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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Radar Target detection using Cell Evaluation Method for Industrial Safety

Sambath, Praanesh January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of using radars in industrial safety system is to detect the presence of target accurately. The conventional methods of radar target detection algorithm such as the Cell averaging constant false alarm rate method (CA-CFAR), Greatest of constant false alarm method (GO-CFAR) and the Smallest of constant false alarm rate method (SO-CFAR) has their own disadvantage when it comes to precise target detection which is a key factor for a safety system. This thesis investigates the above mentioned conventional CFAR algorithms for its pros and cons in target detection and proposes a new and improved method called Cell Evaluation target detection method. The proposed method is shown to mitigate the limitations present and the assumptions made in the conventional target detection method. Further more angular estimation is performed to determine the precise location of the target and the artifacts due to the angular estimation is eliminated by aggregating the detected points from multiple radar modules by linear translation. This gives a better visualization of the target. / Radarteknik kan användas inom maskinsäkerhet (MS) för att detektera skyddsvärda objekt, typiskt människor i arbete nära maskiner. Konventionella metoder för detektering med given frekvens falsk alarm (eng. Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR)) som baseras på medelvärden, har dock betydande brister. Främst beträffande precision och tillförlitlighet, vilket är centralt för MS. Exempel som studerats i detta examensarbete är “Cell-averaging CFAR” (CA-CFAR), “Greatest of CFAR” (GO-CFAR) samt “Smallest of CFAR” (SO-CFAR). Med målet att förbättra detektionen föreslås även en ny CFAR-metod, vilken benämns ”Cell Evaluation target detection”. I detta arbete visas denna metod undertrycka begränsningar med konventionella tekniker. Den undviker även en del antaganden som inte alltid stämmer i praktiken. Studien inkluderar även skattning av riktning. Det visas hur visualisering av skyddsobjekt kan förbättras, genom att felaktigheter elimineras efter sammanläggning av detektioner från flera radarmoduler efter koordinattransformation.

Design in the Modern Age: Investigating the Role of Complexity in the Performance of Collaborative Engineering Design Teams

Ambler, Nathaniel Palenaka 12 June 2015 (has links)
The world of engineering design finds itself at a crossroads. The technical and scientifically rooted tools that propelled humankind into the modern age are now insufficient as evidenced by a growing number of failures to meet design expectations and to deliver value for users and society in general. In the empirical world, a growing consensus among many design practitioners has emerged that engineering design efforts are becoming too unmanageable and too complex for existing design management systems and tools. One of the key difficulties of engineering design is the coordination and management of the underlying collaboration processes. Development efforts that focus on the design of complex artefacts, such as a satellite or information system, commonly require the interaction of hundreds to thousands of different disciplines. What makes these efforts and the related collaboration processes complex from the perspective of many practitioners is the strong degree of interdependency between design decision-making occurring, often concurrently, across multiple designers who commonly reside in different organizational settings. Not only must a design account for and satisfice these dependencies, but it must remain also acceptable to all design participants. Design in effect represents a coevolution between the problem definition and solution, with a finalized design approach arising not from a repeatable series of mathematical optimizations but rather through the collective socio-technical design activities of a large collaboration of designers. Despite the importance of understanding design as a socio-technical decision-making entity, many of the existing design approaches ignore socio-technical issues and often view them as either too imprecise or too difficult to consider. This research provides a performance measurement framework to explore these factors by investigating design as a socio-technical complex adaptive collaborative process between the designer, artefact, and user (DAU). The research implements this framework through an agent-based model, the Complex Adaptive Performance Evaluation Method for Collaboration Design (C2D). This approach allows a design management analyst to generate insights about potential design strategies and mechanisms as they relate to design complexity by examining the simulated performance of a design collaboration as it explores theoretical design fitness landscapes with various degrees of ruggedness. / Ph. D.

