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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gel State and Quasi-Solid State Electrolytes of Polydimethylbenzimidazole Applied in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells

Yu, Yi-Sian 20 July 2012 (has links)
In this research, gel-state and quasi-solid state dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) were fabricated with polydimethylbenzimidazole(PDMBI) as the polymer electrolyte. These devices are stable under room light in air, even without encapsulation. The energy conversion efficiency of gel-state cells was drastically increased around 200% after the device worked. We propose that appropriately aggregated PDMBI in electrolyte layer could provide pathways which would facilitate the diffusion of ion through the electrolyte. Moreover, this arrangement induces it an ion exchange reaction which could lead to the promotion of the diffusion rate between iodide species. An optimized device performs well with a power conversion efficiency of 4.98% under air-mass 1.5 global (AM 1.5G) illumination. For the fabrication of quasi-solid state dye-sensitized solar cells, we immersed a few liquid electrolyte to improve electrical contact between TiO2 porous layer and PDMBI layer. The quasi-solid state cell efficiency fabricated with PDMBI as electrolyte was 2.26%. Furthermore, our device architecture is performing well because of the good band alignment among TiO2, dye, and PDMBI. In this research, we have successfully demonstrated gel-state and quasi-solid state dye-sensitized solar cells comprising PDMBI as electrolyte.

Vertebrate solutions to the osmoregulatory quandary posed by nectarivory

Hartman Bakken, Bradley. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Wyoming, 2008. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on August 9, 2009). Includes bibliographical references (p. 160-199).

Développement d'électrodes composites architecturées à base de zinc pour accumulateurs alcalins rechargeables / Development of zinc-based architectured composite electrodes for rechargeable alkaline batteries

Caldeira, Vincent 06 November 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse résultent d’une étude multidisciplinaire dont l’objectif final était d’élaborer une électrode négative à base de zinc pour accumulateur alcalin rechargeable. L’origine de l’étude tient en la découverte surprenante, par la société EASYL, d’un nouveau procédé de synthèse du zincate de calcium (CAZN), matière électrochimiquement active et connue pour ses bonnes caractéristiques de cyclabilité en générateur alcalin rechargeable. L’intérêt de cette découverte réside dans ses caractéristiques avantageuses : la synthèse ultra-rapide se fait en continu, n’utilise aucun système de chauffe ni de solution alcaline et conduit à une granulométrie et une pureté contrôlée du zincate de calcium ; la rendant compatible avec une production industrielle de ce matériau.L’utilisation de CAZN en batterie prismatique de 4 Ah a permis la découverte d’un fonctionnement des électrodes de type cœur-coquille, leur cœur actif étant riche en zinc et leur surface jouant le rôle de couche protectrice ; si la capacité nominale est choisie inférieure à la capacité théorique de la batterie, l’activité à cœur de l’électrode est maintenue sans que sa surface ne soit altérée, ce qui permet d’éviter (ou de ralentir) la formation de dendrite, un effet très bénéfique sur la cyclabilité de l’électrode.Cependant, l’utilisation du zincate de calcium comme seule source de matière active ne semble pas appropriée. En effet, la formation du cœur de zinc conduit à l’apparition d’une couche résistive d’hydroxyde de calcium à sa périphérie, diminuant les performances électrochimiques des électrodes. Aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraitre, il est cependant possible de régénérer une électrode vieillie ayant formé une couche riche en hydroxyde de calcium par un simple repos, soit un arrêt pur et simple de la batterie. La formation de cette couche résistive peut en outre être évitée par l’ajout d’oxyde de zinc sacrificiel au zincate de calcium, additif actif qui s’est avérée efficace tant d’un point de vue morphologique qu’électrochimique.En revanche, la formation contrôlée d’un cœur riche en zinc conduit à la densification du zinc sur lui-même, et diminue la surface de contact matière active/électrolyte et donc les performances électrochimiques. Partant de ce constat, la structure de l’électrode a été intégralement repensée pour permettre la formation, non pas d’un cœur de zinc, mais de plusieurs d’entre eux, par l’emploi de collecteurs de courant multicouches ; cette méthodologie, aussi simple qu’efficace, conduit à d’excellentes performances pratiques et une cyclabilité optimale de la batterie. / The work presented in this document results from a multidisciplinary study, the unique goal of which is to develop a negative electrode for alkaline rechargeable batteries. At the origin of this thesis, is the surprising discovery by EASYL of a new way to synthesize calcium zincate (CAZN), an electrochemically active material known for its good cycling characteristics in alkaline batteries. The advantage of such a discovery resides in its unique characteristics: the ultra-fast synthesis is carried out continuously, uses neither heating system nor alkaline solutions, yields pure and tailored CAZN crystals; it is therefore compatible with an industrial production of this material.Its use in a 4 Ah prismatic batteries allowed to unveil a core-shell operation mechanism, in which the electrode evolves towards an active zinc-core surrounded by a protective shell. So, if the nominal capacity remains below the theoretical one, the core of the electrode can be kept active while the surface is maintained, thus avoiding (or at least slowing down) possible dendrite formation and yielding prolonged cycle life.However, the use of calcium zincate as the only active material source is not appropriate, because the formation of the zinc-core leads to the appearance of a resistive layer of calcium hydroxide at its periphery, which reduces the overall electrochemical performance. As surprising as it may seem, it is possible to regenerate an electrode having formed such a calcium hydroxide-rich layer by a simple rest such as a stop of the battery. Nevertheless, it is preferable to avoid the formation of this resistive layer and to do so, the use of a mixture of sacrificial zinc oxide combined with calcium zincate has proven very effective, both from a morphological and an electrochemical point-of-view.However, the controlled formation of a zinc-rich core leads to zinc densification on itself; this decreases the surface of contact between the active material and the electrolyte, and thus the electrochemical performance. This negative effect has been overcome by drastically rethinking the structure of the electrode, in order to allow the formation of multiple and tailored zinc cores. To that goal, multilayers of current collector were employed, which proved simple and effective to reach high-performance and high cyclability zinc electrodes for alkaline batteries.

