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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ar esama sprendimų vykdymo išlaidų atlyginimo tvarka nepažeidžia vykdymo proceso dalyvių teisių į visišką nuostolių atlyginimą bei proceso tikslo – kuo greičiau atkurti teisinę taiką tarp ginčo šalių? / How effective is today`s regulations about payments made for execution process and how capable are those regulations in order to protect one`s right`s not to be involved in a perpetual legal proceedings to have those payments back?

Rimkus, Arvydas 08 August 2008 (has links)
Sėkmingas sprendimų vykdymo procesas neįmanomas be tinkamo finansavimo. Nuo 2003-01-01 pradėjus veikti privačiai antstolių sistemai pasikeitė ir vykdymo proceso finansavimo tvarka. Valstybė vykdymo proceso finansavimo naštą perkėlė išieškotojui. Pagal šiuo metu galiojančią tvarką, išieškotojas pateikdamas sprendimą priverstiniam vykdymui privalo apmokėti ir visas su tokio sprendimo vykdymo susijusias išlaidas. Vykdymo išlaidų atlyginimo tvarkos teisiniame reglamentavime įtvirtintas bendrasis principas, kad įvykdžius vykdomąjį dokumentą visos vykdymo išlaidos išieškomos iš skolininko. Tačiau kaip vėliau darbe atskleidžiama, praktinis minėto principo taikymas kelia daug problemų visiems vykdymo proceso dalyviams. / The main target for this work is to find out how effective is today`s regulations about payments made for execution process and how capable are those regulations in order to protect one`s right`s not to be involved in a perpetual legal proceedings to have those payments back?. There were four tasks author had to do. First to have an analysis in law regulating payment for execution process. Second task was to find out if those regulation have any dearth`s. If results were positive, than how they affects parties rights in execution process in order to keep their assets and not to be forced to pay for those proceedings again and again and not to start court proceedings. Third there was a need to define how important is to have better regulations about payments made for execution process. Fourth task was to give suggestions about how to improve regulations about payments made for execution process in order to have parties assets protected and annul all chances to start court proceedings for the same question. In order to get better results for his researches author has tried to separate each party. In that way it was possible to learn from each parties perspective exactly how civil execution costs and the order of reimbursing them, affects their material and procedural rights. In doing that first party was the bailiff. For him our regulations in most of the cases establishes broadly acknowledged principle that all expenses he suffers must be compensated by recoverer... [to full text]

Execução de obras de urbanização de favelas: Favela Jardim Santo André - Santo André, Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. / Execution of slums upgrading construction works: Jardim Santo André Slum - Santo André, Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.

Ferreira, Júlia Maria Strazdas Martins 29 June 2006 (has links)
A urbanização de favelas consiste em uma intervenção – prioritariamente governamental – que busca adequar sítios irregulares através de melhoria das condições de moradia e de saúde de seus moradores. Verifica-se, decorrente de diversos motivos, alterações entre o que é projetado e o que é executado, suscitando um questionamento sobre qual o nível de detalhamento dos projetos é suficiente para subsidiar as obras. Por meio de um estudo de caso, esta pesquisa investiga quais são as dificuldades na implementação de projetos em campo; as reais possibilidades do projeto; os motivos que promovem alterações nos projetos no momento da obra; e as possibilidades de contorná-los. Da descrição do caso observou-se a necessidade de adequação dos produtos e de melhoria na socialização das informações. Da análise do cadastro da obra foram verificadas as execuções que contrariaram as orientações dos projetos, tanto decorrentes da necessidade de ajustes locais, quanto de desobediência ou incompreensão das soluções. Das entrevistas constatou-se que, em função de cada intervenção, há necessidade de graus de detalhamento diferenciados para cada item de projeto e para cada etapa de elaboração. Conclui-se pela necessidade de aprimoramento do processo de implementação do empreendimento para obtenção de resultados mais eficazes. / Slums upgrading consists in an intervention – mainly governmental – that aims to adequate irregular sites by improving the dwelling and health conditions of their inhabitants. Due to several reasons, there are changes comparing what is designed and what is executed, which raises questions about how detailed the designs should be to subsidize the construction works. By means of a case study, the present research investigates the difficulties faced in the implementation of designs on the field; the real possibilities of the design; the reasons that promote changes in the designs when the construction work is started; and the possibilities to skirt them. The case description showed the need to adequate the products and to improve the socialization of information. The analysis of the construction work as built revealed the executions that contradicted the designs’ orientations, deriving both from the need of local adjustments and from disobedience or misunderstanding of the solutions. The interviews showed that, to each intervention, different degrees of detail are necessary for each item of the design and for each elaboration stage. In conclusion, it was found that the implementation process of the project must be perfected so that more efficient results are obtained.

