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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ETD Submission Form

Wits Library, Wits 06 July 2012 (has links)

Second Order Exponential Time Differencing Methods for Conformal Symplectic Systems

McIntosh, Fiona G 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Differential equations are frequently used for modeling systems in the physical sciences, biology, and other important real-world disciplines. Oftentimes, however, these equations cannot be solved exactly, so suitable computer algorithms are necessary to provide an approximated solution. While these computational simulations fail to exactly represent all behaviors of the true solution, they can be constructed to exactly, or very closely, reproduce certain properties which are key to the physical or scientific applications of a problem. This paper explores a computational method specifically constructed for modeling the behavior of systems with linear damping, or a reduction of energy, introduced in them. The method was designed to be conformal symplectic, and closely reproduce dissipation of physical properties such as linear and angular momentum, mass, and energy, caused by the damping. The algorithm was constructed in such a way that it maintains low computational cost to implement. Additionally, the method demonstrates favorable accuracy and stability properties in simulation. The method can also handle more complex scenarios, such as systems with forcing terms, and nonlinear systems. In these cases, it has been shown to hold advantages over other commonly used methods in particular circumstances.


Chengfang, Huang, Jianping, Hu 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 21, 2002 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / The Equipment Time-Delay (ETD) measurement technology for Continuous Wave (CW) transponder is discussed with emphasis on the principle of measuring the ETD of the intermediate frequency (IF) modulation transponder through measuring subcarrier modulation sideband tone phase. A general method for measuring ETD of different types of transponder (including IF-modulation transponder) is introduced. Finally the measurement method error is analyzed.

Dissertations: Past, present, and future

Barton, Matthew D 01 June 2005 (has links)
Current policies and traditions regulating the dissertation process are responsible for a devaluation of dissertations and fail to recognize the economic and technological developments wrought by the emerging Internet. Some of the problems with the current process involve ideology, such as the insistence that dissertations be single-authored, original, and owned by someone. Others involve adherence to traditions that no longer serve a useful purpose, such as forcing authors to conform to a format better suited to a printed book than an online project. Finally, economical considerations such as the costs involved with purchasing and training authors to use advanced technology and an overall resistance to technology are inhibiting the evolution of the dissertation and stifling progress.

Segmenting Electronic Theses and Dissertations By Chapters

Manzoor, Javaid Akbar 18 January 2023 (has links)
Master of Science / Electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) are structured documents in which chapters are major components. There is a lack of any repository that contains chapter boundary details alongside these structured documents. Revealing these details of the documents can help increase accessibility. This research explores the manipulation of ETDs marked up using LaTeX to generate chapter boundaries. We use this to create a data set of 1,459 ETDs and their chapter boundaries. Additionally, for the task of automatic segmentation of unseen documents, we prototype three deep learning models that are trained using this data set. We hope to encourage researchers to incorporate LaTeX manipulation techniques to create similar data sets.

Моделирање и имплементација дигиталне библиотеке теза и дисертација / Modeliranje i implementacija digitalne biblioteke teza i disertacija / Modeling and implementation of digital library of theses and dissertations