Développement d'une nouvelle technologie Li-ion fonctionnant en solution aqueuse / Development of a new aqueous lithium-ion technology

Marchal, Laureline 10 November 2011 (has links)
L'utilisation d'un électrolyte aqueux pour la technologie Li-ion devrait permettre des performances en termes de puissance et de coût tout en garantissant une sécurité de fonctionnement et un impact neutre vis-à-vis de l'environnement. Cette technologie utilise des composés d'insertion du lithium fonctionnant habituellement en milieu organique dont le choix doit être adapté à un électrolyte aqueux, présentant une fenêtre de stabilité électrochimique réduite. Le travail de thèse porte dans un premier temps sur la sélection des différents éléments constituant un accumulateur Li-ion aqueux: choix de l'électrolyte, des collecteurs de courant, des liants d'électrode et des matériaux d'électrode. Les performances électrochimiques en milieu aqueux de différents composés d'insertion du lithium ont été évaluées. Afin d'augmenter la fenêtre de stabilité électrochimique de l'électrolyte aqueux, la passivation des électrodes par réduction de sels de diazonium a été réalisée. L'influence de la nature des sels de diazonium et de l'épaisseur des films sur les performances électrochimiques des électrodes a été évaluée par diverses techniques, voltampérométrie et impédance électrochimique. Les résultats obtenus montrent l'impact positif des dépôts obtenus vis-à-vis de l'augmentation de la surtension de réduction de l'eau. Ces travaux ouvrent la voie à des perspectives prometteuses sur cette technologie Li-Ion aqueuse. / The use of aqueous electrolytes should permit to improve power performances and decrease significantly the battery cost. Moreover, these kind of electrolytes guarantee a safely use with reduced consequence on the environment. This technology use active materials enable to inserted and deinserted lithium ion. But the choice of lithium insertion compounds was guided and limited by the water electrochemical stability. We selected each component of the Li-ion cell which could be used in aqueous electrolyte; the lithium salt, the binder and the active material. The electrochemical performances of several active materials in aqueous electrolyte were evaluated. In order to increase the Li-ion cell tension, a passive film was form on the electrode surface by diazonium salt reduction. Influence of molecule design and film thickness were studied by voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The results clearly show the interest of the formation of these films for lowering the reduction potential of water on glassy carbon and practical Li-ion electrode. This study opens very promising route for the aqueous lithium batteries.

