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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Den andre" som etnocentriskt spektakel -En kritisk diskursanalys av Sportbladets nyhetsrapportering i samband med fotbolls-VM 2018

Isufi, Rina January 2019 (has links)
Att fotbollsspelare representerar en nation när det spelas världsmästerskap är givet. Dagens landslag i fotboll ser numera inte ut som de gjorde för 100 år sedan. Migration har förflyttat människor kors och tvärs över landsgränser. Dagens landslag utgörs inte endast av infödda spelare, utan även första – och andragenerationens invandrare tar plats i olika startelvor världen över. Detta är ett faktum som idag väcker debatt och skildrar stundtals en tydlig uppdelning i åsikter, ett exempel är Ryssland sommaren 2018 där världsmästerskapet i fotboll spelades. Den 23 juni ägde mötet Sverige-Tyskland rum. Den svenska spelaren Jimmy Durmaz gjorde under slutminuterna en miss som indirekt ledde till att Tyskland gjorde mål och Sveriges avancemang i gruppspelet försvårades avsevärt. Jimmy Durmaz, som har assyriskt ursprung, fick efter matchen utstå mängder av rasistiska påhopp på sociala medier och tumult utbröt i hela fotbollssverige. Det blev också politiska diskussioner efter att Schweiz kammat hem vinsten i mötet med Serbien eftersom de schweiziska målgörarna var av kosovoalbanskt ursprung. Deras ursprung gick inte obemärkt förbi då båda målgörarna stolt genomförde sina politiska målgester kännetecknandes den albanska örnen. Givetvis rörde detta upp känslor eftersom Kosovo länge varit en autonom provins i dåtidens Jugoslavien och landet har sedan balkankrigen en mycket infekterad politisk relation till Serbien. Som svar stod majoriteten av serbiska fans på andra sidan och skrek rebelliska ramsor som kommit till under tiden då serbiska gerillor mördade massvis med civila albaner och bosnier. / The overall aim of this study is to critically analyze how the newspaper articles from the Swedish sport news, Sportbladet portrays or represent "the other" from the 2018 World Cup, an international football tournament. Today’s society is influenced of immigration that has changed and moved people across the world. Therefore many soccer players have a different ethnicity than the nation they represent. In this study, the newspaper articals will be analyzed by using a critical text analysis that is connected to a discourse analysis. According to the media logic the news journalism and the news media should not benefit anyone more than anyone else. However, news reporting tends to be ethnocentric on numerous occasions. During the 19th century, the sports movement developed throughout Europe, and nationalism and patriotism developed enormously within the framework of sport. Today, it is strongly reflected during a World Cup. The ethnocentric perspective may be a form that legitimizes that the nationalist expressions are welcomed in mass media. The central part of the study is to see if the ethnocentric perspective in news reporting can contribute to create an “identity” representant ”the other”.

A Critical Discourse Analysis : The Migration Politics of the Sweden Democrats

Johansson, Eila January 2023 (has links)
This social scientific thesis is dedicated to the widespread social phenomena of racism. More specifically, I am conducting a critical discourse analysis according to Fairclough’s methodology. The analysis is aimed at analyzing the politics of the Sweden Democrats wherein there is a use of three primary sources. As proposed by previous research on the topic of racism, a multifaceted approach is used, and the analysis is initiated with a variety of theories. As for the background, CERD’s 22/23rd concluding observation on Sweden clarifies for Sweden’s current reoccurrence of racial discrimination/racism. In addition, with ECOSOC’s General Comment no. 20. laying out a definition to the concept of discrimination, and thereon using AHRC’s definition on racism.  The main purpose of the thesis was to lay out: -       How the Sweden Democrats approach migration politics and how this furtherly could be seen as problematic due to issues of racism/racial discrimination/racial differentiation.  As the final conclusion came to; the Sweden Democrats pursue an ethnocentric rhetoric which will de facto lead to both direct and indirect discrimination.

Etnocentrizmo panaudojimas turizmo sektoriaus konkurencingumui didinti / Usage of ethnocentrism for the increase of tourism sector competitiveness

Stankevičienė, Gintarė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Turizmas yra viena iš sparčiausiai augančių pramonės šakų, kai kurioms šalims tai vienintelis būdas gauti pajamas. Turizmas kuo toliau tuo svarbesnis ne tik žmonėms, bet ir šalims – pritraukiami didesni turistų srautai, gaunamos didesnės pajamos padeda tapti šaliai konkurencingesne. Tam, kad turizmo sektorius būtų konkurencingas, svarbu įvertinti įvairius faktorius, kurie didina sektoriaus konkurencingumą. Etnocentrizmas šiame darbe bus pritaikomas turizmo sektoriaus konkurencingumui didinti – bus bandoma išsiaiškinti kaip jis veikia būtent šį sektorių, kokios galimybės padidinti sektoriaus konkurencingumą pasitelkus šį reiškinį. / -.

