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Einfluss variierender Substitutionsgrade amphiphiler Polysaccharide auf ihre physikochemischen Eigenschaften und deren potentielle Anwendung bei der Sticky-KontrolleGenest, Sabine 22 July 2014 (has links)
Biological degradable polymers on a basis of renewable raw materials, such as polysaccharides, represent promising alternatives to synthetic polymers used as flocculant or stabilizing agents. Polysaccharides derived from potato starch and chitosan have been modified with benzyl- and the first one with additionally cationic hydroxypropyl-trimethylammonium groups of different degrees of substitution (DS).
The aim of this work was to characterize the solution properties of these novel amphiphilic polysaccharides concerning the impact of their DS on charge density, particle size, dynamic surface tension and viscosity behaviour. The work is further focused on investigations on flocculation properties of these amphiphilic polyelectrolytes in dispersions of kaolin and silica to identify the interplay between charge density and hydrophobicity.
Flocculation efficiency has been evaluated via joint analysis of charge density measurements (using polyelectrolyte titration), turbidity and TOC measurements, as well as dynamic surface tension measurements applying the drop profile analysis. Particle sizes and particle size distributions have been determined by dynamic light scattering and laser diffraction methods. In addition, these amphiphilic starch derivatives have been used to remove substances which impact negatively the paper production process when using recycled paper, so called stickies. Model suspensions have been studied using a multitude of different measurement techniques with the aim to predict a “sticky potential” and to reduce containing dissolved and colloidal substances such as micro stickies.
The surface activity and viscometric behaviour have been studied of solely cationic and moderately and highly substituted, amphiphilic polysaccharides in salt-free and 0.05 M NaCl aqueous solution. For the first time dynamic surface tension measurement results have been correlated with particle sizes and apparent charge density.
Rheological investigation of large concentration ranges (0.01–20 g/L) was used to discuss Huggins plots and typical polyelectrolyte behaviour for all polysaccharide derivatives could be found. Overlap concentration and, in dilute aqueous solution, intrinsic viscosity could be determined. For polysaccharide solution in dilute regime semi-empirical equations of Rao and Wolf have been applied, making it possible to get insights to polyelectrolyte conformation in dependence on the DS of both substituents. It is shown that for intrinsic viscosity a change of the impact of both substituents takes place when having derivatives with enhanced hydrophobicity. Data evaluation via the ratio of both DS values had been successfully utilized and thus, the applied method has been identified as being a promising tool to compare a multitude of starch derivatives with substituents of different polarity in various degrees of substitution to get tendencies regarding overall hydrophobicity.
Moderate hydrophobic substitution was found to lead to a decrease of the efficient flocculant dose and to an increase of the flocculation window width. Amphiphilic starch derivatives with high DS of hydrophobic moieties showing strong hydrophobic association are effective only at significantly higher doses, but in a broader concentration range compared to cationic starch of the same DS. Joint analysis of adsorption isotherms and flocculation test data has revealed, that the surface coverage required to induce phase separation ranges between 10 and 25 % and is minimal for amphiphilic starch derivatives. This gave the evidence of the complex mechanism of flocculation via combination of electrostatic “charge patch” interactions and bridging.
Concerning sticky reduction experiments by systematically studying the interactions between the novel amphiphilic starch derivatives and the model suspension it turned out, that dynamic surface tension is a very suitable property to characterize the surface active compounds in the model suspension giving additional information about the sticky potential of waste water, e.g. white water, being a new and sensitive method to describe the parameter “hydrophobicity”. Moderate cationic and hydrophobic starch derivatives have been proved to be the most effective ones for sticky removal.
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Mejoramiento de las PTAR de uso minero usando un sistema integrado de clarificación de agua de 3 procesos, mina Coimolache - Cajamarca / Improvement of the WWTP for mining use using an integrated 3-process water clarification system, Coimolache mine - CajamarcaVillalta Yupanqui, Danny Willer, Lévano Lévano, William César 17 November 2021 (has links)
La minería es considerada un motor clave para el desarrollo económico de un país. En este sector, el mejoramiento en la eficiencia de usos del agua es un punto crítico desde el punto de vista económico y ambiental, por ello se siguen implementando nuevos procesos en el tratamiento del agua en el sector minero. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de esta investigación es demostrar que es posible mejorar las PTAR (planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales) de uso minero, lo que implica el mejor funcionamiento del sistema, usando de la mejor forma los recursos que se tienen.
