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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

在台發行交易所交易債券之可行性分析 / Feasibility analysis of exchange-traded note issuance in Taiwan

余佳禹 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討台灣發行交易所交易債券之可行性。台灣近年交易所交易基金發展蓬勃,無論掛牌檔數、資產規模、交易金額皆向上成長,惟根據中華民國證券商業同業公會的統計,台灣證券商受託買賣外國集中市場有價證券之規模亦逐年增加,顯示目前台灣金融交易市場所提供之金融商品並不足以滿足市場需求,仍有發展空間。2016年1月,台灣金融監督管理委員會開放國內證券商接受投資人委託買賣外國交易所交易債券,本文透過闡述交易所交易債券之產品特性及分析各國交易所交易債券之發行及上市規範和稅制,進一步為台灣發行交易所交易債券之相關政策給出具體建議。 / This study aims to make practical suggestions on exchange-traded note issuance in Taiwan. Data from Taiwan Securities Association shows that the trading value of securities firms accepting orders to trade foreign securities keeps growing these years, suggesting that the financial product line in Taiwan is not diversified enough to satisfy the market needs. Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission has announced that securities firms are opened to accept orders to trade foreign exchange-traded notes since January 2016. Before opening domestic exchange-traded note market, related regulations have to be built. Exchange-traded note, the product itself, as well as the issuance and listing rules and taxation in different countries are therefore analyzed in this paper to make further suggestions on exchange-traded note issuance in Taiwan.

Projekt výstavba pečovatelského domu / Nursing Home Project

Pečeňa, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to present the method of the project financing on an example of Nursing Home Project. The thesis is focused on examination whether it is possible to finance the private project regarding services of general economic interest just from operational revenues and allowed state aid. The thesis describes regulations of social care system in the Czech Republic and European regulation and directives regarding the state aid. The last chapter is designed as a feasibility study of the whole project. The feasibility study contains model of future project's cash flows. The horizontal and vertical analyses of financial statements of non-profit organization are also part of the thesis.

