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Biodiversity, conservation and mimicry rings of Appalachian millipedesMeans, Jackson C. 18 January 2019 (has links)
The Appalachian Mountains contain some of the highest millipede diversity on the planet, including many endemic and range-restricted species. Millipedes have extremely low dispersal capacity, strict environmental requirements for survival and, in the case of the family Xystodesmidae, are completely blind. Coupled with the complex topology of the Appalachians, xystodesmid millipedes have speciated in the eastern United States to a greater degree than in any other region. Many of the taxonomic relationships within the Xystodesmidae remain to be tested using modern molecular techniques, and numerous species await description. The subtribe Nannariina, for example, contains 3 genera and 19 species, yet evidence suggests the tribe may actually contain over 100 species. Traditional taxonomic work has been hindered by a paucity of researchers in the field, and a necessary reliance on morphological characters for species delimitation. The external male genitalia, known as gonopods, are the structures which have most often been used to define species boundaries. However, in many groups, including the Xystodesmidae, the gonopods are extremely simple, making it difficult to discern whether similarity between gonopods is a result of shared ancestry or morphological convergence. Further complicating matters, somatic characters are often uniform between species, and some obvious phenotypes, such as color pattern and hue, are shared between genera in aposematic mimicry rings. Leading to the formation of mimicry rings between distantly related genera, their bright coloration functions to advertise a cyanide-based defense. Some species have been recorded as having six color patterns, each a member of a different mimicry rings. The factors which drive some taxa to participate in mimicry rings, while others have a myriad of hues and patterns, unmatched by other species, are unknown. Here I investigate the phylogenetic relationships between the tribes and genera of the Xystodesmidae, with the aims of (1) understanding the role of homoplasy within the Xystodesmidae, (2) delineating tribal and generic boundaries within the family, (3) describing species in the genus Nannaria for the purposes of revising the subtribe Nannariina, and (4) investigating mimicry and color variability through a detailed color atlas for North American Xystodesmidae. I found that 95% of the morphological characters traditionally used in xystodesmid taxonomy are homoplasious (HI > 0.5), delineated the Apheloriini, Appalachioria and Sigmoria, described 34 new Nannaria species, and created a color and mimicry dataset of 956 Xystodesmidae for use in future studies of color variability. / PHD / Millipedes are soil dwelling animals that eat leaves, decaying wood and, sometimes, fungi. They are typically found beneath dead leaves in damp forests. The Appalachian Mountains are home to an incredible number and variety of millipede species. This is partly due to the age of the Appalachians, which are around 10 – 20 million years old, its rugged terrain, and the fact that the complexity of the terrain acted as a refuge for many different animals during the last ice age. However, millipede behavior also played a role in their diversification. Most millipedes are relatively slow moving, and many are blind. Millipedes also dry out easily, and therefore need to live in very wet habitats. All of these factors led to populations of millipedes becoming isolated in gullies and on mountains throughout the Appalachians. Over time, these populations became distinct species, many of which are still unknown to the scientific world. One group of millipedes in the family Xystodesmidae, the Nannariina, have only 19 known species; however, evidence suggests that the group may contain over 100 undescribed species. There are several reasons that groups such as the Nannariina have so many undescribed species, there are very few people studying them, they live in hard-to-reach areas, they are not pests, invasive, or have immediate economic importance. However, one of the biggest reasons is that traditional descriptions of millipede species rely on physical characters that often are not informative about relatedness (as an example stating that all green-eyed people are closest relatives). Making matters more complex, many unrelated species in the family Xystodesmidae have the same color. There are even millipede species that have six color patterns in one species. We do not know why some millipede species are a single color and others are very colorful. Here I study the evolutionary relationships between members of the Xystodesmidae, with the aims of (1) investigating anatomical convergence within the Xystodesmidae, (2) defining evolutionary groups within the family, (3) describing species in the genus Nannaria, and (4) investigating mimicry and color variability through a detailed color atlas for North American Xystodesmidae.
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The antidiabetic and antioxidant properties of Athrixia phylicoides aqueous extract : an in vitro and ex vivo assessmentChellan, Nireshni 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Athrixia phylicoides is an aromatic, indigenous shrub with high antioxidant content and numerous indigenous medicinal properties inferred by ingestion of an herbal brew of the plant. Commercialization of “bush tea” (derived from A. phylicoides) holds economic and developmental potential for indigenous communities provided the safety and efficacy of the herbal tea is established. Recently A. phylicoides has been shown by McGaw et al. (2007) to have similar antioxidant activity to Rooibos tea, and a unique, new flavonol (i.e. a polyphenolic antioxidant plant metabolite) 5-hydroxy-6,7,8,3′,4′,5′-hexamethoxyflavon-3-ol, unique to A. phylicoides, was isolated by Mashimbye et al. in 2006. With changes in the socio-economic climate and a new trend in merging Western lifestyle with traditional practices, new interest has been shown in herbal/natural remedies.
