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Proposta de um evaporador de filme descendente com promotor de película usando energia solar. / Performance of a solar energy powered falling film evaporator with film promoter.Tânia Regina de Souza 08 May 2007 (has links)
Após a reunião de Kyoto ficou estabelecido o sistema de \"crédito carbono\" no qual as indústrias que reduzissem a emissão de gás carbônico para o ambiente aufeririam algumas vantagens. Neste sentido já há uma procura por parte de algumas empresas em reduzir esta emissão. Na maioria dos casos esta emissão é reduzida por meio da absorção do CO2 através de uma base, por exemplo, soda, amônia, cal, aminas, entre outras. O caso da amônia e da soda é interessante para empresas que possuem outros efluentes com estas bases em concentrações bem baixas, resultando assim soluções bem diluídas dos sais correspondentes. Soluções muito diluídas ou são descartadas no meio ambiente, que atualmente é proibido, ou são concentradas. A concentração, dessas soluções, usando vapor como meio de aquecimento torna-se um contra-senso por exigir a emissão de CO2 decorrente da queima de óleo combustível em caldeiras. Técnicas bem mais compatíveis com a preservação ambiental serão bem vindas daqui por diante, principalmente aquelas que não emitem CO2. Observando este fato este trabalho visa desenvolver um evaporador com promotor de película, em escala de laboratório para concentrar soluções diluídas, empregando energia solar como meio de aquecimento. O procedimento proposto não emite CO2, sendo mais compatível com a preservação ambiental. O equipamento construído consta de: coletor solar tipo placa plana com inclinação ajustável, promotor de película (aderido ao coletor),distribuidor de líquido, coletor de concentrado e acessórios. Foram estudadas as influências das variáveis: inclinação do coletor, vazão de alimentação e condições meteorológicas, na taxa de evaporação. As condições meteorológicas não podem ser controladas, mas foram constantemente monitoradas. Obtiveram-se maiores eficiências, quando a inclinação do coletor foi ajustada mensalmente, com valores até 36,4% maiores do que quando o coletor permanece fixo. / The system of Carbon Credits established by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol benefits companies that reduce their emissions of carbon into the environment with some advantages. Since the Protocol was signed, many companies have sought new ways to reduce their emissions. In most cases, these emissions are reduced through CO2 absorption by a base, e.g., soda, ammonia, lime and amines, among others. Ammonia and soda are interesting bases for companies that produce other effluents containing these products in much lower concentrations, resulting in highly diluted solutions of the corresponding salts. Highly diluted solutions are either discharged into the environment, which is forbidden today, or they are concentrated. Concentrating these solutions using vapor, as a means of heating is unfeasible since that would involve the emission of CO2 from burning oil in boilers. Therefore, from now on, attention will focus increasingly on more environmentally friendly techniques, especially techniques that do not cause CO2 emissions. A solar energy powered falling film evaporator with film promoter was developed for concentrating diluted solutions (industrial effluents). The procedure proposed here does not emit CO2, making it a viable alternative to the method of concentrating solutions. This novel device consists of the following components: a flat plate solar collector with adjustable inclination, a film promoter (adhering to the collector), a liquid distributor, a concentratecollector, and accessories. The evaporation rate of the device was found to be affected both by the inclination of the collector and by the feed flow. The meteorological variables cannot be controlled, but were monitored constantly to ascertain the behavior of the equipment in response to the variations occurring throughout the day. ) Higher efficiencies were attained when the inclination of the collector was adjusted monthly, showing up to 36.4% higher values than when the collector remained in a fixed position.