Execução de obras de urbanização de favelas: Favela Jardim Santo André - Santo André, Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. / Execution of slums upgrading construction works: Jardim Santo André Slum - Santo André, Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.

Júlia Maria Strazdas Martins Ferreira 29 June 2006 (has links)
A urbanização de favelas consiste em uma intervenção – prioritariamente governamental – que busca adequar sítios irregulares através de melhoria das condições de moradia e de saúde de seus moradores. Verifica-se, decorrente de diversos motivos, alterações entre o que é projetado e o que é executado, suscitando um questionamento sobre qual o nível de detalhamento dos projetos é suficiente para subsidiar as obras. Por meio de um estudo de caso, esta pesquisa investiga quais são as dificuldades na implementação de projetos em campo; as reais possibilidades do projeto; os motivos que promovem alterações nos projetos no momento da obra; e as possibilidades de contorná-los. Da descrição do caso observou-se a necessidade de adequação dos produtos e de melhoria na socialização das informações. Da análise do cadastro da obra foram verificadas as execuções que contrariaram as orientações dos projetos, tanto decorrentes da necessidade de ajustes locais, quanto de desobediência ou incompreensão das soluções. Das entrevistas constatou-se que, em função de cada intervenção, há necessidade de graus de detalhamento diferenciados para cada item de projeto e para cada etapa de elaboração. Conclui-se pela necessidade de aprimoramento do processo de implementação do empreendimento para obtenção de resultados mais eficazes. / Slums upgrading consists in an intervention – mainly governmental – that aims to adequate irregular sites by improving the dwelling and health conditions of their inhabitants. Due to several reasons, there are changes comparing what is designed and what is executed, which raises questions about how detailed the designs should be to subsidize the construction works. By means of a case study, the present research investigates the difficulties faced in the implementation of designs on the field; the real possibilities of the design; the reasons that promote changes in the designs when the construction work is started; and the possibilities to skirt them. The case description showed the need to adequate the products and to improve the socialization of information. The analysis of the construction work as built revealed the executions that contradicted the designs’ orientations, deriving both from the need of local adjustments and from disobedience or misunderstanding of the solutions. The interviews showed that, to each intervention, different degrees of detail are necessary for each item of the design and for each elaboration stage. In conclusion, it was found that the implementation process of the project must be perfected so that more efficient results are obtained.

Vykdymo proceso šalių teisių gynimas Lietuvoje ir Vokietijoje (lyginamasis tyrimas) / Protection of rights of the countries of execution process in Lithuania and Germany (comparative research) / Rechtsbehelfe der Zwangsvollstreckungsparteien in Litauen und in Deutschland (vergleichende Forschung)