Membranes électrolytes à porteurs de charge Li+ / Solid Li+-carrying Membranes

Meyer, Mathieu 07 November 2014 (has links)
La demande actuelle en batteries lithium-ion « tout solide » adaptées aux applications mobiles asuscité d'importantes recherches sur des membranes électrolytes polymères de plus en plussophistiquées. Cette thèse porte sur la synthèse et la caractérisation mécanique, thermique etstructurale de nouveaux matériaux électrolytes polymères nanocomposites résultant de la réticulationpar procédé sol-gel de chaînes de poly(oxyde d'éthylène) (PEO) fonctionnalisées aux deux extrémitéspar des groupements alkoxysilane. Les nano-domaines polysilsesquioxanes ainsi formés par hydrolysecondensation,génèrent un haut degré de réticulation et jouent le rôle de nanocharges, apportant unerésistance mécanique permettant d'incorporer des quantités élevées de plastifiant. En outre, leprocédé sol-gel permet de fonctionnaliser ces nano-domaines avec des groupements de type sulfonateou perfluorosulfonate de lithium, qui fournissent des porteurs de charge Li+ de façon uniforme au seinde la membrane. De plus, l'immobilisation des anions par liaisons covalentes supprime leurcontribution à la conductivité, ce qui assure au sein de l'électrolyte (alors dit single-ion) une conductionunipolaire cationique, indispensable pour éviter ultérieurement la formation de dendrites de lithium aucours des cycles de charge et décharge. L'étude de la conductivité ionique de ces membranes, à l'étatsec ou après gonflement dans le carbonate de propylène, a conduit à une réflexion sur la dynamique ducation lithium au sein des membranes nanocomposites et sur les différentes voies envisageables pouraméliorer les performances de ces électrolytes. / The topical demand in all-solid lithium-ion batteries suitable for portable consumer electronicdevices has triggered extensive research on more and more sophisticated polymer electrolytemembranes (PEM).This PhD work deals with the synthesis and the mechanical, thermal andstructural characterization of new nanocomposite PEM arising from the sol-gel cross-linking ofPEO chains end-capped with alkoxysilane groups. Thus, the polysilsesquioxane nano-domainsformed by hydrolysis-condensation reactions form a high density of cross-links and play the roleof nanocharges, giving rise to mechanical resistance, which allows incorporating high amounts ofplasticizer. Moreover, sol-gel process allows the functionalization of these nanodomains withlithium sulfonate or perfluorosulfonate groups, which supply Li+ charge carriers homogeneouslydispersed throughout the membrane. In addition the immobilization of the anions via covalentbonds prevents them from contributing to the overall conductivity, thus ensuring a single-ionconduction, which is a compulsory condition to prevent the further formation of lithium dendriteson charge-discharge cycles. The ionic conductivity study of the membranes, in the dry state orafter swelling in propylene carbonate, was done. It led to discuss the dynamics of lithium cation inthe nanocomposite membranes and the possible ways to improve their conductionperformances.

Evidence for adaptive differences in the ontogeny of osmoregulatory ability, current response and salinity preference of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch from coastal and interior populations

