Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inches.""
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Cross-Temporal Analysis of Genetic Diversity in the Endangered Medium Tree Finch (Camarhynchus pauper) and Closely Related Darwin's FinchesMetzger, Colleen M. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Trade-offs between the risks of predation and starvation in subtropical granivorous finchesBrandt, Miriam J. January 2007 (has links)
Animal community structures, life histories and individual foraging behaviour are all an outcome of a trade-off between competition for resources (and thus the risk of starvation) and survival (and thus the risk of predation). The relative importance of these factors however, differs between ecosystems, and especially when comparing temperate to tropical ones, we usually find marked differences. The seasonality of tropical ecosystems is much reduced compared to temperate ones, and weather conditions are less extreme. Accordingly tropical systems are characterised by higher species diversity, and different life history traits have been found between temperate and tropical birds. However, how the different environmental factors interact, and how predation and starvation risk vary to cause these differences still remains largely unknown. We studied the feeding behaviour of several granivorous Estrildid finches in scrub savannah habitat in central Nigeria to test how they respond to varying degrees of starvation and predation risk. During field observations and aviary experiments we investigated whether there is seasonal variation in the birds’ foraging behaviour correlating with the abundance of grass seeds and tested how they respond to different group sizes and differing distances from cover (representing a difference in predation risk). Further we also carried out field observation on the natural feeding behaviour of several closely related sympartic Estrildid finches to investigate inter-specific and seasonal differences in competition and microhabitat choice to see if this could explain their coexistence. Finally we studied habitat choice, movement behaviour and breeding biology of the potentially threatened endemic Rock Firefinch (Lagonosticta sanguinodorsalis) between the wet and the dry season via radio-tracking to establish its habitat requirements and gain the first information in its life history traits and population trends. We found little seasonal variation in the species’ foraging behaviour, and parameters that varied did not do so in a consistent manner. Thus, we found little evidence for a seasonal change in the risk of starvation. However, the abundance of several bird species varied widely between seasons and species leaving during periods of food shortage might have released competition for remaining resources. Birds did not show a strong response in their feeding behaviour with respect to cover in either intake rate or timing of feeding. However, intake rate increased with group size, which we believe to be due to scramble competition rather than risk dilution. We therefore conclude that predation did not shape the foraging behaviour of tropical granivorous passerines as markedly as that of temperate ones. Rock Firefinches were found to breed between the late rainy and the early dry season. They selected inselberg habitat, where most nests were found between rocky boulders. During the dry season, when water sources in inselberg habitat had dried out, they had to fly distances of up to 700 m to the gallery forest to get water and this led to the inclusion of more scrub savannah and gallery forest within their home ranges. Daily egg survival was 0.89 ± 0.03 calculated after the Mayfield analysis and most failing nests were depredated probably mainly by lizards. We suggest that in addition to nest predation, water availability might limit breeding time and thus reproductive output of Rock Firefinches. Predation risk did not seem to be of high importance in shaping the birds’ feeding behaviour because there was no seasonal variation in the risk of starvation. We found some suggestive evidence that competition might be important and it is likely that bird populations constantly stay close to carrying capacity. In contrast to temperate regions the need to conserve water might be of higher importance in shaping the birds’ feeding behaviour. High adult survival rates might be due to reduced seasonality in the risk of starvation thereby leading to reduced predation risk on adult birds. High nest predation might also be of higher importance in shaping the life history traits of tropical passerines, but at present this suggestion remains speculative. The results fit into the general framework that there is a trade-off between starvation and predation risk, and in the absence of starvation risk for some species in tropical areas, predation risk is also relatively unimportant.
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The genetic basis for adaptation in natural populationsLamichhaney, Sangeet January 2016 (has links)
Many previous studies in evolutionary genetics have been based on few model organisms that can be reared at ease in the laboratory. In contrast, genetic studies of non-model, natural populations are desirable as they provide a wider range of adaptive phenotypes throughout evolutionary timescales and allow a more realistic understanding of how natural selection drives adaptive evolution. This thesis represents an example of how modern genomic tools can be effectively used to study adaptation in natural populations. Atlantic herring is one of the world’s most numerous fish having multiple populations with phenotypic differences adapted to strikingly different environments. Our study demonstrated insignificant level of genetic drift in herring that resulted in minute genetic differences in the majority of the genome among these populations. In contrast, a small percentage of the loci showed striking genetic differentiation that were potentially under natural selection. We identified loci associated with adaptation to the Baltic Sea and with seasonal reproduction (spring- and autumn-spawning) and demonstrated that ecological adaptation in Atlantic herring is highly polygenic but controlled by a finite number of loci. The study of Darwin’s finches constitutes a breakthrough in characterizing their evolution. We identified two loci, ALX1 and HMGA2, which most likely are the two most prominent loci that contributed to beak diversification and thereby to expanded food utilization. These loci have played a key role in adaptive evolution of Darwin’s finches. Our study also demonstrated that interspecies gene flow played a significant role in the radiation of Darwin’s finches and some species have a mixed ancestry. This thesis also explored the genetic basis for the remarkable phenotypic differences between three male morphs in the ruff. Identification of two different versions of a 4.5 MB inversion in Satellites and Faeders that occurred about 4 million years ago revealed clues about the genetic foundation of male mating strategies in ruff. We highlighted two genes in the inverted region; HSD17B2 that affects metabolism of testosterone and MC1R that has a key role in regulating pigmentation, as the major loci associated with this adaptation.
