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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness with an emphasis on corporate culture in a consumer goods organization

de Miranda, Lara Cristina Silveira 27 July 2011 (has links)
The topic of emotional intelligence and effective leadership has attracted considerable interest from researchers for many years. Most of the interest in the area is based on claims that emotional intelligence and organizational culture is linked to leadership effectiveness. Many studies have been conducted on the link between emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness this studies examines the relationship between three concepts: emotional intelligence, leadership effectiveness and organizational culture. The study concludes with recommendations for further studies in this field.

Model for emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate

Gerber, Frans Jacobus 08 1900 (has links)
The main objective of this research was to establish a model for emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate. This model should help companies and organisational psychologists to better understand the interrelatedness of the two constructs in order to optimally enhance organisational performance. This research was conducted in a large organisation, utilising a large sample (n = 1 612) of employees in the financial services industry. During the first phase of this research, emotional intelligence was conceptualised from literature research within the trait paradigm and organisational climate as a molar construct. A theoretical model of emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate was developed and suggested a link to organisational output. During the second phase of this research (empirical research), assessment instruments for emotional intelligence (the Gerber Emotional Intelligence Scale) and organisational climate (the High Performance Climate Questionnaire) were developed and validated. Thereafter an assessment instrument for work output was designed to test the link with performance. The structural equation model (SEM) produced a new best-fitting model of emotional intelligence, organisational climate and work output. The model indicates that emotional intelligence does not correlate with work output as expected, but organisational climate does correlates moderately with work output and explains almost 40% of the variance in work output. The strongest influence seems to flow from teamwork and management. The regression weights between emotional intelligence and organisational climate were trivial, although the model fit indices were all within an acceptable range. The researcher attributed the lack of support for the model to the characteristics of the employees of this type of organisation and concluded that emotional intelligence should not be seen as a determinant of organisational climate in this specific financial services sector. The results further indicate that significant differences exist between the organisational climate experiences of four biographical categories (race, position level, age and geographical region) and also for the categories of position level and age for work output. These differences need to be considered when developing future interventions. This research contributes towards a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between emotional intelligence, organisational climate and work output. The three newly developed questionnaires and the SEM could help researchers and practitioners to apply the research model in other industries and subsequently improve organisational outputs. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The influence of emotional intelligence theory on contemporary leadership theories

