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Nitric Oxide Exchange in Central and Peripheral Airways : Determinants in Health and Respiratory DiseaseMalinovschi, Andrei January 2008 (has links)
<b>Background: </b>Exhaled nitric oxide (NO) is a marker of eosinophilic steroid-sensitive inflammation in the airways of patients with respiratory disease. Moreover, information about the localization of inflammation in the respiratory tree is obtained by estimates of bronchial and alveolar contributions to exhaled NO. <b>Aims: </b>The main aim of this thesis was to identify the determinants of exhaled NO, as well as determinants of bronchial and alveolar contributions to exhaled NO in health and disease. Smoking history, degree of IgE sensitization and effects of modulating the pharyngo-oral tract production of NO were specifically studied in this context. Other specific aims were to determine the association of exhaled NO with the presence of asthma and pulmonary hypertension (PH). <b>Methods: </b>Both population-based studies and experimental studies have been performed within the frame of the thesis. The population-based studies are based on data from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. NO measurements at several exhalation flow rates were performed in order to estimate alveolar and bronchial contributions to exhaled NO. <b>Results: </b>Both current and previous smoking were associated with decreased exhaled NO and bronchial NO flux levels. Alveolar NO concentrations were decreased in current smokers. The degree of IgE sensitization was positively related to the levels of exhaled NO and its bronchial contribution. Exhaled NO appeared to be a more specific marker of allergic inflammation than of rhinitis or asthma. Both allergic and non-allergic asthma were associated with increased exhaled NO levels, but only in never-smoking persons. The estimated alveolar NO increased after ingestion of nitrate in individuals with high nitrate turnover in the pharyngo-oral tract. Pulmonary arterial hypertension, but not other forms of PH, was associated with decreased bronchial NO flux, whereas PH of all etiologies was related to increased alveolar NO concentrations. <b>Conclusion: </b>Smoking history and IgE sensitization, that are known determinants of exhaled NO, affected the bronchial and alveolar contributions to exhaled NO differently. The limitations of the simple NO pulmonary exchange models were highlighted by the paradoxical effects on estimated alveolar NO when modulating the NO production proximally, in the pharyngo-oral tract. Predominance of non-eosinophilic inflammation in ever-smoking patients with asthma could explain the poor association between the presence of asthma and exhaled NO in these patients. Different pathophysiological changes in terms of bronchial NO production and exchange were related to the etiology of pulmonary hypertension.
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The Effects of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Asthmatic Adult MalesAlyousif, Zakaria A. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Early risk factors influencing lung function in schoolchildren born preterm in the era of new bronchopulmonary dysplasiaRonkainen, E. (Eveliina) 01 November 2016 (has links)
Advances in perinatal treatment practices—such as antenatal corticosteroids, surfactant replacement therapy, and gentler ventilator modalities—have improved the survival of infants born preterm. Consequently, later morbidity and pulmonary outcome for survivors has attracted increasing interest. The incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains high and the condition is manifesting in infants born at earlier gestational weeks than before. This so-called new BPD results from the arrest of alveolar development and is associated with less structural airway injury and interstitial fibrosis than previously. Long-term follow-up data on lung function, lung structure and respiratory morbidity of children treated with modern methods is insufficiently known.
We performed a follow-up study of 88 preterm-born children and 88 matched term-born controls at school age. Children born preterm had lower values in lung function measurements than term-born peers. Reductions were most marked in those with a history of BPD. In accordance with the foetal origins hypothesis, children with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) had lower lung function than gestation-controls. This indicates that poor growth in utero is an additional burden on pulmonary health. Both IUGR and BPD predicted lower lung function independently.
High-resolution computed tomography of the lung was obtained from 21 children with a history of BPD. Structural abnormalities were common, children with severe BPD being most affected. Preterm children were hospitalised more often than controls, mainly because of wheezing disorders. However, BPD did not influence the hospitalisations. According to the meta-analysis of the contemporary data available, the respiratory outcome of children who had only mild BPD may have improved in comparison to old follow-up data, whereas the results for those without BPD or moderate-to-severe BPD have remained remarkably stable despite progress in treatment practices during early life.
