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?tica na pesquisa em Administra??oLeite, Ana Patr?cia Rodrigues 17 September 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-09-17 / Ethics on scientific research is approached and often discussed in several areas of knowledge
connected to health. In the Administration area there are very few studies which approach the
topic of ethics on research. The present paper tried to fill in this gap in the production of
knowledge about the topic, investigating how the ethical principles found in the literature and
in the codes of conduct are noticed and taken into account in Administration research
activities developed by acting researchers in Administration Post Graduation Programs.
Theoretically speaking, the study was based mainly on the approaches by Creswell (2007) and
Bell and Bryman (2007), which discuss the research ethical principles. Methodologically
speaking it was all about an exploratory kind of study, with qualitative research approach.
Upon data collection, personal interviews were made aiming at its depth and focus groups
were formed. The first stage had interviews with four experienced researchers who took part
on a teaching and researching event and on the second stage we used the focus group
technique. The focus groups were done in four college institutions along with the post
graduation programs in Administration in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Para?ba and
Pernambuco, in Brazil. The results suggest the existence of general principles and parameters
for the scientific research recommended in the literature and on official resolution. However,
in the Administration area, there are only a few recommendations of good practices when it
comes to submitting articles for scientific publications but we found no guidance with ethical
principles and parameters which cover all the activities in the scientific research and which
specifically meet the research particularities in Administration. The main ethical dilemma
pointed by the researchers refers to ethical questions which arise at the time of data collection
and on disclosing the results. Most researchers do not know the guidelines and the ethical
norms on ethics about research that we have in our country neither do they send in their
projects to the research ethics committee. When dilemma arises, they decide the ethical
question based on their values and common sense. These elements confirm the thesis that the
researcher s procedure in the research activities in Administration is predominantly signed by
personal values or by common sense and less by ethical principles, whether by not knowing
the normative instruments related to ethics or by disagreeing with any disciplining rules on
ethical behavior in the research / A ?tica na pesquisa cient?fica ? um tema abordado e muito discutido em diversas ?reas do
conhecimento ligadas ? sa?de. Na ?rea da Administra??o, s?o raros os estudos que abordam o
tema da ?tica na pesquisa. O presente estudo buscou preencher esta lacuna na produ??o do
conhecimento sobre o tema, investigando como os princ?pios ?ticos encontrados na literatura
e nos c?digos de conduta s?o percebidos e considerados nas atividades de pesquisa em
Administra??o, desenvolvidas por pesquisadores atuantes em Programas de P?s-Gradua??o
em Administra??o. Teoricamente, o estudo apoiou-se principalmente nas abordagens de
Creswell (2007) e Bell e Bryman (2007), que discutem os princ?pios ?ticos na pesquisa.
Metodologicamente, tratou-se de um estudo de car?ter explorat?rio, com abordagem de
pesquisa qualitativa. Na coleta de dados foram feitas entrevistas pessoais e em profundidade e
formados grupos focais. Na primeira etapa, foram realizadas entrevistas com quatro
pesquisadores experientes, participantes de um evento de ensino e pesquisa e na segunda
etapa, foi adotada a t?cnica de grupo focal. Os grupos focais foram realizados em quatro
institui??es de ensino superior junto aos Programas de P?s-Gradua??o em Administra??o nos
Estados do Rio Grande do Norte, Para?ba e Pernambuco. Os resultados apontam para a
exist?ncia de princ?pios gerais para a pesquisa cient?fica propostos na literatura e em
resolu??o oficial. Por?m, na ?rea da Administra??o existem apenas recomenda??es de boas
pr?ticas no tocante ? submiss?o de artigos para publica??es cient?ficas, mas n?o foram
encontradas orienta??es com princ?pios ?ticos que englobem todas as atividades da pesquisa
cient?fica e que atendam especificamente ?s particularidades das pesquisas em Administra??o.