Esta investigación se desarrolló bajo los lineamientos de una metodología experimental, donde se diseñó el coagulador, floculador y clarificador de agua de rastras y el diseño del sistema integrado de clarificación de agua de 3 procesos que lo reemplazaría. El propósito de esto es realizar un análisis comparativo entre ambos sistemas usado en la mina “Coimolache”
Con los resultados de los cálculos realizados para ambos diseños, tanto el clarificador de rastras y el sistema integrado de clarificación de agua de 3 procesos se demostrará que es posible una reducción en área (m2) a ocupar en el terreno, y de volumen (m3) de movimiento de tierra para contribuir la reducción del impacto ambiental. Así mismo, se evaluó la variación de los costos de implementación, operación y mantenimiento.
Finalmente se busca dar a conocer, documentar y demostrar que el uso del sistema integrado de clarificación de agua de 3 procesos tiene múltiples ventajas para promover su implementación al nivel nacional. / Mining is considered a key for the economic development of a country. In this sector, improvement in water use efficiency of use is a critical point from the economic and environmental point of view, is because this reason, new processes are being implemented in the treatment of water in the mining sector. For this reason, the principal objective of this research is to demonstrate that it is possible to optimize the WWTP (wastewater treatment plant) for mining even to get the best operation of the system using in the right way the resources that we have.
This research was developed under the guidelines of an experimental methodology, where coagulator, flocculator, and dredge water clarifier were designed and the design of the integrated 3-process water clarification system that would replace them. The purpose is to realize a comparative analysis between these systems used in the "Coimolache" mine.
With the results of the calculations carried out for both designs, dredge water clarifier and integrated 3-process water clarification system, it will demonstrate that a reduction in area (m2) to be occupied on the ground and volume (m3) of earth movement is possible to contribute to the reduction of environmental impact. Likewise, the variation in implementation, operation and maintenance costs it was evaluated.
Finally, this research intends to make known, document, and demonstrate that the use of the integrated 3-process water clarification system has multiple advantages to promote its implementation at the national level. / Tesis
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Biomass to Biofuel : Syngas Cleaning and Biomass FeedstockSadegh-Vaziri, Ramiar January 2017 (has links)
This thesis builds around the idea of a biofuel production process that is comprised of biomass production, biomass gasification, gas cleaning, and fuel production. In this work, we specifically looked into H2S removal as a part of cleaning the producer gas and flocculation of microalgae which is involved in the harvesting of microalgae after biomass production. One of the impurities to remove from the producer gas is hydrogen sulfide which can be removed by using a packed bed of zinc oxide. Despite the regular use, it was only recently shown that during reaction with H2S, nano-size particles of ZnO exhibit void formation and outward growth. In this work, a micro-scale model was introduced to describe the void formation and outward growth. On the macro-scale, the simulations captured pore clogging of pellets due to the outward growth. The pore clogging prevents the full conversion of pellets and consequently leads to shorter breakthrough times of beds. The second problem investigated here deals with the flocculation of microalgae. Microalgae is produced in relatively low concentrations in the incubator liquid medium and during the harvesting, the concentration is increased to an acceptable level. The harvesting process includes a flocculation followed by a filtration or centrifuge unit. During flocculation, microalgae are stimulated to aggregate and form clusters. The experiments showed that the mean size of clusters formed during flocculation increases with time to a maximum and then starts decreasing, resulting in an overshoot in the mean size profile. The size of clusters influence the efficiency of the afterward filtration or centrifuge, thus it is of interest to carefully track the size evolution of clusters, making the studying of overshoot a crucial research topic. In this work, the possible mechanisms behind this overshoot were investigated. / <p>QC 20170330</p>
