Spelling suggestions: "subject:"expanded"" "subject:"expande""
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Design and Fabrication of High-Coupling Efficiency Beam Expander Integrated Laser DiodeWu, Chun-Ta 08 July 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to design and fabricate the S-shaped profile in depth. The results are applied to design a beam expander. In the experiments, we use the local etch-rate control, i.e. diffusion-limited etching, to fabricate the S-shaped profile. The etchant solution and recipe is H3PO4:H2O2:H2O =98:1:1 at 21¢J without stirring. The diffusion length of the etchant solution is 12.5mm.
The device includes active semiconductor laser and passive tapered waveguide (beam expander). The design of the passive waveguide includes the lateral and vertical directions. In the lateral aspect, we use FimmWave to simulate the best symmetrical far field angle. When the waveguide width is 2.5mm and the etching depth is 1.4mm, we can get the best symmetrical far field angle which is lateral 27.88¢X and vertical 27.76¢X. In the vertical aspect, we use diffusion-limited etching to fabricate the depth changing. In this thesis, we use the beam expander length 350, 400, 450, 500mm.
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Provning av expander- och betongskruv i håldäckBertilsson, Viktor, Odén, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Title: Testing of mechanical expansion anchors and concrete screw anchors inhollow-core slabs For stabilization of prefabricated concrete elements during mounting obliquebraces are used. These oblique braces are occasionally attached into hollow-coreslabs. Abetong and Strängbetong are two companies using this method forstabilization and are in need of load values on what different fastenings canmanage attached into hollow-core slabs.Therefore this report is based on the testing of mechanical expansion anchors andconcrete screw anchors mounted in hollow-core slabs. The result of each fasteningis presented in tables with characteristic load values.After founding the concrete screw anchors most useful, an Excel-program wasdesigned where oblique loading can be presented.Keywords: Testing, mechanical expansion anchors, concrete screw anchors,hollow-core slabs, oblique loading, mechanical interlock, concrete fail, anchoragefail, concrete cone.
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The Effect of Rapid Palatal Expander Appliances on SpeechStevens, Kyle 12 January 2011 (has links)
Background: Rapid palatal expanders have a screw that covers the palate and may affect speech.
Methods: RPEs were treatment planned for 22 patients. Speech recordings were completed at 6 different time points. Analysis for speech acceptability, /i/ vowel formants, and /s/ and /∫/ fricative spectra were analyzed.
Results: When the appliance was inserted, speech acceptability deteriorated but improved over time. For vowel /i/, the first formant increased and second formant decreased. For fricatives (/s/, /∫/), low to high frequency ratios indicated that the sounds were distorted when the appliance was inserted. The formants and ratios returned to normal levels over time. Examination of the four spectral moments found the spectral mean decreased, standard deviation increased, skewness became more positive, and kurtosis decreased at appliance insertion. Repeated measures ANOVAs found significant effects for time for all acoustic measures.
Conclusions: Speech was altered when the appliance was inserted, but improved over time.
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The Effect of Rapid Palatal Expander Appliances on SpeechStevens, Kyle 12 January 2011 (has links)
Background: Rapid palatal expanders have a screw that covers the palate and may affect speech.
Methods: RPEs were treatment planned for 22 patients. Speech recordings were completed at 6 different time points. Analysis for speech acceptability, /i/ vowel formants, and /s/ and /∫/ fricative spectra were analyzed.
Results: When the appliance was inserted, speech acceptability deteriorated but improved over time. For vowel /i/, the first formant increased and second formant decreased. For fricatives (/s/, /∫/), low to high frequency ratios indicated that the sounds were distorted when the appliance was inserted. The formants and ratios returned to normal levels over time. Examination of the four spectral moments found the spectral mean decreased, standard deviation increased, skewness became more positive, and kurtosis decreased at appliance insertion. Repeated measures ANOVAs found significant effects for time for all acoustic measures.
Conclusions: Speech was altered when the appliance was inserted, but improved over time.
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Isentropic Efficiency and Theoretical Analysis of the Planetary Rotor ExpanderJames, Joseph L. 01 August 2019 (has links)
Expanders allow pressurized fluids to undergo a pressure decrease in a controlled environment via volumetric growth to extract fluid energy. There are many types of expanders, and the objective of this thesis is to model the efficiencies of the planetary rotor expander (PRE), a century-old design undeveloped due to insufficient manufacturing capabilities (until recently). Geometric relationships are derived and mathematical models are generated to determine the efficiency of the PRE as a function of design variables. Two industrially relevant case studies show that, to maximize isentropic efficiency, the planetary rotor expander (PRE) rotational frequency is maximized and rotor geometry optimized.
