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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da composição da matriz orgânica, conteúdo inorgânico e tratamento térmico sobre diferentes propriedades de compósitos experimentais / Influence of composition of the organic matrix, filler content and thermic treatment on different properties of experimental composites

Renata Antunes Esteves 18 October 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: Analisar a influência da matriz orgânica, do conteúdo inorgânico e do tratamento térmico (TT) sobre diferentes propriedades de compósitos experimentais, tais como o grau de conversão (GC), tenacidade à fratura (KIC), resistência à flexão (RF) e módulo de elasticidade (ME). Métodos: Para o experimento foram analisadas seis formulações de compósitos experimentais com proporções molares de Bis-GMA:TEGDMA de 5:5 e 7:3, a carga utilizada foi o vidro de bário, nas concentrações de 30, 50 e 70% em peso, e os fotoiniciadores a amina e canforoquinona. O GC foi analisado através da espectroscopia no infra-vermelho (FTIR) (n=5). A KlC foi avaliada pelo método single-edge notched beam (SENB). As imagens das superfícies de fratura foram capturadas por um estereomicroscópio e a KlC calculada (n=10). A análise da RF e ME foi realizada através do teste dos três pontos (n=10). Para todos os fatores de variação estudados, metade dos espécimes imediatamente após à confecção receberam TT em estufa convencional, a 170º C por 10 minutos e a outra metade não. Após 24 horas, as amostras foram destinadas de acordo com os ensaios realizados. Os dados foram analisados utilizando ANOVA/Tukey para o grau de conversão, tenacidade à fratura e resistência à flexão, e, Kruskal-Wallis para o módulo de elasticidade (=5%). Resultados: Na análise do GC (%) foi observada significância estatística para os três fatores de variação analisados individualmente (monômero, carga e TT), como também, para a interação monômero x TT (p<0,001). Para a KIC e RF, as alterações significantes foram observadas apenas nos três fatores de variação (monômero, carga e TT) analisados individualmente (p<0,001). Para o ME, os fatores individuais (monômero, carga e TT), a interação carga x TT apresentaram significância estatística (p<0,001), bem como a interação monômero x carga (p=0,001). Conclusões: A matriz orgânica e o conteúdo inorgânico dos compósitos experimentais influenciaram o GC, a KIC, a RF e ME, e o TT promoveu melhorias nas propriedades estudadas. / Objective: To analyze the influence of organic matrix, the inorganic content and thermic treatment (TT) on different properties of experimental composites, such as the degree of conversion (DC), fracture toughness (KIC), flexural strength (FS) and elastic modulus (EM). Methods: This experiment analyzed six formulations of experimental composites with 5:5 and 7:3 molar proportions of Bis-GMA: TEGDMA. The load used was barium glass at concentrations of 30, 50 and 70% by weight and the photoinitiators, camphorquinone and amine. GC was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (n=5). The KIC was evaluated by a \"single-edge notched beam\" (SENB). The images of the fracture surfaces were captured by a stereomicroscope and KIC calculated (n=10). The analysis FS and EM were performed by testing three points (n=10). For all the variation factors studied, half of the specimens immediately after the preparation received TT in conventional oven at 170º C for 10 minutes and the other half not. After 24 hours, the samples were designed according to the tests. Data were analyzed using ANOVA/Tukey the degree of conversion, fracture toughness and flexural strength, and Kruskal-Wallis test for the elastic modulus (=5%). Results: Analysis of GC (%) statistical significance was observed for the three variation factors analyzed individually (monomer, filler and TT), as well as for the interaction monomer x TT (p <0.001). For KIC and FS, significant changes were observed only in the three variation factors (monomer, filler and TT) analyzed individually (p<0.001). For EM, the individual factors (monomer, filler and TT) TT x filler interaction showed statistical significance (p <0.001), as well as the monomer x filler interaction (p = 0.001). Conclusions: The organic matrix and inorganic content of experimental composites influenced the GC, KIC, FS and EM, and the TT caused improvements in the properties studied.

Método de determinação de resistência à  tração e módulo de elasticidade de partí­culas de agregados graúdos naturais. / Mechanical properties of natural aggregate paricles and their influence on the mechanical behavior of concrete.