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Proposta de um evaporador de filme descendente com promotor de película usando energia solar. / Performance of a solar energy powered falling film evaporator with film promoter.Souza, Tânia Regina de 08 May 2007 (has links)
Após a reunião de Kyoto ficou estabelecido o sistema de \"crédito carbono\" no qual as indústrias que reduzissem a emissão de gás carbônico para o ambiente aufeririam algumas vantagens. Neste sentido já há uma procura por parte de algumas empresas em reduzir esta emissão. Na maioria dos casos esta emissão é reduzida por meio da absorção do CO2 através de uma base, por exemplo, soda, amônia, cal, aminas, entre outras. O caso da amônia e da soda é interessante para empresas que possuem outros efluentes com estas bases em concentrações bem baixas, resultando assim soluções bem diluídas dos sais correspondentes. Soluções muito diluídas ou são descartadas no meio ambiente, que atualmente é proibido, ou são concentradas. A concentração, dessas soluções, usando vapor como meio de aquecimento torna-se um contra-senso por exigir a emissão de CO2 decorrente da queima de óleo combustível em caldeiras. Técnicas bem mais compatíveis com a preservação ambiental serão bem vindas daqui por diante, principalmente aquelas que não emitem CO2. Observando este fato este trabalho visa desenvolver um evaporador com promotor de película, em escala de laboratório para concentrar soluções diluídas, empregando energia solar como meio de aquecimento. O procedimento proposto não emite CO2, sendo mais compatível com a preservação ambiental. O equipamento construído consta de: coletor solar tipo placa plana com inclinação ajustável, promotor de película (aderido ao coletor),distribuidor de líquido, coletor de concentrado e acessórios. Foram estudadas as influências das variáveis: inclinação do coletor, vazão de alimentação e condições meteorológicas, na taxa de evaporação. As condições meteorológicas não podem ser controladas, mas foram constantemente monitoradas. Obtiveram-se maiores eficiências, quando a inclinação do coletor foi ajustada mensalmente, com valores até 36,4% maiores do que quando o coletor permanece fixo. / The system of Carbon Credits established by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol benefits companies that reduce their emissions of carbon into the environment with some advantages. Since the Protocol was signed, many companies have sought new ways to reduce their emissions. In most cases, these emissions are reduced through CO2 absorption by a base, e.g., soda, ammonia, lime and amines, among others. Ammonia and soda are interesting bases for companies that produce other effluents containing these products in much lower concentrations, resulting in highly diluted solutions of the corresponding salts. Highly diluted solutions are either discharged into the environment, which is forbidden today, or they are concentrated. Concentrating these solutions using vapor, as a means of heating is unfeasible since that would involve the emission of CO2 from burning oil in boilers. Therefore, from now on, attention will focus increasingly on more environmentally friendly techniques, especially techniques that do not cause CO2 emissions. A solar energy powered falling film evaporator with film promoter was developed for concentrating diluted solutions (industrial effluents). The procedure proposed here does not emit CO2, making it a viable alternative to the method of concentrating solutions. This novel device consists of the following components: a flat plate solar collector with adjustable inclination, a film promoter (adhering to the collector), a liquid distributor, a concentratecollector, and accessories. The evaporation rate of the device was found to be affected both by the inclination of the collector and by the feed flow. The meteorological variables cannot be controlled, but were monitored constantly to ascertain the behavior of the equipment in response to the variations occurring throughout the day. ) Higher efficiencies were attained when the inclination of the collector was adjusted monthly, showing up to 36.4% higher values than when the collector remained in a fixed position.
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Computational modeling of falling liquid film free surface evaporationDoro, Emmanuel O. 21 June 2012 (has links)
A computational model is developed to investigate fundamental flow physics and transport phenomena of evaporating wavy-laminar falling liquid films of water and black liquor. The computational model is formulated from first principles based on the conservation laws for mass, momentum, energy and species in addition to a phase transport equation for capturing interface deformation and evolution. Free surface waves are generated by monochromatic perturbation of velocity. Continuum models for interfacial evaporation define source terms for liquid vaporization and species enrichment in the conservation laws. A phenomenological crystallization model is derived to account for species depletion due to salt precipitation during black liquor falling film evaporation. Using highly resolved numerical grids on parallel computers, the computational model is implemented to analyze the dynamics of capillary separation eddies in low Reynolds number falling films, investigate the dominant mechanisms of heat transfer enhancement in falling films at moderately high Reynolds numbers and study the fundamental wave structures and wave induced transport in black liquor falling films on flat and cylindrical walls. From simulation results, a theory based on the dynamics of wavefront streamwise pressure gradient is proposed to explain interfacial waves interaction that give rise to multiple backflow regions in films dominated by solitary-capillary waves. The study shows that the mechanism of heat transfer enhancement in moderately high Reynolds number films follows from relatively lower conduction thermal resistance and higher crosswise convective transport at newly formed intermediate wavefronts. Interfacial phenomena such as wave-breaking and vapor entrainment observed in black liquor falling films is explained in terms of a mechanistic theory based on evolution of secondary instabilities and large amplitude wave force imbalances.