Lombaard, Winnie 12 1900 (has links)
Mini study project (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The modern business environment is volatile, fast moving and complex, bringing new challenges for leadership. Many new theories on leadership were therefore developed, including emotional intelligence theory. The study focused on the question whether emotional intelligence theory has influenced the other contemporary leadership theories or not. Emotional intelligence theory propagates that there is a wide spectrum of intelligences that include emotional intelligence, which is defined as the person's capacity to recognise his own feelings and those of others, for motivating himself and for managing emotions in himself and in his relationships. Emotional intelligence falls within four domains, namely self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Each of these domains can be broken down into specific emotional intelligence competencies needed for superior performance. Most traditional leadership research can be classified into one of four approaches, namely the trait approach, behavioural approach, power-influence approach and situational/contingency approach. Some traditional theories fall outside of this classification, while others cut across two or more approaches. Contemporary leadership theories tend to have a more human approach and a stronger focus on soft skills. A comparison was done to establish whether there were any notions similar to the emotional intelligence competences in the traditional or contemporary leadership theories and whether these notions have become more important in contemporary theories than they were in traditional theories. It was found that the competencies of self-assessment, service orientation and change catalyst are new concepts that were not found in traditional leadership theories, while competencies such as emotional self-awareness, self-control, trustworthiness, adaptability, initiative, empathy, visionary leadership, communication, building bonds and teamwork have gained popularity to some extend in modern leadership theories. The other competencies either carried the same weight in traditional theories than in contemporary ones or no specific conclusion could be reached. Although there are definite differences between the importance of certain competences in traditional and contemporary leadership theory, it is not possible to conclude that these changes are due to the influence of emotional intelligence. It should rather be hypothesised that these modern theories developed side-by-side due to the changes in the modern business environment, which provided new challenges to organisations and leaders, necessitating the development of new theories. The theories might even have cross-pollinated each other, but it is not possible to stipulate a direct influence of one on the other. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die moderne besigheidsomgewing is wispelturig, vinnig-bewegend en kompleks met talle nuwe uitdagings vir leiers. Baie nuwe leierskapsteorieë is dus ontwikkel, onder andere die teorie van emosionele intelligensie. Hierdie studie het gefokus op die vraag of emosionele intelligensie teorie die ander kontemporêre leierskapsteorieë beïnvloed het, al dan nie. Emosionele intelligensie teorie propageer 'n wye spektrum intelligensies wat emosionele intelligensie insluit. Emosionele intelligensie word gedefinieer as die persoon se kapasiteit om sy eie en ander mense se gevoelens to herken, om homself te motiveer en om sy eie emosies en die emosies betrokke in sy verhoudings te bestuur. Emosionele intelligensie kan verdeel word in vier domeine, naamlik self-bewustheid, self-bestuur, sosiale bewustheid en verhoudingsbestuur. Elkeen van hierdie domeine kan verder verdeel word in spesifieke emosionele intelligensie vaardighede wat nodig is vir voortreflike prestasie. Meeste tradisionele leierskapsteorieë kan geklassifiseer word onder een van vier benaderings, naamlik die eienskap benadering, gedrags benadering, mag-invloed benadering en die situasie I gebeurtenis benadering. Sommige tradisionele teorieë val buite hierdie klassifikasie, terwyl ander weer oor twee of meer benaderings strek. 'n Vergelyking is gedoen om vas te stelof daar enige neigings soos die emosionele intelligensie vaardighede in die tradisionele of kontemporêre leierskapsteorieë voorkom en of the neigings meer belangrik geword het in kontemporêre teorieë as wat hulle in tradisionele teorieë was. Dit is bevind dat vaardighede soos self-waardasie, diensorïentasie en veranderingskatalisator nuwe konsepte is wat nie in die tradisionele leierskapsteorieë gevind is nie, terwyl vaardighede soos emosionele self-bewustheid, self-beheersing, betroubaarheid, aanpasbaarheid, inisiatief, empatie, verbeeldingryke leierskap, kommunikasie, die bou van bande en spanwerk 'n mate van populariteit gewen het in moderne leierskapsteorieë. Die ander vaardighede het óf dieselfde gewig gedra in tradisionele teorieë as in kontemporêre teorieë, óf daar kon tot geen spesifieke gevolgtrekking gekom word nie. Alhoewel daar definitiewe verskille is tussen die belangrikheid van sekere vaardighede in tradisionele en kontemporêre leierskapsteorieë, is dit nie moontlik om tot die gevolgtrekking te kom dat die veranderinge as gevolg van die invloed van emosionele intelligensie teorie is nie. Daar kan eerder gepostuleer word dat hierdie moderne teorieë sy-aan-sy ontwikkel het as gevolg van die veranderings in the moderne besigheidsomgewing wat nuwe uitdagings vir organisasies en leiers gestel het en dus die ontwikkeling van nuwe teorieë genoodsaak het. Die teorieë kon mekaar selfs gekruiskontamineer het, maar dit is nie moontlik om In direkte invloed van een op die ander te stipuleer nie.

Emotional intelligence : creating a sustainable competitive advantage for the future development of leaders