Natalia Vieira da Silva 22 February 2018 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer um método simples de ensaio que permita determinar a resistência à tração e módulo elástico de partículas individuais de agregados graúdos naturais submetidas à carga de compressão. O método de ensaio foi desenvolvido baseado no ensaio de carga pontual (Point Load Test) que permite obter a resistência à tração de partículas. Para a determinação do módulo de elasticidade foi acoplado ao método um LVDT e foi satisfeita a condição para aplicação da teoria de contato de Hertz (contato curvo-plano entre as partículas e as fixações de aplicação da carga). Inicialmente a metodologia foi avaliada utilizando como material de referência partículas de vidro (com geometrias similares aos agregados). Após a validação no vidro, o método de ensaio foi aplicado em agregados graúdos de granito. Propôs-se um método de seleção de partículas com base na sua distribuição de frequência de absorção, com o intuito de reduzir a quantidade de partículas testadas mecanicamente necessárias para obter a distribuição de Weibull da resistência à tração (e módulo de elasticidade). Para tanto, foi feita a determinação da absorção de água individual de centenas de partículas selecionadas por amostragem a esmo da população de agregados. Com base nos resultados, foi possível determinar a distribuição de Weibull da resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade das partículas. Observou-se que as resistências à tração variaram de 3 a 15 MPa. Os agregados possuíam aproximadamente 10% da população de partículas com resistência à tração inferior a 5 MPa, o que pode influenciar as classes de resistência à compressão de concretos >50MPa. Os módulos elásticos dos agregados também foram variáveis (18-67 GPa) e aproximadamente 10% da população de partículas com módulo elástico <30 GPa. Isso pode limitar o módulo de elasticidade do concreto (que geralmente é em torno de 27 GPa), dependendo do processo de escolha dos agregados. As funções exponenciais inversas fundamentais entre essas propriedades mecânicas e a porosidade foram confirmadas (para valores médios). / The aim of this work is to establish a simple test method to determine the tensile strength and elastic modulus of individual natural aggregate particles subjected to a compression load. The test method was developed based on the Point Load Test, that allows to obtain the tensile strength of particles. For the determination of the elastic modulus, an LVDT was coupled to the method and the condition for application of Hertz contact theory (curved-plane contact between the particles and the load application fixations) was satisfied. Initially, the method was evaluated using glass particles as reference (with geometries similar to aggregates). After validation on the glass, the test method was applied to coarse granite aggregates. A method of particle selection was proposed based on its absorption frequency distribution, in order to reduce the amount of mechanically tested particles required to obtain the Weibull distribution of tensile strength (and elastic modulus). For this purpose, the determination of the individual water absorption of hundreds of particles selected by random sampling of the population of aggregates was made. Based on the results, it was possible to determine the Weibull distribution of the tensile strength and elastic modulus of the particles. The tensile strengths ranged from 3 to 15 MPa. The aggregates had approximately 10% of the particles population with tensile strength less than 5 MPa, which may influence the classes of concrete with compressive strength > 50MPa. The elastic modulus of the aggregates was also variable (18-67 GPa), with approximately 10% of the particle population with elastic modulus <30 GPa. This may limit the elastic modulus of the concrete (usually around 27 GPa) depending on how the aggregates are selected. The fundamental inverse exponential functions between these mechanical properties and the porosity were confirmed (for mean values).

Aspectos da variabilidade experimental do ensaio de módulo de deformação do concreto. / Aspects of experimental variability of test method for static modulus of elasticity of concrete in compression.

