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A Cross-Fostering Analysis of the Effect of PCB on Behavioral Development of Sprague-Dawley RatsMankin, David Edward 16 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Determination of a Two-Week `Window’ for PCB Influence on Ultrasonic Vocalization and Other Behavioral Measures in Young Sprague-Dawley RatsBaldwin, Jeffrey W., Jr. 09 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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From Disposable Culture to Disposable People: Teaching About the Unintended Consequences of PlasticsAdkins, Sasha January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Endokrin wirksame Stoffe (endocrine disruptors) und deren Wirkungen auf die Sexualdifferenzierung bei Amphib Xenopus laevis / Untersuchungen in vitro, in vivo und im FreilandBögi, Christian 26 February 2003 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Erweiterung des etablierten Stu-dienmodells Xenopus laevis zur Untersuchung der Wirkung von endocrine disruptors auf die Reproduktionsbiologie von Amphibien. Um einen Einblick in die grundlegenden Mechanismen der sexuellen Differenzierung von Amphibien zu gewinnen, wurden die Konzentrationen bestimmt, mit denen androgene und estrogene Sexualsteroide während der larvalen Entwicklung in verschiedenen Stadien von Xenopus vorliegen. Parallel wurde das Auftreten der korrespondierenden Rezeptoren im Verlauf der Entwicklung untersucht, über welche die hormonelle Wirkung vermittelt wird. Auf der Basis der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse konnte eine neue Hypothese zur sexuellen Differenzierung von Amphibien entwickelt und vorgestellt werden. Sie stellt das Enzym 5alpha-Reduktase, das die Umwandlung von Testosteron in das potentere und nicht weiter aromatisierbare Androgen Dihydrotestosteron (DHT) bewerkstelligt, in den Mittelpunkt des Prozesses der Geschlechtsdifferenzierung. Abhängig von der genetisch bedingten Expression dieses Enzyms kommt es zu einem höheren oder niedrigeren Auftreten des DHT und damit zu Unterschieden im Verhältnis von DHT zu Estradiol (E2). Der Charakter dieses Verhältnisses scheint der entscheidende Auslöser für die Entwicklung eines weiblichen oder männlichen Phänotyps zu sein. In einem zweiten, anwendungsorientierten Teil wurde untersucht, in wie weit die bislang auf Laboruntersuchungen beschränkte Arbeit mit X. laevis auf Feldstudien erweiterbar ist und ob sich auf diese Weise gewonnene Daten auf die Situation heimischer Amphibien übertragen lassen. Parallele Expositionen des Krallenfrosches einerseits und des Grasfrosches (Rana temporaria) andererseits gegenüber realen Medien unter Freilandbedingungen bestätigten die hervorragende Eignung des Studienmodells X.laevis zur Beurteilung endokriner Belastungssituationen. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich durch die Verwendung von Festphasenextrakten die endokrinen Wirkungen komplexer Matrizes unter standardisierten Laborbedingungen charakterisieren lassen. Rezeptorbindungsstudien sowie Untersuchungen zur Genexpression spezifischer Marker, histologische Betrachtungen von Gonadengewebe und die Bestimmung von Geschlechterverhältnissen ermöglichten Aussagen auf vielfältigen Nachweisebenen. Auf diese Weise konnte das Potenzial, mit dem Proben jeder Art, sowohl durch kurz- als auch durch langfristige Exposition, adverse Effekte auf das amphibische Hormonsystem hervorrufen können, umfassend und differenziert analysiert werden. / The presented work aims to contribute to the various opportunities of studying the effects of endocrine disruption on sexual differentiation in amphibians provided by the well established model Xenopus laevis. In order to gain insight into the basic mechanisms underlying the sexual differentiation in amphibians, the concentrations of androgen and estrogen sexual steroids during several stages of the larval development of Xenopus were determined. In parallel, the ocurrence of the corresponding receptors, which mediate the effects of the respective hormones, was observed. Based on the results of the studies described, a new hypothesis regarding sexual differentiation in amphibians is presented, which assignes the enzyme 5alpha-reductase as the central element of sexual development. This enzyme converts the androgen testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which can not be aromatized into estradiol. Depending on the genetic sex of the indivual, genexpression of 5a-reductase may differ and therefore lead to a characteristic ratio of androgens and estrogens. We suggest, that this ratio might be the essential trigger for amphibians to develop into a male or a female. A second part aimed to enlarge the Xenopus model to the use in field studies and to proof the transferability of such data to the situation of endemic amphibians. Exposure in parallel of Xenopus on one hand and the green frog Rana temporaria on the other to the effluent of a bavarian wastewater treatment plant revealed the exceeding suitability of the model to asess the endocrine charge of the environment. Furthermore, the use of solid phase extracts derived from natural samples allowed the characterization of the respective endocrine potential under standardized laboratory conditions. Rezeptor binding studies, detection of genexpression of specific biomarkers, histological examination of gonadal tissue and the determination of sex ratios provided the evaluation of effects on several levels of investigation. By this means the Xenopus model offers the opportunity to assess the ability of any kind of sample to cause endocrine impacts on amphibians after short time as well as after long time exposure in a broad and at the same time differentiated way.
