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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perdas de função visual na distrofia muscular de Duchenne: visão de cores e visão de contrastes de luminância temporal e espacial / Visual function losses in Duchenne musculas dystrophy: color vision and spatial and temporal luminance contrast vision

Marcelo Fernandes da Costa 23 August 2004 (has links)
A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença recessiva ligada ao cromossomo X, causada por deleção ou mutação na proteína distrofina, e afeta 1 para cada 3.500 nascidos vivos do sexo masculino. O gene da distrofina é o maior gene do genoma humano e, além das proteínas de tamanho total, ao menos outras 5 isoformas foram identificadas até o momento. A isoforma total da distrofina e outras menores como a Dp260 (transcrita pelo promotor localizado no exon 30; encontrada na camada plexiforme externa da retina) e Dp71 (transcrita pelo promotor localizado no exon 63; encontrada nas células de Muller e membrana limitante interna da retina) são expressas na retina, dentre vários tecidos do corpo. Alterações nos eletrorretinogramas (ERG) de sujeitos com DMD já foram descritas na literatura. Redução da amplitude da onda-b e ERG negativo (razão das.amplitudes entre as ondas b e a menor que 1) são os achados mais comuns principalmente em sujeitos com deleção posterior ao exon 30. Embora estas alterações sejam conhecidas, poucos estudos avaliaram funcionalmente a visão destes sujeitos e, estes concluíram que os sujeitos com DMD apresentam visão de cores, acuidade visual e motilidade ocular normais. Como estas conclusões não refletem os achados eletrofisiológicos, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo aprofundar a avaliação de funções visuais em sujeitos com DMD, utilizando testes psicofisicos mais precisos e sensíveis que os métodos anteriormente empregados. Aplicamos uma bateria de testes que avaliou: a visão de cores (Cambridge Colour Test, Anomaloscópio de Neitz tipo I, lshihara e AO H-R-R) e a sensibilidade ao contraste de luminância (espacial e temporal), em 54 meninos (idade média =14,2 ± 4,1) com DMD, bem como o ERG em um subgrupo de 11 sujeitos. De acordo com a região da deleção no gene foram constituídos 3 grupos: grupo 1 (n=20) - sem deleção, grupo 2 (n=7) - com deleção anterior ao exon 30, grupo 3 (n=27) com deleção posterior ao exon 30. O grupo controle foi composto por 35 meninos com idade equiparada (médias = 15,4 ± 3,9). Os resultados mostraram que 52% dos sujeitos do grupo 3 apresentam defeitos de visão de cores. Surpreendentemente, a maioria destes sujeitos apresentou um defeito no eixo protan-deutan. Os três grupos apresentaram redução na sensibilidade ao contraste espacial e ao contraste temporal para todas as freqüências espaciais e temporais testadas. Houve uma tendência do grupo 3 de ter os piores resultados de contraste espacial. Para os resultados de contraste temporal, diferiram estatisticamente do grupo controle apenas os sujeitos do grupo 3 que tinham defeito de visão de cores. Os parâmetros do ERG de campo total replicaram os dados da literatura mostrando uma diminuição da amplitude e um aumento da latência da onda-b, além de uma razão b/a menor que l. A análise individual dos potenciais oscilatórios mostrou redução significante no 3° e no 4° potenciais, indicando que tanto a via dos cones quanto a dos bastonetes estão afetadas nos sujeitos com.DMD e deleção posterior ao exon 30. A constatação das maiores alterações de função visual nos sujeitos com deleção posterior ao exon 30 leva a sugerir que a distrofina Dp260 tem papel importante na fisiologia retiniana. Em conclusão, o presente trabalho demonstrou que a DMD é acompanhada por perdas visuais em várias funções e que estas perdas podem ser causadas principalmente por modificações na isoforma Dp260 da distrofina / Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked recessive disorder, caused by deletion or mutation in the protein dystrophyn, which affects 1:3500 live male births. The dystrophyn gene is the largest gene in the human genome. The full-length dystrophyn and at least other 5 isoforms have been identified. They are expressed in several tissues of the body including the retina, where the shorter isoforms Dp260 (transcribed by a promoter at the exon 30; founded in the outer plexiform layer of the retina) and Dp71 (transcribed by a promoter at the exon 63; founded in the Muller cells and inner limiting membrane of the retina) have been shown. Alterations in the electroretinograms (ERG) of these subjects have been described in the literature. 13-wave amplitude reduction and -a negative ERG (b/a wave amplitude ratio < 1) are the most common alterations found in subjects with gene deletion downstream exon 30, transcribes Dp260 isoform. Although these alterations are known, the only study that performed 1 evaluations of visual functions in these subjects concluded that they showed normal color vision, visual acuity and ocular motility results. Since these conclusions do not reflect the electrophysiological findings the objective of the present study was to further evaluate the visual function of DMD subjects using more sensitive and precise psychophysical tests than the methods used before. A battery of visual tests was used to evaluate color vision (Cambridge Colour Test, Neitz-1 Anomaloscope, Ishihara and AO H-R-R), luminance contrast sensitivity (spatial and temporal) in 54 boys (mean age = 14,2 ± 4,1) with DMD, and the ERG was also measured in a subgroup (n = 11) of these boys. According with the region of gene deletion, the subjects were divided in 3 groups: group 1 (n = 20) - without gene deletion, group 2 (n = 7) - with gene deletion upstream exon 30, group 3 (n = 27) - with gene deletion downstream exon 30. The control group was composed of 35 age-matched boys (mean-- 15,4 ± 3,9). Our results showed that 52% of the group 3 subjects had color vision defects. Surprisingly, almost all of these boys had a defect in the proten-deutan axis. In all three groups, spatial and temporal contrast sensitivities were lower than those of controls, for all spatial and temporal frequencies tested. Group 3 subjects had a tendency not statistically significant to present the worst results of spatial contrast sensitivities. Temporal contrast sensitivities were significantly different from controls' only for group 3 subjects with color vision defects. The full-field ERG results showed a b-wave amplitude reduction, a longer implicit time and a b/a ratio less than 1. Oscillatory potentials were significantly lower in the 3° and 4° potentials suggesting that that both cone and rod pathways were affected in the DMD subjects with deletion downstream exon 30. To our knowledge there are no descriptions of visual function defects in DMD subjects. The finding that the largest alterationslosses of visual function oceur in the subjects with deletion downstream exon 30 leads us to suggest that the dystrophyn Dp260 has an important role in the physiology of the retina physiology. In conclusion, the present study showed that DMD is accompanied losses in several visual functions and that these losses may be caused mainly by impairment in the Dp260 dystrophyn isoform