Birch, Gary J. January 1987 (has links)
This thesis examines the ontogeny of plasma sodium regulation (an indicator of osmoregulatory ability), current or rheotactic response (an indicator of emigration timing) and salinity preference in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). The purpose of the study was to determine if there are inherited differences in the development of these traits between coastal and interior British Columbia populations of coho. An interior (Cold water River) and a coastal (Rosewall Creek-Big Qualicum River) population were monitored for the above traits throughout the year. Both wild and laboratory groups were included in the study. The laboratory raised populations were divided into two incubation treatment groups: one incubated under a coastal temperature regime, and the other incubated under an interior temperature regime. There were no differences in the development of sodium regulatory ability between wild populations when the data were sorted by coho weight. Coastal coho, however, physiologically smolted after one year in the natal streams, while interior coho smolted after at least two years of freshwater growth. No obvious differences were noted between wild resident populations in the timing of downstream movement or the shift in salinity preference from hypotonic to isotonic and hypertonic salinities. Both of these behavioural responses typically occurred in the spring (April-May) of each year. Fyke net catches, however, sugqested that, in addition to the spring emigrations observed in both populations, a portion of the interior population migrated in the fall (November). No differences in the development of sodium regulatory ability were observed either within or between laboratory raised populations. Ion regulatory ability increased to a plateau in the fall and winter following emergence, and increased to smolting levels during the following spring (April-May). There were differences between coastal and interior populations in the pattern of development of both nocturnal current responses and the preference for isotonic or hypertonic salinities. Interior laboratory raised coho developed negative nocturnal rheotaxis and a preference for isotonic salinities about three months earlier (November) than laboratory raised coastal coho (late February-March). Within populations, no differences were observed in the ontogeny of these traits in the groups reared under different temperature regimes. Because these interpopulation ontogenetic behavioural differences persisted in fish reared under identical laboratory conditions, they probably have some genetic basis. Such an innate component in behaviour implies an adaptive role and in juvenile coho these behavioural traits may allow populations to use a variety of habitats at different distances from the sea, even though a major physiological schedule (in this case the development of ion regulatory capabilities) appears to be fixed within the species. Perhaps variations in migratory timing and salinity preference in juvenile coho evolved to assure survival in a relatively unstable and often severe environment by optimizing habitat use within the constraints of an overriding physiological schedule. / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate

Evidence for Intermediate Phase in Solid Electrolyte Glasses

Novita, Deassy I. 20 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of Alkali Metal-Host Interactions and Electrode-Electrolyte Interfacial Chemistries for Lean Lithium and Sodium Metal Batteries

