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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Para o bem da juventude e para o progresso da nossa cidade: uma análise sobre a emergência e constituição do Ginásio Salesiano Itajaí (Itajaí - SC, 1945-1956) / For the sake of youth and the progress of our city - An analysis of the emergence and formation of the Salesian Secondary School (Itajaí-SC, 1945- 1956)

Fabiana Nicolau 16 April 2010 (has links)
O Ginásio Salesiano Itajaí apareceu no cenário educativo da cidade de Itajaí em 1956. Tratase de uma escola secundária dirigida pelos padres da Sociedade São Francisco de Sales e voltada exclusivamente para o público masculino. Os padres salesianos se estabeleceram nessa cidade para assumir o então Ginásio Itajaí, administrado por uma sociedade anônima cujos fundadores e acionistas compunham parte da elite itajaiense. Quando os padres assumem a direção dessa instituição ela passou a se chamar Ginásio Salesiano Itajaí. Entendemos o ginásio como um dispositivo de poder. Ou seja, um corpo heterogêneo associado a práticas discursivas e não discursivas, que intercedem na economia da cidade, da população e dos indivíduos. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho procura analisar e problematizar o processo de emergência desse dispositivo escolar, as relações estabelecidas com outras instituições sociais e as descontinuidades que se pretendeu instaurar com o estabelecimento deste ginásio católico. Intenta-se, também, compreender como o Ginásio Salesiano se constituiu, se legitimou e atuou na produção da cidade e daqueles que viriam compor o seu público escolar. Através da análise das fontes documentais busca-se perceber como as práticas constitutivas desse processo engendravam o ensino secundário masculino. / The Secondary School Salesian Itajaí appeared in the educational setting of the city of Itajaí in 1956. This is a school run by priests of the Society of St. Francis de Sales and dedicated exclusively to the male audience. The Salesians Fathers established themselves in the city to manage e coordinate Itajaí Secondary School, run by a corporation whose founders and investors made up the elite Itajaí. When the priests take the direction of this institution it became known as Salesian Itajaí. Understand the school as a power apparatus. That is, a body associated with heterogeneous discursive and non-discursive practices, who intercede on the city\'s economy, population and individuals. Accordingly, this paper seeks to analyze and discuss the process of emergence of school apparatus, the relationships established with other social institutions and the discontinuities introduced with the establishment of Catholic Secondary School. It seeks also to understand how the Salesian Secondary School is formed, legitimized and has produced the city and those who would compose the public school. Through the analysis of information sources to seek to understand how the practices constituting this process engendered secondary school male.

