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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nulägesanalys och förbättringsåtgärder på lanseringsplaner för tillfälligt sortiment exklusivt på Systembolaget AB

Berglund, Robert, Lundborg, Philip January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to study a process within Systembolaget AB that affects a selected part of the assortment model. The assortment is defined as TSE, which stands for tillfälligt sortiment exklusivt, that can be described as temporary assortment exclusively. According to Systembolaget the process currently lacks clarity with associated deviations in launch plans of TSE items to stores. The purpose is to improve visibility to counteract deviations in the process. Method: The report's data collection consists of semi-structured interview studies, literature studies and document review. Analysis of data has been accomplished by a fishbone diagram. Theory: The theoretical framework is made up of the kano model, Porter's five forces and ISO 9000. Results: The TSE process is necessary for Systembolaget's attractiveness as an alcohol monopoly. The range contributes to a width of offers for the customer and satisfies customers who demand more alcoholic drinks than what is available in the fixed range. TSE is mostly a stated need that has one-dimensional attributes that increase customer satisfaction and fulfillment rates. The fishbone diagram has excavated underlying root causes and identified method and measurement as the most serious in affecting quality deficiencies. Systembolaget's power structures in the microenvironment are significantly dependent on the suppliers' ability to act. Currently, the TSE process lacks a quality and management system, with the consequence that a vision, business concept and definition of quality are missing. Likewise, there is no measurement system for measuring the performance of the process in the form of deviations from launch plans. There are still challenges with the lack of internal software systems that impair the transparency of the process. Conclusion: The report suggests that the organization examines the suitability of implementing a quality and management system, measurement system, system support and vision and business idea. / Syfte: Rapportens syfte är att studera en process inom Systembolaget AB som berör en utvald del inom sortimentsmodellen. Sortimentet betecknas TSE som står för tillfälligt sortiment exklusivt. Processen i dagsläget brister i överskådlighet med tillhörande avvikelser i lanseringsplaner av TSE-artiklar till butiker. Syftet är att förbättra överskådligheten i TSE-processen för att motverka avvikelser lanseringsplanerna.   Metod: Rapportens datainsamling består av semistrukturerade intervjustudier, litteraturstudier och dokumentgranskning. Dataanalysen har gjorts med hjälp av fiskbensdiagram. Teori: Det teoretiska ramverket är uppbyggt av kanomodellen, Porter´s five forces och ISO 9000. Resultat: TSE-processen är nödvändig för Systembolagets attraktivitet som alkoholmonopol, då sortimentet bidrar till en bredd i erbjudande för kunden och tillfredsställer kunder som efterfrågar fler alkoholdrycker än det som finns i fasta sortimentet. TSE är till största del ett uttalat behov som har endimensionella attribut som höjer kundtillfredsställelsen och uppfyllelsegraden. Fiksbensdiagrammet har urholkat bakomliggande rotorsaker och identifierat metod och mätning som störst allvarlighet i påverkan av kvalitetsbrister. Systembolagets maktstrukturer i mikromiljön är signifikant beroende av leverantörernas handlingskraft. I dagsläget saknar TSE-processen ett kvalitets- och ledningssystem med efterföljd att vision, verksamhetsidé och definition av kvalitet saknas. Likaså saknas mätsystem för mätning av processens prestanda i form av avvikelser av lanseringsplaner. Fortsättningsvis finns utmaningar med avsaknad av interna stödsystem som försämrar överskådligheten av processen. Slutsats: Rapporten föreslår att organisationen undersöker lämplighet av att implementera ett kvalitets- och ledningssystem, mätsystem, systemstöd och vision samt verksamhetsidé.

Análisis y propuestas de mejora para la gestión del servicio de reparación de motores eléctricos

