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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Single Family Housing in Libya / Истраживање индивидуалног становања у Либији / Istraživanje individualnog stanovanja u Libiji

Shahran Abdrahman 28 February 2018 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to analyze different types of traditional and contemporary homes in three different geographical areas in Libya &ndash; the coastal region (Tripoli), the mountainous region (Gharyan), and the desert region (Ghadames) &ndash; in terms of the suitability of cultural, social and climatic conditions, as well as to investigate how to take advantage of the traditional elements of single family housing in contemporary design solutions. The study includes the analyses on the impact of construction, planning guidance for building, construction materials, structure, distribution of internal arrangements and their function, roof, and openings, followed by conducting a field survey of the houses from home and abroad, and finally, taking pictures of houses and interviewing the residents of those homes.</p> / <p>Циљ студије је да анализира различите типове традиционалних и савремених кућа у три различита географска подручја у Либији - оне на приморју (Триполи), у планинској области (Гхариан), и у пустињском терену (Гадамес) - у смислу прилагодљивости изграђених структура културним, друштвеним и климатским условвима, као и да се испита како се користе традиционални елементи породичног становања у дизајнерским решењима савремених објеката. Студијом су обухваћени и анализирани различити утицаји који делују на породичне куће почев од планирања, градње, структуре објеката, коиршћење грађевински материјала, унутрашње уређење, отворе, конструкцију и коришћење крова... Спроведено је истраживање на терену кућа из Либије и примера из иностранства, сликани су и исцртани објекти који су укључени у анализу, и разговарало се са корисницима кућа ради јаснијег сагледавања услова које пружају.</p> / <p>Cilj studije je da analizira različite tipove tradicionalnih i savremenih kuća u tri različita geografska područja u Libiji - one na primorju (Tripoli), u planinskoj oblasti (Gharian), i u pustinjskom terenu (Gadames) - u smislu prilagodljivosti izgrađenih struktura kulturnim, društvenim i klimatskim uslovvima, kao i da se ispita kako se koriste tradicionalni elementi porodičnog stanovanja u dizajnerskim rešenjima savremenih objekata. Studijom su obuhvaćeni i analizirani različiti uticaji koji deluju na porodične kuće počev od planiranja, gradnje, strukture objekata, koiršćenje građevinski materijala, unutrašnje uređenje, otvore, konstrukciju i korišćenje krova... Sprovedeno je istraživanje na terenu kuća iz Libije i primera iz inostranstva, slikani su i iscrtani objekti koji su uključeni u analizu, i razgovaralo se sa korisnicima kuća radi jasnijeg sagledavanja uslova koje pružaju.</p>

Realisation av allmännyttan? : Analys av kommunala och privata avyttringar av bostadshyresfastigheter

Petré, Ingel, Larsson, Gabrielle January 2011 (has links)
Avyttringen och ombildningen av kommunala och privata bostadshyresfastigheter till bostadsrättsföreningar har blivit ett allt vanligare fenomen under de senaste decennierna. Främst sker avyttringen i Stockholms kommun. Syftet med denna uppsats är att mäta om prissättningen vid utförsäljning av bostadshyresfastigheter inom Stockholms kommun skiljer sig beroende på om säljaren varit privat eller ett allmännyttigt kommunalt bolag. För att undersöka detta har olika regressionsmodeller applicerats på data över fastighetsprisregistret under två mandatperioder. Resultatet visar en tydlig prisskillnad mellan kommunala avyttringar och privata inom samma områdesindelning. Skillnaden i prissättning innebär att kommunala fastighetsbolag har realiserat ut och omfördelat skattebetalarnas pengar, till ett värde som kan uppgå till så mycket som 3,23 miljarder kronor räknat i 2010 års penningvärde. Sannolikt är en sådan förmögenhetsomfördelning inte samhällsekonomisk effektiv. Vidare torde den motverka syftet med hyreslagsstiftningen. / In the Swedish market for multi-family housing, investment properties are often sold to the tenants who thus convert the property into co-operative housing. This is particularly true in attractive housing location where the existing rent control is in practice binding for all residential rental units. It is somewhat less self-evident that multi-family properties owned by the municipality (not-for-profit, council housing) would also be subject to such conversions. This is, however, quite common, particularly in Stockholm. The aim of this paper is to estimate whether council housing is generally sold to the tenants with a discount, as compared to the market prices of transactions where private property companies sell their properties. We use regression techniques applied to data from the official record of real property transactions. We find a significant price difference between the two categories of transactions. Council housing is sold out at a discount price and we estimate that a total value of some 3.23 billion SEK may have been redistributed from the taxpayers to the housing purchasers in these transactions. This program is probably not efficient from a public economic perspective. Furthermore, it counteracts the purpose of the current rent control legislation.