Avaliação das vias do sistema visual por eletrorretinograma e testes psicofísicos na Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne e na Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 / Visual system pathways evaluation by electroretinogram and psychophysical test in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Cristiane Maria Gomes Martins 26 September 2017 (has links)
A retina é formada por camadas de células que a estrutura, os contatos sinápticos e as características fisiológicas são específicas para cada tipo de célula. O processamento da informação visual, após a ativação dos fotorreceptores pela luz, ocorre em mecanismos pós-receptorais que formam diferentes circuitos de processamento, entre eles as vias ON, OFF, de luminância e de oponência cromática. As doenças que afetam a retina podem estar relacionadas com alterações específicas de um determinado circuito, como acontece com a distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) que na alteração do gene dmd da retina afeta a comunicação entre os fotorreceptores e as células bipolares, e na diabetes Mellitus (DM) o dano celular ocorre principalmente na camada mais interna da retina. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da DMD e da diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 (DM1) em diferentes mecanismos visuais. A amostra deste trabalho contou com três grupos: controle com 18 participantes (13,5, ±7,6), DMD com 9 participantes (16, ±5,9) e DM1 com 12 partcipantes (13,8, ±2,5). Os testes eletrorretinográficos foram aplicados nas condições mesópica, fotópica com estímulos que enfatizam respostas ON ou OFF, e flicker heterocromático (verde-vermelho) em 12Hz (para enfatizar a atividade da via de oponência cromática) e 36Hz (para enfatizar a atividade da via de luminância), e testes psicofísicos com estímulos que enfatizam os mecanismos ON e OFF com contraste de luminância e a via de oponência cromática por um estímulo com contraste cromático (isoluminante) verde-vermelho. O grupo DMD apresentou alteração no tempo de resposta e redução na amplitude da onda-a e onda-b nas condições mesópicas ON e OFF, redução da amplitude da onda-b na condição fotópica ON e alteração da via cromática. Enquanto o grupo DM1 apresentou aumento na amplitude e tempo da ond-a e onda-b das via ON e OFF na condição mesópica, mudança na fase da resposta na via cromática e na via de luminância. Os resultados estão de acordo com diversos estudos anteriores que mostram que as duas doenças causam alterações funcionais na retina, mas cada doença com características específicas. O presente estudo demonstrou que as duas doenças afetam as vias visuais ON e OFF independente do prejuízo neural ocorrer principalmente nas camadas mais externas ou nas camadas mais internas da retina. A possibilidade de identificar prejuízos funcionais em pacientes sem alteração clínica é uma valiosa ferramenta para o acompanhamento de doenças e para avaliar a eficácia de tratamentos. O presente estudo poderá contribuir para o estabelecimento de novos protocolos mais sensíveis e capazes de identificar alterações assimétricas no caso da DMD ou alterações que precedem o diagnóstico clínico no caso da DM1 / The retina is formed by layers of cells that the structure, synaptic contact and physiology characters are specific for each type of this cells. The processing of visual information, after the photoreceptor activation by light is separate by post-receptor mechanisms that constitute the ON, OFF, luminance and chromatic pathways. The retina diseases have specific alteration in this tissue, thus it happens with the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), that have communication problems among photoreceptors and bipolar cells because of damage in dmd gene, and the Diabetes Mellitus (DM) that has cells damage mainly in the inner layer of retina. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of DMD and Type 1 diabetes Mellitus (DM1) on different visual mechanisms. The sample had three grups: control with 18 subjects (13.5, ±7.6), DMD with 9 subjects (16, ±5.9) and DM1 with 12 subjects (13,8, ±2,5). The ERG recordings were applied in of the mesopic and photopic conditions with stimuli that laid emphasis on ON and OFF responses and heterochromatic (red-green) flicker modulation in 12Hz (laid emphasis on chromatic pathway) and 36Hz (laid emphasis on luminance pathway), and psychophysical tests laid emphasis on ON and OFF mechanisms with luminance contrast and the chromatic opponent pathway by stimulus with red-green chromatic contrast (isoluminance). As a result the DMD group presented alteration in the response time and reduction in the amplitude of the a- and b-wave in ON and OFF mesopic conditions, reduction of the amplitude of the a- and b-wave in ON photopic condition and alteration of the chromatic pathway. While the DM1 group showed an increase in the amplitude and time of the a- and b-wave in ON and OFF pathways of the mesopic condition, change in phase of the chromatic pathway and luminance pathway. These results were in agreement with previous studies that showed the two diseases present functional changes in the retina, but each disease with specific characteristics. The present study showed that two diseases affect the ON and OFF pathways regardless of the neural damage occur mainly in outer layer or inner layer of the retina. The possibility identify functional damage in patients without clinic injuries is the valuable tool for the following the dieses and evaluated treatment efficiency. The present study may contribute to establishment of the new sensitive and able protocols to identify asymmetric changes in DMD or changes that precede the clinical diagnosis in DM1