Discursos e práticas: um estudo do jornalismo investigativo no Brasil / -

Seane Alves Melo 03 July 2015 (has links)
Quais as definições do jornalismo investigativo no Brasil? Na prática profissional, o que o distingue do jornalismo de modo geral e de outras especialidades da área? Quais os critérios de consagração de um jornalista como repórter investigativo? Essas e outras questões estão no seio desta pesquisa que busca identificar as condições de possibilidade da emergência dos discursos sobre o jornalismo investigativo em nosso país e, principalmente, esclarecer as apropriações que foram feitas a partir deles. Nosso intuito era compreender as definições de jornalismo investigativo que têm sido trabalhadas na bibliografia nacional à luz das disputas que tomam forma no interior do campo jornalístico. Partimos da análise de obras teóricas sobre o tema, de coletâneas de reportagens investigativas e de fontes documentais (como resultados de premiações, dados de associações etc.) para levantarmos definições, referências e apropriações do discurso do \"jornalismo investigativo\" em nosso país. Ao longo da pesquisa - que se focou na análise de obras publicadas principalmente entre 1970 e 2010 - conseguimos identificar três eixos nos quais as definições de JI poderiam ser divididas (um com foco no papel ativo do jornalista, outro com foco na função de denúncia e um terceiro que considera o jornalismo investigativo um pleonasmo) e, pelo menos, três usos diferentes dessa especialidade jornalística: ora ela aparece como sinônimo de grande reportagem, ora está identificada com o jornalismo policial e, após a redemocratização e a profissionalização do jornalismo brasileiro, ela será mais identificada com o escândalo político. Argumentamos que cada um desses deslocamentos de sentido, que por vezes são muito sutis e não necessariamente lineares, podem ser entendidos como posicionamentos diante de acontecimentos e transformações que ocorreram no período: o fim da censura prévia e o início da abertura política do regime militar, o crescimento do papel das Relações Públicas e das assessorias de imprensa, as regulamentações profissionais e o desenvolvimento do ensino de jornalismo, bem como as reformas editoriais em grandes veículos de comunicação. Compreendendo essas disputas e tendo em vista as transformações que as novas mídias estão promovendo no campo, defendemos uma nova compreensão do jornalismo investigativo, em termos de sua posição em relação à esfera do poder, que recusa os critérios puramente baseados nos métodos de apuração ou nos seus efeitos. / What are the definitions of investigative journalism in Brazil? In professional practice, which distinguishes it from ordinary journalism and other specialties of the area? What are the acclaim criteria of a journalist as an investigative reporter? These and other questions are at the core of this research that seeks to identify the emergence conditions of discourses on investigative journalism in our country, and, primarily, clarify the appropriations made from them. Our aim was to understand the investigative journalism definitions that have been put forth in the national bibliography in light of disputes that take shape within the journalistic field. We started from the analysis of theoretical works on the subject, investigative reports collections and documentary sources (such as results of awards, associations data etc.) to gather definitions, references and appropriations of the \"investigative journalism\" discourse in our country. During the research - which focused on the analysis of works published mainly between 1970 and 2010 - we were able to identify three areas in which IJ definitions could be divided (one focusing on the journalist\'s active role, the other focusing on the denunciation function and a third part who considers investigative journalism pleonastic) and at least three different uses of this journalistic branch: sometimes it appears as synonymous with cover story, occasionally it is identified with police reporting and, after the democratization and professionalization of Brazilian journalism, it will be identified with political scandal. We argue that each of these shifts of direction, which are sometimes very subtle and not necessarily linear, can be understood as stances regarding events and changes that occurred during the period such as: the end of censorship and the beginning of the political relaxation of the military regime, the growth of the role of Public Relations and press offices, professional regulations and development of journalism education, as well as editorial reform in major media outlets. Understanding these disputes and in light of the changes in the field promoted by the media, we advocate a new understanding of investigative journalism, in terms of its position in relation to the power sphere, a sphere that refuses criteria based purely based on the reporting methods or its effects.

Pour une mésoéconomie de l'émergence de la bioéconomie : représentations, patrimoines productifs collectifs et stratégies d'acteurs dans la régulation d'une chimie doublement verte / Toward a mesoeconomic analysis of the emergence of a bioeconomy : collective heritages and actors strategies in the régulation of a doubly green chemistry

