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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deployable Tessellated Doubly-Curved Surfaces with Panel Thickness Accommodation

Michael, Nicholas A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Adaptive, Wave Guiding Acoustic Arrays using Circularly Symmetric Reconfigurable Structures

Srinivas, Vivek 08 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Selecting and Optimizing Origami-Based Patterns for Deployable Space Systems

Bolanos, Diana Stefania 19 July 2022 (has links)
This thesis addresses the design difficulties encountered when designing deployable origami-based arrays. Specific considerations regarding thickness accommodation, deployment, and parameter modifications are discussed. Patterns such as the Miura-ori, flasher, and hexagon are investigated, with emphasis placed on pattern modification from zero-thickness to finite-thickness. Applying origami principles to form engineering solutions is a complicated task. Competing requirements may create confusion around which pattern is most favorable for the space array application. Implementing origami into a finite-thickness, engineered system poses challenges that are not manifest in a zero-thickness model. As such, it is important to understand and address the limitations of the pattern before implementing it into an engineered system. A preliminary set of approaches to address and mitigate design difficulties is provided. This thesis seeks to improve understanding of design parameters, objectives, and trade offs of origami pattern configurations. Emphasis is placed on finite-thickness models suitable for engineering applications. As a result, engineers and designers should be better prepared to integrate origami principles into space system design.

Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Strain Energy Deployment of an Origami Flasher

Hossain Bhuiyan , Md Emran January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Actuation and Stabilization of Volume-Efficient Origami-Inspired Mechanisms

Pruett, Hunter T 23 October 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Trends in the aerospace industry are driving payloads to be smaller and less expensive while yet delivering comparatively large antennas. Deployable reflectarray antennas (RA) are the object of much research to meet these demands because they operate in a flat plane and are easier to stow than parabolic reflector antennas. Because they operate in flat plane, deployable RAs are well-suited to thickness-accommodated origami-inspired mechanisms. This work addresses pattern selection and modification, thickness accommodation, actuation, and stabilization of origami-inspired mechanisms intended to be used as RAs. First, a modified Miura-ori pattern termed volume-efficient Miura-ori (VEMO) is introduced, selected for its ability to fold into a rectangular profile and easily adapt to different aspect ratios. An optimization algorithm seeking to maximize surface area subject to the constraints of an allotted cuboid volume and a deployed aspect ratio of one is introduced. Second, a set of five genres of magnetic hinge concepts are presented to serve as actuation and stabilization mechanisms. Particular focus is given to hinges composed of a single pair of cuboid magnets. Two such self-actuating and self-stabilizing hinges are presented and characterized. Third, the behavior of such hinges is explored. We demonstrate the existence of bistability in select configurations and characterize their equilibrium positions. Potential energy, axial force data, angular position of unstable equilibria, and transition values from bistability to monostability are also modeled. Results are verified through experimental torque and stability data for selected configurations. Fourth, the union of magnetic hinges and surrogate folds is explored. The lamina-emergent torsion (LET) array is selected with justification. Novel stress considerations are presented for LET arrays with thin torsion elements and various magnetic hinges demonstrate viability for actuation and stabilization. Finally, current methods for accommodating thickness in flashers are presented and issues associated with those methods are discussed. Two methods for accommodating thickness in flashers such that panels are constant thickness are proposed.

Konceptutveckling av justerbart solcellstak för fritidsbåtar : Ett utvecklingsprojekt med syfte att öka laddningskapaciteten för elektriska fritidsbåtar / Concept development of adjustable photovoltaic sunroof for leisure boats

