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Teplotní profily a fluktuace teploty v turbulentní Rayleighově-Bénardově konvekci / Temperature profiles and temperature fluctuations in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convectionDrahotský, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Tato práce popisuje výzkum zaměřený na studium vertikálních teplotních profilů a fluktuací v turbulentní Rayleighově-Bénardově konvekci. Experiment byl proveden v "Barrel of Ilmenau" obsahující válcovou experimentální celu s průměrem 7,15 m a výškou 4,7 m ("the aspect ratio" = 1,5) naplněnou suchým vzduchem. Teplotní profily a fluktuace byly studovány podél vertikální osy cely mezi horní a spodní deskou spodní deskou v rozmezí Rayleighova čísla (Ra) 1E11 4E12. Teplotní profily byly změřeny novou metodou využívající systém s optickým vláknem Luna ODiSI-B, který byl pořízen týmem z Ilmenau. Systém umožňuje měřit teplotní profil ve všech bodech podél celého vlákna současně s prostorovým rozlišením 5 mm.
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The dynamics of the G protein-coupled neuropeptide Y2 receptor in monounsaturated membranes investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopyThomas, Lars, Kahr, Julian, Schmidt, Peter, Krug, Ulrike, Scheidt, Holger A., Huster, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
In contrast to the static snapshots provided by protein crystallography, G protein-coupled receptors constitute a group of proteins with highly dynamic properties, which are required in the receptors’ function as signaling molecule. Here, the human neuropeptide Y2 receptor was reconstituted into a model membrane composed of monounsaturated phospholipids and solid-state NMR was used to characterize its dynamics. Qualitative static 15N NMR spectra and quantitative determination of 1H-13C order parameters through measurement of the 1H-13C dipolar couplings of the CH, CH2 and CH3 groups revealed axially symmetric
motions of the whole molecule in the membrane and molecular fluctuations of varying amplitude from all molecular segments. The molecular order parameters (Sbackbone = 0.59-0.67, SCH2 = 0.41-0.51 and SCH3 = 0.22) obtained in directly polarized 13C NMR experiments demonstrate that the Y2 receptor is highly mobile in the native-like membrane. Interestingly, according to these results the receptor was found to be slightly more rigid in the membranes formed by the monounsaturated phospholipids than by saturated phospholipids as investigated previously. This could be caused by an increased chain length of the monounsaturated lipids, which may result in a higher helical content of the receptor. Furthermore, the incorporation of cholesterol, phosphatidylethanolamine, or negatively
charged phosphatidylserine into the membrane did not have a significant influence on the molecular mobility of the Y2 receptor.
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Korelační vlastností fluktuací v přechodové oblasti / Correlation properties of magnetosheath fluctuationsGutynska, Olga January 2011 (has links)
Title: Correlation properties of magnetosheath fluctuations Author: Olga Gutynska Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jana Šafránková, DrSc. e-mail address: Jana.Safrankova@mff.cuni.cz Abstract: This thesis deals with fluctuations of the magnetic field (MF) and plasma density in different magnetosheath locations. The statistical study of the correlation length of these quantities has shown that these lengths are surprisingly low for both the ion flux and MF (approx. 1 RE). However, the correlation length increases with an increasing correlation between the magnetosheath and interplanetary magnetic fields (IMF). Further, we have found that the correlation length of MF fluctuations depends on the solar wind speed, on a correlation between IMF and magnetosheath MF fluctua- tions, and on the amplitude of fluctuations. The statistical study of radial profiles of cross-correlations between MF and plasma density at the subsolar and flank regions based on Cluster and THEMIS magnetosheath observa- tions revealed better correlations toward the magnetopause. A study of the modification of the IMF direction in the magnetosheath has shown that a reliable prediction of the magnetosheath BZ sign requires |IMF BZ| > 2 nT and that this prediction is more precise during solar minimum....