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Analysis of Benzoisothiazolinone in process water from operations that handle large amounts of paint residues / Analys av bensisotiazolinon i avloppsvatten från verksamheter som hanterar stora mängder målarfärgsresterMagendran, Cagenna January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks isotiazolinoner i avloppsvatten eftersom det finns i alla kommersiella färger. För att avgöra om reningsverken är tillräcklig bra används gaskromatografi-masspektrometri (GC-MS) för att analysera förekomsten av BIT i processvatten som släpps ut i mjövattnet. Enligt ”Stockholms vatten och avfall” ska giftiga ämnen inte släppas ut i avloppsvattnet av någon med anknytning till det kommunala reningsverket. Ett företags processvatten undersöktes före och efter reningsprocessen, som baserades på flockning. En metod utvecklades för denna studie, för bestämning av BIT i vattenprover, som har visat positiva resultat för BIT-analys i färgvatten. BIT detekterades inte i företagets processvatten, som visade en koncentration på 0,1 ppm och lägre. Eftersom inga isotiazolinoner kunde detekteras före och efter rengöringsprocessen, kan resultaten inte bekräfta att rengöringsprocessen är effektiv för att eliminera isotiazolinoner. Eftersom BIT är den vanligaste isotiazolinon i färg kommer sannolikt inte ämnen som MI, MCI, OIT och DCOIT att överstiga 0,1 ppm i företagets processvatten. Det förväntas att BIT kommer att brytas ned biologiskt och inte skada vattenlevande organismer på grund av dess låga koncentration i processvattnet. Processvattnet från företaget skickades till eurofins för analys. Som framgår av Eurofins resultat har processvattnet från företaget en låg nivå av nitrifikation inhibering. ’’Stockholms vatten och avfall’’ reningsprocesser ska enkelt kunna ta bort BIT baserat på flera studier. Man kan dra slutsatsen från denna avhandling att BIT vid koncentrationer under 0,1 ppm inte skadar avloppsreningsverk. / In this study, isothiazolinone in wastewater is investigated since it is present in all commercial paints. To determine whether the treatment plants are sufficient,Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is used to analyze the occurrence of BIT in process water released into environmental water. According to ”Stockholm's water and waste”, toxic substances should not be released into the wastewater by anyone connected with the municipal waste water treatment plant. A company’s process water was investigated before and after the cleaning process, which was based on flocculation. A method was developed for this study, determining BIT in water samples, which has shown positive results for BIT analysis in paint water. BIT was not detected in the company's process water, which displayed a concentration of 0.1 ppm and below. Since no isothiazolinones could be detected before and after the cleaning process, the results can not confirm that the cleaning process is effective at eliminating isothiazolinones. Because BIT is the most common isothiazolone in paint MI, MCI, OIT, and DCOIT are unlikely to exceed 0.1 ppm in the company's process water. It is expected that BIT will biodegrade and not harm aquatic organisms because of its low concentration in the process water. The process water from the company was sent to eurofins for analysis. As shown in Eurofins' results, processed water from the industry has a low level of nitrification inhibition. ‘’Stockholm's water and waste’’ treatment processes should be able to easily remove BIT based on multiple studies. It can be concluded from this thesis that BIT at concentrations below 0.1 ppm does not harm WWTPs.
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Improving Wastewater Treatment and Management: A case study on a Combined Heat and Power Plant in Sweden / Förbättring av dag- och processvattenrening och hantering: En fallstudie på ett kraftvärmeverk i SverigeThunholm, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Vatten är en av de viktigaste resurserna för mänskligheten eftersom det är en nödvändighet för överlevnad men också en viktig faktor inom många industrier. Utöver detta är vattenförorening ett globalt problem som påverkar både miljön och människors hälsa. Många länder runt om i världen saknar fortfarande en hållbar vattenhantering inom många sektorer, varav en viktig är energiproduktionssektorn. Detta problem hotar inte bara mål 6: rent vatten och sanitet för alla, utan även fler av FNs globala mål. Händelöverket är ett stort kraftvärmeverk som har levererat fjärrvärme till Norrköping sedan 1982. Sedan dess har anläggningen utökats från två till fem pannor. För att säkerställa en kontinuerlig tillförsel av bränsle har bränslelagret utökats och är nu fyllt med bränslen som exempelvis träflis, gummi, återvunnet trä, kol och avfall. En ökad produktionskapacitet har även lett till en ökad mängd dag- och processvatten som måste behandlas. Ursprungligen byggdes en sedimenteringsbassäng för att behandla avloppsvatten från de två första pannorna. Idag används samma bassäng för att behandla allt dagvatten och processvatten från hela Händelöverkets område tillsammans med två efterföljande sandfilter. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka möjliga förbättringar av vattenreningen av dagvatten och processvatten vid Händelöverket. Studien begränsades till att fokusera på två vattenströmmar, en som består av dagvatten från bränslelagret och en annan som är ansluten till den strömmen och samlar upp avrinningsvatten från avfallet i bunkern. Dessutom karakteriserades dessa avfallsströmmar med avseende på koncentration av metaller, kemisk syreförbrukning, biologisk syreförbrukning (7 dagar), suspenderade partiklar och pH. Baserat på resultaten presenterades tre olika förbättringsalternativ. Från Case 1 drogs slutsatsen att återcirkulering av avrinningsvatten från avfallet tillbaka in i bunkern var ett enkelt och ekonomiskt genomförbart alternativ. Dessutom skulle det resultera i en vattenhantering som är bättre anpassat till slutsatserna i Best Available Technology presenterat av Europeiska unionen. Dessutom skulle Case 1 inte heller påverka pannornas effektivitet väsentligt. Case 2 föreslog en förändring i hanteringsplanen för hanteringen av släckvatten om en brand skulle uppstå på bränsleytan eller i avfallet i bunkern. Från Case 2 drogs slutsatsen att denna plan bör förbättras genom att införa ytterligare bestämmelser om att leda släckvatten till den befintliga bergrumsvattenreningen som applicerar fällnings- och flockningsteknik. Slutligen fokuserade Case 3 på förbättringar som skulle kunna göras för att öka effektiviteten av behandling av zink, koppar, nickel och bly. Från dessa case drogs slutsatsen att implementering av en polymerblandare samt att flytta doseringsplatsen längre upp i sedimenteringssbassängen skulle vara det mest lämpliga första steget. Dessutom rekommenderades det också att installera ett fällningssteg före polymerdoseringen för att fälla ut metaller som fortfarande är i lösning och därmed öka renlighetsgraden ytterligare i processen. / Water is one of the most important resources for humanity as it is a necessity for survival but also an important factor within many industries. In addition to this, water pollution is a global concern affecting both the environment and human health. Many countries around the world still lack a sustainable water management within many sectors whereas one important one is energy production. This problem threatens not only goal 6: clean water and sanitation, but also many other of the sustainable development goals presented by the united nations development programme. Händelöverket is a large combined heat and power plant supplying the city of Norrköping with district heating since 1982. Since then the plant has expanded from two to five boilers in operation. Additionally, to have a continuous supply of fuel, the storage area has been increased and is now filled with fuels like wood chips, rubber tires, recycled wood, coal and waste. An expanding production site has naturally led to an increased amount of storm- and process water that has to be treated. Originally a sedimentation was built to only treat waste water from two boilers. Today the same basin is used to treat all storm and process water from the entire site of Händelöverket together with the following sand filters. The scope of this study was to investigate potential improvements of the waste water treatment of the storm- and process water treatment at Händelöverket. This study focused on two waste water streams: one consisting of storm water from the fuel yard, and stream another connected to it, which collects waste leachate water. Furthermore these waste flows were characterized in terms of metal concentration, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, total suspended solids and pH. Based on the results, three different cases of improvements were presented. Case 1 concluded that recirculating of the waste leachate water back onto the waste material was a simple and economically feasible option. Furthermore it would result in a waste water management more aligned with Best available technology regulation presented by the European Union. Additionally it would not significantly effect the efficiency of the boilers. Case 2 proposed a change in the management plan for handling extinguishing water if a fire would occur on the fuel yard or within the waste material of the bunker. It was concluded that this plan should be improved to send water of similar quality to the other existing waste water treatment plant working with a coagulation and flocculation technique. Lastly Case 3 focused on improvements that could be made to the existing storm and process wastewater treatment process that could enhance the efficiency of treating zinc, copper, nickel and lead. It was concluded that implementing a polymer mixing tank and moving the dosing locationfurther up the sedimentation basin would be the most important first step. Furthermore it was also recommended to install a precipitation step before the polymer dosing to precipitate metals that are still in solution. By doing this the degree of purification will be increased further for the storm- and process water treatment.
