Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fingerprint.""
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Smartphone-based indoor positioning using Wi-Fi, inertial sensors and Bluetooth / Positionnement intérieur basé sur les smartphones à l'aide de Wi-Fi, des capteurs inertiels et BluetoothTa, Viet-Cuong 15 December 2017 (has links)
Grâce à l’émergence dans la vie quotidienne des appareils de plus en plus populaires que sont les smartphones et les tablettes, la tâche de postionner l'utilisateur par le biais de son téléphone est une problématique fortement étudiée dans les domaines non seulement de la recherche mais également des communautés industrielles. Parmi ces technologies, les approches GPS sont devenues une norme et ont beaucoup de succès pour une localisation en environnement extérieur. Par contre, le Wi-Fi, les capteurs inertiels et le Bluetooth sont plutôt préférés pour les tâches de positionnement dans un environnement intérieur.Pour ce qui concerne le positionnement des smartphones, les approches basées sur les « empreintes digitales » (fingerprint) Wi-Fi sont bien établies. D'une manière générale, ces approches tentent d'apprendre la fonction de correspondance (cartographie) des caractéristiques du signal Wi-Fi par rapport à la position de l’appareil dans le monde réel. Elles nécessitent généralement une grande quantité de données pour obtenir une bonne cartographie. Lorsque ces données d'entraînement disponibles sont limitées, l'approche basée sur les empreintes digitales montre alors des taux d’erreurs élevés et devient moins stable. Dans nos travaux, nous explorons d’autres approches, différentes, pour faire face à cette problématique du manque de données d'entraînement. Toutes ces méthodes sont testées sur un ensemble de données public qui est utilisé lors d’une compétition internationale à la Conférence IPIN 2016.En plus du système de positionnement basé sur la technologie Wi-Fi, les capteurs inertiels du smartphone sont également utiles pour la tâche de suivi. Les trois types de capteurs, qui sont les accéléromètres, le gyroscope et la boussole magnétique, peuvent être utilisés pour suivre l'étape et la direction de l'utilisateur (méthode SHS). Le nombre d'étapes et la distance de déplacement de l'utilisateur sont calculés en utilisant les données de l'accéléromètre. La position de l'utilisateur est calculée par trois types de données avec trois méthodes comprenant la matrice de rotation, le filtre complémentaire et le filtre de Madgwick. Il est raisonnable de combiner les sorties SHS avec les sorties de Wi-Fi, car les deux technologies sont présentes dans les smartphones et se complètent. Deux approches combinées sont testées. La première approche consiste à utiliser directement les sorties Wi-Fi comme points de pivot pour la fixation de la partie de suivi SHS. Dans la deuxième approche, nous comptons sur le signal Wi-Fi pour construire un modèle d'observation, qui est ensuite intégré à l'étape d'approximation du filtre à particules. Ces combinaisons montrent une amélioration significative par rapport au suivi SHS ou au suivi Wi-Fi uniquement.Dans un contexte multiutilisateur, la technologie Bluetooth du smartphone pourrait fournir une distance approximative entre les utilisateurs. La distance relative est calculée à partir du processus de numérisation du périphérique Bluetooth. Elle est ensuite utilisée pour améliorer la sortie des modèles de positionnement Wi-Fi. Nous étudions deux méthodes. La première vise à créer une fonction d'erreur qui permet de modéliser le bruit dans la sortie Wi-Fi et la distance approximative produite par le Bluetooth pour chaque intervalle de temps spécifié. La seconde méthode considère par contre cette relation temporelle et la contrainte de mouvement lorsque l'utilisateur se déplace. Le modèle d'observation du filtre à particules est une combinaison entre les données Wi-Fi et les données Bluetooth. Les deux approches sont testées en fonction de données réelles, qui incluent jusqu'à quatre utilisateurs différents qui se déplacent dans un bureau. Alors que la première approche n'est applicable que dans certains scénarios spécifiques, la deuxième approche montre une amélioration significative par rapport aux résultats de position basés uniquement sur le modèle d'empreintes digitales Wi-Fi. / With the popularity of smartphones and tablets in daily life, the task of finding user’s position through their phone gains much attention from both the research and industry communities. Technologies integrated in smartphones such as GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and camera are all capable for building a positioning system. Among those technologies, GPS has approaches have become a standard and achieved much success for the outdoor environment. Meanwhile, Wi-Fi, inertial sensors and Bluetooth are more preferred for positioning task in indoor environment.For smartphone positioning, Wi-Fi fingerprinting based approaches are well established within the field. Generally speaking, the approaches attempt to learn the mapping function from Wi-Fi signal characteristics to the real world position. They usually require a good amount of data for finding a good mapping. When the available training data is limited, the fingerprinting-based approach has high errors and becomes less stable. In our works, we want to explore different approaches of Wi-Fi fingerprinting methods for dealing with a lacking in training data. Based on the performance of the individual approaches, several ensemble strategies are proposed to