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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Water Quality Study of Southshore of Lake Pontchartrain

Martinez Fernandez, Maria Carolina 10 August 2005 (has links)
In 2004, a field sampling study was initiated along the southern shoreline area of Lake Pontchartrain in Jefferson Parish, specifically, around Bonnabel Canal (Pumping Station No.1) to identify the effect of urban stormwater discharges on Lake Pontchartrain and to simulate the plume patterns from the Bonnabel Canal. Sixteen sampling stations were selected along the south shore of Lake Pontchartrain. Under dry weather conditions Fecal Coliform values exceeded the limit of 200 MPN/100mL at 3 of 16 stations. Fecal Coliform counts were found to be "wet" weather-dependent and unsuitable for primary contact recreation for at least three to four days following a pumping/rain event. A 3-D Hydrodynamic Model (COHERENS) and the TECPLOT™ equation feature were used for the prediction of contaminant plumes from the Bonnabel Canal into the Lake Pontchartrain. The model verified the three day wet weather effect of stormwater discharges along the shoreline of the study area.

Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for the Rapid Diagnosis of Occult Blood in Feces by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Wu, Chen-I 04 July 2006 (has links)
Abstract In this paper we demonstrate that matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry can be used to rapidly detect occult blood in human feces. The water-soluble hemoglobins, which are the most predominant proteins found in blood, were used as protein biomarkers for the presence of occult blood. The proteins were best extracted from feces using a small amount of pure water and then separated from the feces through centrifugation. We found that saturated 4-hydroxy-£\-cyanocinnamic acid (£\-CHC) solution was the best MALDI matrix for hemoglobin analysis; this matrix was mixed with the aqueous solution extracted from the feces at a volumetric ratio of 1:1. Although the MALDI-TOF MS results obtained using real samples were consistent with those provided through conventional chemical analysis, the detection limit of occult blood (0.1¡V1 £gg/mg of feces) in feces when using MALDI MS was approximately 10¡V100 times lower than that of the conventional approach. In addition, materials that commonly interfere with the conventional chemical assaying of occult blood in feces¡Xsuch as foods containing animal blood¡Xdo not interfere with the detection of the hemoglobin biomarkers during MALDI-TOF MS analysis.

Prediction of diet quality parameters of Rocky Mountain Elk via near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) fecal profiling

Keating, Marvin Scott 16 August 2006 (has links)
The objective of this experiment was to determine the validity of predicting the diet quality of Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) by exposing a dried fecal sample to light energy (a spectrophotometer). The resulting spectra measured were then compared to the known wet chemistry of the diet to arrive at an equation for forecasting the crude protein (CP) and digestible organic matter (DOM) ingested by the elk. Forages were gathered from western ranges and blended to simulate plant species ingested representing various elk diet qualities at different seasons of the year. Feeding trials were begun during the summer of 1999 using the USDA Forest Service Starkey Unit’s herd of tame elk in northeast Oregon. Additional feeding trials were conducted at Center, Texas and College Station, Texas in the spring of 2000 and the summers of 2000 and 2001, respectively. In all feeding trials, 1 elk was fed 1 diet of known quality, ad libitum, for 8 days with fecal specimens collected on day 7 and day 8 for spectral scanning. Results indicate acceptable predictability (R2 = 0.95, SEC = 1.13 for CP, R2 = 0.80, SEC=1.73 for DOM) in forecasting the diet quality of elk, and thus it is concluded that NIRS is a valuable management tool in monitoring the well-being of captive and free-ranging elk.