Made in Sweden? : En studie om trikåindustrin i Sverige / Made in Sweden? : A study about the knitwear production in Sweden

Lind, Clara, Ottosson, Marie January 2019 (has links)
Svenskarnas klädkonsumtion har nästan fördubblats under de 30 senaste åren. Den stora anledningen är att kläderna blivit allt billigare, eftersom majoriteten produceras i låglöneländer. Långa värdekedjor, bristande kvalitetskontroll och dåliga arbetsförhållanden är exempel på utmaningar som utlandsproduktion för med sig. Etisk produktion och hållbarhet har aldrig varit mer aktuellt än det är idag och det är något som både kunder och företag värderar och eftersträvar. Frågan är om textilproduktionen i Sverige och framför allt trikåproduktionen som denna studie fokuserar på, har möjlighet att utvecklas i takt med den ökade medvetenheten kring hållbarhet, etisk konsumtion och transparent produktion. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka förutsättningar och fördelar med trikåproduktionen i Sverige genom att ta reda på om det finns hållbarhetsaspekter, konkurrensfördelar och intresse bland svenska trikåföretag att producera i Sverige. Begreppen reshoring, proveniens och hållbarhet är studiens utgångspunkt utifrån vilka en litteraturstudie byggdes upp. En trianguleringsmetod användes som innefattar såväl en kvantitativ enkät samt två kvalitativa semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med företagsledare för två trikåföretag som helt eller delvis har produktion i Sverige. Resultatet visade att det finns utrymme för trikåproduktion i Sverige eftersom efterfrågan och intresset från svenska företag är stort. Däremot finns det flera utmaningar. Lönsamhet, brist på kompetens samt kundernas okunskap och ovilja att betala för produkter som är tillverkade i Sverige är några av svårigheterna. Det visade sig också att produktion i Sverige är komplext och kanske inte alltid så bra som det låter. Märkningen made in kan missrepresentera var en produkt verkligen är tillverkad, eftersom det endast anger var produkten har monterats. Kunderna vill gärna ha ett enkel t svar på en komplicerad problematik, vilket många företag är snabba att bistå. Studien ger inspiration till ytterligare forskning kring svensk tekoindustri samt till svenska trikåföretag som överväger att förlägga produktion till Sverige. Studien kan också öka medvetenheten hos kunder gällande sin roll i den textila värdekedjan. / The clothing consumption has almost doubled in the last 30 years in Sweden. The main reason is that clothes have become cheaper since the majority are produced in low-wage countries. Long value chains, lack of quality control and poor working conditions are examples of challenges that offshore production brings. Ethical production and sustainability have never been more relevant than it is today and it has become something that customers as well as companies value and strive for. The question is whether Swedish textile production, and the knitwear production which this study will focus on, have the opportunity to develop as the awareness of sustainability, ethical consumption and transparent production increases. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate the conditions and advantages of Swedish knitwear production, and to find out whether there are sustainability aspects, competitive advantages and interest among Swedish knitwear companies to produce in Sweden. Reshoring, provenance and sustainability are the starting points of which the literature study is built up. A triangulation method was used which includes both a quantitative survey and two qualitative in-depth interviews with company executives for two knitwear companies that have full or partly production in Sweden. The result showed that there is room for Swedish knitwear production, because of the demand and interest from Swedish companies. There are however several challenges. Profitability, lack of competence, customers ignorance and unwillingness to pay for Swedish-made products are some of the difficulties. The study shows that production in Sweden is more complex than expected and that it may not always be as good as it sounds. The label made in can misrepresent where a product actually is made, since it only indicates where the product has been assembled. However, customers would like a simple answer to a complicated problem, which many companies are quick to give. The study contributes with new knowledge about the Swedish textile industry and with valuable information to knitwear companies that consider to reshore their production. The study may also increase the awareness of Swedish customers regarding their role in the textile value chain.

The Homecoming of the Negro Spirit: Black Spiritual Intelligence as a Structural Form of Intelligence

Brown, Quincy 01 January 2019 (has links)
In Is Spirituality an Intelligence? Motivation, Cognition, and the concern of Psychology of Ultimate Concern, Robert Emmons develops a case for spirituality as a form of intelligence. His thesis claims that spiritual intelligence is a “set of capacities and abilities that enable people to solve problems and attain goals in their everyday lives”: “the capacity for transcendence; the ability to enter into heightened spiritual states of consciousness; the ability to invest everyday activities, events, and relationships with a sense of the sacred; the ability to utilize spiritual resources to solve problems in living; and the capacity to engage in virtuous behavior. I use spiritual intelligence and these frameworks throughout to address these common themes within the Black community beginning in the Second Great Awakening. I use these five components to illuminate the rise of the revolutionary streams of Spiritual Intelligence within unique works of two Black activists: David Walker and Maria Stewart. I then contextualize these developments in the experiences of my family and my own experiences as a Black activist. I argue for the recognition of religious thinking and illustrate the structural embodiment of this form of spiritual intelligence through multiple generations of Black Activism. I argue that Spiritual Intelligence is one way this particular community fights adversity in greater America society. In valuing religion through understanding these actions of resistance black activism is realized in the larger epistemic landscape. Particularly arguing against the secularization of resistance and activism.