Can organic waste provide sustainable fuel and energy in Rio de Janeiro? : An Early Assessment of waste-based biogas solutions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Lindmark, Jesper, Oscar, Lundqvist January 2019 (has links)
Sustainable waste management remains a great challenge for many cities throughout the world. Landfilling is worldwide the most common way of treating municipal solid waste (MSW) and landfilling of organic matter releases the high potent gas methane, which contributes to global warming. If the biogas instead is collected, either from landfills or produced in a more optimal and controlled environment, it can be used as a fuel to substitute fossil fuels. In this thesis, these sorts of systems are referred to as biogas solutions. In Brazil, the eight largest economy in the world and by far the largest economy in Latin America, landfilling of MSW is essentially the only way MSW is disposed of. Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city of Brazil, have had long issues with waste management, with up until 2012 deposing waste to one of the largest open landfills in the world. This study was done in collaboration with Biogas Research Center (BRC): a national biogas competence center with interests in the Brazilian biogas sector as well as contacts with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Furthermore, as Swedish organic waste management practices are globally in the front edge, the Swedish perspective of waste management combined with local knowledge, could be valuable to find more efficient means of managing residues. Before initiating an actual biogas project, it is reasonable to perform an early assessment. This thesis aimed to perform an early assessment of the biogas sector in Rio, which was carried out by utilizing a multi-criteria framework. The framework consists of four categories (potential, feasibility, economic- and environmental performance), 14 key areas and 59 sub-questions, which helped gather, structure and assess information. An eight-week field study in Rio de Janeiro was part of the study. The results show that no full separation of organic content is performed as source in Rio, which is why the study included the waste streams of mixed MSW (disposed in landfills) and partly sorted organic waste (approximately 85 % organic content; referred to as Waste with High Organic Content, WHOC). Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants was excluded from the study to enable a focus on MSW. Potential and feasibility are significantly higher for MSW compared to WHOC, although the authors argue WHOC (or even fully sorted organic waste) have substantial growth opportunities. The landfill receives approximately 1.2 million tonnes of organic wet waste per year and provides a biogas yield of 140 million Nm3 / year (50 – 55 % CH4); whereas 26 – 42 thousand tonnes of dry matter (DM) per year can be collected from WHOC, with a biogas yield potential of 6.6 – 19.5 million Nm3 / year (55 – 63 % CH4). The feasibility analysis showed that all key areas – competing applications, legislation and infrastructure – except economic instruments, are better rated for biogas production from MSW compared to WHOC. The most feasible area of use for the biogas in Rio de Janeiro was deemed to inject the gas in into the grid. The indicated environmental performance shows that injection of biogas to the gas grid reduces GHG emissions with 68 %; and for every tonne of DM digestate, approximately 8 kg phosphorous and 36 kg nitrogen can be replaced. The economic performance shows that biogas production from the landfill is more cost-efficient than from a bioreactor, however none of the biogas productions in Rio de Janeiro is profitable, which usually is expected of a waste management system. The study concludes with identifying several challenges the biogas sector in Rio will be facing: a lack of supply of biogas and no plan in action for increasing demand; economic challenges indicating need for investment support; and a lack of value chain for biofertilizers. The results of the study can hopefully provide stakeholders with a better understanding of opportunities and challenges with biogas solutions in Rio de Janeiro municipality, that ultimately can increase the chance for successful implementation in the region. / Hållbar avfallshantering är fortsatt en stor utmaning för många städer runtom i världen. Deponering är globalt sett det vanligaste sättet att göra sig av med fast kommunalt avfall och deponering av organiskt avfall avger den potenta gasen metan, som bidrar till global uppvärmning. Om biogasen istället samlas upp, antingen från deponin eller produceras i en mer optimal miljö, kan gasen istället användas som bränsle för att substituera fossila bränslen. I denna rapport kallas denna typen av system för biogaslösningar. I Brasilien, världens åttonde största ekonomin och den avsevärt största ekonomin i Latinamerika, hanteras fast kommunalt avfall i princip endast genom deponering. Rio de Janeiro, Brasiliens nästa största stad, har länge haft problem med avfallshantering, som fram tills 2012 slängde allt sitt avfall i en av världens största öppna deponier. Denna studie genomfördes i samarbete med Biogas Research Center (BRC): ett nationellt kompetenscenter inom biogas med intresse av den Brasilianska biogassektorn, samt med kontakter till det federala universitetet i Rio. Eftersom Sverige ur ett globalt perspektiv ligger i framkant vad gäller hantering av organiskt avfall, kan den svenska synvinkeln av avfallshantering kombinerat med lokal kunskap vara värdefull för att hitta effektivare avfallshanteringssystem. Innan man genomför ett skarp biogasprojekt är det klokt att göra en förstudie. Denna uppsats syftar till att genomföra en förstudie av biogassektorn i Rio de Janeiro, som uträttades med hjälp av ett multi-kriterieramverk. Ramverket består av fyra kategorier (potential, genomförbarhet, samt ekonomisk- och miljömässig prestanda), 14 nyckelområden samt 59 underfrågor. Ramverket användes för att assistera i insamlandet, strukturerandet och utvärderandet av information. En fältstudie på åtta veckor i Rio de Janeiro var en del av studien. Resultatet visar att ingen fullständig separering av organiskt avfall sker i Rio, vilket är orsaken till att studien inkluderar avfallsströmmarna blandat kommunalt avfall (som deponeras; benämns MSW) och delvis sorterat organiskt avfall (innehåller 85 % organiskt innehåll; benämns WHOC). Avloppsslam exkluderades från studien för att fokusera på fast kommunalt avfall. Potentialen och genomförbarheten är markant högre för MSW jämfört med WHOC, dock skall det understrykas att tillväxtpotentialen för WHOC är stor vilket ej framgår av siffrorna. Deponin mottager årligen nära 1.2 miljoner ton organiskt avfall (inkl. vatten) som ger en biogasutdelning på 140 miljoner Nm3 / år (50 – 55 % CH4); medan WHOC har en potential på 26 – 42 tusen ton (torrvikt) per år med en biogasutdelning på 6.6 – 19.5 miljoner Nm3 / år (55 – 63 % CH4). Genomförbarhetsanalysen för avfallsströmmarna visade att alla nyckelområden förutom ekonomiska instrument var värderade högre för MSW jämfört med WHOC. Studien visar vidare att det mest genomförbara användningsområdet för biogasen är injektion till gasnätet. Miljömässiga prestandan visar att substituering av naturgas med biogas kan sänka växthusgasutsläpp med 68 %, och för varje ton (torrvikt) av rötrester kan ca 8 kg fosfor och 36 kg kväve ersättas. Ekonomiska prestandan visar att biogasproduktion från deponi är mer kosteffektivt än i en bioreaktor, samt att ingen av biogaslösningarna är lönsamma, vilket kan väntas av en avfallshanteringslösning. Studien avslutas med att identifiera en rad utmaningar som biogassektorn i Rio ställs inför: en avsaknad på tillgång av biogas och ingen aktiv plan för att öka produktionen; ekonomiska utmaningar som indikerar ett behov av investeringsstöd; en brist på värdekedja för biogödsel. Resultatet av studien kan förhoppningsvis ge intressenter en bättre förståelse för vilka möjligheter och utmaningar som biogaslösningar ställs inför i Rio de Janeiro kommun – som i förlängningen kan öka möjligheterna för framgångsrika implementeringar av biogasprojekt i regionen.

