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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploitation of Solanum chilense and Solanum peruvianum in tomato breeding for resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl disease

Julián Rodríguez, Olga 07 April 2014 (has links)
Among viral diseases affecting cultivated tomato, Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) is one of the most devastating. This disease is caused by a complex of viruses of which Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is regarded as the most important species. Current control strategies to fight viral diseases in tomato are mainly based on genetic resistance derived from wild relatives. In the present thesis, resistance derived from S. chilense and S. peruvianum has been exploited in breeding for resistance to TYLCD. In a previous study, TYLCV-resistant breeding lines derived from LA1932, LA1960 and LA1971 S. chilense accessions were developed. Therefore, the first objective of this thesis was to study the genetic control of the resistance derived from these accessions. With this aim, response to viral infection was assayed in segregating generations derived from the aforementioned resistant lines. The results obtained were compatible with a monogenic control of resistance. Resistance levels were higher in LA1960- and LA1971-derived F2 generations, as shown by slighter symptoms in the resistant plants and a higher number of asymptomatic plants compared with the results obtained in the LA1932-derived F2 generation. It is noteworthy that the level of resistance present in our materials is comparable to or even higher than the levels found in tomato lines homozygous for Ty-1. The response in plants heterozygous for the resistance gene was comparable to the response in homozygous plants for all three sources employed. This implies that the resistance genes derived from all three sources seem to be almost completely dominant. This effect was stronger for LA1971-derived resistance. The results were similar when comparing viral accumulation, as was expected, since a positive correlation was found in these families between viral accumulation and symptom scores. This has important implications in breeding, since the resistance will be used mostly for hybrid development. Our second objective was to map the loci associated with the major resistance genes identified. A total of 263 markers were screened, 94 of them being polymorphic between both species. Recombinant analysis allowed the resistance loci to be localized on chromosome 6, in a marker interval of 25 cM. This interval includes the Ty-1/Ty-3 region, where two S. chilense-derived TYLCD resistance loci were previously mapped. In order to test if the resistance genes identified in our populations were allelic to Ty-1 and Ty-3, further fine mapping was carried out. A total of 13 additional molecular markers distributed on chromosome 6 allowed 66 recombinants to be identified, and the resistance region to be shortened to a marker interval of approximately 950 kb, which overlaps with the Ty-1/Ty-3 region described previously by other authors. Therefore, the results obtained indicate that closely linked genes or alleles of the same gene govern TYLCV resistance in several S. chilense accessions. The third objective of the present thesis was to start the construction of a set of introgression lines (ILs) derived from Solanum peruvianum accession PI 126944 into the cultivated tomato genetic background. Once this collection of ILs is developed, it will represent a powerful tool for exploiting the resistance to different pathogens found in this particular accession in addition to other possible characters of interest. The starting plant material consisted of several segregating generations that were derived from two interspecific hybrids previously obtained by our group. Many crosses and embryo rescue were required to obtain subsequent generations due to the high sexual incompatibility that exists between tomato and PI 126944. Several mature fruits from the most advanced generations produced a few viable seeds, although embryo rescue was also employed to obtain progeny. As only a few plants were obtained by direct backcrossing, additional crosses were made in order to increase the number of descendants. A high degree of incompatibility was also found in crosses between sib plants. A total of 263 molecular markers were tested in some generations, 105 being polymorphic between tomato and PI 126944. Available generations were genotyped with these polymorphic markers in order to determine which alleles of S. peruvianum were already introgressed. On average, 79, 78 and 84 % of the S. peruvianum genome was represented in the pseudo-F2, pseudo-F4 and pseudo-F5 generations, respectively, for the markers analyzed. A reduction in the S. peruvianum genome was observed in more advanced generations, such as BC1 (56 %), pseudo-F2-BC1 (60 %) and pseudo-F3-BC1 (70 %). A greater reduction was observed in the pseudo-F3-BC2 generation (33 %). As a consequence of the reduction in the S. peruvianum genome, a loss of incompatibility was observed in some cases. The S. peruvianum genome was almost completely represented among the different plants of the most advanced generations. An evaluation for resistance to TYLCD and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) was carried out in some of the advanced generations, some of which were resistant to one or both viruses. In conclusion, we have conducted a successful and deeper exploitation of two wild species with proved resistance to TYLCD, S. chilense and S. peruvianum, identifying and fine mapping new genes of resistance. / Julián Rodríguez, O. (2014). Exploitation of Solanum chilense and Solanum peruvianum in tomato breeding for resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl disease [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/36867

