Spelling suggestions: "subject:"erode"" "subject:"eroja""
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Snížení erozní ohroženosti pozemků prostřednictvím meziplodin a jejich aplikace na vybrané pozemkové úpravěJÁNOŠÍK, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This thesis covers and evaluates the possibilities of using sowing procedures in the contemporary Czech agriculture. The first part of the thesis analysis erosion, anti-erosion protection and endowment policy. Universal Wischmeier-Smith equation for calculating soil loss from lan is described in the second part. The effectiveness of anti-erosion of some selected sowing procedures is analysed at the selected cadastral Čestice.
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Zhodnocení efektivity návrhu jednotlivých prvků plánu společných zařízení / Evaluation of effectivness of common facilities plan objects projectionSMRŽOVÁ, Edita January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on evaulation of effectivity of particular components of the plan of common measurement. For my reaserch I chose a polder in the municipality of Košice u Soběslavi, the road network in the same area and then a stripe of greenery in the nearby municipality of Myslkovice. In my thesis there is a description of particular components and the areas of their location. Further, I focused on price estimation according to the oficial ordinance and evaluation of their added valuefor surrounding landscape and for the society.
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Eroze daňového základu a přesun zisku v mezinárodních firmách: přehodnocení důkazů na firemní úrovni / Base erosion and profit shifting by multinational firms: re-estimation of firm-level evidencePetrouš, Michal January 2018 (has links)
iv Abstract The thesis focuses on base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and resulting corporate income tax gains or losses. I first estimated profit shifting semi-elasticity using database of firm-level financial data. Subsequently I used these estimates to calculate corporate income tax gains or losses for individual countries. I estimate several models to see how much the semi-elasticity depends on specification and what affects it. The evidence suggests that companies do shift profits to countries with lower tax rate. The estimated overall profit shifting semi-elasticity ranges from 1.524 to 3.695 for different specifications of the benchmark model. Semi-elasticity of individual countries increases with financial secrecy score. Using statutory tax rate yields stronger results than using country-level effective tax rates calculated from the financial data. The estimated effect on government revenue ranges from 12% loss to 23% gain of corporate income tax revenues. In the sample of 53 countries with sufficient number of observations this translates to overall loss 48 billion US dollars. JEL Classification F23, F68, G38, H25, H26, H87 Keywords base erosion, profit shifting, corporate income tax, financial secrecy Author's e-mail michal.petrous@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail jansky@fsv.cuni.cz
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Systém přírodě blízkých protierozních a protipovodňových opatření a jejich optimalizace v procesu pozemkových úprav. / System near natural erosion and flood control measures and optimization of the process of land consolidation.BLÁHA, Vladimír January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the system erosion and the flood control measures in the cadastral territory of Smetanova Lhota. For the calculation of the erosion threat was used universal soil loss equation (USLE) and runoff characteristics are calculated using the runoff CN - curves. The proposal has the influence of several factors. It's rainfall, vegetation cover, soil characteristics, morphology and other. Several calculations were carried out using the program ERCN.
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Uplatnění meziplodin jako stabilizujícího prvku v protierozní ochraně / Application of catch crops as a stabilizing element in erosion protectionKREBSOVÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to determine the effect of the application of catch crops in crop rotation in the cadastral territory Vrábče in Czech Budweis. Erosion washing away from the land is calculated using the USLE, also compared washing off using conventional crop rotation and intercropping with the application process. Analyze here the influence of intercropping to increase anti-erosion effect of vegetation cover. The resulting values of erosion are transported using erosion of crop rotations with intercropping significantly reduced.
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Vliv zemědělské činnosti na vybrané fyzikálně chemické parametry povrchových vod / The influence of agricultural activities on selected physical and chemical parameters of surface waterMIKEŠOVÁ, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was a statistical evaluation of the impact of farming methods and the land cover on hydrochemical parameters of surface waters drainage patterns in Novohradské mountains and identify the possible impact of agriculture on the valuesof these parameters. The area for the evaluation is consist of lower and upper parts of the basin of Pasecký, Bedřichovský and Váčkový stream. Sampling sites include agriculturally cultivated land, but also forest ecosystems. The work is mainly focused on the following parameters: conductivity, nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3-), suspended solids (NL105) and phosphate phosphorus (P-PO43-), which are parameters causing eutrophication of water. The parameters changes were analysed for the years 2014 - 2017. Significant differences were observed in the all three streams in the water chemisms between upper and lower parts of the watersheds of conductivity and nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3-). The results confirmed that the farming has a significant influence on the water quality in the Pasecký, Bedřichovský and Váčkový stream although it is an extensive farming.
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Zpracování plánu společných zařízení pro komplexní pozemkovou úpravu / Projection of common facilities plan for the complex land consolidationHNÍDKOVÁ, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the elaboration of a plan of common facilities for complex land adjustments. The territory in question is Horní Slověnice cadastral estates. The theoretical part deals with the description of land modifications, exploration works and the definition of common facilities. Its focus is on arrangements for accessing the estates, for soil protection against erosion, for protection and creation of the environment and water management measures. The practical part characterizes the selected area and offers description of the most important issues within the common facilities in the given locality.
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Návrh plánu společných ve zvolené lokalitě / Proposal of common facilities plan in selected areaŠMITMAJEROVÁ, Klára January 2018 (has links)
A land consolidation is the best tool for the return of more qualified environment and values, which were suppressed in the past, or in destroyed. The most suitable is the komplex land consolidation that sloves the territory from o broader viewpoint. The purpose of this thesis is to proposal for one of the komplex land consolidation, namely with a plan od common facilities. The territorial of interes is the village of Ločenice, located in the South Bohemian Region. The meaning of this thesis is to evaluation and characteristic of the cadastral area, in the ambit of anti-erosion measures for the protection of agricultural land resources, measures to make available land, measures for the protection and crestion of the environment and water management measures. The results are processed in text and map form, that were realized by the program Arc Map 10.2.
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Uplatnění meziplodin jako stabilizujícího prvku proti erozním splachům / Application of intercropping as a stabilizing element against erosion washes awayKUKAČKA, Vladislav January 2010 (has links)
The thesis was focused on the application of theorethical knowledge about catch crops and their influence on water erosion in practice. Its task is to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of catch crops in crop rotation in light of occurance and extent of water erosion on the example of agricultural enterprise ZEPHYR Františkovy Lázně, s.r.o. The task is also assessment of the possible combinations of crops and catch crops and suggestion for their use in middlegrowth period. The universal equation for calculation of erosion wash by Wischmeier and Smith was used to evaluate and calculate an erosion parameters for a given locality. The result of this thesis is reduction of soil loss by 26 % on lands with catch crop usage as a stabilizing element, compared to the classic conservative rotation of crops.
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Analýza ochranných funkcí lesních porostů tvořených rychle rostoucími dřevinami. / Analyse of protective functions of forest crops totalled by the fast-growing timber speciesHOMOLKA, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
The goal of thesis is an analyse of protective functions of fast-growing timber species and a set of theirs part in the total non-energic meaning. The meaning of these timber species is very wide. The analyse is focused on first of all ameliorative function, and on sinking of wind erosion impact, then on insulating function, containing appreciation of impact on sinking of noisiness and catch of dustiness in an environment, and sanitation function which is represented by the production of oxygen.
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