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Growth And Characterization Of Cuin1-x Gaxse2 (cigs) Thin Films For Solar Cell StructuresCandan, Idris 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Direct conversion of solar energy, which is the most powerful and unlimited one among the renewable energy sources / into the electrical energy by the photovoltaic devices, is a promising way of meeting the energy needs of future. Thin film semiconductor materials show great promise for the production of efficient, low-cost solar cell devices. Recently advanced research on thin film photovoltaics in all aspects, has attracted intense attention. Thin film semiconductors for the photovoltaic applications are deposited in large areas by different methods.
In this study, deposition and characterization of CuIn1-x GaxSe2 ( CIGS ) semiconductor thin films by thermal evaporation and e-beam evaporation methods were investigated. Material properties and deposition parameters of the thin films are aimed to be optimized for solar cell applications. Structural properties of the deposited CIGS thin films were examined through X-ray diffraction and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis. The temperature dependent electrical conductivity, Hall effect and photoconductivity of these samples have been measured between 100 and 400 K. For the optical characterization of CIGS thin films, the transmission measurements have been carried out in the wavelength region of 325-900 nm. The changes in the structural, electrical and optical properties of samples through post-depositional annealing effect were also analyzed.
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Electrical, Structural And Optical Properties Of Aggase2-xsx Thin Films Grown By Sintered PowderKaraagac, Hakan 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In the present study, the effect of S and Se substitution on structural, electrical and optical properties of AgGa(Se2-xSx) thin films has been investigated.
AgGa(Se0.5S0.5 )2 thin films were prepared by using the thermal evaporation method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis has revealed that the transformation from amorphous to polycrystalline structure took place at about 450 oC. The detailed information about the stoichometry and the segregation mechanisms of the constituent elements in the structure has been obtained by performing both energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements.
AgGaSe2 thin films were deposited by using both electron-beam (e-beam) and sputtering techniques. In e-beam evaporated thin films, the effect of annealing on the structural and morphological properties of the deposited films has been studied by means of XRD, XPS, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDXA measurements. Structural analysis has shown that samples annealed between 300 and 600 oC were in polycrystalline structure with co-existance of Ag, Ga2Se3, GaSe, and AgGaSe2. The variation of surface morphology, chemical composition and bonding nature of constituent elements on post-annealing has been determined by EDXA and XPS analyses.
AgGaSe2 thin films were also prepared by using sputtering technique. XRD measurements have shown that the mono-phase AgGaSe2 structure is formed at annealing temperature of 600 oC. The crystal-field and spin-orbit splitting levels were resolved. These levels around 2.03 and 2.30 eV were also detected from the photospectral response measurements.
Thin films of Ag-Ga-S (AGS) compound were prepared by using AgGaS2 single crystalline powder and deposition of the excess silver (Ag) intralayer with double source thermal evaporation method. As a consequence of systematic optimization of thickness of Ag layer, Ag(Ga,S) with the stoichiometry of AgGa5S8 and AgGaS2 were obtained and systematic study to obtain structural, electrical and optical properties was carried out.