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Toxicological Impact of Agricultural Surfactants on Australian FrogsMann, Reinier Matthew January 2000 (has links)
Surfactants are one of the more ubiquitous contaminants in aquatic systems. Their importance as toxic components of pesticide formulations has, however, been largely overlooked. Amphibians particularly, as inhabitants of shallow, temporary and often lentic aquatic environments may be at risk from exposure to these chemicals when they enter aquatic systems. This thesis presents data on the toxicity of surfactants to amphibians. Several experimental exposures were conducted with embryo-larval, tadpole and adult developmental stages of the Australian species- Crinia insignifera, Helcioporus eyrei, Limnodynastes dorsalis and Litoria moorei and the exotic species- Bufo marinus and Xenopus laevis. Animals were variously exposed to glyphosate formulations that contain a high proportion of nonionic surfactants, or commercial pesticide wetting agents (alcohol alkoxylate and nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) surfactants). Feeding stage tadpoles of C.insignifera, H. eyrei, L. dorsalis and L. moorei were exposed to three commercial glyphosate formulations, glyphosate isopropylamine and glyphosate acid in static-renewal acute toxicity tests. The 48-h LC50 values for Roundup Herbicide (MON 2139) tested against tadpoles of C. insignifera, H. eyrei, L. dorsalis and L. moorei ranged between 8.1 and 32.2 mg/L (2.9 and 11.6 mg/L glyphosate acid equivalent (ae)), while the 48-h LC50 values for Roundup Herbicide tested against adult and newly metamorphosed C. insignifera ranged from 137-144 mg/L (49.4-51.8 mg/L ae). / Touchdown Herbicide (4 LC-E) tested against tadpoles of C. insignifera, H. eyrei, L. dorsalis and L. moorei was slightly less toxic than Roundup with 48-h LC50 values ranging between 27.3 and 48.7 mg/L (9.0 and 16.1 mg/L ae). Roundup Biactive (MON 77920) was practically non-toxic to tadpoles of the same four species producing 48-h LC50 values of 911 mg/L (328 mg/L ae) for L. moorei and >1000 mg/L (>360 mg/L ae) for C. insignifera, H. eyrei and L. dorsalis. Glyphosate isopropylamine was practically non-toxic producing no mortality amongst tadpoles of any of the four species over 48 h, at concentrations between 503 and 684 mg/L (343 and 466 mg/L ae). The toxicity of technical grade glyphosate acid (48-h LC50, 81.2-121 mg/L) is likely to be due to acid intolerance. Feeding stage tadpoles of B. marinus, X laevis, C. insignifera, H.eyrei, L. dorsalis and L. moorei were exposed to NPE and alcohol alkoxylate in static renewal acute toxicity tests. All species exhibited non-specific narcosis following exposure to both these surfactants. The 48-h EC50 values for NPE ranged between 1.1 mg/L (mild narcosis) and 12.1 mg/L (full narcosis). The 48-h EC50 values for alcohol alkoxylate ranged between 5.3 mg/L (mild narcosis) and 25.4 mg/L (full narcosis). Xenopus laevis was the most sensitive species tested. The sensitivity of the other five species was size dependent with larger species displaying greater tolerance. Replicate acute toxicity tests with B. marinus exposed to NPE at 30 degrees celsius over 96 hours indicated that the narcotic effects were not particularly time dependant. / The mean 24, 48, 72 and 96-h EC50 (mild narcosis) were 3.6, 3.7, 3.5 and 3.5 mg/L respectively. The mean 24, 48, 72, and 96-h EC50 (full narcosis) values were 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.0 respectively. Acute toxicity tests with B. marinus exposed to NPE at 30 degrees celsius under conditions of low dissolved oxygen (0.8-2.3 mg/L) produced a two to threefold increase in toxicity. The 12-h EC50 values ranged from 1.4 to 2.2 mg/L. The embryotoxicity of NPE was determined in X. laevis, L. adelaidensis and C. insignifera using a Frog Embryo Teratogenesis