Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mixed expressions""
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Le Web comme corpus et les expressions « figées » en françaisMa, Lina Lai Ling 11 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this paper are twofold: the first is to illustrate the potential of the World Wide Web as a new or complementary resource for researching various linguistic phenomena, while the second objective is to apply the idea of the “Web as corpus” to a concrete example – in this case, the study of lexical variation in French idiomatic expressions.
The first part of this paper examines the idea of using the World Wide Web as an exploitable corpus for linguistic research and provides an overview of related theoretical and practical issues. The major advantages and drawbacks of using the Web as a linguistic corpus are surveyed. Two different approaches to using the Web for corpus linguistics are also described.
The latter half of the paper presents results of a small-scale study conducted to investigate lexical variation in seven selected French idiomatic expressions. An online concordancing tool called WebCorp is used to search the Web and generate concordances for analysis. The theory behind the notions of lexical frozenness and variation are also briefly discussed.
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Le Web comme corpus et les expressions « figées » en françaisMa, Lina Lai Ling 11 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this paper are twofold: the first is to illustrate the potential of the World Wide Web as a new or complementary resource for researching various linguistic phenomena, while the second objective is to apply the idea of the “Web as corpus” to a concrete example – in this case, the study of lexical variation in French idiomatic expressions.
The first part of this paper examines the idea of using the World Wide Web as an exploitable corpus for linguistic research and provides an overview of related theoretical and practical issues. The major advantages and drawbacks of using the Web as a linguistic corpus are surveyed. Two different approaches to using the Web for corpus linguistics are also described.
The latter half of the paper presents results of a small-scale study conducted to investigate lexical variation in seven selected French idiomatic expressions. An online concordancing tool called WebCorp is used to search the Web and generate concordances for analysis. The theory behind the notions of lexical frozenness and variation are also briefly discussed.
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Le Web comme corpus et les expressions « figées » en françaisMa, Lina Lai Ling 11 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this paper are twofold: the first is to illustrate the potential of the World Wide Web as a new or complementary resource for researching various linguistic phenomena, while the second objective is to apply the idea of the “Web as corpus” to a concrete example – in this case, the study of lexical variation in French idiomatic expressions.
The first part of this paper examines the idea of using the World Wide Web as an exploitable corpus for linguistic research and provides an overview of related theoretical and practical issues. The major advantages and drawbacks of using the Web as a linguistic corpus are surveyed. Two different approaches to using the Web for corpus linguistics are also described.
The latter half of the paper presents results of a small-scale study conducted to investigate lexical variation in seven selected French idiomatic expressions. An online concordancing tool called WebCorp is used to search the Web and generate concordances for analysis. The theory behind the notions of lexical frozenness and variation are also briefly discussed. / Arts, Faculty of / French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, Department of / Graduate
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Translating the Special Language of Football from English to Swedish : A Study on Terminology and MetaphorSchultz, Malin January 2013 (has links)
By combining quantitative and qualitative methods, the present study aims to investigate what strategies may be used in the translation of a text on football from English to Swedish, with focus on terminology and the metaphor FOOTBALL IS WAR. Special attention is paid to the trait of football language as a special language. Dictionaries and parallel texts, as well as different sources on football language and translation theory, such as Bergh & Ohlander (2012), Levin (2008) and Newmark (1988) were consulted in the translation and the subsequent analysis. As expected, the results show that borrowing is a very common strategy in the translation of football terminology. The loanwords were categorised as either direct (letter-for-letter or adjusted) or indirect (with the same or reversed order of inherent elements), and the most common kind was indirect loans (calques) with retained order of elements. Moreover, some terminology had to be translated by means of Vinay & Darbelnet’s (1958) equivalence. With regard to terms based on the FOOTBALL IS WAR metaphor, many could be reproduced in the target text, while others were changed to another image, and yet others reduced to literal language, after careful consideration of their frequency and appropriateness in Swedish football language. One of the major conclusions drawn from the present study is that some knowledge about the topic of the source text, as well as extensive and proper use of parallel texts is necessary, considering the distinctiveness of football language as opposed to general language.