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Écoulements liquide-gaz, évaporation, cristallisation dans les milieux micro et nanoporeux : études à partir de systèmes modèles micro et nanofluidiques / Liquid-gas flows, evaporation, crystallization in micro and nanoporous media : studies based on micro and nanofluidic devicesNaillon, Antoine 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les écoulements en milieux poreux sont omniprésents tant dans la nature que dans l'industrie. Les travaux menés dans cette thèse ont pour objectif d’étudier ces écoulements en présence de liquide et de gaz. Cela correspond aux situations d'imbibition (ou invasion capillaire), de drainage (ou déplacement d'un fluide mouillant par la mise en pression d'un fluide non mouillant), et d'évaporation (ou de séchage). L'étude se base sur l'utilisation de systèmes modèles artificiels. Une première partie de ce travail se concentre sur les écoulements liquide-gaz dans les milieux dont la taille des pores est inférieure à 100 nm. Ces milieux sont dits nanoporeux. A cette échelle, différents phénomènes sont susceptibles de modifier les écoulements liquide-gaz par rapport à ce qui est observé à l’échelle micrométrique : accrochage de la ligne de contact, pression fortement négative en phase liquide ou cavitation par exemple. Des expériences sont donc nécessaires pour mieux caractériser ces écoulements. En parallèle, les récents progrès en nanofabrication permettent d’obtenir des systèmes dont la profondeur peut descendre jusqu’à quelques nanomètres. Cette approche, désormais classique à plus grande échelle, nous fournit un outil innovant pour étudier les écoulements dans des milieux nanoporeux modèles, en deux dimensions. Un atout évident de ce type de modèles est qu'ils permettent une visualisation directe des deux phases, liquide et gaz. Des dispositifs nanofluidiques en silicium-verre et à profondeur constante ont été réalisés dans la gamme 20-500 nm. Un nouveau procédé de nanofabrication basé sur une lithographie laser à niveau de gris a été développé afin d’obtenir des dispositifs à profondeurs variables en une seule étape. Les expériences d'imbibition et un modèle théorique ont mis en avant que la pressurisation du gaz accélère son transport dans le liquide. Ensuite, des expériences de drainage ont été réalisées dans des dispositifs nanofluidiques avec des pressions de l’ordre de 20 bars. Des simulations sur réseau de pores utilisant l’algorithme de percolation d'invasion ont montré que les motifs d'invasion expérimentaux correspondaient à ce qui était attendu à l’échelle micrométrique pour des écoulements à faible nombre capillaire. Enfin, l'évaporation en nanocanaux a révélé des cinétiques intéressantes d'apparition et de croissance de bulles dans le liquide. Une ouverture est faite sur l'intérêt de poursuivre ces études dans des systèmes déformables. La deuxième partie de cette thèse s'est focalisée sur la cristallisation du chlorure de sodium à l'échelle d’un pore micrométrique. Dans le cas particulier du séchage d'une solution de sel, l'évaporation amène à la cristallisation des espèces dissoutes. Ce phénomène est largement impliqué dans la problématique de la conservation des oeuvres d'arts ou de la détérioration précoce des édifices. Les mécanismes qui conduisent à la génération de contraintes par un cristal sur une paroi, appelée pression de cristallisation, ne sont pas encore admis tant à l’échelle macro que microscopique. Des déformations induites par la cristallisation du sel ont été observées dans des dispositifs microfluidiques verre-polymère (PDMS). La vitesse de croissance d’un cristal a été mesurée à haute cadence d'acquisition, aboutissant à une nouvelle valeur de la constante de cinétique de réaction, supérieure d'un à deux ordres de grandeur aux données de la littérature. Un modèle numérique prédit l'évolution du champ de concentration en sel dissous lors de la croissance du cristal. Complété par une analyse théorique qui a mis en avant un nombre de Damkhöler prenant en compte les propriétés de transport et la taille du pore, il a permis de construire un diagramme de phase qui traduit les conditions favorables à la génération de contraintes par un cristal sur une paroi. Enfin, un mécanisme de génération de contraintes négatives entraînant la fermeture du pore a été observé. / Flows in porous