Řízení investičního projektu / Investment Project Management

Koukal, Marek January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on evaluation of efficiency and feasibility of the project. In the theoretical part, there are described extensive issues of feasibility study. The thesis deals with evaluation of project effectiveness and its risks. The practical part analyzes the current unsatisfactory condition of a particular building. There are designed and processed two alternative solutions of the project including their evaluation. These solutions were compared with each other and presented to the investor.

Developerský projekt výstavby bytového domu v Praze / A Developer's Project for the Construction of a Block of Flats in Prague

Karásek, Roman January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a development project in Prague the name Residential Complex of the Green Town and development market analysis in Prague. The diploma thesis describes individual phases of the development project, summary SWOT analysis for construction, method of project financing and risk management plan. The analysis of development projects is focused on the development of supply, demand, the development of new flats depending on the financial availability and location, where the prices of flats are compared with my resolved apartment building.

Analýza nejvyššího a nejlepšího využití budovy na ulici Vojtova 12, Brno / Analysis of Highest and Best Use of a Building at 12 Vojtova Street, Brno

Mikulcová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with analysis of the highest and best use of a Building at Vojtova 541/12 in Brno. The theoretical part describes problematics of property valuation, which is closely related to this analysis. In addition, there are the tests underlying the analysis which are: Legal permissibility, Physical possibility, Financial feasibility, Maximum productivity. In the practical part of the diploma thesis are these tests applied of the valued property and then determined the highest and best use.

Ekonomické a finanční posouzení projektu v oblasti volnočasových aktivit / Economic and Financial Evaluation of Leisure Time Activities Project

Nesvadba, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The subject of the master’s thesis is a economic and financial evaluation of leisure time activities project. In the theoretical part, I deal with public sector, life cycle of a project, feasibilty study and cost methods. In the practical section I evaluate the project in therms of economic and financial feasibility. I compare multiple project options. I compare the results of my findings and I am trying to find out the best variant.

Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti veřejného stavebního projektu / Economic Efficiency Evaluation of Public Construction Project

Melicharová, Jitka January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of assessing the effectiveness of public investment. The first part of the thesis is theoretical. The life cycle of the building is defined in the introduction. The feasibility studies and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of public projects are subsequently described. The practical part of the thesis is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the public investment project. The evaluated project is the building of a kindergarten in a small village. The eCBA application was used to evaluate the efficiency. A quantitative analysis of the risks related to the project is carried out at the end of this thesis.

Stavebně technologický projekt bytového domu Rezidence na Plachtě / Construction-technological project of the residential building Rezidence na Plachtě

Halík, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with construction technology project of the residential building Rezidence na Plachtě. This building is in Hradec Králové. A technical report is prepared for the construction project, time and financial plan of the construction, a feasibility study of the main technological phases, proposal of the main building machines and mechanisms, schedule of the main object, technological regulations for the implementation of monolithic ceilings by means of a control and test plan. The budget of the main building was prepared as part of the other assignment, calculation according to THU and an economic balance sheet for RC ceiling above the 1st floor. Finally, an assessment of critical surface temperatures was performed.

Příprava projektu financovaného pomocí strukturálních fondů EU / Preparation of the project for financing by the help of funds EU

Mátl, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Croquet filed project preparation with financial cooperation from Europe union structural funds. An Analysis of the current situation on opened operation programs and selecting the most suitable operation program for realization. The main goal of diploma thesis is to prepare records, which will be submitted as background for endowment institution with a focus on the feasibility study and cash flow analysis. Analysis of the current situation in region, demographic trends and gross domestic product. Analysis of investment in the project and a breakdown in the implementation stage. Analysis of competition, SWOT analysis, marketing mix, risks on project and backgrounds for croquet playground sustainability.

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