Study Aim: The aim of this study was to firstly, determine the in vitro effect of A. phylicoides aqueous extract on glucose metabolism in cell lines that mimic the three key organs implicated in glucose homeostasis. Secondly, the study aimed to determine the potential ex vivo antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of the extract in pancreatic β-cells and peripheral mononuclear cells respectively.
Methods: Leaves and fine twigs of A. phylicoides were processed into an aqueous extract. C2C12, Chang and 3T3-L1 cells were cultured under standard conditions and acutely exposed to increasing concentrations of extract and water vehicle, as well as 1 μM insulin and metformin as positive controls. Glucose uptake from 8 mM glucose culture media was determined using a fluorimetric oxidase method. Radioactive 14C-glucose oxidation to 14CO2 and determination of glycogen content of cells were used to assess the fate of intracellular glucose. RT-PCR was used to assess the extract effect on insulin-signalling gene expression. The antioxidative effect of A. phylicoides extract in pancreatic β-cells isolated from Wistar rats was determined by measuring nitric oxide (NO) production in response to hyperglycemic conditions. NO was labelled with diaminofluorocein diacetate and fluorescence was measured using flow cytometry. Insulin secretion of pancreatic β-
cells was measured using radio-immuno assay. The anti-oxidative effect of the extract in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated peripheral mononuclear cells isolated from Wistar rats was determined by measuring the production of TNF-α using an ELISA kit.
Results: C2C12 myocytes showed maximal increased glucose uptake at the 0.05 μg/μl extract concentration (228.3% ± 66.2, p<0.001). In Chang cells, A. phylicoides extract maximally increased the amount of glucose taken up at the 0.05 μg/μl concentration (134.5% ± 2.5, p<0.05). In 3T3-L1 cells, the extract maximally increased the amount of glucose taken up at the 0.025 μg/μl concentration (143.5% ± 10.3, p<0.001). An extract-induced increase in insulin receptor and glucose transporter four expression was seen in C2C12 myocytes. The oxidation of 14C-glucose to 14CO2 by C2C12 myocytes was maximally increased following acute exposure to the extract at 0.1 μg/μl (2919.3 fmol/1x10^6 cells ± 428, p<0.01). The oxidation of 14C-glucose to 14CO2 by Chang cells was maximally increased following acute exposure to extract at 0.1 μg/μl (4476.7 fmol/1x10^6 cells ± 1620, p<0.05); as seen in the C2C12 cells. A. phylicoides extract increased glycogen storage at all three concentrations tested in Chang cells, but maximally at the 0.025 μg/μl concentration (13.6 μg/1x10^6 cells ± 0.7, p<0.05). A. phylicoides extract did not have any measurable effect on the oxidative status of β-cells or the anti-inflammatory status of peripheral mononuclear cells. The extract did show an increase in first phase insulin secretion of β-cells in hyperglycemic conditions, although it was not significant.
Conclusion: Athrixia phylicoides aqueous extract stimulates in vitro glucose uptake and metabolism in an insulin-mimetic manner, suggesting that this extract could potentially be beneficial to type two diabetics as an adjunct therapy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Athrixia phylicoides is 'n aromatiese, inheemse struik met 'n hoë antioksidant inhoud. Vele tradisionele medisinale eienskappe is gekoppel aan die ingestie van 'n kruie brousel van die plant, wat ook bekend as “bostee” is. Kommersialisering van “bostee” hou ekonomiese en ontwikkelings potensiaal in vir inheemse gemeenskappe mits die veiligheid en effektiwiteit van die kruietee bevestig kan word. McGaw et al. (2007) het onlangs bevind dat A. phylicoides se antioksidant aktiwiteit vergelykbaar is met die van rooibostee. 'n Unieke nuwe flavonol ('n polifenoliese antioksidant plant metaboliet) 5-hydroksie-6,7,8,3′,4′,5′-hexamethoksieflavon-3-ol, eie aan A. phylicoides, is deur Mashimbye et al. in 2006 geïsoleer. Met veranderings in die sosio-ekonomiese klimaat en 'n nuwe tendens om die westerse lewenstyl met tradisionele gebruike aan te vul word nuwe belangstelling in kruie/natuurlike rate ondervind.
Studie Doelwitte: Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was eerstens om die in vitro effek van A. phylicoides waterekstrak op die glukosemetabolisme van drie sellyne wat die sleutel organe naboots wat glukosehomeostase beheer, te bepaal. Tweedens, is die potensiële ex vivo antioksidant en anti-inflammatoriese effek van die ekstrak op pankreatiese β-selle en perifere mononuklêere-selle onderskeidelik ondersoek.