Friberg, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport redovisar processen och resultatet av ett examensarbete som utgör en del av examinationen för högskoleingejörsexamen i innovationsteknik och design vid Karlstads universitet. Projektet är gjort på uppdrag av Glava Energy Center för Bowters räkning med uppdraget att ta fram lösningar som kan utöka laddningskapaciteten för elektriska fritidsbåtar. Examensarbetet utfördes vårterminen 2021 och omfattar 22.5 högskolepoäng. Projektet är uppbyggt kring fem faser, planering, discover, define, develop och deliver där syftet är att först identifiera rätt problem för att sedan kunna komma fram till rätt lösning. Det finns flera sätt att angripa detta projekt, speciellt om man väljer att fokusera på varför laddningskapaciteten behöver utökas från första början, vissa av dessa lösningar blir tyvärr också irrelevanta på grund av faktorer som berör kostnader eller tekniska aspekter. Detta arbete har därför identifierat och utvecklat lösningar som genom att installera fler solceller kan utöka laddningskapaciteten. På båten finns det flera ställen att installera solceller på, men det är svårt att bortse från att en av de bättre platserna ur effektsynpunkt är att placera solceller på något typ av tak där de inte blir skuggade, men vad tycker egentligen användarna om det? En användarintervju utfördes som gav svar på detta. Användarna kan tänka sig att ett tak är en bra sak att ha när det bli riktigt varmt eller man bara vill njuta av lite skugga som omväxling men att man förmodligen är ute med båten för att just få njuta av solen. Ett tak som går att fälla undan eller justera på något annat sätt skulle kunna vara en lösning på det problemet. En mängd olika taklösningar samt icke taklösningar har undersökts men efter användandet av olika kända sållningsmetoder stod det klart att arbetet skulle gå vidare med en taklösning som är delvis justerbar, alternativt helt fast. Detta har lett fram till att tre koncept tagits fram som alla bidrar med en utökad laddningskapacitet. Koncept Glidande stomme och Skjutbart tak bygger på en enkel konstruktion som tillåter en respektive två standard solpaneler att forma ett tak över båten. De olika koncepten kan justeras till olika positioner för att på det sättet kunna erbjuda användarna en variation av skugga och sol utefter tycke och smak. Koncept Origami flasher bygger som namnet hintar om på ett vikmönster från den traditionella konstformen origami. Detta koncept är lite mer experimentellt men ger i teorin ett väldigt stort skydd från solen i utfällt läge samt stor yta för montering av solceller, samtidigt som det i hopfällt läge täcker absolut minst yta av dessa tre koncept vilket är fördelaktigt för de användare som vill njuta av solen. / This thesis presents the process and it’s results from a concept development project. The thesis is part of the examination for a Bachelor of Science in Innovation Technology and Design at Karlstad University. The project was commissioned by Glava Energy Center on behalf of Bowter with the task of developing solutions that can increase the charging capacity for electric leisure boats. The thesis was written during spring 2021 and comprises 22.5 credits. The project is built around five phases, planning, discover, define, develop and deliver. The purpose is to first identify the right problem in order to be able to produce the right solution. There are several ways to approach this project, especially if you choose to focus on why the charging capacity needs to be increased in the first place, some of these solutions unfortunately also become irrelevant due to factors affecting costs or technical aspects. This work has therefore identified and developed solutions which, by installing more solar cells, can increase the charging capacity. There is several places on the boat that are suitable for install solar cells, but it is difficult to ignore that, from a power point of view, the best place to instal solar cells is on some sort of roof. But what does the user really think about it? A pre-study, including a intervju with users was conducted that provided answers to this question. The user can imagine that a roof is a good thing to have when it gets really hot or when you just want to enjoy a little shade for a change, but that the real objective with the usage of the boat probably is to enjoy the sun. A roof that can be folded away or adjusted in some other way could be a solution to that problem. A variety of roof solutions and non-roof solutions have been investigated. After the use of various known screening methods it was decided that the work would continue with a roof solution that is partially adjustable, or completely solid. The project have after that chosen to present three concepts that contribute to an increased charging capacity by help of a partially adjustable roof. Concept Glidande stomme and Skjutbart tak is based on a fairly simple construction that allows one respectively two standard solar panels to form a roof over the boat. The different concepts can be adjusted to different positions in order to offer users a variety of shade according to taste and needs. Concept Origami flasher, as the name suggests, is based on a folding pattern from the traditional art of origami. This concept is a bit more experimental but provides, in theory, second largest protection from the sun in unfolded  position. Meanwhile, in collapsed position, the Origami flasher concept covers the least area of ​​these three concepts, which is advantageous for those users who want enjoy the sun.

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