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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic and Entopeduncular Nuclei in an Animal Model of Tardive Dyskinesia

Creed, Meaghan Claire 12 December 2013 (has links)
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a potential intervention for treatment-resistant tardive dyskinesia (TD). Despite promising case reports, no consensus exists regarding optimal stimulation parameters, neuroanatomical target for DBS in TD, or mechanisms underlying its anti-dyskinetic effects. We used vacuous chewing movements (VCMs) in rats treated chronically with haloperidol (HAL) as a TD model to address some of these issues. We show that acute DBS applied to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) or the entopeduncular nucleus (EPN) suppresses VCMs without affecting locomotor activity. Using immediate early gene mapping with zif268 as an index of neuronal activity, we found that STN-DBS induced decreases in activity throughout the basal ganglia, whereas EPN-DBS increased activity in projection regions. While chemical inactivation of the STN or EPN with the GABAA agonist muscimol also suppressed VCMs, muscimol infusion did not mimic the changes in neuronal activity induced by DBS, suggesting that DBS is not equivalent to functional inactivation. We next examined the contribution of serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) to the anti-dyskinetic effects of DBS. Decreasing 5-HT transmission pharmacologically or with serotonergic lesions decreased VCMs. Using microdialysis and zif268 mapping, we determined that STN- but not EPN-DBS decreased 5-HT release and activity of raphe neurons. However, when the decrease in 5-HT induced by STN-DBS was prevented by pre-treating rats with fluoxetine or fenfluramine, we found that decreasing 5-HT is not necessary for the anti-dyskinetic effects of DBS. STN-DBS transiently increased striatal DA release in intact rats only, whereas EPN-DBS had no effect on DA release. Moreover, pharmacologically elevating DA levels did not suppress VCMs. Together these findings lead us to conclude that increased DA release does not contribute to the anti-dyskinetic effects of DBS. Finally, we compared depressive- and anxiety-like behaviours induced by chronic DBS of the EPN and STN, since adverse psychiatric effects of DBS have become a significant clinical concern. STN-DBS but not EPN-DBS induced depressive-like behaviour in a learned helplessness task. We established that the chronic HAL VCM model preparation may be used to explore mechanisms underlying anti-dyskinetic and psychiatric effects of DBS, and provided the first investigations into these mechanisms.

Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic and Entopeduncular Nuclei in an Animal Model of Tardive Dyskinesia

Creed, Meaghan Claire 12 December 2013 (has links)
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a potential intervention for treatment-resistant tardive dyskinesia (TD). Despite promising case reports, no consensus exists regarding optimal stimulation parameters, neuroanatomical target for DBS in TD, or mechanisms underlying its anti-dyskinetic effects. We used vacuous chewing movements (VCMs) in rats treated chronically with haloperidol (HAL) as a TD model to address some of these issues. We show that acute DBS applied to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) or the entopeduncular nucleus (EPN) suppresses VCMs without affecting locomotor activity. Using immediate early gene mapping with zif268 as an index of neuronal activity, we found that STN-DBS induced decreases in activity throughout the basal ganglia, whereas EPN-DBS increased activity in projection regions. While chemical inactivation of the STN or EPN with the GABAA agonist muscimol also suppressed VCMs, muscimol infusion did not mimic the changes in neuronal activity induced by DBS, suggesting that DBS is not equivalent to functional inactivation. We next examined the contribution of serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) to the anti-dyskinetic effects of DBS. Decreasing 5-HT transmission pharmacologically or with serotonergic lesions decreased VCMs. Using microdialysis and zif268 mapping, we determined that STN- but not EPN-DBS decreased 5-HT release and activity of raphe neurons. However, when the decrease in 5-HT induced by STN-DBS was prevented by pre-treating rats with fluoxetine or fenfluramine, we found that decreasing 5-HT is not necessary for the anti-dyskinetic effects of DBS. STN-DBS transiently increased striatal DA release in intact rats only, whereas EPN-DBS had no effect on DA release. Moreover, pharmacologically elevating DA levels did not suppress VCMs. Together these findings lead us to conclude that increased DA release does not contribute to the anti-dyskinetic effects of DBS. Finally, we compared depressive- and anxiety-like behaviours induced by chronic DBS of the EPN and STN, since adverse psychiatric effects of DBS have become a significant clinical concern. STN-DBS but not EPN-DBS induced depressive-like behaviour in a learned helplessness task. We established that the chronic HAL VCM model preparation may be used to explore mechanisms underlying anti-dyskinetic and psychiatric effects of DBS, and provided the first investigations into these mechanisms.

