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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Terapie duše pomocí práce s tělem / Soul therapy during the bodywork

Králová, Lada January 2012 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Husitská teologická fakulta Diplomová práce TERAPIE DUŠE POMOCÍ PRÁCE S TĚLEM BODYTERAPIE Praha, 2012 Bc. Lada Králová Univerzita Karlova v Praze Husitská teologická fakulta Diplomová práce TERAPIE DUŠE POMOCÍ PRÁCE S TĚLEM BODYTERAPIE THERAPY OF THE SOUL BY BODYWORK BODYTHERAPY Vedoucí práce: Autor: PaedDr. Mgr. Hana Žáčková Bc. Lada Králová Praha 2012 Na tomto míst bych ráda pod kovala vedoucí diplomové práce paní PaedDr. Mgr. Haně Žáčkové za cenné připomínky. Prohlášení Prohla uji, e jsem tuto diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatn a výhradn s pou itím citovaných pramen , literatury a dal ích odborných zdroj . v Praze, dne 27. června 2012 Lada Králová Anotace Diplomová práce se zabývá bodyterapií, psychoterapií zaměřenou na tělo. Teoretická část je rozdělena do pěti oddílů, z nichž první část seznamuje s bodyterapií a historií terapeutických přístupů práce s tělem. Druhá ást práce je zaměřena na bioenergetiku a pojetí tělesného konceptu, kterého využívá právě bodyterapie. V další ásti práce se v nujeme rozpoznávání signálů z těla, jako je řeč těla a organismický pohled na osobnost. Ve čtvrté části práce blíže specifikujeme jednotlivé charakterové typy člověka. V posledním oddíle se zabýváme zejména psychoterapeutickou intervencí zaměřenou na tělo. Praktická část mapuje...

Autotelické prožívání při překovánání lanových překážek / Autotelic experiences in overcoming ropes courses

Kverka, Václav January 2011 (has links)
Title: Autotelic experiences in overcoming ropes obstacles. Resource: The purpose of this study was to determine whether and to what extent people experience flow in overcoming ropes obstacles and how their flow is affected by their previous experiences from other sports. Methods: Polling had one hundred and fifty respondents who were regular visitors to the rope sling. Polling was carried out immediately after crossing the rope obstacles using a questionnaire-Flow Kurzskala (FCS). The data obtained were divided into individual files, depending on the hypotheses posed. Using the Student's distribution, it was determined if there is a statistically significant difference in mean values of the individual files and then the related hypothesis was accepted. Results: Carried out testing showed a statistically significant difference in the flow experience in the rope obstacles park in a group of adolescents and adults. Also showed a difference between sportsmen who are engaged in everyday life competition sports and sports oriented on performance, unlike sportsmen doing collective and individual sports where a statistically significant difference in mean values did not show. The assumption of achieving different values in flow of men and women was not proved, as well as the influence of previous...

Psychologická příprava ve sportovním plavání / Psychological training at the sports swimming

Mička, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
Title of work Psychological training at the sports swimming Goal of work Goal of work is to ascertain the degree of foreknowledge and the utilization of the psychological training as well as managing the emotive condition in contest situations at sports swimming. The role of the research object played the men and women swimmers of the representative teams of the Czech Republic. Techniques and methodology Collection of dates is based on a questionnaire survey. This questionnaire survey was put together for the sake of the goal's purpose and revised by specialists at psychology and swimming. The gained data are presented by means of the quantitive projection in the chart and graphic form. Outcome The final outcome proves a certain cognizance of the competitive swimmers about the relevance of the psychological training. But by most of them is the psychological training considered as insufficient. Only few of the respondents take the advantage of coactions with a sports psychologist. The most frequented psychological methods used by swimmers are - verbal influencing, self-regulatory resources and music incentive. Key words Swimming, psychological training methods, contest condition, emotions.

Psychofyziologické koreláty emocí a paměti / Psychophysiological correlates of emotion and memory

Jindrová, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
The first aim was to determine the baseline psychophysiological correlates in healthy subjects as a first necessary step towards the long-term goal of application the psychophysiological techniques in diagnostics mood and cognitive disorders. The second aim was to establish an easily applicable set of tests for evaluating emotional and memory processes by non-invasive psychophysiological methods. EEG, GSR, and eye-tracking data from 100 participants without any neurological or psychiatric disorders were obtained during watching affective pictures and performing memory tests. The spectral powers were computed for each 500 ms of the stimuli in theta, alpha, beta1, beta2 and beta3 bands in 12 areas of the brain. Lower alpha and higher beta3 power was related to higher emotional intensity. Negative emotions were distinguished in spatio-temporal changes of beta1 power and positive emotions showed higher beta3 power in right temporal region. Memory encoding showed higher alpha power. Lower theta and higher alpha power in central regions and overall increase of beta bands were observed during successful memory retrieval. A summary of spatio-temporal spectral correlates to emotional and memory processes was provided by this work. Key words: Electroencephalography, electrodermal activity, psychophysiology,...

Vliv tělesných cvičení na změny nálad / Effect of physical exercise on mood changes

LÍSA, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Aim of paper is to find out what effects do physical exercises have on the psychical part of the person. Theoretical part speaks about psychology and emotions from the psychical view, and also from the biological view. It speaks about the effect of sport, group mentality and the way people in a group perceive the sport. It also mentions biological processes in the body and the substances that are made during the physical exertion. Methodical parts speaks about how we will put out hypothesis to the test. That is how, where, how long and under what circumstances will we do our experiement, and how will we evaluate it. Conclution is made of results, which containt tables and graphs with collected data and their explanation in text, evaluation and personal comments. Annexes contain the prototype of the used questionnaire. Results showed, that theoretical hypothesis, that physical activities are beneficial for a human, and statistical hypothesis both proved correct, and statistical one in 83,3% of the cases.