assay-Xenopus (FETAX). The 96-h LC50, EC50 and MCIG (LOEC) values for X. laevis were 3.9 to 5.4 mg/L, 2.8 to 4.6 mg/L and 1.0 to 3.0 mg/L respectively. The 140-h LC50, ECSO and MCIG values for L. adelaidensis were 9.2 mg/L, 8.8 mg/L and 5.1 to 6.0 ing/L respectively. The 134-h LC50, EC50 and MCIG values for C. insignifera were 6.4 mg/L, 4.5 mg/L and 4.0 mg/L respectively. Teratogenicity indices for the three species ranged between 1.0 and 1.6 indicating either no or low teratogenicity. Xenopus laevis was the more sensitive of the three species and the only species that displayed indisputable terata. The acute toxicity data indicated that the amphibian species tested were of similar sensitivity to fish and some invertebrates. Developmental retardation and oestrogenic effects following exposure to nonylphenol ethoxylate were indicated by sublethal toxicity tests. Crinia insignifera embryos were exposed during early embryogenesis to sublethal concentrations of NPE. / Exposure to NPE did not affect either weight nor size (snout-vent length) at metamorphosis. Exposure to 5.0mg/L NPE resulted in a significant delay in the time required to reach metamorphosis. Also, exposure to 3.0 mg/L NPE for the first 6 days of embryonic development or exposure to 5.0 mg/L NPE from day 2 to day 6 resulted in a statistically significant predominance in the female phenotype amongst metamorphosing froglets. Exposure for the first five days to 1.5 ing/L or 3.0 mg/L NPE had no effect on sex ratio. The results indicated that exposure to NPEs has endocrine disruptive effects in this species and that a narrow window of susceptibility exists for the induction of predominantly female phenotype. This study has also followed the degradation of a mixture of NPE oligomers and the concomitant formation of individual oligomers in static die-away tests with and without illumination in freshwater. Over 33 days in darkness there was a progressive and complete loss of long chain oligomers (NPEO(subscript)8-17), transient increases and subsequent loss of short to medium chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)4-7), and large persistent increases (approximately 1000%) in short chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)1-3). In the presence of illumination, biodegradation was retarded and heterotrophic bacterial proliferation was inhibited. After 33 days there was complete loss of long chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)9-17), incomplete loss of medium chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)6.8) and increases in short chain oligomers (NPE0(subscript)1-5). / This thesis discusses the importance of persistent metabolites of NPE degradation as it pertains to the habitat, developmental time frame and ecology of amphibians. Degradation of NPE is likely to occur over a time frame that is longer than that required for complete embryogenesis and metamorphosis of many species of amphibians, and may easily encompass those critical stages of development during which oestrogenic metabolites can affect development.
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Possible endocrine disruption in molluscs from the Limpopo Province / Ignatius Michael ViljoenViljoen, Ignatius Michael January 2010 (has links)
With parts of SA in a malaria endemic area, a preventative way of fighting
malaria is with the use of pesticides such as 1,1,1–Trichloro–2,2–bis(pclorophenyl)
ethane, also known as DDT. DDT is listed under the persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) and considered an endocrine disruptive compound (EDC) under
the Stockholm Convention. SA registered an exemption to use DDT as means to
fight malaria. DDT and its isomers are, however, known EDCs. Combined with their
ability to persist in the environment while not being target specific motivates further
studies into possible detrimental effects.