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The influence of membrane bound proteins on phase separation and coarsening in cell membranesWitkowski, Thomas, Backofen, Rainer, Voigt, Axel January 2012 (has links)
A theoretical explanation of the existence of lipid rafts in cell membranes remains a topic of lively debate. Large, micrometer sized rafts are readily observed in artificial membranes and can be explained using thermodynamic models for phase separation and coarsening. In live cells such domains are not observed and various models are proposed to describe why the systems do not coarsen. We review these attempts critically and show within a phase field approach that membrane bound proteins have the potential to explain the different behaviour observed in vitro and in vivo. Large scale simulations are performed to compute scaling laws and size distribution functions under the influence of membrane bound proteins and to observe a significant slow down of the domain coarsening at longer times and a breakdown of the self-similarity of the size-distribution function. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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The Crooks Fluctuation Theorem Derived for Two-Dimensional Fluid Flow and its Potential to Improve PredictionsGundermann, Julia 10 October 2014 (has links)
The weather dynamics are significantly determined by the motion of the atmosphere and the ocean. This motion is often turbulent, characterized by fluctuations of the flow velocity over wide spatial and temporal scales. This fact, besides limited observability and inaccurate models, impedes the predictability of quantities such as the velocity of winds, which are relevant for the everyday life. One is always interested in improving such predictions - by employing better models or obtaining more information about the system.
The Crooks fluctuation theorem is a relation from nonequilibrium thermodynamics, which has its typical applications in nanoscale systems. It quantifies the distribution of imposed work in a process, where the system is pushed out of thermal equilibrium. This distribution is broadened due to the fluctuations of the microscopic degrees of freedom in the system.
The fluctuations of the velocity field in turbulent flow suggest the derivation of an analogy of Crooks' theorem for this macroscopic system. The knowledge about the validity of such a relation is additional information, which one in reverse could use to improve predictions about the system. In this thesis both issues are addressed: the derivation of the theorem, and the improvement of predictions.
We illustrate the application of Crooks' theorem to hydrodynamic flow within a model of a two-dimensional inviscid and incompressible fluid field, when pushed out of dynamical equilibrium. The flow on a rectangular domain is approximated by the two-dimensional vorticity equation with spectral truncation. In this setting, the equilibrium statistics of the flow can be described through a canonical ensemble with two conserved quantities, kinetic energy and enstrophy. To perturb the system out of equilibrium, we change the shape of the domain according to a protocol, which changes the kinetic energy but leaves the enstrophy constant. This is interpreted as doing work to the system. Evolving along a forward and its corresponding backward process, we find that the distributions of the work performed in these processes satisfy the Crooks relation with parameters derived from the canonical ensembles.
We address the issue of prediction in this thesis in a concrete setting: There are examples where the distributions of a variable in the forward and the backward process collapse into one, hence Crooks' theorem relates the distribution of one variable with itself. For a finite data set drawn from such a distribution, we are interested in an estimate of this variable to exceed a certain threshold. We demonstrate that, using the knowledge about Crooks' relation, forecast schemes can be proposed which improve compared to a pure frequency estimate on the data set. The findings are illustrated in three examples, studies of parameters such as exceedance threshold and data set size are presented.
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Aspects of Quantum Fluctuations under Time-dependent External InfluencesUhlmann, Michael 01 October 2007 (has links)
The vacuum of quantum field theory is not empty space but filled with quantum vacuum fluctuations, which give rise to many intriguing effects. The first part of this Thesis addresses cosmic inflation, where the quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field freeze and get amplified in the expanding universe. Afterwards, we turn our attention towards Bose-Einstein condensates, a laboratory system. Since most of our calculations are performed using a mean-field expansion, we will study the accuracy of a finite-range interaction potential onto such an expansion. Exploiting the universality of quantum fluctuations, several aspects of cosmic inflation will be identified in ballistically expanding Bose-Einstein condensates. The effective action technique for calculating the quantum backreaction will be scrutinized. Finally, we consider dynamic quantum phase transitions in the last part of this Thesis. To this end two specific scenarios will be investigated: firstly, the structure formation during the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition in the Bose-Hubbard model; and secondly, the formation of spin domains as a two-dimensional spin-one Bose gas is quenched from the (polar) paramagnetic to the (planar) ferromagnetic phase. During this quench, the symmetry of the ground state is spontaneously broken and vortices (topological defects) form.