Reprezentace osobnosti v prostředí hry LOTR Online prostřednictvím jazykových a mimojazykových prostředků / Representation of Personality in the Online PC Game Lord of the Rings Online by linguistic and extraliguistic means

DOUCHOVÁ, Marcela January 2017 (has links)
My Bachelor's thesis aimed at a standard lexical analysis carried out by the means of Del Hymes model. The MMORPG platform of the game Lord of the Rings Online served as a linguistic data collection point. Therefore, the analysis was one of mediated communication. The presented Master's thesis directly resumes the previous one. Mediated communication is even three years later still a widely discussed topic. Its understanding is deepening and its perception is continuously being refined. Nowadays, an analytical description of a linguistic phenomenon cannot be sufficient for an up-to-date thesis. Owing to recent research and new models of enquiry a deeper insight into the text is possible as well as message and communication analysis at a strictly quantitative level. Thanks to the work of people such as Joseph B. Walther, Daantje Derks or Victor Savicky one can immerse in a research reaching far beyond the linguistic element of the communication, and therefore start to examine the alluring paralingual depths inside the communication mediated via computers. Such a depth approach opens up a lot of questions. What exactly is hidden in the text? What information can be acquired through the text which is not communicated in primary code? This thesis formulates several research questions which crystalised out of my long-lasting experience with the game and the MESSAGE produced there. These questions are supplied with lingustic evidence available to the author. The presented thesis does not aim only at providing a handbook for using a specific type of communication. The aim comprises of a depth insight into the message and of finding proofs the message exhibits such traits which reveal its author. This thesis strives to prove that the product of mediated communication is capable of completing the notion of the communicating person at least as efficiently, though by different means, as the paraverbal means in face-to-face communication.

Vliv televizní reklamy na spotřebitelské chování dospělých / The Influence of TV Advertisement on Consumer Behavior of Adults

JÍROVÁ, Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is specialized on issue of influence of not only TV advertising on adult consumers, especially from the point of view of psychology. At first, in the theoretical part, besides the important characteristics of advertising and marketing communication, the thesis deals with basic milestones in the history of advertising and its connection with psychology. The next chapters are focused on models of consumer behavior and the personal characteristics of consumers are analyzed on the base of their main sociocultural characteristics. Attention is also paid to the important psychological concepts associated with advertising such as perception, attention, memory, association and forgetting. Part of the thesis focuses on emotional advertising appeals and it devotes with the effects of emotions, colours and humor in advertising on consumers. Practical part of the thesis is based on quantitative research, which confirms or rejects the theoretical background. Effect of emotions is illustrated on a selected TV commercial, which is part of a questionnaire filled in by respondents from the Highland region and South Bohemia region.

Dynamika změn aktivační úrovně jako komponenta motorické docility / Dynamic changes of arousal as component of motor docility

Benešová, Daniela January 2011 (has links)
Title: The dynamic of changes of the arousal level like the component of motory docility. Objectives: The aim of this disertation work is to detect if there has been the relationship between the dynamic of changes of the arousal and the effectiveness of sensomotory learning (motory docility). Along with the next complementary examinations we would like to formulate proposals how to diagnose the motory docility. Thete is derivate from the subject"s ability to control its psychophysiology processes during the executing of unknown coordination task. Methods: The arousal of subject was objectificate throuth test of bimanual coordination, test of "mirror drawing" and expert testimony of motory docility. Results: It was detect, that the changes of arousal influence the running and quality of the sensomotory learning. Obtained data are corresponding with the expert testimory of motory docility. Keywords: electrodermal activity, coordination ability, sensomotory learning

Performing the Machine and the Theatre without Actor / Performance stroje a divadlo bez herců

Dumas, Elie Dominique January 2017 (has links)
Když jsem se začínal zajímat o umění, ihned jsem byl fascinován emocemi a zkušenostmi, které vám Umění může přinést. Vliv umění mne inspiroval odjakživa. Prozkoumával jsem mnohé zkušenosti a koncepty světa ve snaze změnit naše vize a stav mysli. Zkušenosti s formou a prostorem v umění vytvářejí nový svět v naší mysli, což je ideální způsob k procítění emoce Uměleckého Díla. V dnešní době je zapotřebí probudit představivost v myslích lidí, kteří jsou často sobečtí a frustrovaní. Od začátku století je koncepce světa v umění falešná, postrádající citlivost, a proto musíme dokázat, že svět může být zachráněn. V dnešní době je zapotřebí býti frustrovaný, unavený, ustrašený, nemocný, šťastný a v lásce. V tomto novém věku moderních strojů a vyspělých technologií chceme zažívat nové zkušenosti. Jsme závislí na sledování představ v realitě. Což je i pro mne způsob, jak cítit emoce.

Tělové vnímání v herecké pedagogice a v dramatické výchově / Body perception in acting and in drama in education

Skuhrovcová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes what the body perception is, how it works, and how it is used in acting. Further the thesis deals with possibilities of development of body perception through drama in education. How is possible to develop the body perception through drama in education. The inspiration is taken from the work of Michail Chekhov and Jerzy Grotowski. .

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