Quantitative Assessment of the Presence of Salmonella and Fecal Indicators in Mexican Tomatoes for Export to the United States

Onafowokan, Ayoola A 02 October 2013 (has links)
Over the past decades, there has been increase in the consumption of the fresh tomato in the United States; this has been attributed to the nutritional benefits of fresh tomato, its widespread use in cooking and its availability throughout the year. In a Food and Agricultural Organization report, the United States was ranked as one of the largest producers of the fresh tomato in the world. In spite of its large production capacity, large quantities of the tomatoes are still being imported to the United States annually from Mexico. Series of multistate outbreaks of Salmonella infection have been associated with consumption of the fresh tomatoes; traceback of the tomatoes implicated in salmonellosis has been traced to tomatoes grown domestically. However, a survey conducted by U.S. Department of Agriculture on both domestic and imported tomatoes determined that imported fresh tomato was Salmonella positive. The purpose of this study was to determine the microbiological quality of fresh tomatoes imported from Mexico to the United States. The study consisted of sampling surfaces of cleaned tomatoes in Mexico prior to packing and shipping to the United States, and sampling of the tomato wash water at the end of the work shift at a Mexican tomato packinghouse. Four tomatoes were randomly sampled prior to packing, and they were rinsed with Universal Preenrichment Broth (UPB), this was repeated 10 times per working shift, with 2 shifts per day. 102 l of tomato wash water were collected and sampled with the aid of Modified Moore’s Swab (MMS) and membrane filter. The tomato wash water was collected at the end of shift twice daily. Both fruit and wash water samplings were repeated 3 times during the tomato harvesting season. Both the tomato UPB rinsates and the membrane filter were assayed for the E. coli and enterococci populations. Additionally, the tomato UPB rinsates and MMS were assayed for the presence of Salmonella. The results of the microbiological analysis on the UPB rinsates showed that no Salmonella was present, E. coli was not detectable (< 1.0), and the mean populations of enterococci were log 3.8, 2.6, and 1.0 CFU/g in sampling trials 1, 2, and 3 respectively. In the tomato wash water, no Salmonella was present, and no E. coli and enterococci were detected. Therefore, it was concluded that the microbiological quality of the tomatoes that were sampled and tested were high, this was due to the fact that all the samples collected tested negative to Salmonella analysis, and no E. coli was detected in any of the samples.

Rectal prolapse, internal rectal intussusception and the Ripstein rectopexy : a clinical, physiological and radiological study /

Schultz, Inkeri, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Karol. inst.

Associação entre manometria ano-retal e neuropatia pudenda em pacientes com incontinência fecal

