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The influence of the level of winter nutrition on the performance of heifer calvesSeverns, Virgil D. January 2011 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas State University Libraries
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Actual and predicted performance of broiler chickensVan Niekerk, S. J. (Sarel Johannes) 03 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance and profitability of different dietary specifications for
broiler chickens slaughtered at 35 days of age. Two trials were performed to evaluate different production
parameters. The results of these trials were compared to the predicted results of the EFG broiler model. No
carcass data were available for the two trials mentioned above. Therefore, in order to evaluate the accuracy
of the broiler model when predicting carcass characteristics, two published data sets (Leeson et al., 1996a)
were used. Predicted and actual values were compared, evaluated and discussed.
Two broiler trials were performed. In Trial One the amino acid density decreased throughout the range of
three treatments from prestarter to finisher diets. In Trial Two the amino acid density decreased only in the
four finisher diets. The main difference between predicted and actual results was the response to body
weight. The model predicted a steady increase in feed intake to compensate for the lower dietary
specifications while body weight did not change significantly. This increase in feed intake seems to be
enough to maintain body weight. Trial birds also increased their feed intake as dietary amino acid density
decreased, but this compensation seemed to be too low to maintain body weight compared to the control diet.
The birds may find it easier to compensate when they have time to adapt to the specification.
There is evidence in the literature that birds need seven days to adapt their feed intake to a lower feed
specification (Leeson et al., 1996a). It can be speculated that the trial birds started to loose body weight due
to a lower amino acid intake in this period. The model seems to adapt feed intake immediately after a
change in diet specification.
The simulation on literature data lead to the following conclusions:
1) Broilers posses the capacity to increase their feed intake with at least 65% should finisher diets with
lower amino acid and energy concentrations be supplied. If only the energy concentration of finisher
diets were decreased, the increase in feed intake will be around 30%. (see Table 16 and 23)
2) The accurate prediction of feed intake from the given dietary specification has a major influence on
the accuracy of the prediction of broiler performance.
3) Amino acid density and DLys:ME ratio plays a significant role in the control and prediction of feed
The EFG broiler model is based on sound scientific principles. The model is comprehensive and can be
used for a wide range of environmental and management conditions as well as dietary conditions. The
nutritionist can use the model with confidence to assist in practical feed formulation. The actual strength of
the model lies in the time and money being saved compared to practical trials. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die prestasie en winsgewendheid van braaikuikens te bepaal wanneer voere
met verskillende digthede tot op 35 dae gevoer word. Twee eksperimente is uitgevoer om produksieresultate
te evalueer. Die resultate van hierdie eksperimente is met die voorspelde waardes uit die EFG
simulasie-model vergelyk. Aangesien geen karkasdata vir bogenoemde eksperimente beskikbaar was nie, is
twee gepubliseerde datastelle gebruik om hierdie deel van die model te evalueer (Leeson et al., 1996a).
Twee braaikuiken eksperimente is uitgevoer. Eksperiment Een het uit drie behandelings bestaan waarvan die
aminosuur-konsentrasie vanaf dag een tussen behandelings verskil het. In Eksperiment Twee het die
aminosuur-konsentrasie net in die vier afrondingsdiëte verskil. Liggaamsmassa op 35 dae het die grooste
verskil tussen voorspelde- en werklike waardes getoon. Beide voorspelde en werklike innames het in albei
eksperimente verhoog soos wat aminosuur-konsentrasie afgeneem het. Voorspelde liggaamsmassa het egter
konstant gebly terwyl werklike data 'n afname in liggaamsmassa getoon het. Dit bleik dat die voorspelde
toename in innames voldoende was om massa te onderhou terwyl die voëls in werklikheid nie genoeg
gekompenseer het nie. Leeson et al., 1996a het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat braaikuikens minstens
sewe dae benodig om hul voeriname by 'n nuwe spesifikasie aan te pas. So 'n stadige aanpassing kan
daartoe lei dat energie- en aminosuur-inname daal indien 'n dieet met laer spesifikasie gevoer. Dit sal
daartoe lei dat die kuikens liggaamsmassa verloor.
Uit die literatuur simulasies is die volgende afleidings gemaak:
1) Braaikuikens besit die vermoeë om voerinname in die afrondingstyd met minstens 65% te verhoog
indien 'n afrondingvoer met laer amiosuur- asook energiekonsentrasie gevoer word. Indien net die
energiekonsentrasie verlaag word, sal die inname met sowat 30% verhoog.
2) Die akkurate voorspelling van inname is krities vir die akkurate voorspelling van produksieparameters.
3) Aminosuur-digtheid en DLys:ME speel 'n belangrike rol in die beheer en voorspelling van
voerinname by braaikuikens.