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Optical probing of spatial structural abnormalities in cells/tissues due to cancer, drug-effect, and brain abnormalities using mesoscopic physics-based spectroscopic techniquesAdhikari, Prakash 06 August 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The quantitative measurement of structural alterations at the nanoscale level is important for understanding the physical states of weakly disordered optical mediums such as cells/tissues. Progress in certain diseases, such as cancer or abnormalities in the brain, is associated with the nanoscale structural alterations at basic building blocks of the cells/tissues. Elastic light scattering, especially at visible wavelengths range provides non-invasive ways to probe the cells/tissues up to nanoscale level. Therefore, a mesoscopic physics-based open light scattering technique with added finer focusing, partial wave spectroscopy (PWS), is developed to probe nanoscale changes. Then, molecular-specific light localization technique, a close scattering approach called inverse participation ratio (IPR) is proposed that is sensitive to nano to microstructural cell/tissue alterations. In this dissertation, we have introduced the further engineered PWS system with the finer focus for precise volume scattering and molecular-specific light localization IPR techniques. As an application of PWS, we first probe precise scattering volume in commercially available tissue microarrays (TMA) tissue samples to standardize the existing cancer diagnostic methods by distinguishing the cancer stages. We also apply the PWS technique to probe chemotherapy drug-treated metastasizing cancer patients by xenografting prostate cancer cells using a mouse model and identify drug-sensitive and drug-resistance treatment cases. On the other hand, as an illustration of another mesoscopic physics-based molecular specific light localization technique, Confocal-IPR, we study the effects of a probiotic on chronic alcoholic mice brains by targeting the molecular specific alteration in glial cells, astrocytes and microglia, and chromatin of the brain cells through staining with appropriate dyes/proteins. Using structural disorder of IPR as a biomarker, the results show that probiotics in the presence of alcohol are beneficial and help overall brain health. Finally, a TEM-IPR study was performed using nanoscale resolution TEM imaging to support the optical IPR method by studying the anti-cancerous drug effect in ovarian cancer cells. The result shows that we can quantitatively measure the effect of anti-cancerous drugs in cancer treatment and the level of tumorigenicity far below the diffraction limit, and it has a similar effect and supports the optical IPR method.
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[pt] A presente tese descreve as estruturas de infinitivo desde uma abordagem semântica, baseada nas perífrases verbais, até uma abordagem sintática, baseada no complemento e na formação morfológica do primeiro verbo, com o objetivo de auxiliar no ensino de Português como Segunda Língua para Estrangeiros (PL2E). Para tanto, utilizamos a Linguística de Corpus através da plataforma digital Linguateca, na seleção randômica de dados tanto quantitativos quanto qualitativos que descrevem esse fenômeno verbal. Por meio de autores como Almeida (1980), Travaglia (2014), Barroso (1960), Pontes (1973), Fernandes (1983) e Luft (2003), conseguimos conceituar as perífrases verbais e suas dependências morfossemânticas e morfossintáticas, apresentando os valores aspectuais e modais que as envolvem, e caracterizar os diferentes cenários que tornam os verbos semanticamente independentes. Cento e setenta e duas estruturas verbais são divididas em dois grandes grupos: trinta e seis são consideradas perífrases verbais
e as demais cento e trinta e seis configuram um grupo em que os verbos não possuem uma relação semântica entre si devido a fatores sintáticos, como as orações reduzidas; a fatores lexicais, como as expressões cristalizadas; a limitações da própria pesquisa, como as formas em desuso; e por fim a fatores morfológicos, como a forma nominal particípio passado. Em seguida, propomos uma sequência
didática para alunos de nível intermediário e avançado de PL2E a fim de ilustrar a transposição dessas estruturas do discurso acadêmico para o discurso pedagógico. Concluímos que boa parte das estruturas de infinitivo mais proeminentes em língua portuguesa em nosso corpus possuem uma independência semântica entre os verbos, e que os motivos que as levam a serem consideradas ou não como perífrases verbais estão mais relacionados às flutuações semânticas dessas estruturas do que a fenômenos sintáticos. / [en] This dissertation describes the infinitive structures from a semantic approach, based on verbal periphrases, to a syntactic one, based on the complement and morphological formation of the first verb, in order to assist the Portuguese as a Second/Foreign Language (PSL/PFL) teaching process. For that, we use Corpus
Linguistics through the digital platform Linguateca for the random selection of both quantitative and qualitative data that describe this verbal phenomenon. Based on authors such as Almeida (1980), Travaglia (2014), Barroso (1960), Pontes (1973), Fernandes (1983) and Luft (2003), we were able to conceptualize verbal periphrases and their morphosemantic and morphosyntactic dependence, presenting the aspectual and modal values that involve it, and to characterize the different scenarios that produce semantically independent verbs. One hundred and seventy-two verbal structures are divided into two large groups: thirty-six are considered verbal periphrases and one hundred and thirty-six constitute a group in
which the verbs do not hold a semantic relationship between each other due to syntactic factors, such as reduced sentences; due to lexical factors, such as crystallized expressions; due to limitations of the research itself, such as forms in disuse; and due to morphological factors, such as the past participle nominal form. Then, we propose a didactic sequence for advanced PSL/PFL students in order to illustrate the transition from the academic discourse of these structures to the pedagogical discourse. We conclude that the Portuguese prominent infinitive structures in our corpus do not hold a semantic independence between verbs and the reasons that lead them to be considered or not as verbal periphrases are more
related to the semantic fluctuations of these structures than to syntactic phenomena.