Carvalho, Luciano Pinto de January 2000 (has links)
A incontinência fecal é a incapacidade de manter o controle da eliminação do conteúdo intestinal em local e tempo socialmente adequados, resultando em escape de gases e fezes. Esta condição acarreta grande prejuízo na vida social dos acometidos. A causa conhecida mais comum é o trauma perineal, porém em uma grande proporcão a incontinência é idiopática. A avaliação da função esfincteriana anal é fundamental para o diagnóstico e para a conduta terapêutica na incontinência fecal. Para o entendimento da fisiopatologia desta condição desenvolveram-se vários exames de investigação. A manometria ano-retal é considerado imprescindível na avaliação. A correlação dos dados da manometria com a gravidade da doença e com estudos eletrofisiológicos ainda não estão bem estabelecidos. O objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar os dados da manometria ano-retal e o estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo com a incontinência fecal e comorbidades. Foram estudados prospectivamente todos os pacientes com queixa clínica de incontinência fecal atendidos no ambulatório de Serviço de Coloproctologia do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, de Porto Alegre (RS), entre março de 1997 e junho de 2000. De todos os pacientes foram coletados dados da anamnese que os classificaram segundo escore de incontinência proposto por JORGE & WEXNER (1993). Todos foram submetidos a manometria ano-retal, estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo bilateralmente e exame proctológico. Foram excluídos os pacientes que não concluíram toda a investigação, com cirurgias colo-retais baixas prévias ou neoplasia de reto e canal anal. Para análise estatística, os pacientes foram separados em grupos segundo a manometria normal ou alterada (hipotonia), presença ou não de neuropatia de nervo pudendo, por idade e por sexo. Foram estudados 39 pacientes, 85,6% do sexo feminino com idade média de 60,1 anos (±12,89). A média do escore de incontinência fecal foi de 9,30±4,93. À manometria ano-retal, vinte e três pacientes (59%) apresentaram pressões reduzidas. As pressões foram significativamente mais elevadas nos pacientes do sexo masculino. O tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo (neuropatia) foi prolongado em 14 doentes (35,9%). A idade e o tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo correlacionaram-se significativamente, r=0,422, (P=0,007). A demais correlações entre idade, pressões da manometria, tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo e escore de incontinência não foram estatisticamente significativas. / Involuntary lose of stool to intestinal is a condition with a very negative social impact. Fecal incontinence is defined as the loss of control or the inability to defer the call to defecate to a socially acceptable time and place, resulting in unwanted release of gas, liquid or solid stool. The etiology of fecal incontinence is multifactorial and complex. The most common causes are idiopathic and of traumatic. Sphincter function study is fundamental to diagnoses and treat of fecal incontinence. Pathophysiologic standing of the disease improved the tests available for its evaluation. Anorectal manometry is mandatory for this study. The correlation between manometry, severity, electophysiological tests, is not clear in the literature. The aim of this study is to correlate values of anal manometry, pudendal nerve terminal motor latency and comorbidity in fecal incontinence patients. Methodology and patients: all patients with clinical fecal incontinence, who attended the outpatient department of the Colorectal Service of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Hospital, between march 1997 and June 2000. All patients were underwent a general investigation, incontinence score (Jorge and Wexner 1993), anal manometry, bilateral pudendal nerve terminal motor latencyl, and physical examination. Patient qho didn’t undergo all tests, who underwent low colorectal surgery and with neoplasic rectal and anal were exclude. RESULTS: From march 1997 to June 2000, 39 patients with fecal incontinence were studied, 85,6% female, median age 60,1(±12,89). Incontinence median score was 9,30±4,93. Anal manometry with low pressures were found in 23 patients (59%), the males were higher than female group. The pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was prolonged in 14 patients (35,9%). The correlation between age and pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was significant r=0,422, (P=0,007). The other correlations were not significant. CONCLUSION: The correlation between anal manometry and pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was weak, not significant. The anal pressures were higher on the male than the female in fecal incontinence patients.

Associação entre manometria ano-retal e neuropatia pudenda em pacientes com incontinência fecal