The present study aimed to establish if ED was present by comparing the
male reproductive organs from snails from an area currently sprayed with DDT (for
malaria control) to an area not sprayed with DDT in the Limpopo Province. A possible
endpoint (the penis sheath/preputium length ratio or PSPLR) was identified for the
freshwater snail Bulinus tropicus.
B. tropicus and sediment samples were collected from DDT–sprayed and nonsprayed
areas located close together. The snails were dissected and various
morphometric parameters measured. Sediments from the sites where the snails were
collected were analysed for DDT using GC–MS.
Statistical analysis showed significant differences in PSPLR (and therefore
possible ED) between snails from the two areas. The difference in PSPLR values
was mainly due to a relatively shorter preputium for the snails from the DDT–sprayed
area. Even though the sediment samples showed that DDT was present in most of
the DDT–sprayed sites and not in the non–DDT sprayed sites, causality of the
possible ED could not be established from this field study. This study indicated the
possibility of using the PSPLR as endpoint for ED. Recommendations are made for
further development of the PSPLR and B. tropicus as biological indicators for
endocrine disruption, but causality must first be established. / Thesis (M.Sc (Environmental Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Possible endocrine disruption in molluscs from the Limpopo Province / Ignatius Michael ViljoenViljoen, Ignatius Michael January 2010 (has links)
With parts of SA in a malaria endemic area, a preventative way of fighting
malaria is with the use of pesticides such as 1,1,1–Trichloro–2,2–bis(pclorophenyl)
ethane, also known as DDT. DDT is listed under the persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) and considered an endocrine disruptive compound (EDC) under
the Stockholm Convention. SA registered an exemption to use DDT as means to
fight malaria. DDT and its isomers are, however, known EDCs. Combined with their
ability to persist in the environment while not being target specific motivates further
studies into possible detrimental effects.
The present study aimed to establish if ED was present by comparing the
male reproductive organs from snails from an area currently sprayed with DDT (for
malaria control) to an area not sprayed with DDT in the Limpopo Province. A possible
endpoint (the penis sheath/preputium length ratio or PSPLR) was identified for the
freshwater snail Bulinus tropicus.
B. tropicus and sediment samples were collected from DDT–sprayed and nonsprayed
areas located close together. The snails were dissected and various
morphometric parameters measured. Sediments from the sites where the snails were
collected were analysed for DDT using GC–MS.
Statistical analysis showed significant differences in PSPLR (and therefore
possible ED) between snails from the two areas. The difference in PSPLR values
was mainly due to a relatively shorter preputium for the snails from the DDT–sprayed
area. Even though the sediment samples showed that DDT was present in most of
the DDT–sprayed sites and not in the non–DDT sprayed sites, causality of the
possible ED could not be established from this field study. This study indicated the
possibility of using the PSPLR as endpoint for ED. Recommendations are made for
further development of the PSPLR and B. tropicus as biological indicators for
endocrine disruption, but causality must first be established. / Thesis (M.Sc (Environmental Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Der Einfluss von hormonell wirksamen Umweltchemikalien auf die Populationsökologie von Gammarus fossarum / The influence of endocrine disruptive environmental chemicals on the population ecology of Gammarus fossarumLadewig, Vanessa 03 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Bei zwei Fließgewässern (Lockwitzbach und Körsch) wurde ein Expositions- und Effektmonitoring an Probenahmestellen jeweils ober- und unterhalb des Einleiters eines kommunalen Klärwerks über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren durchgeführt. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit waren dabei die Untersuchungen zur Populationsstruktur und -dynamik von Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda, Crustacea). Folgende Populationsvariablen wurden erfasst: Abundanz, Geschlechterverhältnis, Anteil von Juvenilen, Anteil brütender Weibchen, Fekundität, Körperlängen und Infektion mit Acanthocephalen. Erstmalig wurde Intersexualität bei G. fossarum festgestellt. Im Lockwitzbach war der Anteil an Intersexen bei den adulten Gammariden mit etwa 5 - 15 % höher als in der Körsch mit < 1 %. Intersexualität wurde nicht durch die Einleiter induziert. Bei den Intersexen handelt es sich um funktionelle Weibchen. Wodurch dieses Phänomen ausgelöst wird und welche Bedeutung es für die Population hat, ist unbekannt. In den Freilanduntersuchungen wurden im Projekt Xehogamm (Umweltbundesamt Berlin, FKZ 299 65 221/05), in dessen Rahmen diese Dissertation entstand, verschiedene Umweltchemikalien im Bachwasser analysiert. Bei Vertebraten ist eine östrogene Wirksamkeit dieser Substanzen bekannt oder wird vermutet. In den Gammaridenpopulationen unterhalb der Klärwerkseinleiter waren wichtige populationsrelevante Variablen im Vergleich zu oberhalb verändert. An der unteren Probenahmestelle bei der Körsch war der Anteil der Juvenilen mit der kleinsten Körperlänge sowie der Anteil brütender Weibchen erniedrigt. Tendenziell traf dies auch für die untere Probenahmestelle beim Lockwitzbach zu. Bei der Körsch ist außerdem der frühere Beginn der herbstlichen Reproduktionspause und die geringere Körperlänge adulter Gammariden möglicherweise auf endokrine Umweltchemikalien im Wasser des Einleiters zurückzuführen. Von den nachgewiesenen Substanzen wurde eine Einzelsubstanz, Bisphenol A, für ein Fließrinnenexperiment ausgewählt. In künstlichen Fließrinnen im Gewächshaus wurde G. fossarum paarweise, in Gruppen sowie als größenstrukturierte Population in der Fließrinne selbst über 103 Tage exponiert, und verschiedene Populationsvariablen wurden erfasst. Die Nominalkonzentrationen von Bisphenol A in drei Fließrinnen betrugen 5, 50 und 500 µg/L. In den ersten drei aufeinanderfolgenden Bruten zeigte sich in der höchsten Bisphenol A-Konzentration die größte Brutgröße. Im weiteren Verlauf des Experiments übte Bisphenol A einen hemmenden Einfluss auf die Reproduktion der Gammariden aus. Basierend auf den Nominalkonzentrationen wurden folgende EC10-Werte berechnet: Anteil reproduzierender Weibchen für die 4. Brut (bei Gammaridenpaaren): 22 µg/L, Brutgröße der 4. Brut (bei Gammaridenpaaren): 11 µg/L, Anteil brütender Weibchen (Population): 212 µg/L und Anteil Juveniler (Population): 153 µg/L Bisphenol A. Die EC10-Werte basierend auf Effektivkonzentrationen für dieselben Endpunkte betragen: bei den Paaren 1,1 µg/L (reproduzierende Weibchen) und 0,5 µg/L (Brutgröße), in der Population 10 µg/L (Anteil brütender Weibchen und Anteil Juveniler). Im Fließrinnenexperiment wurde Bisphenol A zwar in höheren Konzentrationen als im Freiland vorhanden eingesetzt, die beobachteten Effekte weisen jedoch in dieselbe Richtung wie die Effekte im Freiland. Daher kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass auch die Effekte im Freiland auf einer endokrinen Wirkung von Umweltchemikalien beruhen könnten. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss von Bisphenol A auf die Osmoregulation bei G. lacustris untersucht, wobei unterschiedliche Effekte auf die Natrium- und Calciumkonzentration, nicht jedoch auf die Osmolalität, in der Hämolymphe nachgewiesen wurden. Anlage: Rohdaten (3,87 MB)- Nutzung: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLUB
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Ocorrência e ecotoxicidade de desreguladores endócrinos químicos em ambientes aquáticos e em sistemas de tratamento de esgoto / Occurrence and ecotoxicity of endocrine disruptor chemicals in aquatic environment and sewage treatment systemsAndré Luís de Sá Salomão 23 May 2014 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A aplicabilidade de um método selecionado de medição indireta de vitelogenina (Vtg) em plasma sanguíneo de peixe, baseado na quantificação de fosfato álcali-lábil (alkali-labile phosphate-ALP) para acessar estrogenicidade em água, foi investigada na presente tese. O método foi originalmente desenvolvido para a espécie de peixe Carassius carassius (Carpa cruciana) e aplicado pela primeira vez na espécie Oreochromis niloticus (Tilápia do Nilo) no presente estudo. Com o objetivo de acessar a sensibilidade do método, em uma primeira etapa da investigação foram realizados estudos laboratoriais com soluções estoques de 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2), 17-estradiol (E2), e estrona (E1). Os efeitos destes hormônios foram investigados com base tanto na concentração quanto na carga, utilizando-se para tanto, unidades experimentais com volumes distintos (2 L e 130 L). Após a validação do método de ALP, a estrogenicidade foi avaliada nas