media are ubiquitous in nature and industry. The aim of this thesis work is to study these flows in presence of liquid and gas, relying on the use of artificial model systems. They correspond to imbibition (or capillary invasion), drainage (or the displacement of a wetting fluid by a non-wetting fluid), and evaporation (or drying). A first part of this work focuses on the liquid-gas flows in porous media whose pore size is lower than 100 nm. They are called nanoporous media. At this scale, several phenomenamight modify the liquid-gas flows in comparison with what is known at the micrometer scale: e.g. contact line pinning, high negative pressure in liquid or cavitation. Thus, experiments are needed to better characterize these flows. In parallel, recent progresses in nanofabrication allow fabricating devices whose depth drop down to few nanometers. This approach provide an innovative tool to study the flows in nanoporous model systems in two dimensions, as it has been already performed at larger scale. A clear advantage to this system is that it allows direct observation of different phases. Silicon-glass nanofluidic devices were fabricated with constant depth in the 20-500 nm range. A new fabrication process was developed to obtain nanochannel with non-uniform depth in one step. It is based on grayscale laser lithography. Imbibition experiments and a numerical model showed that the gas pressurization increased the gas transfer throw the liquid. Drainage experiments were performed in devices with pressure as high as 20 bars. Pore networks modeling with invasion percolation algorithmshowed that the experimental invasion patterns correspond to those expected at micrometer scale for low Capillary number. Evaporation in nanochannels revealed interesting kinetics of bubbles appearance and growth. A prospective study is shown at the end to argue the importance of pursuing these studies in deformable media. The second part of this work concentrates on the sodium chloride crystallization at the scale of a micrometer pore. In the specific case of the drying of a salt solution, evaporation leads to the crystallization of the dissolved species. This phenomenon is involved in the issue of art conservation or building salt weathering. The mechanisms which lead to a stress on wall induced by a crystal are not generally admitted both at macro and microscale. Deformations induced by crystal growth were observed in glass-polymer (PDMS) microfluidic devices. The crystal growth kinetics was measured at high acquisition rate and allowed giving a new value of the parameter of kinetics of crystal growth by reaction, one to two orders of magnitude higher than the ones used in literature. A numerical model was developed to predict the evolution of dissolved salt concentration during crystal growth. It allowed designing a phase diagram which gives the condition to favors the stress generation by a crystal on a wall. A theoretical analysis defined a Damkhöler number, taking into account transport properties and pore size. At last, a stress generation mechanism was observed, leading to the pore closure.
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Quantifying evaporation on the surface of slimes dams in the southeastern part of the North West ProvinceVon Bredow, Sigrid 15 April 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Geography and Environmental Management) / Water can be regarded as a scarce commodity in South Africa and one cannot rely solely on the discovery of new water resources to meet the ever increasing demands. Water is arguably the most precious resource in South Africa and its proper management in all spheres of activity is imperative ( Middleton and Stern,1987 ). This is no different in the mining industry where a primary consumptive use of water is in the tailings dams and associated return water. Restricted implementation of Government water plans and a series of droughts has forced users of water to optimise their use of water. A key to correct water management of a tailings disposal system on a gold mine lies in accurate and meaningful water balance. To provide an accurate water balance, quantifying the water loss is necessary. The water loss in a tailings system is mainly due to evaporation and interstitial flow. For the purpose of this study, evaporation is dealt with in more detail.