Carvalho, Luciano Pinto de January 2000 (has links)
A incontinência fecal é a incapacidade de manter o controle da eliminação do conteúdo intestinal em local e tempo socialmente adequados, resultando em escape de gases e fezes. Esta condição acarreta grande prejuízo na vida social dos acometidos. A causa conhecida mais comum é o trauma perineal, porém em uma grande proporcão a incontinência é idiopática. A avaliação da função esfincteriana anal é fundamental para o diagnóstico e para a conduta terapêutica na incontinência fecal. Para o entendimento da fisiopatologia desta condição desenvolveram-se vários exames de investigação. A manometria ano-retal é considerado imprescindível na avaliação. A correlação dos dados da manometria com a gravidade da doença e com estudos eletrofisiológicos ainda não estão bem estabelecidos. O objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar os dados da manometria ano-retal e o estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo com a incontinência fecal e comorbidades. Foram estudados prospectivamente todos os pacientes com queixa clínica de incontinência fecal atendidos no ambulatório de Serviço de Coloproctologia do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, de Porto Alegre (RS), entre março de 1997 e junho de 2000. De todos os pacientes foram coletados dados da anamnese que os classificaram segundo escore de incontinência proposto por JORGE & WEXNER (1993). Todos foram submetidos a manometria ano-retal, estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo bilateralmente e exame proctológico. Foram excluídos os pacientes que não concluíram toda a investigação, com cirurgias colo-retais baixas prévias ou neoplasia de reto e canal anal. Para análise estatística, os pacientes foram separados em grupos segundo a manometria normal ou alterada (hipotonia), presença ou não de neuropatia de nervo pudendo, por idade e por sexo. Foram estudados 39 pacientes, 85,6% do sexo feminino com idade média de 60,1 anos (±12,89). A média do escore de incontinência fecal foi de 9,30±4,93. À manometria ano-retal, vinte e três pacientes (59%) apresentaram pressões reduzidas. As pressões foram significativamente mais elevadas nos pacientes do sexo masculino. O tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo (neuropatia) foi prolongado em 14 doentes (35,9%). A idade e o tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo correlacionaram-se significativamente, r=0,422, (P=0,007). A demais correlações entre idade, pressões da manometria, tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo e escore de incontinência não foram estatisticamente significativas. / Involuntary lose of stool to intestinal is a condition with a very negative social impact. Fecal incontinence is defined as the loss of control or the inability to defer the call to defecate to a socially acceptable time and place, resulting in unwanted release of gas, liquid or solid stool. The etiology of fecal incontinence is multifactorial and complex. The most common causes are idiopathic and of traumatic. Sphincter function study is fundamental to diagnoses and treat of fecal incontinence. Pathophysiologic standing of the disease improved the tests available for its evaluation. Anorectal manometry is mandatory for this study. The correlation between manometry, severity, electophysiological tests, is not clear in the literature. The aim of this study is to correlate values of anal manometry, pudendal nerve terminal motor latency and comorbidity in fecal incontinence patients. Methodology and patients: all patients with clinical fecal incontinence, who attended the outpatient department of the Colorectal Service of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Hospital, between march 1997 and June 2000. All patients were underwent a general investigation, incontinence score (Jorge and Wexner 1993), anal manometry, bilateral pudendal nerve terminal motor latencyl, and physical examination. Patient qho didn’t undergo all tests, who underwent low colorectal surgery and with neoplasic rectal and anal were exclude. RESULTS: From march 1997 to June 2000, 39 patients with fecal incontinence were studied, 85,6% female, median age 60,1(±12,89). Incontinence median score was 9,30±4,93. Anal manometry with low pressures were found in 23 patients (59%), the males were higher than female group. The pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was prolonged in 14 patients (35,9%). The correlation between age and pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was significant r=0,422, (P=0,007). The other correlations were not significant. CONCLUSION: The correlation between anal manometry and pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was weak, not significant. The anal pressures were higher on the male than the female in fecal incontinence patients.

Associação entre manometria ano-retal e neuropatia pudenda em pacientes com incontinência fecal

