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Simulação numérica da estabilidade de escoamentos de um fluido Giesekus / Numerical Simulation of the Flow Stability of a Giesekus FluidSilva, Arianne Alves da 16 July 2018 (has links)
Diversas aplicações industriais utilizam escoamentos de fluidos viscoelásticos, e em muitos casos é necessário saber se os escoamentos propagam-se no estado laminar ou no turbulento. Embora a hidrodinâmica de fluidos viscoelásticos seja fortemente afetada pelo balanço entre forças inerciais e elásticas no escoamento, o efeito da elasticidade sobre a estabilidade de escoamentos inerciais não foi completamente estabelecido. Neste trabalho, estuda-se o que ocorre durante a transição laminar-turbulenta, investigando a convecção de ondas de Tollmien-Schlichting para o escoamento incompressível, para um fluido viscoelástico, entre placas paralelas, utilizando a equação constitutiva Giesekus. Para isto, adotou-se a simulação numérica direta para verificar a estabilidade dos escoamentos à perturbações não estacionárias deste fluido. Experimentos computacionais para verificação do código foram realizados. Com os resultados numéricos obtidos, foi possível verificar e analizar a estabilidade de escoamentos utilizando-se o modelo não newtoniano Giesekus. / Several industrial applications use viscoelastic fluid flows, and it is necessary to know if the flows propagate in the laminar or turbulent state. Although the hydrodynamics of viscoelastic fluids is strongly affected by the balance between inertial and elastic forces in the flow, the effect of elasticity on the stability of inertial flows has not been completely established. In this work we study what happens during the laminar-turbulent transition, investigating the convection of Tollmien-Schlichting waves for the incompressible flow, for a viscoelastic fluid, between parallel plates, using the constitutive equation Giesekus. For this, the direct numerical simulation was used to verify the stability of the flows to the non-stationary perturbations of this fluid. Computational experiments to verify the code were performed. With the numerical results obtained, it was possible to verify and analyze the stability of flows modelled by Giesekus non-newtonian model.
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Simulação numérica da estabilidade de escoamentos de um fluido Giesekus / Numerical Simulation of the Flow Stability of a Giesekus FluidArianne Alves da Silva 16 July 2018 (has links)
Diversas aplicações industriais utilizam escoamentos de fluidos viscoelásticos, e em muitos casos é necessário saber se os escoamentos propagam-se no estado laminar ou no turbulento. Embora a hidrodinâmica de fluidos viscoelásticos seja fortemente afetada pelo balanço entre forças inerciais e elásticas no escoamento, o efeito da elasticidade sobre a estabilidade de escoamentos inerciais não foi completamente estabelecido. Neste trabalho, estuda-se o que ocorre durante a transição laminar-turbulenta, investigando a convecção de ondas de Tollmien-Schlichting para o escoamento incompressível, para um fluido viscoelástico, entre placas paralelas, utilizando a equação constitutiva Giesekus. Para isto, adotou-se a simulação numérica direta para verificar a estabilidade dos escoamentos à perturbações não estacionárias deste fluido. Experimentos computacionais para verificação do código foram realizados. Com os resultados numéricos obtidos, foi possível verificar e analizar a estabilidade de escoamentos utilizando-se o modelo não newtoniano Giesekus. / Several industrial applications use viscoelastic fluid flows, and it is necessary to know if the flows propagate in the laminar or turbulent state. Although the hydrodynamics of viscoelastic fluids is strongly affected by the balance between inertial and elastic forces in the flow, the effect of elasticity on the stability of inertial flows has not been completely established. In this work we study what happens during the laminar-turbulent transition, investigating the convection of Tollmien-Schlichting waves for the incompressible flow, for a viscoelastic fluid, between parallel plates, using the constitutive equation Giesekus. For this, the direct numerical simulation was used to verify the stability of the flows to the non-stationary perturbations of this fluid. Computational experiments to verify the code were performed. With the numerical results obtained, it was possible to verify and analyze the stability of flows modelled by Giesekus non-newtonian model.