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Amélioration des performances énergétiques et environnementales des systèmes frigorifiques au moyen de la brumisation des condenseurs à air / Improvement of refrigerating systems regarding energy saving and environmental impact by means of sprayed air flow upward the air cooled condenserTissot, Julien 07 October 2011 (has links)
L'application de la brumisation d'eau dans l'air en amont des condenseurs à air permet de réduire la consommation d'énergie des machines frigorifiques. L'intérêt de la brumisation d'eau réside dans l'abaissement de température de l'air obtenu par évaporation du spray. L'optimisation de cette méthode permet d'obtenir une efficacité se rapprochant de celle des systèmes évaporatifs tout en supprimant le risque de développement et de transports de bactéries tel que les légionelles. Le problème est abordé ici de deux manières : la première théorique et numérique (utilisation du code MIRABELLES et développement d'un modèle d'échange thermique air-goutte/condenseur) et la seconde expérimentale (mise en place d'un pilote et d'une pompe à chaleur). A l'aide du code MIRABELLES, on a déterminé les caractéristiques d'un spray évoluant dans un milieu ambiant donné et son impact sur l'abaissement de température de l'air. Les données numériques obtenues ont guidé le choix du matériel et la stratégie de brumisation à appliquer expérimentalement. Les mesures effectuées sur le pilote montrent l'amélioration des échanges thermiques entre l'air et le condenseur grâce à la brumisation et quantifient également l'influence de l'impact des gouttes avec les ailettes du condenseur. L'application de la brumisation sur la pompe à chaleur a mis en avant les gains sur la consommation électrique et l'augmentation de la production frigorifique. La comparaison de l'ensemble des résultats expérimentaux avec les résultats numériques a permis de valider le modèle thermique simulant les échanges entre un air chargé de gouttelette d'eau et un condenseur. / The application of water mist in the air upstream of the air-cooled condensers can reduce the energy consumption of refrigeration. The advantage of water mist is the lowering of air temperature obtained by evaporation of the spray. The optimization of this method provides an efficiency approaching that of evaporative systems while eliminating the risk of development and transport of bacteria such as legionella. The problem is addressed here in two ways: the first theoretical and numerical (using the code MIRABELLES and development of a model heat exchange air-droplet/condenser) and the second experiment (establishment of a pilot and a heat pump). Using the code MIRABELLES, it was determined the characteristics of a spray operating in a given environment and its impact on the lowering of air temperature. The digital data obtained have guided the choice of materials and the experimental using condition of water mist. Measurements on the pilot show the improvement of heat exchange between air and the condenser by means of the mist and quantify the influence of the impact drops/condenser fins. The application of the mist on the heat pump has highlighted the gains in power consumption and the increase in refrigeration. The comparison of all experimental results with the numerical results has validated the thermal model simulating the interaction between a droplet-laden air and water condenser.
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Développement de méthodes instrumentales en vue de l'étude Lagrangienne de l'évaporation dans une turbulence homogène isotrope / Digital holography measurements of Lagrangian trajectories and diameters of evaporating droplets in homogeneous and isotropic turbulenceChareyron, Delphine 16 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée sur le développement d’outils expérimentaux permettant de mieux caractériser l’étude du couplage entre l’évaporation de gouttelettes et un écoulement turbulent gazeux environnant. Dans notre étude on cherche à se placer dans un régime de couplage fort entre les gouttelettes évaporantes et la turbulence. Dans ce régime peu renseigné dans la littérature, les gouttelettes se trouvent dans un régime intermédiaire entre le régime de traceur et le régime inertiel. Dans un premier temps nous présentons un dispositif expérimental capable de générer une turbulence homogène isotrope avec de fortes fluctuations de vitesse, ainsi que la réalisation de l’injection de gouttelettes initialement monodisperses. Puis, l’instrumentation Lagrangienne développée (en collaboration avec le laboratoire Hubert Curien de St Etienne) : l’holographie numérique en ligne, est ensuite testée et validée pour un fluide non évaporant. Une méthode de tracking des gouttelettes a été mise au point afin de reconstruire les trajectoires des gouttelettes dans le volume turbulent homogène isotrope. La précision obtenue sur les diamètres (2% pour des gouttes de 60 μm) vient complètement valider cette métrologie pour l’étude de l’évaporation. Les premiers résultats obtenus avec des gouttelettes évaporantes de fréon R114 font apparaître la visualisation, à notre connaissance inédite, des sillages évaporants. Une première reconstruction de trajectoire avec l’évolution du diamètre de la goutte au cours du temps est enfin présentée. / This experimental thesis is based on the developpement of experimental tools in order to better understand the coupling between evaporation process and turbulent flow. Our studies focuses on evaporating droplets with strong interaction with turbulent flow, i.e. droplets between fluid particles behaviour and inertial behaviour. This pecular situation is hardly studied regarding to scientific litterature. We first present experimental set up generating homogeneous isotropic turbulence with high Reynolds number and strong fluctuations. Then we present injection process of initially monodisperse droplets in the turbulent flow. Lagrangian instrumentation consists of the use of digital in-line holography (in collaboration with Laboratoire Hubert Curien à St Etienne). This metrology is definitely validated regarding to the accuracy on the droplet diameter measurements. Tracking algorithm is then proposed in order to reconstruct Lagrangian droplet trajectories. First results obtained with evaporating droplets are finally presented like evaporating trails, and time evolution of the diameter of a freon droplet.
