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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parentalité et travail familial en France et en Allemagne - le parentalisme, nouveau mode de régulation ? - / Elternschaft und familiäre Arbeit in Frankreich und in Deutschland - der Parentalismus als neues Regulierungsmodel? - / Parenthood and family work in France and Germany - Parentalism, a new mode of regulation? -

Rivier, Sabine Anne 14 June 2002 (has links)
Les évolutions contemporaines de la famille ainsi que leur dynamique sont le point de départ de notre recherche. Notre objet est de montrer en quoi et comment ces changements placent nécessairement les relations de l'enfant avec ses deux parents au centre de l'attention et de la normalisation sociale. Nous appelons ce processus le "parentalisme" que nous analysons dans ses deux versions sociétales française et allemande. A cet effet, nous comparons les modes de construction de la parentalité dans ces deux pays, comme le résultat des pratiques familiales, des effets sur ces pratiques de la participation des parents au marché du travail, d'une part, des politiques familiales et des dispositifs publiques de protection sociale, de l'autre.Dans le premier chapitre, nous étudions les formes de parentalité à partir d'un bilan de l'évolution socio-démographique des configurations familiales et des pratiques parentales pour mettre en évidence la manière dont la parentalité s'est peu à peu imposée comme une nouvelle unité "théorique", puis comment il est possible de définir les formes actuelles de parentalité ("bilatérale" et "unilatérale" ; "première" et "composée"). Puis, nous comparons l'activité professionnelle des pères et des mères et leurs effets sur la nature et la forme du lien entre l'enfant et ses parents. Enfin, nous nous consacrons à ce que les évolutions des politiques sociales et familiales donne à lire du rôle parental et de son partage entre les genres, mais aussi entre les parents et les pouvoirs publics. Une nouvelle distinction est proposée entre le modèle de la "parentalité exclusive" (quant le parent est inactif) et celui de la "parentalité conciliée" (quant il y a un exercice concomitant d'une activité professionnelle et des fonctions parentales).Le deuxième chapitre est consacré aux normes de parentalité à travers le traitement des risques familiaux engendrés par les ruptures conjugales. D'abord envisagée sous l'angle des évolutions du traitement juridique du risque familial, nous analysons ensuite la manière dont la norme actuelle de parentalité est construite dans les cas des familles unies et séparées. Et si la place de l'enfant est bien la même dans les deux pays, les rôles des pères et des mères, dans leurs relations personnelles à l'enfant, comme dans leur dimension conjugale, sont différents. La conception des rapports de genre mais aussi la nature du rapport entre l'Etat et la famille expliquent ces divergences. Le chapitre conclut sur le modèle de la "coparentalité" dans le cas français (véhiculant une norme de coopération parentale) et de la "biparentalité" dans le cas allemand (qui désigne une différenciation sexuée, une individualisation du rapport à l'enfant, et une non- ingérence des pouvoirs publics dans les rapports conjugaux).Le troisième chapitre est consacré aux pratiques de parentalité et au partage du "travail familial" en tenant compte des possibilités de délégation à des institutions, à l'effet de l'activité professionnelle de chaque parent et au rôle du réseau informel des ménages. Notre concept de "travail familial" désigne la négociation de l'ensemble des activités effectuées par les mères et les pères : professionnelles, parentales et domestiques. Notre objectif est de montrer, comment varient les pratiques familiales de partage du "travail familial", en fonction des différents modes d'intégration au marché de l'emploi. La répartition du travail parental ne s'effectue plus uniquement suivant les distinctions de genre, mais surtout suivant l'exercice de la parentalité (laquelle s'oriente de plus en plus vers une norme égalitaire malgré des inégalités encore persistantes).En conclusion, nous montrons que les rapports entre l'enfant et ses deux parents régulent actuellement les rapports familiaux, le risque familial et le partage du travail familial, définissant ainsi le "parentalisme". Puis, nous retraçons l'évolution des modes de régulation publique de la famille : le "parentalisme" fait suite en France au "familialisme" de l'après-guerre, puis au "féminisme" des années 1970 et 1980. En Allemagne, le "parentalisme" a succédé dans les années 1990 au "conjugalisme" de l'après-guerre. Ainsi, les deux pays convergent actuellement vers ce nouveau mode de régulation sociale, au delà de leurs différences sociétales dues aux effets spécifiques entre le marché du travail, l'Etat et la famille.