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Emulsions stabilisées par des particules colloïdales stimulables : propriétés fondamentales et matériaux / Emulsions stabilized by stimuli responsive colloidal particles : fundamental properties and materialsDestribats, Mathieu 21 December 2010 (has links)
Des émulsions particulièrement stables peuvent être formulées à l’aide de particules colloïdales (émulsions dites de Pickering). L’objectif de cette étude est d’accéder à la compréhension des mécanismes de stabilisation des interfaces, ainsi que du lien entre propriétés interfaciales et propriétés macroscopiques des émulsions. Dans ce cadre, la stratégie adoptée repose sur l’utilisation de particules colloïdales dont les caractéristiques peuvent être variées continûment à la fois en amont par la chimie de synthèse (variation de la mouillabilité, de la déformabilité) et in situ par un stimulus (pH, sel, température...). De plus,les émulsions stabilisées par de telles particules deviennent, elles aussi, sensibles aux stimuli et la déstabilisation des émulsions peut être déclenchée à la demande. Les mécanismes d’adsorption, les interactions entre particules aux interfaces et les propriétés résultantes des émulsions sont étudiés. L’établissement de concepts généraux régissant la stabilisation/déstabilisation des émulsions permet d’en contrôler, via la formulation ou le procédé (température, cisaillement), les propriétés d’usage. Enfin les émulsions stabilisées par des particules colloïdales peuvent être utilisées en tant que précurseurs dans la formulation de matériaux plus complexes : ceci est illustré par l’élaboration de capsules à libération thermostimulée / Highly stable emulsions can be formulated using colloidal particles as stabilizers (so-calledPickering emulsions). This study aims at understanding the interfacial stabilizationmechanisms as well as the links between the interfacial properties and the macroscopicproperties of emulsions. In this context, our strategy consists in using colloidal particles forwhich characteristics can be continuously tuned either during the synthesis (variation of theparticles’ wettability or deformability) or in situ by using a stimulus (pH, salt, temperature…).Emulsions stabilized by such particles are stimuli responsive and their destabilization can betriggered on demand. We study and report the mechanisms of particle adsorption, theinteractions between particles anchored at interfaces and the resulting properties of emulsions.Such study allows us to draw general concepts governing the emulsionsstabilization/destabilization and to control their end-use properties via formulation oremulsification process (temperature, shear). Colloidal particle stabilized-emulsions can beused as templates to synthesize more complex materials as illustrated by the elaboration ofcapsules allowing a thermally controlled delivery of their content.
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Avaliação da viabilidade de cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum em água filtrada obtida após tratamento convencional com flotação e ozonização / Viability assessment of Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in filtered water obtained after conventional treatment with flotation and ozonationBoni, Dayane Mendes 09 September 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa avaliou o uso de ozônio para inativar cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum presentes na água filtrada obtida após a utilização da tecnologia de ciclo completo com flotação (coagulação, floculação, flotação e filtração) em escala de bancada, empregando o cloreto de polialumínio – PAC – como coagulante. O método de floculação em carbonato de cálcio – FCCa, sem e com a etapa de separação imunomagnética – IMS – foi utilizado na quantificação dos protozoários. A recuperação nos ensaios de qualidade utilizando o kit Easyseed® de Giardia spp. foi de 8,4% ± 97,4% sem IMS e com IMS, com duas dissociações, o valor foi de 7,4% ± 39,7% e, com três dissociações, a recuperação alcançou 9,6% ± 34,7%, portanto, somente o ensaio com IMS e duas dissociações, não atendeu os padrões do Método 1623.1. A recuperação de Cryptosporidium parvum, obteve valor de 3,4% ± 100% em ensaio sem IMS e com IMS, o valor obtido foi de 1,0% ± 70,0% com duas dissociações e 1,8% ± 44,4% com três dissociações e nos três métodos apresentados, não houve conformidade com os critérios do Método 1623.1. Na etapa de desinfecção com ozônio, os ensaios realizados na Etapa 1, que se utilizou 5 mgO3L-1 e tempo de contato de 1 min sem IMS, as maiores inativações atingidas foram de 2,52 e 2,22 log para cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum, respectivamente. Com o tempo de contato de 5 min, as maiores inativações foram de 2,52 e 2,92 log de cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum, respectivamente. Na Etapa 2, com IMS, utilizando a mesma dosagem e tempo de contato de 1 min, obteve-se 2,27 e 0,21 log de inativação para cistos e oocistos, respectivamente. Comparando-se com o tempo de contato de 5 min, foram obtidos 2,9 e 2,3 log de inativação para cistos e oocistos, respectivamente. Na avaliação de custo, o método de