Ivanović Lidija 08 May 2014 (has links)
<p>Циљ &ndash; Циљ је моделирање и имплементација дигиталне библиотеке теза и дисертација која ће омогућити размену података са CRIS системима базираним на CERIF моделу података као и размену података путем OAI-PMH протокола у различитим форматима метаподатака (Dublin Core, EDT-MS, итд.), претрагу дигиталне библиотеке, као и испунити све локалне захтеве наметнуте од стране научне институције или државе у којој се налази научна институција.<br />Методологија &ndash; Анализиране су различите врсте система које поседују метаподатке о тезама и дисертацијама. Уочено је да у овим системима постоји више стандарда и протокола који омогућују интероперабилност ових система: CERIF стандард, AOI-PMH протокол, итд. Анализирана је могућност креирања једног модела података која ће омогућити интероперабилност са другим системима који садрже метаподатке о тезама и дисертацијама. Креиран је један такав модел употребом CASE алата PowerDesigner. Такође, моделовање дигиталне библиотеке је урађено уз ослонац на овај алат употребом UML дијаграма. Имплементација је извршена употребом Java платформе уз ослонац на библиотеке отвореног кода и приликом имплементације усвојена су добра решења из анализираних система.<br />Резултати &ndash; Дефинисан је скуп метаподатака о тезама и дисертацијама који садржи све метаподатке прописане CERIF моделом података, затим све прописане Dublin Core форматом и EDT-MS форматом и све метаподатке о тезама и дисертацијама који се користе за потребе Универзитета у Новом Саду. Дефинисани метаподаци се могу складиштити у CERIF компатибилном моделу података који складишти метаподатке о тезама и дисертацијама у MARC 21 формату који је основа за дигиталну библиотеку која је предмет ове дисертације. Имплементирана је дигитална библиотека која може да се претражује путем веб апликације, да размењује податке са светском и европском мрежом теза и дисертација. Кориснички интерфејс за унос метаподатка о тезама и дисертацијама имплементиран је тако да не захтева познавање усвојених стандарда.<br />Практична примена &ndash; Дигиталне библиотека је имплементирана као део CRIS UNS система који се користи на Универзитету у Новом Саду. У дигиталној библиотеци постоји више од 3500 дисертација које су одбрањене на Универзитету у Новом Саду од његовог оснивања.<br />Вредност &ndash; Дат је модел података о тезама и дисертацијама који обезбеђује размену података по различитим стандардима. Овај модел је интероперабилан са Европским информационим системима научно-истраживачке делатности који су базирани на CERIF моделу података. Имплементирана дигиталне библиотека може бити чвор у светској као и у европској мрежи дигиталних библиотека теза и дисертација које захтевају комуникацију између својих чворова по OAI-PMH протокола у ETD-MS или Dublin Core формату. Имплементацијом ове дигиталне библиотеке за очекивати је да се повећава доступност теза и дисертација Универзитета у Новом Саду, а самим тим и рејтинг универзитета</p> / <p>Cilj &ndash; Cilj je modeliranje i implementacija digitalne biblioteke teza i disertacija koja će omogućiti razmenu podataka sa CRIS sistemima baziranim na CERIF modelu podataka kao i razmenu podataka putem OAI-PMH protokola u različitim formatima metapodataka (Dublin Core, EDT-MS, itd.), pretragu digitalne biblioteke, kao i ispuniti sve lokalne zahteve nametnute od strane naučne institucije ili države u kojoj se nalazi naučna institucija.<br />Metodologija &ndash; Analizirane su različite vrste sistema koje poseduju metapodatke o tezama i disertacijama. Uočeno je da u ovim sistemima postoji više standarda i protokola koji omogućuju interoperabilnost ovih sistema: CERIF standard, AOI-PMH protokol, itd. Analizirana je mogućnost kreiranja jednog modela podataka koja će omogućiti interoperabilnost sa drugim sistemima koji sadrže metapodatke o tezama i disertacijama. Kreiran je jedan takav model upotrebom CASE alata PowerDesigner. Takođe, modelovanje digitalne biblioteke je urađeno uz oslonac na ovaj alat upotrebom UML dijagrama. Implementacija je izvršena upotrebom Java platforme uz oslonac na biblioteke otvorenog koda i prilikom implementacije usvojena su dobra rešenja iz analiziranih sistema.