管理資訊系統評估機制設計之研究 / A study of Designing an Evaluation Mechanism for Management Information System

陳盛林, Chen, Sheng Lin Unknown Date (has links)
1970年代以前硬體資源昂貴,是硬體投資導向的年代,程式設計視為一種藝術。1970年代因電腦程式愈來愈多,維護愈來愈困難,發生了所謂「軟體危機」。因應「軟體危機」,促使軟體工程領域快速發展,有效地改善了資訊系統開發及維護之效率。由於硬體技術之發展遠超過軟體技術之突破,造成兩者之間技術差距的擴大,也形成軟體導向投資時代的來臨。再者企業面臨的經營環境變動愈來愈快速,競爭愈來愈激烈,如何運用資訊科技來提昇其競爭能力一直是企業經營者關注的焦點。由於企業資訊系統之投資金額愈來愈龐大,資訊系統能為企業帶來那些效益呢?其效益又應如何評估?一直受到企業高階主管的關切,也促成本研究的動機。   本研究主要目的是設計一套理性且有效的管理資訊系統評估控制機制,在管理資訊系統生命週期的不同階段,皆能提供一整體的評估控制環境,確保發展中及已正式作業的管理資訊系統皆能符合組織的目標,使管理資訊系統的功能能更有效的發揮。   探討過去有關資訊效益評估之文獻,一般的資訊效益評估方法較偏重於事後評估或間接評估(如使用者滿意度法)。本研究設計了一套新的資訊系統效益評估方法─逐項列舉法,可配合不同資訊系統發展理論和不同發展階段的資訊系統來評估其效益。   企業為了達成其生存,成長及獲利的目標,必須因應外界環境的變化,掌握機會,避開威脅,結合本身的條件,擬定策略,在策略指導下,制定功能政策及劃分組織,這一切的作為,為了就是要達成企業的目標。為了達成組織目標,配合策略指導,應該採取哪些作為和工作,這些作為和工作在本研究即稱為組織作業體系。逐項列舉法即以組織作業體系與資訊系統功能(產出)來建立一個評估控制環境,透過理性的評估,以促使資訊系統功能(產出)與組織作業體系之符合度愈來愈高,來提昇資訊系統效益的一種評估機制。逐項列舉法實際運作時,寸提供不同發展階段(整體規劃、分析設計及正式作業)的資訊系統,進行資訊系統效益之評估控制。逐項列舉法透過製作一系列的資訊系統功能(產出)與組織作業體系關聯資料,做為使用部門與資訊部門效益評估、溝通及驗收的基礎。逐項列舉法雖然需處理大量的關聯資料,但因為關聯式資料庫技術日趨成熟,可應用來處理繁瑣的資料,提高了逐項列舉法的實用性。   本研究以一家中大型且已實施電腦化多年的企業來做個案分析。透過個案分析的過程及其結果,發現逐項列舉法在資訊系統不同的發展階段,都能有效的促進使用部門與資訊部門之間的溝通,互相瞭解在資訊系統發展及運作過程中,使用部門應負資訊系統效益之責;資訊部門應負資訊系統效率之責。透過逐項列舉法建立的評估控制環境,能有效地評估檢討組織作業體系是由哪些資訊系統功能(產出)來達成,其效益如何?效益不佳之原因在哪裡?該如何改善?哪些組織作業體系尚未運用資訊科技,是否能運用資訊科技來提高作業效率?從另一個角度,亦能有效地評估檢討資訊系統功能(產出)是為了滿足組織作業體系之哪一項工作,其效益如何?效益不佳之原因在哪裡?該如何改善?哪些資訊系統功能(產出)無明確的欲滿足之組織作業體系之工作項目?這些資訊系統作業是否應予停止投入資源或該如何改善?當目標、策略隨環境調整,導致組織作業體系的改變,對於現有資訊帶來怎樣的衝擊?這些問題都可透過逐項列舉法的運作,提供明確的方向及做法。

Proposta de um método para avaliação da percepção de valor em empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social / Proposal of a method for evaluation of perception of value in social interest housing projects