Metodes: n Waterige ekstrak is van die blare en fyn takkies van A. phylicoides berei. C2C12, Chang and 3T3-L1 selle is gekultuur onder standaard kondisies en akuut blootgestel aan stygende ekstrakkonsentrasies. Water het as kontrole gedien, met 1 μM insulien en metformien as positiewe kontroles. Glukose opname vanuit 8 mM glukose kultuurmedia is bepaal deur 'n fluorimetriese oksidase metode. Radioaktiewe 14C-glukose-oksidasie na 14CO2 en die bepaling van die glukogeen inhoud van selle is gebruik om die lot van intrasellulêre glukose te bepaal. RT-PKR is gebruik om die effek van die ekstrak op die insulien-seinpad geen-uitdrukking te ondersoek. Die antioksidant effek van A. phylicoides ekstrak in pankreatiese β-selle geïsoleer van Wistar rotte, is bepaal deur
stikstofoksied (NO) produksie na aanleiding van hiperglukemiese kondisies. NO is met diaminofluorosien diasetaat gemerk en die fluoresensie gemeet deur vloeisitometrie. Insulien afskeiding deur die pankreatiese β-selle is deur radio-immuno metode bepaal. Die anti-oksidatiewe effek van die ekstrak op lipopolisakkaried-gestimuleerde perifere mononuklêere-selle afkomstig van Wistar rotte is bepaal deur die meting van TNF-α produksie met 'n ELISA kit.
Resultate: C2C12 miosiete het 'n maksimale toename in glukoseopname by 'n 0.05 μg/μl ekstrakkonsentrasie (228.3% ± 66.2, p<0.001) gehad. Dieselfde ekstrakkonsentrasie het maksimale toename in glukoseopname in Chang selle (134.5% ± 2.5, p<0.05 getoon. In 3T3-L1 selle is maksimale toename in die glukoseopname by 'n konsentrasie van 0.025 μg/μl (143.5% ± 10.3, p<0.001) bereik. 'n Ekstrak-geinduseerde verhoging in die insulienreseptor en glukosetransporter vier ekspressie is in C2C12 miosiete waargeneem. Die oksidasie van 14C-glukose na 14CO2 deur C2C12 miosiete is maksimaal verhoog deur akute blootstelling aan die ekstrak by 'n konsentrasie van 0.1 μg/μl (2919.3 fmol/1x10^6 cells ± 428, p<0.01). Die oksidasie van 14C-glukose na 14CO2 deur Chang selle was maksimaal verhoog deur akute blootstelling aan die ekstrak by 'n konsentrasie van 0.1 μg/μl (4476.7 fmol/1x10^6 cells ± 1620, p<0.05) soos gevind in die C2C12 selle. Die ekstrak het glukogeenstoring verhoog teen al drie die konsentrasies waarteen getoets is in Chang selle, maar 'n maksimale effek is gevind by 'n konsentrasie van 0.025 (13.6 μg/1x10^6 cells ± 0.7, p<0.05). A. phylicoides ekstrak het nie 'n meetbare effek op die oksidatiewe status van β-selle of die anti-inflammatoriese status van perifere mononuklêere-selle gehad nie. Die ekstrak het wel 'n verhoging in die eerstefase insuliensekresie van β-selle in hyperglukemiese kondisies gehad, alhoewel die verhoging nie statisties betekenisvol was nie.
Afleiding: Athrixia phylicoides waterekstrak stimuleer in vitro glukoseopname en metabolisme in 'n insulin-mimetiese manier, wat beteken dat die ekstrak potensiëel voordele vir tipe twee diabete kan inhou as aanvullingsterapie.
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Understanding Patterns of Bird Species Distribution in the Western GhatsVijayakumar, Sneha January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Macroecology is the study of relationships between organisms and the environment at large spatial and temporal scales. This field of research examines patterns in species abundance, distribution and diversity. Understanding patterns in species distribution and richness can contribute significantly to our knowledge of community assembly and macroecological patterns, as well as to the effective conservation of threatened species and habitats. Although there have been a plethora of studies on birds in India over the years, there is a critical need to accurately delineate species distributions and understand patterns of richness. The focus of this study was to understand the factors (abiotic and biotic) that influence the distribution and composition of bird species in the Western Ghats, as well as to explore patterns in their geographic range sizes. The objectives of this study were addressed at the scale of the entire Western Ghats using a combination of field surveys, secondary data collection and species distribution modeling. The specific approaches to address these questions and the findings are outlined below.