<br />Rezultati &ndash; Definisan je skup metapodataka o tezama i disertacijama koji sadrži sve metapodatke propisane CERIF modelom podataka, zatim sve propisane Dublin Core formatom i EDT-MS formatom i sve metapodatke o tezama i disertacijama koji se koriste za potrebe Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Definisani metapodaci se mogu skladištiti u CERIF kompatibilnom modelu podataka koji skladišti metapodatke o tezama i disertacijama u MARC 21 formatu koji je osnova za digitalnu biblioteku koja je predmet ove disertacije. Implementirana je digitalna biblioteka koja može da se pretražuje putem veb aplikacije, da razmenjuje podatke sa svetskom i evropskom mrežom teza i disertacija. Korisnički interfejs za unos metapodatka o tezama i disertacijama implementiran je tako da ne zahteva poznavanje usvojenih standarda.<br />Praktična primena &ndash; Digitalne biblioteka je implementirana kao deo CRIS UNS sistema koji se koristi na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu. U digitalnoj biblioteci postoji više od 3500 disertacija koje su odbranjene na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu od njegovog osnivanja.<br />Vrednost &ndash; Dat je model podataka o tezama i disertacijama koji obezbeđuje razmenu podataka po različitim standardima. Ovaj model je interoperabilan sa Evropskim informacionim sistemima naučno-istraživačke delatnosti koji su bazirani na CERIF modelu podataka. Implementirana digitalne biblioteka može biti čvor u svetskoj kao i u evropskoj mreži digitalnih biblioteka teza i disertacija koje zahtevaju komunikaciju između svojih čvorova po OAI-PMH protokola u ETD-MS ili Dublin Core formatu. Implementacijom ove digitalne biblioteke za očekivati je da se povećava dostupnost teza i disertacija Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, a samim tim i rejting univerziteta</p> / <p>Aim &ndash; The aim is modeling and implementation of a digital library of theses and dissertations which will enable data exchange with CRIS systems based on CERIF data model and also data exchange through OAI-PMH protocol in variety of metadata formats (Dublin Core, ETD-MS, etc.), search of digital library, and which will meet all local requirements imposed by scientific institutions or countries in which the research institution is located.<br />Methodology - The variety types of systems which have metadata about theses and dissertations have been analyzed. It was observed that these systems are based on several standards and protocols that allow interoperability of these systems such as: CERIF standard, AOI-PMH protocol, etc. We analyzed the possibility of creating a data model that will enable interoperability with other systems which contain metadata about theses and dissertations. The model is created using the PowerDesigner CASE tool. Also, the modeling of digital libraries was done relying on this tool using UML diagrams. The implementation was done using the Java platform and using set of open source libraries and some good ideas (solutions) from the analyzed systems have been adopted for the implementation.<br />Results - A set of metadata about theses and dissertations that contains all the metadata required by CERIF data model, all the metadata prescribed by Dublin Core format and by EDT-MS format as well as all the metadata about theses and dissertations used for the purposes of the University of Novi Sad is defined. Defined metadata can be stored in the CERIF compatible data model which stores metadata about theses and dissertations in the MARC 21 format. A digital library based on this model that can be searched by web applications and also can exchange data with the world and european network of theses and dissertations is implemented. The user interface for input metadata about theses and dissertations is implemented in such manner that it does not require knowledge of the adopted standards.<br />Practical application - Digital library is implemented as part of CRIS UNS system used at the University of Novi Sad. The digital library stores more than 3500 PhD dissertations defended at the University of Novi Sad since its inception.<br />Value &ndash; A data model about theses and dissertations enabling data exchange by different standards is provided. This model is interoperable with the European information systems of scientific-research activities based on the CERIF data model. Implemented digital library can be a node in the worlds as well as European networked digital library of theses and dissertations that require communication between its nodes by OAI-PMH protocol in ETD-MS or Dublin Core format. It is expected that the implementation of this digital library is going to increase the availability of theses and dissertations from the University of Novi Sad, and therefore the ranking of the university.</p>

