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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sbírka vlámského a holandského malířství Vlastislava Zátky / Art collection of Flemish and Dutch paintings collected by Vlastislav Zátka

Dobešová, Michaela Filipa January 2014 (has links)
Art collection of Flemish and Dutch paintings collected by Vlastislav Zátka Dr. Vlastislav Zátka, a lawyer and businessman, was important in bringing together and organising a diverse art collection. This thesis discusses his approach to art, his perception of the artwork as well as the overlap with the Flemish and Dutch paintings in the collections of the Aleš South Bohemian Gallery in Hluboka , the National Gallery in Prague and private collectors of this circuit , but it also deals with the efforts of Vladislav Zátka to verify purchased art and to, then, include the expert's opinions. The focal point is the carefully charted correspondence of Vlastislav Zátka in the archives of the Aleš South Bohemian Gallery in Hluboka and its analysis. Keywords: Dutch and Flemish paintings Collecting Vlastislav Zatka Landscape painting Still life painting Maritime painting Maecenas / Benefactor Correspondence Art expert authentification Gallery / Art museum

Evropská směrnice o bezpečnosti jaderných zařízení: rozhodování v Radě v letech 2004, 2009 a 2014 / European directive on nuclear safety: Council decision making in 2004, 2009 and 2014

Kulda, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Even though nuclear energy was one the first areas in which European countries started integrating their policies through the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), the question of nuclear installations safety was only addressed by the EU in the context of the impending enlargement of the Union in 2004. In 2003, the European Commission submitted the first-ever proposal for a European directive on nuclear safety. However, the Council rejected it the following year, opening a five-year-long debate leading to the drafting of a new directive proposal, which was subsequently adopted in 2009. Only two years later, in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster, amending this directive became necessary. Discussions resulted in adopting the amended legislation in the summer of 2014. This master's thesis analyses the main factors influencing the Council's decision-making on either rejecting or adopting the proposed directives in 2004, 2009 and 2014. The analysis is based on the following five scope conditions supposed to lead to integration acceptance by EU member states, as defined by authors Manuele Citi and Martin Rhodes: policy failure and availability of a successful alternative, external influence emanating from foreign countries hardly manageable by the individual states, functional interdependence...

Dopady politického hybatelství Evropské komise v energetice na plynárenské trhy Bulharska, České republiky a Litvy / The impacts of the policy entrepreneurship of the European Commission in the field of energy on the gas markets of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Lithuania

Bednář, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to explain the current dynamical development of the energy policy of the EU with the focus on the gas sector. Furthermore, this work examines what role in that process plays the European Commission. Lastly, it seeks to ascertain whether the EU's energy policy has a real impact on the development of the gas markets of Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Lithuania. The first two questions are answered with the aid of John W. Kingdon's Multiple stream theory. The conclusion has it that the key role in the creation of the EU's energy policy was taken up by the European Commission, which can be described as the Kingdon's policy entrepreneur. As a true entrepreneur the Commission attempted to build the way for the creation of the single EU gas market, which would be based on sufficient cross-border infrastructure and diversified gas imports. Such a conclusion is supported by the Commission's activities leading to the adoption of important energy legislation, as the third energy package, and essential funds as were European Energy Programme for Recovery and the Connecting Europe Facility. Latter, this work looks into the third research question. On the case studies of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Lithuania it proves, that the outputs of the entrepreneur activities of the Commission...

Transpozice směrnice 2013/34/EU do národních účetních úprav zemí EU

Bušovová, Anna January 2017 (has links)
EU Member States were required to implement the Directive into national accounting regulations by 20 July 2015 at least during the year 2016. The results show that the most significant change in Czech accounting law is a new categorization of accounting entities. To quantify the possible impacts and to express the percentage distribution of accounting entities in the EU in the given categories Amadeus database is used. Change in the Accounting Act also requires changes in the implementing decree to this Act, where the most significant change is the reporting of changes in inventory and activation. Implementation of the Directive in EU Member States in terms of dates and content is different.

Bilingvní školy a evropské projekty / Bilingual schools and European projects

Pávková, Karolína January 2012 (has links)
The theme of this dissertation thesis is the relation of bilingual education and educational projects aimed at European issues. The research part was conducted at bilingual upper secondary schools in the Czech Republic, Germany and Great Britain (Wales). In the thesis the themes such as European politics, intercultural dialogue, international peace, human rights, humanitarian aid and language education are primarily included into European issues. The empirical research was deliberately realized at bilingual schools, where the instruction is delivered throught the medium of two languages. With regard to this fact a frequent participation at educational projects with European focus (European projects) was anticipated at these schools. European projects are often interconnected with the laguage studies. In recent years education projects have been an important part of the curriculum in Czech, German and British environment and they play a vital role in education context. The projects enrich the bilingual instruction from both methodical and content perspective and enable launching cooperation between schools and other partner institutions. Bilingual education has lately been supported by international educational strategies aimed at cultural biodiversity and multilingualism. In European Union The...

Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika EU - právní aspekty / Common foreign and security policy of the EU - legal aspects.

