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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Mathematical models for the control of Argulus foliaceus in UK stillwater trout fisheries

McPherson, Nicola J. January 2013 (has links)
Species of Argulus are macro-, ecto-parasites known to infect a wide variety of fish, but in the UK mainly cause problems in rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). Argulus foliaceus is estimated to have caused problems in over 25% of stillwater trout fisheries in the UK. While A. foliaceus does not usually cause high levels of mortality, the parasite affects fish welfare, and also makes fish harder to catch due to morbidity and reduced appetite. This can cause severe economic problems for the fishery, resulting in reduced angler attendance due to poor capture rates and the reduced aesthetic appearance of fish; in the worst-case scenario this can result in the closure of the fishery. Current methods of control include chemical treatment with chemotherapeutant emamectin benzoate (Slice), physical intervention with egg-laying boards which are removed periodically and cleaned in order to reduce the number of parasites hatching into the environment, and the complete draining and liming of the lake to remove all free-living and egg stages of the parasite. While these treatments have all been shown to reduce parasite numbers, none are known to have resulted in permament eradication of the parasite. There is evidence to suggest that A. foliaceus will eventually develop resistance to Slice - the only currently available chemical treatment against the infection - and egg-laying boards and the draining and liming of the lake are both time- and labour-intensive. Previous studies have shown that slow fish turnover is a risk factor with respect to A. foliaceus infections, and with a wide variety of stocking practices occurring in the UK one of the first aims of this project was to determine their impact on the host-parasite dynamics. Mathematical models provide a cost-effective way of examining the impact of such practices, and after a literature review (chapter one), in chapter two a three-compartment mathematical model was adapted for use in the A. foliaceus-trout system. Four generalised stocking methods were then incorporated and analysed, and a minimum threshold host density was found to be necessary to sustain the parasite. Including a function which reduced the capture rate as the parasite burden increased allowed the parasite to survive at a lower host density, as susceptible fish were removed from the water at a slower rate, and attached parasites also remained in the water for longer. This resulted in hysteresis in the model, as the invasion threshold for the parasite remained the same, but once established the parasite became harder to eradicate, requiring significant reductions in the host density. In chapter three the model was further developed in order to improve its biological real- ism. Several features were added and these included: natural host mortalities, a separate compartment for the parasite egg population, and parasite survival after the natural or parasite-induced mortality of its host. In chapter four seasonality was added by incorporating temperature-dependent egg-laying rates and an over-wintering period during which the parasite was unable to reproduce. The model was then fit to the available data, and estimates for the rate of parasite-induced host mortalities and the parasite’s rate of attachment to a host were found. In chapter five we returned to stocking methods, this time looking at the frequency and timing of stocking events and the impact of imposing a rod limit (whereby anglers are only permitted to capture four fish per visit); it was concluded that while current guidelines suggest that very frequent trickle stocking is recommended when dealing with Argulus spp. infections, monthly stocking does not appear to worsen the infection, and if the fish capture rate is high then less-frequent stocking may also be permissable - particularly if stocking occurs towards the end of the year when the parasite is no longer active. This practice may, however, be detrimental to the fishery due to low fish densities in the summer months. In chapter six treatment with Slice was included in the model, and it was demonstrated that with constant treatment, and in the absence of reservoir hosts and a withdrawal period from the drug prior to stocking treated fish into the fishery, the parasite was eradicated. Under current veterinary cascade guidelines, however, trout are required to undergo a withdrawal period of 500 degree days prior to being made available for human consumption. When this was included in the model the drug still decreased parasite abundance, but did not eradicate it - this is in agreement with results reported by communications with fishery managers currently treating fish with Slice. A reduction in the withdrawal period of 25% was shown to further decrease parasite abundance, but still did not result in parasite extinction. As constant treatment with Slice is not advisable due to the potential for resistance build-up, we then sought to find time at which to apply a single treatment of Slice, and found that this was in August when the temperature was highest and the parasite was reproducing and attaching to hosts quickly. Egg-laying boards were also incorporated into the model and similarly to findings by Fenton et al. [11] the success of this treatment was mostly dependent on the proportion of eggs being laid on the boards (as opposed to natural substrates). In contrast with the A. coregoni system, however, the boards would have to be cleaned and replaced more frequently that once per year, as several cohorts of A. foliaceus emerge during a single year.