FCCa sem IMS demonstrou ser o mais econômico em relação ao procedimento com IMS. A influência da inclusão da terceira dissociação ácida no método com IMS também foi analisada e este procedimento não resultou em diferenças estatísticas significativas nos resultados. / This research evaluated the use of ozone to inactivate Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts present in the filtered water obtained after the use of the complete cycle of flotation technology (coagulation, flocculation, flotation and filtration) on a bench scale employing polyaluminium chloride - PAC as coagulant. The calcium carbonate flocculation method - FCCa, without and with immunomagnetic separation step - IMS has been used in the quantification of protozoa. The recovery in quality test using the kit Easyseed® for Giardia spp. was 8.4% ± 97.4% non-IMS and IMS with two dissociations, the value was 7.4% ±39.7% and with three dissociations, the recovery reached 9.6% ± 34,7%, so only the test with IMS and two dissociations, did not meet the standards of method 1623.1. Recovery of Cryptosporidium parvum obtained value of 3.4% ± 100% in non-IMS and IMS testing, the value obtained was 1.0% ± 70.0% with two dissociations and 1.8% ± 44.4% with three dissociations and the three methods presented, there was non-compliance with the criteria of Method 1623.1. In step disinfection with ozone, tests performed in Step 1 was used 5 mgO3L-1 and contact time of 1 min without IMS, the major inactivation achieved were 2.52 and 2.22 log for Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, respectively. With 5 minutes of contact time, the greater inactivation were 2.52 and 2.92 log for Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, respectively. In Step 2, with IMS, using the same dose and 1 min contact time, there was obtained 2.27 and 0.21 log inactivation for cysts and oocysts, respectively. Compared with the 5 min of contact time, were obtained 2.9 and 2.3 log inactivation for cysts and oocysts, respectively. In evaluating cost, the FCCa method without IMS proved to be the most economical in relation to the procedure with IMS. The influence of inclusion of the third acid dissociation method in IMS was also analyzed and this procedure did not result in statistically significant differences in the results.
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Improving microalgae for biofuel productionKaloudis, Dimitrios January 2015 (has links)
Microalgae are a diverse group of oxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms which show great promise as a source of biofuel. However, significant challenges still remain before microalgae can be considered a viable source of biofuel. The main current challenges are nutrient sourcing and recycling as well as downstream processing. The algal cell wall and especially the presence of an algaenan cell wall in some Chlorophyte algae could be an important variable in determining downstream processing costs but not much comparative research has been done to elucidate this. The first part of the present study focuses on the recently isolated alga Pseudochoricystis ellipsoidea (Trebouxiophyceae) and its improvement and assessment for biofuel production. Random mutagenesis and FACS screening protocols were developed for the isolation of pigment and cell wall mutants but despite considerable efforts no suitable mutants could be identified in the first half of this project. Two 500 L raceway ponds as well as an algal growth room and bubble column bioreactors were set up to facilitate algal research at the University of Bath and assess the performance of P. ellipsoidea in realistic culture conditions. P. ellipsoidea showed a maximum growth of 1.53 divisions day-1 in semi-open raceway ponds, resistance to contamination and a 30% lipid content, making it particularly suitable for raceway pond cultures. In the second part of this project six species of Chlorophyte (“green”) algae, three of which produced algaenan, were compared for suitability to growth in anaerobic digestate and municipal wastewater as well as cell wall strength, permeability and suitability to hydrothermal liquefaction. We found that anaerobic digestate was a good medium for the growth of all species independently of autoclaving and that non-autoclaved wastewater was a very challenging medium. Algaenan production did not affect cell disruption by ultrasonication but growth stage and cell wall thickness did. Lipid extraction kinetics by chloroform/methanol were greatly affected by algaenan, meaning that this material is relatively impermeable to organic solvents. Cell wall thickness, cell volume and lipid content also had an effect on lipid extraction kinetics but this was only measurable after 180 minutes of extraction. 8 Hydrothermal liquefaction showed high solid and low oil yields, very low sulphur (≤0.1 %) as well as a 1.1 % -1.8 % nitrogen content which is significantly lower than most algal HTL studies to date. This suggests that stationary stage algae are more difficult to process but give a cleaner biocrude and reduce the loss of nitrogen through incorporation in the oil. Significant opportunities for optimisation still exist in the HTL process.