Monteiro, Deyvid Alex de Bitencourt January 2015 (has links)
A produção de habitação social no Brasil tem sido marcada por problemas no atendimento às necessidades dos usuários. Frente a isso, avaliações pós-ocupacionais têm sido desenvolvidas buscando investigar a qualidade do produto habitação de interesse social que está sendo entregue aos usuários. No entanto, tais avaliações são frequentemente realizadas com foco nos atributos e consequências de uso do produto habitação, sem que sejam considerados significados simbólicos presentes na percepção dos usuários. O comportamento de escolha dos usuários por um produto, geralmente está associado a fatores abstratos e motivacionais, os quais podem ser revelados por meio de estudos que envolvam a percepção de valor. Esta abordagem permite que sejam visualizados resultados esperados e obtidos do produto habitação, estreitando a relação entre usuários e técnicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos habitacionais. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi propor um método para avaliação da percepção de valor de usuários e técnicos de instituições públicas envolvidas no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social brasileiros. Os conceitos utilizados para esta pesquisa provêm das áreas de marketing e ambiente-comportamento. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada é a pesquisa construtiva (constructive research ou design science research). A pesquisa foi divida em três grandes etapas. A primeira etapa teve como objetivo identificar as contribuições e limitações das avaliações existentes fundamentadas na hierarquia de valor percebido, visando explorar as potencialidades e oportunidades de melhorias para a proposta do método desta pesquisa. A segunda etapa teve como objetivo a estruturação e operacionalização do método de avaliação proposto, o qual foi implementado e aprimorado durante três estudos empíricos nos quais foram avaliados três empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social (EHIS) do Programa Integrado Entrada da Cidade em Porto Alegre/RS. Na terceira e última etapa, o método proposto foi avaliado com base na percepção dos técnicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento dos empreendimentos avaliados. A principal contribuição da pesquisa é referente à proposta do método de avaliação (da percepção de valor de usuários e técnicos), o qual é operacionalizado a partir de três fases. A primeira fase tem como objetivo a identificação dos níveis que compõem o mapeamento hierárquico de valor esperado, assim como a customização do instrumento de coleta de dados. A segunda fase tem como objetivo a construção de um protocolo de coleta, análise e processamento de dados. A terceira e última fase tem como objetivo a análise combinada dos dados quantitativos e qualitativos da pesquisa, assim como a comparação entre o valor esperado pelos técnicos e percebido pelos usuários do produto EHIS por meio do mapeamento hierárquico de valor, e da disseminação dos resultados da pesquisa para melhoria de futuros empreendimentos. / The production of social housing in Brazil has been marked by problems with meeting users necessities. Thus, post-occupancy evaluations have been being developed in order to investigate the quality of the social interest housing product that is being delivered to users. However, such evaluations are often carried out with a focus on the attributes and consequences of the housing product, without considering symbolic meanings that are present in the users' perception. Users' behavior of choosing a product is usually associated with abstract and motivational factors, which can appear by means of studies involving perception of value. This approach allows us to see expected and obtained results of the housing product, making it closer the relation between users and professionals involved in the development of housing projects. The objective of this research was to propose a method for evaluation of perception of value of users and professionals from public institutions that are involved in the development of housing projects of social interest in Brazil. The concepts used in this study came from the marketing and environment-behavior areas. The adopted research strategy was the constructive research or design science research. The study was divided into three big stages. The first one aimed to identify the contributions and limitations of the existing evaluations based on the hierarchy of perceived value, trying to explore potentialities and opportunities of improvement for the proposal of method of this research. The second stage had as its objective the structuration and operation of the proposed method of evaluation, which was implemented and improved during three empirical studies in which three social interest housing projects (Called EHIS in Portuguese) of the Programa Integrado Entrada da Cidade (Integrated Program Entry of the City) in Porto Alegre/RS, were evaluated. In the third and last stage, the proposed method was evaluated based on the perception of the professionals that were involved in the development of the evaluated projects. The main contribution of this research concerns the proposal of the evaluation method (of the users' and professionals' perception of value), which is executed in three moments. The first one aimed to identify the levels that make up the hierarchical mapping of expected value, as well as the customization of the data collection instrument. The second stage focused on the construction of a protocol for collection, analysis and data processing. The third and last moment had as its objective the combined analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data of the research, and also the analysis of the comparison between the value expected by the professionals and the value perceived by the users of the product EHIS through mappings value hierarchy, and the dissemination of research results to improve future projects.

