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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

女體與國族:強國強種與近代中國的婦女衛生(1895-1949) / Women's Hygiene in Modern China(1895-1949)

周春燕, Chou,Chun Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文利用大量的史料,包括檔案、方志、報刊、雜誌、文集、筆記、傳統醫籍,以及近代的醫學專業文獻,配合身體史、醫療史、醫療社會學的角度,輔以專業的醫學知識,考察1895-1949年間,女性在面臨月經、懷孕、生產等生命歷程時,其相關知識與照護,是否有別於傳統?同時也觀察在「強國強種」的風潮下,政府對於婦女衛生的推廣,是否有介入的情形。   經過一系列的分析後,本論文發現:在「男女授受不親」的社會習俗,以及中醫理論及技術發展的若干缺憾中,傳統中國婦女所受的健康保障較為有限,尤其是涉及女性生殖器官的月經和孕產等方面,無論是婦女本身,抑或是社會風氣,均存在一定的禁忌與避諱,以致女性因對自身生理認識不清,而無法達到良好的自我照護;即使面臨分娩此等攸關生命的大事,婦女也在「嚴男女之防」的考量下,把較為專業的男性醫者排拒在生產場域之外,寧將母嬰二命託付於較缺乏醫學知識的穩婆手中,這或許正是造成過去中國婦嬰死亡率偏高的重要原因。   然而,甲午戰敗的刺激,以及西醫之大量傳入,卻意外地衝破中國婦女的身體界線,使婦女衛生在「強國強種」的風潮下,得到改革的契機。這些改革,不僅造成近代婦產科醫學的革新之外,也在實際生活中影響著婦女。除了早期的不纏足運動之外,各種攸關女性身體健康的醫學知識,包括月經、生產等以往較少公開談論的知識,也不斷地湧入中國,並配合近代大量出現的報刊雜誌,傳播到許多受過教育的新女性的腦海中,使她們能更清楚自己的生理結構,進而執行適當的婦女保健。此外,女性的生理用品、生產場域,以及分娩時隨侍在旁的助產人員,也出現了不同於傳統的新選擇。新式月經帶(或衛生棉)、西醫婦產科醫院,以及西醫婦產科醫師與受專業訓練的助產士,成了少數婦女的新體驗,藉由這些較注重清潔衛生,以及講求科學原理的新事物,她們有可能獲得較為可靠的健康保障。必須說明的是,由於這些新的婦產科醫療與女性衛生用品,早期多出現於城市之中,且價格不菲,因此有能力享受者,多係居於城市的中上階層的婦女。 隨著外患侵逼日甚,以及中國國際處境之艱困,中國人對於「強國強種」的企求也持續提升;再加上戰爭、疾病所帶來的大量傷亡,在在促使國民政府不得不注重攸關國力的婦嬰衛生。除了訓練舊式穩婆,設立中央助產委員會,推廣西式的助產教育外,政府也頒布各種法令規範穩婆及助產士;為了有效預防婦嬰的兩大殺手──產褥熱與新生兒破傷風,政府更積極推廣強調清潔消毒的新法接生,並實施公醫制度,派遣專業人員深入鄉區推廣婦嬰衛生,甚至還發明圖文並茂的簡易助產包,俾使不識字的接生者也能操作新式助產技術。 儘管在1949年之前,中國仍有不少婦女尋求穩婆之協助,採取舊法接生;但新式助產事業之於中國,事實上是在兵馬倥傯的亂局中,經歷了「從無到有」的過程。在中華民國政府篳路藍縷的草創階段奠定基礎,中華人民共和國在政局穩定之後,於此根基上繼續耕耘,並逐漸獲得成效。至此,中國的婦女衛生終於衝破傳統的藩籬,向前跨出一大步,中國女性獲得健康的途徑,也因此更加多元。

Český literární anarchismus v souvislostech socialismu a ženského hnutí (1890-1914) / Czech Literary Anarchism in the Context of Socialism and the Women's Movement (1890-1914)

Hylmar, Radek January 2017 (has links)
Czech Literary Anarchism in the Context of Socialism and the Women's Movement (1890-1914) Abstract The thesis focuses on Czech pre-WWI anarchism. It analyses it as a modernist movement comprising various activities spanning political propaganda, proposals of social organisation and thinking about moral values as well views on the arts and literary production. The aim is to present literary texts written by anarchists against a backdrop of other types of expression. At the same time, the thesis assesses anarchism in the historical context of other political, social, artistic and philosophical movements. We study the interweaving of ideological and aesthetic schemes of Czech anarchism, especially with socialism and feminism, but also concerning decadence, Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy and writings of the German Friedrichshagen poets' and anarchists' circle. The thesis focuses on how anarchism understands human beings and their relationship to the world and society. Given the anarchists' focus on the free individual, we present strategies of emancipation from traditional conventions and institutions such as marriage, family and the state. We also concentrate on reforms concerning morals and similarities with the feminist turn to one's own bodily and psychical experiences as starting points for setting...

Dokonalá žena : analýza filmových postav umělých ženských bytostí z perspektivy postmoderních a post-teoretických přístupů k tělu a konstituování identity / The perfect woman : the analysis of movie characters of artificial female beings from the perspective of postmodern and post-theoretical approaches to the body and the identity constitution

Bubeníčková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the basic types of the film characters portraying artificial women: creatures who combine "femininity" (humanity) and technology, and who show female sexual characteristics or features that are stereotypically perceived as female-like (e.g. female cyborgs, female androids, female robots). The characters are analyzed and approached from the perspective of postmodern philosophy and post-theory studies; the forming of their body and identity is analyzed on the account of the narrative. The aim of the thesis is to explore whether the film representations of female cyborgs are similar to real cyborgs in the sense that they bring liberalization from the point if view of posthumanism and cyberfeminism, or whether they can only be perceived as the prime form of the Foucaltian body-as-machine, i.e. perfectly controllable precise technicist bodies which are created by the current power dispositions. The characters are divided into four categories, based on their predominant physical and "social" functions: a sexbot, a domesticated artificial woman, a destructive artificial woman and an emotional/intelligent artificial woman. The following identification and interpretation of the body, identity, relationships and the narrative structures are based on the theoretical...

Analýza filmových postav kyboržek z perspektivy postmoderních a post-teoretických přístupů k tělu a konstituování identity. / The analysis of movie characters of cyborg-woman from the perspective of the postmodern and post-theoretical approaches to the body and the identity constitution.

Bubeníčková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the basic types of the film characters portraying artificial women: creatures who combine "femininity" (humanity) and technology, and who show female sexual characteristics or features that are stereotypically perceived as female-like (e.g. female cyborgs, female androids, female robots). The characters are analyzed and approached from the perspective of postmodern philosophy and post-theory studies; the forming of their body and identity is analyzed on the account of the narrative. The aim of the thesis is to explore whether the film representations of female cyborgs are similar to real cyborgs in the sense that they bring liberalization from the point if view of posthumanism and cyberfeminism, or whether they can only be perceived as the prime form of the Foucaltian body-as-machine, i.e. perfectly controllable precise technicist bodies which are created by the current power dispositions. The characters are divided into four categories, based on their predominant physical and "social" functions: a sexbot, a domesticated artificial woman, a destructive artificial woman and an emotional/intelligent artificial woman. The following identification and interpretation of the body, identity, relationships and the narrative structures are based on the theoretical...

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