Kautz Jr, David Joseph 21 June 2021 (has links)
The development and commercialization of alkali ion secondary batteries has played a critical role in the development of personal electronics and electric vehicles. The recent increase in demand for electric vehicles has pushed for lighter batteries with a higher energy density to reduce the weight of the vehicle while with an emphasis on improving the mile range. A resurgence has occurred in lithium, and sodium, metal anode research due to their high theoretical capacities, low densities, and low redox potentials. However, Li and Na metal anodes suffer from major safety issues and long-term cycling stability. This dissertation focuses on the investigation of the interfacial chemistries between alkali metal-carbon host interactions and the electrode-electrolyte interactions of the cathode and anode with boron-based electrolytes to establish design rules for "lean" alkali metal composite anodes and improve long-term stability to enable alkali metal batteries for practical electrochemical applications. Chapter 2 of this thesis focuses on the design and preliminary investigation of "lean" lithium-carbon nanofiber (<5 mAh cm-2) composite anodes in full cell testing using a LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2 (NMC 622) cathode. We used the electrodeposition method to synthesize the Li-CNF composite anodes with a range of electrodeposition capacities and current densities and electrolyte formulations. Increasing the electrodeposition capacity improved the cycle life with 3 mAh cm-2 areal capacity and 2% vinylene carbonate (VC) electrolyte additive gave the best cycle life before reaching a state of "rapid cell failure". Increasing the electrodeposition rate reduced cycling stability and had a faster fade in capacity. The electrodeposition of lithium metal into a 2D graphite anode significantly improved cycle life, implying the increased crystallinity of the carbon substrate promotes improved anode stability and cycling capabilities. As the increased crystallinity of the carbon anode was shown to improve the "lean" composite anode's performance, Chapter 3 focuses on utilizing a CNF electrode designed with a higher degree of graphitization and probing the interacting mechanism of Li and Na with the CNF host. Characterization of the CNF properties found the material to be more reminiscent of hard carbon materials. Electrochemical analysis showed better long-term performance for Na-CNF symmetric cells. Kinetic analysis, using cyclic voltammetry (CV), revealed that Na ions successfully (de)intercalated within the CNF crystalline interlayers, while Li ions were limited to surface adsorption. A change in mechanism was quickly observed in the Na-CNF symmetric cycling from metal stripping/plating to ion intercalation/deintercalation, enabling the superior cycling stability of the composite anode. Improving the Na metal stability is necessary for enabling Na-CNF improved long-term performance. Sodium batteries have begun to garner more attention for grid storage applications due to their overall lower cost and less volumetric constraint required. However, sodium cathodes have poor electrode-electrolyte stability, leading to nanocracks in the cathode particles and transition metal dissolution. Chapter 4 focuses on electrolyte engineering with the boron salts sodium difluoro(oxolato)borate (NaDFOB) and sodium tetrafluoroborate (NaBF4) mixed together with sodium hexafluorophosphate (NaPF6) to improve the electrode-electrolyte compatibility and cathode particle stability. The electrolytes containing NaDFOB showed improved electrochemical stability at various temperatures, the formation of a more robust electrode-electrolyte interphase, and suppression in transition metal (TM) reduction and dissolution of the cathode particles measured after cycling. In Chapter 5, we focus on the electrochemical properties and the anode-electrolyte interfacial chemistry properties of the sodium borate salt electrolytes. Similar to Chapter 4, the NaDFOB containing electrolytes have improved electrochemical performance and stability. Following the same electrodeposition parameters as Chapter 2, we find the NaDFOB electrolytes improves the stability of electrodeposited Na metal and the "lean" composite anode's cyclability. This study suggests the great potential for the NaDFOB electrolytes for Na ion battery applications. / Doctor of Philosophy / The ever-increasing demand for high energy storage in personal electronics, electric vehicles, and grid energy storage has driven for research to safely enable alkali metal (Li and Na) anodes for practical energy storage applications. Key research efforts have focused on developing alkali metal composite anodes, as well as improving the electrode-electrolyte interfacial chemistries. A fundamental understanding of the electrode interactions with the electrolyte or host materials is necessary to progress towards safer batteries and better battery material design for long-term applications. Improving the interfacial interactions between the host-guest or