The effect of charge and temperature on gas phase protein conformational landscapes : an ion mobility mass spectrometry investigation

Jhingree, Jacquelyn January 2018 (has links)
The amino acid sequence of a protein determines its 3D fold, the ease with which its native structure is formed, its function, the conformational preferences sampled and the tendency to interact with itself (aggregation) and binding partners. In addition, certain conformational preferences can lead to dysfunction resulting in different diseased states in organisms. All of these conformations can be described by a protein's energy landscape; a native (functional) state being localised at the energy minimum. As protein dynamics is crucial to function it is important to monitor the sampling of different conformations. Thus the work in this thesis reports on two methods for monitoring protein conformation and conformational change in the gas phase using ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). The measurement from IM-MS methods allow the determination of a collision cross section (CCS) which is an indicator of a molecule's 3D shape. First, the effect of charge on protein structure is investigated by manipulation of protein charge, post electrospray ionisation (ESI), by exposure to radical anions of the electron transfer reagent, 1,3-dicyanaobenzene; the charge reduced products formed are the result of electron transfer to the charged protein without any dissociation (ETnoD). IM-MS is used to monitor the conformational preferences of the altered and unaltered precursor and its products. Secondly, intermediate (transient) conformers are formed by activating the charged protein in the source region of an instrument post ESI. Activation of the protein precursor allows the sampling of different conformational preferences after energetic barriers have been overcome; IM-MS following activation allows for the monitoring of protein conformational change before and after. Further, variable temperature (VT) IM-MS allows for the deduction of intermediate structures with a focus on measurements at cryogenic temperatures whereby intermediate structures can be 'frozen out' post activation; intermediate structures which would otherwise anneal out at room temperature. With both methods a range of conformer populations are mapped for different protein molecules sampled upon different energetic inputs (via activation) and the disruption of intramolecular neutralising contacts/salt bridges (via charge reduction) one of the main interactions responsible for maintaining the structural integrity (3D fold) of proteins.

Peruvian ETD´s: Challenges and opportunities / Tesis digitales en Perú: Retos y oportunidades

Huaroto, Libio, Saravia Lopez de Castilla, Miguel 07 November 2019 (has links)
Los programas de tesis digitales en Perú se iniciaron el 2002, Cybertesis fue la primera plataforma adoptada, actualmente DSpace es el software de uso oficial. En Junio de 2013 se publicó la Ley 30035 que obliga a las entidades públicas implementar un repositorio digital de acceso abierto, así mismo, crea el Portal “ALICIA”. En Setiembre de 2016 entró en funcionamiento el Portal “RENATI”, plataforma que difunde las tesis de entidades peruanas de educación superior. Actualmente ALICIA tiene 194 repositorios y 271,000 publicaciones en acceso abierto. Por su parte RENATI tiene 170 repositorios de tesis y 218,397 documentos de acceso abierto y restringido. Las políticas institucionales y normativas de gobierno han promovido un crecimiento acelerado de los repositorios, en especial de las tesis, de igual forma, han generado nuevos servicios en la mejora de la calidad de las tesis. / The Peruvian ETD programs began in 2002, Cybertesis was the first platform adopted and currently DSpace is the official software. In June 2013, Law 30035 was published that forces public institutions to implement an open access digital repository, and creates the “ALICIA” Portal. In September 2016, Portal “RENATI” was published, it´s a platform that disseminates the Peruvian digital thesis. “ALICIA” currently has 194 repositories and 271,000 open access publications. RENATI includes 170 digital thesis repositories and 218,397 open and restricted access digital theses. Government and regulatory policies has promoted an accelerated growth of repositories, especially digital theses; in the same way, new services to improve the quality of the thesis were developed.