Befort, Nicolas 25 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse, à partir d’une démarche mésoéconomique régulationniste et évolutionniste, l’émergence d’un espace économique. Les acteurs l’ont baptisé « bioéconomie », à partir d’interprétations divergentes du terme. Cet espace se différencie des façons traditionnelles de se représenter la division du travail en secteurs (la chimie, l’agriculture, l’énergie). Les acteurs qui cherchent à constituer cet espace les recomposent dans un champ original et spécifique. Ce champ est fondé sur l’usage de ressources renouvelables végétales, animales et algales. Les acteurs constituant le champ se proposent d’être une « industrie des industries ». Ils fourniraient, non pas des produits finaux, mais des produits intermédiaires, agro-alimentaires ou destinés à la chimie, aux matériaux et à l’énergie. Ce champ ne comprend pas par exemple le photovoltaïque. La bioéconomie recompose les relations entre agriculture et chimie, en (re)faisant de la première un fournisseur de la seconde. Nous mobilisons la notion de régimes de production de connaissances et d’activités économiques pour décrire la diversité des promesses technologiques faites par les acteurs. Nous montrons alors que la bioéconomie ne peut se réduire à la « révolution biotechnologique ». Trois grandes visions de la bioéconomie se confrontent. A un niveau plus fin, on présente trois cas de cette diversité. Les acteurs portent une « économie des promesses » à partir de leurs patrimoines productifs collectifs respectifs qu’ils cherchent à reproduire et projeter dans le futur. Cela donne lieu, de leur part, à un travail de problématisation de l’espace de la bioéconomie, qui détermine leur allocation de ressources. / This thesis analyses the emergence of a new economic space from a mesoeconomic regulationist and evolutionist approach. This space has been called "bioeconomy" by the actors after divergent and conflictual interpretations of this concept. This economic space differs from the traditional ways of representing the division of labour into sectors (chemistry, agriculture, energy). The actors involved in seeking to define this space are reconstructing these sectors into an original and specific field, which is built on the use of biobased plant, animal and algal renewable resources. These actors consider themselves to be becoming the "industry of industries". Thus, instead of providing end products, they produce intermediates for agro- or chemical industries, materials or energy. The field does not cover photovoltaic electricity. Therefore, bioeconomy is a recomposition of the relationships between agriculture and chemistry in which the former becomes the supplier for the latter. We use the concept of the regimes of production of knowledge and of economic activity to describe the diversity of the technological promises made by the actors involved. We show, therefore, that bioeconomy cannot be reduced to the biotechnological revolution. Three broad views of bioeconomy emerge. At a deeper level, we present here three case studies to illustrate this diversity. The actors are weighed down by an "economy of promises" based on their own productive heritages that they are trying to reproduce and project into the future. This leads them to problematize the bioeconomy space in order to determine their resource allocations.

Tutorialistic Gameplay : A comparison to restrictive explicit tutorials in a hard fun game of emergence

Ran, Andreas Ran January 2014 (has links)
This report investigates if tutorials are necessary in a hard fun game of emergence with tutorialistic gameplay. This is done by comparing the performances of players who have and have not played a tutorial. The study is based on research of the classification of different kinds of games as well as research regarding the effect of tutorials on player experience. The terms tutorialistic gameplay and restrictive tutorials are introduced and defined. The method used for data collection was a game that automatically recorded performance data at one minute intervals. This performance data was then compiled and analysed to answer the research question: How does learning through tutorialistic gameplay affect player performance innormal gameplay compared to learning through restrictive tutorials in a hard fun game of emergence? Not enough results were received to answer the question, but they show examples of learning through tutorialistic gameplay having both positive and negative effects.