Fernando Celotto Montija 03 August 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação insere-se nas áreas de qualidade laboratorial e de ensaios de controle de concreto, especificamente quanto à propriedade módulo estático de deformação ou módulo de Young. A motivação do trabalho é a elevada variabilidade de resultados experimentais observada pelo meio técnico nacional em ensaios interlaboratoriais, cujos resultados indicam desvios-padrão totais da ordem de 3,5 GPa, valor significativo para o controle tecnológico de obras de construção civil. Os objetivos buscados foram a identificação das parcelas da variabilidade oriundas da produção e do ensaio, com especial atenção àquela originada na instrumentação para medida das deformações durante o ensaio, e a discussão da aplicabilidade do conceito semiprobabilístico normativo à propriedade módulo de deformação do concreto. Além disso, a própria discussão da aplicabilidade da sistemática de pesquisa e análise sobre este tipo de ensaio e de material constou como um objetivo do trabalho. Para tal, desenvolveu-se um programa experimental em duas etapas: a primeira foi destinada às avaliações de acurácia (precisão e exatidão) do método de ensaio. As avaliações se deram segundo roteiros da área metrológica para validação de métodos e sistemas de medida. De quatro instrumentações para medida das deformações testadas, uma se mostrou mais precisa (identificada como clip gages) e outra se mostrou a mais suscetível a erros sistemáticos e aleatórios entre as testadas (identificada como compressômetro com dois relógios comparadores). Recomendou-se a ampliação do programa experimental para o âmbito interlaboratorial, pois, a rigor, o método de ensaio vigente não poderia ser considerado validado em termos de acurácia baseando-se unicamente nos resultados deste programa experimental. Porém, concluiu-se pela possibilidade de aceitação prática do método independentemente da utilização de três de um total de quatro tipos de instrumentação para medida das deformações testados em ensaio, sem que houvesse prejuízo para a produção ou o controle tecnológico usual desta propriedade. Na segunda etapa, obteve-se um Diagrama de Dosagem e estudou-se um cenário de fornecimento de concreto sob critérios estatísticos diferentes de atendimento à especificação de módulo de deformação: utilização do valor característico e do valor médio, com diferença de 4 GPa entre eles. Estimou-se um aumento da ordem de 9% no deslocamento vertical de uma viga simples bi-apoiada quando executada com o concreto de menor módulo em relação à execução com o de maior módulo. Por sua vez, o concreto de maior módulo exigiria um aumento no consumo de cimento da ordem de até 200 kg/m3, se conservados todos os insumos materiais e os demais parâmetros tecnológicos contidos nos traços. Concluiu-se pela aplicabilidade do uso da sistemática empregada na avaliação da acurácia do método de ensaio e do uso do conceito semiprobabilístico para esta propriedade. / This work is developed into the areas of laboratorial quality and concrete control tests, specifically focusing on the static modulus of elasticity or Young´s modulus. The motivation of this work is the high variability of experimental results observed by national technicians in interlaboratorial tests. These results show total standard deviations of around 3.5 GPa, a significant value for the technological control for civil construction. The main objectives are the identification of the variability fragments derived from the production and test, specially the ones related to the instrumentation for measuring deformations during the test, and the discussion of the semi-probabilistic concept applicability on the concrete Young´s modulus control. Moreover, the discussion of the applicability of the procedure used in this work and its analysis are also objective pursued here. The experimental program was developed in two steps: the first step covered the accuracy assessments (precision and exactness) of test method. The assessments were carried out according to instructions from Metrology concepts for the validation of the methods and the measure systems. One out of four instrumentations for measuring the tested deformations proved to be more precise (identified as clip gages) and another one proved to be more susceptible to systematic and random errors (identified as a compressometer with two dial indicators). The extension of the experimental program to an interlaboratorial scope is recommended because the current test method could not be considered valid based only on the results of this experimental program. However, it was shown that the practical acceptance of the test method for three among the four kinds of instrumentations analyzed, without damaging the production or the usual technological control of this property, is possible. On the second step, a mix design diagram was obtained and a case of supply of concrete under different statistical criteria (fulfillment the modulus of elasticity specification): the use of the characteristic value and the average value, with difference of 4 GPa between them. An increase of 9% on the vertical transference of a simple dual supported beam was observed when using a lower modulus concrete, when compared to another one with a higher modulus. On the other hand, the modulus increase would require an increment in the cement consumption up to 200 kg per cubic meter, if all the material inputs and further technological parameters is maintained. The final conclusion was that the procedure used on the assessment of the test method accuracy and the semi-probabilistic concept on this material property is applicable.

Développement de nouveaux alliages biocompatibles instables mécaniquement à bas module d'Young / Development of biocompatible titanium-based alloys mechanically unstable with low Young's modulus.