Lietuvos akademinių bibliotekų tinklas: Lietuvos magistrantūros studentų baigiamųjų darbų, daktaro disertacijų ir jų santraukų elektroninių dokumentų informacijos sistema / Lithuanian Academic Library Network: Information system of Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation

Franckevičius, Arūnas 12 July 2005 (has links)
Storage, preservation and access of Master's and PhD theses as well as their abstracts in an electronic form provide unique opportunities to the academic community in Lithuania as well as worldwide. The main aims of this project were to establish an archive (Lithuanian ETD IS) of Lithuanian student final year projects, PhD theses and their abstracts in an electronic form (ETD). This archive should become a part of the Lithuanian academic library network (LABT), ensuring registration and storage of ETD documents, and should be accessible by the academic community in Lithuania and the rest of the world. In order to develop the Lithuanian ETD IS, the most widely used formats and methods for access, retrieval and exchange with NDLTD and other national ETD projects were employed. A solution, ensuring efficient ETD registration, preservation, retrieval and access by users, is presented and discussed. Application of the ExLibris programming products (ALEPH500™, MetaLib™, SFX™), developed during the LABT project, was used.

A proposed contract management framework for Eskom Transmission Division (ETD)

Khomo, Thembisile. January 2005 (has links)
Eskom Transmission Division (ETD) is being forced to rethink its business development strategies, in order to deal with rapid technological, capital and social changes. As a result, there is a high need for contract managers to learn to procure goods and services effectively and efficiently. Subsequently, the capabilities and skills of buyers, and in particular contract managers, need to reflect Eskom's challenges faced in delivering on South Africa's developmental needs for affordable electrification. Because of the complex nature of contract management, it is required that a detailed and carefully written contract management framework that defines the commercial supplier relationship, contract management aspects of the results and the desired behaviour of the contracting parties, be established beforehand. Therefore, there needs to be greater emphasis on structuring and delivering of procurement training in the future, as contract managers will need to have skills to be able to work within a cross functional team, be strategic thinkers, and manage supplier base and relationships. A variety of methods can be used to implement training and they range from formal education, coaching, on job training and intemet training. The ETD senior managers need to monitor the performance of the contract managers wants the training methods have been introduced to identify the gaps. The aim is for this contract management framework to provide intangible elements of quality cost to enable contract managers to perform strategic sourcing in order to be innovative in their decision making. The contract management framework will focus on identifying and discussing strategic ideas that will enhance and improve the effectiveness of contract management at ETD. Contract managers need to be trained to enhance and update their skills. The training should focuses on: • Total cost of ownership in selecting the suppliers rather than concentrating on price only, • Reducing their supplier base and building strategic relationship with their suppliers, • Formation of formal cross functional teams, • Formation and management of supplier relationships, A Proposed Contract Management Framework for Eskom Transmission Division (ETD) By Thembisile Khomo ix • Monitoring and Measuring the performance of the suppliers and contract managers, • Strategic Sourcing, and all other cost reduction methods. This contract management framework will focus on the following cost saving and risk sharing opportunities, which will result in an efficient and effective contract management at ETD: • Expenditure Analysis In terms of expenditure analysis ETD should consider reducing the supplier base in order to consolidate and leverage expenditure and to manage the relationship with strategic suppliers more effectively. This will result in contract managers concentrating more on long term partnership and strategic relationships with its suppliers. As a result, ETD could benefit in terms of an increase in access to technology, where those suppliers that have received more volume and longer-term contracts become willing to invest in the manufacturing equipment that will improve their equipment production and processes. Because of the long term relationship that will be developed with these suppliers, they will also be willing to share the costs and risks with ETD. • Training and the Skills of Contract Managers It is very important for contract managers to be trained and have the required skills to manage contract. This was confirmed by the case study conducted in one of the ETD contract to refurbish transformers. In analyzing this contract, it was found that: ~ The rates quoted in the contract are above the market rates. ~ ETD contract managers do not challenge the specifications or operating practices and quotation costs. As a result most of the quotation costs or rates and ideas of how the transformers should be refurbished come from Rotek. ~ Contract managers do not know how much they spent in paying the labour, materials and other varied costs associated with the refurbishment of the contract. ETD has been paying numerous indirect costs or rates, such as A Proposed Contract Management Framework for Eskom Transmission Division (ETD) By