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Marketingové řízení firmy / Marketing Management of a CompanyŘičánek, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on cost optimization of individual marketing activities. It contains analysis of these activities in the chosen company including its ratings and suggestions for optimal structure. The outcome of this thesis provides recommendations for its leaders to improve marketing usage in the company.
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Firemní kultura jako cesta ke získání zákazníka / Firm Culture as a Tool for Succesfull Acquiring of a CustomerZahrádková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses in the theoretical part on the concept of corporate culture. It explains its tools and resources focused primarily outwards on existing and potential customers. The practical part contains results of a survey which was conducted at a selected bank. The result is feedback on the form of corporate culture as perceived by the clients themselves, compared with the ideas of the company management. Finally I verify the hypothesis and present a proposal of possible solutions which may help to resolve these shortcomings.
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Algoritmus pro detekci pozitívního a negatívního textu / The algorithm for the detection of positive and negative textMusil, David January 2016 (has links)
As information and communication technology develops swiftly, amount of information produced by various sources grows as well. Sorting and obtaining knowledge from this data requires significant effort which is not ensured easily by a human, meaning machine processing is taking place. Acquiring emotion from text data is an interesting area of research and it’s going through considerable expansion while being used widely. Purpose of this thesis is to create a system for positive and negative emotion detection from text along with evaluation of its performance. System was created with Java programming language and it allows training with use of large amount of data (known as Big Data), exploiting Spark library. Thesis describes structure and handling text from database used as source of input data. Classificator model was created with use of Support Vector Machines and optimized by the n-grams method.
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Role hudby v emoční regulaci / The Role of Music in Emotion RegulationJirásková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The thesis presents the concept of emotion regulation in connection with music and its listening. It deals with the theoretical definition of emotions and in the context of emotion regulation supports the process model following the theory of appraisal. For further description we choose reappraisal strategy, with which is also worked in this research study in the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), which analyses 215 responses from 215 respondents by collecting online study data and finding that three variables predict this strategy, namely discharge (VE), entertainment (Z) and revival (R) of the used questionnaire Music in Mood Regulation (MMR). Furthermore, a negative correlation was found in the strategy of suppression with life satisfaction and a positive correlation of reappraisal with life satisfaction. The thesis by its research outcomes supports connection of ER concept together with mood regulation by music.
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Vyjadřování hodnotících postojů v anglickém novinovém diskurzu / Evaluation in English news discoursePeldová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with evaluation in English newspaper discourse. The corpora analysed were newly created for the purposes of the sub-analyses; they comprise articles from three British online newspapers - three tabloids (the Sun, the Express, the Mirror) and broadsheets (the Telegraph, the Independent, the Guardian). The classification of the thesis' core dimensions of evaluation - opinion and emotion - draws on Appraisal Theory (Martin and White, 2005). The thesis pursues answers to two fundamental questions 1) What means do British online newspapers use to express evaluation? 2) What differences (if any) are there in construing evaluation between the tabloids and the broadsheets? In order to obtain the answers, at first, a small manual analysis of six 'positive' and six 'negative' articles (one from each newspaper) is conducted. Attention is paid to the key word analysis and the word classes expressing evaluation, namely adjectives, nouns, and verbs. Based on the findings, I decided to explore evaluation conveyed by adjectives, in the second part of the study, by employing evaluative adjective lexico- grammatical patterns described by Hunston and Sinclair (2000) and further amended by Bednarek (2007b, 2009). These patterns, which are associated with the dimensions of opinion and emotion, are...