Chapter 2: Bird species in the Western Ghats – Patterns in composition and richness
Fine-scale data on species presence and abundance are essential for exploring patterns in species distribution and richness. Despite the fact that birds have been extensively studied in the Western Ghats, systematic data collection and compilation of information over the entire mountain range has not been carried out, especially for the purpose of testing macroecological questions. This chapter describes patterns in bird species presence, abundance, composition and richness within the Western Ghats. The study area, site selection protocol and the sampling technique have also been described in detail. This dataset establishes a baseline of information about birds in the Western Ghats and subsets of this larger dataset will be used to address various questions in the following chapters.
Chapter 3: Predicting bird species distribution in the Western Ghats
Detailed knowledge of species’ ecological and geographical distributions is fundamental for conservation, as well as for understanding ecological and evolutionary determinants of spatial patterns of biodiversity. However, occurrence data for a vast majority of species are sparse, resulting in information about species distributions that is inadequate for many purposes. Species distribution models attempt to provide detailed predictions of distributions by relating presence or abundance of species to environmental predictors.
In this chapter, we describe the usage of Maxent, a species distribution modelling technique based on presence-only data, to predict the distributions of bird species within the Western Ghats. For this purpose, we put together primary locations of bird species presence along with a published dataset. Using a number of important environmental layers, predicted species distribution maps were derived for 98 bird species, including 13 endemics, in the Western Ghats. Additionally, we calculated predicted range sizes for each of these species and obtained percentage contributions of important environmental predictors to each species’ distribution. This is the first study to develop species distribution models for bird species within the Western Ghats.
Chapter 4: Patterns of range size among bird species
Understanding large-scale patterns of variation in species geographic range size is fundamental to questions in macroecology and conservation biology. In general, range is believed to be influenced by a combination of environmental factors, evolutionary history and biotic interactions, mediated by species specific traits. These patterns need to be examined even for well-studied taxa like birds, especially within biodiversity hotspots faced by persistent degradation due to anthropogenic activities such as the Western Ghats.
In this chapter, we use a dataset of 98 bird species within the Western Ghats to examine trends in range sizes, measured as latitudinal extent of occurrence and predicted range size from species distribution models. We show a significant relationship between latitude and range size for these bird species, supporting Rapoport’s rule. As far as we know, this relationship has never been tested at such low latitudes for birds. We also find that species traits such as body size, mean abundance and diet do not seem to show any discernable effect on patterns of range size. Additionally, we found that widely-used bird species range maps (in this case, from BirdLife International) are inaccurate representations of species ranges in comparison to the predicted species distribution maps that were derived in the previous chapter. We quantitatively demonstrated that these expert-drawn maps need to re-evaluated, especially since they are used to make conservation decisions. This is the first study to quantify species range sizes of birds within the Western Ghats and assess such range maps that are used to determine conservation status of species.
Chapter 5: Environmental predictors of bird species distribution
One of the major goals in ecology is to understand patterns and processes that determine species diversity. The drivers of global species richness gradients have been studied, especially in the case of birds, in terms of contemporary and historical factors. Such broad scale processes may not always reflect the processes affecting richness and distribution at smaller scales. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence individual species distributions is the first step towards this larger goal.
In this chapter, we examined the environmental predictors that contributed to the predicted distribution of bird species observed in the Western Ghats, using the variable importance contribution values derived in Chapter 3. We found that a large proportion of the 98 bird species studied were influenced by normalized differential vegetation index, annual precipitation and elevation. The predictors did not differ among birds of different diet guilds and body size classes. Using Prinicipal components analysis, we observed that all 98 bird species are spread out across the environmental ordination space depicted by the PC axes 1 and 2. These axes are governed by measures of habitat heterogeneity and water-energy related variables, consistent with other tropical studies. The insectivorous guild seemed to occupy a variety of environmental niches across this space and other guilds seemed to be nested within the insectivorous guild. Similarly, larger sized birds were spread across the entire environmental ordination space, with species of smaller sizes nested within. This is the first step in trying to understand environmental predictors acting on birds in the Western Ghats. Further detailed studies need to be carried out to come to definite conclusions.
Chapter 6: Relative roles of floristics and vegetation structure on bird species composition
On the basis of the hierarchical model of habitat selection, it is known that birds select suitable habitats based on vegetation structure (physiognomy) at coarse biogeographic scales, and plant species composition (floristics) at more local scales. This chapter examines the relative influence of tree species composition and vegetation structure on bird species composition in the Western Ghats. These relationships were specifically assessed across the entire Western Ghats, within regions of the Western Ghats as well as within specific forest types.