seguintes águas contaminadas: (i) afluente e efluente de uma grande estação de tratamento de esgotos convencional (ETE) e de uma estação descentralizada de tratamento de esgoto de pequeno porte (Ecossistema Engenheirado-DEE); (ii) água superficial (SW) e água subterrânea (GW) coletadas em uma área de brejo contaminada com gasolina; (iii) água de uma lagoa urbana (LRF) da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com alta densidade populacional e descarte clandestino de esgoto. Na segunda etapa foram analisados em microalgas os efeitos (outros que não disrupção endócrina) causados pelos hormônios EE2, E2 e E1. Os hormônios foram testados individualmente e em misturas, em culturas individuais e combinada (S+) das espécies de microalgas unicelulares P. subcapitata e D. subspicatus. Com base nos níveis de ALP para a espécie de peixe e no EC50 para as espécies de algas, os resultados mostraram que o EE2 e o E2 causaram disrupção endócrina superior e foram mais tóxicos do que o E1 para peixes e microalgas respectivamente. Quando em misturas (E+) de concentrações equivalentes (EE2:E2:E1), os estrogênios resultaram em efeito aditivo para as espécies O. niloticus e P. subcapitata, e menos que aditivo para D. subspicatus e cultivo misto de algas (S+). Culturas contendo ambas as espécies de algas (S+) por um longo período de exposição (96 h) resultaram na atenuação dos efeitos tóxicos causados pela exposição, tanto individual (EE2, E2 ou E1), quanto na mistura (E+) dos estrogênios, medidos em termos de EC50 (T0h 0,07; 0,09; 0,18; e 0,06 g mL-1; e T96h 1,29; 1,87; 5,58; e 4,61 g mL-1, respectivamente). O DEE apresentou uma maior eficiência na remoção dos disrutores endócrinos do que a ETE convencional. Foi detectada estrogenicidade em amostras da LRF, e de água SW e GW em área brejosa contaminada com gasolina. Os resultados dos ensaios sugerem que as interações (efeitos aditivos ou menos que aditivo) causadas pela mistura dos estrogênios assim como, as interações entre as espécies de algas afetaram o resultado final dos ensaios ecotoxicológicos. Um fator raramente abordado em estudos ecotoxicológicos que foi destacado na presente tese refere-se à importância de considerar não somente a concentração e a dosagem, mas também a carga aplicada e o volume das unidades experimentais. Devido à boa sensibilidade do O. niloticus quando exposto às concentrações relativamente baixas dos estrogênios, a combinação do método de ALP com os biomarcadores auxiliares (particularmente MN) pode ser um protocolo adequado para a detecção de estogenicidade e genotoxicidade respectivamente em diferentes ambiente aquáticos contaminados, como parte de um programa de monitoramento ambiental / The applicability of one selected method for indirect measurement of vitellogenin (Vtg) in fish plasma based on the quantification of alkali-labile phosphates (ALP method) to assess estrogenicity in water was investigated. The ALP method applied in this investigation was originally developed with Carassius carassius (Crucian carps). This thesis describes the first attempt of using this method with Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia). In a first part of the investigation, laboratory studies were conducted with water spiked with 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2), 17-estradiol (E2), and estrone (E1) in order to assess the method sensitivity. The effects of these estrogens were investigated on the basis of both load and concentration, using experimental units with two different volumes (2 L and 130 L). After validation of the method, the estrogenicity of the following contaminated waters was assessed: (i) affluent and effluent of one large conventional municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and one small decentralized wastewater treatment plant (Decentralized Engineered Ecosystem-DEE); (ii) surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW) obtained from a gasoline-contaminated marshland; (iii) samples from a urban lagoon (LRF) located in Rio de Janeiro city with high density population and clandestine sewage discharge. An additional goal of the thesis was to assess the effect (other than endocrine disruption) caused by EE2, E2 and E1 to microalgae. Assays with single and mixed estrogens and single and combined cultures (S+) of the green microalgae P. subcapitata and D. subspicatus were carried out. The results have shown that EE2 and E2 were more estrogenic and toxic than E1 to the fishes and to the microalgae respectively. Mixed solutions of estrogens (E+) in equal