improve the overall positioning performance. All the proposed methods are tested against a published dataset, which is used as the competition data of the IPIN 2016 Conference with offsite track (track 3).Besides the positioning system based on Wi-Fi technology, the smartphone’s inertial sensors are also useful for the tracking task. The three types of sensors, which are accelerate, gyroscope and magnetic, can be employed to create a Step-And-Heading (SHS) system. Several methods are tested in our approaches. The number of steps and user’s moving distance are calculated from the accelerometer data. The user’s heading is calculated from the three types of data with three methods, including rotation matrix, Complimentary Filter and Madgwick Filter. It is reasonable to combine SHS outputs with the outputs from Wi-Fi due to both technologies are present in the smartphone. Two combination approaches are tested. The first approach is to use directly the Wi-Fi outputs as pivot points for fixing the SHS tracking part. In the second approach, we rely on the Wi-Fi signal to build an observation model, which is then integrated into the particle filter approximation step. The combining paths have a significant improvement from the SHS tracking only and the Wi-Fi only. Although, SHS tracking with Wi-Fi fingerprinting improvement achieves promising results, it has a number of limitations such as requiring additional sensors calibration efforts and restriction on smartphone handling positions.In the context of multiple users, Bluetooth technology on the smartphone could provide the approximated distance between users. The relative distance is calculated from the Bluetooth inquiry process. It is then used to improve the output from Wi-Fi positioning models. We study two different combination methods. The first method aims to build an error function which is possible to model the noise in the Wi-Fi output and Bluetooth approximated distance for each specific time interval. It ignores the temporal relationship between successive Wi-Fi outputs. Position adjustments are then computed by minimizing the error function. The second method considers the temporal relationship and the movement constraint when the user moves around the area. The tracking step are carried out by using particle filter. The observation model of the particle filter are a combination between the Wi-Fi data and Bluetooth data. Both approaches are tested against real data, which include up to four different users moving in an office environment. While the first approach is only applicable in some specific scenarios, the second approach has a significant improvement from the position output based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting model only.
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Développement de méthodes de tatouage sûres pour le traçage de contenus multimédia / Secure watermarking methods for fingerprinting of multimedia contentsMathon, Benjamin 07 July 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions dans une première partie l'impact de la contrainte de sécurité en tatouage. Dans le contexte WOA (Watermarked contents Only Attack), un adversaire possède plusieurs contenus tatoués et cherche à estimer la clé secrète d'insertion afin d'accéder aux messages cachés. Une nouvelle manière de tatouer en étalement de spectre est présentée ici. Celle-ci est basée sur la construction de distributions circulaires dans le sous-espace secret de tatouage. Cette technique permet de minimiser la distorsion en moyenne provoquée par l'ajout de la marque dans le contexte WOA en utilisant l'algorithme d'optimisation des Hongrois et la théorie du transport. Nous vérifions ensuite qu'un tatouage sûr est utilisable en pratique en prenant comme exemple le tatouage d'images naturelles. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéressons au cadre de l'estampillage d'oe uvres numériques permettant de tracer les redistributeurs de copies illégales. Les codes traçants utilisés sont ceux proposés par Gabor Tardos et sont résistants aux attaques de coalition, c'est-à-dire au groupement d'adversaires mettant en commun leurs contenus numériques afin de forger une version pirate. Puisque les techniques de tatouage permettent l'insertion de codes traçants dans un contenu numérique, nous avons conçu une attaque "au pire cas" qui dépend du niveau de sécurité et qui permet, pour les adversaires, de baisser leur accusation. Nous montrons que pour le cas particulier de l'estampillage un tatouage sûr sera plus efficace qu'un tatouage non-sûr (à robustesse équivalente). Finalement, une implantation des codes traçants dans un contenu vidéo utilisant des méthodes sûres par étalement de spectre est proposée. Nous montrons alors l'efficacité de l'accusation des adversaires dans ce cadre pratique. / In this thesis, we first study the constraint of security in watermarking. In the WOA (Watermarked contents Only Attack) framework, an adversary owns several marked contents and try to estimate the secret key used for embedding in order to have access to the hidden messages. We present a new mean for spread-spectrum watermarking based on circular distributions in the private watermarking subspace. Thanks to this technique, we are able to minimise the distortion (on expectation) caused by the watermark in the WOA framework using the Hungarian optimisation method and the transportation theory. Then, we show that secure watermarking can be used in practical works with the example of still image watermarking. In the second part, we