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Buoyancy-thermocapillary convection of volatile fluids in confined and sealed geometriesQin, Tongran 27 May 2016 (has links)
Convection in a layer of fluid with a free surface due to a combination of thermocapillary stresses and buoyancy is a classic problem of fluid mechanics. It has attracted increasing attentions recently due to its relevance for two-phase cooling. Many of the modern thermal management technologies exploit the large latent heats associated with phase change at the interface of volatile liquids, allowing compact devices to handle very high heat fluxes. To enhance phase change, such cooling devices usually employ a sealed cavity from which almost all noncondensable gases, such as air, have been evacuated. Heating one end of the cavity, and cooling the other, establishes a horizontal temperature gradient that drives the flow of the coolant. Although such flows have been studied extensively at atmospheric conditions, our fundamental understanding of the heat and mass transport for volatile fluids at reduced pressures remains limited. A comprehensive and quantitative numerical model of two-phase buoyancy-thermocapillary convection of confined volatile fluids subject to a horizontal temperature gradient has been developed, implemented, and validated against experiments as a part of this thesis research. Unlike previous simplified models used in the field, this new model incorporates a complete description of the momentum, mass, and heat transport in both the liquid and the gas phase, as well as phase change across the entire liquid-gas interface. Numerical simulations were used to improve our fundamental understanding of the importance of various physical effects (buoyancy, thermocapillary stresses, wetting properties of the liquid, etc.) on confined two-phase flows. In particular, the effect of noncondensables (air) was investigated by varying their average concentration from that corresponding to ambient conditions to zero, in which case the gas phase becomes a pure vapor. It was found that the composition of the gas phase has a crucial impact on heat and mass transport as well as on the flow stability. A simplified theoretical description of the flow and its stability was developed and used to explain many features of the numerical solutions and experimental observations that were not well understood previously. In particular, an analytical solution for the base return flow in the liquid layer was extended to the gas phase, justifying the previous ad-hoc assumption of the linear interfacial temperature profile. Linear stability analysis of this two-layer solution was also performed. It was found that as the concentration of noncondensables decreases, the instability responsible for the emergence of a convective pattern is delayed, which is mainly due to the enhancement of phase change. Finally, a simplified transport model was developed for heat pipes with wicks or microchannels that gives a closed-form analytical prediction for the heat transfer coefficient and the optimal size of the pores of the wick (or the width of the microchannels).
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Experimental Investigation of Transition over a NACA 0018 Airfoil at a Low Reynolds NumberBoutilier, Michael Stephen Hatcher January 2011 (has links)
Shear layer development over a NACA 0018 airfoil at a chord Reynolds number of 100,000 was investigated experimentally. The effects of experimental setup and analysis tools on the results were also examined.
The sensitivity of linear stability predictions for measured separated shear layer velocity profiles to both the analysis approach and experimental data scatter was evaluated. Analysis approaches that are relatively insensitive to experimental data scatter were identified. Stability predictions were shown to be more sensitive to the analysis approach than to experimental data scatter, with differences in the predicted maximum disturbance growth rate and corresponding frequency of approximately 35% between approaches.
A parametric study on the effects of experimental setup on low Reynolds number airfoil experiments was completed. It was found that measured lift forces and vortex shedding frequencies were affected by the end plate configuration. It was concluded that the ratio of end plate spacing to projected model height should be at least seven, consistent with the guideline for circular cylinders. Measurements before and after test section wall streamlining revealed errors in lift coefficients due to blockage as high as 9% and errors in the wake vortex shedding frequency of 3.5%.
Shear layer development over the model was investigated in detail. Flow visualization images linked an observed asymmetry in wake velocity profiles to pronounced vortex roll-up below the wake centerline. Linear stability predictions based on the mean hot-wire profiles were found to agree with measured disturbance growth rates, wave numbers, and streamwise velocity fluctuation profiles. Embedded surface pressure sensors were shown to provide reasonable estimates of disturbance growth rate, wave number, and convection speed for conditions at which a separation bubble formed on the airfoil surface. Convection speeds of between 30 and 50% of the edge velocity were measured, consistent with phase speed estimates from linear stability theory.
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Instabilities In Supersonic Couette FlowMalik, M 06 1900 (has links)
Compressible plane Couette flow is studied with superposed small perturbations. The steady mean flow is characterized by a non-uniform shear-rate and a varying temperature across the wall-normal direction for an appropriate perfect gas model. The studies are broadly into four main categories as said briefly below.
Nonmodal transient growth studies and estimation of optimal perturbations have been made. The maximum amplification of perturbation energy over time, G max, is found to increase with Reynolds number Re, but decreases with Mach number M. More specifically, the optimal energy amplification Gopt (the supremum of G max over both the streamwise and spanwise wavenumbers) is maximum in the incompressible limit and decreases monotonically as M increases. The corresponding optimal streamwise wavenumber, αopt, is non-zero at M = 0, increases with increasing M, reaching a maximum for some value of M and then decreases, eventually becoming zero at high Mach numbers. While the pure streamwise vortices are the optimal patterns at high Mach numbers (in contrast to incompressible Couette flow), the modulated streamwise vortices are the optimal patterns for low-to-moderate values of the Mach number. Unlike in incompressible shear flows, the streamwise-independent modes in the present flow do not follow the scaling law G(t/Re) ~ Re2, the reasons for which are shown to be tied to the dominance of some terms (related to density and temperature fluctuations) in the linear stability operator. Based on a detailed nonmodal energy anlaysis, we show that the transient energy growth occurs due to the transfer of energy from the mean flow to perturbations via an inviscid algebraic instability. The decrease of transient growth with increasing Mach number is also shown to be tied to the decrease in the energy transferred from the mean flow (E1) in the same limit. The sharp decay of the viscous eigenfunctions with increasing Mach number is responsible for the decrease of E1 for the present mean flow.