electrode-electrolyte interfaces allows for more efficient charge transfer processes to occur, reduces interfacial resistance, and improves overall stability within the battery. As a result, there is great potential in understanding the host-guest and electrode-electrolyte interactions for the design of longer-lasting and safer batteries. This dissertation focuses on probing the interfacial chemistries of the battery materials to enable "lean" alkali metal composite anodes and improve electrode stability through electrolyte interactions. The anode-host interactions are first explored through preliminary design development for "lean" alkali composite anodes using carbon nanofiber (CNF) electrodes. The effect on increasing the crystallinity of the CNF host on the Li- and Na-CNF interactions for enhanced electrochemical performance and stability is then investigated. In an effort to improve the capabilities of Na batteries, the electrode-electrolyte interactions of the cathode- and anode-electrolyte interfacial chemistries using sodium borate salts are probed using electrochemical and X-ray analysis. Overall, this dissertation explores how the interfacial interactions affect, and improve, battery performance and stability. This work provides insights for understanding alkali metal-host and electrode-electrolyte properties and guidance for potential future research of the stabilization for Li- and Na-metal batteries.

Fundamental Studies and Applications of Electrolyte/Electrode Interfaces:

Zhang, Haochuan January 2022 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Dunwei Wang / Thesis advisor: Matthias Waegele / Lithium metal anode (LMA) holds great promise as alternative anode material for next-generation high energy density batteries. Efficiency and safety are two most critical concerns that impede practical application of LMA due to unstable interface between the electrode and the electrolyte. Solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), a passivation layer formed from electrolyte decompositions on the LMA surface, dictates the chemical and mechanical evolution of the electrode/electrolyte interface, and therefore directly affect the cycle life of lithium metal batteries. Although significant progress has been achieved to improve battery performance, a thorough understanding of SEI functions and properties is still inadequate. Both compositional and structural complexity severely hinder the efforts to uncover the SEI formation and evolution mechanism. To achieve stable lithium plating and stripping over cycling, it is necessary to lay a foundation of composition-structure-property relationships that can guide rational design of ideal SEI.First, to solve the safety and efficiency issues simultaneously, a facile and effective way to enable LMA in nonflammable electrolyte was identified by simply introducing oxygen into the battery. Reversible lithium plating and stripping was realized in a flame retardant triethyl phosphate solvent otherwise incompatible to LMA. A unique electrochemically induced electrolyte decomposition pathway was proposed and studied computationally and experimentally. The SEI formation mechanism enriches the knowledge of on the complex reactions toward an ideal SEI. The operation of Li-O2 batteries and Li-ion batteries were also demonstrated in a nonflammable phosphate electrolyte system. To understand the unique role of different SEI compositions, in the second part of this thesis, we designed and synthesized two-component artificial SEI model structures for comparison study. Our central hypothesis is that tailoring LiF and Li3PO4 compositions in the SEI layer can achieve a balanced and improved electrode/electrolyte stability. A magnetron sputtering method was developed to prepare LiF and Li3PO4 mixture films on Cu substrate. Preliminary results from battery cycling tests shows that mixture SEI structure is correlated to improved Coulumbic efficiency. Next, to understand detailed Li+ ion transport properties of the SEI. We presented an outline the current understanding of Li+ ion transport mechanisms and their dependence on the SEI. We also built on this fundamental knowledge to discuss practical effects in experimental systems. Lastly, we shared our perspectives on critical remaining questions in this field. In parallel to study on electrochemical energy system, developing electrochemical methods for integrated catalysis constitutes another part of thesis. We demonstrated that reactivity of an immobilized iron catalyst could be altered by application of an electrochemical potential to a surface to enable polymerization of different classes of monomers. A method was developed to pattern functional surfaces by using electrochemical potential to activate and deactivate polymerization reactions. The orthogonal reactivity of switchable polymerization catalysts was utilized to create patterned surfaces functionalized with two different polymers initiated from mixtures of monomers. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2022. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Chemistry.

