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Tillförlitligheten i beräknade dimensionerande flöden i två mindre vattendrag med trånga sektioner / The reliability of estimated design floods in two small streams with narrow sectionsCarlsson, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
I Sverige finns idag en vedertagen metod för att bestämma dimensionerande flöde för dammanläggningar. De teoretiska beräkningarna av dimensionerande flöde för dammanläggningar tillhörande flödesdimensioneringsklass I baseras på HBV-modellen, en begreppsmässig hydrologisk beräkningsmodell som beskriver samspelet mellan de meteorologiska och hydrologiska förhållanden som råder inom ett avrinningsområde. Begreppsmässiga hydrologiska modeller baseras på vattenbalansen och används för att bestämma tillrinning till vattendrag, sjöar eller andra vattenförekomster. Vid hydrologisk modellering med begreppsmässiga modeller tas ingen explicit hänsyn till vattendragets geometri. Trånga sektioner i naturliga vattendrag kan hindra vattnets framfart och orsaka dämning uppströms den trånga sektionen. Till följd av det kan en del av flödestoppen kvarhållas i terrängen och därmed dämpas och fördröjas. Hydrauliska modeller beskriver vattnets flöde genom vattendraget. Högupplöst höjddata utgör grunden i en hydraulisk modell och vid hydraulisk modellering tas således hänsyn till avrinningsområdets topografi såväl som vattendragets batymetri. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att analysera tillförlitligheten i beräknade dimensionerande flöden framtagna enligt Flödeskommitténs Riktlinjer för bestämning av dimensionerande flöden för dammanläggningar. Genom att upprätta hydrauliska modeller över två specifika vattendragssträckor som berörs av trånga sektioner kunde det undersökas huruvida de trånga sektionerna orsakar någon flödesdämpning samt om flödesdämpningen beror av storleken på vattenflödet. De områden som var föremål för denna studie var en delsträcka av Övre Lagan samt en del av Bolmån som är Lagans största tillflöde. Resultaten visade att flödestopparna dämpades och att det var de trånga sektionerna som orsakade den huvudsakliga flödesdämpningen. Vidare visade resultaten att den relativa dämpningen beror av storleken på inflödet i de hydrauliska modellerna. Den relativa dämpningen av det dimensionerandet flödet vid Övre Lagan var marginell, 1,2 % respektive 2,0 %, medan den vid Bolmån uppgick till 6,7 %. Det faktum att de dimensionerande flödena emellertid dämpades i de båda fallen bör vara skäl nog att se över metoden för bestämmandet av dimensionerande flöden för dammanläggningar tillhörande flödesdimensioneringsklass I och undersöka huruvida det är möjligt att innefatta hydraulisk modellering i den idag vedertagna beräkningsmetodiken. / In Sweden there is currently an accepted method for determining the design floods for dams which is described in The Swedish Design Flood Guidelines. The theoretical calculations of the design floods for dams associated with Flood Design Category I are based on the HBV model, a conceptual hydrological model that describes the interaction between the meteorological and hydrological conditions within a basin. Conceptual hydrological models are based on the water balance and are used to determine runoff to streams, lakes or other bodies of water. Conceptual hydrological models do not take explicit account for the geometry of the watercourse. Narrow sections in natural streams may prevent water flow and cause impoundment upstream from the narrow section. Following that, a part of the flow peak can be retained in the terrain and thereby attenuated and delayed. Hydraulic models describe the flow of water through the watercourse. High resolution elevation data is the foundation of a hydraulic model and hydraulic models thus take into account the basin topography as well as the watercourse bathymetry. The objective of this study was to analyze the reliability of design floods that have been determined according to The Swedish Design Flood Guidelines. By establishing hydraulic models of two specific streams affected by narrow sections it could be examined whether the narrow sections cause flow attenuation and whether the flow attenuation depends on the size of the water flow. The areas which were the subject of this study were a subsection of River Lagan and part of River Bolmån, which is River Lagan’s largest tributary. The results of the hydraulic model simulations showed that the flow peaks were attenuated and that it was the narrow sections that caused the main flow attenuation. Furthermore, the results showed that the relative attenuation depends on the size of the inflow in the hydraulic models. The relative attenuation of the design floods was 1.2 % and 2.0 % at River Lagan and 6.7 % at River Bolmån. The relative attenuation of the design flood was thus marginal at River Lagan. The fact that the design floods nevertheless were attenuated at both areas which were the subject of this study should be reason enough to review the method for the determination of design floods for dams associated with Flood Design Category I and examine whether it is possible to include hydraulic modeling in today’s conventional calculation methodology.