are interested about the problem of active fingerprinting which allows to trace re-distributors of illegal copies of a numerical content. The codes we use here are the ones proposed by Gabor Tardos. These codes are resistant against collusion attacks e.g. a group of malicious users who forges a new content by mixing their copies. Since watermarking techniques allow the embedding of these codes in numerical contents, a new worst case attack taking into account the security level of the watermarking system is proposed to reduce the accusation rate of the coalition. We show that secure watermarking is more efficient that insecure one (with similar robustness) for fingerprinting application. Finally, traitor tracing codes are implemented on video sequences by using spread-spectrum techniques in order to demonstrate that the accusation of adversaries is practically possible.
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Variabilidade intra-evento da origem das fontes de sedimentos em uma bacia hidrográfica rural / Intra-event variability of sources from sediment basin in a ruralMaier, Clamarion January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho refere-se à variabilidade da origem dos sedimentos transportados durante eventos de chuva-vazão em uma pequena bacia hidrográfica rural (1,19 Km2). Esta bacia está localizada no sul do Brasil e a área é caracterizada pela presença de agricultores familiares que principalmente cultivam fumo em áreas consideradas inaptas para atividades agrícolas, de acordo com o sistema de aptidão agrícola do solo. Isto ocasiona severas perdas de solo por erosão hídrica. Neste estudo foram utilizadas técnicas hidrossedimentométricas com análises estatísticas multivariadas para determinação da procedência dos sedimentos durante a subida e a descida da onda de cheia em eventos de precipitação variada. A metodologia utilizada é denominada “método Fingerprinting” e possibilita avaliar quais são as áreas contribuintes para a produção de sedimentos intra-eventos de chuva-vazão. Foram definidas três áreas com potencial para produção de sedimentos, sendo as fontes, o canal de drenagem, as estradas e as lavouras da bacia. Foram coletadas um total de quarenta amostras distribuídas nas áreas fontes de sedimentos. Sete eventos foram monitorados entre os anos de 2009 e 2011 e 24 amostras foram coletadas ao longo destes eventos. Como traçadores foram utilizados elementos químicos, de proveniência natural ou antrópica: sódio (Na), potássio (K), magnésio (Mg), cromo (Cr), manganês (Mn), ferro (Fe), cobre (Cu), zinco (Zn), cádmio (Cd), mercúrio (Hg), chumbo (Pb) e fósforo (P). Foi demonstrado que os elementos determinados como o melhor conjunto de traçadores (P, Fe, Mn, Mg e K) possuem capacidade em determinar a origem dos sedimentos. Pode-se afirmar que há variabilidade de fontes de sedimentos durante os eventos de chuva-vazão. O estudo revelou que o canal de drenagem contribui com boa parcela dos sedimentos (0 a 72%), principalmente no início do hidrograma. Mesmo utilizando práticas agrícolas de conservação dos solos e dos recursos hídricos as lavouras são as principais fontes fornecedoras de sedimentos, crescendo sua contribuição ao longo do evento (27 a 100%). Os sedimentos oriundos das estradas não possuíram contribuição relevante (0 a 23%) durante os eventos monitorados. Existem evidências da variabilidade das fontes de sedimentos durante a subida e a descida da onda de cheia ocorrida em eventos de chuva. / This work refers to the variability of the source of sediment transported during rainfall-runoff events in a small rural catchment (1.19 km2). This basin is located in the south of Brazil and the area is characterized by the presence of family farmers who mainly cultivate tobacco in areas considered unsuitable for agricultural activities, according to the system of agricultural capability of the soil. This causes severe soil loss by water erosion. In this study we used techniques hydrosedimentometrics with multivariate statistical analyzes to determine the provenance of sediments during the rise and fall of the flood wave in precipitation events varied. The methodology is called "fingerprinting method" and allows assessing which areas are contributors to sediment yield intra-rainfall-runoff events. We defined three areas with potential for sediment production, and sources, channel drainage, roads and crops in the basin. We collected a total of forty samples distributed in source areas of sediment. Seven events were monitored between 2009 and 2011 and 24 samples were collected during these events. Tracers were used as chemicals, natural or manmade origin of sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc ( Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and phosphorus (P). It has been demonstrated that certain elements like the best set of tracers (P, Fe, Mn, Mg and K) have the ability to determine the origin of sediments. It can be said that there is variability of sediment sources during rainfall-runoff events. The study revealed that the drainage channel contributes good portion of the sediments (0-72%), especially early in the hydrograph. Even using agricultural practices to conserve soil and water resources crops are the main sources of sediment supply, growing their contribution throughout the event (27 to 100%). Sediment from roads did not possess relevant contribution (0-23%) during the monitored events. There is evidence of the variability of sediment sources during ascent and descent of the flood wave occurred in rain events.