Estudo da eletrorretinografia do camundongo modelo de alzheimer (3xTg-AD) / Study of the electroretinogram of the Alzheimer\'s disease model mouse (3xTg-AD)

Gabriela Lourençon Ioshimoto 02 March 2011 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar eletrofisiologicamente a função da retina do camundongo modelo de Alzheimer (3xTg-AD) comparando com seu controle (b6;129-PS1) em um estudo longitudinal com seis idades (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 meses). Métodos: Eletrorretinogramas (ERGs) foram registrados em 44 camundongos 3xTg-AD e em 23 controles, após administrada anestesia. Para o registro foi colocado um eletrodo de lente de contato sobre a córnea, um eletrodo de referência na cabeça e um terra na cauda. Em sessão de 30-40min de duração foram expostos ao seguinte protocolo de estimulação: 1) Adaptação ao escuro seguida de flashes nas intensidades: 0,003; 0,03; 0,3; 3 e 30 cd.s/m2; 2) Estimulação periódica (30 cd.s/m2) nas freqüências de 12, 18, e 30 Hz, sob luz de fundo (30 cd/m2). Resultados: Os ERGs mostraram dois tipos de respostas escotópicas tanto no grupo dos camundongos controles (b6;129- PS1) quanto nos modelos de Alzheimer. 13% dos camundongos controles e 72% dos modelos de AD apresentaram ERGs com potenciais oscilatórios presentes e tempo implícito da onda-b dentro da faixa esperada (45,31 ± 6,74 ms), enquanto no restante dos grupos, o ERG apresentou latência da onda-b muito aumentada (111,73 ± 22,56 ms) e potenciais oscilatórios ausentes. Devido a estes resultados, os grupos controle e experimental foram subdivididos em: b6;129 com OP, b6;129 sem OP; 3xTg-AD com OP e 3xTg-AD sem OP. Também foi incluído um grupo controle adicional constituído por 9 camundongos C57/B6. Comparando os cinco grupos, nenhuma diferença foi encontrada em relação à amplitude e à latência da onda-a. A amplitude da onda-b também foi semelhante para todos, ao contrário da latência para atingir o pico da onda-b dos grupos b6;129 sem OP e 3xTg-AD sem OP, que se apresentou duas vezes maior do que nos grupos com OP. As amplitudes dos cinco potenciais oscilatórios foram medidas individualmente e não mostraram diferenças entre os controles e os 3xTg-AD. Para o estímulo periódico, a amplitude do 1º harmônico dos grupos com OP mostrou clara diferença entre os grupos controle e o 3xTg-AD, tanto em 12 Hz como em 18 Hz. Os resultados dos dois grupos controle b6;129 e C57/B6 mantiveram-se muito próximos. Os grupos sem OP mantiveram-se sempre próximos a 10 V para as três freqüências de estimulação e mostraram atraso na diferença de fase média do 1º harmônico em 18 e 30 Hz, indicando maior lentidão de resposta, quando comparados aos primeiros. Conclusão: O camundongo 3xTg-AD e seu controle (b6;129) apresentam uma variante lenta e sem OPs do ERG escotópico em parte da população. Células bipolares, amácrinas e ganglionares podem estar alteradas nesses subgrupos (b6;129 sem OP e 3xTg-AD sem OP). Os grupos controle e 3xTg-AD com OPs diferiram quanto à amplitude de resposta à estimulação intermitente, diferença essa que implica em menor capacidade de processamento temporal para o modelo de AD. Sugerimos que as células bipolares de cones podem estar alteradas nos modelos de AD devido às amplitudes mais baixas dos 1os harmônicos desse grupo / Objective: To evaluate electrophysiologically the function of the retina of the Alzheimer model mouse (3xTg-AD) comparing it with its control (b6;129-PS1) in a longitudinal study at six ages (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 months) Methods: Electroretinograms (ERGs) were recorded in 44 anesthetized mice 3xTg-AD and in 23 controls, with a contact lens electrode placed on the cornea, a reference electrode on the head and a ground on the tail. During a 30-40min duration session the mice were exposed to the following stimulation protocol: 1) Scotopic response Dark adaptation followed by flashes at the following intensities: 0,003; 0,03; 0,3; 3 e 30 cd.s/m2; 2) Periodic stimulation (30 cd.s/m2) at the temporal frequencies of 12, 18, e 30 Hz, under background light (30 cd/m2). Results: The ERGs showed two types of scotopic responses, which ocurred in both the control mice (b6;129- PS1) and the Alzheimer´s models (3xTg-AD). 13% of the controls and 72% of the Alzheimer´s models mice presented ERGs with oscillatory potentials (OPs) and b-wave implicit times within the expected range (45,31 ± 6,74 ms), while for the other groups the ERG presented a very delayed b-wave latency (111,73 ± 22,56 ms) and absence of OPs. Given these results, the control and experimental groups were subdivided into: b6;129 with OPs, b6;129 without OPs; 3xTg-AD with OPs e 3xTg-AD without OPs. An additional control group with 9 mice C57/B6 was included. Comparing the five groups, no difference was found in a-wave amplitude and latency. The b-wave amplitude also did not differ among the groups, but the latency of the b-wave for the groups b6;129 without OPs and 3xTg-AD without OPs, was twice as long as in the groups with OPs. The amplitudes of the five OPs, measured individually, did not show differences between controls and 3xTg-AD groups. For the periodic stimulation the amplitude of the first harmonic of the Fourier transform of the groups with OPs showed a clear difference between the control and the 3xTg-AD groups, both for the 12 Hz and for the 18 Hz stimuli. The results of the two control groups (b6;129 and C57/B6) were very close. The groups without OPs had responses always close to 10 V for the three frequencies of stimulation and showed phase delay for the first harmonic, indicating response slowing, compared to the other groups. Conclusions: We found that a sub-group of both triple transgenic (3xTg-AD) and control mice (b6;129) manifest strikingly slow scotopic ERGs that lack OPs. We hypothesize that these response feature may reflect alterations in bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells. The sub-group of triple transgenic and control mice that exhibited OPs differed in their response to flicker. Alzheimer model had significantly lower flicker-response amplitudes than the controls, suggesting impaired retinal temporal processing. We propose that the flicker results are consistent with alteration in cone bipolar cells in the Alzheimer model mice