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Effet d'un stress prolongé sur les capacités de mémorisation et les comportements de coopération chez le diamant mandarin (Taeniopygia guttata)Larose, Karine January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Effet d'un stress prolongé sur les capacités de mémorisation et les comportements de coopération chez le diamant mandarin (Taeniopygia guttata)Larose, Karine January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Influence des capacités cognitives et du niveau d’incertitude sur l’utilisation d’information sociale chez le diamant mandarinPilon, Guillaume 08 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs organismes ont besoin d’information à propos de la valeur des alternatives afin de prendre la meilleure décision dans plusieurs contextes importants tels que l’approvisionnement, le choix d’un habitat ou d’un partenaire de reproduction. L’utilisation d’information sociale qui provient des congénères est généralement considérée comme avantageuse, dans la mesure où elle est peu couteuse à acquérir. Cependant, elle peut s’avérer néfaste lorsque celle-ci est incorrecte, désuète ou émise par un émetteur malhonnête dans le but de duper. Ainsi, deux questions cruciales se posent lorsque qu’un organisme a accès à de l’information sociale : quand copier ? et qui copier ? Parmi plusieurs autres facteurs, les capacités cognitives des individus pourraient affecter leur probabilité de copier et d’être copié. Spécifiquement, un individu ayant de bonnes capacités d’apprentissage serait plus certain de son information personnelle et devrait de ce fait moins utiliser l’information sociale qu’un individu moins performant. Les démonstrateurs ayant de meilleures aptitudes (en termes par exemple de capacité à résoudre de nouveaux problèmes) devraient également être considérés comme plus fiables et, de ce fait, être copiés préférentiellement. Afin de tester ces deux hypothèses, nous avons effectué une expérience avec des diamants mandarins (Taenyopigia guttata), dans laquelle les sujets pouvaient copier le choix de 2 démonstrateurs qui leur procuraient tous les deux une information sociale contradictoire à leur information personnelle mais différaient dans leur capacité à résoudre un problème. Les sujets étaient par la suite testés dans une tâche d’apprentissage associatif. À l’encontre de nos hypothèses, les individus plus performants dans la tâche d’apprentissage n’ont pas utilisé l’information sociale moins souvent que ceux qui ont eu besoin d’un grand nombre d’essais pour atteindre le critère d’apprentissage. Par contre, nous avons trouvé que les sujets qui avaient une préférence plus marquée utilisaient moins l’information sociale que ceux qui avaient fait un choix plus aléatoire. De plus, les individus qui ont utilisé l’information sociale ont copié plus fréquemment le choix du démonstrateur qui avait été observée en train de réussir une tâche de résolution de problème plutôt que celui qui avait échoué. Ainsi notre étude démontre que les diamants mandarins évaluent la pertinence de l’information personnelle et social en considérant leur niveau d’incertitude et les performances cognitives des démonstrateurs dans une tâche de résolution de problème. / Animals frequently rely on others’ choice to decide with whom to mate or what to eat. Because social information use may lead to maladaptive decisions, individuals should not rely on social information unconditionally. In particular, reliance on social information should be more frequent when uncertainty about how to behave is high, and hence in individuals with poor learning abilities. When individuals who are copied provide contradictory social information, social learners should also preferentially copy the decisions of the most reliable model, and so, for instance, better-performing models in cognitive tasks. Here we conducted an experiment with zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) on which we measured (i) the preference for three colored feeders before and after they had received conflicting information from two models that respectively succeeded or failed to resolve a novel problem and (ii) the performance on an associative learning task. We found no evidence that individuals that were quicker to learn a new association relied less on social information compared to slower learners. Yet, the birds who exhibited a stronger initial preference used social information to a lesser extent compared to those who showed a less pronounced preference. Furthermore, we found that individuals copied more frequently the choice of the problem-solver over the non-solver model. Thus, our findings demonstrate that zebra finches weight personal and social information based on their level of uncertainty and the models’ performance in cognitive tasks.
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