Proposta de um método para avaliação da percepção de valor em empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social / Proposal of a method for evaluation of perception of value in social interest housing projects

Monteiro, Deyvid Alex de Bitencourt January 2015 (has links)
A produção de habitação social no Brasil tem sido marcada por problemas no atendimento às necessidades dos usuários. Frente a isso, avaliações pós-ocupacionais têm sido desenvolvidas buscando investigar a qualidade do produto habitação de interesse social que está sendo entregue aos usuários. No entanto, tais avaliações são frequentemente realizadas com foco nos atributos e consequências de uso do produto habitação, sem que sejam considerados significados simbólicos presentes na percepção dos usuários. O comportamento de escolha dos usuários por um produto, geralmente está associado a fatores abstratos e motivacionais, os quais podem ser revelados por meio de estudos que envolvam a percepção de valor. Esta abordagem permite que sejam visualizados resultados esperados e obtidos do produto habitação, estreitando a relação entre usuários e técnicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos habitacionais. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi propor um método para avaliação da percepção de valor de usuários e técnicos de instituições públicas envolvidas no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social brasileiros. Os conceitos utilizados para esta pesquisa provêm das áreas de marketing e ambiente-comportamento. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada é a pesquisa construtiva (constructive research ou design science research). A pesquisa foi divida em três grandes etapas. A primeira etapa teve como objetivo identificar as contribuições e limitações das avaliações existentes fundamentadas na hierarquia de valor percebido, visando explorar as potencialidades e oportunidades de melhorias para a proposta do método desta pesquisa. A segunda etapa teve como objetivo a estruturação e operacionalização do método de avaliação proposto, o qual foi implementado e aprimorado durante três estudos empíricos nos quais foram avaliados três empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social (EHIS) do Programa Integrado Entrada da Cidade em Porto Alegre/RS. Na terceira e última etapa, o método proposto foi avaliado com base na percepção dos técnicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento dos empreendimentos avaliados. A principal contribuição da pesquisa é referente à proposta do método de avaliação (da percepção de valor de usuários e técnicos), o qual é operacionalizado a partir de três fases. A primeira fase tem como objetivo a identificação dos níveis que compõem o mapeamento hierárquico de valor esperado, assim como a customização do instrumento de coleta de dados. A segunda fase tem como objetivo a construção de um protocolo de coleta, análise e processamento de dados. A terceira e última fase tem como objetivo a análise combinada dos dados quantitativos e qualitativos da pesquisa, assim como a comparação entre o valor esperado pelos técnicos e percebido pelos usuários do produto EHIS por meio do mapeamento hierárquico de valor, e da disseminação dos resultados da pesquisa para melhoria de futuros empreendimentos. / The production of social housing in Brazil has been marked by problems with meeting users necessities. Thus, post-occupancy evaluations have been being developed in order to investigate the quality of the social interest housing product that is being delivered to users. However, such evaluations are often carried out with a focus on the attributes and consequences of the housing product, without considering symbolic meanings that are present in the users' perception. Users' behavior of choosing a product is usually associated with abstract and motivational factors, which can appear by means of studies involving perception of value. This approach allows us to see expected and obtained results of the housing product, making it closer the relation between users and professionals involved in the development of housing projects. The objective of this research was to propose a method for evaluation of perception of value of users and professionals from public institutions that are involved in the development of housing projects of social interest in Brazil. The concepts used in this study came from the marketing and environment-behavior areas. The adopted research strategy was the constructive research or design science research. The study was divided into three big stages. The first one aimed to identify the contributions and limitations of the existing evaluations based on the hierarchy of perceived value, trying to explore potentialities and opportunities of improvement for the proposal of method of this research. The second stage had as its objective the structuration and operation of the proposed method of evaluation, which was implemented and improved during three empirical studies in which three social interest housing projects (Called EHIS in Portuguese) of the Programa Integrado Entrada da Cidade (Integrated Program Entry of the City) in Porto Alegre/RS, were evaluated. In the third and last stage, the proposed method was evaluated based on the perception of the professionals that were involved in the development of the evaluated projects. The main contribution of this research concerns the proposal of the evaluation method (of the users' and professionals' perception of value), which is executed in three moments. The first one aimed to identify the levels that make up the hierarchical mapping of expected value, as well as the customization of the data collection instrument. The second stage focused on the construction of a protocol for collection, analysis and data processing. The third and last moment had as its objective the combined analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data of the research, and also the analysis of the comparison between the value expected by the professionals and the value perceived by the users of the product EHIS through mappings value hierarchy, and the dissemination of research results to improve future projects.

