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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo comparativo das práticas de desaparecimento nas ditaduras civil-militares argentina e brasileira e a elaboração de políticas de memória em ambos os países

Bauer, Caroline Silveira January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar as práticas de desaparecimento das ditaduras civil-militares de segurança nacional argentina e brasileira como componentes das estratégias de implantação do terror desses regimes, como a questão dos desaparecidos foi tratada durante os governos transicionais e administrações civis posteriores ao período ditatorial e como a temática foi trabalhada a partir dos governos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Néstor Kirchner. Pretende-se, desta forma, estabelecer uma relação entre a forma como foram realizados os processos de transição política – em se tratando dos Direitos Humanos, mais especificamente, a garantia do direito à justiça e à verdade – e a elaboração de políticas de memória e reparação ou desmemória e esquecimento no presente. A partir dessa compreensão, têm-se indícios de que as rupturas, caracterizadas por uma condenação moral em relação ao passado ditatorial, são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento dessas políticas. Para o cumprimento deste objetivo, este estudo está dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro, apresenta-se uma análise da prática do desaparecimento, salientado as semelhanças existentes entre o caso argentino e brasileiro, resguardadas as diferenças em extensividade e intensidade. O segundo estuda os processos de transição política e o tratamento conferido à questão dos desaparecidos pelos governos transicionais e pelas administrações civis até o término da década de 1990. O terceiro e último capítulo analisa as políticas de memória e reparação e desmemória e esquecimento elaboradas a partir dos anos 2000, quando se efetivou uma mudança no marco interpretativo sobre o passado recente da região e se tornou possível a consecução dessas políticas. / This thesis aims to analyze the practice of disappearance of Argentine and Brazilian national security civil-military dictatorship as components of strategies for implementing terror. It also aims to approach how the transitional governments and subsequent civil administrations dealt with the disappeared and how this issue had been discussed from the governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Néstor Kirchner. This approach aims to establish a relation between the ways the political transitions took place in these countries – regarding the Human Rights, more specifically, in guaranteeing the rights to justice and truth – and the development of memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies in the present. Based on this comprehension, there are evidences that the disruptions, characterized by a moral conviction against the dictatorial past, are fundamental to the development of these policies. For the fulfillment of these objectives, this study is divided into three chapters. The first one presents an analysis of the practice of disappearance, stressing the similarities between the Argentine and Brazilian case, safeguarding the differences in extensiveness and intensity. The second one deals with the processes of political transition and the treatment given to the issue of disappearance by the transitional governments and the civil administrations until the end of the 1990’s. The third and final chapter analyzes the memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies prepared since the year 2000, when there was a change in the interpretative framework about the region recent past and it became possible to achieve these policies.

Um estudo comparativo das práticas de desaparecimento nas ditaduras civil-militares argentina e brasileira e a elaboração de políticas de memória em ambos os países