Thembisile Khomo x additional overtime, rework due to unacceptable components quality, materials costs on heavily engineered components and so forth. All this contract mismanagement matters could have been avoided if the contract was managed effectively, and there is collaborative relationship with the supplier to ensure a solid working relationship and to reduce lead-time and costs. This relationship should be based on trust, cooperation, interdependence, joint quality improvement efforts, information sharing, risk and benefit sharing, and joint problem solving. Especially during the future capital expansion projects which ETD will be engaged in, there will be a high need for dependable suppliers to provide the required design and technological input needed for marketable profitable products and for satisfactory services to result. • Cross functional teams The formation of formal cross functional teams will help in making the decisions that impact multiple functional areas. Without the representatives of various areas the decisions are likely to meet resistance. Thus, if the representatives of each of the functional areas are involved on the team, they will provide beneficial input in the resulting agreement. In turn, each representative will be responsible for ensuring acceptance by his or her functional area, of the team's decisions. Cross functional teams also enhance problem resolution as the team will be bringing their different expertise in solving problems or making decisions. • Top Management Support For successful implementation of this framework, ETD top management need to support it by communicating its importance in terms of helping contract managers to think out of the box and see the competitive benefits of the new ways of managing the contracts. • Cost Reduction The cost reduction can be through the use of: A Proposed Contract Management Framework for Eskom Transmission Division (ETD) By Thembisile Khomo xi ~ Total cost of ownership (TeO) - where not only the price is considered when evaluating tenders from the supplier, but quality, delivery, maintenance, disposal and other cost saving ideas, including flexibility levels offered by the suppliers are considered by the contract managers. Thus, the contract managers need to have the skill to see the value stream, sequence of value creating steps required to design, make and deliver the product and to learn to remove the waste, mistakes and rigidities. Therefore in analyzing Tea, it is vitally important to understand the suppliers' market and financial reports to come to an effective solution with regard to the factors that make up the prices for the product or services they procure in addition what drives cost into the product or service in the market place. ~ Strategic sourcing - contract managers should focus on development of competitive value based pricing, where the overall costs are considered, and innovative strategic sourcing, where consideration is based on new products and services that deliver a competent advantage and new ways of doing business. For example, how quickly can the supplier adapt to changing ETD requirements? ~ Performance monitoring and measurement - contract managers need to continuous monitor the performance of suppliers based upon metrics that are directly derived from the service. By monitoring the performance of the supplier the contract manager will know in advance about any production or service delivery problem and come with mitigation steps together with the cross functional team. This will then prevent ETD in continuously accepting late and inadequate products or poor services from the suppliers. ~ Supplier relationship - the formation of supplier relationship with suppliers will benefit ETD in risk sharing and cost reduction. Therefore, the objective of a contract management framework must be to establish relationships with suppliers that have resources in order to integrate their specialist capabilities in a way that yield significant value potential from both sides. A Proposed Contract Management Framework for Eskom Transmission Division (ETD) By Thembisile Khomo xii ~ Training of contract managers - as there is greater emphasis on structuring and delivering of procurement training in the future, contract managers will need to have skills to be able to work within a cross functional team, be strategic thinkers, and manage supplier base and relationships. A variety of methods can therefore be used to implement training, which can range from formal education, coaching, on job training and internet training. Networking with other contract managers can also assist in the development of personal skills and adoption of better practices whether formally (as part of membership of a professional body) or informally (at conferences), exchanging ideas and meeting with other professionals can be extremely useful. The ETD senior managers need to monitor the performance of the contract managers wants the training methods have been introduced to identify the gaps. • Conclusion In conclusion, before a new contract is established, it is important to review the success and failures of the current contract, in order to establish a clearer understanding of what makes contract management successful. These lessons will then form the basis of planning tender requirements and negotiations for the next contract. For successful contract management, contract managers should ensure that a preferred relationship type and pricing structure is selected, and agreed succession plan. A contract review should also examine the cost-effectiveness and efficiency issues. / Thesis (M.Com.)- University of Kwazulu-Natal, 2005

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