L’entrée dans la vie parentale des jeunes couples de «classe moyenne» d’aujourd’hui : un parcours négocié à partir des solidarités privées et publiques disponibles

Calixte, Amélie 02 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire cherche à rendre compte des diverses façons dont les jeunes couples d’aujourd’hui expérimentent l’entrée dans la vie parentale et, ce faisant, se débrouillent afin de maintenir et de consolider leur vie familiale, conjugale, professionnelle et sociale. Nous avons d’abord présenté les thèmes reliés à cette problématique, soit les solidarités familiales, la politique familiale, les changements familiaux et ceux du marché du travail contemporain où les jeunes occupent une position particulière. Des entretiens avec des jeunes mères montréalaises, âgées de 25 à 35 ans et de «classe moyenne», nous ont permis de faire ressortir les modalités d’articulation entre les solidarités privées et publiques et certaines pratiques stratégiques et aménagements récurrents ou insolites permettant de favoriser le bienêtre chez ces jeunes adultes nouveaux parents. Notre analyse qualitative nous a permis de constater qu’effectivement ces couples orientent leurs pratiques afin de maximiser le potentiel de leur structure environnante et de leurs pôles de soutien. De la jeunesse aux premiers pas dans la vie parentale, les solidarités sont modulées selon les besoins et les offres. Ce qui paraît constant, toutefois, c’est le soutien des parents/grands-parents qui se maintient tout au long de leur cheminement. La revendication d’autonomie propre à ce groupe se voit par contre modifié à travers le temps. L’ambivalence inhérente à celle-ci subsiste et elle ne concerne pas uniquement l’aide intrafamiliale mais tous les paliers de soutien. Plus généralement, les constats révélés dans notre étude nous amènent à dire qu’il faut repenser les solidarités familiales en les situant au sein d’une vision sociétale globale. / This Master Thesis seeks to address the various ways in which young couples today are experimenting with their approach to parenthood and what they are doing to maintain and strengthen family life at the domestic, professional and social level. We first introduced the topics related to this issue, such as family solidarity, family policy, family changes as they relate in today's labour market where young people occupy a particular position. Interviews with "middle class" young mothers from Montreal, aged 25 to 35, enabled us to highlight the structuring terms that are in place, and that contribute to well-being of these young new parents. These can range between solidarities and practical arrangements. Following this qualitative analysis, we found that these couple’s practices are in fact structured to maximize any support potential available in their surroundings. From first step into parenthood, , solidarities are modulated according to needs and offers. However, it is apparent that parents and grandparents support is the main source of relief throughout their journey. Nevertheless, this group’s demand for autonomy changes through time. This inherent ambivalence does not only apply to for familyhood support, but to all kinds of support requirements as well. More generally, our findings lead us to sate that we must rethink family solidarity by placing it within an overall society vision.

La transition postcommuniste en Roumanie (entre 1989 et 2004) : une étude à partir de la structuration de la famille

Marcoci, Gabriela 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse des transformations postcommunistes en Roumanie à partir d’une étude de la structuration de trajectoires familiales. La réflexion sur les itinéraires très variés de ces trajectoires familiales met en valeur les pratiques développées par les familles dans la construction de leur mode de vie quotidienne après la chute du communisme. L’approche utilisée privilégie deux axes d’analyse. Le premier vise les aspects socio-structurels concernant les cadres de la vie incluant les aspects matériels, alors que le deuxième, l’axe socio-symbolique, concerne les aspects subjectifs liés au vécu des acteurs en corrélation avec le contexte social en mutation. L’analyse est fondée sur des éléments issus de la théorie de la structuration qui ont contribué à la construction du cadre conceptuel. Elle s’appuie aussi sur la méthodologie qualitative qui comprend des récits de vie obtenus à partir des entretiens semi-dirigés réalisés avec les membres de 11 familles. Les thématiques retenues après l’analyse du corpus de données nous ont permis d’identifier des stratégies que les familles ont mises en place et les projets familiaux qui ont orienté leur parcours de vie durant la période de transition postcommuniste. Ces deux concepts révèlent des éléments liés à l’ordre général permettant ainsi la mise en évidence des tendances structurelles de la société postcommuniste. / This thesis presents an analysis of the process of post-communist transformation in Romania, through a study of the structure of family trajectories. An examination of the wide variety of family trajectories highlights the practices developed by families in rebuilding their way of life after the fall of communism. The approach adopts two axes of analysis. The first is the socio-structural framework for life including material aspects, while the second axis, the socio-symbolic axis addresses subjective aspects related to the experiences of actors within their changing social context. The analysis draws on the theory of structuration in its conceptual framework. It is also based on qualitative methodology which includes life stories obtained from semi-structured interviews conducted with members of 11 families. The themes selected after analysis of the data corpus allows us to identify strategies that families have put in place and family plans that have shaped their life course during the post-communist transition. These two concepts reveal elements related to the general order allowing the identification of structural trends of post-communist society in Romania.