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Variabilidade intra-evento da origem das fontes de sedimentos em uma bacia hidrográfica rural / Intra-event variability of sources from sediment basin in a ruralMaier, Clamarion January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho refere-se à variabilidade da origem dos sedimentos transportados durante eventos de chuva-vazão em uma pequena bacia hidrográfica rural (1,19 Km2). Esta bacia está localizada no sul do Brasil e a área é caracterizada pela presença de agricultores familiares que principalmente cultivam fumo em áreas consideradas inaptas para atividades agrícolas, de acordo com o sistema de aptidão agrícola do solo. Isto ocasiona severas perdas de solo por erosão hídrica. Neste estudo foram utilizadas técnicas hidrossedimentométricas com análises estatísticas multivariadas para determinação da procedência dos sedimentos durante a subida e a descida da onda de cheia em eventos de precipitação variada. A metodologia utilizada é denominada “método Fingerprinting” e possibilita avaliar quais são as áreas contribuintes para a produção de sedimentos intra-eventos de chuva-vazão. Foram definidas três áreas com potencial para produção de sedimentos, sendo as fontes, o canal de drenagem, as estradas e as lavouras da bacia. Foram coletadas um total de quarenta amostras distribuídas nas áreas fontes de sedimentos. Sete eventos foram monitorados entre os anos de 2009 e 2011 e 24 amostras foram coletadas ao longo destes eventos. Como traçadores foram utilizados elementos químicos, de proveniência natural ou antrópica: sódio (Na), potássio (K), magnésio (Mg), cromo (Cr), manganês (Mn), ferro (Fe), cobre (Cu), zinco (Zn), cádmio (Cd), mercúrio (Hg), chumbo (Pb) e fósforo (P). Foi demonstrado que os elementos determinados como o melhor conjunto de traçadores (P, Fe, Mn, Mg e K) possuem capacidade em determinar a origem dos sedimentos. Pode-se afirmar que há variabilidade de fontes de sedimentos durante os eventos de chuva-vazão. O estudo revelou que o canal de drenagem contribui com boa parcela dos sedimentos (0 a 72%), principalmente no início do hidrograma. Mesmo utilizando práticas agrícolas de conservação dos solos e dos recursos hídricos as lavouras são as principais fontes fornecedoras de sedimentos, crescendo sua contribuição ao longo do evento (27 a 100%). Os sedimentos oriundos das estradas não possuíram contribuição relevante (0 a 23%) durante os eventos monitorados. Existem evidências da variabilidade das fontes de sedimentos durante a subida e a descida da onda de cheia ocorrida em eventos de chuva. / This work refers to the variability of the source of sediment transported during rainfall-runoff events in a small rural catchment (1.19 km2). This basin is located in the south of Brazil and the area is characterized by the presence of family farmers who mainly cultivate tobacco in areas considered unsuitable for agricultural activities, according to the system of agricultural capability of the soil. This causes severe soil loss by water erosion. In this study we used techniques hydrosedimentometrics with multivariate statistical analyzes to determine the provenance of sediments during the rise and fall of the flood wave in precipitation events varied. The methodology is called "fingerprinting method" and allows assessing which areas are contributors to sediment yield intra-rainfall-runoff events. We defined three areas with potential for sediment production, and sources, channel drainage, roads and crops in the basin. We collected a total of forty samples distributed in source areas of sediment. Seven events were monitored between 2009 and 2011 and 24 samples were collected during these events. Tracers were used as chemicals, natural or manmade origin of sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc ( Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and phosphorus (P). It has been demonstrated that certain elements like the best set of tracers (P, Fe, Mn, Mg and K) have the ability to determine the origin of sediments. It can be said that there is variability of sediment sources during rainfall-runoff events. The study revealed that the drainage channel contributes good portion of the sediments (0-72%), especially early in the hydrograph. Even using agricultural practices to conserve soil and water resources crops are the main sources of sediment supply, growing their contribution throughout the event (27 to 100%). Sediment from roads did not possess relevant contribution (0-23%) during the monitored events. There is evidence of the variability of sediment sources during ascent and descent of the flood wave occurred in rain events.
