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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extensional Instability in Complex Fluids: A Computational Study

Abdulrazaq, Muhammed January 2020 (has links)
In this study, instability and failure in complex fluids (Elastoviscoplastic fluids) is explored using the classic Considère (F˙ < 0) and stress curvature (σ¨ < 0) criteria. Employing the Saramito model, numerical simulation of the extensional protocol on non-Newtonian fluids is carried out. Validation is firstly performed (with a purely viscoelastic model) and in general found to be in agreement with previous works. Parameter variation of the Bingham number (Bi), capillary number (Ca) and extension rate (ε˙) is then undertaken. It is found out that for Oldroyd-B based fluids, the stress curvature condition almost always occurs from inception of the flow for all cases. Additionally, increasing surface tension has a stabilizing effect on the extending fluid when it is below a critical value, above which it aids breakup. Increasing the yield stress, though, delays the onset of instability, but reduces the final length of the extending filament. At mild to high extension rates, the Considère criterion and the extension at the maximum stress are suit-able indicators of the final extension at strain-to-break(εST B). Furthermore, the rate of the of necking instability till final breakup varies with the εST B at moderate to high ε˙. / I denna studie undersöks instabilitet och misslyckande i komplexa vätskor (Elastoviskoplas-tiska vätskor) med den klassiska Considère (F˙ < 0) och stresskurvatur (σ¨ < 0) kriterier. Genom att använda Saramito-modellen utförs numerisk simulering av det utökade protokol-let på icke-newtonska vätskor. Valideringen utförs först (med en rent viskoelastisk modell) och i allmänhet visar sig överensstämma med tidigare verk.Parametervariation av Bingham-numret (Bi), kapillärnummer (Ca) och förlängningshastighet (ε˙) genomförs sedan. Det har visat sig att för Oldroyd-B-baserade vätskor, uppträder stresskrökningstillståndet nästan alltid från början av flödet i alla fall. Dessutom har ökande ytspänningen stabiliserande effekt på den utsträckande vätskan när den är under ett kritiskt värde, över vilket den underlättar uppbrytning. En ökning av sträckgränsen fördröjer dock instabiliteten men minskar den slutliga längden på det utsträckta filamentet. Vid milda till höga utvidgningshastigheter är Considère-kriteriet och förlängningen vid maximal spänning lämpliga indikatorer för den slutliga förlängningen vid spänning till brott (εST B). Vidare varierar frekvensen av instabilitet i halsen till slutlig upplösning med εST B vid måttlig till hög ε˙.

Etude expérimentale et numérique de l'influence des interactions contenant/contenu sur le comportement élasto-viscoplastique d'emballages en polyéthylène haute densité / Experimental and numerical study of the influence of interactions container/content on the elasto-viscoplastic behaviour of high density polyethylene based-packaging

Tran, Ngoc Giang 09 July 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié l'interaction contenant-contenu entre un emballage à base de polyéthylène haute densité (PEHD) et l'acétate d'amyle considéré comme diffusant. Nous nous sommes plus précisément intéressés à l'impact du phénomène de sorption et de diffusion sur les propriétés mécaniques en sollicitations statique et de fluage de flacons en PEHD à différents stades du vieillissement physique. Une campagne expérimentale a été menée et une base de données issue d'essais menés sur des éprouvettes prélevées sur des flacons ainsi que d'essais de structure réalisés sur des flacons a été constituée. L'analyse des différents résultats expérimentaux a notamment mis en évidence la nature fickienne du phénomène de diffusion et la chute de la résistance à la compression verticale des flacons. Nous avons ensuite proposé la modélisation du comportement mécanique du PEHD avec prise en compte du transfert de masse induit par le phénomène de diffusion. Des modèles élastoviscoplastique et de fluage ont été proposés et implémentés dans le code de calcul en éléments finis ABAQUS. Les paramètres de ces modèles ont été identifiés à partir de sollicitations simples par la résolution d'un problème d'optimisation, et les modèles ainsi identifiés ont été validés par la simulation numérique d'essais réalisés sur des flacons. Les résultats numériques obtenus sont en très bonne adéquation avec les mesures expérimentales. / As part of this thesis, we studied the container-content interaction between a high-density polyethylene-based packaging (HDPE) and amyl acetate considered as diffusing agent. We were specifically interested in the impact of sorption and diffusion phenomenon on mechanical properties of HDPE bottles under static and creep conditions at different stages of physical aging. Several uniaxialtests have been performed on samples cut from bottles and structural tests have been performed on bottles. The analysis of such various experimental results has highlighted in particular the Fickean nature of the diffusion phenomenon and the fall of the vertical compression strength. We have then focused onthe modeling of the mechanical behavior of HDPE taking into account the mass transfer induced by the diffusion phenomenon. Elasto-viscoplastic and creep models have been proposed and implemented in the finite elements code ABAQUS. The parameters of these models have been identified from simple tests by solving an optimization problem, and thus identified models have been validated by numerical simulation of vertical compression of HDPE bottles. Numerical results are in very good agreement with experimental measurements.


TATIANA NACCACHE ROCHINHA 06 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esse trabalho propõe investigar medidas de tensão normal para materiais com tensão limite de escoamento. O reômetro ARES-G2 da TA Instruments de deformação controlada foi utilizado para estudar três diferentes materiais elastoviscoplásticos. Um procedimento experimental simples e efetivo foi desenvolvido para obter resultados repetitivos de medidas em regime permanente e transiente. Respostas interessantes foram obtidas mediante comparação dos resultados destes fluidos. Para a dispersão de Carbopol e o gel de cabelo, os resultados entre os testes transientes e em regime permanente foram bastante similares. Porém, o mesmo não foi observado para a emulsão altamente concentrada. Além disso, variáveis como N1, phi1, gamaponto, tau, G,G,eta, tauy,sigmas, foram exploradas para um melhor entendimento do estado de tensão desses materiais. Ademais, as tensões normais medidas foram extremamemente mais altas que as tensões cisalhantes, quando o material foi submetido à baixas taxas de cisalhamento. Para altas taxas de cisalhamento, diferentemente dos outros dois fluidos, a emulsão altamente concentrada apresentou valores de tensão normal que eram mais baixos do que os de tensão cisalhante. Por fim, em contraste com a maioria dos resultados encontrados na literatura, apenas tensões normais negativas foram obtidas para os materiais estudados. / [en] This work proposes to investigate normal stress measurements for yield stress materials. Using an ARES-G2 TA Instruments strain-controlled rheometer, three different elastoviscoplastic materials were studied. A simple but effective experimental procedure was developed to obtain repetitive results for both steady-state and transient measurements. These tests were put to comparison, and interesting results were obtained. For the Carpobol dispersion and the commercial hair gel, transient and steady-state results were quite similar. Although, the same was not observed for the highly concentrated emulsion. Also, variables such as N1, phi1, gamaponto, tau, G,G,eta, tauy,sigmas were explored to better understand the stress state of these materials. Furthermore, normal stresses were significantly higher than shear stresses, while all materials were submitted to low shear rates. For high shear rates, different from the other two fluids, the highly concentrated emulsion displayed normal stress values that were lower than shear stress ones. Finally, in contrast with most results found in literature, only negative normal stress results were obtained for the materials studied.

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