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Liming is the practice used to correct soil acidity and its reaction is dependent on the mode of application of the lime. The addition of lime to the soil with the tilling is an alternative for increasing his reaction. However, tillage alters its structure and processes occurring in it. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of liming of liming in three modes of application of limestone (on the surface, incorporated with plowing and harrowing and subsoiling and disking) on the physico-hydrical attributes of a Dystrudept. For this, an experiment was installed in the field with banded design, with treatments in a factorial arrangement (3 × 2). Treatments formed from the combination of two rates of lime (0 and 15 Mg ha-1) and three modes of application of limestone (on the surface, incorporate with plowing and harrowing and subsoiling and harrowing). Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected at 0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m layers between plant rows of corn 18 months after installation of the experiment. The water-dispersed clay (WDC), flocculation degree (FD), bulk density (BD), total porosity (TP), water retention curves, pore size distribution curve, particle size and soil chemical properties were determined order to diagnose the effects of liming the soil studied. Liming effects on the physico-hydrical attributes of the soil were restricted to 0-0.10 m layer. The WDC and the FD were influenced by tillage, but not by liming. When liming was performed on the surface, there was a reduction of the DB and increased TP. In all modes of application of limestone, liming increased water retention and altered the distribution of pores. To conclude, the changes in physico-hydrical attributes of the soil were mostly due to the increase of pH and replacement of aluminum by calcium and magnesium in the exchange complex. / A calagem é a prática empregada na correção da acidez do solo e sua reação depende do modo de aplicação do corretivo. A incorporação de calcário com o revolvimento do solo é uma alternativa para o aumento da reação. Porém, a mobilização do solo altera a sua estrutura e os processos que nela ocorrem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da calagem em três modos de aplicação do calcário (na superfície, incorporada com aração e gradagem e com subsolagem e gradagem) nos atributos físico-hídricos de um CAMBISSOLO HÁPLICO Alumínico. Para isso, instalou-se um experimento em campo com delineamento em faixas, com tratamentos em arranjo fatorial (3 × 2). Os tratamentos constituíam-se da combinação de duas doses de calcário (0 e 15 Mg ha-1) e três modos de aplicação do calcário (na superfície, incorporado com aração e gradagem e subsolagem e gradagem). Amostras indeformadas e deformadas de solo nas camadas 0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m foram coletadas nas entrelinhas da cultura do milho 18 meses após a instalação do experimento. Foram avaliados os teores de argila dispersa em água (ADA), grau de floculação (GF), densidade do solo (Ds), porosidade total (Pt), curvas de retenção de água, curva de distribuição de poros, granulometria e atributos químicos do solo. Os efeitos da calagem sobre os atributos físico-hídricos do solo foram restritos à camada 0-0,10 m. A ADA e o GF foram influenciados pelo modo de aplicação do calcário, mas não pela calagem. Quando a calagem foi realizada na superfície, ocorreu redução da DS e aumento da Pt. Em todos os modos de aplicação do calcário, a calagem aumentou a retenção de água e alterou a distribuição de poros. Concluiu-se que as alterações nos atributos físico-hídricos do solo foram em sua maioria decorrentes do aumento do pH e da substituição do alumínio por cálcio e magnésio no complexo de troca.