Retrospective Cohort Study to Examine Disease Progression in Retinitis pigmentosa Patients Seen at the University of Ottawa Eye Institute

Kandakji, Lynn 15 January 2024 (has links)
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is the most common form of inherited retinal degeneration, heterogenous in its clinical presentation and genetic cause. Understanding the short-term disease mechanisms is pivotal for the development of new therapies. Upcoming clinical trials will take genotype-agnostic approaches; therefore, a comprehensive analysis of progression that encompasses many genetic factors will be needed. In this 10-year retrospective cohort study, rates of progression were measured, structurally and functionally, in 85 RP patients seen at the Ottawa Eye Institute. Parameters examined were the ellipsoid zone (EZ) length on an optical coherence tomography (OCT) image, Humphrey and Goldmann visual fields (VF), and full-field and multifocal electroretinograms (ERGs). RP is revealed to have a 1st order exponential decay pattern of loss, with mean rates of decline of 7.65 %/year for ellipsoid zone (EZ) length, 6.35%/year, 4.39%/year, and 1.57%/year for the Humphrey VF 30-2, 24-2, and 10-2 mean deviation (MD) respectively, and 5.22%/year, 7.77%/year, 6.77%/year, 6.80%/year, and 12.45%/year for Goldmann V4e, III4e, I4e, I3e, and I2e isopter lengths, respectively. In cases where different diagnostic tests were conducted within 3 months of each other, the data was analysed to determine if there was a positive correlation between the diagnostic tests. Ellipsoid zone length and Humphrey 24-2 mean deviation exhibited the strongest association with a coefficient of 0.99. The study reveals structural and functional changes in advanced retinitis pigmentosa and presents a protocol for assessing short-term progression.

Maturation and aging of the retina in normal and night blind albino guinea pigs : a structural and functional study

Racine, Julie. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Simultaneous chromatic and luminance human electroretinogram responses