Sälgen 4 : Adaptable housing in Stockholm / Sälgen 4 : Flexibla bostäder i Stockholm

Berg, Martin January 2014 (has links)
I have designed a housing project that is an infill to an existing housing block in the city center of Stockholm. When I started this project the themes everydayness and building typology was central for me. That is why I also chose to work with the site Sälgen 4; a corner site and one of few remaining gaps in the block structure of the city center. Today there is a gas station on the site, which I for this project presume could be removed. When working with this project I found interest in what simplified could be called soft flexibility, where measurement, shape and connection to other spaces are dealt with in order to enable for different kinds of usage. This type of flexibility I encountered when studying late 19th century dwellings in Stockholm city center. I have developed similar apartments, often with a size of about 140 m2 with 4,5 rooms and an additional kitchen. Even all the room units are similar with over 4 m width and close to square shapes. This enabled the creation of very generic spaces but also introduced me to an interesting paradox; the on the architectural drawing less dynamic floor plan create on the other hand the most dynamic ways to inhabit the spaces. Also the loggia has been an important feature in my design. / Jag har ritat ett bostadshus som är ett infill till ett befintligt kvarter i Stockholms innerstad. När jag började projektet så var temana vardaglighet och byggnadstypologi viktiga för mig. Därför valde jag att arbeta med tomten Sälgen 4; en hörntomt och en av få luckor i kvartersstaden. Idag finns där en bensinmack men jag har sett det som en förutsättning för projektet att den kan tas bort.   Under projektets gång har jag intresserat mig för vad som förenklat kan kallas för mjuk flexibilitet, där rummens mått, form och angöring möjliggör för många olika typer av användning. Den typen av flexibilitet upptäckte jag då jag studerade gamla sekelskifteshus i Stockholm   Jag har arbetat fram likartade lägenheter på oftast runt 140 m2 med 4,5 rum och kök. Även rumsenheterna är nästan identiska med drygt 4 m i bredd och nära kvadratisk form. På så vis har jag skapat en hög grad av generallitet men också konfronterats med en spännande paradox; de å ena sidan som ritning minst dynamiska planerna, kommer å andra sidan att generera den mest dynamiska och tillåtande användningen av dem. Även loggian har varit ett viktigt inslag i min design.

Rodinný dům v Československu po roce 1945 / Family house in Czechoslovakia after 1945

Dočekalová Klimešová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The main part of the doctoral thesis analyses the form of terraced housing in Czechoslovakia in the years 1945-1990. It searches for the original roots, the principles of formation and the characteristic types. The purpose was to find an answer to the question of where its values lie, because the state-controlled standardization negatively influenced the appearance of an average terraced house. The quest of seeking positive approaches the pre-war development of terraced housing and examines parallels between the groups of the 70s and the present. The subject is embedded in the wider framework of the state housing policy and its impact on the character of the new development. The thesis focuses on the period of the 70s, when family development culminat-ed. The main part analyzes three selected groups of terraced houses from the seventies. It is based on the study of available project documentations, which was made accessible by the archives of building authorities. Selected groups are considered in terms of public space and new types of terraced houses. The thesis highlights the diversity of typologi-cal forms of terraced houses of this period. The last part is devoted to the characteristics of terraced housing after 1990. The thesis summarizes the causes of the negative phenomena in suburban locations and shows the transformation of typical terraced houses. It analyses new approaches in urban development of family houses on selected groups. In the context of new concepts, it researches the solutions of public space and types of terraced houses. Finally, the thesis summarizes the transformation of the urban development of the terraced housing from 1945 to the present and proposes the other areas and problems suitable for exploration. The annexed documentary studies of three selected groups from the seventies, which were only partially published. Parts of the appendix are bar charts that evaluate the extent of the family development in individual time periods from 1945 to the present.

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