Fine Mapping and Candidate Gene Discovery at the Rsv3 Locus

Bowman, Brian Carter 08 June 2011 (has links)
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is the most common member of the viral genus Potyvirus to infect soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) worldwide. SMV has been traditionally controlled by the deployment of single dominant, strain specific resistance genes, referred to as Rsv genes. Rsv1 is the most widely used form of SMV resistance with nine different alleles conferring resistance only to the lower numbered less virulent strains, G1 to G3. Rsv3 gives resistance to higher numbered more virulent strains G5 to G7. Soybean lines containing Rsv4, are resistant to all seven currently recognized North American SMV strains. In this study, the recently released soybean whole genome sequence was used to design molecular markers for fine mapping Rsv3 to a ~150 kb genomic region containing four coiled-coil nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat proteins. In a related study a large population segregating at the Rsv3 locus was screened for resistance to facilitate future characterization of this region. The markers identified in this study will allow for more accurate marker-assisted selection of Rsv3. / Master of Science

Caractérisation génomique de facteurs impliqués dans la qualité organoleptique du fruit chez le pêcher (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch)

Boudehri, Karima 22 September 2009 (has links)
La qualité du fruit est un critère incontournable de sélection chez les Rosacées fruitières, et l’acidité constitue une composante majeure de la qualité organoleptique. Toutefois, les mécanismes physiologiques et moléculaires contrôlant l'acidité des fruits restent mal connus. Chez le pêcher, le caractère non acide du fruit est contrôlé par le locus D. Une descendance F2 de 208 individus issus d'un croisement entre une variété de pêche non acide ‘Ferjalou Jalousia®’ et une variété de nectarine normalement acide, ‘Fantasia’ (JxF) a été analysée pour différents caractères agronomiques dont l’acidité du fruit. Cette descendance a servi à la réalisation d’une carte génétique et ainsi à la localisation du locus D sur le groupe de liaison 5 (GL5). Ce locus co-localise avec des QTL à effet majeur impliqués dans l’acidité titrable, le pH, la teneur en acides organiques ainsi que des QTL à effet plus faible pour la teneur en sucres solubles. De nombreux gènes candidats impliqués dans la synthèse des acides organiques, la dégradation et le stockage vacuolaire avaient été précédemment étudiés. Cependant, aucun gène candidat n’a encore été cartographié dans la région du locus D, excluant ainsi leur rôle direct dans le contrôle de l’acidité du fruit. Ceci s’explique par la complexité des voies métaboliques des acides organiques et par l’implication de transporteurs, de canaux et de pompes à protons qui rendent l'identification du ou des gène(s) associés au locus D plus complexe par une approche gène candidat. Par conséquent, une approche de clonage positionnel a été menée dans la présente étude afin d’identifier le ou les gène(s) intervenant dans le contrôle de l’acidité du fruit chez le pêcher dans le but de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires et physiologiques sous-jacents. La recherche de marqueurs liés au locus D a été réalisée par BSA-AFLP. Trente quatre marqueurs AFLP ont été cartographiés sur le GL5 et les six marqueurs les plus proches ont été convertis en marqueurs SCAR codominants. Une carte génétique fine de la région contenant le locus D a ensuite été réalisée à partir d’une descendance F2 élargie à 1 718 individus et à l’aide des six marqueurs SCAR et de trois marqueurs microsatellites précédemment cartographiés dans cette région. L’ensemble des données de génotypage et de phénotypage des individus ayant subi un événement de recombinaison dans la région du locus d’intérêt, a permis la localisation précise du locus D dans un intervalle de 0,4 cM. En parallèle, une banque BAC d’une couverture estimée à 15 fois la taille du génome haploïde du pêcher a été réalisée