Carvalho, Luciano Pinto de January 2000 (has links)
A incontinência fecal é a incapacidade de manter o controle da eliminação do conteúdo intestinal em local e tempo socialmente adequados, resultando em escape de gases e fezes. Esta condição acarreta grande prejuízo na vida social dos acometidos. A causa conhecida mais comum é o trauma perineal, porém em uma grande proporcão a incontinência é idiopática. A avaliação da função esfincteriana anal é fundamental para o diagnóstico e para a conduta terapêutica na incontinência fecal. Para o entendimento da fisiopatologia desta condição desenvolveram-se vários exames de investigação. A manometria ano-retal é considerado imprescindível na avaliação. A correlação dos dados da manometria com a gravidade da doença e com estudos eletrofisiológicos ainda não estão bem estabelecidos. O objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar os dados da manometria ano-retal e o estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo com a incontinência fecal e comorbidades. Foram estudados prospectivamente todos os pacientes com queixa clínica de incontinência fecal atendidos no ambulatório de Serviço de Coloproctologia do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, de Porto Alegre (RS), entre março de 1997 e junho de 2000. De todos os pacientes foram coletados dados da anamnese que os classificaram segundo escore de incontinência proposto por JORGE & WEXNER (1993). Todos foram submetidos a manometria ano-retal, estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo bilateralmente e exame proctológico. Foram excluídos os pacientes que não concluíram toda a investigação, com cirurgias colo-retais baixas prévias ou neoplasia de reto e canal anal. Para análise estatística, os pacientes foram separados em grupos segundo a manometria normal ou alterada (hipotonia), presença ou não de neuropatia de nervo pudendo, por idade e por sexo. Foram estudados 39 pacientes, 85,6% do sexo feminino com idade média de 60,1 anos (±12,89). A média do escore de incontinência fecal foi de 9,30±4,93. À manometria ano-retal, vinte e três pacientes (59%) apresentaram pressões reduzidas. As pressões foram significativamente mais elevadas nos pacientes do sexo masculino. O tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo (neuropatia) foi prolongado em 14 doentes (35,9%). A idade e o tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo correlacionaram-se significativamente, r=0,422, (P=0,007). A demais correlações entre idade, pressões da manometria, tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo e escore de incontinência não foram estatisticamente significativas. / Involuntary lose of stool to intestinal is a condition with a very negative social impact. Fecal incontinence is defined as the loss of control or the inability to defer the call to defecate to a socially acceptable time and place, resulting in unwanted release of gas, liquid or solid stool. The etiology of fecal incontinence is multifactorial and complex. The most common causes are idiopathic and of traumatic. Sphincter function study is fundamental to diagnoses and treat of fecal incontinence. Pathophysiologic standing of the disease improved the tests available for its evaluation. Anorectal manometry is mandatory for this study. The correlation between manometry, severity, electophysiological tests, is not clear in the literature. The aim of this study is to correlate values of anal manometry, pudendal nerve terminal motor latency and comorbidity in fecal incontinence patients. Methodology and patients: all patients with clinical fecal incontinence, who attended the outpatient department of the Colorectal Service of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Hospital, between march 1997 and June 2000. All patients were underwent a general investigation, incontinence score (Jorge and Wexner 1993), anal manometry, bilateral pudendal nerve terminal motor latencyl, and physical examination. Patient qho didn’t undergo all tests, who underwent low colorectal surgery and with neoplasic rectal and anal were exclude. RESULTS: From march 1997 to June 2000, 39 patients with fecal incontinence were studied, 85,6% female, median age 60,1(±12,89). Incontinence median score was 9,30±4,93. Anal manometry with low pressures were found in 23 patients (59%), the males were higher than female group. The pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was prolonged in 14 patients (35,9%). The correlation between age and pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was significant r=0,422, (P=0,007). The other correlations were not significant. CONCLUSION: The correlation between anal manometry and pudendal nerve terminal motor latency was weak, not significant. The anal pressures were higher on the male than the female in fecal incontinence patients.

Consideraciones a tomar en cuenta para evitar complicaciones en el trasplante de microbiota fecal / Considerations should be taken into account to avoid complexities in the transplantation of fecal microbiota

Lara, Adriana, Espadín, Carlo 01 January 2019 (has links)
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Desempenho, característica de carcaça e parâmetros fecais indicativos da digestão do amido e suas relações com a eficiência alimentar de bovinos Nelore. / Growth, feed efficiency, carcass traits and fecal parameters as an indicator of starch digestion and their correlation with feed efficiency in Nelore cattle.