GABA/glutamate co-release in the entopeduncular nucleus: the role of glutamate from SstLHb neurons for goal-directed behavior in mouse

Liu, Yijun 13 March 2024 (has links)
The basal ganglia (BG) is known for its function not only in motor modulation but also in action selection and reward learning. There are two major anatomical pathways through the BG, the direct and the indirect pathways. The direct pathway starts from the striatum and then directly projects to the globus pallidus, pars interna (GPi) and the substantia nigra, pars reticulata (SNr) respectively, while the indirect pathway starts from the striatum but then indirectly projects to GPi and SNr through the globus pallidus, pars externa and then to the subthalamic nucleus. In addition, the output from GPi not only projects to the thalamus where it has been proposed to function in motor control, but also to the lateral habenula (LHb) where it has been proposed to function in outcome evaluation. Previous studies have found that there are three major genetically distinct neuron groups in the entopeduncular nucleus (EP) (rodent homologue of the primate GPi): 1) purely glutamatergic neurons projecting to LHb neurons expressing parvalbumin (PVLHb); 2) purely GABAergic neurons projecting to motor thalamic neurons expressing parvalbumin (PVThal); 3) GABA/glutamate co-releasing neurons projecting to LHb neurons expressing somatostatin (SstLHb). In this study, we knocked out the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 in SstLHb neurons through an adeno-associated virus in mice to test for the impact on goal-directed behavior using a probabilistic switching, two-armed bandit task (2ABT). Results obtained from the freely moving, water-restricted somatostatin-cre mice with the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 ablated in SstLHb neurons showed that: 1) there was neither improvement nor decline in their performance on the task; 2) they might be more distracted between trials while more concentrated within a trial; 3) they had an increase in the probability of switching between ports on consecutive trials when uncertainty in the location of the highly rewarded port was maximum compared to the control animals with intact glutamate release from SstLHb neurons to LHb. The success of the viral expression was then confirmed through whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings of postsynaptic neurons of the LHb, receiving projections from SstLHb neurons. In conclusion, our study has suggested that the glutamate release from the GABA/glutamate co-releasing neurons of EP projecting to LHb may play a role in reinforcement learning and motivation to obtain rewards, and the loss of glutamate in the GABA/glutamate co-releasing vesicles results in increasing uptake of GABA into these vesicles, leading to possible rebound burst firing of SstLHb neurons that eventually increases the sensitivity towards low rate of reward-delivery dramatically. / 2026-03-13T00:00:00Z

Contribution du Globus Pallidus et du noyau Entopédonculaire dans le contrôle de la locomotion et du mouvement d’atteinte chez le chat

