Spelling suggestions: "subject:"embriones"" "subject:"embrionai""
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Preimplantacinės diagnostikos reguliavimas lyginamuoju aspektu / Regulation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in comparative aspectNarušytė, Ingrida 31 January 2008 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe lyginamuoju metodu yra analizuojamas preimplantacinės diagnostikos reguliavimas įvairiose pasaulio valstybėse, tuo pačiu atskleidžiant pagrindines iš to kylančias problemas. Tyrimas atliktas siekiant palyginti skirtingų valstybių teisės aktus ir patirtį šioje biomedicinos srityje. Atlikta analizė rodo, kad preimplantacinė diagnostika vis dar yra pakankamai nauja ir atsargiai vertinama procedūra, sukelianti daug etinių ir teisinių diskusijų, o teisinis reguliavimas priklauso nuo valstybės teisinių, religinių, kultūrinių, socialinių tradicijų. / These master theses analyze the regulation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in comparative aspect in different countries, simultaneously revealing main problems arising. The aim of this research is to compare legal acts and experience of different countries in this biomedical field. The analysis shows, that preimplantation genetic diagnosis is still innovative and well considered procedure, which give a rise to a lot of ethical and legal discussions, and legal regulation of this procedure depends on legal, religious, cultural and social traditions of the country.
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Dirbtinio apvaisinimo teisinio reglamantavimo problematika Lietuvoje / Artificial fertilization: issues of legal regulation in LithuaniaCemnolonskis, Kęstutis 02 January 2007 (has links)
Many discussions on the legal regulation of artificial fertilization are taking place in Lithuania though consensus is not yet achieved. Services of assisted reproduction cause fierce scientific, ethical, legal, and religious disputes in Lithuania and elsewhere. It is important to emphasize that legalization of in vitro fertilization at the international as well as national levels is not going to solve the problem. To do this, it is necessary to plan a mechanism of the implementation of the law which would cover many spheres of the legal regulation. The major problem becomes the shortage of scientific studies on legal regulation of artificial fertilization in Lithuania and the rest of the world. The author analyzes the issues of legal regulation of artificial fertilization in Lithuania providing a theoretical model of regulation of the procedure and implementation of the law. The analytical part of the study includes an analysis of the existing bills on artificial fertilization which reveals that both the first and the alternative bills are not quite finished yet and require improvement. Nevertheless the regulation scheme and the content of the Project IXP – 1966(2)A satisfy the main scientific paradigms defined in the theoretical part of the thesis.
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Kamieninių ląstelių reglamentavimo lyginamoji analizė teisiniu aspektu / Stem cell regulation comparative analysis of legal aspectsRamanauskas, Paulius 21 January 2007 (has links)
Stem cell research is one of the promising areas of biotechnology, which offers the prospect of developing new methods to repair or replace tissues or cells damaged by injuries or diseases and to treat serious chronic diseases, such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, chronic heart failure as well as stroke and spinal cord injuries. Stem cell research is expected to be equally important for basic science to understand cell differentiation and growth as well as for other specific medical applications such as for the understanding of disease development and for the development of safer and more effective drugs. Scientists are intensively studying the fundamental properties of stem cells.
One of the possible sources for stem cells is human embryos. However, when this research involves the use of human embryos it raises the question of ethical values at stake and of the limits and conditions for such research.
The title of this work is ,,Stem cell regulation comparative analysis of legal aspects”. This work explores legal aspects concerning production of stem cell from embryos. The main comparative aspects investigated in this graduation paper work:
1. historical stem cell research beginning aspects;
2. medical stem cell characteristics;
3. ethical embryo stem cell research aspects;
4. EU member states that allowing creation of human embryos for procurement of human embryonic stem cells by law;
5. EU member states that prohibiting procurement of human embryonic stem cells by law;
6. EU... [to full text]
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Embriono ir vaisiaus vystymasis priklausomai nuo karvių amţiaus / The development of embryo and fetus, depending on a cow’s ageStepanko, Olesia 05 March 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajam darbe yra 41 puslapis, 3 lentelės ir 15 paveikslų, bei 30 naudotų literatūros šaltinių.
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas nustatyti embrionų ir vaisių dydį, matoma ultrasonografu, ankstyvosios veršingumo diagnostikos metu, priklausomai nuo karvių amţiaus ir laktacijos fazės.