Proposta de um método para avaliação da percepção de valor em empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social / Proposal of a method for evaluation of perception of value in social interest housing projects

Monteiro, Deyvid Alex de Bitencourt January 2015 (has links)
A produção de habitação social no Brasil tem sido marcada por problemas no atendimento às necessidades dos usuários. Frente a isso, avaliações pós-ocupacionais têm sido desenvolvidas buscando investigar a qualidade do produto habitação de interesse social que está sendo entregue aos usuários. No entanto, tais avaliações são frequentemente realizadas com foco nos atributos e consequências de uso do produto habitação, sem que sejam considerados significados simbólicos presentes na percepção dos usuários. O comportamento de escolha dos usuários por um produto, geralmente está associado a fatores abstratos e motivacionais, os quais podem ser revelados por meio de estudos que envolvam a percepção de valor. Esta abordagem permite que sejam visualizados resultados esperados e obtidos do produto habitação, estreitando a relação entre usuários e técnicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos habitacionais. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi propor um método para avaliação da percepção de valor de usuários e técnicos de instituições públicas envolvidas no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social brasileiros. Os conceitos utilizados para esta pesquisa provêm das áreas de marketing e ambiente-comportamento. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada é a pesquisa construtiva (constructive research ou design science research). A pesquisa foi divida em três grandes etapas. A primeira etapa teve como objetivo identificar as contribuições e limitações das avaliações existentes fundamentadas na hierarquia de valor percebido, visando explorar as potencialidades e oportunidades de melhorias para a proposta do método desta pesquisa. A segunda etapa teve como objetivo a estruturação e operacionalização do método de avaliação proposto, o qual foi implementado e aprimorado durante três estudos empíricos nos quais foram avaliados três empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social (EHIS) do Programa Integrado Entrada da Cidade em Porto Alegre/RS. Na terceira e última etapa, o método proposto foi avaliado com base na percepção dos técnicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento dos empreendimentos avaliados. A principal contribuição da pesquisa é referente à proposta do método de avaliação (da percepção de valor de usuários e técnicos), o qual é operacionalizado a partir de três fases. A primeira fase tem como objetivo a identificação dos níveis que compõem o mapeamento hierárquico de valor esperado, assim como a customização do instrumento de coleta de dados. A segunda fase tem como objetivo a construção de um protocolo de coleta, análise e processamento de dados. A terceira e última fase tem como objetivo a análise combinada dos dados quantitativos e qualitativos da pesquisa, assim como a comparação entre o valor esperado pelos técnicos e percebido pelos usuários do produto EHIS por meio do mapeamento hierárquico de valor, e da disseminação dos resultados da pesquisa para melhoria de futuros empreendimentos. / The production of social housing in Brazil has been marked by problems with meeting users necessities. Thus, post-occupancy evaluations have been being developed in order to investigate the quality of the social interest housing product that is being delivered to users. However, such evaluations are often carried out with a focus on the attributes and consequences of the housing product, without considering symbolic meanings that are present in the users' perception. Users' behavior of choosing a product is usually associated with abstract and motivational factors, which can appear by means of studies involving perception of value. This approach allows us to see expected and obtained results of the housing product, making it closer the relation between users and professionals involved in the development of housing projects. The objective of this research was to propose a method for evaluation of perception of value of users and professionals from public institutions that are involved in the development of housing projects of social interest in Brazil. The concepts used in this study came from the marketing and environment-behavior areas. The adopted research strategy was the constructive research or design science research. The study was divided into three big stages. The first one aimed to identify the contributions and limitations of the existing evaluations based on the hierarchy of perceived value, trying to explore potentialities and opportunities of improvement for the proposal of method of this research. The second stage had as its objective the structuration and operation of the proposed method of evaluation, which was implemented and improved during three empirical studies in which three social interest housing projects (Called EHIS in Portuguese) of the Programa Integrado Entrada da Cidade (Integrated Program Entry of the City) in Porto Alegre/RS, were evaluated. In the third and last stage, the proposed method was evaluated based on the perception of the professionals that were involved in the development of the evaluated projects. The main contribution of this research concerns the proposal of the evaluation method (of the users' and professionals' perception of value), which is executed in three moments. The first one aimed to identify the levels that make up the hierarchical mapping of expected value, as well as the customization of the data collection instrument. The second stage focused on the construction of a protocol for collection, analysis and data processing. The third and last moment had as its objective the combined analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data of the research, and also the analysis of the comparison between the value expected by the professionals and the value perceived by the users of the product EHIS through mappings value hierarchy, and the dissemination of research results to improve future projects.