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A molecular phylogenetic study and the use of DNA barcoding to determine its efficacy for identification of economically important scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of South AfricaSethusa, Mamadi Theresa 15 July 2014 (has links)
Ph.D. (Zoology) / Scale insects, plant pests of quarantine importance, with specialised anatomy and unresolved phylogenetic relationships, are responsible for major economic losses to South Africa and its trading partners. These losses may reach critical levels if the pests are not timely identified and controlled. They are currently identified based on published keys of adult females, a process that takes three days to two weeks depending on the family and the life stage of interception. In addition, agricultural commodities are often contaminated with different life stages, males or damaged specimen of these pests, making identification difficult or impossible. As a result, shipments of agricultural produce are often rejected and trade disrupted. Furthermore, pest invasions do not only occur by importation via formal channels. At times pests cross boarders as contaminants of undeclared material and may again spread on their own as they naturally expand their range. This expansion may be negatively or positively influenced by other factors such as climate change. Resolving the challenges associated with identification, phylogenetic relationships and the limited knowledge of the effects of climate change on distribution range of scale insects are the main goals of this study. Specifically (i) the development of a rapid method of species identification, (ii) the relationship between and within three major scale insect families the Coccoidea, Diaspididae and Pseudococcidae and (iii) the effect of climate change on the future distribution range of scale insects in South Africa were explored...
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An environmental metabolomics study of the effect of abiotic substances on Pseudomonas putida by employing analytical techniquesSayqal, Ali Abdu H. January 2017 (has links)
An exceptionally important stress response of Pseudomonas putida strains to toxic chemicals is the induction of efflux pumps that extrude solvents, as well as other toxicants, into the surrounding medium. However, the bacterial tolerance mechanisms are still not fully understood, thus in this thesis metabolomic approaches were used to detect and identify metabolites involved in P. putida DOT-T1E tolerance to abiotic stresses, in particular focussing on the role of efflux pumps. To elucidate any metabolome alterations several strains of P. putida, including the wild type DOT-T1E, and the efflux pump knockouts DOT-T1E-PS28 and DOT-T1E-18, were challenged with different levels of propranolol. Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, which provided a rapid, high-throughput metabolic fingerprint of P. putida strains, was used to investigate any phenotypic changes resulting from exposure to propranolol. FT-IR data illustrated phenotypic changes associated with the presence of propranolol within the cell that could be assigned to the bacterial protein components. To complement this phenotypic fingerprinting approach metabolic profiling on the same samples was performed using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify metabolites of interest during growth of bacteria following this toxic perturbation with propranolol. GC-MS revealed significant changes in ornithine levels which can be directly linked to bacterial tolerance mechanisms, and alterations in the levels of several other metabolites which were also modified in response to propranolol exposure. Moreover, the effect of the organic solvent toluene was also investigated using the same approach. Examination of FT-IR data indicated that protein and fatty acids were the most affected components of P. putida strains due to the presence of toluene within the cell. Moreover, application of GC-MS allowed for the identification and quantification of several metabolites which were differentially produced or consumed in the presence of toluene. To investigate the role of efflux pumps in P. putida DOT-T1E, several analytical techniques were employed including Raman spectroscopy, gas and liquid chromatography to identify and quantify the level of propranolol or toluene in P. putida cells. These analyses showed that propranolol and toluene accumulated in the mutant P. putida DOT-T1E-18 (lacking the TtgABC pump) at higher levels in comparison with the levels found in the wild-type DOT-T1E and the mutant DOT-T1E-PS28 (lacking the TtgGHI pump), indicating the key role of efflux pumps in solvent tolerance. Furthermore, the effect of Mg2+ and Ca2+ on the stabilisation of the toluene tolerance of P. putida DOT-T1E strains was examined in order to elucidate whether divalent cations interact with efflux pumps or other resistant mechanisms to improve solvent tolerance. FT-IR analysis suggested that the influence of divalent cations on the stabilisation of the toluene tolerance could be due to the contribution of metal ions towards other tolerance mechanisms such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) instead of enhancing the activity of efflux pumps. In conclusion, this thesis presents evidence that phenotypic fingerprinting and metabolic profiling approaches in combination with chemometric methods can generate valuable information on phenotypic responses occurring within microbial cultures subjected to abiotic stress.
