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Implementering av PropTech i kommersiell förvaltning : En kvalitativ studie om hur privata fastighetsaktörer ser på att implementera PropTech i sin förvaltning. / Implementation of PropTech in commercial management : A qualitative study on how private real estate players who manage commercial properties view the implementation of PropTech in their management.Jansson, Hanna, Kovacevic, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The digitalisation of society has transformed the real estate market as it has introduced characteristics that benefit both property owners, tenants and investors. Today, we can process information digitally rather than analogously, which contributes to a larger share of data to utilize and implement in all processes in the industry. PropTech is an innovation that has emerged but which has received more attention in recent years as the technology can be implemented in areas such as information sharing, transactions and management. The purpose of the thesis is to get an idea of what the implementation and attitude around real estate technology like PropTech looks like with private real estate players who manage commercial properties. The purpose will be answered with the help of a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured interviews with people operating in the industry as a property owner or property manager. The study is geographically limited to Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm. The results of the study show that the real estate industry is slow, which means that PropTech companies find difficulties in implementing themselves in the market. All property players see the benefits that can be gained from property digitalization, but despite this, PropTech is for many associated with high risk and unexplored solutions. What is most driving in the question of what motivates or does not justify an implementation is what income an investment can be expected to generate. The implementation and attitude around PropTech differs between different real estate players, but on the whole the attitude is nevertheless positive and there is an understanding that a digitalization journey will be required to be competitive in the market in the future.
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Digitala verktyg för förvaltning och förmedling av kommersiella fastigheter : En inblick i fastighetsbranschens digitala resa / Digital tools for management and brokerage of commercial propertiesOlsson, Alexander, Schröder, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Fastighetsbranschen har länge varit en konservativ bransch med låg benägenhet till förändring. Grunden till detta är branschens stabila affärskoncept, att hyra ut kvadratmeter. Fastighetsbolag har levererat goda resultat under många år då marknaden länge präglats av en stabil ekonomisk uppgång. Detta har föranlett till att branschen inte varit pressade till att följa samhällets digitala transformation. Under de senaste två till tre åren har man däremot kunnat identifiera en ny trend som lett till att många bolags förändringsvilja ökat. Denna rapport syftar följaktligen till att undersöka hur digitala verktyg och hjälpmedel kan effektivisera avyttrings-, förvärvs-, förvaltnings- och förmedlingsprocessen av kommersiella fastigheter. Branschfenomenet proptech och fastighetsdigitalisering har på senare tid förändrat branschen syn på digitalisering och värdet av digitala arbetsprocesser har blivit allt mer påtagligt. Detta har i sin tur resulterat i att branschen just nu genomgår en digital transformation där många bolag gör aktiva val att använda en bred skara digitala hjälpmedel för att effektivisera, spara kostnader eller stimulera intäkter. I och med denna transformation uppstår många frågor och oklarheter kring vilka för- respektive nackdelar som finns med att digitalisera. Genom flertalet intervjuer med representanter från en bred skara bolag så har branschens numera optimistiska inställning till vad som komma skall varit påtaglig. Samtliga intervjuade respondenter uttrycker att framtiden inom fastighetsbranschen kommer att vara digital. Rapporten kartlägger även varför vissa bolag är mer digitalt mogna än andra och hur framtiden kommer att se ut för branschen som helhet. / The real estate sector has long been a conservative industry with low activity for change. The reason for this is the industry's stable business concept, to rent out square meters. Real estate companies have delivered good results for many years as the market has long been characterized by a stable economic growth. This has led to real estate companies not being forced to follow society's digital transformation. Though, in the last two to three years a new trend has been seen which transformed many companies' willingness to change. This report aims to analyze how digital solutions and tools can streamline divestments-, acquisitions-, management- and brokerage process of commercial real estate. The industry phenomenon proptech and real estate digitization has recently changed the industry's view of digitization and the value of digital work processes has become more evident. This has resulted in the industry currently undergoing a digital transformation where many companies make active choices to use a wide range of digital tools to streamline the management process, save costs or stimulate revenue. With this transformation many questions and uncertainties arise regarding the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization. Through interviews with representatives from a wide range of companies, the industry's now optimistic approach to what is to come has been evident. All interviewed respondents express that the future within the real estate sector will be digital. The report also maps out why some companies are more digitally mature than others and what the future will look like for the industry.
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Digitalisering inom den Svenska Fastighetsmarknaden / Digitalization within the Swedish Real Estate MarketAjne, Joel, Peterhoff, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
PropTech har kommit att bli ett världsomspännande fenomen inom fastighetsmarknaden. Digitaliseringens egenskaper gynnar hela spannet av ägare, investerare och hyresgäster. Kostnadseffektivisering, tidsoptimering och förnyandet av stereotypa processer är några av anledningarna till detta. I Sverige har intresset ökat kraftigt under den senaste tre årsperioden, men fastighetsbranschen är trögrörlig och det är först nu fastighetsbolagen börjar inse värdet av att tillämpa den nya tekniken. Syftet med rapporten är att få en marknadsbild av hur den svenska fastighetsbranschen ser på PropTech och digitalisering, samt undersöka hur bolagen ser på framtiden för det aktuella ämnet. Frågeställningen besvaras med hjälp av expertintervjuer som även ligger till grund för analysen. Uppfattningen om digitaliseringens betydelse varierar beroende på ägarstukturen och avkastningskrav, samtidigt står det klart att fastighetsägarens roll kommer att förändras i framtiden. / PropTech has become a worldwide phenomenon in the real estate market. The attribute of digitization benefit the entire range of owners, investors and tenants. Cost-efficiency, time optimization and the renewal of stereotypes are some of the reasons for this. In Sweden, interest has risen sharply over the past three years, but the real estate industry is slow moving and it is only until now that real estate companies begin to realize the value of applying the new technology. The purpose of the report is to get a market view of how the Swedish real estate industry defines PropTech and digitization, as well as investigate how companies look at the future of the subject. The problem is answered using expert interviews that also form the basis for the analysis. The perception of the significance of digitization varies depending on ownership and yield, while it is clear that the mission of a property owner will change in the future.
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