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An Optimized R5RS Macro ExpanderReque, Sean P. 05 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Macro systems allow programmers abstractions over the syntax of a programming language. This gives the programmer some of the same power posessed by a programming language designer, namely, the ability to extend the programming language to meet the needs of the programmer. The value of such systems has been demonstrated by their continued adoption in more languages and platforms. However, several barriers to widespread adoption of macro systems still exist. The language Racket defines a small core of primitive language constructs, including a powerful macro system, upon which all other features are built. Because of this design, many features of other programming languages can be implemented through libraries, keeping the core language simple without sacrificing power or flexibility. However, slow macro expansion remains a lingering problem in the language's primary implementation, and in fact macro expansion currently dominates compile times for Racket modules and programs. Besides the typical problems associated with slow compile times, such as slower testing feedback, increased mental disruption during the programming process, and unscalable build times for large projects, slow macro expansion carries its own unique problems, such as poorer performance for IDEs and other software analysis tools. In order to improve macro expansion times for Racket, we implement an existing expansion algorithm for R5RS Scheme macros, which comprise a subset of Racket's macro system, and use that implementation to explore optimization opportunities. Our resulting expander appears to be the fastest implementation of a R5RS macro expander in a high-level language and performs several times faster than the existing C-based Racket implementation.
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Indikationen und Gewebeverträglichkeit der selbstquellenden Hydrogelexpander bei verschiedenen TierartenSchröter, Kathrin 26 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit sollte im Tierversuch die lokale Gewebeverträglichkeit der neuen, mit PVVV 80/20 beschichteten, hoch hydrophilen Expander (osmed GmbH, Ilmenau, Deutschland) getestet werden und allgemeine Indikationen für die Anwendung von Hydrogelexpandern erstellt werden.
Material und Methoden:
Für den Versuch standen 24 Kaninchen als Versuchstiere zur Verfügung, welche in vier Gruppen unterteilt wurden, wobei die Gruppe 1 als Kontrollgruppe (Expander mit Silikonhülle) diente. Die Gruppen 2 - 4 wurden mit den neu entwickelten Hydrogelexpandern („Cylinder M4 x 12“) beschickt. Die Implantation der Expander erfolgte bei allen Versuchstieren in die linke Kniefalte.
Nach einem zeitlich vorbestimmten Explantationsplan (nach 10, 21 und 90 Tagen) wurden die Expander entnommen, gewogen und das, den Expander direkt umgebene Gewebe entnommen, histologisch aufbereitet und untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden Proben aus der rechten, nicht implantierten Kniefalte, als Referenzprobe entnommen.
Desweiteren wurde die Anwendbarkeit von Hydrogelexpandern anhand von zwei Fallbeispielen vorgestellt und untersucht.
Histologisch konnte bei beiden Expandertypen eine lokale Fremdkörperreaktion (Entzündungszellinfiltration, Granulationsgewebe), im Sinne einer Kapselbildung, nachgewiesen werden. Die Alterationen des direkt angrenzenden Gewebes der beschichteten Expander sind insgesamt nur geringgradig stärker ausgeprägt als in den Proben mit Verwendung des Implantats mit Silikonhülle. Somit ist die Gewebeverträglichkeit der neu entwickelten Expander mit den silikonumhüllten Expandern vergleichbar.
Diese Arbeit konnten weiterhin zeigen, dass die „Cylinder M4 x 12“-Expander mit der PVVV 80/20-Beschichtung ein deutlich höheres Quellverhalten aufweisen als die herkömmlichen, mit Silikonhülle umgebenen, Expander.
Die in den Fallbeispielen verwendeten Hydrogelexpander, zeigten in beiden Fällen das gewünschte kosmetische Endergebnis.
Für beide Expandertypen lässt sich eine gute lokale Verträglichkeit ableiten. Damit bieten die getesteten Expander „Cylinder M4 x 12“ mit der PVVV 80/20-Beschichtung die Möglichkeit, die Silikonhülle in ausgewählten Indikationen zu ersetzen und neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten zu erschließen. Zudem bieten die beschichteten Expander den Vorteil, dass es durch ihre minimale Größe nur einer kleinen Inzision für die Implantation bedarf und sie damit besonders für den Einsatz in der minimal invasiven Chirurgie geeignet erscheinen.
Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Hydrogelexpander in der Veterinärmedizin sind unter medizinischen und ästhetischen Gesichtspunkten zu betrachten. Im Vordergrund der medizinischen Indikationen stehen vor allem Wunden mit erheblichem Gewebeverlust (z. Bsp. nach Traumata, Verbrennungen u.a.), bei denen eine plastische Operation keine spannungsarme Adaptation der Wundränder gewährleisten kann. Auch die kosmetische Indikation gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung. Möglich ist der Einsatz des Expanders zum Beispiel als Hodenimplantat oder als Dauerimplantat nach Enukleatio bulbi und zur Narbenkorrektur.
Ihr klinischer Einsatz bedarf jedoch weiterer experimenteller – vor allem – in-vivo-Untersuchungen, um ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten beim Tier - und in Zukunft auch beim Menschen – zu evaluieren.
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Expanderové kódy / Expander codesMachová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
Error-corecting codes are used during most of data transmissions these days. To save space, we would like to use codes which are able to correct enough errors without extending the message too much. The expander codes look promising - they are asymptotically optimal, however, in practice they are just too long. Better expander constructions could be achieved via randomness con- ductors. In this thesis, we explain what conductors are and which constructions are possible for them. In the end we will convert them to expanders and almost get expander codes which are short enough for practical use but nevertheless good. 1
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Meze pro existenci lichých a jednoznačných expanderů / Bounds on existence of odd and unique expandersHlásek, Filip January 2016 (has links)
We study the existence of expander graphs with a focus on odd and unique expanders. The main goal is to describe configurations of arguments for which there is no infinite family of expanders. The most imporant result is that for every graph there is a nonempty subset of at most half of its vertices, such that every other vertex is connected at least twice to the subset or not connected to the subset at all. It follows that certain classes of unique expanders cannot exist. On the other hand we present some configurations for which there are families of expanders. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Contribution to the Characterization of Scroll Machines in Compressor and Expander ModesLemort, Vincent 19 December 2008 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the knowledge and the characterization of scroll machines and their systems. It is based on experimental and modeling works carried out on:
a) A hermetic scroll compressor used inside an air-cooled water chiller.
b) An oil-free open-drive scroll expander integrated into an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power system.
c) Open-drive scroll compressor and expander used in a Liquid Flooded Ericsson Cycle Cooler (LFEC). Such a system uses the liquid flooding of the compressor and of the expander to approach isothermal compression and expansion processes.
New semi-empirical models of the scroll compressor and expander were proposed and existing models improved.
A deterministic model of the scroll expander was established. The model associates a geometrical description of the machine with a thermodynamic description of the expansion process. This model was validated for the two expanders investigated experimentally. The model validation revealed that the performance of the expanders is mainly affected by the supply pressure drop and by the internal leakages. Using the validated model, parametric studies were carried out to investigate the variation of the performance of both expanders with modification of their design and with the operating parameters.
The thesis also investigated the scroll machines from the point of view of their integration into thermal systems.
A first experimental investigation was carried out on an air-cooled chiller. The scroll compressor semi-empirical model, with its parameters identified on the basis of published manufacturer data, was used as a refrigerant flow meter. The analysis of the experimental data allowed a better understanding of the chiller operation and a better identification of its model parameters (such as the fan and the hot gas bypass control models).
A second experimental investigation was carried out on an ORC power system, working with R123. In order to select the most appropriate fluid, the performances achieved with four different fluids were compared by simulation. The experimental study confirmed that the scroll expander is a good candidate for an ORC system: the tested prototype presented a good performance (the maximum global isentropic effectiveness achieved was 68%). Using an ORC simulation model, parametric studies were carried out to investigate the effects of the expander characteristics and operating conditions on the cycle performance. The latter is mainly affected by the expander internal leakage and by the liquid subcooling at the condenser exhaust.
A third experimental investigation was performed on a LFEC working with nitrogen as refrigerant and alkyl-benzene oil as flooding liquid. Experimental data was used to identify the parameters of the scroll compressor and expander semi-empirical models. Parametric studies were performed to identify the different factors affecting their performance. One of the undesirable features of the machines is the increase of the supply and exhaust pressure drops with the increase of oil quantity.
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