Linear stability and the non-modal transient energy growth in compressible plane Couette flow are investigated for the uniform shear flow with constant viscosity. For a given M, the critical Reynolds number (Re), the dominant instability (over all stream-wise wavenumbers, α) of each mean flow belongs different modes for a range of supersonic M. An analysis of perturbation energy reveals that the instability is primarily caused by an excess transfer of energy from mean-flow to perturbations. It is shown that the energy-transfer from mean-flow occurs close to the moving top-wall for “mode I” instability, whereas it occurs in the bulk of the flow domain for “mode II”.For the Non-modal transient growth anlaysis, it is shown that the maximum temporal amplification of perturbation energy, G max,, and the corresponding time-scale are significantly larger for the uniform shear case compared to those for its non-uniform counterpart. For α = 0, the linear stability operator can be partitioned into L ~ L ¯ L +Re2Lp is shown to have a negligibly small contribution to perturbation energy which is responsible for the validity of the well-known quadratic-scaling law in uniform shear flow: G(t/Re) ~ Re2 . In contrast , the dominance of Lp is responsible for the invalidity of this scaling-law in non-uniform shear flow. An inviscid reduced model, based on Ellignsen-Palm-type solution, has been shown to capture all salient features of transient energy growth of full viscous problem. For both modal and non-modal instability, the viscosity-stratification of the underlying mean flow would lead to a delayed transition in compressible Couette flow.
Modal and nonmodal spatial growths of perturbations in compressible plane Couette flow are studied. The modal instability at a chosen set of parameters is caused by the scond least-decaying mode in the otherwise stable parameter setting. The eigenfunction is accurately computed using a three-domain spectral collocation method, and an anlysis of the energy contained in the least-decaying mode reveals that the instability is due to the work by the pressure fluctuations and an increased transfer of energy from mean flow. In the case of oblique modes the stability at higher spanwise wave number is due to higher thermal diffusion rate. At high frequency range there are disjoint regions of instability at chosen Reynolds number and Mach number. The stability characteristics in the inviscid limit is also presented. The increase in Mach number and frequency is found to further destabilize the unstable modes for the case of two-dimensional(2D) perturbations. The behaviors of the non-inflexional neutral modes are found to be similar to that of compressible boundary layer. A leading order viscous correction to the inviscid solution reveals that the neutral and unstable modes are destabilized by the no-slip enforced by viscosity. The viscosity has a dual role on the stable inviscid mode. A spatial transient growth studies have been performed and it is found that the transient amplification is of the order of Reynolds number for a superposition of stationary modes. The optimal perturbations are similar to the streamwise invariant perturbations in the temporal setting. Ellignsen & Palm solution for the spatial algebraic growth of stationary inviscid perturbation has been derived and found to agree well with the transient growth of viscous counterpart. This inviscid solution captures the features of streamwise vortices and streaks, which are observed as optimal viscous perturbations.
The temporal secondary instability of most-unstable primary wave is also studied. The secondary growth-rate is many fold higher when compared with that of primary wave and found to be phase-locked. The fundamental mode is more unstable than subharmonic or detuned modes. The secondary growth is studied by varying the parameters such as β, Re, M and the detuning parameter.
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Experimental Investigation of Transition over a NACA 0018 Airfoil at a Low Reynolds NumberBoutilier, Michael Stephen Hatcher January 2011 (has links)
Shear layer development over a NACA 0018 airfoil at a chord Reynolds number of 100,000 was investigated experimentally. The effects of experimental setup and analysis tools on the results were also examined.
The sensitivity of linear stability predictions for measured separated shear layer velocity profiles to both the analysis approach and experimental data scatter was evaluated. Analysis approaches that are relatively insensitive to experimental data scatter were identified. Stability predictions were shown to be more sensitive to the analysis approach than to experimental data scatter, with differences in the predicted maximum disturbance growth rate and corresponding frequency of approximately 35% between approaches.
A parametric study on the effects of experimental setup on low Reynolds number airfoil experiments was completed. It was found that measured lift forces and vortex shedding frequencies were affected by the end plate configuration. It was concluded that the ratio of end plate spacing to projected model height should be at least seven, consistent with the guideline for circular cylinders. Measurements before and after test section wall streamlining revealed errors in lift coefficients due to blockage as high as 9% and errors in the wake vortex shedding frequency of 3.5%.
Shear layer development over the model was investigated in detail. Flow visualization images linked an observed asymmetry in wake velocity profiles to pronounced vortex roll-up below the wake centerline. Linear stability predictions based on the mean hot-wire profiles were found to agree with measured disturbance growth rates, wave numbers, and streamwise velocity fluctuation profiles. Embedded surface pressure sensors were shown to provide reasonable estimates of disturbance growth rate, wave number, and convection speed for conditions at which a separation bubble formed on the airfoil surface. Convection speeds of between 30 and 50% of the edge velocity were measured, consistent with phase speed estimates from linear stability theory.
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