Parry, Neil R.A., Murray, I.J., Panorgias, A., McKeefry, Declan J., Lee, B.B., Kremers, Jan January 2012 (has links)
No / The parallel processing of information forms an important organisational principle of the primate visual system. Here we describe experiments which use a novel chromatic-achromatic temporal compound stimulus to simultaneously identify colour and luminance specific signals in the human electroretinogram (ERG). Luminance and chromatic components are separated in the stimulus; the luminance modulation has twice the temporal frequency of the chromatic modulation. ERGs were recorded from four trichromatic and two dichromatic subjects (1 deuteranope and 1 protanope). At isoluminance, the fundamental (first harmonic) response was elicited by the chromatic component in the stimulus. The trichromatic ERGs possessed low-pass temporal tuning characteristics, reflecting the activity of parvocellular post-receptoral mechanisms. There was very little first harmonic response in the dichromats' ERGs. The second harmonic response was elicited by the luminance modulation in the compound stimulus and showed, in all subjects, band-pass temporal tuning characteristic of magnocellular activity. Thus it is possible to concurrently elicit ERG responses from the human retina which reflect processing in both chromatic and luminance pathways. As well as providing a clear demonstration of the parallel nature of chromatic and luminance processing in the human retina, the differences that exist between ERGs from trichromatic and dichromatic subjects point to the existence of interactions between afferent post-receptoral pathways that are in operation from the earliest stages of visual processing.

Structure and Function of the Retina in Children Born Extremely Preterm and in Children Born At Term

Molnar, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Background: Optical coherence tomography (OCT), multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) and full-field electroretinography (ffERG) give important information about retinal structure and function. Purpose: To collect normative data of macular Cirrus Spectral domain (SD)-OCT assessments and of mfERG measurements of healthy children (papers I and II). To assess the macular thickness with Cirrus SD-OCT and the retinal function with ffERG in 6.5-year-old children born extremely preterm and in children born at term (papers III and IV). Methods: Study participants aged 5-15 years and living in Uppsala County were randomly chosen from the Swedish Birth Register (papers I and II). In papers III and IV, the study participants consisted of children born extremely preterm and children born at term – all were aged 6.5 years. In paper III, the children were living in Stockholm and Uppsala health care regions and, in paper IV, in Uppsala health care region only. Macular thickness was assessed with Cirrus SD-OCT and macular function with mfERG, using the Espion Multifocal system and DTL-electrodes. The retinal function was assessed with ffERG and DTL-electrodes, using the Espion Ganzfield system. Results: Altogether, 58 children participated in paper I and 49 children in paper II. In paper I, the repeatability and reproducibility of the OCT assessments were good. In paper II, the results of the mfERG measurements were in accordance with retinal cone density and there were no significant differences between the right and left eyes. In paper III, 134 preterm children and 145 children born at term constituted the study population. The central macular thickness was significantly thicker in the preterm group than in the control group. Within the preterm group, gestational age (GA), former retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and male gender were all important risk factors for an increased macular thickness. In paper IV, 52 preterm children and 45 control children constituted the study population. Significantly lower amplitudes and prolonged implicit times of the combined rod and cone responses, as well as of the isolated cone responses, were found in the preterm group when compared with the control group. In paper IV, there was no association between GA, ROP or male gender and the ffERG assessments. Conclusion: Normative data of Cirrus SD-OCT and mfERG assessments were reported. The results of the assessments were reliable. Children aged 6.5 years, born extremely preterm, had a significantly thicker central macula and both rod and cone function were significantly reduced in comparison to children born at term. ROP had an influence on retinal structure but not retinal function in the present cohorts. Our results suggest that retinal development is abnormal in children born extremely preterm. Long-term follow-up studies are necessary in order to evaluate the functional ophthalmological outcome in this vulnerable population of children growing up today.

Estudo da farmacocinética vítrea e toxicidade da ciclosporina intravítrea em olhos de coelhos / Pharmacokinetic and toxicity study of intravitreal cyclosporine in rabbits eyes.

