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Strategies Software Company Sales Managers Implemented to Reduce Voluntary Employee TurnoverTaylor, Pete 01 January 2016 (has links)
The high rates of voluntary employee turnover in software sales organizations have forced business leaders to search for strategies that reduce voluntary employee turnover. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies of a small group of sales managers who had demonstrated reduced voluntary employee turnover in their software manufacturing companies. Ten managers from 5 software manufacturing companies who had a minimum of 5 years of management experience were recruited and participated in semistructured, face-to-face interviews. The conceptual framework included Herzberg's 2-factor theory for exploring the relationship between job satisfaction and voluntary employee turnover. Open and frequent communications, constant performance feedback, and transparency align appropriately with the tenets of Herzberg's 2-factor theory. The Yin method for analyzing data through the process of data grouping, scrubbing, and organizing resulted in the emergence of themes including communications, recognition, and the work environment. All 10 sales managers spoke extensively about the importance of these themes in reducing voluntary employee turnover. These managers 'noticed the little things,' they gladly celebrated team successes, and they visibly supported their teams through actions. Findings from this study will provide a positive influence on social change through productivity improvements resulting in lower cost products and services, improving community prosperity. Additionally, consumers may benefit from these successful managers, as they facilitate a more expedited process of new products and services to the market.
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Transformational Leadership Strategies for Addressing Voluntary Employee TurnoverOsisiogu, Chris A. 01 January 2017 (has links)
For every standard deviation of increase in employee turnover, organizations could suffer a roughly 27% decline in financial performance. Current voluntary employee turnover rates hover between 15% - 40% and the associated unquantifiable indirect costs affecting customer loyalty and creating reputational risks for business leaders. Furthermore, when employees leave an organization for another, a minimum of 95% leave with trade secrets, strategic skills, and acquired knowledge. As a result, turnover has evolved into a significant concern for organizational leaders. Using the transformational leadership concept, the purpose of this single case study was to explore the leadership strategies that bank leaders in southwestern Nigeria use to reduce voluntary employee turnover. The participants included bank leaders in southwestern Nigeria who had demonstrated experience in developing and implementing strategies for reducing voluntary employee turnover. The data collection was through person-to-person interviews with 10 bank leaders and review of the company's documents on employee turnover. The process for analyzing data was supported by word frequency analysis, coding of related phrases, and creating of themes around the codes. The themes from the study revealed that transformational leaders use the following to reduce voluntary employee turnover: remunerations and benefits, career growth and development opportunities, and roles of leadership. Reduction in voluntary employee turnover may contribute to social change by empowering business leaders with requisite strategies for employee engagement and business profitability, enhancing job creation opportunities, and improving the social and general wellbeing of families and communities.
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Strategies to Retain Millennial Employees at Full-Service RestaurantsRuiz, Candace A. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Some supervisors lack effective strategies to retain millennial generation employees. The purpose of this multicase study was to explore effective strategies supervisors use to retain culinary-educated millennial employees in full-service restaurants. Nine millennials and 3 supervisors from 3 full-service restaurants in Denver, Colorado consented to face-to-face semistructured interviews with open-ended interview questions concerning retention strategies. The conceptual framework of Herzberg's two-factor theory served to guide the scope and the data analysis for the multicase study. The interview transcripts were coded and grouped into themes. Explanation building for the data analysis assisted in finding causal links between cases and the unit of analysis, and in assembling a broad explanation to fit each case. Ten subcategories emerged from the 3 themes that aligned with Herzberg's motivation factors, hygiene factors, and millennial values and attitudes. The 10 subcategories were developed, and indicated that effective strategies differ by supervisor. Among the ten subcategories, the most prominent were (a) growth and advancement, (b) positive working conditions, and (c) quality and influence of the supervisor. This study may contribute to social change by providing restaurant supervisors with strategies for millennial retention and keeping young workers in the community to share in the responsibility of social progress and to reach their full potential.