Work-family balance : an interpretive approach to understanding perceptions and strategies of dual-earner couples in Cape Town, South Africa

Seeley, Ana-Cristina 02 1900 (has links)
Balancing the work and family domains is an ongoing concern for men and women in dual-earner relationships. However, most of the research studies that have explored work-family balance, have been conducted within the North American context using highly educated middle-class couples. Furthermore, no known South African studies have explored work-family balance experiences and strategies based on the couple as a unit. The aim of this study is therefore to understand how middle-class South African dual-earner couples experience and pursue work-family balance. A sample comprising ten multi-racial, middle-class, heterosexual dual-earner couples with children, who work in different employment sectors, and reside in Cape Town, South Africa, were selected purposefully through the use of convenience and snow-ball sampling techniques. The interpretive approach located within the qualitative paradigm was employed to understand the subjective experiences of couples through the method of semi-structured conjoint interviews. All conjoint interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for later analysis. Patterns and themes within the data were identified using thematic analysis and later organised through the use of thematic networks. Two organising themes were uncovered for the global theme "subjective experiences of work-family balance amongst dual-earner couples", namely that work-family balance is a unique experience, and that work-family balance is a dynamic process. Furthermore, the data analysis revealed ten organising themes for the global theme "strategies dual-earner couples use to pursue a work-family balance", namely that striving towards an egalitarian marital relationship helps to promote couples' experience of work-family balance; proactively structuring opportunities for time with family contributes to a balanced work and family life; accessing familial and paid support promotes feelings of being successful in balancing work and family roles; shared planning and organisation facilitates a better balance of work and family roles; living within means relieves couples of unnecessary financial stress; creating opportunities for "alone time" supports couples' work-family balance; work validation and satisfaction encourages greater experiences ofwork-family balance; having the ability to control one's schedule ensures greater freedom to transition between work and family domains; setting boundaries around work and family domains helps couples maintain their balance; and relying on faith to cope with work and family stressors leads to a more balanced life. Each organising theme contained several basic themes which were discussed in relation to previous literature and/or research studies. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Vliv rodičovství na pokles zaměstnanosti žen pečující o děti do tří let věku / Decrease in employment of women taking care of children under three years old as a result of parenthood

Bartůsková, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation addresses the issue of the relationship of parenthood, employment and economic inactivity of childcare holders. It focuses on the mother's motivation to work (mothers taking care of children under 3 years of age) in the context of Czech social policy measures. The aim of the thesis is establish proposals for measures that would encourage the motivation of women with children up to 3 years to return to work and simultaneously quantify the impact of these measures on the state budget. This dissertation builds up on the underlying studies (Jahoda, Šinkyříková, 2011; Kalíšková, 2012). These studies deal mainly with examining implemented reforms in the view of their support to women's employment and their effects on household incomes. The decision making of mothers about their involvement in the labour market was analyzed by indicator of Effective cost of return to work. Negative net financial effect of returning to work was found independently of the region and the extent of the examined working time of women, taking care of children up to 2 years. For mothers taking care of children from 2 to 3 years old was this negative net financial effect detected only partly. This result clearly demonstrates that mothers, taking care of children below 3 years of age, entering the labour market are confronted with very high additional costs that would not be covered by their income from employment and other received benefits. Estimated amount of potential wages, which would encourage women to return to work, reach in some cases up to four times the median wage of women in the region. Given these findings, this dissertation proposes several specific social policy measures, which would support the mother's incentives to work return. Economic effects of the proposed measures were quantified, including the cancelation of conditional entitlement to parental benefit, introduction of tax relief for working mothers and 50% relief on employer's mandatory contributions, which employ parents part-time. Implementation of these measures, which would motivate more women to return to work, would bring an estimated net income effect for the state budget amounting to 9.5 billion crowns per year.

