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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Talsyntes som hjälpmedel vid memorering / Speech synthesis as aid when memorizing

Björkman, Jacob, Tranæus, David January 2017 (has links)
Att använda teknik för att underlätta lärande, eller tekniskt förstärkt lärande som det även kallas, är en metod som idag tillämpas i allt större grad. I den här rapporten undersöks metoden med tekniken talsyntes. Syftet är att se om den har en påverkan på memoreringsförmågan vid läsning. Grunden för den här undersökningen är befintlig forskning som visar på att vår inlärningsprocess kan effektiviseras genom att vi använder flera sinnen istället för ett ensamt. Således borde även memoreringen förbättras. I den här rapporten undersöks alltså huruvida den medietekniska produkten talsyntes ger en påverkan på hur fakta memoreras hos studenter.  För att undersöka det här fick två grupper av studenter läsa en faktamässigt rik text. Den ena gruppen fick även samtidigt lyssna på textens innehåll med hjälp av en talsyntes. Efter att deltagarna tagit åt sig texten fick de svara på flervalsfrågor om innehållet för att se hur väl de memorerat texten. Samma test skickades sedan ut efter tio dagar för att undersöka hur väl deltagarna kom ihåg faktan efter en längre tid. Resultaten från enkäterna, det vill säga antal rätta svar för de båda grupperna från bägge omgångarna, analyserades sedan med hjälp av statistiska metoder, som ANOVA, för att se om det finns en påverkan av talsyntesen.  Resultaten tyder på att det inte finns någon signifikant påverkan av talsyntesen på förmågan att memorera fakta. Testerna visar att memoreringsförmågan överlag såg snarlik ut hos de båda deltagargrupperna. Däremot finns vissa frågor där gruppen som använde talsyntes hade noterbart fler antal rätt i jämförelse med dem som inte hade talsyntes. För vidare studier inom ämnet bör en undersökning göras i större omfång och under en längre tidsperiod för att få bättre mätningsresultat.

Inlärning i Emotional Behavior Networks : Online Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning i kontinuerliga domäner / Learning in Emotional Behavior Networks : Online Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Domains

Wahlström, Jonathan, Djupfeldt, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
<p>The largest project at the AICG lab at Linköping University, Cognitive models for virtual characters, focuses on creating an agent architecture for intelligent, virtual characters. The goal is to create an agent that acts naturally and gives a realistic user experience. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and implement an appropriate learning model that fits the existing agent architecture using an agile project methodology. The model developed can be seen as an online unsupervised reinforcement learning model that enhances experiences through reward. The model is based on Maes model where new effects are created depending on whether the agent is fulfilling its goals or not.</p><p>The model we have developed is based on constant monitoring of the system. If an action is chosen it is saved in a short-term memory. The memory is constantly updated with current information about the environment and the agent’s state. These memories will be evaluated on the basis of user defined classes that define what all values must satisfy to be successful. If the last memory in the list is considered to be evaluated it will be saved in a long-term memory. This long-term memory works all the time as a basis for how theagent’s network is structured. The long term memory is filtered based on where the agent is, how it feels and its current state.</p><p>Our model is evaluated in a series of tests where the agent's ability to adapt and how repetitive the agent is, is tested.</p><p>In reality, an agent with learning will get a dynamic network based on input from the user, but after a short period it may look completely different, depending on the amount of situations experienced by the agent and where it has been. An agent will have one network structure in the vicinity of food at location x and a completely different structure at anenemy at location y. If the agent enters a new situation where past experience does notfavor the agent, it will explore all possible actions it can take and thus creating newexperiences.</p><p>A comparison with an implementation without classification and learning indicates that the user needs to create fewer classes than it otherwise needs to create effects to cover all possible combinations. <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?K_%7Bs%7D+K_%7Bb%7D" /><img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?K" />K<sub>S</sub>+K<sub>B</sub> classes creates effects for S*B state/behavior combinations, where K<sub>S</sub> and K<sub>B</sub> is the number of state classes and behavior classes and S and B is the number of states and behaviors in the network.</p> / Cognitive models for virtual characters

Inlärning i Emotional Behavior Networks : Online Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning i kontinuerliga domäner / Learning in Emotional Behavior Networks : Online Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Domains

Wahlström, Jonathan, Djupfeldt, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
The largest project at the AICG lab at Linköping University, Cognitive models for virtual characters, focuses on creating an agent architecture for intelligent, virtual characters. The goal is to create an agent that acts naturally and gives a realistic user experience. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and implement an appropriate learning model that fits the existing agent architecture using an agile project methodology. The model developed can be seen as an online unsupervised reinforcement learning model that enhances experiences through reward. The model is based on Maes model where new effects are created depending on whether the agent is fulfilling its goals or not. The model we have developed is based on constant monitoring of the system. If an action is chosen it is saved in a short-term memory. The memory is constantly updated with current information about the environment and the agent’s state. These memories will be evaluated on the basis of user defined classes that define what all values must satisfy to be successful. If the last memory in the list is considered to be evaluated it will be saved in a long-term memory. This long-term memory works all the time as a basis for how theagent’s network is structured. The long term memory is filtered based on where the agent is, how it feels and its current state. Our model is evaluated in a series of tests where the agent's ability to adapt and how repetitive the agent is, is tested. In reality, an agent with learning will get a dynamic network based on input from the user, but after a short period it may look completely different, depending on the amount of situations experienced by the agent and where it has been. An agent will have one network structure in the vicinity of food at location x and a completely different structure at anenemy at location y. If the agent enters a new situation where past experience does notfavor the agent, it will explore all possible actions it can take and thus creating newexperiences. A comparison with an implementation without classification and learning indicates that the user needs to create fewer classes than it otherwise needs to create effects to cover all possible combinations. <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?K_%7Bs%7D+K_%7Bb%7D" /><img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?K" />KS+KB classes creates effects for S*B state/behavior combinations, where KS and KB is the number of state classes and behavior classes and S and B is the number of states and behaviors in the network. / Cognitive models for virtual characters

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