Bauer, Caroline Silveira January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar as práticas de desaparecimento das ditaduras civil-militares de segurança nacional argentina e brasileira como componentes das estratégias de implantação do terror desses regimes, como a questão dos desaparecidos foi tratada durante os governos transicionais e administrações civis posteriores ao período ditatorial e como a temática foi trabalhada a partir dos governos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Néstor Kirchner. Pretende-se, desta forma, estabelecer uma relação entre a forma como foram realizados os processos de transição política – em se tratando dos Direitos Humanos, mais especificamente, a garantia do direito à justiça e à verdade – e a elaboração de políticas de memória e reparação ou desmemória e esquecimento no presente. A partir dessa compreensão, têm-se indícios de que as rupturas, caracterizadas por uma condenação moral em relação ao passado ditatorial, são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento dessas políticas. Para o cumprimento deste objetivo, este estudo está dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro, apresenta-se uma análise da prática do desaparecimento, salientado as semelhanças existentes entre o caso argentino e brasileiro, resguardadas as diferenças em extensividade e intensidade. O segundo estuda os processos de transição política e o tratamento conferido à questão dos desaparecidos pelos governos transicionais e pelas administrações civis até o término da década de 1990. O terceiro e último capítulo analisa as políticas de memória e reparação e desmemória e esquecimento elaboradas a partir dos anos 2000, quando se efetivou uma mudança no marco interpretativo sobre o passado recente da região e se tornou possível a consecução dessas políticas. / This thesis aims to analyze the practice of disappearance of Argentine and Brazilian national security civil-military dictatorship as components of strategies for implementing terror. It also aims to approach how the transitional governments and subsequent civil administrations dealt with the disappeared and how this issue had been discussed from the governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Néstor Kirchner. This approach aims to establish a relation between the ways the political transitions took place in these countries – regarding the Human Rights, more specifically, in guaranteeing the rights to justice and truth – and the development of memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies in the present. Based on this comprehension, there are evidences that the disruptions, characterized by a moral conviction against the dictatorial past, are fundamental to the development of these policies. For the fulfillment of these objectives, this study is divided into three chapters. The first one presents an analysis of the practice of disappearance, stressing the similarities between the Argentine and Brazilian case, safeguarding the differences in extensiveness and intensity. The second one deals with the processes of political transition and the treatment given to the issue of disappearance by the transitional governments and the civil administrations until the end of the 1990’s. The third and final chapter analyzes the memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies prepared since the year 2000, when there was a change in the interpretative framework about the region recent past and it became possible to achieve these policies.

Parametrisation of Gas Flares Using FireBIRD Infrared Satellite Imagery

Soszynska, Agnieszka Kazimiera 03 September 2021 (has links)
Bei der Förderung von Erdöl wird auch Erdgas gefördert, das oft abgefackelt wird. Das Abfackeln von Erdgas ist sehr schädlich für die Umwelt und die Bewohner einer Umgebung in der Gas abgefackelt wird. Demzufolge ist die Reduktion dieses Prozesses eine wichtige Aufgabe, die durch Monitoring von Gasfackeln unterstützt werden kann. Dies gelingt am besten durch Fernerkundung mit Satellitendaten. Die vorliegende Dissertation widmet sich der Parametrisierung von Gasfackeln anhand von Infrarot-Satellitenaufnahmen. Eine Gruppe von Sensoren wurde verglichen, woraus optimale Eigenschaften eines Sensors zur Gasfackelanalyse abgeleitet wurden. Danach wurde ein Modell zur Berechnung des Gasflusses aus Infrarot-Satellitenaufnahmen entwickelt. Das vorgeschlagene Modell basiert auf der Physik der Verbrennung und wird von Teilmodellen zur Berechnung der Verbrennungsparameter unterstütz. Dadurch werden Prozesse mitberücksichtigt, die bisher in der Gasfackelforschung wenig adressiert wurden. Eine Experimentenreihe erlaubte eine Charakterisierung der Flamme in Bezug auf sich verändernde Bedingungen, z.B. Gasfluss. Zusätzlich wurde das Modell durch die Experimente validiert. Die abgeleitete Genauigkeit der Gasflusswerte ist verhältnismäßig hoch, insbesondere wenn man die Komplexität und Variabilität einer Gasflamme berücksichtigt. Durch Analysieren des Sensordesigns des BIROS Sensors aus der FireBIRD-Mission des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt konnten die Sensorparameter charakterisiert und deren Einfluss auf ein abgeleitetes Bildprodukt quantifiziert werden. Die Fähigkeit des Modells mit unterschiedlichen Sensordaten zu funktionieren, wurde geprüft durch einen Vergleich der geschätzten Gasflusswerte aus Daten von zwei Satellitensensoren. Die verglichenen Gasflusswerte sind sehr ähnlich, was die Fähigkeit des Models mit unterschiedlichen Daten gut zu funktionieren, bestätigt. Das vorgeschlagene Model hat Potenzial, das globale Monitoring von Gasfackeln zu verbessern. / Routine gas flaring is harmful to the environment and people living in the vicinity of gas flares. Therefore, the reduction of this process is an important task, which can be supported by monitoring of gas flares, which can be done with remote sensing techniques. The presented work is devoted to the monitoring of gas flaring. The first aspect of the analysis was to compare a group of sensors with respect to the features crucial for gas flaring analysis. A set of requirements for an optimal sensor for this purpose was proposed. Next, a model for calculating gas flow from infrared satellite imagery was proposed, which relies on several other models, allowing to derive the values of the combustion parameters. By modelling these parameters in a gas flare, processes are accounted for that were scarcely addressed in the research conducted on gas flaring until now. To describe the characteristics of the flame coming from combustion in a flare, an experimental series was designed and conducted. The experimental series allowed to characterise the flame with respect to changing conditions, e.g. gas flow. Thus, the characteristics derived from the experiments could be included in the model for gas flow calculation. Additionally, the experiments served as a mean to validate the model. The accuracy of the derived gas flow values is relatively high, especially considering the variability of a gas flare flame. One design goal of the model for gas flow calculation was to ensure feasibility to work with data from different sensors producing equally accurate results. By analysing the design of the BIROS sensor of the DLR, the sensor parameters could be described, and their influence on the resulting imagery could be quantified. The feasibility was verified by comparing the gas flow values calculated using data from two different satellite sensors. The results obtained are very similar. The model proposed reveals potential to improve the global monitoring of gas flaring.

