效用。其次,俄國一九九○年代的經濟轉型衰退與千禧年後穩定成長形成強烈對比,這直接影響失業、社會狀態、政府勞動市場政策、就業安全活動資金來源與執行效率。因此,內文對於此兩階段亦進行比較。研究發現,俄羅斯失業率與投資、消費有高度反向關係,也就是說轉型時期投資與消費皆明顯不足,連帶失業率上升。勞動市場政策則以維持與創造工作機會為目標,但實際上,國家就業基金作為就業安全活動的後盾,其資金較為缺乏,且多集中在失業給付,在創造與維持工作機會等就業積極政策方面並未能有良好成果。然2001年起撤銷國家就業基金,就業安全活動改由預算撥款後,資金來源較為穩定,至2008-2009年金融危機時期俄政府尚能投入額外預算以緩和失業。此外,千禧年後,投資與消費穩定增長,失業率下降,勞動市場政策除了延續就業促進的概念外,尚注重地區平衡發展、招募外國勞動力、培養專業幹部等多元議題。故整體而言,成功被勞動安置、參與職業訓練(職業教育),以及接受失業救助的人數比例皆比轉型初期來得高,此表示俄羅斯經濟恢復成長後失業率下降外,就業安全活動成效也逐漸提高。 / Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia had changed economic system from a planned economy to a market-oriented economy. Russia didn’t guarantee full-employment anymore like the period of Soviet Union. Economic transformation caused the massive unemployed population. In order to prevent unemployment to bring negative economic and social effects, Russian government made the Employment Act of the Russian Federation and built the National Employment Fund of Russian Federation. To understand deeply the Russian unemployment and employment security, this article will explore the types, the main factors of unemployment, development and effects of employment security. Second, it forms the striking contrast between economic decline in the 1990’s and stable growth after 2000. It directly impacts on unemployment, social status, labor market policies, source of funding and execution efficiency. Therefore, this report has two stages for this comparison. The research found that the Russian unemployment rate and the investment, the consumption have the negative relations. That is, investment and consumption during the transformation period were obviously insufficient, which resulted in high unemployment rate. The labor market policy’s goals were to maintain and create job opportunities, but in fact the National Employment Fund which supported employment security activities was the lack of funds, and most of the funds focused on unemployment benefits, therefore activities in creating and maintaining jobs couldn’t get good results. However, the National Employment Fund in 2001 was withdrawn, employment security activities were financed from the budget. The source of fund has become quite stable. In the recent financial crisis, the Russian government even could put into the extra budget to alleviate the unemployment pressure. In addition, after 2000, the unemployment rate has dropped because of steady growth in investment and consumption. Not only did the government continue to the concept of employment promotion, but it paid attention to balanced regional development, the recruitment of foreign labor and training of professional managers. In conclusion, after the economic recovery in Russia, the unemployment problems have gradually improved.

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