We found that floristics had a strong association with bird species composition across the Western Ghats and within evergreen and mixed deciduous habitat types. This association seems to be independent of the structural variation in the region. There was a decrease in association strength from the southern to the northern Western Ghats, in terms of both floristics and structure. We did not find an association between vegetation structure and insectivore composition, whereas phytophage composition did show a stronger association with floristics than structure. This is the first study at the scale of the entire Western Ghats to test the relative roles of floristics and vegetation structure.
Taken as a whole, this dissertation examines large-scale macroecological questions regarding species distribution, range size and patterns of composition using primary data at the scale of the Western Ghats. The findings of this study have established a foundation that will help further our understanding of species distribution and richness in the Western Ghats, and aid in the decision making for conservation strategies in the future.
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Phytogeographic study of the Kaokoveld Centre of EndemismCraven, Patricia 03 1900 (has links)
PhD / Thesis (PhD (Botany and Zoology))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / An intriguing biogeographic area that lies in northwestern Namibia and southwest Angola is known
for having numerous endemic taxa. It had, however remained vaguely defined because of the
complex flora, the arid environment and confusing and inconsistent use of biogeographic
terminology. This thesis redefined the area as a centre of endemism based on recurrent patterns of
plant distributions by shared species. The end result is a well-defined entity with regard to, not only
geographic boundaries and floristic elements, but also to its history and floristic relationships.
A vast amount of information on the plants of the area, their affinities and their distributions is
required for a study of this nature and this was undertaken through literature surveys and field work.
All the relevant information on Namibia and the southwestern Angolan flora, i.e. the region and the
study area, were incorporated into a database which formed the bases for numerical analysis and
GIS studies. The database also brought together a wide range of information from literature sources
that included facts and theories about the past and present physical environment. The structure of
the database permitted querying this electronic data in many different ways.
To accommodate the wide variety of subjects in a logical way, the thesis was divided into two
sections. Section A concentrated on the region and provided background information and context.
The theory, terminology and phytogeographic studies in the region were evaluated as a first step. A
large amount and variety of palaeo-environmental and palaeo-ecological information, pertinent to
the region was incorporated. Secondly the flora was assessed. Besides the diversity, distribution
patterns of the plants within and outside the region, including disjunct distributions, phylogenies
were assessment. Finally taxa with similar geographic ranges were grouped. These entities were
mapped and both the taxa and their environments were evaluated
Section B focused on the core area, namely the Kaokoveld Centre of Endemism, which was
delimited by numerical techniques, and then investigated further with regard to its floristic
components, relationships and origins. The flora and endemic components are described in detail.
The result is a well-defined centre of endemism which comprises one endemic family, 10 endemic
genera and nearly 300 endemic species. The flora of the Centre includes about 1600 species in
nearly 550 genera in 130 families. Three floristic Groups, identified in section A, that have a
remarkable number of endemics are found in the Centre. Historical explanations for the distribution
patterns were suggested and the Group that includes Welwitschia mirabilis Hook.f., has been shown
to be linked to the Arid Corridor. The demand for accurate knowledge about biodiversity has been highlighted by the Convention of
Biological Diversity and there are a remarkable number of users with different requirements today.
This study provides a much needed alternate look at the plants of the region, as well as a summation
of the principle phytogeographic elements of the Namibian flora. It also includes a new
phytogeographic classification and map of the floristic Groups of Namibia, which will contribute to
defining floristic areas in the region.
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Interspecific Competition Between Hygrophila polysperma and Ludwigia repens, Two Species of Importance in the Comal River, TexasFrancis, Matthew D. 05 1900 (has links)
Hygrophila polysperma is a plant native to Asia that has been introduced into the Comal River, TX and is thriving while Ludwigia repens, a species native to the river appears to be declining. Both plants have similar morphologies and occupy similar habitats in the river. Two plant competition experiments were conducted to examine the competitive interactions between the two species. First, an experimental design was developed in which established Ludwigia plants were 'invaded' by sprigs of Hygrophila to determine if established Ludwigia populations would be negatively impacted by invasion. The second experiment focused on establishment and growth of sprigs of each species under three competition scenarios. Results show that the continued growth of well-established Ludwigia plants was significantly depressed by the invasion of Hygrophila in comparison with those that had not been invaded. Furthermore, the growth of Hygrophila sprigs was uninhibited by the presence of Ludwigia, but the presence of Hygrophila negatively impacted the growth of Ludwigia sprigs. There was no difference in the growth of Hygrophila sprigs whether planted alone, with Ludwigia sprigs or even if planted into stands of established Ludwigia.