Os principais dilemas ?ticos, apontados pelos pesquisados se referem ?s quest?es ?ticas que
surgem nas fases da coleta dos dados e na divulga??o dos resultados. A maioria dos
pesquisados n?o conhecem as diretrizes e as normas sobre ?tica na pesquisa existentes no pa?s
e nem enviam seus projetos aos comit?s de ?tica na pesquisa. Em caso de dilemas, decidem a
quest?o ?tica com base nos seus valores e senso comum. Estes elementos confirmam a tese de
que a conduta do pesquisador nas atividades de pesquisa em Administra??o ?
predominantemente balizada por valores pessoais ou pelo senso comum e menos por
princ?pios ?ticos, seja pelo desconhecimento de instrumentos normativos relacionados ? ?tica,
como tamb?m pela discord?ncia com quaisquer regras de disciplinamento sobre conduta ?tica
na pesquisa
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Princípios éticos fundamentais do Serviço Social brasileiro: um estudo sobre a influência de Carlos Nelson Coutinho / Fundamental ethical principles of the brazilian Social Service: a study on the influence of Carlos Nelson CoutinhoCazela, Mabile Caetano 04 August 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The central theme of this research is social work as a profession, should involve a discussion of the theoretical and methodological foundations that gave rise to the ethical principles of the Code of Ethics and Professional Ethical-Political Project. Therefore, delimited form, the research problem is expressed by the following question: what is the influence of the Marxist tradition through intellectual production of Carlos Nelson Coutinho in the construction of the ethical principles set out in the Code of Professional Ethics (a) Social Worker 1993? The objectives of this research from the problem posed were: historically contextualize the objective conditions for the emergence of the concept of ethical-political project in the Brazilian Social Service and the reformulation process of the Professional Code of Ethics (a) Social Worker 1993; recover the work of Carlos Nelson Coutinho and its relationship with the Brazilian Social Service; grasp the theoretical and methodological foundations of the ethical principles set out in the Code of Professional Ethics (a) Social Worker 1993, identifying the elements (concepts or categories) that show the influences of his thinking. Based on exploratory research through literature and field research were interviewed five social workers who formed the 'National Technical Commission for Revision of the Code of Professional Ethics', the interviews were based on a common roadmap. These were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. This paper presents the explanatory links developed from this study object. Linked to the line of research Fundamentals of Social Services, the Graduate Program in Social UNIOESTE Service, counted on the support of CAPES, through scholarships, favoring the objective conditions of realization of this present study. Finally, this paper qualitatively contributes to consolidation of knowledge in the field of Historical Foundations and Theoretical and Methodological of Social Work in Brazil. / O tema central da presente pesquisa é o Serviço Social como profissão, devendo envolver um debate sobre os fundamentos teórico-metodológicos que dão origem aos princípios éticos do Código de Ética e ao Projeto Ético-Político Profissional. Para tanto, de forma delimitada, o problema da pesquisa expressa-se pela seguinte questão: qual a influência da tradição marxista através da produção intelectual de Carlos Nelson Coutinho na construção dos princípios éticos definidos no Código de Ética Profissional do(a) Assistente Social de 1993? Os objetivos da presente investigação a partir do problema colocado foram: contextualizar historicamente as condições objetivas para a emergência da concepção de projeto ético-político no Serviço Social brasileiro e do processo de reformulação do Código de Ética Profissional do(a) Assistente Social de 1993; recuperar a obra de Carlos Nelson Coutinho e sua relação com o Serviço Social brasileiro; apreender os fundamentos teórico-metodológicos dos princípios éticos definidos no Código de Ética Profissional do(a) Assistente Social de 1993, identificando os elementos (conceitos ou categorias) que evidenciam a influências de seu pensamento. Baseada na pesquisa exploratória, através da pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, foram entrevistados cinco Assistentes Sociais que compuseram a Comissão Técnica Nacional de Reformulação do Código de Ética Profissional , as entrevistas basearam-se em um roteiro comum. Essas foram gravadas, posteriormente transcritas e analisadas. O presente trabalho apresenta os nexos explicativos desenvolvidos a partir do presente objeto de estudo. Vinculada à linha de pesquisa Fundamentos do Serviço Social, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social da UNIOESTE, contou-se com o apoio da CAPES, através de bolsa de estudo, favorecendo as condições objetivas de realização desta presente pesquisa. Finalmente, o presente trabalho contribui qualitativamente no adensamento do conhecimento no campo dos Fundamentos Históricos e Teórico-Metodológicos do Serviço Social no Brasil.