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Traduire les expressions figées de l’espagnol au français / Fixed expressions translation between Spanish and FrenchHaquin, Yohan 03 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’analyser les stratégies de traduction des expressions figées de l’espagnol vers lefrançais. Pour ce faire, un corpus contrastif d’expressions figées a été constitué, permettant d’interrogerleurs propriétés – sémantiques, syntaxiques et pragmatiques – et d’aborder, tout en les discutant, desnotions fondamentales en phraséologie comme celles de figement, d’opacité ou de non-compositionnalité.Sont notamment introduites comme outils d’analyse sémantique les distinctions entre compositionnalitélexicale et compositionnalité globale d’une part, et entre scène lexicale et scène réelle, d’autre part.Dans un deuxième temps est présentée une typologie descriptive des opérations de traduction à l’oeuvredans le corpus, qui permet de disposer d’une vue d’ensemble des stratégies adoptées par les traducteurspour traduire les expressions sources recueillies tout en préparant la réflexion sur des questions commel’équivalence ou les méthodes de traduction des expressions figées. Cette typologie révèle la largeur et lagradualité du spectre de variation et de correspondance que l’on trouve parmi les expressions figées.La dernière partie est entièrement consacrée à la dimension traductologique des expressions figées. A partirdes travaux qui traitent de cette question, et du cadre théorique introduit antérieurement, elle interroge lanotion d’équivalence sur corpus afin d’en proposer une caractérisation plus précise. Une méthodologie de latraduction, qui fait de l’étude des expressions sources elles-mêmes le moyen de mieux cerner les difficultésliées à leur traduction – que celles-ci soient ou non spécifiques à l’objet étudié – est enfin proposée afin dedisposer de critères robustes et opérationnels pour traduire ces dernières de façon satisfaisante. / This thesis aims at analyzing Spanish to French translation strategies of fixed expressions. In thisperspective, we have gathered a contrastive corpus of fixed expressions in order to question their semantic,syntactic and pragmatic properties and to discuss phraseology’s fundamental notions such as fixation,opacity or non-compositionality. We also introduce semantic analysis tools : distinctions between lexicalcompositionality and global compositionality, on one hand, and between lexical scene and real scene, onanother hand.The second part of the study proposes a descriptive typology of translation operations observed in thecorpus offering a global view of the strategies adopted by the translators that allows reflection on questionssuch as the equivalence or methods in fixed expressions translation. This typology reveals the width and thegradualism of the variation and correspondence spectrum that we find among fixed expressions.After introducing the theoretical framework and the state of art in the previous chapters, the last part of thethesis is entirely dedicated to the translation dimension of fixed expressions. We examine here theconstrative corpus in order to question the notion of equivalence and to propose a more precisecharacterization of it. In order to have strong and operational criteria for an optimal translation, we propose atranslation methodology based on the study of the source expressions as a mean to identifying translationdifficulties whether they are specific or not of the object.
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Översättningsprocessen vid översättning av fasta fraser hos professionella och icke-professionella översättare : En empirisk undersökning / Translating idioms and other fixed expressions: a process study of professional translators and novicesLeirvåg, Tanja January 2011 (has links)
Processen vid översättning av fasta fraser har hittills inte skänkts mycket uppmärksamhet inom den processorienterade översättningsvetenskapen. Denna deskriptiva studie försöker bidra med empiriskt material angående vissa aspekter av översättningsprocessen vid översättning av svenska fasta fraser till tyska. I undersökningen med sex tvåspråkiga försökspersoner, varav tre yrkesverksamma översättare och tre personer utan översättningserfarenhet, användes en kombination av en produktbaserad metod och processinriktade metoder som skrivloggning med Translog och retrospektion för att finna ut vilka översättningsstrategier vid översättningen av idiom och andra fasta fraser som väljs, på vilka vägar försökspersonerna kommer fram till sina slutliga val och om det kan skönjas några skillnader mellan yrkesöversättarna och lekmännen. Resultaten visar bl.a. att det var vanligast att översätta med parafrasering samt med en målspråksfras med liknande betydelse och liknande eller olik form, och att försökspersonerna kom fram till sina slutliga val med enbart få provisoriska skriftliga motsvarigheter, men genom en del längre överväganden kring betydelse och stil. Angående skillnader mellan de två testgrupperna framträder rätt tydligt att yrkesöversättarna överlag var försiktigare med användningen av direkta frasmotsvarigheter än de oerfarna deltagarna, men använde sig av parafrasering i mycket större utsträckning, samt att funderingar kring stilnivå, målgrupp och textfunktion i denna grupp var mera utpräglade. / The process in translating idioms and other fixed expressions has not yet been given much attention in process oriented translation studies. In this study involving three professional translators and three bilingual participants without any training or experience in translation, types and frequency of chosen translation strategies, the ways in which the participants arrived at their final choices, as well as possible differences between the two groups of participants were investigated, using a combination of product and process oriented methods such as keystroke logging with Translog and retrospection. Results indicate that paraphrasing and translation with an expression with similar meaning and similar or different form are the strategies most frequently used in both groups, and that there are only few occurrencies of preliminary versions in the writing process, but quite many examples of negotiation of meaning and style as expressed in the verbalizations. Compared with the novices the professional translators tended to be more cautious in their use of idiomatic equivalents and to consider aspects like target group or style and function of the target text more carefully.
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