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Genetická variabilita a evoluční vztahy českých endemických zástupců rodu Dianthus / Genetic diversity and evolutionary history of Czech endemic taxa from the genus DianthusKalůsková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Abstract This MSc. thesis deals with karyological, genetic and phenotypic variation of selected taxa from the genus Dianthus L. in the Czech Republic and adjacent countries. The evolutionary history of the genus has been shaped by several microevolutionary processes, including interspecific hybridization, genome duplication, and edaphic speciation. These processes led to the origin of a number of phenotypically similar taxa, which are often restricted to a narrow geographic area. One subendemic and three endemic taxa occur in the Czech Republic. These (sub)species were used as model groups to gain insight into microevolutionary processes in small populations and the postglacial development of the genus in Central Europe. The thesis consists of three parts, each addressing different evolutionary phenomenon: Dianthus arenarius subsp. bohemicus is a critically endangered endemic psammophyte currently known from a single population in Central Bohemia. The site is also inhabited by widespread D. carthusianorum. Interspecific hybridization has been suspected on the basis of morphological characters, but this has never been confirmed by any other technique. I exploited differences in the number of chromosomes between both species and, with the aid of DAPI flow cytometry, estimated relative DNA contents of...
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Modelo dinâmico de propagação de vírus em redes de computadores. / Dynamic model of virus propagation in computer networks.Batistela, Cristiane Mileo 16 May 2018 (has links)
Desde que os vírus de computadores tornaram-se um grave problema para sistemas individuais e corporativos, diversos modelos de disseminação de vírus têm sido usados para explicar o comportamento dinâmico da propagação desse agente infeccioso. Como estratégias de prevenção de proliferação de vírus, o uso de antivírus e sistema de vacinação, têm contribuído para a contenção da proliferação da infecção. Outra forma de combater os vírus é estabelecer políticas de prevenção baseadas nas operações dos sistemas, que podem ser propostas com o uso de modelos populacionais, como os usados em estudos epidemiológicos. Entre os diversos trabalhos, que consideram o clássico modelo epidemiológico de Kermack e Mckendrick, SIR (suscetível - infectado - removido), aplicado ao contexto de propagação de vírus, a introdução de computadores antidotais, como programa antivírus, fornece muitos resultados operacionais satisfatórios. Neste trabalho, o modelo SIRA (suscetível - infectado - removido - antidotal) é estudado considerando a taxa de mortalidade como parâmetro e associado a isso, o parâmetro que recupera os nós infectados é variado de acordo com a alteração da taxa de mortalidade. Nessas condições, a existência dos pontos de equilíbrio livre de infecção são encontrados, mostrando que o modelo é robusto. / Since computer viruses have become a serious problem for individual and corporate systems, several models of virus dissemination have been used to explain the dynamic behavior of the spread of this infectious agent. As prevention strategies for virus proliferation, the use of antivirus and vaccination system, have contributed to contain the proliferation of the infection. Another way to combat viruses is to establish prevention policies based on the operations of the systems, which can be proposed with the use of population models, such as those used in epidemiological studies. Among the several papers, which consider the classic epidemiological model of Kermack and Mckendrick, SIR (susceptible - infected - removed), applied to the context of virus propagation, the introduction of antidotal computers, such as antivirus program, provides many satisfactory operational results. In this work, the SIRA (susceptible - infected - removed - antidotal) model is studied considering the mortality rate as a parameter and associated with this, the parameter that recovers infected nodes is varied according to the change in mortality rate. Under these conditions, the existence of infection free equilibrium points are found, showing that the model is robust.
