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Vliv nákupního prostředí při pořizování spodního prádlaKrňávková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with an issue of shopping environment in the shops with lingerie. The main task of the thesis is to propose marketing measures which will help to create a suitable environment in the lingerie´s shops and to make the whole purchasing process easier for buyers and sellers as well. The thesis is focused on identifying the factors, emotions and feelings that affect´s and influence the customer during the purchasing process. It deals also with determining the impact of individual elements on the customer of shopping environment of the lingerie´s shops. Qualitative and quantitative research was used by utilizing in-depth interviews with potential customers (n = 31) and questionnaire survey (n = 326). Mystery shopping (n = 10) was performed as a complement to the research. Research results shows´ that customers are most affected by shop staff and the biggest problem during shopping is trying lingerie.
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Konstrukce identity v emocionální kultuře / Constuction of Identity in the Emotional CulturePrýmková, Karolína January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis Construstion of Identity in the Emotional Culture deals with possible changes in the construction of identity of man after the fall of the millenium. The thesis stems from Eva Illouz's description of society which states that our present society is unprecedently emotional and rational at the same time. The goal of this thesis is to advocate the intitial statement, that in this organization of society the main source for construction of identity is no longer the consumption of material goods as it put notable social theorists since the second half of the twentienth century. I do not state that this remarkable era is fully over now, but I would like to point out, that consumption of material goods is loosing its strength in the process of identity construction due to the overall increasing living standards and mainly due to the fragmentarization of lifestyles. Considering the unprecedently high level of penetration of our society with emotion I consider them to be the new source of identity creation.
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Emotions and utility maximizationAbraham, Diya Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to examine the role of emotion as it pertains to the utility maximization problem and make an argument for incorporating emotion into economic models of decision-making. It further aims to demonstrate by means of a social experiment how specific emotions influence intertemporal judgment. The results from the experiment reveal that in line with previously documented findings, incidental sadness increases the level of economic impatience. However contrary to theoretical predictions, the prosocial emotion of compassion cannot be used as a tool to reduce economic impatience. In fact there is evidence to indicate that compassion, in some situations, is not reliably different from sadness in terms of its influence on economic impatience and can therefore be detrimental to economic wellbeing.
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Identifikace emočního výrazu podle fotografií a podle krátkých videozáznamů / Identification of emotional expression from photographs and by short video recordingJiřištová, Kamila January 2011 (has links)
and keywords This thesis is focused on identification of emotional expression in the human face. The theoretical part deals with the introduction to the emotions, expression of basic emotions characteristics and emotion recognition. The empirical part is concerned with the research of emotion identification from photographs and short movie swatches. The aim of this thesis is to evidence the importance of knowing the context of the situation while recognising the emotions. In the research I focused the attention on the six basic emotions (fear, anger, sadness, surprise, joy and disgust/contempt). The research confirmed my assumptions only partially: the knowledge of the context of the situation facilitates identification of some emotions, but some make the identification significantly more difficult (some emotional expressions in the context of the situation were not recognized at all). Keywords: emotions, basic emotions, identification of emotions, emotional expression in the face, context
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Emoční paradox schizofrenního okruhu / The emotion-paradox in schizophrenia spectrum dispordersKeřková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
THE EMOTION-PARADOX 1 Abstract The emotion-paradox in schizophrenia describes a dissociation between the grossly impaired perception of emotion and relatively preserved experience thereof. Most posit that the emotion-paradox arises from a generalized emotion perception impairment. Others counter that it represents an artefact of methodological restrictions or a separate dissociation between explicit and implicit emotion. This thesis aimed to explain the emotion-paradox in schizophrenia and resolve the competing interpretations of its root. Two studies were conducted to this end. The studies drew from the same sample, including 45 persons with schizophrenia of various symptomatology, and 45 controls with no psychiatric anamnesis or familial history of schizophrenia. The groups did not differ in age, gender, education or music education. In Study 1, the participants listened to musical stimuli and rated their perception and experience of the valence and arousal that these stimuli relayed. In Study 2, the participants completed a newly developed emotional Stroop task, in which they identified the colour of a series of neutral and negative descriptors of positive, negative, or no symptoms of schizophrenia. Findings of Study 1 indicated: a) that persons with schizophrenia recognize musical emotions as accurately...