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Étude expérimentale du comportement et de l’évaporation d’un film liquide combustible en présence d’une flamme / Experimental study of the behaviour and the evaporation of a liquid fuel film in the presence of a flameBorgetto, Nicolas 24 October 2011 (has links)
L'évolution des stratégies d'injection du combustible dans les moteurs automobiles a fait apparaître de nouvelles problématiques. Parmi celles-ci, l'existence d'un dépôt de carburant sur les parois de la chambre de combustion a un impact sur les performances environnementales du moteur. En effet, l'évaporation de ce film liquide en proche paroi ne peut qu'influencer de manière sensible la phase de combustion. L'objectif de ce travail était de mettre en place une configuration académique maîtrisée et les diagnostics nécessaires à une première analyse phénoménologique du comportement et de l'évaporation d'un film liquide combustible déposé sur une paroi interagissant avec la combustion en phase gazeuse. L'approche expérimentale choisie a permis de générer un dépôt d'heptane liquide contrôlé sur une paroi verticale. Celle-ci est positionnée dans un écoulement ascendant de prémélange air/méthane dans lequel une flamme oblique est stabilisée sur un barreau. En parallèle, un diagnostic de mesure a été développé pour étudier les propriétés du film. Ce système d'interférométrie à faible cohérence a permis de réaliser une mesure locale simultanée de la température de paroi et de l'épaisseur du film en présence de l'écoulement réactif. Dans un premier temps, l'étude de configurations non réactives a permis de préciser les caractéristiques du film et de son évaporation, lorsque celui-ci s'écoule à contre-courant de l'écoulement gazeux. Plusieurs comportements types ont été mis en évidence et analysés. En présence de la flamme, une première approche a été consacrée à l'évolution des mécanismes qui influencent l'évaporation du film et son comportement par rapport au cas non réactif. Enfin, une analyse phénoménologique de l'impact de l'évaporation au sein de la couche limite sur les caractéristiques du front de flamme a été menée. Celle-ci a permis de mettre en évidence l'effet rétroactif de ce dernier sur le mélange des vapeurs, et une forte diversité des zones réactionnelles dans l'espace. / The evolution of fuel injection strategies in automobile engines has brought about new problem sets in their design and optimization. Among these, is the deposition of liquid fuel on the inner walls of the combustion chamber, impacting the environmental performance of the engine. Indeed, evaporation of the liquid film near the wall can significantly influence combustion. The aim of this work was to develop a controllable experimental configuration along with the necessary diagnostics for a first phenomenological analysis of the behaviour and evaporation of a liquid fuel film deposited on a wall as it interacts with gas phase combustion. The chosen experimental approach allowed the generation a liquid film of heptane on a vertical wall that is positioned within an upward flowing lean premixed methane/air mixture with a rod stabilised oblique V-flame. In parallel, a low coherence interferometry diagnostic system was developed to study the properties of the heptane film, permitting simultaneous measurements of the local wall temperature and film thickness in the presence of a reacting flow. Initially, the properties of the film and its evaporation were studied under non reacting conditions in a counter-current gas flow configuration. Several typical trends were identified and analyzed. In the presence of the flame, the change in physical mechanisms that influence the evaporation and behaviour of the film was evaluated by comparing results to the non reacting case. Phenomenological analysis was then conducted on the impact of film evaporation within the velocity boundary layer on the properties of the flame front. A retroactive effect of the flame front on the mass transfer of heptane gas was observed and a significant spatial variation of reaction zones reported.
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