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On some positive effects of swirling flow for the continuous cast mould billetsKholmatov, Shavkat January 2007 (has links)
Continuous caster moulds are the last and most important stage in the steelmaking process, where inclusions can either be generated or removed. With increasing casting speed using conventional immersion nozzles critical problems, such as unstable bulk mould flow have been noticed. Mould flux entrapment due to vortex and shearing action from the oscillating surface waves have become of particular concern. It is therefore necessary to have a calm inlet flow at the entrance of the mould. Recently, it has been acknowledged that a swirl blade placed at the upstream of the immersion nozzle effectively resolves the problems arising from unstable bulk mould flow. Therefore, to increase the knowledge of effect of swirling flow on the flow pattern in the mould, fundamental mathematical models of a billet mould equipped with a swirl blade in the nozzle have been developed. The model was used to study the effect of divergent angle of the immersion nozzle and mould aspect ratio on the flow field and temperature distribution inside billets moulds. Data from water model experiments were used to verify the mathematical model predictions. A fairly good agreement was found between physical modeling data and predictions, which ensured that the numerical model is reliable. Thereafter, the differences between square and round billet moulds were studied. Next, the effect of changing aspect ratio of the rectangular mould on the fluid flow and heat transfer, while keeping mould surface area constant, was studied. Two types of immersion nozzles, bottomless and conventional, were also analyzed during the research. The model moulds were changed gradually from a square billet with an aspect ratio of 1x1 to a rectangular billet with an aspect ratio of 3x1. First, the temperature and velocity distributions were calculated. Later, unsteady calculations were done to determine velocity fluctuations on the meniscus level for two types of nozzles and several moulds geometries. / <p>QC 20101110</p>
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75As and 59Co NMR Study of the Electron Doped Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))(2)As(2)Ning, Fanlong 08 1900 (has links)
We report a systematic investigation of the local electronic, magnetic, and superconducting properties of the new iron-based high temperature superconductor Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x)As(2) (x = 0, 0.02 , 0.04, 0.082) through the measurement of 75As and 59Co NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) lineshapes, Knight shift (K), and spinlattice relaxation rate ( 1/ T1) . The 75As NMR lineshape of the undoped parent compound splits into two sets due to discrete values of hyperfine magnetic field B(c)(hf)= ±1.32 Tesla below the magnetic ordering temperature to the SDW (Spin Density Wave) state, TSDW. In contrast, for lightly Co doped samples with x=0.02 and 0.04, the 75As and 59Co lineshapes become broad and featureless below Tsnw , indicating that the ground state is no longer the commensurate SDW ordered state. The
observed lineshape is consistent with an incommensurate SDW ordered state, or a commensurate state with large distribution of hyperfine field Bhf. In the optimally doped superconductor with x = 0.082 (Tc = 22 K) , we observe two types of As sites and three types of Co sites, respectively, as expected from a binomial distribution of Co dopants. We found no evidence for induced localized moments in the vicinity of Co dopants. This finding is in remarkable contrast with the case of Zn or Ni doped high Tc cuprates, and suggests that the fundamental physics of iron-based superconductors is different from that of cu prates. The temperature dependences of 75,59K and 75,59 (1/T1T) at both 75As and 59Co sites show that Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))(2)As(2) exhibits spin pseudo-gap like behavior down to ~100 K for a broad Co concentration range. Below ~100 K , we observe the enhancement of residual antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations associated with inter-band spin excitations between the hole and electron Fermi surfaces even for x= 0.082. This effect is suppressed in the overdoped sample with x= 0.099, and Tc decreases. Therefore, we suggest that antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations play a crucial role in the superconducting mechanism of Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))(2)As(2) . We also demonstrate that the superconductivity arises from a novel electronic state with spin susceptibility Xs ~ constant and in-plane resistivity P(ab)~T, which is not consistent with canonical Fermi-liquid behavior. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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