A Case Study Exploring Urban African-Centered Charter School Personnel's Development and Support of a College-Going Ethos

Fields, Christina Annmarie 25 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Multinational Companies Executive Selection Practices : challenge of Human Resource Management in International Business Management. / Les pratiques de sélection des exécutifs dans les entreprises multinationales : gestion des ressources humaines dans la gestion des affaires internationales.

Lakshman, Sangeetha 03 December 2013 (has links)
Les multinationales qui s’implantent à l'étranger en créant des filiales peuvent recourir à la stratégie globale, multi- nationale,transnationale et internationale afin de gérer leurs entreprises à l'étranger. Le recrutement international est un élément essentiel de lamise en oeuvre des quatre stratégies d’implémentation à l’étranger. Pour le recrutement, l'organisation peut suivre l'une des troisméthodes de dotation ou combiner les trois approches (PCN , HCN, TCN) en fonction des circonstances nationales et du cycle de vie duMNC. Dans les trois approches de recrutement (ethnocentrique, polycentrique, géocentrique) PCN , HCNs et TCN sont utilisés. Toutefois,ils diffèrent dans des proportions relatives. Il y a peu de preuves à l'appui de l'utilisation des HCNs et TCNs . La plupart des recherches ontporté sur les expatriés ( PCN) de HCN et TCN. Pour cette raison, nous voulons étudier, dans notre travail, dans quelles situations lesmultinationales utilisent les approches HCNs et TCN . Notre étude examine l'alignement entre la stratégie commerciale internationale et lerecrutement des dirigeants. Les fondements théoriques sont tirés essentiellement de la littérature existante.Les données primaires ont été recueillies auprès des cadres supérieurs de 22 multinationales. Des entretiens approfondis ont été menés etdes questions ouvertes ont été utilisés pour examiner l'alignement entre la stratégie commerciale internationale et le recrutement desdirigeants dans une filiale, le rôle joué par les expatriés au cours des différents cycles de vie de l'organisation. Les multinationalesparticipant à notre échantillon proviennent de Singapour, Dubaï, Inde, France, Pays-Bas et Belgique. L'analyse des données est basée sur laphilosophie interprétative. L'analyse des propositions de recherche révèle que le modèle de résultat est cohérent lorsque la pression de lanormalisation est plus élevée et l'utilisation de la dotation ethnocentrique ( PCN) est plus importante. Plus la pression de la normalisationest faible, plus les multinationales ont recourent à d'autres méthodes de recrutement- recrutement polycentrique ( HCNs ). La structureest partiellement cohérente avec l'alignement de la stratégie de recrutement lorsque plus la réactivité locale est plus élevée que lerecrutement polycentrique ne devrait être. Mais dans une situation donnée, le recrutement ethnocentrique est légèrement pluspolycentrique, même si la réactivité locale est élevée. Les résultats étendent l'application des théories soutenues pour expliquer lastratégie de l'entreprise et le recrutement des dirigeants et cadres et contribuent au développement des connaissances. L’implication desrésultats et des recherches futures sont recommandés. / Multinationals that are moving abroad for its subsidiary operation may use any one of the typology such as Global, Multi-domestic,Transnational, and International strategy in order to manage and maintain their business abroad. International staffing is a critical elementof the implementation of the four strategies for doing business globally. In staffing the international operation, the organization mayfollow one of the three staffing approaches or a combination of three approaches (PCN, HCN, TCN) depending on their domesticcircumstances and the life cycle of the MNC. In all the three staffing approaches (Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Geocentric) PCNs, HCNs andTCNs are used. But they will differ in relative proportions. There is little evidence in support of the utilization of HCNs and TCNs. Most ofthe research focused on expatriates (PCNs) than HCNs and TCNs. Therefore we want to explore on what situations multinationals useHCNs and TCNs. Further the study investigates the alignment between international business strategy and executive staffing. Theoreticalfoundations are drawn basically from existing literature.Primary data were collected from top executives of 22 multinationals. In depth interviews were conducted and open ended questionswere used to examine the alignment between international business strategy and executive staffing for subsidiary operation, expatriateroles during organization’s different life cycle. The multinationals participated in our sample are from Singapore, Dubai, India, France,Netherlands, and Belgium. The data analysis is based on interpretative philosophy. The analysis of the proposed research expectationrevealed that the pattern of result is consistent when higher the pressure for standardization, utilization of ethnocentric staffing (PCNs) ismore. Whereas the pressure for standardization is low, then multinationals used other staffing approaches - polycentric staffing (HCNs).The pattern is partially consistent with strategy staffing alignment when the higher the local responsiveness then the utilization ofpolycentric staffing should be more. But in the given situation, ethnocentric staffing is slightly more than polycentric even when the localresponsiveness is high. The findings extend the application of the underpinned theories and their beliefs in explaining the businessstrategy and executive staffing relationship and contribute to the body of knowledge. Implications of the results and direction for futureresearch are recommended.

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