Mullié, Yannick 02 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la contribution des noyaux gris centraux (NGCs) au contrôle de trois activités motrices importantes que sont la locomotion non obstruée, le contrôle visuoguidé des modifications de la locomotion et celui des mouvements d’atteinte. Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre des études antérieures entreprises par notre laboratoire. Celles-ci ont détaillé l’activité de plusieurs aires corticales que nous supposons impliquées dans la planification des modifications locomotrices. De nombreuses cellules enregistrées dans ces études montrent des décharges similaires, quel que soit le membre qui franchit l’obstacle en premier (limb-independent). Ce signal pouvant être transformé en signal dépendant du membre, ou « limb-dependent », pour déterminer, entre autres, quel membre franchira l’obstacle en premier. Nous proposons que les NGCs soient impliqués dans cette transformation et qu’ils puissent contribuer à la fois à la sélection du membre qui enjambera l’obstacle en premier, et à l’initiation des modifications nécessaires à l’enjambement. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons enregistré l’activité pallidale (i.e. noyau entopédonculaire et globus pallidus) de cinq chats lors de la marche sur tapis roulant et lors de l’enjambement des obstacles attachés à celui-ci. Nos résultats ont tout d’abord montré qu’une large population de cellules modulait son activité en accord avec le rythme locomoteur. Un grand nombre d’entre elles présentaient des modifications de leur activité de décharge avant l’initiation de l’enjambement, mais uniquement par rapport au membre controlatéral au site de l’enregistrement. Nous suggérons que ceci serait compatible avec une participation à la sélection du membre. De plus, d’autres cellules déchargeaient avec de brèves bouffées d’activité avant et pendant le franchissement et pourraient fournir les caractéristiques temporelles de celui-ci. La majorité des cellules ont montré des changements reliés à la phase de balancement du membre controlatéral, cependant quelques cellules déchargeaient en rapport avec l’activité de plusieurs membres menant à la suggestion de leur possible contribution à la régulation de la séquence d’activité dans les quatre membres. Pour déterminer si les mêmes cellules contribuaient au mouvement d’atteinte, leur activité a également été enregistrée, après le transfert du chat, sur un appareillage adjacent. La plupart des cellules déchargeaient lors de l’atteinte et pendant la locomotion. Dans certains cas, les modifications étaient très similaires, avec des cellules qui déchargeaient pendant la phase de balancement à la locomotion et pendant la phase de transport pendant l’atteinte. L’activité des autres était plus contrastée, suggérant un contrôle dépendant du contexte et possiblement l’existence de circuits séparés, dans le contrôle de différents mouvements. La tâche d’atteinte nous a aussi permis de corréler les décharges pallidales, avec les ajustements posturaux anticipateurs (APAs) qui précèdent le mouvement, ou avec le mouvement lui-même. Seules quelques cellules ont montré une meilleure corrélation avec les APAs, suggérant un rôle préférentiel du pallidum dans le mouvement spécifiquement, plutôt que dans les activités posturales qui le précèdent. En conclusion, nos résultats suggèrent que l’activité pallidale est étroitement corrélée à différents aspects des activités motrices et suggèrent que le pallidum est bien placé pour, en fonction du contexte, intégrer et transformer le signal cortical et participer au contrôle précis du déplacement et du positionnement du membre. Notons que puisque les plus importants changements d’activité prenaient la forme d’augmentations plutôt que des diminutions, nous discutons la possibilité que ces augmentations puissent sculpter l’activité thalamo-corticale plutôt que relâcher le thalamus de son inhibition. / This thesis addresses the issue of how the basal ganglia contribute to the control of three important motor activities: i) the control of non-obstructed locomotion, ii) the control of visually-guided gait modifications and iii) the control of visually-guided reaching movements. A major impetus for this work comes from previous studies from this laboratory that have detailed the activity of several cortical areas that we postulate are involved in the planning of gait modification. Many of the cells recorded in these studies show similar discharges regardless of which limb is the first to step over the obstacle (limb-independent). This signal therefore has to be transformed into a limb-dependent signal to determine, amongst other issues, which limb will be the first to step over the obstacle. We propose that the basal ganglia are involved in this transformation and that it might make a contribution both in selecting which limb will be the first to step over the obstacle as well as determining temporal aspects of the resulting step. To test this hypothesis, we recorded activity from the pallidum (i.e. globus pallidus and entopedoncular nucleus) of five cats trained to walk on a treadmill and to step over a moving obstacle attached to that treadmill. We showed that a large proportion of pallidal neurons modulated their discharge according to the locomotor rhythm. Many of these neurons discharged before the onset of the step over the obstacle, but only for the contralateral limb to the recording site, compatible with a bias toward selecting that limb. In addition, other cells discharged with brief bursts of activity before and during the step and might contribute to providing temporal information about the upcoming step. The majority of cells showed changes related to the swing phase of the contralateral limb but some cells discharged with respect to the activity in several limbs leading us to suggest a possible contribution to the regulation of the sequence of activity in the four limbs. To determine whether the same cells contributed to discrete reaches, neuronal activity was recorded from the same cells after the transfer of the cat from the treadmill to an adjacent apparatus. Most cells discharged during both behaviours and in some cases the discharges during gait modification and reaching were very similar. In particular, cells discharging during the swing phase of locomotion also discharged during the transport phase of the reach. In other cases, the activity was more disparate, suggesting a context-dependent control over the activity and perhaps the existence of separate circuits for the control of different movements. The reaching task allowed us to correlate the discharge with preparatory postural adjustments that precede movements. Only a few cells showed a better correlation with APAs in comparison with the movement, suggesting a preferential role of the pallidum in focal movements rather than in the preceding postural activities. In conclusion, our results suggest that the activity in the pallidum is tightly correlated with different aspects of motor activity, suggesting that the pallidum is well placed to integrate and transform cortical signals and participate in the precise control of limb displacement. It was noteworthy that the strongest and most frequent changes in activity were increases rather than decreases. We discuss the possibility that these increases in activity might sculpt thalamocortical activity rather than releasing the thalamus from inhibition.