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Dynamique des matières en suspension en mer côtière : caractérisation, quantification et interactions sédiments/matière organique / Dynamics of suspended particulate matter in coastal waters : characterization, quantification and interactions sediments / organic matterChapalain, Marion 28 January 2019 (has links)
La connaissance de la dynamique des matières en suspension (MES) et des turbidités en milieu côtier est un élément clé pour comprendre les écosystèmes marins. Les processus de floculation/défloculation représentent des mécanismes essentiels contrôlant la dynamique des caractéristiques physiques des MES et, par conséquent, leur devenir dans l’environnement. Cette thèse a pour objectif de mieux comprendre la caractérisation des MES et leur variabilité de l’échelle tidale à l’échelle annuelle en mer côtière, en réponse aux différents forçages hydrodynamiques, hydrologiques et biologiques ayant lieu à l’interface entre estuaire et baie. À cette fin, des capteurs optiques et acoustiques ont été déployés in situ, lors de 6 campagnes en mer réalisées en 2016, en vue de caractériser et de quantifier les MES dans la colonne d’eau, à la sortie de l’embouchure de l’estuaire de Seine (France). Une analyse critique des mesures granulométriques issues du LISST-100X est proposée. Un travail de quantification des incertitudes de mesure associées à l’estimation de la concentration en MES a mis en avant le risqué lié à un rinçage insuffisant des filtres et a conduit à définir une masse minimum à filtrer, de l'ordre de 10 mg, quelle que soit la concentration. Ce travail a notamment permis de proposer une méthode d’estimation d’un volume optimal de filtration basée sur une mesure préalable de turbidité de référence. Les mesures à haute fréquence ont montré que la dynamique des caractéristiques physiques des MES en termes de concentration et de taille médiane sont contrôlées par le cycle advection-floculation-sédimentation-remise en suspension. Ces résultats ont permis de hiérarchiser les paramètres de contrôle des processus de floculation. La turbulence a été identifiée comme le principal paramètre de contrôle à l’échelle tidale et semi-lunaire, la taille médiane maximale des flocs étant inversement corrélée à l’intensité des courants. À l’échelle saisonnière, la variation des caractéristiques des MES (taille, densité, vitesse de chute) est liée à la variabilité du contenu en matière organique (MO), avec une floculation favorisée quand le taux de MO particulaire augmente. Ces flocs plus grands et moins denses sont également plus résistants à la fragmentation induite par cisaillement turbulent. Ces travaux ont également permis de discuter le concept de structuration fractale des flocs.La dynamique de la dimension fractale, déterminée en combinant des données in situ de concentration en MES et de distribution en classe de taille, peut traduire des variations de composition des MES, mais peut aussi résulter d'incertitudes de mesure associées aux instruments. Ces dernières sont discutées dans cette thèse. La variabilité saisonnière des caractéristiques des MES est plus prononcée au large que dans la zone sous influence de l’estuaire de Seine. À partir des observations ponctuelles en Baie de Seine et d’une série de mesure long terme dans la zone côtière belge acquise par le laboratoire RBINS, les méthodes acoustiques et optiques sont combinées. Ces dernières ont mis en avant une augmentation de la rétrodiffusion acoustique lorsque la densité moyenne des flocs diminue. / The knowledge of suspended particulate matter (SPM) and turbidity dynamics in coastal waters is essential for studying marine ecosystems. Flocculation/deflocculation processes are crucial mechanisms controlling the dynamics of SPM physical characteristics and thus, the fate of these SPM in the environment. This PhD thesis focuses on the SPM characteristics and their dynamics in coastal waters, from tidal to annual scales, in response to hydrodynamic, hydrological and biological forcing that take place at the interface between estuaries and coastal seas. To this end, optical and acoustic sensors were deployed in situ through 6 field campaigns in 2016, in order to characterize and quantify SPM in the water column, near the mouth of the Seine estuary (France). A critical analysis of LISST-100X measurements in coastal waters is presented. The quantification of uncertainties on SPM concentration measurements is investigated: it highlights the crucial effect of salt retention, and the need for a minimum mass to filter, around 10 mg. A method for estimating an optimal filtration volume based on a reference turbidity measurement is proposed. High frequency measurements show that the dynamics of SPM and median diameter are controlled by the advection-flocculationsedimentation-resuspension cycle.These results allow to classify the factors controlling flocculation processes. Turbulence is identified as the main factor at the semi-diurnal and semi-lunar tidal scales, as the maximum median size of flocs decreases when the tidal currents intensify.At the seasonal scale, the variation of SPM characteristics (size, density, settling velocity) is correlated to the variability of the organic matter (OM) content: in particular, flocculation is enhanced by an increase of the particular OM fraction. The resulting larger and lesser dense flocs are also more resistant to the fragmentation induced by shear. This work also investigates the fractal approach applied to flocs. The fractal dimension variability, calculated by combining in situ data of SPM concentration and particle size distribution, can be associated to variations of the SPM composition, but can also result from uncertainties linked to instrument limitations. The latter are discussed in this PhD thesis. The seasonal variability of SPM characteristics is more pronounced offshore than at the mouth of the Seine estuary. From short-term observations in the Seine Bay and from long-term series in the Belgian coastal zone provided by the RBINS, optical turbidity and acoustic backscatter measurements are combined. They highlight an increase of the acoustic backscatter intensity when mean floc density.
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