Lombard, Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During my studies for the degree of Master in Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Stellenbosch, my lecturer, Mr. Mario Denton, introduced me to the concept of emotional intelligence. A study of literature on this concept increased my awareness that leaders should have certain abilities that will make them perform better in the workplace. Ultimately, these abilities should lead to better departmental and organisational performance and could therefore be vital for the survival of an organisation. The concept itself is fairly new and not too many leaders in the workplace are familiar with it. The term emotional intelligence is based on people and organisational issues that have been around for many years, but it has only recently been established as a separate field of study. It has now also been incorporated in the MBA curriculum at the University of Stellenbosch. As a new concept in its development phase, extensive marketing is required to establish the term emotional intelligence among the leading organisations in South Africa. Emotional intelligence can only add value if leaders in the business world understand the concept and truly believe that it can create added value within an organisation and among its people. Especially managers and human resources departments within these organisations should have a good understanding of how emotional intelligence can be incorporated in their organisations. A lack of awareness and knowledge of emotional intelligence was the motivation behind this study project. It is hoped that this research will create awareness among business leaders in South Africa and result in emotional intelligence ultimately being incorporated in organisations in order for them to create a sustainable and competitive advantage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende my studie (Meestersgraad in Besigheidsadministrasie) aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het my dosent, mnr. Mario Denton, my blootgestel aan die konsep emosionele intelligensie. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die onderwerp het getoon dat leiers spesifieke eienskappe moet besit om hul sukses in die werkplek te verbeter. Hierdie eienskappe kan uiteindelik tot beter departementele en organisasieprestasie lei. Emosionele intelligensie is dus noodsaaklik vir die voortbestaan van organisasies in hierdie uiters mededingende korporatiewe omgewing. Die konsep as sodanig is redelik nuut en min leiers verstaan dit en die voordele daarvan. Emosionele intelligensie is gebaseer op mense- en organisasiekwessies wat reeds jare lank bestaan, maar dit is eers onlangs as 'n aparte studierigting aanvaar. Emosionele intelligensie is ook onlangs by die MBA-kurrikulum van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ingesluit. Die konsep is tans in sy ontwikkelingsfase en aktiewe bemarking is nodig om dit in Suid-Afrika se sakewereld te vestig. Emosionele intelligense kan slegs waarde toevoeg indien sakeleiers die konsep verstaan en werklik glo dat dit op 'n individuele, departementele en organisasievlak waarde kan toevoeg. Veral bestuurders en menslikehulpbronafdelings moet verstaan hoe om die konsep in hul organisasies te inkorporeer. 'n Gebrek aan 'n bewustheid en kennis van emosionele intelligensie was die hoofrede vir hierdie werkstuk. Die doel van die werkstuk is om die konsep onder Suid-Afrika se sakeleiers te bemark, wat hopelik daartoe sal lei dat emosionele intelligensie in organisasies geïnkorporeer word ten einde 'n volhoubare en kompeterende voordeel te skep.

Entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence as components for leadership success

Van Zyl, Hendrik Johannes Christoffel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Presents an empirical investigation into the nature of entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence components of leadership. Describes relationship between entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence as perceived by middle management Sales Managers. Relationships between key performance indicators (sales turnover, sales growth, debtors days and years' experience) and respective entrepreneurship/emotional intelligence constructs are defined. By applying statistical evaluation methods (reliability analyses, correlation analyses and comparative analyses) this research adds to existing knowledge in this field by defining middle management perspectives of the entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence components of leadership. Analysis shows a highly significant correlation between the entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence constructs of leadership, which emphasises the importance of entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence in the business environment. Emotional intelligence construct correlates significantly with sales turnover. Draws implications for training and development of emotional intelligence characteristics of sales leaders. Analysis shows no significant relationships between entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence constructs and sales growth or debtors days. Concludes with recommendations for emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship training and development. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Emotional intelligence Leadership / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Empiriese navorsing wat die aard en wese van entrepreneurskap en emosionele intelligensie as komponente van leierskap beskryf, word aangebied. Perspektiewe van middelvlak Verkoopsbestuurders rakende die verwantskap tussen entrepreneurskap en emosionele intelligensie word beskryf. Verwantskappe tussen sleutel prestasie aanwysers (verkoopsomset, groei in verkope, debiteure dae en jare ervaring) en entrepreneurskap/emosionele intelligensie konstrukte word gedefinieer. Deur middel van statistiese evaluasie tegnieke (betroubaarheidsanalise, korrelasie analise en vergelykende analise) dra hierdie navorsing by tot bestaande kennis in hierdie domein deur die persepsies van middelbestuur rakende die entrepreneurskap en emosionele intelligensie komponente van leierskap te beskryf. Die resultate beskryf In hoogs betekenisvolle verwantskap tussen die entrepreneurskap en emosionele intelligensie konstrukte van leierskap. Die resultate beklemtoon dus die belangrikheid van entrepreneurskap en emosionele intelligensie in die sake omgewing. Emosionele intelligensie korreleer betekenisvol met verkoopsomset. Dui op implikasies vir die opleiding en ontwikkeling van emosionele intelligensie eienskappe van leiers in verkope. Studie toon geen betekenisvolle verwantskappe tussen entrepreneurskap en emosionele intelligensie konstrukte en groei in verkope of debiteure dae nie. Ten slotte word aanbevelings gemaak rakende opleiding en ontwikkeling van entrepreneurskap en emosionele intelligensie eienskappe. Sleutelwoorde: Entrepreneurskap Emosionele intelligensie Leierskap