Etude anatomique et fonctionnelle des controles exerces par les recepteurs serotoninergiques2C au sein des ganglions de la base / Anatomical and Functional Study of the Serotonin2C Receptors Controls in the Basal Ganglia

Lagiere, Mélanie 30 October 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de neurobiologie intégrative porte sur l’étude des contrôles exercés par les récepteurs 5-HT2C au niveau du réseau des ganglions de la base, un groupe de structures sous-corticales impliquées dans le contrôle du comportement moteur. Les récepteurs 5-HT2C exercent trois modalités de contrôle sur les cellules des ganglions de la base comprenant les contrôles phasique, tonique et constitutif, ce dernier contrôle étant indépendant de la présence de la sérotonine (5-HT), le ligand endogène. A l’aide d’outils pharmacologiques appropriés (agoniste, antagoniste et agoniste inverse), nous avons étudié chez le rat les différents contrôles des récepteurs 5-HT2C sur un comportement moteur, les mouvements orofaciaux. Nous avons aussi étudié ces contrôles dans les ganglions de la base en mesurant l’expression du marqueur neuronal de changement d’activité cellulaire, le proto-oncogène c-Fos, et en utilisant des enregistrements extracellulaires unitaires de la fréquence basale ou évoquée par des stimulations corticales des structures de sortie du réseau, le noyau entopédonculaire (NEP) ou la substance noire pars reticulata (SNr). Mes données montrent que la stimulation du récepteur 5-HT2C ou le blocage de son activité constitutive entrainent une augmentation des mouvements orofaciaux anormaux. Les données anatomiques révèlent que les différents contrôles 5-HT2C s’expriment au niveau des structures d’entrées des ganglions de la base, le striatum et le noyau sous-thalamique (NST), avec une expression préférentielle de l’activité constitutive au niveau du striatum et du noyau accumbens (NAc). Le contrôle phasique et l’activité constitutive étendent leur influence vers les structures de sortie des ganglions de la base ce qui pourrait être associé à l’émergence des mouvements orofaciaux anormaux. Les contrôles 5-HT2C sont influencés par le niveau d’activité du réseau et notamment le niveau de transmission dopaminergique (DA). En effet, une lésion des neurones DA potentialise les réponses comportementales et électrophysiologiques induites par un agoniste 5-HT2C au niveau du NEP. La stimulation des récepteurs D2 entraîne des dyskinésies orofaciales et une augmentation des réponses électrophysiologiques de la voie cortico-sous-thalamo-nigrale et ces effets sont supprimés par des antagonistes 5-HT2C. Ce travail apporte des éléments concernant la distribution et la nature de divers contrôles exercés par les récepteurs 5-HT2C au sein des ganglions de la base. Il ouvre des perspectives thérapeutiques sur l’utilisation des antagonistes 5-HT2C dans la schizophrénie ou la maladie de Parkinson. Pour autant, ces contrôles sont complexes et une meilleure connaissance de leur rôle dans ces régions permettrait de mieux appréhender des thérapies éventuelles avec des agents 5-HT et/ou 5-HT2C. / This work of integrative neurobiology focuses on the study of the controls exerted by the 5-HT2C receptors in the basal ganglia, a group of subcortical structures involved in the control of motor behavior. 5-HT2C receptors exert three modalities of control over cells of the basal ganglia, including a phasic, tonic and a constitutive control, the latter one being independent of the presence of serotonin (5-HT), the endogenous ligand. Using appropriate pharmacological tools (agonist, antagonist and inverse agonist), we have studied in rats the different controls of 5-HT2C receptors on one motor behavior, the purposeless orofacial movements. We also have studied these controls in the basal ganglia by measuring the expression of the proto-oncogene c-Fos, a marker of change of neuronal activity by determining the firing rate, basal or evoked by cortical stimulations, of neurons located in the output structures, the entopeduncular nucleus (EPN) or the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), using single unit extracellular recordings. My data showed that stimulation or the blockade of the constitutive activity of 5-HT2C receptor induced an increase in abnormal orofacial movements. Anatomical data indicated that the different 5-HT2C controls are expressed in the input structures of the basal ganglia, the striatum and the subthalamic nucleus (STN), with a preferential influence of the constitutive activity in the striatum and nucleus accumbens (NAc). In addition, the phasic control and the constitutive activity extended their control to the output structures of the basal ganglia which could be associated with the emergence of orofacial movements. 5-HT2C controls are influenced by the network activity, in particular the level of dopaminergic (DA) transmission. Indeed, a lesion of DA neurons potentiated behavioral and electrophysiological responses induced by a 5-HT2C agonist by acting in the EPN. The stimulation of D2 receptors induced oral dyskinesia and an increase in electrophysiological responses of the cortico-subthalamo-nigral pathway, and these effects were suppressed by selective 5-HT2C antagonists. This work brings up elements regarding the distribution and the nature of the diverse controls exerted by 5-HT2C receptors in the basal ganglia. It opens therapeutic perspectives for the use of 5-HT2C antagonists in the treatment of schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Nevertheless, these controls are complex and a better understanding of these controls in these regions would permit to apprehend possible treatments using 5-HT and/or 5-HT2C agents.