Stella, Tiago Roberto 17 December 2010 (has links)
O consumo alimentar residual (CAR) é uma medida de eficiência alimentar independente da taxa de crescimento e do peso adulto. Pouco se sabe sobre associações entre o CAR e as características de produtividade dos animais selecionados para este parâmetro, bem como os mecanismos relacionados ao aumento na eficiência alimentar dos animais selecionados para o CAR. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as associações entre CAR, desempenho, crescimento dos componentes da carcaça e digestão do amido em bovinos Nelore, em confinamento, e avaliar a utilização dos parâmetros fecais, (porcentagem de amido, proteína, matéria seca e pH), como indicadores da digestão do amido. Noventa e seis touros da raça Nelore selecionados como elite ou superior na prova de ganho de peso a pasto e classificados quanto ao seu temperamento, medido pela distância mínima de aproximação, foram confinados e alimentado ad libitum (68% NDT, 13,5% PB, 28,1% amido) durante 68 dias com peso vivo médio inicial de 408±33 e idade de 645±52 dias. A ingestão de matéria seca (IMS) e o ganho médio diário (GMD) foram medidos individualmente. As pesagens e as mensurações da espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS), espessura de gordura na picanha (EGP) e a área de olho de lombo (AOL) foram realizadas a cada 21 dias. Os animais foram classificados como sendo de alto CAR (DP>0,5), baixo CAR (DP<0,5) e intermediário. O amido das amostras da ração e da sobra coletadas durante sete dias consecutivos, no final do experimento, foi determinado por análise laboratorial e a quantificação do amido fecal foi feita através do NIRS e a digestão do amido estimada. Durante o confinamento, novilhos com baixo CAR tiveram menores IMS e conversão alimentar que novilhos com alto CAR, mas nenhuma diferença foi observada no GMD, no PV final, AOL, EGP, EGS, temperamento e ganho de peso durante a prova de ganho de peso. Animais mais eficientes também não diferiram dos demais quanto à digestão do amido, no entanto, animais mais eficientes tiveram menores quantidades de proteína fecal. O CAR foi positivamente correlacionado com a IMS, consumo de amido, proteína fecal e eficiência alimentar e negativamente correlacionado com a conversão alimentar, no entanto não houve correlação entre o CAR e o GMD na prova de ganho de peso a pasto e temperamento. A digestão do amido foi positivamente associada com a PB fecal e negativamente correlacionada com a MS e o amido fecal. Não houve associação entre o CAR, o GMD a pasto e o temperamento, talvez porque são filhos de vacas selecionadas para essas características e também foram os que tiveram os melhores desempenhos na prova a pasto. / Residual feed intake (RIF) is a trait of efficiency independent of growth rate and mature weight. Little is known about the association between RFI and productivity and the mechanisms associate on improve efficiency in RFI. This work aimed to study the association between RFI, performance, growth of carcass traits and starch digestion in Nellore bulls and to investigate the utilization of fecal parameters like crude protein, dry matter and pH, as indicators of starch digestion. Ninety six Nellore bulls, with 645±52 days, 408±33kg initial body weight, previously selected as elite or superior in performance test on pasture and classified according to their temperament, were fed a finishing ration (68% TDN, 13,5%CP and 28,1% starch) on an ad libitum basis, for 68 days. Daily dry matter intake (DMI) and body weight gain (BWG) were measured individually. All animals were weighed and had ultrasonic measurements of Longissimus muscle area (REA) and backfat thickness (BF) on the 12th and 13th ribs obtained every 21 days. RFI was calculated as the difference between actual DMI and predicted DMI for a common mid-test BW0.75 and daily BWG and the animals were classified as high (SD>0,5), low (SD<0,5) and intermediary RFI. The starch of the diet and orts was determinate by laboratory analyses and the fecal starch was determinate with NIRS, and the starch digestion estimated. Low RFI bulls had low DMI and feed:gain than high RFI bulls, but no difference were observe in daily BWG, final BW, REA, BF, temperament and daily gain in the pasture performance test. More efficient bulls had no difference in starch digestion, however low RFI bulls had lower crude protein in the feces. RFI was positively correlated with DMI, starch intake and feed efficiency, but RFI was not correlated with daily BWG in the pasture performance test and temperament. Starch digestion was positively associated with Fecal CP and negatively associated with DM and starch. There was no association between RFI and daily BWG on pasture and temperament, perhaps because these animals belonged to a herd that was selected for these characteristics and also were the animals that had the best performance on pasture test.

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