Reconfiguração em ambientes virtuais a partir de análise de comunicabilidade

Cardoso, Edna Aniceto de Magalhães 29 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-11T14:02:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 edna.pdf: 3673971 bytes, checksum: 89ecadfcc33fc87adf6e023ed082081a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-29 / In order to evaluate communicability in virtual environments developed using Moodle, also considering how novice students react when developing basic tasks through that software, this work describes how MIS and MAC two methods from Semiotic Engineering were used to evaluate designer-user interaction (under student profile) in this class of environment. From experiments with Moodle IFAM and ColabWeb, both environments currently used with distance learning courses offered by two Brazilian Federal Higher Education institutions, we describe how application of a successive refinement schema for the interface, based on the setting of elements available. / Com o objetivo de avaliar a comunicabilidade de ambientes virtuais desenvolvidos a partir da plataforma Moodle, verificando como alunos novatos reagem ao realizarem determinadas tarefas utilizando o sistema, este trabalho descreve como os métodos MIS e MAC da Engenharia Semiótica foram aplicados para a avaliação da interação designer-usuário (perfil aluno) em ambientes dessa categoria. A partir de experimentos com os ambientes Moodle IFAM e ColabWeb, ambos utilizados nas disciplinas a distância oferecidas atualmente por duas IFES, descrevemos a aplicação de um esquema de refinamentos sucessivos da interface a partir da modificação dos elementos de configuração disponíveis.

Hodnocení informačních systémů. / Information System Assesment

Matuška, Marian January 2008 (has links)
This work is evaluating information system from several different aspects. First of them is evaluation from customers point of view when choosing or using the information system. Second aspect is evaluation of information system itself by producer. The goal of this evaluation is to have high quality information system.

Erste Erkenntnisse zur Anwendbarkeit von vorhandenen Verfahren zur ergonomischen Bewertung von Belastungen in logistischen Prozessen

Hentschel, Christian, Kunze, Thomas, Spanner-Ulmer, Birgit January 2012 (has links)
Für die ergonomische Bewertung der auf die Mitarbeiter im Gewerk Logistik einwirkenden Belastungen ist eine valide Systematik anzuwenden. In ersten Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass für typische in der Logistik auftretende Belastungen keine geeignete Systematik verfügbar ist, die sämtliche Belastungsfaktoren bewerten kann. Dazu wurde ausgehend von einer Analyse der identifizierten Belastungen anhand von drei ausgewählten Verfahren versucht, diese zu bewerten. Die dabei identifizierten Defizite bilden die Grundlage für eine Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur vollständigen Bewertung der Belastungen in logistischen Prozessen.