Preclinical Modeling of Treatment-induced Impulsivity in Parkinson's Disease

Aleksandrova, Lily R 20 November 2013 (has links)
Dopamine agonist therapy and deep brain stimulation (DBS) are both linked to increased impulsivity in Parkinson’s disease (PD), but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We trained intact and PD-like rats on a rat gambling task (rGT) measuring impulsive choice and premature responding. Animals were then retested with/without treatment, pramipexole (PPX) or DBS, administered chronically prior to rGT testing. Early PD-like rats did not exhibit major differences in rGT performance or treatment response. Our work suggests that DBS and PPX are not intrinsically linked with increases in impulsivity. Neither DBS nor PPX disrupted gambling-like behaviour in our paradigm, while differential effects on premature and perseverant responding in the task were observed with treatment. Based on our findings, the previously reported ability of PPX to increase impulsive choice might not be mediated by the dopamine D3 receptor. Interestingly, our work suggests that the effects of STN-DBS on impulse control might be amplitude-dependent.

Preclinical Modeling of Treatment-induced Impulsivity in Parkinson's Disease

Aleksandrova, Lily R 20 November 2013 (has links)
Dopamine agonist therapy and deep brain stimulation (DBS) are both linked to increased impulsivity in Parkinson’s disease (PD), but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We trained intact and PD-like rats on a rat gambling task (rGT) measuring impulsive choice and premature responding. Animals were then retested with/without treatment, pramipexole (PPX) or DBS, administered chronically prior to rGT testing. Early PD-like rats did not exhibit major differences in rGT performance or treatment response. Our work suggests that DBS and PPX are not intrinsically linked with increases in impulsivity. Neither DBS nor PPX disrupted gambling-like behaviour in our paradigm, while differential effects on premature and perseverant responding in the task were observed with treatment. Based on our findings, the previously reported ability of PPX to increase impulsive choice might not be mediated by the dopamine D3 receptor. Interestingly, our work suggests that the effects of STN-DBS on impulse control might be amplitude-dependent.

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