Elmay, Wafa 22 March 2013 (has links)
Les alliages de titane β-métastables biocompatibles suscitent un intérêt croissant pour les applications médicales grâce à leur comportement superélastique et/ou effet mémoire de forme, leur excellente résistance à la corrosion et leur bonne aptitude à la déformation à froid. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, un alliage superélastique Ti-26Nb et un alliage à mémoire de forme Ti-24Nb ont été élaborés en creuset froid en semi-lévitation magnétique et ont fait l'objet d'une caractérisation approfondie sur le plan microstructural et mécanique. Les mécanismes de déformation activés lors d'une sollicitation mécanique ont été identifiés pour les deux alliages au moyen d'essais de traction couplés à des mesures in-situ en diffraction des rayons X. Une procédure d'optimisation basée sur des traitements thermo-mécaniques nano-structurants a été développée pour augmenter simultanément la résistance mécanique et la superélasticité tout en conservant un bas module élastique. Un ensemble de propriétés qui conditionne la réussite de la pose d'implant en améliorant la qualité de transfert des contraintes à l'interface os/implant. Les évolutions microstructurales à l'origine de l'optimisation de ces propriétés ont été étudiées par diffraction des rayons X, microscopie électronique à transmission et essais mécaniques. Ce travail se conclut par une introduction à la modélisation micromécanique du comportement du Ti-26Nb. Les caractéristiques cristallographiques de la transformation martensitique ont été déterminées en se basant sur la théorie de Ball et James. L'influence de l'orientation cristallographique sur le comportement mécanique des monocristaux a été étudiée. / Biocompatible metastable β-titanium alloys have attracted much attention for biomedical applications in recent years thanks to their superelastic and/or shape memory behavior, their superior corrosion resistance and their excellent cold workability. In this present study, a superelastic Ti-26Nb alloy and a shape memory Ti-24Nb alloy were produced by the cold crucible levitation melting method. A detailed microstructural and mechanical characterization were performed. The deformation mechanisms occurring during uniaxial deformation were identified for these two alloys by coupling in situ tensile testing with X-ray diffraction measurement. An optimization route based on nanostructuring process was developed in order to enhance both strength and superelasticity while keeping a low elastic modulus. These properties are required to improve the load transfer along the bone/implant interface which is essential to the success of implants. The microstructural evolution during the thermomechanical process resulting in the optimization of properties was investigated through tensile tests, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microcopy. The last part of this study deals with an introduction of micromechanical modeling of the Ti-26Nb behavior. The crystallographic features of the martensitic transformation were determined by applying the Ball and James theory. The influence of the crystallographic orientation on the mechanical response was investigated for tension and compression.

Influence of the Melt Flow Rate on the Mechanical Properties of Polyoxymethylene (POM) / Einfluss des Schmelzfließindex auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Polyoxymethylen (POM)

Faust, Karsten, Bergmann, André, Sumpf, Jens 19 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In this article the correlation between the average molar mass and the melt flow rate (MFR) is achieved. Based on the example of Polyoxymethylene (POM) it is shown that a high average molar mass is associated with a low MFR (high viscosity). On the basis of this dependency, the mechanical properties of static and dynamic tensile strength, elastic modulus, hardness and notched impact strength are investigated. It was found that the characteristic values of static tensile strength, elastic modulus and hard-ness increase with increasing MFR (decreasing viscosity). On the other hand the dynamic long-term properties and notched impact strengths decrease with increasing MFR. / Im Beitrag wird der Zusammenhang zwischen der mittleren molaren Masse und des Schmelzfließindex (MFR) hergestellt. Dabei wird am Beispiel von Polyoxymethylen (POM) ersichtlich, dass eine hohe mittlere molare Masse mit einem geringen MFR (hochviskos) einhergeht. Basierend auf dieser Abhängigkeit werden die mechanischen Eigenschaften statische und dynamische Zugfestigkeit, E-Modul, Härte sowie Kerbschlagzähigkeit untersucht. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Kenngrößen statische Zugfestigkeit, E-Modul und Härte mit steigendem MFR (abnehmende Viskosität) zunehmen. Die dynamischen Langzeiteigenschaften und Kerbschlagzähigkeiten sinken hingegen mit zunehmendem MFR.

Propriétés physiques et mécaniques de l’hydrate de méthane à l’échelle du pore / Physical and mechanical properties of methane hydrate at pore scale