Almeida, Felipe Piacentini Paes de 16 July 2012 (has links)
O tratamento de pacientes com doenças inflamatórias oculares crônicas frequentemente implica no uso prolongado de drogas anti-inflamatórias sistêmicas como, corticosteroides e outros imunossupressores, podendo acarretar efeitos colaterais importantes. O uso local destas drogas pode contribuir para aumentar seus efeitos desejáveis e reduzir os efeitos colaterais. Implantes intraoculares biodegradáveis são capazes de disponibilizar o fármaco diretamente na cavidade vítrea em doses terapêuticas por período prolongado. O copolímero do ácido lático e glicólico (PLGA) é um clássico exemplo entre os polímeros sintéticos biodegradáveis aplicados em sistemas de liberação de fármacos devido à sua biocompatibilidade e ausência de toxicidade em testes in vivo. A ciclosporina A (CsA) é um imunossupressor largamente usado na clínica médica, e também tem sido empregada no tratamento de várias doenças inflamatórias intraoculares. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a farmacocinética vítrea da CsA, quando aplicada por meio de implante biodegradável de PLGA intravítreo na concentração de 350 µg em olhos de coelhos, assim como avaliar a ocorrência de toxicidade retiniana causada pela presença intraocular do sistema de liberação de fármacos por meio de eletrorretinografia (ERG) e histopatologia. Dos sessenta coelhos que foram utilizados neste estudo, 38 receberam o implante intravítreo de PLGA contendo CsA e 22 somente os veículos. Somente o olho direito dos coelhos foi analisado na pesquisa. O estudo teve duração de oito semanas. Quatro coelhos do grupo CsA e dois do grupo controle foram sacrificados semanalmente para a coleta do vítreo e posterior estudo farmacocinético. Quatro animais de cada grupo foram escolhidos para terem a pressão intraocular aferida semanalmente. Seis coelhos foram submetidos a ERG no início e ao final do estudo, sendo então sacrificados, e os olhos processados para estudos histológicos da retina. O período inferido de permanência da CsA na cavidade vítrea foi de 17 semanas. Nos dois grupos, com e sem CsA, não foram observadas alterações histológicas na retina, entretanto houve importante redução da onda b nas fases escotópicas da ERG no grupo CsA, indicando toxicidade na via dos bastonetes após as oito semanas de seguimento. Em resumo, estes resultados mostraram que a CsA aplicada por meio de implantes oculares de PLGA na dose de 350 µg não causa alterações histológicas da retina, mas provoca um padrão exclusivo de diminuição da onda b. Em estudos futuros, seria interessante avaliar os efeitos de implantes contendo concentrações inferiores a 350 µg de CsA, e também, veículos que permitam que sua liberação seja mais lenta, evitando-se, assim, a toxicidade observada nos ERGs e confirmar sua aplicabilidade clínica como alternativa interessante para o tratamento de doenças oculares inflamatórias crônicas. / Treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory ocular diseases often involves the use of systemic anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive agents for a long period of time, which may cause significant systemic side effects. Intraocular use of these drugs may help to improve their local beneficial effects and reduce systemic adverse effects. Biodegradable intraocular implants are able to deliver drugs directly into the vitreous cavity in therapeutic doses for an extended period of time. Poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) is a good example of synthetic biodegradable polymers used in ocular drug delivery systems due to its biocompatibility and absence of toxicity. Cyclosporine A (CsA) is a largely used immunossupressor, and it has also been employed for treatment of various intraocular inflammatory diseases. The objective of this work was to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of CsA, when applied in biodegradable PLGA intravitreal implants in rabbit eye and its retina toxicity by electroretinography and histopathology. Right eyes of sixty rabbits were used on this study, 38 received the PLGA implant containing 350 µg of CsA, and 22 the implant without the drug and were followed during 8 weeks. Four animals of CsA group and 2 of control group were sacrificed weekly to have their vitreous samples collected for subsequent pharmacokinetic study. Four animals from each group were chosen to have intraocular pressure measured weekly. Six animals of each group underwent electroretinography tests at baseline and at the end of the study. Then they were sacrificed and had their eyes processed for histological studies of the retina. It was hypothetically calculated that CsA would take 17 weeks to be completely delivery by this system. Histologically the retina did not show alterations in both groups, but there was a significant reduction in the b wave of the scotopic ERG phases in the CsA group indicating toxicity of the rods pathway after 8 weeks of follow-up. In summary, PLGA implants with 350 µg of CsA does not cause retinal histological changes, but decreases b wave amplitude. In future studies it would be interesting to test lower concentrations of CsA using this delivery system to decrease possible toxicity and to guarantee its clinical applicability.

Quantificação da perda neural no papiledema crônico pela tomografia de coerência óptica e o eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso / Quantification of axonal loss in chronic papiledema from pseudotumor cerebri syndrome with frequency domain-OCT and pattern electroretinogram