et son criblage a permis d’évaluer le rapport distance physique/distance génétique dans cette région à 250 kb/cM. Après deux étapes de marche sur le chromosome, une carte physique de la région a été construite en intégrant 16 marqueurs issus du séquençage d’extrémités de BAC. Un clone BAC de 98 kb contenant l’allèle D et un autre de 78 kb contenant l’allèle d ont été séquencés. L’annotation des séquences des deux allèles a mis en évidence onze gènes candidats. De nouveaux marqueurs développés à partir des séquences de ces deux BAC ont ensuite permis de préciser la localisation du locus d’intérêt dans un intervalle de 16 kb. Dans cette région deux gènes ont été identifiés : un gène de résistance et un gène codant pour un transporteur. Une approche transcriptionnelle a été initiée en complément du clonage positionnel afin de fournir un premier élément pouvant confirmer l’implication d’un ou plusieurs gène(s) candidat(s) positionnel(s) dans l’acidité du fruit chez le pêcher. / Acidity is an essential component of the organoleptic quality of fleshy fruits. However, the physiological and molecular mechanisms that control fruit acidity remain unclear. In peach low-acidity is determined at the D locus by the dominant allele. A peach progeny of 208 F2 individuals obtained from a cross between ‘Ferjalou Jalousia®’ (a low-acid peach) and ‘Fantasia’ (a normally acid nectarine) varieties (JxF) was analyzed for several agronomical traits. This peach F2 progeny segregating for several mendelian traits, was analyzed for fruit quality traits including fruit acidity and used for the construction of a genetic linkage map. The D locus was mapped to the proximal end of linkage group 5 (LG5) and co-localized with major QTLs involved in the control of fruit pH, titratable acidity and organic acid concentration and minor QTLs for sugar concentration. Several candidate genes involved in organic acids synthesis, degradation or vacuolar storage have previously been studied. However, none of these candidate genes were located on in the region of the D locus, excluding their direct role in the control of fruit acidity by the D locus. The complexity of organic acids metabolic pathways as well as the involvement of transporters and channels and related proton pumps has hampered, so far, the identification of the gene(s) associated to the D locus using a candidate gene approach. Thus, in order to investigate the molecular and physiological bases of fruit acidity in peach, a positional cloning strategy of the D locus was undertaken for the isolation of the gene(s) underlying this trait. Using a BSA-AFLP method, 34 AFLP markers were mapped to the LG5, and the six nearest markers were transformed into codominant SCAR markers. These SCAR markers and three previously mapped SSR markers were used to genotype an F2 segregating progeny extended to 1,718 F2 individuals. A high-resolution map of the D locus was realized after genotyping and phenotyping recombinant individuals. Using these recombinant plants we delimited the D locus to a genetic interval of 0.4 cM. We also constructed a peach BAC library with a covering estimated at 15 x the peach haploid genome. The screening of the BAC library with tightly linked markers indicated that 1 cM corresponds to 250 kb at the vicinity of the D locus and allowed the construction of the physical map in two walks integrating 16 markers obtained from the BACends sequences. Two BAC clones harbouring the D locus were identified and sequenced; one BAC clone of 98 kb containing the D dominant allele and another one of 78 kb containing the d recessive allele. Eleven predicted genes were found in the sequenced region. A new set of markers was developed which allowed the localization of the D locus in a 16 kb interval. In this region, two genes were identified: a resistance gene and a gene encoding for a transporter. A transcriptional approach was initiated in addition to the positional cloning strategy to provide a first element which could confirm the involvement of one or more identified positional candidate gene(s) in the control of peach fruit acidity.