Die EFG braaikuikenmodel is op suiwer wetenskaplike beginsels geskoei. Die model is omvattend en kan
vir 'n wye reeks van omgewings- en bestuurstoestande asook dieet-spesifikasies gebruik word. Die
voedingkundige kan die model met vertroue gebruik om met praktiese voerformulering by te staan. Die
model kan die formuleerder baie tyd spaar aangesien praktiese eksperimente ingeperk kan word.
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Surviving baby feeding : a grounded theory of midwives' views and experiencesFurber, Christine M. January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to use the grounded theory method to discover the main concerns of midwives in relation to their practice with baby feeding, and to identify the processes that are involved in dealing with baby feeding in their day-to-day work. Data were generated from thirty in-depth interviews with midwives who worked in two maternity care Trusts in the North of England. Data were analysed using constant comparative techniques of the grounded theory method. A computer software program (Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching and Theorising package) for qualitative data analysis was used to manage and store the analysis. The grounded theory that emerged suggests that baby feeding was not an easy part of these midwives’ work. These midwives were finding ways of dealing with the pressures that were around them, and which they felt, were affecting their practice. Examples of these pressures include the environment where feeding took place, the support and contributions of those around the woman and baby (particularly other midwives), and the beliefs and behaviour of the woman and baby themselves. ‘Surviving’ enabled midwives to feel that they had dealt with baby feeding in their practice and successfully managed their workload. Surviving consists of four main categories: altering proximities of baby feeding, emotionalising baby feeding, struggling with baby feeding, and directing baby feeding. Surviving is not a linear process that is sequential, but cyclical as these categories are inter-related to each other. However, these midwives’ actions created many of the problems that they experienced, therefore the process was perpetuated. The significance of this substantive theory has been explored within the literature related to baby feeding, workers’ functioning in other public service bureaucracies, and research methodology. Implications for midwifery research, practice and policy are discussed. It is suggested that this thesis could contribute to wider health service agendas such as clinical governance, multi-disciplinary working and public health.
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Perceptions about adolescent body image and eating behaviourLaxton, Kim January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Medicine in the branch of Psychiatry
Johannesburg, 2017 / Introduction. Eating disorders are an important group of mental illnesses in Psychiatry.
The aetiology is multifactorial, developing from distorted beliefs around body image and shape, with resultant abnormal eating behaviours. This study explores the views and perceptions of a group of university students regarding their peers’ body image and shape and eating behaviours, which they experienced (at the time) during their senior high school years. The majority of these students attended high schools in Johannesburg.
Method. This was an explorative, qualitative study using qualitative methods. A sample of 153 participants was voluntarily recruited from students in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand. A manually distributed anonymous questionnaire was used, with questions about their high school peers’ personality traits, early and late childhood experiences, eating behaviour, and the last three years of high school environment. Questions in each section were deconstructed and categorised into subthemes. Subthemes were further deconstructed into replicated ideas. These subthemes and ideas were presented in hierarchical tables. Findings in this study were compared with the literature.
Results. The most commonly described subtheme of participants’ perceptions of high school peers’ personality traits was “poor self-confidence”. The most replicated subthemes of views on peers’ childhood experiences were “personal conflict with members of the family”, “a disruptive home environment” and “mother’s attitude”. In terms of peers’ eating behaviour, a subtheme on “body shapes” included “fat”, “skinny” and “fit” and “muscular” bodies. In terms of the high school environment, the subtheme
of “bullying and peer discrimination” was regarded as important, while “the impact of media” was regarded as extremely important. Fifty percent of participants viewed body image to be important for social status. There were mixed views on whether specific programmes should be introduced to identify pupils at risk.
Conclusion. Although bullying and peer pressure have been described as contributing factors in the development of eating behaviour problems in high school learners, as perceived by a group of university students, the most prominent potential contributing factor considered was the media, specifically social media. This finding could contribute to further research looking at the role of social media, not only its relationship in the potential development of a Psychiatric Illness, but possibly, too, its role in the educational and rehabilitation process. / MT2017
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Management systems for beef cows and calves in drylotKimple, Kris G January 2011 (has links)
Typescript. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Feeding behaviour in fry of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.Browman, Howard I. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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The influence of traditional and developmental feeding intervention on premature infants' behavioral and physiological response to nipple feedingCahill, Lorna Cisler. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993. / Typescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-87).
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Signs used by mothers to initiate the process of feeding their infantsMacke, Mary Kathryn. January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993. / Typescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 54-58).
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Maternal attitudes related to infant feeding and breastfeeding behaviors in TaiwanHo, Yen-Ju. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Virginia Commonwealth University, 2010. / Prepared for: School of Nursing. Title from title-page of electronic thesis. Includes bibliographical references.
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Detection, identification and classification of suck, swallow and breathing activity in premature infants during bottle-feeding /Adnani, Fedra. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Virginia Commonwealth University, 2006. / Prepared for: Dept. of Biomedical Engineering. Bibliography: leaves 288-292. Also available online via the Internet.
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