Emotional intelligence in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Boily, Roxanne M. D. 17 July 2015 (has links)
Impairments in social interactions are considered core symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Given recent findings demonstrating a relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and social outcomes, this research examined the EI of adolescents with ASD to generate novel information for addressing their social deficits. Twenty-five adolescents with ASD and 25 typical adolescents (13 -17 years) completed a battery of tests examining their intellect, EI, and social skills. Their parents also provided information regarding their social skills. The findings revealed that aspects of both trait and ability EI were significantly weaker in adolescents with ASD. In addition, while the ability EI model did not predict the social outcomes of this group, the trait EI model was able to predict 32% of self-reported interpersonal skills and 30% of parent-reported social skills. Implications for the development of social skill interventions for this group and future research are discussed. / October 2015

The psychometric properties of an emotional intelligence measure within a nursing environment / S. van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, Shani January 2005 (has links)
Nurses' working environment, together with their patient relationships, can elicit emotions which they will need to manage in order to perform successfully in their daily work activities. It is for this reason that it is crucial that sound emotional intelligence measures should be developed which hospitals can utilise to identify emotionally intelligent individuals for emotionally laden jobs or even to identify their developmental needs within the area of emotional intelligence. The objective of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) developed by Schutte and colleagues in 1998 within a nursing environment. A convenience random sample of 5 11 nurses was taken from hospitals located in the areas of Klerksdorp, Potchefstroom, Krugersdorp, Johannesburg and Pretoria. The EIS was used as a measuring instrument. Cronbach alpha coefficients, Pearson-product correlation coefficients and MANOVAS were used to analyse the data. The results showed a 5-factor solution for the EIS, which explained 50,04% of the total variance. All of the five dimensions had adequate internal consistencies, except for the Negative Emotions dimension. Lastly, group differences were identified between personnel area and emotional intelligence, as well as between race and emotional intelligence levels. Recommendations were made for future research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Job characteristics, emotional intelligence and wellness in a nursing environment / J.A. Nel

Nel, Jan Alewyn January 2005 (has links)
Nurses of today have many more responsibilities and duties they must cope with. With the HIV and AIDS numbers rising in South Africa it is important that the morale of nurses be kept healthy. The strain of their work environment can be hard to cope with, so it is necessary that nurses learn how to manage their emotions when working in order to avoid burnout and disengagement from happening. and to make better use of job resources. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence, job characteristics. burnout and engagement within the nursing environment in South Africa. A cross-sectional survey design was used. A non-probability convenience sample was taken from 511 nurses in hospitals and clinics in the Gauteng- and North-West Provinces. The Emotional Intelligence Scale, Maslach Burnout Inventory) - Human Services Survey, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale and Work Evaluation Scale were used as measuring instruments. Cronbach alpha coefficients. Pearson-product correlation coefficients and Spearman-product correlation coefficients were used to analyse the data. The results showed that positive state is positively related to vigour/dedication, professional efficacy. own emotions: emotions: other and emotional management. Own emotions and emotional management also correlated positively with professional efficacy and emotions: other. Workload and communication demands are positively related to payment, emotional labour, work environment and emotional exhaustion. The results also identified emotional exhaustion and mental exhaustion to be negatively related to vigour/dedication. while emotional exhaustion is positively related to mental exhaustion, job security, and staff support. Payment correlates positively with staff support, while emotional labour and overtime are positively related to work environment. The proposed structural model show that there are clear paths between job demands and job resources; job demands. emotional intelligence and work wellness; job resources, emotional intelligence and work wellness: job demands and burnout; and job resources and work wellness. Recommendations were made for the nursing profession and for future research purposes. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Transformasionele leierskap en spirituele intelligensie in 'n nutsmaatskappy / Frederika Wilhelmina Schutte