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Etické zásady pro sociální práci s rodinou na příkladu případových konferencí sociálně právní ochrany dětí / Ethical basis for social work with familyLanghammerová, Kamila January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the ethical principles of multidisciplinary cooperation with family at the case conferences of social and legal protection of children. The objective was to establish the essential ethical criteria for using the partnership approach and paternalism in social work with family on the example of the case conferences of Authority for Social and Legal Protection of Children and submit critical reflection of practice of conferences in light of ethical principles. Keywords Social work, family, ethical principles, multidisciplinary cooperation, case conference, best interest of the child, paternalism, partnership approach
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Формирование концепции ответственного кредитования в ООО «Хоум Кредит Банк» : магистерская диссертация / The formation of the concept of responsible lending in OJSC «Home Credit Bank»Гараев, Р. Р., Garaev, R. R. January 2017 (has links)
Master thesis is devoted to the development of a model of socially responsible lending with LLC "Home Credit Bank". Within this goal, the paper examines the essence and principles of responsible lending; analysis of current concepts and problems in Russian and foreign practice. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена вопросам разработки модели социально- ответственного кредитования в ООО «Home Credit Bank». В рамках поставленной цели в работе поставлены задачи изучения сущности и принципов ответственного кредитования; анализа современных концепций и проблем в российской и зарубежной практике.
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Etický pohled na vybrané aspekty domácího násilí v kontextu vztahu muže a ženy / Ethical view on chosen aspects of domestic violence in the context of relationship between men and womenTITTELOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This theses is focused on the description of the evaluation in ethical plane of the domestic violence. This theses is divided into four chapters. The first chapter focuses on domestic violence and its overall characteristics. In the second chapter there are described and analyzed aspects of domestic violence, as a negotiation of men against external and internal freedom of women in the context of domestic violence. The third chapter describes relationship between man and women, civil and religious (Catholic) marriage and moral ideals which are represented by these forms of marriage. In the fourth chapter is evaluated deformation of relationship between men and women in the view of moral ideals of marriage and after a brief introduction of selected ethical theories and principles even from their point of view.
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Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému / The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health Care SystemVálková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Fakulta humanitních studií Název oboru Filozofie Disertační práce (obor Aplikovaná etika) Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health System Mgr. Monika Válková Vedoucí práce: Doc. prim. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D. Praha 2013 2 Anotace Disertační práce na téma Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému je zaměřena na etické principy, které se promítaly ve vývoji zdravotnického systému v České republice. Solidarita, spravedlnost , rovnost a právo na zdraví jsou základní etické principy uplatňované ve zdravotnických systémech Z historického hlediska je solidarita nejstarším etickým principem , která měla vliv na utváření jednotlivých typů sociálních států v Evropě. Solidarita je zkoumána z pohledu vývoje sociálního zabezpečení v době nemoci a chudoby. Zdravotnický systém v České republice je hodnocen z hlediska uplatňování etických principů v různých etapách společenského uspořádání země od Rakouska Uherska a ž do současnosti. V praktické části disertační práce byly srovnávány s Českou republikou zdravotnické systémy Švédska a Francie dle etických principů solidarita, spravedlnost, rovnost a právo na zdraví Hlavním cílem disertační práce bylo prokázat na základě vybraných...