Machado, Rodrigo Tascheto 31 January 2014 (has links)
The knowledge of spatial distribution in weed populations allows site specific management that can entail economic benefits of materials, and preservation of the environment. The objective of this study is to evaluate the emergence flow, spatial distribution with utilization of maps, and chemical and mechanical management on horseweed (Conyza bonariensis and Conyza Canadensis) resistant to herbicide glyphosate. The first analysis has samples from previously harvested soybean sites in the municipality of Cruz Alta and São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; with an area of 9.47 and of 4.98 ha, respectively. The samples were taken from each sample point of 0.50 x 0.50m by counting the number of horseweed presented. The analysis of the spatial distribution was done with semivariograms in different emergence flows of horseweed with a map generated by the software program ArcGis 9.3, and spatial dependence was estimated by classification of Cambardella et al. (1994). The second analysis consisted of six treatments: two mechanical managements (plowing followed by harrowing and harrowing one-way); three chemical managements (glyphosate + 2,4-D®, glyphosate + saflufenacil, and glyphosate alone), and a control without management. The weeds Conyza bonariensis and Conyza canadensis presented in the experimental area were in the reproductive phase with an average height of 75cm and 80% soil coverage. The evaluation of the experiment was performed in 7, 14 and 28 days after application of treatment (DAT). The treatment of glyphosate alone was unsuccessful, thus confirming that the weeds have developed a resistance to the chemical. The combinations between the herbicides of 2,4-D® and saflufenacil with glyphosate propitiated significant increases in the control of horseweed. The mechanical management (plowing followed by harrowing) obtained total control of horseweed. The chemical treatments, with exception to glyphosate, can be recommended for the management of horseweed in pre-sowed soybeans. / O conhecimento da distribuição espacial das populações daninhas permite ações de manejo localizado, que podem ocasionar o benefício da economia de insumos e da preservação da qualidade do ambiente. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o fluxo de emergência, a distribuição espacial com a utilização de mapas e o manejo químico e mecânico para o controle de buva (Conyza bonariensis e Conyza canadensis) resistente ao herbicida glifosato. O primeiro capítulo apresenta amostragens realizadas na entressafra da cultura da soja, nos municípios de Cruz Alta e São Gabriel, RS, Brasil, em área de 9,47 ha e de 4,98 ha, respectivamente. As amostragens de buva foram realizadas em cada ponto amostral através da contagem de plantas de buva no interior do quadro amostral com dimensões de 0,50 x 0,50m. A análise da variabilidade espacial foi feita com semivariogramas nos diferentes fluxos de emergência de buva, os mapas foram gerados com o programa computacional ArcGis 9.3, e a dependência espacial estimada pela classificação de Cambardella et al. (1994). A distribuição espacial de buva apresenta dependência espacial nas duas áreas analisadas em seus respectivos fluxos de emergência. Os grides amostrais utilizados foram apropriados para caracterizar a distribuição espacial de buva. No segundo capítulo, o ensaio foi constituído por seis tratamentos; dois manejos mecânicos (aração seguida de gradagem e gradagem em sentido único) e três manejos químicos (associações entre glifosato + 2,4 D, glifosato + saflufenacil e glifosato isolado), além de uma testemunha (sem controle). As plantas daninhas presentes na área de experimento foram Conyza bonariensis e Conyza canadensis em fase reprodutiva, com altura média de 75cm, e com 80% de cobertura do solo. As avaliações de controle foram realizadas aos 7, 14 e 28 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos (DAT). O tratamento do herbicida glifosato isolado não obteve êxito, confirmando assim, a suspeita de resistência da planta daninha alvo. As combinações entre os herbicidas 2,4-D e saflufenacil associados ao glifosato propiciaram incremento significativo no controle de plantas de buva. O manejo mecânico (aração + gradagem) obteve controle total. Estes tratamentos, com excessão do glifosato aplicado isolado, podem ser recomendados para o manejo de buva em pré-semeadura da cultura da soja.

L'émergence des relations avec les investisseurs dans les sociétés cotées d'un pays en transition : le cas de la Roumanie / The emergence of investor relations in listed companies in a country in transition period : the case of Romania