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe aprašomi įvairus veiksniai, kurie turi įtakos embriono ir vaisiaus vystymuisi bei ištirta jo priklausomybę nuo amţiaus ir laktacijos fazės. Tam tikslui buvo išrinkti tiriamieji gyvūnai atsiţvelgiant į laikotarpį, praėjusį po apsėklinimo. Tokiu būdu, buvo atrinktos karvės, kurių veršingumo dienos buvo nuo 32 iki 53 (n = 59), laktacijos nuo 1 iki 4 (1 laktacijos n = 18, 2 laktacijos n = 11, 3 laktacijos n = 17, 4 laktacijos n = 13), skirtingų laktacijos fazių (iki 150 laktacijos dienos n = 28, nuo 150 laktacijos dienos n = 31). Šie gyvuliai buvo atrinkti tam, kad ištirtumėme embriono/vaisiaus vystymosi skirtumą tarp 1-2 (jaunesnių – 1oji grupė) ir 3-4 (vyresnių – 2oji grupė) laktacijos karvių. Laktacijos fazių grupės buvo sudaromos atsiţvelgiant į tai, jog pirmoje laktacijos fazėje karvės duoda daugiau pieno, tačiau pasisavina maţiau maisto medţiagų, o antros laktacijos fazėje pieno produkcija maţėja, tokių būdu daugiau maisto medţiagų turėtų atitekti vaisiui/embrionui. Šių karvių laikymo sąlygos visiškai nesiskyrė nuo likusių ūkyje laikomų gyvulių. Tyrimai buvo atliekami karves tiriant ultragarso aparatu, naudojant Lenkišką ultragarso prietaisą „iScan... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this research is to determine the apparent size of the embryo and fetus in early pregnancy, depending on cow’s age and phase of lactation, using abdominal ultrasound technology. In this article various factors which affect embryonic and fetal development were described, also the relationship between age and phase of lactation was explored. Animals for research were selected according to the post insemination period. The selected cows were between 32nd and 53rd day of gestation (1 lactation n = 18, 2 lactation n = 11, 3 lactation n = 17, 4 lactation n = 13), between 1st and 4th lactation and in different lactation phases (ante 150th day of lactation n = 28, post 150th day of lactation n = 31).The evaluation of difference in development of embryo/fetus was between cows in 1-2 (jounger – I gruop) and 3-4 (older – II group) lactation. Lactation phase groups were created based on the fact that lactation in the first phase is heavier, thus leaving cow malnutritioned, while in the second phase decreases due to quick fetus growth. The examination was performed using polish ultrasonic device “iScan Dramiński”. During the examination the embryo/fetus was searched in the horns of the uterus and pictured. The pictures of the best quality were used for the measurements of the embryo/fetus surface, length and width. For the calculation, performance and statistical evaluation of obtained data Microsoft Office Excel was used. Summarizing, it was found that depending on the age of... [to full text]
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Nervinio ir raumeninio audinio embrioninės raidos ypatumų tyrimas / Analysis of peculiarities of nervous and muscle tissues development in early embryogenesisNorkutė, Akvilė 03 April 2009 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu tyrimams dažniausiai naudojami žinduoliai, kadangi rezultatai šiek tiek atspindi žmogaus organizme vykstančius procesus. Šis darbas parengtas analizuojant besivystančias paukščio embriono sistemas: tai būdas, leidžiantis sutaupyti lėšų bei dėka trumpo embrioninio vystymosi laikotarpio suteikiantis galimybę operatyviam rezultatų gavimui. Iki šiol literatūroje neradome duomenų apie pirmojo raumens susitraukimo ypatybes, o šį procesą įtakojančios nervų sistemos vystymąsi apibūdina keletas hipotezių. Taigi darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti pirmojo susitraukiančiojo raumens atsiradimo laiką, jo morfologiją (1) ir išanalizuoti ankstyvajame embriogenezės laikotarpyje kontraktilų aparatą įtakojančios nervų sistemos vystymosi ypatumus (2). Tyrimams naudojome kalakuto ir vištos embrionus – kadangi skirtingų porūšių skirtumai mums nebuvo svarbūs, palyginimas tarp minėtų paukščių embrionų neatliktas. Embrionai buvo stebimi in vivo, tyrimams in vitro atlikti buvo naudojami šie molekulinės biologijos metodai: paruoštų pjūvių dažymas histo- ir imunohistochemiškai, polimerazės grandininės reakcijos, ląstelių kultūrų auginimas ir Western blotas. Pirmasis aktyvus raumens susitraukimas kalakuto embrione atsiranda 19-22 Hamburgerio Hamiltono stadijoje, t.y., praėjus 116 val. nuo inkubacijos pradžios: porinis raumuo sudarytas iš keturių susiliejusių miomerų, yra 1 mm ilgio ir 0,1 mm pločio – šis iš dviejų ląstelių tipų sudarytas audinys atsakingas už pirmuosius aktyvius embriono... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of the study was to characterize the first contraction of an isolated muscle in turkey embryo and to determine whether at early stages of chicken brain development during neurogenesis, cells from the astrocytic lineage are present in relevant amounts, where they are located in the neural tube, and to what extend brain regional differences exist. MATERIAL AND METHODS. From the 3rd day of incubation on until the 6th day the embryos were continuously watched through a cellophane window in the eggshell. For histology the embryos were fixed in Bouin's fluid, then completely cut in serial sections of 5 microm thickness and stained according to Masson-Goldner's trichrome procedure plus resorcin-fuchsin. For gene expression analysis markers for stem cells, neurons and astrocytes were used. Immunohistochemistry was made against SMI 312 and GFAP antibodies and Western blot against GFAP as well. RESULTS. A paired muscle 1 mm long and 0.1 mm broad, derived by fusion of the four occipital myomeres, is responsible for the first individual contraction. The contraction produces a stretching in the neck region. The muscle named M. occipitalis primordialis consists of four end-to-end connected groups of mononucleated muscle cells. The muscle contains two types of cells according to the cell nuclei. The elastic rod-shaped notochord represents an endoskeleton. Immediately after contraction it brings the body of the embryo back into its former shape. We also demonstrate that specific... [to full text]
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