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Práce s emocemi v televizní reklamě / Work with emotions in television commercialsPeňázová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Work with emotions in television commercials" deals with the role of emotions in the persuasion processes of television commercials. The introductory part addresses the general characteristics of advertising with the focus on specifics of television commercials. Second chapter deals with the way, in which advertising messages influence their audience, and the factors which determine this influence. The following part focuses on the role of emotions in the commercial persuasion processes. It also involves a brief excursion into the history of use of emotions in advertising. Fourth chapter is in a way an extension of the previous chapter, because it deals with the role of emotions as one of the sources of consumer's purchase motivation. What follows, is the theoretical part devoted to the work with emotions in television commercials. It is divided into two chapters. First one deals with the way, in which commercial creators use the emotions, and which commercial models do they apply. The second one describes their work with particular emotional appeals, such as visual and acoustic effects, fear, humour, sexuality, or the presence of children. The closing part is the practical research itself. It contains the analyses of specific television commercial spots, based on the previous theoretical...
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Tibetský léčebný systém Kum Nye a možnosti jeho využití / Tibetan Curing System of Kum Nye and the Possibilities of its ApplicationSoumarová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Title: Tibetan curing system of Kum Nye and the possibilities of its application Objectives: The aim of this work is to present a comprehensive view of the Tibetan healing system called Kum Nye. The first part introduces Buddhism as the general basis of Kum Nye, some other basic spiritual principles, the historical background of Kum Nye, and the relationships between these three bases of Kum Nye. The aim of the second part is to explain the therapeutic effect of the system and to present ways of its practice, which are specially modified for the mentality and the way of life of Western society by the Tibetan lama Targhang Tulku. This part is enriched by the author's personal experience from a course of Kum Nye. The concluding part of the work sums up the salient aspects of Kum Nye, presents possibilities for its use, critically evaluates the therapeutic effects and limitations of the system, and makes suggestions for further research. Keywords: Buddhism, breathing exercises, emotions, Kum Nye, stress
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Afekt a výraz v osvícenské společnosti / Affect and expression in the society of enlightenmentSmyčka, Václav January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with the changes of rhetorical education and emotional orders in the second half of the 18th century. The aim of the research is to assess the relations among language education, funtions of medias, anthropological models and expression of emotions on the Threshold of enlightenment. The background of the research shapes the transformation of rhetorical tradition. The research of the broad field of pedagogical, rhetorical and moral discurs is focused on the collegium of Karl Heinrich Seibt.
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Strategie zvládání stresu u plavců různé výkonnosti / Strategy of dealing with the stress of the swimmers with different sport capacityPůlpánová, Bohdana January 2015 (has links)
Title: Strategy of dealing with the stress of the swimmers with different sport capacity Aim of the work: This diploma thesis is aimed to assess the strategy of dealing with stress of selected swimmers' groups. The recreational swimmers regularly practising swimming and the competitive as well as elite swimmers undergoing a regular training were the selected subjects of examination. Methods: In this work, there was used a SVF 78 questionnaire method with the electronic data collection. The questionnaire was processed through tabulation and written description. We were seeking to find the structure of stress dealing of the swimmers' groups and to find differences in strategies of dealing with stress of the particular groups as well as potential differences from the normal values. Results: As the statistic interpretation of the sum total of negative strategies demonstrates the strategies are more reflected in the weaker swimmers, both the female and male recreational ones. Within the positive strategies the diversion from the normal values was higher both for men and women. A growth of variability of dealing with stress situations along with a decreasing swimming performance is apparent at both men and women (higher values of the standard deviation). In total, men use the strategy "control of the...
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Nástroje seberozvoje v kontextu personálního řízení / Self-development tools in the context of personnel managementSvobodová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The final diploma thesis of Pedagogy Specialization studing programme, Education Management studing field deals with a Self-development issue and its tools in the context of personnel management. This thesis examines the applicability possibilities of individual tools, methods and techniques used as a standard in personnel management as another possible tool of self-development. The aim of this thesis is a self-development evaluation mean by managerial work in the context of personnel management, including the applicability of self-development in the form of personnel management tool itself and the subsequent of company development. There are real examples of self-development possible tools across scientific disciplines In the practical part. The work presents the introspection results leading to an active self-development and provides concrete examples of patterns handling with self-development tools. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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