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Exploration Of Nozzle Circumferential Flow Attenuation and Efficient Expansion For Rotating Detonation Rocket EnginesBerry, Zane J 01 January 2020 (has links)
Earlier research has demonstrated that downstream of combustion in a rotating detonation engine, exhaust flow periodically reverses circumferential direction. For small periods, the circumferential flow reaches velocity magnitudes rivaling the bulk flow of exhaust, manifesting as a swirl. The minimization of this swirl is critical to maximizing thrust and engine performance for rocket propulsion. During this study, numerous nozzle contours were iteratively designed and analyzed for losses analytically. Once a nozzle was chosen, further losses were validated through computational fluid dynamics simulations and then tested experimentally. Three different configurations were run with the RDRE: no nozzle, a nozzle without a spike, and a nozzle with a spike. Images of the exhaust quality were recorded using OH* chemiluminescence in high-speed cameras. One camera was used to confirm the existence of a detonation and the frequency of detonation. The second camera is pointed perpendicular to the exhaust flow to capture the quality of exhaust. Quantitative results of the turbulent velocity fluctuations were obtained through particle image velocimetry of the side-imaging frames. All frames in each case were exported and converted to several time-averaged frames whereupon the time-averaged turbulent velocity fluctuation profiles could be compared between cases for swirl attenuation.
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Uso de modelo hidrológico em bacia hidrogáfica urbana para previsão de enchentes. Estudo de caso: Microbacia do Córrego Jataí - Uberlândia/MG / Usage of hydrological model in urban watershed for flood forecasting. Case study: Jataí stream watershed - Uberlândia/MGDias, Victor Scates 26 February 2015 (has links)
The rapid urban growth in many Brazilian cities in the twentieth century occurred without
the proper planning and infrastructure. In these cities, floods cause great material and
human losses every year. Therefore, the authorities and community must propose and
implement flood control measures after detailed studies of the characteristics of the
watershed . Thus, hydrological simulations of the stream Jataí watershed located in
Uberlândia/MG, was performed using the software ABC - Complex Watershed Analysis,
from the University of São Paulo considering the return period of 100 years for the project
rain. This watershed has an area of 15.99 km² and was discretized by sub-basins
considering the land use and occupation at the current urbanization and critical scenario
(fully urbanized and occupied basin). The damping reservoir existent in the study area
were considered in the simulations and it was proposed the implementation of a parallel
damping reservoir near to the watershed output. The sub-basins 02 and 08 simulated alone
at the critical scenario provided the highest maximum flow rates of 193.17 and 162.78
m³/s respectively. Furthermore, the damping reservoirs 02 and 05 showed the largest
decreases of input hydrogram peak flow with maximum reductions of 86.3 and 76.6%
respectively at the current urbanization scenario. The implementation of the proposed
parallel damping reservoir allowed the reduction of peak flows at the basin outlet of 26.8%
from 211.65 to 154.87 m³/s in the current scenario and 22.3% reduction from 262.28 to
203, 86 m³/s at the critical urbanization scenario. Based on these results, it is possible to
conclude that the damping reservoirs are very important to control runoff and it is
necessary and urgent to implement new flood control measures in the Jataí stream
watershed to reduce the inconvenience caused by heavy intensity rains. / O rápido crescimento urbano de muitas cidades brasileiras no século XX ocorreu sem o
planejamento e infraestrutura adequados. Nessas cidades, as enchentes causam grandes
prejuízos materiais e humanos todos os anos. Diante disso, é dever das autoridades e
comunidade propor e implementar medidas de controle de enchentes após estudos
detalhados das características da bacia hidrográfica. Neste sentido, foram realizadas
simulações hidrológicas da microbacia hidrográfica do córrego Jataí, em Uberlândia/MG,
com a utilização do software ABC Análise de Bacias Complexas da Universidade de São
Paulo, considerando o período de retorno de 100 anos para a chuva de projeto. Esta
microbacia possui área de 15,99 km² e foi discretizada por sub-bacias considerando o uso e
ocupação do solo nos cenários de urbanização atual e crítico (bacia plenamente urbanizada
e ocupada). Nas simulações foram considerados os reservatórios de amortecimento
existentes na área de estudo, além de se propor a implantação de um reservatório de
amortecimento paralelo próximo ao exutório da microbacia. As sub-bacias 02 e 08
simuladas isoladamente no cenário crítico forneceram as maiores vazões máximas de
193,17 e 162,78 m³/s respectivamente. Além disso, os reservatórios de amortecimento 02 e
05 apresentaram as maiores reduções das vazões de pico do hidrograma de entrada com
reduções máximas de 86,3 e 76,6% no cenário atual respectivamente. A proposta de
implantação do reservatório de amortecimento paralelo permitiu a redução das vazões de
pico no exutório em 26,8% de 211,65 para 154,87 m³/s no cenário atual e em 22,3% de
262,28 para 203,86 m³/s no cenário crítico. Diante dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que
os reservatórios de amortecimento têm função importante no controle do escoamento
superficial, sendo necessária e urgente a implantação de novas medidas de controle de
enchentes na microbacia do córrego Jataí para reduzir os transtornos causados por chuvas
intensas. / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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