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Filosofické úvahy o umění a pravda / Philosophical Writings on Art and the TruthPoláková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the subject of art (especially music) and its connection to the truth. The effort is also to determine what is meant by the truth. But all this reveals the real and noble goal of this thesis: to try to capture all the questions that arise in connection with art and the truth and trying to search their proper philosophical answers. All this takes place within Friedrich Nietzsche's early philosophy, with his inspirations: Arthur Schopenhauer (we will touch the influence of Kant's philosophy on Schopenhauer's philosophy, too) and the composer and at certain time Nietzsche's personal friend - Richard Wagner, whose lesser known writings will be also introduced. It turns out that these arising questions touch on such topics as: abstract rationality and language in contrast to artistic creativity and direct experience, subjectivity or objectivity in art, the special nature of philosophy, existential issues, and issues of a higher sense of human life. Key words: music, art, truth, affection, reason, myth, drama, tragedy
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Porovnání subjektivního a fyziologického vnímání intenzity prožitku při opakované stimulaci / Comparison of subjective and physiologic perception of experience intensity during repeated stimulationPolanská, Helena January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with experiencing emotions and emotional habituation. The aim of the work was to compare changes in subjectively felt intensity of emotional experience and physiological responses during repeated affective stimulation. In the theoretical part were presented the concepts of affective experience and emotional habituation, their biological basis and methods of investigation. The empirical part is devoted to an experiment in which sets of positive and negative picture (IAPS database) and sets of videos in different order were repeatedly presented to group of 124 people. During the presentation were observed changes in subjective evaluation of stimuli and in physiological responses (skin conductance, skin temperature). The habituation process has been tested with regard to the order of stimuli. The results demonstrated that habituation process were present at a subjective level. Also habituation process occured for the physiological indicator, the skin temperature in the part of group that saw for the first stimulus set of positive videos. The habituation of skin conductance did not appear, on the contrary its values increase with a series of repetitions. There is some probability, that subjective and physiological habituation are independent to each other. Previous affective...
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Rituální prvky v praktikách nezávislých distributorů Herbalife / Ritual elements in the practices of Herbalife Independent DistributorsZemanová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis called "Ritual elements in the practices of Herbalife Independent Distributors" is focused on the manifestations of Randall Collins' interaction rituals on the example of multi-level marketing company - Herbalife. It tries to answer two questions: answer two questions: What does the Herbalife Independent Distributor community hold together? What motivates them to work, when everything is voluntary at Herbalife and they do not have a competitive driving force there? The connecting mechanism of the multi-level marketing structure and interaction rituals are practices of organizational culture. The most important are the physical meetings of members in which interaction rituals take place. By living interaction rituals, Herbalife members produce emotional energy, by which they empower the symbols of organization and the sense of group solidarity. Positive emotional energy has an impact on the cooperation of distributors with the organization, and it affects also their effort to achieve common goals.
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"Jeden za všechny a všichni za jednoho, ale musí to dávat smysl" Etnografie fanoušků mažoretkového sportu / "All for one, one for all, but it needs to make sense" Etnography of majorettes sport fansSoukup, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Baton twirling is a sport industry with a specific fan base. The fan community typically consists of parents and supporting friends of the baton twirling children. Baton twirling represents a significant socializing environment for both children and their enthusiastic parents and friends - fans. The social status and the role of fans within this community are subject to a symbolic capital in the form of experience and knowledge of "how-to-do-it". During the training and competition period, the hierarchy is changing within the group of fans that were monitored, which provides the community members with either a dominant or, alternate, subordinate position. The changing of the "leaders" in the role of the fans' base brings along high emotions and usually also short-term conflicts in social interactions. In other situations, a hierarchy is not created and the group members perceive each other as equal and support each other in the achievement of their common goal. The researcher has been exposed to the environment she describes and to the emotions and tensions existing therein, and she has separated her own personal perceptions, attitudes and biases with the aim to correctly reflect her experience in the research. The ethnographic research of an athlete's group, or its fans' base, respectively, has...
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Olympiáda dětí a mládeže jako motivace ke kariéře sportovců / The National Youth Sport Festival as a motivation for the athletes'careersSvobodová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
Title: The National Youth Sport Festival as a motivation for athletes' careers Objectives: The aim of this work is to evaluate the factors of athletes' motivation for participation at the National Youth Sport Festival and the perceived image of the event. The inclusion of athletes without participation and with participation at the event in the research allows a comparison of the perceived image between these two groups of respondents. Methods: Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used in this thesis. Electronic interviewing of the National Youth Sport Festival participants and members of sports association without participation was the main method of data collection. The questionnaires were compiled according to foreign studies. The electronic interviewing was supplemented with an in-depth interview with a marketing expert. Results: The results show, that the National Youth Sport Festival is fulfilling the main mission in the mind of participants. The sports event brings participants not only experiences, but also fun, enjoyment and new friendships. The event is a motivational event that motivates not only to recreational but also professional sport. The media pressure during the event is not significant to spoil the participants' attitude towards sports. Image of the event is positively...
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