proportions (EE2:E2:E1) resulted in additive effect on O. niloticus and P. subcapitata and less-than-additive effect on D. subspicatus and S+ measured as ALP (for fish) and EC50 (for microalgae). Combined cultivation of both algae species and longer exposure time (96 h) resulted in attenuation of the toxic effects caused by single (EE2, E2 or E1) and mixed (E+) estrogens according to EC50 (T0h 0.07, 0.09, 0.18, and 0.06 g mL-1; and T96h 1.29, 1.87, 5.58, and 4.61 g mL-1, respectively). The decentralized engineered ecosystem was more efficient than the conventional WWTP regarding estrogenicity removal from the final effluent. Estrogenicity was detected in some samples of the LRF and the SW and GW of the gasoline-contaminated marshland. Therefore, the investigations suggested that interactions (additive and less-than additive effect) take place when different estrogens are present in the water environment and interactions also occur between algae species, which affect the final toxicity. Additionally, the study highlighted the importance of taking into account not only concentration and dose regime but also the mass load and therefore, the volume used in the experimental units, which are rarely addressed in ecotoxicity assays. Considering the good sensitivity of O. niloticus exposed to relatively low concentrations of estrogens, the combination of the ALP method with auxiliary biomarkers (particularly MN) can be a suitable protocol for estrogenicity and genotoxicity detection in different contaminated waters as part of water environmental monitoring programs
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Ocorrência e ecotoxicidade de desreguladores endócrinos químicos em ambientes aquáticos e em sistemas de tratamento de esgoto / Occurrence and ecotoxicity of endocrine disruptor chemicals in aquatic environment and sewage treatment systemsAndré Luís de Sá Salomão 23 May 2014 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A aplicabilidade de um método selecionado de medição indireta de vitelogenina (Vtg) em plasma sanguíneo de peixe, baseado na quantificação de fosfato álcali-lábil (alkali-labile phosphate-ALP) para acessar estrogenicidade em água, foi investigada na presente tese. O método foi originalmente desenvolvido para a espécie de peixe Carassius carassius (Carpa cruciana) e aplicado pela primeira vez na espécie Oreochromis niloticus (Tilápia do Nilo) no presente estudo. Com o objetivo de acessar a sensibilidade do método, em uma primeira etapa da investigação foram realizados estudos laboratoriais com soluções estoques de 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2), 17-estradiol (E2), e estrona (E1). Os efeitos destes hormônios foram investigados com base tanto na concentração quanto na carga, utilizando-se para tanto, unidades experimentais com volumes distintos (2 L e 130 L). Após a validação do método de ALP, a estrogenicidade foi avaliada nas seguintes águas contaminadas: (i) afluente e efluente de uma grande estação de tratamento de esgotos convencional (ETE) e de uma estação descentralizada de tratamento de esgoto de pequeno porte (Ecossistema Engenheirado-DEE); (ii) água superficial (SW) e água subterrânea (GW) coletadas em uma área de brejo contaminada com gasolina; (iii) água de uma lagoa urbana (LRF) da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com alta densidade populacional e descarte clandestino de esgoto. Na segunda etapa foram analisados em microalgas os efeitos (outros que não disrupção endócrina) causados pelos hormônios EE2, E2 e E1. Os hormônios foram testados individualmente e em misturas, em culturas individuais e combinada (S+) das espécies de microalgas unicelulares P. subcapitata e D. subspicatus. Com base nos níveis de ALP para a espécie de peixe e no EC50 para as espécies de algas, os resultados mostraram que o EE2 e o E2 causaram disrupção endócrina superior e foram mais tóxicos do que o E1 para peixes e microalgas respectivamente. Quando em misturas (E+) de concentrações equivalentes (EE2:E2:E1), os estrogênios resultaram em efeito aditivo para as espécies O. niloticus e P. subcapitata, e menos que aditivo para D. subspicatus e cultivo misto de algas (S+). Culturas contendo ambas as espécies de algas (S+) por um longo período de exposição (96 h) resultaram na atenuação dos efeitos tóxicos causados pela exposição, tanto individual (EE2, E2 ou E1), quanto na mistura (E+) dos estrogênios, medidos em termos de EC50 (T0h 0,07; 0,09; 0,18; e 0,06 g mL-1; e T96h 1,29; 1,87; 5,58; e 4,61 g mL-1, respectivamente). O DEE apresentou