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Human Resources Strategies for Retaining Employees in St. Lucian BanksFitz-Lewis, Thecla 01 January 2018 (has links)
Retention issues have been a challenge for human resources (HR) leaders for years. Organization HR leaders face employee retention challenges that lead to the loss of talented employees and a decline in the organization's quality of service, which negatively affects profitability. Based on Schultz's human capital theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies HR leaders used to retain employees. Data collection included company archival documentation review and face-to-face semistructured interviews with 11 purposefully selected HR leaders from 3 banks in the northern region of St. Lucia. Data analysis included using Yin's 5-step method, coding the transcribed interviews to identify relevant themes, member checking to strengthen the reliability and validity of the interpretations of participants' responses, and review of company documents. The 5 main themes revealed were strategies of employee retention, human capital development, culture of engagement, succession planning, and leader-member exchange, which affects employees' commitment and organizational profitability. Human resources leaders in organizations may use the findings of this study to develop effective strategies to retain employees, which could lead to individual achievement. Social change implications include the importance of investing in human capital that may lead to succession planning to promote business sustainability and economic growth in St. Lucia and other countries.
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Academic staff recruitment and retention strategies at the University of LimpopoMokoditoa, Jocelyn Molly January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Limpopo, 2011 / The paper examines the causes of the high turn-over rate and the non-retention of the academic staff at the University, and come up with possible solutions to curb the problem. The study addresses the factors that affect the academic staff recruitment and retention strategies. The paper further address identification of factors contributing to the high turnover rate of the academic staff at the University of Limpopo, analyze causes of the problems, work on the feedback obtained from interviewees, and make recommendations that will enable the University to come up with possible and implementable strategies for the recruitment and retention of the academic staff.
This was evident by the results of the study through the literature review and the interviews held that academic staff recruitment and retention is a problem. It is therefore advisable for the University to take note of the results of this study, and that there should be a turn-around strategy that could be implemented and monitored.
The Human Resource department should have a database that tracks the career path of all academic staff, and notify all appointees who are coming up for tenure. This notice could go out at the start of the last but one year before the appointees become eligible for appointment with tenure. The university must develop a culture of reasonable, clearly articulated, and enforced deadlines for processing applications for promotion. Human Resources department have a role to play in the promotion process as well. Access to information about the promotion process can be enhanced by revamping the websites for some of the institutions which are not really helpful in this respect. Relevant documents (e.g., conditions of service, appointment and promotion guidelines, benefits) can then be made accessible via institutional websites in a very organized manner than is currently the case in many universities
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Vad företag kan göra för att behålla personal / Employee retentionKarlsson, Åsa, Svensson, Maria January 2000 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Utvecklingen av informationssamhället har inneburit att de anställda är en av företagets strategiska resurser. Utifrån dagens situation med hård konkurrens om kompetent personal inom vissa branscher framstår förlusten av värdefulla medarbetare som någonting negativt som företag bör försöka förhindra. Forskning har försökt svara på varför anställda lämnar ett företag men forskning och teorier om vad som håller personal kvar på ett företag är idag bristfälliga. </p><p>Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera huruvida teorier kring personalomsättning kan tillämpas på personalbehållning samt att urskilja en incitamentsstruktur vilken företag kan använda sig av för att behålla personal. </p><p>Genomförande: Totalt intervjuades 14 anställda med IT-kompetens, främst civilingenjörer och systemvetare. Som ett komplement till intervjufrågorna användes två formulär vilka besvarades av respondenterna under intervjutillfället. </p><p>Resultat: Vi har i vår studie funnit stöd för att teorier kring personalomsättning kan tillämpas på personalbehållning. Vad anställda anser vara viktigast i sin arbetssituation är arbetskamrater, personlig utveckling, erkännande, arbetsdesign samt belöningar. Dessa faktorer har sammanställts i en incitamentsstruktur för personalbehållning. Incitamentsstrukturen har två delar, där en del står under direkt påverkan av företaget medan den andra delen innehåller faktorer i de anställdas omgivning vilka påverkar ett företags personalbehållning men framstår svårare för företaget att påverka.</p>