Afonso, Clara Lima 13 July 2015 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso (PERG) de campo total de detectar alterações funcionais da retina em olhos com papiledema resolvido de pacientes com a síndrome do pseudotumor cerebral (PTC). Utilizar a tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio Fourier (FD-OCT) para avaliar a espessura total e das camadas internas da retina (após segmentação dos dados) na área macular e a camada de fibras nervosas retinianas (CFNR) peripapilar em pacientes com PTC, e compará-las com aquelas de olhos normais. Estudar a correlação entre as amplitudes do PERG, as medidas da tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) e a perda de campo visual (CV) avaliada pela perimetria computadorizada. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e dois olhos com papiledema clinicamente resolvidos de 29 pacientes portadores de PTC foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico completo, CV, PERG e OCT. As seguintes medidas obtidas pelo OCT foram analisadas: a espessura da CFNR peripapilar, a espessura macular total (EMT), avaliada em oito setores, de acordo com o mapa do Early Treatment Diabetes Retinopathy Study, e medidas segmentadas na região da mácula da CFNR, da camada de células ganglionares (CCG) e da camada nuclear interna (CNI). Os resultados do CV foram avaliados, levando em consideração o mean deviation (MD) e os valores de diferentes regiões do CV divididos, de acordo com sua correspondência no nervo óptico, seguindo o mapa de Garway-Heath. Foram, também, calculados os desvios médios de 12 ou de 16 pontos centrais do CV, que estimulam áreas semelhantes àquelas avaliada pelo OCT macular e pelo PERG. Os achados foram comparados utilizando-se as equações de estimativas generalizadas para compensação da interdependência dos dois olhos de um mesmo indivíduo. Foram, também, calculadas e comparadas as áreas sob as curvas ROC (receiver operating characteristics). As correlações entre os achados do PERG, do OCT e do CV foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman. RESULTADOS: Comparadas aos controles, as espessuras do OCT, da CFNR peripapilar, CFNR macular, CCG macular e EMT foram significativamente menores em pacientes com PTC. Com relação ao PERG, houve redução da amplitude de N95 e P50+N95, e aumento do tempo de pico de N95, ambos para o estímulo de 48\', em olhos doentes, quando comparados ao grupo controle. Correlações estatisticamente significantes foram encontradas entre os valores de amplitude do PERG e da espessura retiniana do OCT. As reduções de espessura das camadas retinianas do OCT também foram significativamente associadas à perda de sensibilidade do CV. CONCLUSÕES: O PERG e o OCT foram capazes de demonstrar a perda anatômica e funcional dos doentes com papiledema decorrente de PTC, apresentando significativa correlação entre os métodos analisados. Tanto o OCT avaliando as medidas maculares como o PERG podem ser úteis na monitorização da perda neural retiniana de pacientes com papiledema decorrente da síndrome do PTC / PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of the full field pattern electroretinogram (PERG) to detect functional changes of retina in eyes with resolved papiledema from patients with pseudotumor cerebri (PTC). To analyze full thickness macular measurements, peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness as well as segmented inner retinal layers in patients with PTC using of Fourier domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) and compare them with normal eyes. To study the correlation between the PERG parameters, the optical coherence tomography (OCT) measurements and the visual field (VF) sensitivity loss, using standard automated perimetry. METHODS: Fifty-two eyes with resolved papilledema of 29 patients with PTC syndrome were submitted to a complete ophthalmic examination including VF, PERG and OCT. The following OCT measurements were analyzed: the peripapillary RNFL thickness, the total macular thickness (TMT), which was sub-divided in 8 sectors according to the Early Treatment Diabetes Retinopathy Study map, and the segmented inner macula layers, RNFL, the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and inner nuclear layer (INL). The VF results were analyzed through the mean deviation (MD) and the different sectors of the VF according to their correspondence to Garway-Heath optic nerve map. Central mean deviation, an average from VF sensitivity for the 12 and 16 central points, an area roughly equivalent to the area tested by macular cube scan protocol and PERG, was evaluated in patients and controls. Generalized estimating equation models accounting for inter-eye correlations were used to compare the results among different groups. Areas under ROC (receiver operating characteristics) curves were also calculated and compared. The correlations between the findings of the PERG, OCT and VF were assessed by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients. RESULTS: Compared to controls, the OCT thickness of the peripapillary RNFL, macular RNFL, macular GCL and TMT were significantly thinner in eyes with PTC. When PERG was studied, the amplitude of P50 and N95 + N95 were significantly reduced and N95 peak time increased, both based on 48 min check size, in patients when compared with normal controls. Significant correlations were found between the PERG amplitude and OCT retinal thickness. The decreased thickness of the OCT retinal layers was also significantly associated with VF sensitivity loss. CONCLUSIONS: PERG and OCT were able to demonstrate anatomical and functional loss in patients with resolved papiledema from PTC, showing significant correlation between the methods analyzed. It is known that the main morbidity of this disease is visual impairment. It is therefore of great importance to monitor the visual function during treatment. Whereas papilledema may be reversible at early stages, permanent visual loss may occur. These findings suggest that both measurements can be complementary in assessing axonal loss in patients with PTC