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Biotipagem de leveduras industriais através do sistema Killer. / Biotyping of industrial yeasts by the Killer system.Christiann Davis Tosta 17 December 2004 (has links)
O setor agropecuário responde atualmente por cerca de 9,2% do Produto interno bruto (PIB) brasileiro, sendo que a cana-de-açúcar ocupa cerca de 9% da área cultivada, fato que lhe confere especial relevância com relação ao desenvolvimento nacional. Os dois produtos mais importantes desta cultura são o açúcar e o álcool etílico produzido por fermentação com leveduras. Durante o processo de fermentação alcoólica, o fermento sofre inúmeras reciclagens e interferências externas advindas do caldo, do ambiente e de outras fontes, tornando-se vulnerável à contaminação por outros microrganismos e mesmo leveduras indesejáveis. Métodos de monitoramento microbiológico que possibilitem a discriminação das linhagens de forma rápida e inequívoca, além de baratos, são altamente desejáveis. A utilização de meios diferenciais e seletivos, métodos bioquímicos e análise molecular tem se mostrado eficientes, porém são demorados e dispendiosos. A reação killer é um fenômeno descoberto há 40 anos em S. cerevisiae, e resultados satisfatórios já foram obtidos na caracterização de leveduras, considerando-se o perfil de sensibilidade killer. O padrão de sensibilidade às toxinas killer foi utilizado nesse projeto em leveduras industriais (isoladas de processo fermentativo para produção de etanol). Os dados gerados com os testes de sensibilidade às toxinas Killer geraram polimorfismos entre as linhagens, mesmo em nível intra-específico, validando a metodologia na biotipagem das leveduras. As informações obtidas subsidiam o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de biotipagem aplicável para o monitoramento microbiológico na indústria sucro-alcooleira, com a seleção de nove leveduras killer contra as quais as leveduras industriais apresentaram um perfil característico de sensibilidade, dependendo do grupo ao qual pertencem (S. cerevisiae ou não Saccharomyces). Finalmente, vale citar que os testes foram corroborados pelos resultados obtidos com a taxonomia clássica e pelos métodos de biologia molecular com reações de PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) e RAPD (Random Amplified Polimorphism DNA). / Agriculture is an important sector in the economy of Brazil. The sugar cane occupies 9% of the cultivated area in this country. The most important products from the sugar cane industry are sugar and alcohol, the latest produced by fermentative process by yeasts. During the fermentation the yeast population changes due to the interferences coming from the sugar cane juice or other sources, turning the process susceptible to undesirable contaminations. In this way, fast, reliable and cheap methods for microbiological monitoring can be helpful. Selective culture media, biochemical tests and molecular analyses have been used but they are time-consuming or expensive. The killer phenomenon discovered initially in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have shown interesting results to yeast biotyping. The sensibility pattern to different killer toxins was used to make a fingerprinting and successfully separate different strains of yeasts. This method was corroborated by classical taxonomy and molecular biology results (PCR and RAPD-PCR). The results obtained gives support to development of a methodology useful on fermenting microbiologic monitoring with the selection of nine strains of killers yeasts with highly discrimination between industrial bakker yeasts and contaminants of the fermentation process.