Jankauskaitė, Giedrė 24 February 2010 (has links)
Sprendimų vykdymas yra sudėtinė asmens teisės į teismą dalis ir ši teisė būtų iliuzinė, jeigu valstybės teisės sistema privalomą teismo sprendimą leistų palikti neįvykdytą, taip darant žalą vienai iš šalių. Dažnai pabrėžiama, kad civilinis procesas nesibaigia teismo sprendimo priėmimu. Net po to, tam tikrais atvejais yra būtinas prievartos aparato panaudojimas siekiant įvykdyti teisingumą. O teisingumas gali būti įvykdytas ir pasiekti savo tikslą tik tada, kai bus teisėtai, greitai ir veiksmingai įvykdytas teismo sprendimas. Tais atvejais, kai sprendimas nevykdomas, asmenys, kurių naudai priimtas sprendimas, gali prašyti sprendimą įvykdyti priverstinai. Valstybė, prisiėmusi pareigą užtikrinti materialinių subjektinių teisių gynimą, tai įgyvendina ne tik užtikrindama kiekvienam teisės subjektui teisminę jo pažeistų teisių ir interesų gynybą, bet ir civilinio proceso metu priimto teismo sprendimo įvykdymą prievarta. Šis prievartos mechanizmas yra sutelktas būtent valstybės rankose. Asmeniui, ginančiam savo pažeistas teises, reikia ne jų pažeidimą deklaruojančio teismo sprendimo arba tik šio pažeidimo konstatavimo, bet realaus teisių gynimo. Tai gali užtikrinti tik veiksminga teismo sprendimų vykdymo sistema. Teismo sprendimų vykdymas yra baigiamoji civilinio proceso stadija, kurios metu įgyvendinamas teismo sprendimas, o išieškotojas ir skolininkas realiai patiria teisinius ir turtinius teismo sprendimo padarinius. Vykdant teismo sprendimus, privalu griežtai laikytis įstatymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Enforcement is an integral part of the right to a trial and this right would be illusory if the law of a mandatory system would leave the decision of the Court‘s failure, to the detriment o fone of the parties. Often stressed that the process does not end the civil court decision. Even then, in some cases, it is necessary to use coercive apparatus of justice. And justice can be fulfilled and to achieve its goal only when it is legally, quickly and effectively enforced court decision. In cases where a decision is not met, the persons for whose benefit the decision may request the decision to compulsorily. Enforcement of Civil Procedure is the final stage, during which implemented the court decision and the creditor and the debtor actually experienced legal and property implications of the court decision. The judgments must strictly comply with the statutory compulsory enforcement procedures to prevent violations of creditors to the debtor and third party rights and legitimate interests. Legal relations in civil proceedings entities for their role in civil proceedings are divided into: a) pursuing justice and ensuring the implementation of judicial decisions, b) participants (those involved in this case and other participants in the process). The first group includes the court, bailiff, court clerk (Rechtspfleger) and other entities engaged in ensuring fairness and justice act - of a judicial decision, order or decision - implementation. The second group includes the parties... [to full text] / Die Durchführung der Entscheidungen stellt einen Teil des Rechts einer Person auf Gericht dar; dieses Recht wäre eine Illusion, würde das staatliche Rechtssystem auf die Vollstreckung des verbindlichen Gerichtsbeschlusses nicht bestehen und so einen Schaden für eine von den Parteien verursachen. Es wird oft behauptet, dass ein Zivilverfahren mit der Fassung des Gerichtsbeschlusses nicht beendet ist. Sogar danach ist der Eingriff des Gewaltapparates in bestimmten Fällen erforderlich, um die Gerechtigkeit auszuüben. Die Gerechtigkeit kann erst dann ausgeübt werden und ihr Ziel erreichen, wenn der Gerichtsbeschluss rechtmäßig, schnell und wirkungsvoll vollstreckt wird. Wenn der Beschluss nicht durchgeführt wird, können die Personen, zu deren Gunsten der Beschluss gefasst wurde, einen Antrag auf die Vollstreckung stellen. Während des Durchführungsvorgangs wird das streitige oder verletzte materielle subjektive Recht oder zum Schutz stehendes Interesse tatsächlich wiederhergestellt. Nachdem der Staat die Pflicht die Verteidigung materieller subjektiver Rechte zu gewährleisten auf sich genommen hat, führt er diese Pflicht nicht nur dadurch aus, dass die gerichtliche Verteidigung der verletzten Rechten und Interessen für jedes Rechtsubjekt gewährleistet ist, sondern auch durch die Vollstreckung des in einem Zivilprozess gefassten Gerichtsbeschlusses. Dieser Gewaltmechanismus ist in den Händen des Staates konzentriert. Eine Person, die ihre verletzten Rechte verteidigt, braucht... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

Gestão de processos na análise da execução orçamentária da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