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Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému / The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health Care SystemVálková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Fakulta humanitních studií Název oboru Filozofie Disertační práce (obor Aplikovaná etika) Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health System Mgr. Monika Válková Vedoucí práce: Doc. prim. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D. Praha 2013 2 Anotace Disertační práce na téma Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému je zaměřena na etické principy, které se promítaly ve vývoji zdravotnického systému v České republice. Solidarita, spravedlnost , rovnost a právo na zdraví jsou základní etické principy uplatňované ve zdravotnických systémech Z historického hlediska je solidarita nejstarším etickým principem , která měla vliv na utváření jednotlivých typů sociálních států v Evropě. Solidarita je zkoumána z pohledu vývoje sociálního zabezpečení v době nemoci a chudoby. Zdravotnický systém v České republice je hodnocen z hlediska uplatňování etických principů v různých etapách společenského uspořádání země od Rakouska Uherska a ž do současnosti. V praktické části disertační práce byly srovnávány s Českou republikou zdravotnické systémy Švédska a Francie dle etických principů solidarita, spravedlnost, rovnost a právo na zdraví Hlavním cílem disertační práce bylo prokázat na základě vybraných...
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Les enjeux éthiques de l'advocacy des organisations humanitaires contre les violences sexuelles utilisées en tant qu'armes de guerreSen Chen, Tsanta Sarindra 12 1900 (has links)
Cette étude s’intéresse aux enjeux éthiques de l’advocacy et de la défense des droits comme composante de l’humanitaire d’urgence. Les violences sexuelles sont devenues des instruments de guerre, utilisées à des fins politiques et militaires. Les plaidoyers qui sont habituellement une fonction des organisations humanitaires des droits de l’homme intègrent les interventions humanitaires d’urgence. Le recours à l’advocacy dans le milieu humanitaire expose les missions humanitaires à des tensions et dilemmes éthiques notamment en ce qui concerne l’accès aux victimes et la défense de leurs droits, le principe d’humanité et le principe de neutralité. L’advocacy représente également un danger pour l’image apolitique des organisations humanitaires et ébranle la confiance des États belligérants aux conflits. Face à ces dangers que présente l’advocacy, la question se pose sur les raisons qui peuvent justifier une partie advocacy dans les interventions humanitaires dans le cas des violences sexuelles utilisées à des fins politiques.
A partir d’une méthode décrite comme un essai interdisciplinaire et critique de théorie du droit, notre argumentation et nos preuves sont structurées afin de justifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle le silence face au non-respect de la dignité humaine et des droits des victimes est contraire aux valeurs universelles et à l’esprit d’humanité qui sont la raison d’être des actions humanitaires, que cela renforce également l’État de non-droit et l’impunité des auteurs des crimes, mais en même temps cela accentue la stigmatisation des victimes. En effet, le silence des organismes humanitaires qui sont témoins des violations des droits fondamentaux, perpétue la culture du silence qui accompagne habituellement les actes de violence sexuelle et ne permet pas de restaurer la paix ni de prévenir que cela ne revienne dans le futur. La collecte des données pour étayer cette hypothèse s’effectue à partir d’une recherche documentaire analysée de manière critique, réflexive et interdisciplinaire.
Le caractère oscillatoire de l’essai, entre les différentes disciplines, a fait ressortir que sur le plan moral, le silence complice est contraire à l’esprit de l’humanitaire. L’advocacy est une interprétation du principe d’humanité qui est l’essence de l’assistance humanitaire. La prise en charge des victimes par les organisations humanitaires ne saurait se limiter, de ce fait, à la médecine humanitaire d’urgence. En même temps, l’obligation de réserve et de confidentialité est également contraire au principe de « first do not harm ». Soigner et soutenir les victimes nécessite que l’action humanitaire soit étendue aux protections de la vie humaine dans un sens holistique et aussi aux défenses des droits des victimes.