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Avaliação ultra-sonográfica da tiróide, excreção urinária de iodo em escolares de 6 a 14 anos e grau de iodação de sal, em diferentes regiões do estado de São Paulo / Echographic evaluation of the thyroid gland,urinary iodine concentration and the salt iodization in schoolchildren from distinct regions of the state of São PauloDuarte, Glaucia Cruzes 18 May 2007 (has links)
A nutrição de iodo de uma população é avaliada por indicadores: a iodação do sal, excreção urinária de iodo e volume tiroidiano. A iodação do sal é eficiente no combate às doenças decorrentes da deficiência de iodo, sendo empregada em todo território nacional desde 1995 e o estado de São Paulo é considerado uma área iodo-suficiente. Para avaliar esta ingesta de iodo, foram selecionados aleatoriamente 964 escolares entre 6 a 14 anos, de seis regiões do Estado. Foram avaliados sob o ponto de vista ecográfico da tiróide, 484 meninas e 480 meninos. Os volumes da glândula tiróide elevaram-se progressivamente com a idade, guardando correlação positiva e significativa com a superfície corporal. Cerca de 2,9% dos escolares apresentava bócio. Outras anormalidades encontradas foram hemiagenesia (0,5%), nódulos (0,2%), cistos (0,7%) e hipoecogenicidade (11,7%). Notamos excessiva excreção urinária de iodo nesta população, com valores superiores a 300ug Iodo/L em 76,8% das amostras. As amostras de sal doméstico apresentavam valores entre 34,0 e 68,3mg Iodo/Kg de sal. Concluímos que a população de escolares estudados no estado de São Paulo apresenta excessiva ingestão diária de iodo, a qual, extrapolada para população em geral poderá induzir várias alterações da função tiroidiana, como hipertiroidismo subclínico (em idosos) e tiroidite crônica auto-imune na população adulta. / The salt iodization is efficient to prevent iodine deficient disorders and began in all of Brazil in 1995 and the state of São Paulo is considered an iodine sufficient area. To evaluate the iodine nutrition, 964 schoolchildren, aged between 6 and 14 years old (484 girls, 480 boys) were examined by ultrasonographic studies. There was a progressive increase of the thyroid volume with aging with a positive and significant correlation with the body surface area. The presence of enlarged thyroid gland was rarely seen, being present in only 2.9% of the studied cohort. A few thyroid gland abnormalities were noticed such as hemiagenesia (0.5%), nodules (0.2%), cysts (0.7%) and hypoechogenicity (11,7%). It was clearly demonstrated that the urinary excretion of iodine was elevated being above 300ug Iodine/L in 76,8% of the schoolchildren examined. Assays for the iodine concentration in domestic salt samples revealed values between 34.0 and 68.3 mgI/kg of salt. We conclude that the schoolchildren population of the State of São Paulo may be under an excessive daily ingestion of iodine. This may induce, if extrapolated to the general population, subclinical hyperthyroidism in the elderly and possibly an increment in the prevalence of cronic autoimmune thyroiditis.
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-07 / The use of pesticides in public health to control endemic diseases in Brazil, was
remarkable in the mid 50s, parallel to and deliberate misuse of these inputs,
without great care about the biological and environmental risks, arising from its
use. However, in view of the imbalance between risks and benefits of their
effectiveness, the damage to human and environmental health, it is suggested that
the space usage of pesticides in vector control, reserves the cases of outbreaks.
Therefore, it is assumed that the continuous monitoring and frequent in some
biological markers in individuals who are subject to occupational exposure to
chemicals could ultimately lead, in advance, to medical intervention, as well as
studies to better characterize these intoxications. Where this monitoring does not
occur, the diagnosis of intoxication becomes insufficient, causing negative effects
on human health and the environment. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the
biochemical profile / hematology of public health officials to control vectors in
occupational exposure to pesticides. The study population consists of 46 agents to
combat endemic Center UBV, Goiânia, Goiás For characterization of this
population, a questionnaire was applied lifestyle, based on the specs of Toxicology
Research and Customer Information System Diseases Notification. In parallel,
blood samples were collected to perform the biochemical and hematological
(based on "Protocol for Health Care Workers Exposed to pesticides Guidelines for
Comprehensive Health Care Worker Differentiated Complexity"), which were
processed in the Laboratory Clinical Analysis of the Pontifical Catholic University
of Goiás health workers combating endemic diseases are predominantly men, with
adulthood, understood, mostly between 40 and 59 years with education level of
high school. Of these, 21.7% of the ACEs have smoking habit, and 54.4% of
alcohol consumption. These agents work on average more than 20 years in
combating vectors, for about 8 hours daily. The pesticide currently used by over
they are malathion, an organophosphate moderately toxic and ultra low volume.