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Employee Retention : An integrative view of supportive human resource practices and perceived organizational supportPatriota, Deisi January 2009 (has links)
<p>With the intention to investigate the role of HR practices and the Perceived Organization Support (POS) in the process of key employee retention, this study developed a model that was empirically explored through the case studies of Secoroc and ABBCR in order to have such process examined in the managerial context of Swedish organizations. Results indicate that in these companies the employees' perceptions of support from the selected HR practices contribute to the development of POS and job satisfaction. The practices of growth opportunity and challenging work were indicated to be more significant for the retention of key employees in these companies. Interestingly, pay and the relationship between R&D managers and employees indicated to be of also crucial relevance in the process of retaining key employees. Furthermore, there are indications that the Swedish management style signalled to be a facilitator element for the efficiency of such practices in generating job satisfaction for retaining employees. However, the surfaced data from this study indicated that employees of these companies are affectively committed to their managers and to their work rather than to the organization as a whole.</p>
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Metoder för att bevara värdefull personal i företagHolmdahl, Caroline January 2007 (has links)
<p>Utvecklingen av informationssamhället har bidragit till att organisationer idag är mer kunskapsberoende. Människor beskrivs som organisationernas viktigaste tillgång och det är företagen som bäst lyckas utnyttja och ta hand om sina anställda som i framtiden kommer att vinna konkurrensfördelar. Ekonomisk ersättning är ett ständigt lockbete för att attrahera och behålla personal i företagen. Däremot kräver dagens högpresterande arbetare mer än ekonomisk trygghet för att stanna i en organisation.</p>
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Vad företag kan göra för att behålla personal / Employee retentionKarlsson, Åsa, Svensson, Maria January 2000 (has links)
Bakgrund: Utvecklingen av informationssamhället har inneburit att de anställda är en av företagets strategiska resurser. Utifrån dagens situation med hård konkurrens om kompetent personal inom vissa branscher framstår förlusten av värdefulla medarbetare som någonting negativt som företag bör försöka förhindra. Forskning har försökt svara på varför anställda lämnar ett företag men forskning och teorier om vad som håller personal kvar på ett företag är idag bristfälliga. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera huruvida teorier kring personalomsättning kan tillämpas på personalbehållning samt att urskilja en incitamentsstruktur vilken företag kan använda sig av för att behålla personal. Genomförande: Totalt intervjuades 14 anställda med IT-kompetens, främst civilingenjörer och systemvetare. Som ett komplement till intervjufrågorna användes två formulär vilka besvarades av respondenterna under intervjutillfället. Resultat: Vi har i vår studie funnit stöd för att teorier kring personalomsättning kan tillämpas på personalbehållning. Vad anställda anser vara viktigast i sin arbetssituation är arbetskamrater, personlig utveckling, erkännande, arbetsdesign samt belöningar. Dessa faktorer har sammanställts i en incitamentsstruktur för personalbehållning. Incitamentsstrukturen har två delar, där en del står under direkt påverkan av företaget medan den andra delen innehåller faktorer i de anställdas omgivning vilka påverkar ett företags personalbehållning men framstår svårare för företaget att påverka.
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Metoder för att bevara värdefull personal i företagHolmdahl, Caroline January 2007 (has links)
Utvecklingen av informationssamhället har bidragit till att organisationer idag är mer kunskapsberoende. Människor beskrivs som organisationernas viktigaste tillgång och det är företagen som bäst lyckas utnyttja och ta hand om sina anställda som i framtiden kommer att vinna konkurrensfördelar. Ekonomisk ersättning är ett ständigt lockbete för att attrahera och behålla personal i företagen. Däremot kräver dagens högpresterande arbetare mer än ekonomisk trygghet för att stanna i en organisation.
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