Stratégies d'analyses multi-marqueurs pour identifier des gènes et des interactions gène-gène impliqués dans le mélanome cutané / Multi-Marker Analytical Strategies to Identify Genes and Gene-Gene Interactions Associated with Cutaneous Melanoma

Brossard, Myriam 14 December 2015 (has links)
Le mélanome cutané est un cancer des cellules de la peau (mélanocytes) qui se situe, en France, au 11e rang des cancers les plus fréquents. Sa mortalité reste élevée lorsqu’il est diagnostiqué à un stade tardif. Ce cancer résulte de nombreux facteurs génétiques, environnementaux et des interactions entre ces facteurs. La susceptibilité génétique à ce cancer recouvre un large spectre de variabilité génétique, depuis des mutations rares conférant un risque élevé jusqu’à des variants fréquents conférant un risque modeste. C’est dans le cadre de l’identification de variants fréquents liés à l’apparition du mélanome et à son pronostic que se situe mon travail de thèse. À ce jour, les études d’associations pangénomiques du mélanome ont identifié des variants fréquents à effets relativement modestes qui expliquent seulement une part de la composante génétique. Les variants fonctionnels au sein des régions identifiées sont le plus souvent inconnus. Les études pangénomiques ont eu principalement recours à des analyses simple-marqueur qui peuvent manquer de puissance pour détecter des variants ayant un effet individuel faible ou interagissant avec d’autres variants. L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse a été de proposer des stratégies d’analyse multi-marqueurs pour identifier de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans le mélanome et pour caractériser des variants potentiellement fonctionnels au sein des régions du génome associées au mélanome.Pour identifier de nouveaux gènes associés au risque de mélanome et à un facteur pronostique de ce cancer (l’indice de Breslow), nous avons proposé une stratégie d’analyse multi-marqueurs qui intègre une analyse de pathways biologiques basée sur la méthode GSEA (Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) et une analyse d’interactions entre gènes au sein des pathways associés au mélanome. Ces analyses ont été menées dans deux études : l’étude française MELARISK et l’étude américaine du MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC), totalisant 2 980 cas et 3 823 témoins. Nous avons identifié une interaction entre les gènes, TERF1 et AFAP1L2, pour le risque de mélanome et une interaction entre les gènes, CDC42 et SCIN, pour l’indice de Breslow. Ces gènes sont particulièrement pertinents sur le plan biologique du fait de leur rôle dans la biologie des télomères pour la première paire de gènes et dans la dynamique des filaments d’actine pour la seconde paire. Afin d’identifier les variants potentiellement fonctionnels au sein des régions du génome mises en évidence par études pangénomiques, nous avons proposé une stratégie de cartographie fine qui repose principalement sur une méthode de régression pénalisée (méthode HyperLasso) appliquée à tous les variants de la région étudiée. Par l’analyse de la région 16q24 qui contient le gène MC1R dont les variants fonctionnels sont connus, nous avons montré que cette stratégie était capable d’identifier ces variants parmi de nombreux variants associés au mélanome dans cette région. Nous avons contribué à identifier cinq nouvelles régions du génome associées au mélanome par méta-analyse d’études pangénomiques réalisées au niveau mondial (43 000 sujets) puis mené une étude de cartographie fine de toutes les régions associées au mélanome, en se basant sur la stratégie proposée et validée dans la région 16q24. Les stratégies d’analyses multi-marqueurs proposées dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse ont permis d’identifier de nouveaux gènes associés au risque de mélanome et à un facteur pronostique de ce cancer et de caractériser les variants génétiques potentiellement fonctionnels au sein des régions du génome identifiées par études pangénomiques. / Cutaneous melanoma is a skin cancer developed from melanocytes. It is the 11th most common cancers in France. Mortality due to melanoma remains high when diagnosed at a late stage. This cancer results from many genetic, environmental factors and interactions between these factors. The genetic susceptibility to melanoma covers a broad spectrum of genetic variation, from rare mutations conferring high risk to common variants conferring low risk. My thesis was conducted in the framework of low-risk variants associated with melanoma occurrence and prognosis. To date, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of melanoma have identified common variants with relatively modest effects which only explain a part of the genetic component of this cancer. Functional variants at the identified loci are mostly unknown. GWASs have been mainly conducted using single-marker analysis which may be underpowered to detect variants with small effect or interacting with each other. The main objective of this thesis was to propose multi-marker analysis strategies to identify novel genes involved in melanoma and to characterize potentially functional variants in chromosomal regions found associated with melanoma. To identify new genes associated with melanoma risk and a prognostic factor for this cancer (Breslow thickness), we proposed a multi-marker analysis strategy which integrates pathway analysis based on the GSEA (Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) method and gene-gene interaction analysis within melanoma-associated pathways. These analyses were conducted in two studies: the French MELARISK study and the North-American MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) study, with a total of 2,980 cases and 3,823 controls. We identified gene-gene interactions between TERF1 and AFAP1L2 genes for melanoma risk and between CDC42 and SCIN genes for Breslow thickness. These genes are biologically relevant because of their role in telomere biology for the former gene pair and in actin dynamics for the latter pair. To identify potentially functional variants at loci identified by GWAS, we proposed a fine mapping strategy which is mainly based on a penalized regression approach (HyperLasso method) that can be applied to all variants of the region under study. By studying the 16q24 region which harbors the MC1R gene whose functional variants are known, we showed this strategy was able to identify those variants among many variants associated with melanoma in this region. We contributed to the identification of five novel regions associated with melanoma through a worldwide meta-analysis of melanoma GWASs (43,000 subjects) and conducted fine mapping of all melanoma-associated loci using the strategy we proposed and validated in the 16q24 region. The multi-marker strategies proposed in this work have allowed identifying new biologically relevant genes associated with risk of melanoma and a major melanoma prognostic factor and characterizing potentially functional genetic variants within regions identified by GWAS.

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