Atig, Dyhia 29 November 2019 (has links)
Les hydrates de gaz sont des composés cristallins stables à haute pression et à basse température, très répandus sur terre, notamment dans les fonds marins au niveau des marges continentales, où ils contribuent à la stabilité des sédiments par leur cohésion et leur adhésion aux surfaces minérales. Cependant, le comportement mécanique des hydrates en soi a été peu ou pas étudié à l’échelle du pore. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les conditions de stabilité et les propriétés mécaniques en traction de l’hydrate de méthane à l’échelle du pore, dans une configuration comparable à celle qu’on peut trouver dans les milieux poreux sédimentaires.Ici, nous étudions d’abord par microscopie optique les conditions de formation, de croissance et de dissociation de l’hydrate de méthane à l’interface eau/CH4 dans un micro-capillaire en verre utilisé à la fois comme un pore modèle et comme une cellule optique résistante à haute pression et à basse température. Ensuite, en développant une méthode originale in situ et sans contact : "dépression thermo-induite" on détermine les propriétés mécaniques en traction d’une coquille polycristalline d’hydrate de méthane. L’hydrate est nucléé à basse température sur l’interface eau/CH4, qui est rapidement recouverte d’une "croûte" polycristalline d’hydrate. À partir de cette croûte, l’hydrate pousse de part et d’autre de l’interface : dans l’eau sous forme "d’aiguilles" cristallines, dans le gaz, sous forme de "filaments" cristallins, et enfin entre le substrat et le gaz sous forme d’un "halo". Le halo qui est un film polycristallin avançant sur le substrat, en chevauchant un film d’eau, ralentit et finit par s’immobiliser et s’accrocher au substrat. À partir de ce moment, "la coquille" polycristalline, constituée de la croûte et du halo, forme une barrière entre l’eau et le gaz. Les tests de traction sont effectués par génération d’une dépression dans le compartiment eau en augmentant la température à pression de méthane constante.Les propriétés élastiques en traction de la coquille (module élastique et contrainte de rupture) sont déterminées en fonction de la taille des grains, contrôlée ici par les deux paramètres : le sous-refroidissement par rapport à la température d’équilibre, et le temps de mûrissement. On trouve un comportement élastoplastique à caractères ductile et fragile mélangés. Nos données de contrainte de rupture s’insèrent dans un écart de cinq ordres de grandeurs de taille de grain, et de trois ordres de grandeurs de la contrainte de rupture (entre des données de simulation à l’échelle nanomètrique et des données expérimentales à l’échelle millimétrique). L’effet de taille de grain sur la contrainte de rupture de l’hydrate de méthane peut être un facteur contribuant à la déstabilisation des pentes continentales. / Gas hydrates are ice-like crystals stable at high pressure and low temperature. They are ubiquitous on earth, notably at the edges of continental shelves, where they contribute to the mechanical stability of marine sediments, by hydrate cohesion and hydrate adhesion to mineral particles. However, the mechanical behavior of gas hydrates at pore scale has been hardly or not at all studied. The purpose of this thesis is to study the stability conditions and the tensile mechanical properties of methane hydrate at pore scale in a representative pore habit of gas hydrate in a sedimentary medium.Here, using optical microscopy, first the formation, growth and dissociation conditions of methane hydrate are investigated across a water/CH4 interface in glass micro-capillaries used both as a pore model and as an optical cell resisting high pressure and low temperature. Then by developing a contactless and an in situ method, "thermally induced depressing", tensile mechanical properties of polycrystalline methane hydrate shell are determined. At low enough temperature, the hydrate nucleates as a polycrystalline "crust" over the water/CH4 interface. From this crust, the hydrate continues growing on both sides of the interface: in the water as "needle like crystals", in the gas as "hair like crystals", and finally between the gas and the substrate as a polycrystalline film, the "halo". The halo advances slowly on the substrate, riding over a water film, and comes to rest and adheres to the substrate. From then on, the "shell" (crust and halo) isolates the water from the gas. Tensile tests are carried out by generating a depression in the water compartment by increasing temperature at constant methane pressure.Tensile elastic properties of the shell (elastic modulus and the tensile strength) are determined as a function of the grain size, controlled here by two parameters, supercooling compared to the equilibrium temperature and the annealing time. We find elastoplastic behavior, with mixed ductile and brittle characteristics. Our data on tensile strength contribute to fit the gap of five orders of magnitude of grain size, and three orders of magnitude of tensile strength (between molecular simulations at nanometre scale and current experiment at millimetre to centimetre scale). The effect of grain size on the tensile strength of methane hydrate could be a factor contributing to the destabilization of continental slopes.