Impact assessment of the environmental protection policies in the upstream oil industry in Nigeria / A.M. Bayagbon.

Bayagbon, Anthony Mamurhomu January 2011 (has links)
The need for energy and the associated economic benefits from the oil and gas deposits found mainly in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria necessitated the exploration and exploitation activities being carried out by the oil and gas Companies. However, these exploration and exploitation activities due to their unpredictable nature have a huge potential for environmental pollution as been experienced in the form of oil spills, gas flaring, irresponsible disposal of waste and several other activities that have resulted in the environmental degradation of the Niger Delta region. In the light of these, the Federal Government of Nigeria having experienced the consequences of pollution of the environment during the Koko Toxic Waste Dump incident in the then Bendel State in 1987 established a regulatory body tasked with the responsibility of harmonizing the economic interest from the oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities with the sustainability of the natural environment by developing well structured and articulated policies aimed at guiding the operations of the oil and gas operators, track their compliance and administer appropriate punitive measures for non compliance. However, this research work which is aimed at evaluating the impact of the environmental protection policies in upstream oil and gas activities in the Niger Delta region, involved the use of questionnaires and interviews. These questionnaires were completed by the management and staff of three major oil and gas companies operating within the area, the Department of Petroleum Resources and members of the Host communities. The interview was carried out to provide relevant feedback on their assessment of the impact made by the environmental protection policies on the upstream oil and gas activities in their operational areas/host communities. The study however concluded that “Although there is a regulatory body tasked with the responsibility to develop, implement and track compliance of the environmental protection policies in the upstream oil industry, the body is ineffective and as such the impact of the environmental protection policies is inadequate. Appropriate informed recommendations on the improvement strategies to the identified gaps that resulted in the unfavorable conditions were also provided. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011

Impact assessment of the environmental protection policies in the upstream oil industry in Nigeria / A.M. Bayagbon.

Bayagbon, Anthony Mamurhomu January 2011 (has links)
The need for energy and the associated economic benefits from the oil and gas deposits found mainly in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria necessitated the exploration and exploitation activities being carried out by the oil and gas Companies. However, these exploration and exploitation activities due to their unpredictable nature have a huge potential for environmental pollution as been experienced in the form of oil spills, gas flaring, irresponsible disposal of waste and several other activities that have resulted in the environmental degradation of the Niger Delta region. In the light of these, the Federal Government of Nigeria having experienced the consequences of pollution of the environment during the Koko Toxic Waste Dump incident in the then Bendel State in 1987 established a regulatory body tasked with the responsibility of harmonizing the economic interest from the oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities with the sustainability of the natural environment by developing well structured and articulated policies aimed at guiding the operations of the oil and gas operators, track their compliance and administer appropriate punitive measures for non compliance. However, this research work which is aimed at evaluating the impact of the environmental protection policies in upstream oil and gas activities in the Niger Delta region, involved the use of questionnaires and interviews. These questionnaires were completed by the management and staff of three major oil and gas companies operating within the area, the Department of Petroleum Resources and members of the Host communities. The interview was carried out to provide relevant feedback on their assessment of the impact made by the environmental protection policies on the upstream oil and gas activities in their operational areas/host communities. The study however concluded that “Although there is a regulatory body tasked with the responsibility to develop, implement and track compliance of the environmental protection policies in the upstream oil industry, the body is ineffective and as such the impact of the environmental protection policies is inadequate. Appropriate informed recommendations on the improvement strategies to the identified gaps that resulted in the unfavorable conditions were also provided. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011