Sandu, Raluca 16 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse essaie de comprendre comment ont émergé les relations avec les investisseurs dans le contexte de la transition vers l’économie de marché, en s’appuyant sur le cas de la Roumanie. La recherche aboutit à la construction d’une généalogie des relations avec les investisseurs, tissant des histoires variées, fondée sur des études de cas, des témoignages et des données secondaires. Dans le contexte du capitalisme « qui se réinvente » à travers l’expérience de la transition, l’explication de la diffusion mécanique des pratiques ne peut pas satisfaire, car elle ignore les facteurs politiques et socioculturels. L’émergence des relations avec les investisseurs, en tant que pratique, fonction dans l’organisation et métier, se définit ainsi par le réseau qui se crée, par les alliances faites et défaites, enfin par la densité et la puissance des relations entre les différents acteurs. En problématisant la rupture représentée par la révolution, nous montrons que les relations avec les investisseurs n’émergent pas dans un vide. Pour cela, nous étudions le pont qui se crée entre l’époque communiste et l’économie de marché, en mettant surtout en avant le rôle de liant des professeurs, en absence d’une profession organisée. Ensuite, à travers trois études de cas d’entreprises cotées à la Bourse de Valeurs de Bucarest, nous montrons que les relations avec les investisseurs sont transformées lors de leur transport en contexte local et qu’elles transforment à leur tour les organisations et les acteurs individuels. / The aim of the present PhD dissertation is to understand the way in which investor relations have emerged in the context of transition to the market economy, based on the case of Romania. The research results into a genealogy of investor relations, through different intertwining stories, on the basis of case studies, testimonies and secondary data. In the context of capitalism “reinventing itself” in transition, the mechanical diffusion of practices is not a satisfactory explanation, as it ignores political and socio-cultural factors. The emergence of investor relations, considered as a practice, as a function within organizations, and as a profession, is to be defined by the networks created, by the alliances that are formed and broken, by the density and strength of the relations between the various actors. By problematizing the fracture represented by the revolution, we show that investor relations do not appear inside a vacuum. For this purpose, we are studying the bridge between the communist era and the free market economy, stressing especially the importance of professors, in the absence of organized professional bodies. Then, through the means of three case studies of companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, we show that investor relations are transformed by their travel into the local context, and end by transforming the organizations and the individual actors.

Emergence in the self-organizing city : a multi-functional intervention

Britz, Etienne Francois 16 November 2007 (has links)
The dissertation looks at the city as an emergent product of the lower-level activities of the city components. City components refer to the smaller elements which make up the fabric of a city like buildings, roads, inhabitants, cars etc. Lower-level activities refer to the interaction between these components, and define the consequential feedback into the city as a whole. An understanding of these aspects of emergence allows for the identification of tools and guidelines which, in turn, forms the basis for design and building performance criteria. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Architecture / unrestricted

Vigour of fungicide-treated and untreated maize seed following storage

Govender, Veloshinie 18 November 2008 (has links)
An assessment of the effect that conventional storage structures, used by smallscale farmers in northern Kwa-Zulu Natal and southern Mozambique, had on germination and vigour of maize seeds was conducted. The survey confirmed that the methods of storing the seed decreased the quality of the maize seeds. Storing maize in the field was good as a short-term solution as initial germination was 100%. Following storage at suboptimum conditions, germination dropped to 25.3%. Commercially treated maize seeds were compared to the test samples collected. After storage, the commercially treated seeds maintained a germination percentage above 75. Untreated maize seeds were treated with fungicides at the recommended dosages. Thereafter the seeds were subjected to germination and vigour tests according to methods outlined by the International Seed Testing Association. All treatments maintained percentage germination above 75. Apron® XL had the highest percentage germination of 83. This trend was also found following the cold test and greenhouse emergence. None of the treatments differed significantly from the control. In this study none of the treatments caused major imbibition damage as indicated by the percentage weight increase and the low leachate conductivity (1012-1271 ìScm-1g-1). The effect of accelerated ageing (AA, 2 and 4 days) and long-term storage (3 and 6 months) on germination and vigour of treated maize seeds was investigated. In the untreated control and treatments there was a gradual decrease in germination following ageing and storage of the seeds. Apron® XL failed to germinate after 3 months. The decrease in germination was mirrored by the leachate conductivity readings. Thiram was the only treatment to maintain germination after 6 months storage. The seeds were planted in two greenhouse trials to assess the performance of the treatments in vivo. The first trial evaluated the emergence and second the emergence and control of Fusarium graminearum. Results from the first trial showed that following 2 d AA, seeds treated with Thiram had the highest percentage emergence (70.7) followed by Celest® XL (68) and the untreated control (62.7). Following inoculation, a similar trend was seen for the treatments and the untreated control. In relation to the percentage seedlings emerged, the control had the highest percentage diseased seedlings. Celest® XL had the lowest percentage diseased seedlings (10, 2 and 1) but failed to germinate after 6 months storage. Thiram was the only treatment to emerge after 6 months storage. The ultrastructural changes in embryonic roots of the untreated control, Celest® XL and Apron® XL were investigated using transmission electron microscopy. These seeds were subjected to 48 hr rapid imbibition and 2 d AA. The most obvious difference between the untreated control, Apron® XL and Celest® XL was the number and position of the vacuoles. In contrast the lipid layer was still attached to the cell wall in the Apron® XL and Celest® XL treatments but in the untreated control they appeared more concentrated in the cytoplasm. This study proved that Thiram was the best treatment among the fungicides tested. However, these results need to be confirmed using a larger range of maize seed lots. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Microbiology and Plant Pathology / unrestricted