uma maior eficiência na remoção dos disrutores endócrinos do que a ETE convencional. Foi detectada estrogenicidade em amostras da LRF, e de água SW e GW em área brejosa contaminada com gasolina. Os resultados dos ensaios sugerem que as interações (efeitos aditivos ou menos que aditivo) causadas pela mistura dos estrogênios assim como, as interações entre as espécies de algas afetaram o resultado final dos ensaios ecotoxicológicos. Um fator raramente abordado em estudos ecotoxicológicos que foi destacado na presente tese refere-se à importância de considerar não somente a concentração e a dosagem, mas também a carga aplicada e o volume das unidades experimentais. Devido à boa sensibilidade do O. niloticus quando exposto às concentrações relativamente baixas dos estrogênios, a combinação do método de ALP com os biomarcadores auxiliares (particularmente MN) pode ser um protocolo adequado para a detecção de estogenicidade e genotoxicidade respectivamente em diferentes ambiente aquáticos contaminados, como parte de um programa de monitoramento ambiental / The applicability of one selected method for indirect measurement of vitellogenin (Vtg) in fish plasma based on the quantification of alkali-labile phosphates (ALP method) to assess estrogenicity in water was investigated. The ALP method applied in this investigation was originally developed with Carassius carassius (Crucian carps). This thesis describes the first attempt of using this method with Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia). In a first part of the investigation, laboratory studies were conducted with water spiked with 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2), 17-estradiol (E2), and estrone (E1) in order to assess the method sensitivity. The effects of these estrogens were investigated on the basis of both load and concentration, using experimental units with two different volumes (2 L and 130 L). After validation of the method, the estrogenicity of the following contaminated waters was assessed: (i) affluent and effluent of one large conventional municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and one small decentralized wastewater treatment plant (Decentralized Engineered Ecosystem-DEE); (ii) surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW) obtained from a gasoline-contaminated marshland; (iii) samples from a urban lagoon (LRF) located in Rio de Janeiro city with high density population and clandestine sewage discharge. An additional goal of the thesis was to assess the effect (other than endocrine disruption) caused by EE2, E2 and E1 to microalgae. Assays with single and mixed estrogens and single and combined cultures (S+) of the green microalgae P. subcapitata and D. subspicatus were carried out. The results have shown that EE2 and E2 were more estrogenic and toxic than E1 to the fishes and to the microalgae respectively. Mixed solutions of estrogens (E+) in equal proportions (EE2:E2:E1) resulted in additive effect on O. niloticus and P. subcapitata and less-than-additive effect on D. subspicatus and S+ measured as ALP (for fish) and EC50 (for microalgae). Combined cultivation of both algae species and longer exposure time (96 h) resulted in attenuation of the toxic effects caused by single (EE2, E2 or E1) and mixed (E+) estrogens according to EC50 (T0h 0.07, 0.09, 0.18, and 0.06 g mL-1; and T96h 1.29, 1.87, 5.58, and 4.61 g mL-1, respectively). The decentralized engineered ecosystem was more efficient than the conventional WWTP regarding estrogenicity removal from the final effluent. Estrogenicity was detected in some samples of the LRF and the SW and GW of the gasoline-contaminated marshland. Therefore, the investigations suggested that interactions (additive and less-than additive effect) take place when different estrogens are present in the water environment and interactions also occur between algae species, which affect the final toxicity. Additionally, the study highlighted the importance of taking into account not only concentration and dose regime but also the mass load and therefore, the volume used in the experimental units, which are rarely addressed in ecotoxicity assays. Considering the good sensitivity of O. niloticus exposed to relatively low concentrations of estrogens, the combination of the ALP method with auxiliary biomarkers (particularly MN) can be a suitable protocol for estrogenicity and genotoxicity detection in different contaminated waters as part of water environmental monitoring programs
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