FERREIRA, Alexandre Alves 19 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-08-04T17:59:38Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Alexandre Alves Ferreira.pdf: 1532776 bytes, checksum: cd416fd163761609e1e6e758b7633ee6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-04T17:59:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Alexandre Alves Ferreira.pdf: 1532776 bytes, checksum: cd416fd163761609e1e6e758b7633ee6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-19 / Uma das grandes missões de um governo é de proporcionar bem-estar à população. Para alcançar esses objetivos é necessário desenvolver ações, as quais implicam vinculação de verba pública para assegurar as despesas que tais ações acarretarão. Sendo assim, nos órgãos públicos, como é o caso das universidades federais, é elaborado o orçamento anual, regido pela Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA), a qual estabelece os créditos destinados aos diversos órgãos governamentais para que eles possam, então, desenvolver suas atividades. É nesse horizonte que este estudo aplica o princípio da Gestão de Processos, como ferramenta de gestão, para monitorar o desempenho da execução orçamentária, especialmente nos procedimentos que requerem ações entre unidades departamentais. Assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi o de analisar a gestão da execução orçamentária da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) e propor melhorias ao processo. Especificamente, o estudo identificou, descreveu e representou graficamente o processo de execução orçamentária da UFPE; analisou e apontou seus cenários atual e desejável em relação às suas etapas, ao tempo utilizado no desenvolvimento das tarefas e aos recursos humanos envolvidos; e apresentou uma proposição de indicadores de desempenho do processo na expectativa de que sirvam de recursos para monitorar a execução orçamentária das unidades gestoras de orçamento e da UFPE, em geral. Pesquisa de natureza aplicada, a coleta de dados combinou diferentes fontes de evidências: pesquisa documental, observação participante e questionários semiestruturados. Adotou-se abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa na análise dos dados, e utilizou a metodologia do Business Process Management (BPM) para descrição, representação e análise do processo. A proposição dos indicadores seguiu o modelo metodológico de Trzesniak (2014), e, portanto, os indicadores foram formulados com base em cinco dimensões: denominação, propósito, conceito, forma de apuração e metadados. A pesquisa apontou que o processo de execução orçamentária da UFPE tem potencial para se tornar mais ágil, eficiente e focado no usuário e que os indicadores de monitoramento propostos poderão acompanhar a gestão orçamentária. / One of the major missions of the government is to provide welfare to the population. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary to develop actions, which involve linking public funds to ensure resources for the development of such actions. Thus, public agencies - such as federal universities - prepare the annual budget in accordance with the Annual Budget Law (LOA), which establishes credits allocated to various government agencies so that they may develop their activities. This is the horizon to which this study applies the principle of process management as a management tool to monitor the performance of budget execution, especially procedures that require actions between departmental units. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing budget execution management performed by the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and proposing improvements to the process. Specifically, this study identified, described and graphically represented the budget execution process of UFPE. It analyzed and pointed out the current and desired scenarios regarding its stages, time spent in the development of tasks and human resources involved. In addition, it presented a proposal for performance indicators in an attempt to serve as resources for monitoring budget execution of UFPE's budget management units. This study is an applied research. Data collection combined different sources of evidence: document research, participant observation, and semi-structured questionnaires. It adopted qualitative and quantitative approach to data analysis, and used Business Process Management (BPM) methodology for description, representation and analysis of the process. Proposition of indicators followed the methodological model developed by Trzesniak (2014), and therefore indicators have been formulated based on five dimensions: denomination, purpose, concept, means of verification and metadata. The research indicated that UFPE's budget execution process has the potential to become more agile, efficient and focused on the user, and the proposed monitoring indicators may follow up the budget management.

An?lise do Processo de Realiza??o da Estrat?gia BNDES 2000-2005. / Analysis of the 2000 2005 BNDES? Strategy Execution Process.

Fuchs, Angelo Giuseppe Povoleri 10 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009 - Angelo G P Fuchs.pdf: 4073663 bytes, checksum: 799340e7e698a82ee53ddff5fd6c42f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-10 / This thesis arose on the interest of refining studies about successes and failures on strategy implementations. The goal of this thesis is to comprehend the execution process of strategies in governmental institutions of development promotion, using data from the case study of the 2000-2005 BNDES? Strategic Plan, with the objective of generating knowledge and learning for future similar processes. It was researched, with the employee s prior knowledge, if there are necessary factors, pre-requirements or conditions for the successful execution of this strategy. This unique case study was chosen, directed by the underlying assumptions of qualitative and quantitative research, with questionnaires and interviews as a vehicle of information gathering. The results were obtained statistically, with tables and charts generation. After that, the qualitative analysis was developed based on technique of the content analysis. It was then possible to conclude that the 2000-2005 BNDES? Strategic Plan caused a high impact on employees and provoked opposition about its implementation. The research led to the conclusion that it was an interrelated complex of necessary conditions to execute that strategy and point the necessary conditions in future strategies on BNDES and complex organizations, to be confirmed by new similar research. It concludes that the execution process of strategy fails when these factors are not properly aligned: strategy, structure, culture, organizational climate, co-workers commitment, communication, change management, competences management, personal politics and remuneration, information systems, operational efficiency, business process management, knowledge management, strategy management model, risks management and project management sponsored by leadership of higher administration. The analysis 2000 2005 BNDES? Strategy Execution Process will help to diffuse knowledge about communication, implementation, control, adaptation and correction planning, strategy implementation and change management of an important strategy of BNDES. It could also help as basis of research for efficacy reach of future strategy execution processes in private companies, public institutions and, mainly, in BNDES. / A origem desta tese reside no interesse em aprofundar estudos sobre os motivos de sucesso e de fracasso na implementa??o de estrat?gias. No intuito de gerar conhecimento e aprendizado para futuros processos similares, o objetivo desta tese ? compreender o processo de realiza??o de estrat?gias em institui??es governamentais de promo??o do desenvolvimento, a partir do estudo de caso do Plano Estrat?gico BNDES 2000-2005. Foi pesquisado, sob a percep??o do corpo funcional, se havia fatores, pr?-requisitos ou condi??es necess?rios para o sucesso da realiza??o daquela estrat?gia. Como metodologia, escolheu-se o estudo de caso ?nico, orientado pelos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, com question?rios e entrevistas. Os resultados foram computados estatisticamente, com a gera??o de tabelas e gr?ficos. A seguir, a an?lise qualitativa foi realizada com base na t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do. Foi poss?vel concluir que o Plano Estrat?gico BNDES 2000-2005 causou elevado impacto no corpo funcional e grande resist?ncia ? sua implementa??o. A pesquisa tamb?m permitiu concluir que havia um conjunto inter-relacionado de condi??es necess?rias ? realiza??o daquela estrat?gia e apontou condi??es necess?rias em futuras estrat?gias no BNDES e em organiza??es complexas, a serem confirmados por novas pesquisas semelhantes. Concluiu-se que o processo de realiza??o da estrat?gia falha quando n?o s?o tratados adequadamente o alinhamento dos seguintes fatores: estrat?gia, estrutura, cultura, clima organizacional, comprometimento dos colaboradores, comunica??o, gest?o de mudan?as, gest?o de compet?ncias; pol?tica de pessoal e de remunera??o, sistemas de informa??o, efici?ncia operacional, gest?o dos processos de neg?cios, gest?o de conhecimento, modelo de gest?o da estrat?gia, gest?o de riscos, e gest?o de projetos com patroc?nio e lideran?a da alta administra??o. A an?lise do processo de realiza??o do Plano Estrat?gico BNDES 2000-2005 ajudar? a difundir conhecimento sobre comunica??o, implementa??o, controle, adapta??o e corre??o do planejamento, implementa??o de estrat?gia e gest?o de mudan?as de uma importante estrat?gia recente do BNDES. Poder?, tamb?m, servir como base de pesquisa pela busca de efic?cia de futuros processos de realiza??o de estrat?gias em empresas privadas, empresas p?blicas e, principalmente, no pr?prio BNDES.