Maguiño Llontop, Luis Eduardo, Guerra Bacilio, Rubén Alfredo January 2015 (has links)
El desarrollo de la presente tesis forma parte de un estudio realizado en una empresa que brinda servicios de mantenimiento y reparación de motores eléctricos para minería, industria y generación de electricidad. La tesis tiene como finalidad proponer un modelo de gestión que permita agilizar el tiempo de reparación de motores eléctricos de corriente continua, debido a que los clientes se vienen quejando por incumplimientos en la fecha de entrega del servicio, esto genera pérdida de credibilidad, imagen de la empresa y futuros negocios. Para remediar la problemática se utilizaron herramientas de mejora continua tales como análisis de Pareto, espina pescado, 5 por qué y matriz de priorización para determinar el estado actual del servicio de reparación de motores y determinar cuál será nuestro foco para la investigación, basado en este diagnóstico se ha establecido un estándar en la nomenclatura de actividades de un servicio completo de reparación de motor y se implementó un análisis de muestreo de trabajo para determinar el tiempo de estas actividades sin cabida a los tiempos improductivos. Una vez determinado los tiempos se implementó la Hoja de Ruta la cual sirve de fuente para el seguimiento y supervisión más exacta de las actividades durante la ejecución del servicio y de esta manera cumplir con el tiempo de entrega prometido al cliente. El modelo propuesto logra disminuir el tiempo de ejecución de un servicio completo de motor eléctrico del tipo CC en un 17%, así mismo se obtuvo un incremento significativo en nuestro indicador de cumplimiento con la fecha de entrega pactada y una disminución de quejas de los clientes. The development of this thesis is about of a company that provides maintenance and repair services of electric motors for mining, industry and electricity generation. The thesis aims to propose a management model that allows speed up the repair time DC electric motors, because customers have been complaining about violations on the date of delivery of the service, which entails loss of credibility, image of the company and future business. To remedy the problems we used quality tools such as Pareto analysis, fishbone, 5 why’s and prioritization matrix to determine the current state of the service engine repair and determine what will be our focus for research, based on this diagnosis it has set a standard in the nomenclature of activities of a full-service repair, also Work sampling was used to determine the time to accommodate these activities without downtime. Once determined the times we set the Roadmap which serves as a source for more accurate monitoring and supervision of the activities during the execution of the service and thus meet the promised delivery time to the customer was implemented. It managed to reduce the execution time of a full service type DC electric motor by 17%, also a significant increase was obtained in our indicator of compliance with agreed delivery date and a decrease in customer complaints.

Návrh konstrukčního uspořádání vozidla studentské formule / Student Formula Arrangement Design

Niesner, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The rules and specifications of competition Formula Student are the main guidelines at frame design of students' formula. This diploma work discusses frame safety and structural requirements and also requirements on mounting of engine, single axles, rear-axle differential, engine intake and exhaust system, fuel tank, control elements, and so on. In the final parts of this diploma work analysis of maximum state of stress in material of on-load frame is made and total frame torsional rigidity is calculated. Total frame torsional rigidity is compared with those of Formula Ford and with other variants of Formula Student.


Fekadu Debella (9155963) 29 July 2020 (has links)
<p>The internal and external challenges construction companies face such as variability, low productivity, inefficient processes, waste, uncertainties, risks, fragmentation, adversarial contractual relationships, competition, and those resulting from internal and external challenges such as cost overruns and delays negatively affect company performance and profitability. Though research publications abound, these challenges persist, which indicates that the following gaps exist. Lean construction, process improvement, and performance improvement research have been conducted wherein improvement principles, and best practices are used to ameliorate performance issues, but several knowledge gaps exist. Few companies use these improvement principles and best practices. For those companies applying improvements, there is no established link between these improvements and performance/profitability to guide companies. Further, even when companies use improvement principles and best practices, they apply only one or two, whereas an integrated application of these improvement principles and best practices would be more effective. The other gap the author identified is the lack of strategic tools that construction companies can use to improve and manage their profitability. This thesis tried to fill the knowledge gap, at least partially, by developing a two-part excellence model for profitability improvement of construction companies. The excellence model lays out strategies that would enable companies to overcome the challenges and improve their profitability. The excellence model also gives an iterative and recursive continuous improvement model and flowchart to improve the profitability of construction companies. The researcher used high impact principles, guidelines, and concepts from the literature on organizational effectiveness, critical success factors, strategic company profitability growth enablers, process improvement, and process maturity models, performance improvement, and organizational excellence guidelines to develop the two-part excellence model.</p> <p>The author also translated the two-part excellence model into the diagnostic tool and Decision Support System (DSS) by use of process diagrams, fishbone diagrams, root cause analysis, and use of improvement principles, countermeasures and best practices at the most granular (lowest intervention) levels to do away with root causes of poor performance. The author developed the diagnostic tool and Decision Support System (DSS) in Access 2016 to serve as a strategic tool to improve and manage the profitability of construction companies. The researcher used improvement principles, and best practices from scientific and practitioner literature to develop company and project process flow diagrams, and fishbone (cause and effect) diagrams for company, department, employee, interactions and project performance for the profitability improvement, which are the engines of the diagnostic tool and DSS. The diagnostic tool and DSS use continuous improvement cycles iteratively and recursively to improve the profitability of construction companies from the current net profit of 2-3 percent to a higher value.</p>

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