Rahul Suryakant Sakhare (9320111) 26 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Advancements in technology have propelled the availability of enriched and more frequent information about traffic conditions as well as the external factors that impact traffic such as weather, emergency response etc. Most newer vehicles are equipped with sensors that transmit their data back to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) at near real-time fidelity. A growing number of such connected vehicles (CV) and the advent of third-party data collectors from various OEMs have made big data for traffic commercially available for use. Agencies maintaining and managing surface transportation are presented with opportunities to leverage such big data for efficiency gains. The focus of this dissertation is enhancing the use of CV data and applications derived from fusing it with other datasets to extract meaningful information that will aid agencies in data driven efficient decision making to improve network wide mobility and safety performance.   </p> <p>One of the primary concerns of CV data for agencies is data sampling, particularly during low-volume overnight hours. An evaluation of over 3 billion CV records in May 2022 in Indiana has shown an overall CV penetration rate of 6.3% on interstates and 5.3% on non-interstate roadways. Fusion of CV traffic speeds with precipitation intensity from NOAA’s High-Resolution Rapid-Refresh (HRRR) data over 42 unique rainy days has shown reduction in the average traffic speed by approximately 8.4% during conditions classified as very heavy rain compared to no rain. </p> <p>Both aggregate analysis and disaggregate analysis performed during this study enables agencies and automobile manufacturers to effectively answer the often-asked question of what rain intensity it takes to begin impacting traffic speeds. Proactive measures such as providing advance warnings that improve the situational awareness of motorists and enhance roadway safety should be considered during very heavy rain periods, wind events, and low daylight conditions.</p> <p>Scalable methodologies that can be used to systematically analyze hard braking and speed data were also developed. This study demonstrated both quantitatively and qualitatively how CV data provides an opportunity for near real-time assessment of work zone operations using metrics such as congestion, location-based speed profiles and hard braking. The availability of data across different states and ease of scalability makes the methodology implementable on a state or national basis for tracking any highway work zone with little to no infrastructure investment. These techniques can provide a nationwide opportunity in assessing the current guidelines and giving feedback in updating the design procedures to improve the consistency and safety of construction work zones on a national level.  </p> <p>CV data was also used to evaluate the impact of queue warning trucks sending digital alerts. Hard-braking events were found to decrease by approximately 80% when queue warning trucks were used to alert motorists of impending queues analyzed from 370 hours of queueing with queue trucks present and 58 hours of queueing without the queue trucks present, thus improving work zone safety. </p> <p>Emerging opportunities to identify and measure traffic shock waves and their forming or recovery speed anywhere across a roadway network are provided due to the ubiquity of the CV data providers. A methodology for identifying different shock waves was presented, and among the various case studies found typical backward forming shock wave speeds ranged from 1.75 to 11.76 mph whereas the backward recovery shock wave speeds were between 5.78 to 16.54 mph. The significance of this is illustrated with a case study of  a secondary crash that suggested  accelerating the clearance by 9 minutes could have prevented the secondary crash incident occurring at the back of the queue. Such capability of identifying and measuring shock wave speeds can be utilized by various stakeholders for traffic management decision-making that provide a holistic perspective on the importance of both on scene risk as well as the risk at the back of the queue. Near real-time estimation of shock waves using CV data can recommend travel time prediction models and serve as input variables to navigation systems to identify alternate route choice opportunities ahead of a driver’s time of arrival.   </p> <p>The overall contribution of this thesis is developing scalable methodologies and evaluation techniques to extract valuable information from CV data that aids agencies in operational decision making.</p>

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