The embargo punished: considerations (already) outdated about an old problem tried to overcome with the Seventh Civil Cassation Plenary (Cassation Judgment No. 3671-2014-Lima) / El embargo castigado: consideraciones (ya) inactuales sobre un viejo problema tratado de superar con el VII Pleno Casatorio Civil (Sentencia de Casación No. 3671-2014-Lima)

Ariano Deho, Eugenia 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article provides a different approach to the debated issue of the criterion of solution of what has come to be called “property not registered vs. embargo registered”. In it, it argues that all the solutions that has been raised (even the adopted as “binding precedent” in the judgment of the Seventh Civil CassationPlenary) are based on an optical error, because they look at the embargo act of a static way, as if it were an act that creates a final situation, forgetting that the embargo is a procedural act that is not an end in itself, but is inserted into the dynamic of the execution process, a process in which the final situation occurs (the awarding of the asset under seizure to the successful bidder or creditor, that is, the acquisition of a real right). Observed, however, theembargo on the dynamic of the executive procedure, as an act that prepares the forced alienation of the asset, is postulated, as a criterion of solution to the problem, that of priority registration (that is, the contained in the first paragraph of the article 2022 of the Civil Code, but with the tempering of the appreciation of good faith), once the annotation of the embargo “reserve priority” to the act of forced alienation of the asset. / El presente trabajo pretende aportar un enfoque distinto al debatido tema del criterio de solución de lo que ha venido a llamarse “propiedad no inscrita vs. embargo inscrito”. En él, se sostiene que todas las soluciones que se han planteado (incluso la adoptada como “precedente vinculante” en la Sentencia del VII Pleno Casatorio) parten de un error de óptica, pues miran el acto del embargo de manera estática, como si se tratara de un acto que crea una situación final, olvidando así que el embargo es un acto procesal que no es fin en sí mismo, sino que se inserta en la dinámica del proceso de ejecución, proceso en el cual se produce la situación final (la adjudicación del bien embargado al postor adjudicatario o al acreedoradjudicatario, esto es, la adquisición de un derecho real). Observado, en cambio, el embargo en la dinámica del procedimiento ejecutivo, como acto que prepara la enajenación forzada del bien, se postula, como criterio de solución al problema, el de la prioridad registral (esto es, la contenida en el primer párrafo del artículo 2022 del Código Civil, pero con el atemperante de la apreciación de la buena fe), en cuanto la anotación del embargo “reserva prioridad” al acto de enajenación forzada del bien.

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