Haugvic, Radek January 2016 (has links)
Topic of this diploma work is Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) - legal aspects. CFSP is one of policie sof EU based on intergovermental cooperation in foreign relations and defence policy which includes Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The second part of the diploma work describes history of CFSP from WW 2 to describing of Treaty on European Union (TEU). The third part of diploma work describe CFSP of EU in TEU from 90's to current wording. Main topics are instruments and institutions and voting procedure. Marginally I write something about Common Commercial Policy and Cooperation with Third States in the fourth part of diploma work. The last part of diploma work is about the CSDP and EU millitary and civil missions. The content of the work is about CFSP and related issues, therefore I write the basic information about CFSP below. CFSP (as Europian polical cooperation) was established in 70's in last century by member's states for cooperation in foreign policy. In 1992 CFSP was incorporated in TEU and built as authority of Union in second pillar. CFSP was novelised by Amsterdam Treaty and Nice Treaty and Lisbon Treaty as last novelisation. Today is cancelled the Three Pillar structure and CFSP is classified in other external action of EU. Treatment of external action is divided between...

Vědecko-výzkumná spolupráce z pohledu soutěžního práva EU / Research and development cooperation from the perspective of competition law of the EU

Hebelková, Kamila January 2014 (has links)
Presented thesis is focused on research and development cooperation between companies from the perspective of the competition law of the European Union. The thesis analyses the evolution of the legislation applicable to on this kind of cooperation in the context of examined axis of laissez-faire - interventionism. The emphasis is put on convergence of the EU legislation for this category of collaboration with the regulations applicable for R&D agreements in the USA. The aim of presented thesis is to analyse and determine the direction of the European Union competition law regulation of research and development cooperation in the context of abovementioned axis, namely the evolution of block exemptions for this category of agreements. Apart from the coherent description of the applicable set of rules, the analysis aims to foresee the future evolution of these rules. .Another aim is to compare the European course of research and development legislation with the same kind of legislation in the USA. That is why presented thesis contains detailed analysis of the legislation applicable to R&D agreements in the USA. This objective was established in order to perform a proper comparison of both antitrust regulations and also for the purpose of analysis of convergence of these regulations. The last aim is to...

Ochrana zaměstnance při převodu zaměstnavatele v právu Evropské unie / Protection of employees in a situation of transfer of employer under the European Union law

Klímová, Hedvika January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the rules governing the protection of workers in case of transfer of employer in the European Union law and in the Czech law. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the implementation of the Directive 2001/23/EC into the Czech legal order. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter briefly describes the origin and evolution of the European Union, EU institutions, competence of the Court of Justice of the European Union, sources of the European Union law and the principles governing the relationship between the EU law and national legal order. It also describes the main features of the employment relationship. The second chapter focuses on the legal rules governing the protection of workers in case of transfer of the employer at the European Union level. The first subchapter explains the historical development of the legislation, Directive 77/187/EEC and its amendment (Directive 98/50/EC). The second subchapter defines the personal, territorial and temporal scope of the Directive 2001/23/EC. The third subchapter focuses on the interpretation of the criteria of the subject-matter of the Directive 2001/23/EC conducted by the Court of Justice of the European Union. The fourth subchapter describes the pillars of the protection of employees in case of transfer of the...

Evropské školy / European schools

Cohen, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
European Schools are educational establishments in some European Union countries, providing the children of employees of the European institutions a multilingual and multicultural education in nursery, primary and secondary levels. Due to the multiculturalism, for the successful functioning and management of the system, it is necessary to find compromises. It is on a similar principle that the new curriculum of Early Education in European schools - Early Education Curriculum is based. The first part of my work is the presentation of the European Schools system (its history, principles, structure, functioning) and of the Early Education Curriculum. The aim of the next section is to compare this Curriculum and the Czech Framework Education Programme for Early Education, seeking for mutual inspiration and ideas in both systems. This is a theoretical and analytical comparison of the documents with a deeper focus on cooperation with parents, transition between nursery and primary school, and evaluation methods. Several videos, interviews and responses to the questionnaire answered by the teachers in the European Schools illustrate the application of the the Curriculum in the practice of the European Schools, particularly in the monitored areas. A collected set of opinions of the Czech nursery teachers on the...

Konstrukce češství v českých tištěných médiích: kvalitativní analýza deníků Mladá fronta DNES a Právo v letech 1999 a 2004 / Construction of Czech national identity in Czech print media

Šenkýřová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Construction of Czech national identity in Czech print media: a qualitative analysis of Mladá fronta DNES and Právo daily newspapers in the years 1999 and 2004" is concerned with the media constructing of Czech national identity in the content of two significant Czech print dailies. The concrete period chosen for the analysis of the construction is from 1st until 31st March in 1999 and it involves the accession of the Czech Republic to NATO (12th March), in the year 2004 the period is from 19th April until 19th May and it contains the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU (1st May). The qualitative method is used for the study of the construction. It is dealt with as an interpretative analysis of the text. With the aid of the relevant literature the study analyzes and interprets the found constructions of Czech national identity. It examines what identity and character and which traditions and attributes are given to the Czech nation by selected newspapers. It notices potential differences and uniformities between both newspapers and between 1999 and 2004. The analytical part of the thesis is complemented by the theoretical part and the methodology. The methodology describes the chosen technique of the analytical work. The theoretical part includes description of the period...

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