Comparative in vitro analysis of a balanced electrolyte solution versus an unbalanced electrolyte solution, for processing of residual pump blood using cell saver for patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery

Pillay, Krishnan January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment for the degree of Master of Technology, Clinical Technology: Cardiovascular Perfusion, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Introduction: A large volume of residual haemodilute blood remains in the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuit after termination of the bypass. It is common practice in many centres to process residual pump blood with an autologus cell salvage system (ACSS), thereby producing a re-suspended red blood cell (RBC) concentrate and attenuating the need for donor blood RBC concentrate. It has also become standard practice to wash donor pack red blood cells (PRBC) before adding it to neonate cardiopulmonary circuits (Swindell et al., 2007). Manufactures of ACSS recommend 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) as a wash solution for processing salvaged blood. Previous studies have demonstrated that washing PRBC with normal saline results in acid-base (Huber et al., 2013) and electrolyte derangements (Varghese et al., 2007). Infusion of normal saline in healthy volunteers also results in significant changes in osmolality (Williams et al., 1999). The use of normal saline as a wash solution in processing residual CPB blood requires investigation. Aims and Objectives: This was a prospective, quantitative in vitro investigation to analyze and compare the quality of residual pump blood post CPB that had been washed with either an unbalanced electrolyte solution (0.9% normal saline) or a balanced electrolyte solution (Balsol®). Both are crystalloid solutions. The primary objective of the present study was to measure and compare the pH, electrolytes, metabolites, osmolality and strong ion difference (SID) of residual pump blood to the pH, electrolytes, metabolites, osmolality and SID of processed cell saver blood, which was washed with either 0.9% normal saline or Balsol® solution. The secondary objective was to measure and compare protein levels (albumin and total protein) in residual pump blood to protein levels in processed cell saver blood, that is washed with either 0.9% normal saline or Balsol® solution. The final objective was to determine the volume, haematocrit and haemoglobin yield post cell saver processing, from the input volume of residual pump blood when washed with either 0.9% normal saline or Balsol® solution. This was the first study of this nature done in the South African population group. Methodology: In this investigation in a series of forty patients (n=40) undergoing elective cardiac surgery with CPB, the first twenty patients were allocated to the NaCl control group (n=20) and the second twenty patients were allocated to the Balsol® interventional group (n=20). The extracorporeal circuit consisted of a standard integral hollow fibre membrane oxygenator and tubing that was primed with 1500-1800 millilitres of balanced crystalloid solution (Balsol®), for both the control group and the interventional group, and addition of 5000 iu heparin. The balanced crystalloid solution (Balsol®) is the approved standard CPB priming solution for all cardiac procedures at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital. This setup was used with the Stockert S5 roller pump heart lung machine. The operations were performed as per protocol with standard non-pulsatile CPB and hypothermia was maintained at 28 – 32 ºC (core) and haemodilution (haematocrit 20 % to 30 %). A standard flow rate of 2.4 L/min/m² was used. Cardio protection consisted of either cold Blood Cardioplegia using the Buckberg 4:1 ratio, being four parts blood to one part cardioplegia (with the 35ml of 20 % Dextrose + 1 gram Magnesium Sulphate added per 500ml), or 20ml/kg cold St Thomas II cardioplegia (with addition of 10ml of 8.5% NaHCO3 + 100mg lignocain per litre). Topical cooling was achieved with ice cold 0.9 % saline. Maintenance fluid used during CPB was Balsol® for both the control and the interventional groups. Calcium, potassium and sodium bicarbonate was administered as required during CPB to correct deficits for both groups. Weaning of CPB was performed after re-warming to a rectal temperature of at least 35 ºC for both study groups. Immediately on termination of CPB a blood sample was taken from the sampling manifold of the CPB circuit for pre wash analysis. Residual pump blood was then flushed out with one litre of Balsol® solution for both groups and collected into the Medtronic autolog cell saver reservoir to be processed. In the control study group 0.9% NaCl was used as the wash solution and in the interventional study group Balsol® solution was used as the wash solution. After processing of the salvaged blood is complete, a blood sample was taken for post wash analysis. Clinical data recorded for pre and post wash samples included: pH, pCO2, pO2, [K+], [Na+], [Cl-], [Ca2+], lactate, glucose, [HCO3-], TCO2, haematocrit, haemoglobin (GEM 4000® premier™ blood gas analyser) blood volume (Medtronic autolog) and SID (calculated as per equation). Inorganic phosphate, total magnesium, albumin, total protein (Siemens Advia 1800 blood gas analyser) and osmolality (Gonotech osmometer) were also measured. Results: There was a highly significant decrease (p < 0.05) within the NaCl group after washing with pCO2 (28.3 ± 2.9 vs. <6.0 ± 0.0), [K+] (4.5 ± 0.5 vs. 1.0 ± 0.7), total magnesium (1.7 ± 0.7 vs. 0.29 ± 0), ionized calcium (1.0 ± 0.09 vs. 0.1 ± 0.03), inorganic phosphate (0.9 ± 0.4 vs. 0.09 ± 0.04) and SID (27.1 ± 2.1 vs. 18.4 ± 2.2). There was a highly significant increase (p < 0.05) within the NaCl group after washing with pH (7.5 ± 0.1 vs. 7.7 ± 0.1), [Na+] (132.9 ± 3.2 vs. 146.3 ± 1.9), [Cl-] (107.8 ± 3.1 vs. 127.4 ± 2.1) and osmolaltity (256.9 ± 38.4 vs. 296.2 ± 57.5). There were highly significant decrease (p < 0.05) within the Balsol® group after washing with pCO2 (30.15 ± 6.0 vs. 18.9 ± 4.9), [Na+] (134.7 ± 2.2 vs. 125.6 ± 1), [Cl-] (108.8 ± 2.7 vs. 100.2 ± 1.4), ionized calcium (0.9 ± 0.1 vs. 0.02 ± 0.04), inorganic phosphate (0.8 ± 0.2 vs. 0.1 ± 0.024) and osmolality (288.8 ± 20.6 vs. 272.8 ± 19.9). There were highly significant increase (p < 0.05) within the Balsol® group after washing with pH (7.5 ± 0.1 vs. 7.7 ± 0.1), [K+] (4.2 ± 0.4 vs 4.6 ± 0.3). Total magnesium and SID were similar after washing within the Balsol® group. Albumin and total protein revealed similar significant decreases within both groups after washing. There was a highly significant difference (p < 0.05) in the change between groups after washing in all the variables measured, except for pH, inorganic phosphate, lactate, glucose, albumin, total protein, haematocrit, haemoglobin, and blood volume. Total carbon dioxide and [HCO3-] were not compared because they were incalculable by blood gas analyser in the NaCl group. Conclusion: This investigation concluded that the balanced electrolyte solution Balsol® used for washing residual CPB blood results in a re-suspended RBC concentrate, with an osmolality and electrolyte profile that is superior compared to washing residual CPB blood with 0.9% NaCl solution. / M

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