Schutte, Frederika Wilhelmina January 2005 (has links)
As result of economic uncertainty, rapid technological developments and continuous change, effective organisational transformation is required to ensure a competitive advantage. Transformational leadership is characterised by the ability to bring about significant organisational change. Transformational leadership is visionary-orientated and based on deeply fundamental values. This intrinsic value system which is a dimension of spirituality forms a spiritual foundation that guides and directs leaders' behaviour. Recognising leadership as the manifestation of a leader's spiritual core has emerged from recent research, but no research studies could be found to confirm the relationship empirically speaking between transformational leadership and spiritual intelligence. Subsequently the aim of this research is to determine the relationship between transformational leadership and spiritual intelligence and how it is manifested in managers of a utility company. A literature study was undertaken to analyse the concepts of transformational leadership, spiritual intelligence and the key dimensions that described them. It leads to the conclusion that spiritual intelligence implies the "capacity to think with one's soul", bringing with it self development that may pre-dispose leaders to use transformational behaviour. In the empirical study with a group of 56 managers from a utility company, their transformational leadership behaviour and spiritual intelligence levels were assessed by means of self-evaluation via the following measuring instruments: Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) (Kouzes & Posner, 1998) and a Spiritual Intelligence questionnaire developed by Minnaar (2005). Feedback from 97% of the managers of the utility company yields the following results: good reliability indices for measuring instruments, and that a significant meaningful correlation exists between transformational leadership and spiritual intelligence. The results of this study prove a relationship between transformational leadership and spiritual intelligence as manifested amongst managers of a utility company. The contribution of this study is to be found in that research was done on the relationship between two leadership elements, which had not previously been researched. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006

The role of emotions in service encounters

Langhorn, Stephen January 2004 (has links)
Over recent years, the service sector has grown at a dramatic rate, and with it has come significant challenges for the operators in this field. Not least of these has been the desire of these operators to create real competitive advantage by offering levels of service that call upon the servers in the interaction to engage in an emotional way with their customers, in addition to offering transactional efficiency and cost containment. The focus of this study is to examine the emotional dimension of the service experience from the perspective of the key stakeholders in the encounter, the customer, the service employee and the outlet manager. This study is carried out in the pub restaurant sector, with the brand leader in the full-service restaurant business. The research focuses on the role that emotions play in the performance outputs of outlet management in particular using the concept of emotional intelligence and the use of the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (Eqi) as a measurement instrument to explore the relationships between emotions and performance. The study then focuses on the server population who interact with the customers everyday, using measures of emotional intelligence and emotional labour to understand their relationship to the performance outputs of the servers, essentially the service quality offered to their customers. Finally the responses of the customer are measured from an emotional perspective, gathering their emotional response to a range of service cues. This customer data forms the basis of the relationships explored between server emotional competence and their delivery of service quality. The research reveals significant relationships between the emotional competencies of the managerial group and their business performance achievements in the areas of customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, employee turnover and outlet profit growth. It demonstrates relationships between the emotional make-up of service personnel and aspects of emotional labour. The study also demonstrates the level of emotional response of customers to a range of service stimulants and finally the research reveals the extent to which a range of interactive service stimulants can create positive emotional expression in customers. The study culminates in the presentation of two models that are designed to guide service organisations to developing and then maintaining an integrated approach to emotional service development in their own market sector. These models build on the findings in the research that demonstrate a high level of inter-relationship between the different components that contribute to the overall service experience. The study ultimately argues that to ignore or isolate the consideration of the emotions right across the service chain, from brand proposition through to recruitment, development and measurement of the overall service quality at best leaves the service organisation exposed to sub-optimising its service offering. Conversely the value of adopting a fully integrated approach to the development of the service organisation could lead to a level of loyalty from both employees and customers that would provide sustainable competitive advantage in the service market.

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