Caractérisation de sources de pollution troposphérique en régions méditerranéenne et ouest-africaine par mesures in situ en avion et modélisation. / Characterisation of tropospheric pollution sources in the Mediterranean and West African regions by airborne in situ measurements and modelling

Brocchi, Vanessa 18 December 2017 (has links)
L’étude de la pollution troposphérique inclut l’étude des gaz traces provenant de sources anthropiquesdiverses, dont l’impact varie de l’échelle locale à globale. Pour caractériser cette pollution, il est nécessairede mesurer avec précision les concentrations en polluants. Dans le cadre de projets européens, troiscampagnes aéroportées ont été conduites, dans le bassin méditerranéen, en Afrique de l’ouest et enMalaisie, pour mesurer différents types de polluants grâce, entre autres, à un spectromètre à lasersinfrarouges, SPIRIT, capable de mesurer rapidement en ligne de faibles variations de NO2 et CO. Les jeuxde données de ces gaz traces (et d’autres) ont été combinés avec un modèle lagrangien de dispersion departicules, FLEXPART, pour identifier différentes sources de pollution locales et régionales de l’air. Cettethèse présente ainsi les mesures et le travail de modélisation entrepris afin de définir les sources depollution de chaque région. Il a été montré que le bassin méditerranéen a été impacté, de la moyenne à lahaute troposphère pendant l’été, par des émissions de feux de biomasse venant de Sibérie et du continentnord-américain. Les régions ouest-africaine et malaisienne sont aussi impactées par des émissions de feuxde biomasse transportées depuis l’Afrique centrale dans le premier cas, et de feux locaux dans le second.En outre, ces régions sont influencées par des émissions provenant de l’exploitation du pétrole et du traficmaritime. FLEXPART a été utilisé afin d’identifier l’origine des pics de pollution mesurés au cours descampagnes. Nous avons ainsi montré que les conditions atmosphériques, qui définissent la hauteurd’injection du panache de la plateforme pétrolière, ainsi que le flux d’émission sont des paramètres clésdans la caractérisation des mesures par le modèle. / The study of tropospheric pollution includes the study of trace gases coming from various anthropogenicsources that can impact scales ranging from local to global. To characterise this pollution, it is necessary tobe able to measure with precision pollutant concentrations. Within the frame of European projects, threeairborne campaigns in the Mediterranean Basin, in West Africa and in Malaysia were conducted to measuredifferent types of pollutants thanks to, among others, an infrared laser spectrometer, SPIRIT, able to rapidlymeasure on-line small variations in NO2 and CO. The data sets of these trace gases (and others) have beencombined with a Lagrangian model of particle dispersion, FLEXPART, to fingerprint different sources of localand regional air pollution. Thus, this thesis presents the measurements and the modelling work undertakenin order to define the sources of pollution of each region. It has been shown that the Mediterranean Basinwas impacted, in the mid to upper troposphere during summer, by biomass burning emissions coming fromSiberia and the Northern American continent. West African and Malaysian regions are also impacted bybiomass burning emissions transported from central Africa in the first case, and from local fires in thesecond. In addition, those regions are influenced by emissions coming from oil exploitation and maritimetraffic. FLEXPART was used in order to identify the origin of the pollution peaks measured during thecampaigns. It has been shown that atmospheric conditions, which define the injection height of the oilplatform plume, and also the emission flux are key parameters in the characterisation of the measurementsby the model.

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