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Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for human identification in the vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South AfricaDzhivhuho, Godfrey Azwinndini 16 January 2015 (has links)
MSc (Zoology) / Department of Zoology
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Evaluation of the genetic diversity of Malawian pigeonpea using simple sequence repeats markersMichael, Vincent Njung'e 20 August 2014 (has links)
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) is a drought tolerant legume of the Fabaceae family in the order Fabales and the only cultivated species in the genus Cajanus. It is mainly cultivated in the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Oceania, Africa and America. In Malawi, one of the top producers of pigeonpea in Africa, it is grown by small scale farmers as a source of food and income and for soil improvement in intercropping systems. However, varietal contamination due to natural outcrossing causes significant yield losses for farmers. In this study, 48 polymorphic SSR markers were used to assess diversity in all pigeonpea varieties cultivated in Malawi with the aim of developing a genetic fingerprint to distinguish the released varieties. SSR alleles were separated by capillary electrophoresis on an ABI 3700 automated sequencer and allele sizes determined using GeneMapper 4.0 software. Allelic data was analysed with PowerMarker. A total of 212 alleles were revealed averaging 5.58 alleles per marker with a maximum number of 14 alleles produced by CCttc019 (Marker 40). Polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.03 to 0.89 with an average of 0.30. DARwin software was used to generate a neighbour-joining tree that displayed three major clusters with two sub clusters in Cluster I. The released varieties were scattered across all the clusters observed, indicating that they generally represent the genetic diversity available in Malawi, although it was observed that there is substantial variation that can still be exploited through further breeding. Screening of the allelic data associated with five popular pigeonpea varieties for which a DNA fingerprint was to be developed, revealed 6 markers – CCB1 (Marker 1), CCB7 (Marker 2), Ccac035 (Marker 7), CCttc003 (Marker 15), Ccac026 (Marker 37) and CCttc019 (Marker 40)– which gave unique allelic profiles for each of the five varieties. With further tests needed for its robustness, this genetic fingerprint can be used for seed certification to ensure only genetically pure seeds are delivered to Malawi farmers. / Agriculture and Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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Redistribution des isotopes de l’uranium et du plutonium présents à l’état d’ultra-traces dans les sédiments des fleuves côtiers drainant le panache radioactif de Fukushima / Redistribution of ultra-traces of uranium and plutonium isotopes in sediment transiting rivers draining the radioactive contamination plume of FukushimaJaegler, Hugo 19 September 2018 (has links)
L’accident de la centrale de Fukushima Dai-ichi en 2011 a conduit au dépôt d’ultra-traces d’uranium et de plutonium sur les sols des bassins versants côtiers du nord-est du Japon, s’ajoutant à l’uranium naturel et au plutonium issu des retombées globales des essais nucléaires atmosphériques, déjà présents avant l’accident. La contribution relative de ces différentes sources peut être quantifiée à partir de la mesure précise de leur composition isotopique et à la détermination précise des signatures isotopiques locales antérieures à l’accident grâce aux données bibliographiques et à l’analyse d’une carotte sédimentaire prélevée dans un réservoir de barrage. Ainsi, l’analyse d’échantillons de sols prélevés après 2011 montre que la distribution spatiale des dépôts initiaux de plutonium est globalement similaire à celle du radiocésium. De plus, si le marquage en uranium de la centrale n’a pas été observé, le plutonium issu de l’accident a été mis en évidence et quantifié dans tous les sédiments (de rivières) analysés, démontrant que le plutonium provenant de la centrale est plus rapidement exporté vers l’Océan Pacifique que celui qui provient des essais atmosphériques. Par ailleurs, des microparticules portant le plutonium ont été localisées puis caractérisées précisément (taille, morphologie, composition chimique). De manière générale, ces travaux ont fourni des données originales sur le devenir des actinides dans l’environnement de Fukushima. / The 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi accident led to the deposition of uranium and plutonium at ultra-trace levels on coastal catchments in northeastern Japan, in addition to the natural uranium and plutonium from the global fallout of the atmospheric nuclear tests, already present before the accident. The relative contribution of these different sources can be quantified from the precise measurement of their isotopic composition and the precise determination of local isotopic signatures prior to the accident through the compilation of literature data and the analysis of a sediment core collected in a dam reservoir. Furthermore, the analysis of soil samples collected after 2011 shows that the spatial distribution of initial plutonium deposits is roughly similar to that of radiocaesium. In addition, if the presence of uranium originating from the plant was not confirmed, the plutonium rejected by the accident was identified and quantified in all the river sediment samples analyzed, showing that the plutonium originating from the plant is more quickly exported to the Pacific Ocean than that originating from the global atmospheric tests. In addition, plutonium bearing micro particles were localized and then precisely characterized (size, morphology, chemical composition). Overall, this work provided original data on the fate of actinides in the Fukushima environment.
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