Skandinávský model státu blahobytu / The Nordic Welfare State Model

Fekete, Mátyás January 2011 (has links)
The Nordic welfare state is usually referred to as the most successful model of its kind; this social system based on the principle of universalism is a common ideal for other European states. The goal of the diploma thesis The Nordic Welfare State Model is to introduce this social model, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. The description of theoretic models as well as the history of European welfare states are vital in order to understand the functioning of social systems; however the main purpose of this paper is to characterize the Nordic welfare state model through the examples of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and to capture the main commonalities and disparities in comparison with the rest of Europe. Based on up-to-date analyses of mainly Scandinavian researchers as well as reports of international organizations this paper offers an extensive analysis of the Nordic Welfare State Model.

Populační vývoj ve Švédsku od roku 1960 / Population development in Sweden since 1960

Nováková, Iveta January 2021 (has links)
Population development in Sweden since 1960 Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the population development in Sweden between 1960 and 2018. The main goal of this work is to evaluate in the context of selected demographic characteristics the course of demographic changes that appeared in the country after 1960. The result is changes in the level of demographic reproduction, which are referred to as the second demographic transition. From the 1960s to the present, Sweden has seen an increase in the average age at first marriage, an increase in the average age of the mother giving birth and an increase in the number of divorces. During the observed period, the Swedish population aged, the share of the pre-productive component of the population decreased, while the share of the post-productive component in the population increased. The development of total fertility in Sweden is often compared to a roller coaster due to its specific fluctuation. From 1960 to 2018, Sweden saw a decline in mortality rates, especially in the older age groups and up to one year of age, which was reflected in the values of life expectancy at birth that grew for both men and women. Sweden is inspiring for other European countries with its gender-neutral family and social policy. Keywords: population development, Sweden, second...

Podmínky vzdělávání dvouletých dětí v mateřských školách / Conditions of education for children from two years in kindergarten

Splavcová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with actual topic in the Czech Republic - pre-school education of children younger than three years in kindergartens. With regards to social, health educational and family policies development, education and care of children under three years of age have shifted to kindergartens. The aims of this thesis are to describe recent changes concerning family, current state of pre-school education system in the Czech Republic with regard to children younger than three years of age needs and analyze and specific these needs by a contemporary young child. On such substantial data base we would like to define specific conditions of pre-school education of such young children. To follow the aims, an inquiry was conducted to examine whether or not the needs of children younger than three years are fulfilled at some kindergartens. Following that, the inquiry outputs from individual school have been compared to one another and to a model of an optimal praxis of a pre-school institution. Based on this thesis outcomes it is obvious that pre-school education of children of age up to three years in kindergartens is possible. In further detail, to maintain current quality of pre- school education also in case of inclusion of such children into kindergartens it is necessary to adopt specific legal...

Slaďování rodinného a pracovního života na pozadí konceptu familismu ve vybraných zemích / Harmonization of family and work life from the view of familialism concept in chosen countries

Krám, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to analyse public policies of the Czech republic and Germany which are focused on work-life balance of families with children under three years of age. In its theoretical part the diploma thesis offers description of how current changes in our society affects work-life balance, gender equality, women and their aspirations, desicion- making of families concerning their preproduction plans and fertility itself. As next this thesis brings explanation of relationship between different public policy designs and their affects on harmonization of both life spheres, gender equality and free choice of life strategy. In the anylitical part the diploma theses analyses concrete public policy instruments of both chosen countries, compares them with each other using predefined categories and offers analysis performed in the framework of familialism concept formulated by Sigrid Leitner. Finally, in the chapter "Discussion and summary of recommendation" the diploma thesis offers suggestions for modification of some concrete regulations in the Czech republic inspired by chosen regulations that are currently used in Germany and that are considered as instruments with potential to positively influent harmonization of both life spheres, gender equality and free choice of life strategy.

Ženy mezi rodinou a prací. Podmínky pro slaďování práce a rodiny v Praze / Women between family and work. Conditions for harmonization of work and family in Prague

Klímová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Women between family and work: Conditions for harmonization of work and family in Prague" is focused on current problem which is being dealt with on national as well as supranational level. The aim of this thesis is to describe the factors influencing harmonization of family and professional life of the mothers with children from two to six years old in region of Prague and find out whether the policy of state and regional governments reflect these factors. Chosen factors are described from the macro perspective but individual influences are also dealt with. On one hand the attention is allocated to state policy, especially from the point of view of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, but also from the point of selected municipality - municipal authority of Prague and municipality Prague 17.

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