In conclusion, preterm children had subtle impairments in lung function at school age. Although they were fairly asymptomatic, concern about the possible long-term effects of preterm birth on pulmonary health is justified. It has been proposed that BPD may predispose individuals to an early COPD-like disorder. Preterm children must be protected from any additional burden on respiratory health and should be monitored appropriately for early detection of lung disease. / Tiivistelmä
Keskosten tehohoito on kehittynyt viime vuosikymmeninä merkittävästi, ja yhä epäkypsempänä syntyvät keskoset selviävät hengissä syntymän jälkeen. Keskosten pitkäaikainen keuhkosairaus, bronkopulmonaalinen dysplasia (BPD), on perinteisesti johtunut hengityskonehoidon ja happikaasun aiheuttamasta keuhkovauriosta ja johtanut keuhkokudoksen arpeutumiseen. Aiempaa ennenaikaisemmilla keskosilla esiintyy kuitenkin nykyään niin sanottua uutta BPD:tä, jonka ajatellaan johtuvan enemmän keuhkorakkuloiden kehityshäiriöstä kuin hoitojen aiheuttamasta keuhkovauriosta. Selvitimme, miten nykyaikaisilla menetelmillä hoidettujen keskosten keuhkojen rakenne ja toiminta kehittyvät kouluikään mennessä. Seurantatutkimukseemme osallistui 88 ennenaikaisena syntynyttä, kouluikään ehtinyttä lasta ja 88 täysiaikaisena syntynyttä, kaltaistettua verrokkia.
Keskosena syntyneiden lasten keuhkofunktio oli kouluiässä huonompi kuin täysiaikaisena syntyneiden verrokkien. Alhaisin keuhkofunktio oli niillä keskosena syntyneillä lapsilla, jotka olivat sairastaneet vastasyntyneenä BPD:n. Myös kohdunsisäiseen kasvuhäiriöön (intrauterine growth restriction, IUGR) liittyi alentunut keuhkofunktio. BPD ja IUGR ennustivat alentunutta keuhkofunktiota toisistaan riippumatta. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin myös keuhkojen ohutleiketietokonekuvaus 21 keskoselle, jotka olivat sairastaneet BPD:n. Lähes kaikilla havaittiin poikkeavia löydöksiä – eniten niillä, joilla oli ollut vastasyntyneenä BPD:n vaikea tautimuoto.
Keskosina syntyneet joutuivat kahden ensimmäisen vuoden aikana verrokkeja useammin sairaalahoitoon. Yleisimpiä syitä olivat hengityksen vinkumista aiheuttavat taudit kuten ilmatiehyttulehdus, ahtauttava keuhkoputkitulehdus tai akuutti astmakohtaus. Vastasyntyneenä sairastettu BPD ei kuitenkaan lisännyt todennäköisyyttä joutua sairaalahoitoon. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin myös meta-analyysi nykyaikaisilla menetelmillä hoidettujen keskosten keuhkofunktiosta: lievää BPD:tä sairastavien tulokset näyttävät parantuneen, kun taas keskivaikeaa tai vaikeaa tautimuotoa sairastavien ja ilman BPD:tä selvinneiden keuhkofunktio ei ole muuttunut uusien hoitojen myötä.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että keskosten keuhkojen toimintakyky on jonkin verran alentunut täysiaikaisiin verrattuna. Lievästi alentunut keuhkofunktio ei kuitenkaan yleensä aiheuttanut koululaisille oireita. Keskosena syntyneiden lasten hengityselinten toimintaa on syytä seurata, sillä niin sanotun uuden BPD:n pitkäaikaisesta ennusteesta ei ole vielä tietoa.
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