Determination of micro-meso-macro damage mechanisms in geopolymer concrete using non-destructive techniques

Azarsa, Peiman 15 January 2021 (has links)
Cement-based concrete is one of the main construction materials that is widely used for many construction applications due to its strength, durability, reflectivity, and versatility. However, it is acknowledged that production of cement as a primary material of concrete releases 1.8 Gt carbon dioxide (CO2) into the environment. It is estimated that one ton of cement production releases one ton of CO2 to the atmosphere. That is why, this work aims to create a concrete that could be an alternative to cement-based concrete. Geopolymer concrete (GPC) is an eco-friendly construction material and an alternative to conventional concrete that is produced by reacting aluminate and silicate bearing constituents with a caustic activator (i.e. sodium-based or potassium-based). Both potassium and sodium have been considered as generally safe intergradient by the FDA, based upon the observance of several good manufacturing practice conditions of use. Theses activators are used in various application including concrete, food, as a stabilizer, and as a thickening agent. Moreover, these activators are also used in making soap, as an electrolyte in alkaline batteries and in electroplating, lithography, and paint and varnish removers. Medically, these activators are widely used in the wet mount preparation of various clinical specimens for microscopic visualization of fungi and fungal elements in skin, hair, nails, and even vaginal secretions, Currently, it was determined that these activators solution were found to be a safe and effective treatment of plane warts. Despite the developments in the studies relating to GPC made by various precursors such as fly-ash and slag in the literatures, the use of GPC made by fly-ash and bottom-ash has not been overly researched. In this study, attempts have been made to produce a unique mix proportion for Potassium-based GPC made by fly-ash and bottom-ash and investigate various mechanical properties of this type of GPC including elastic modulus, freeze-thaw resistance, heavy metal leach-ability and corrosion in both laboratory and real environmental conditions using Non-Destructive Tests (NDT)s. / Graduate / 2021-12-15

Optimalizace rozhraní vlákno matrice u kompozitů s keramickou matricí / Optimisation of fibre-matrix interface in ceramic matrix composite

Halasová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is concerned to the study of behaviour of fibre composites with ceramics matrix. The composite consists of pyrolysed polysiloxane matrix reinforced by ceramic fibre Nextel 720. Main aim of this work is optimisation of fibre matrix interface through the selection of suitable precursor of the matrix with respect to temperature stability, sufficient strength and reasonable fracture toughness. Samples of matrices were exposed to the long term heat treatment in the range 1100 – 1500 °C. The mechanical properties as hardness and indentation elastic modulus were determined after heat treatment. Selected precursors of matrices were used for composite fabrication. Elastic modulus and fracture toughness at room and elevated temperatures were studied. Discussion is dedicated to the description of changes in mechanical properties with respect to chemical processes taking place during high temperature exposition. Further, reasons of fracture behaviour of composite materials are discussed, and finally, gained knowledge and outlined possibilities of subsequent development are summarised.

Studium stability emulzí pomocí fyzikálně-chemických a optických metod / Study of emulsion stability by means of physical-chemical and optical methods

Kuchyňová, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the stability determination of model O/W (30/70) emulsions at 25°C. In fact, the time and emulsifier concentration (Tego Care PS) dependences of physical properties (aging) were monitored. In the second part of the work, the influence of conservant on emulsion stabilities were studied. In order to study physical properties of emusions rheometry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and optical microscopy were employed. The rheological measurement provided information on viscosity and viscoelastic modulus. DSC experiments used the repeated freezing/thawing cycles which allowed monitoring of changes in crystallization temperature of water present in emulsions and melting enthalpy of ice formed during the cooling. The optical microscopy was used to examine the change in oil droplet size in the course of emulsion destabilization and phase separation. In this case the image analysis was carried out using program HarFA. The results showed that due to the emulsion creaming, the oil droplets diffuse and aggregate which causes phase separation. Those processes were quickest for the emulsion with lowest emulsifier concentration 0.1 % (destabilization during 51 days) The emulsions with emulsifier concentration about 1.5 and 1.3 % were stable at least for 4 months. The presence of the coemulsifiers increased the elastic modulus and descreased the phase difference due to the network formation. It was shown that for the stability determination is necessary to use conservant due to risk of microbial contamination. DSC experiments allowed to distingush samples prepared under different conditions. Lower rotational speed during emulsion preparation caused the appearance of two melting and crystalization peaks while for higher speed only one peak was observed.

Sledování modulů pružnosti podloží vozovek / Monitoring of the modulus of elasticity of the pavement subgrade

Hladík, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with compares the procedures carried out in the cyclical load triaxial testing device according to CSN EN 13286-7, and the procedures performed in the United States of America. In the practical part elasticity moduls of mixed recycled material are experimentally compared with mixed recycled material containing binder(connective material) and with fine-grained soil in the cyclical load triaxial testing device. Further the thesis assesses the use of mixed recycled material in the construction of a third class low-load pavement.

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