Sur le plan juridique, l’analyse des paradigmes concernant l’humanitaire démontre que les mécanismes juridiques mis en place pour protéger les personnes, en temps de conflit, sont en grande partie tributaires des organisations humanitaires et de leurs rôles en tant que « gardiens » du droit international. Le plaidoyer et la défense des droits sont devenus des obligations légales implicites des organisations humanitaires pour prévenir la résurgence des violations des règles de droit dans le futur mais également dans le but de réprimer les auteurs des crimes. / This study looks at the ethical issues of advocacy and rights-based approaches to emergency humanitarian work. Sexual violence has become an instrument of war, used for political and military purposes. Advocacy, which is usually a function of humanitarian human rights organizations, is becoming part of emergency humanitarian response. The use of advocacy in humanitarian settings exposes humanitarian missions to ethical tensions and dilemmas, particularly with regard to access to victims and the defense of their rights, the principle of humanity and the principle of neutrality. Advocacy also represents a danger to the apolitical image of humanitarian organizations and therefore undermines the confidence of belligerent states in conflicts. In view of these dangers of advocacy, the question arises as to what reasons might justify advocacy in humanitarian interventions in the case of politically motivated sexual violence.
From a method described as an interdisciplinary and critical essay of legal theory, our argument and evidence will be structured to justify the hypothesis that silence in the face of non-respect for human dignity and the rights of victims is contrary to the universal values and spirit of humanity that are the raison d'être of humanitarian actions, that it also reinforces the state of lawlessness and impunity of perpetrators, but at the same time it accentuates the stigmatization of victims. In fact, the silence of humanitarian organizations that witness violations of fundamental rights perpetuates the culture of silence that usually accompanies acts of sexual violence and does not help to restore peace or prevent it from happening again in the future. The collection of data to support this hypothesis is based on a documentary research that is critically analyzed, reflexive and interdisciplinary.
The oscillating nature of the essay, across disciplines, made it clear that morally, complicit silence is contrary to the spirit of humanitarianism. Advocacy is an interpretation of the principle of humanity that is the essence of humanitarian assistance. The care of victims by humanitarian organizations cannot therefore be limited to emergency humanitarian medicine. At the same time, the obligation of reserve and confidentiality is also contrary to the "first do not harm" principle. Caring for and supporting victims requires that humanitarian action be extended to the protection of human life in a holistic sense and also to the defense of victims' rights.
From a legal perspective, the analysis of humanitarian paradigms demonstrates that the legal mechanisms put in place to protect people in times of conflict are largely dependent on humanitarian organizations and their roles as "gatekeepers" of international law. Advocacy has become a legal obligation of humanitarian organizations as a preventive measure against future violations of the rule of law, but also as a repressive measure against perpetrators.
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Přemysl Pitter - Život pro druhé Eticko-sociální aspekty dějinné profilace života a díla / Přemysl Pitter - The Life for Others. Ethical-social Aspects of Historical Profiling his Life and WorkKOCMICHOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with the life and work of Přemysl Pitter, major Czech Christian humanist, representativ of the social learning, education and journalism in the 20th - 70s of the twentieth century. Introductory chapters are devoted to his childhood and youth, especially his personal reflection of the suffering experienced at the frontline on the 1st World War, which influenced his future life guidance and practical activities. Other parts of the document is characterized Pitter{\crq}s destiny and social work for others - the poor, downtrodden, necessary - in the context of the radical social and political changes in the last century. Here is a somewhat more comprehensive text on the history of the fight to save children from a concentration camps and detention camps, after World War II, ie between 1945 - 1947. The last section describes the life and operation of Přemysl Pitter after retirement emigration in 1951, when the World Council of Churches delegated the duty of pastoral and social services for refugees in the camp Valka in Nuremberg in Germany until its repeal in 1962. The final chapter describes the staying and creative activity Pitter{\crq}s exile in Switzerland in the 60s and 70s. The work includes a brief summary of the contents of archival material and archives of Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierzová in PMJAK in Prague.
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