Recover : an investigation into a possible counter strategy that challenges destructive spatial practices in contested urban territories by cultivating networks of opportunity (applied in a South African urban context)

Van der Wath, Elana 26 November 2008 (has links)
An investigation into a possible counter strategy that challenges destructive spatial practices in contested urban territories by cultivating networks of opportunity. The study focusses on interventions that deal with the micro level and is applied in a South African urban context, specifically Festival Street in Hatfield, Pretoria. / Dissertation (MInt(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Architecture / unrestricted

Analyse économique de l'émergence et du développement d'une offre privée de soins en Algérie / Economic analysis of emergence and development of private healthcare in Algeria

Zehnati, Ahcène 08 June 2014 (has links)
En Algérie, le champ de la santé s’est modifié avec l’émergence et l’extension du secteur privé des soins à but lucratif dans ses deux composantes : cliniques privées et médecine de ville, mettant ainsi fin à l’hégémonie durant trois décennies du secteur public. Un système de soins hybride en a résulté où un secteur public caractérisé par de multiples dysfonctionnements semble nourrir un secteur privé en pleine croissance. Cette dynamique s’opère dans un contexte de transition plurielle : une transition économique mal assumée, une transition sociologique avec une forte urbanisation, une rapide transition démographique, une transition épidémiologique en cours et une transition politique toujours en suspens. Les interactions entre les stratégies individuelles des professionnels de santé et les éléments contextuels ont déterminé les évolutions du système de santé algérien. Les cliniques privées comme nouvelle figure dans le paysage sanitaire sont des structures innovantes dans le sens où de nouvelles méthodes d’organisation et de travail, des modalités de coopération inhabituelles et des modes de coordination inédits ont émergé en rupture avec les modes de fonctionnement anciens créant ainsi une dynamique collective entre médecins et patients. Elles attirent aussi bien les médecins, en quête de compléments de revenus, que les patients à la recherche d’une rapide prise en charge, évitant les longues attentes dans le secteur public. Au fonctionnement cloisonné du système de soins se substitue un fonctionnement en réseau dans les rapports entre les différents acteurs au gré des affinités, des sensibilités et des intérêts financiers. / In Algeria, the health field has changed with the emergence and expansion of the private healthcare sector profit in its two components: private clinics and physicians in liberal, thus ending the hegemony over three decades the public sector. A hybrid system where care has resulted in a public sector characterized by multiple failures seems to feed a growing private sector. This dynamic occurs in the context of a plural transition: an unplanned economic transition, a sociological transition with a strong urbanization, rapid demographic transition, an epidemiological transition and ongoing political transition still pending. Interactions between individual strategies of health professionals and the contextual elements have determined the evolution of the Algerian health system. The private clinics as new figure in the healthcare landscape reveals innovative structures in the sense that, new methods of organization and working with unusual interaction and coordination modes that emerged out leading to a drift from the old operating mode systems creating a collective dynamics between doctors and patients. They attract both doctors, looking for additional income, patients in search of an immediate and better care, try to avoid long waiting list in the public sector. The enclosed operating care system is replaced by an operation network in relation between the various actors in the healthcare system according to affinities, sensitivities and financial interests.

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