Despite continuous exposure and ultra low volume, some agents complained of
symptoms, such as excessive salivation (19.6%), cough (28.3%), nausea (17.4%),
vomiting (10, 9%), diarrhea (15.2%), tingling of feet and / or legs (39.1%), tingling
of the hands and / or arms (43.5%), bradycardia (10.9%), headache (56.5%) and
watery eyes (39.1%). However, no major changes were evident hematologic and
biochemical, except for the values slightly increased indirect bilirubin, total
cholesterol, glucose and triglycerides, which are not able to specify clinical and by
the presence of slight relative lymphocytosis with atypical lymphocytes
observation. Concluding that, despite symptomatic complaints, these health
workers have biochemical and haematological profile within the normal range, thus
requiring, in its follow-up, a greater emphasis on history. / O emprego de pesticidas nas campanhas de saúde pública para controle de
endemias, no Brasil, foi marcante em meados dos anos 50, em paralelo ao uso
abusivo e deliberado desses insumos, sem grandes cuidados quanto aos riscos
biológicos e ambientais, provenientes do seu uso. Contudo, tendo em vista o
desequilíbrio entre riscos e benefícios de sua eficácia, dos danos à saúde
humana e ambiental, sugere-se que o uso espacial de pesticidas, no controle
vetorial, se reserve aos casos de surtos epidêmicos. Portanto, presume-se que o
acompanhamento contínuo e frequente, sob alguns marcadores biológicos em
indivíduos que estejam sujeitos à exposição ocupacional a substâncias químicas,
poderiam vir a conduzir, antecipadamente, à intervenção médica, bem como a
estudos de melhor caracterização dessas intoxicações. Onde não ocorre este
monitoramento, o diagnóstico da intoxicação torna-se falho, gerando
consequências negativas à saúde humana e ambiental. Portanto, este estudo
objetivou avaliar o perfil bioquímico/hematológico dos agentes de saúde pública
do controle a vetores em exposição ocupacional a pesticidas. A população de
estudo é constituída por 46 agentes de combate a endemias da Central de UBV,
de Goiânia, Goiás. Para caraterização desta população, foi aplicado questionário
de estilo de vida, baseado na Ficha de Investigação e Atendimento Toxicológico
do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Em paralelo, foram
coletados amostras de sangue para realização das análises bioquímicas e
hematológicas (baseadas no Protocolo de Atenção à Saúde dos Trabalhadores
Expostos a agrotóxicos das Diretrizes para Atenção Integral à Saúde do
Trabalhador de Complexidade Diferenciada ), as quais foram processadas no
Laboratório de Análises Clínicas da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás. Os
agentes de saúde do combate a endemias são, predominantemente, homens,
com idade adulta, compreendida, em sua maioria, entre 40 e 59 anos, com nível
de escolaridade de ensino médio. Destes, 21,74% dos ACEs possuem hábito de
fumar e, 54,35% de consumo de bebidas alcóolicas. Estes agentes trabalham, em
média, há mais de 20 anos no combate a vetores, por cerca de 8 horas diárias. O
pesticida, atualmente, mais usado por eles é o malathion, um organofosforado de
toxicidade moderada e em ultra baixo volume. Apesar da exposição contínua e
em ultra baixo volume, alguns agentes se queixaram do aparecimento de
sintomas, como: salivação excessiva (19,6%), tosse (28,3%), náusea (17,4%),
vômito (10,9%), diarreias (15,2%), sensação de formigamento de pés e/ou pernas
(39,1%), formigamento de mãos e/ou braços (43,5%), bradicardia (10,9%),
cefaléia (56,5%) e lacrimejamento (39,1%). Contudo, não ficaram evidenciados
maiores alterações bioquímicas e hematológicas, exceto, pelos valores levemente
aumentados de bilirrubina indireta, colesterol total, glicose e triglicérides, os quais
não são capazes de especificar clínica e, pela presença de linfocitose relativa
leve, com observação de linfócitos atípicos. Concluindo-se que, apesar das
queixas sintomáticas, estes agentes de saúde apresentam seu perfil bioquímico e
hematológico dentro dos padrões de normalidade, exigindo assim, no seu
acompanhamento, uma maior ênfase a anamnese.
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A mathematical modeling of optimal vaccination strategies in epidemiologyLutendo, Nemaranzhe January 2010 (has links)
<p>We review a number of compartmental models in epidemiology which leads to a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations. We focus an SIR, SEIR and SIS epidemic models with and without vaccination. A threshold parameter R0 is identified which governs the spread of diseases, and this parameter is known as the basic reproductive number. The models have at least two equilibria, an endemic equilibrium and the disease-free equilibrium. We demonstrate that the disease will die out, if the basic reproductive number R0 < / 1. This is the case of a disease-free  / state, with no infection in the population. Otherwise the disease may become endemic if the basic reproductive number R0 is bigger than unity. Furthermore, stability analysis for both endemic  / and disease-free steady states are investigated and we also give some numerical simulations. The second part of this dissertation deals with optimal vaccination strategy in epidemiology. We  / use optimal control technique on vaccination to minimize the impact of the disease. Hereby we mean minimizing the spread of the disease in the population, while also minimizing the effort on  / vaccination roll-out. We do this optimization for the cases of SIR and SEIR models, and show how optimal strategies can be obtained which minimize the damage caused by the infectious  / disease. Finally, we describe the numerical simulations using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method.  / These are the most useful references: [G. Zaman, Y.H Kang, II. H. Jung. BioSystems 93,  / (2008), 240 &minus / 249], [K. Hattaf, N. Yousfi. The Journal of Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol. 1(8), (2008), 383 &minus / 390.], [Lenhart, J.T. Workman. Optimal Control and Applied to Biological Models.  / Chapman and Hall/CRC, (2007).], [P. Van den Driessche, J. Watmough. Math. Biosci., 7,  / (2005)], and [J. Wu, G. R¨ / ost. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol 5(2), (2008), 389 &minus / 391].</p>
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