Panfotocoagulação versus panfotocoagulação associada com ranibizumabe intravítreo para retinopatia diabética proliferativa com características de alto risco / Panretinal photocoagulation versus panretinal photocoagulation plus intravitreal ranibizumabe for high-risc proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Ramos Filho, José Afonso Ribeiro 18 December 2014 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da panfotocoagulação a laser (PRP) comparando com a PRP associada com injeção de 0,5 mg de ranibizumabe intravítreo (IVR) em pacientes com retinopatia diabética proliferativa (RDP) com características de alto risco. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo incluindo pacientes portadores de RDP de alto risco sem tratamento prévio, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo PRP e grupo PRPplus. Avaliações oftalmológicas padronizadas, incluindo melhor acuidade visual corrigida (MAVC), de acordo com o Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS), medidas da área de vazamento de fluoresceína na angiofluoresceinografia (FLA), medida da espessura do subcampo macular (ESM) na Tomografia de Coerência Óptica (OCT) foram realizadas na visita inicial e nas semanas 16 (±2), 32 (±2) e 48 (±2), além de eletrorretinograma (ERG) de campo total, realizado na visita inicial e na semana 48 (±2). Resultados: Vinte e nove de 40 pacientes (n=29) completaram as 48 semanas do estudo. Na visita inicial, a média ± erro-padrão da média (EPM) de FLA (mm2) foi de 9,0 ± 1,3 e 11,7 ± 1,3 (p=0,1502); MAVC (logMAR), 0,31 ± 0,05 e 0,27 ± 0,06 (p=0,6645) e ESM (µm), 216,3 ± 10,7 e 249,4 ± 36,1 (p=0,3925), nos grupos PRP e PRPplus, respectivamente. Foi notada significativa (p<0,05) redução na FLA em todas as visitas do estudo em ambos os grupos; porém significativamente maior no grupo PRPplus, em relação ao grupo PRP, no final da visita 48 (PRP = 2.9 ± 1.3 mm2; PRPplus = 5.8 ± 1.3 mm2; p = 0.0291). Observou-se piora na MAVC em todas as visitas após o tratamento no grupo PRP (p<0,05), enquanto que no grupo PRPplus não foram encontradas mudanças na MAVC. Aumento significativo na ESM foi observado em todas as avaliações do estudo no grupo PRP e significativa diminuição na ESM foi detectada na semana 16 do grupo PRPplus, e não foi encontrada diferença significativa, em relação à visita inicial, nas semanas 32 e 48. Quanto ao ERG, foi notada significativa diminuição na amplitude da onda-b dos bastonetes para 46 ± 5% (p<0,05) do valor da visita inicial no grupo PRP e para 64 ± 6% no grupo PRPplus. Essa regressão foi significativamente maior no grupo PRP do que no grupo PRPplus (p=0,024). Resultados similares foram observados para resposta máxima combinada (MC) da amplitude da onda-b, com redução na semana 48, comparada com a visita inicial, de 45 ± 4% no grupo PRP e 62 ± 5% no grupo PRPplus. A diminuição deste parâmetro foi significativamente maior no grupo PRP do que no grupo PRPplus (p=0,0094). A MC da amplitude da onda-a, os potenciais oscilatórios (PO) e a resposta ao flicker de 30 Hz mostraram redução estatisticamente significativa na análise intragrupos, mas sem diferenças na análise entre os grupos. Conclusão: Após a PRP foi associado IVR com maior redução na FLA na semana 48, comparado com PRP isoladamente, em olhos com RDP de alto risco, sendo que o uso adicional de IVR à PRP parece proteger contra discreta perda de acuidade visual e espessamento macular observado em olhos tratados com PRP isoladamente. Na análise do ERG, resultados sugerem que o tratamento de RDP de alto risco com PRP associado com IVR é efetivo para o controle da RDP e permite menor uso do laser, que, consequentemente, leva à perda funcional menor da retina do que o tratamento com PRP isoladamente. / Objective: To evaluate the effects of panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) compared with PRP plus intravitreal injection of 0.5 mg of ranibizumab (IVR) in patients with high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Methods: Prospective study included patients with high-risk PDR and no prior laser treatment randomly assigned to receive PRP (PRP group) or PRP plus IVR (PRPplus group). Standardized ophthalmic evaluations including best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) measured according to the methods used in the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS), fluorescein angiography to measure area of fluorescein leakage (FLA) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) for the assessment of central subfield macular thickness (CSMT), were performed at baseline and at weeks 16 (±2), 32 (±2) and 48 (±2). Eletroretinographic (ERG) was measured according to ISCEV standards at baseline and at week 48 (±2). Results: Twenty-nine of 40 patients (n = 29 eyes) completed the 48-week study follow-up period. At baseline, mean ± SE FLA (mm2) was 9.0 ± 1.3 and 11.7 ± 1.3 (p = 0.1502); BCVA (logMAR) was 0.31 ± 0.05 and 0.27 ± 0.06 (p = 0.6645); and CSMT (µm) was 216.3 ± 10.7 and 249.4 ± 36.1 (p = 0.3925), in the PRP and PRPplus groups, respectively. There was a significant (p < 0.05) FLA reduction at all study visits in both groups, with the reduction observed in the PRPplus group significantly larger than that in the PRP group at week 48 (PRP = 2.9 ± 1.3 mm2; PRPplus = 5.8 ± 1.3 mm2; p = 0.0291). Best-corrected visual acuity worsening was observed at 16, 32 and 48 weeks after treatment in the PRP group (p < 0.05), while no significant BCVA changes were observed in the PRPplus group. A significant CSMT increase was observed in the PRP group at all study visits, while a significant decrease in CSMT was observed in the PRPplus group at week 16, and no significant difference in CSMT from base- line was observed at weeks 32 and 48. ROD b-wave amplitude was significantly reduced to 46 ± 5 % (p<0.05) of baseline in the PRP group and 64±6% (p<0.05) in the PRPplus group. This reduction was significantly larger in the PRP group than in the PRPplus group (p=0.024). Similar results were observed for the dark-adapted Combined Response (CR) b-wave amplitude, with a reduction at 48 weeks compared to baseline of 45 ± 4 % in the PRP group and 62 ± 5 % in the PRPplus group; the reduction in CR b-wave amplitude was significantly larger in the PRP group than in the PRPplus group (p=0.0094). CR a-wave, oscillatory potentials, cone single flash, and 30 Hz flicker responses showed statistically significant within-group reductions, but no differences in between-group analyses. Conclusions: Intravitreal ranibizumab after PRP was associated with a larger reduction in FLA at week 48 compared with PRP alone in eyes with high-risk PDR, and the adjunctive use of IVR appears to protect against the modest visual acuity loss and macular swelling observed in eyes treated with PRP alone. In ERG analyses, the results suggest that treating high-risk PDR with PRP plus IVR is effective for PDR control, and permits the use of less extensive PRP which, in turn, induces less retinal functional loss, than treatment with PRP alone.

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