Avaliação da Proteína C Reativa como marcador inflamatório e de seu potencial para monitoração terapêutica em casos de pênfigo foliáceo e de piodermite superficial na espécie canina / Evaluation of C- Reactive Protein as an inflammatory marker and its potential for therapeutic monitoring in cases of canine pemphigus foliaceus and superficial pyoderma in dogs

Severo, Júlia Só 19 August 2015 (has links)
O pênfigo foliáceo inclui-se em um grupo de dermatoses autoimunes vésico-bolhosas da pele e mucosas reconhecido em alguns mamíferos, incluíndo os cães. Muitos autores acreditam que o pênfigo foliáceo (PF) é a dermatopatia autoimune mais frequentemente observada em caninos. Muitas podem ser as enfermidades caninas que devem ser incluídas no diagnóstico diferencial do pênfigo foliáceo, principalmente, a piodermite superficial (PS). A Proteína C Reativa (PCr) é conhecida como a principal proteína de fase aguda em cães. Nesses espécimes, a elevação da PCr tem sido observada em ampla variedade de condições mórbidas. A determinação da PCr tem sido proposta como um marcador inflamatório de algumas doenças autoimunes. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se a Proteína C Reativa pode ser utilizada como um marcador biológico precoce para diferenciar o pênfigo foliáceo da piodermite superficial em cães. Esta pesquisa constituiu um estudo clínico observacional prospectivo longitudinal, realizada em cães acometidos pelo PF ou PS. Foram incluídos 59 cães divididos em três Grupos I (Controle) com 31 animais, II (PF) e III (PS), cada um constituído por 14 cães. Submeteram-se, respectivamente, fragmentos cutâneos e soros de caninos, acometidos por PF ou PS, a exames histopatologicos e imunofluorescência direta (IFD) e à determinação de PCr e, também, a imunofluorescência indireta (IFI), utilizando-se para essa última coxins palmo-plantares a título de substrato. O grau de acometimento dos pacientes penfigosos (Grupo II) foi avaliado pelo PEFESI, durante período de até 90 dias, em diferentes momentos em que se realizou a IFI e a avaliação da PCr. Comparando-se os valores de IFD com aqueles da histopatologia obtiveram-se valores geral de concordância de 75% (9/12) e Índice Kappa de 0,77 (p<0,001) e, também, concordância dita substancial entre os dois métodos. Já, na IFI o valor de concordância foi de 100% (14/14), o de Kappa de 1,0 (p<0,001), com concordância considerada perfeita entre a IFI e a histopatologia. O Grupo II apresentou maior valor de mediana de PCr (37,4&micro;g/mL) quando comparado aos Grupos I, com 2,9 &micro;g/mL (p<0,0001) e III, com 3,8 &micro;g/mL (p=0,008). Não houve diferença entre os Grupos I e III (p=0,178). Considerando-se como ponto de corte um valor de PCr > 10,6&micro;g/mL, a chance de um animal estar acometido pelo PF é 5,5 vezes maior àquela de um cão não afetado, o que equivale a uma probabilidade pós-teste de 84,6%, conferindo um acréscimo de 34,6% na capacidade de diagnóstico do PF. Conclui-se que determinação de PCr é de inequívoca valia para o estabelecimento de diferenciação diagnóstica entre a casuística da contumaz piodermite superficial com quadros do pênfigo foliáceo canino / Pemphigus is included in a group of skin and mucous autoimmune vesicobullous dermatoses recognized in some mammals, including dogs. Many authors believe that pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the autoimmune skin disease most often observed in dogs. Many must be the canine diseases considered in the pemphigus foliaceus differential diagnosis, especially the superficial pyoderma (SP). The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is known as a major acute phase protein in dogs. The CRP increase has been observed in a wide variety of morbid conditions in dogs. The determination of CRP has been proposed as an inflammatory marker of some autoimmune diseases. This study aimed to determine whether C-Reactive Protein can be used as an early biomarker to differentiate pemphigus foliaceus of superficial pyoderma in dogs. An observational prospective longitudinal clinical study was undertaken including dogs affected by PF or PS. Fifth nine dogs were divided into three groups: Group I (Control) with 31 animals and II (PF) and III (SP), consisting of 14 dogs each. Dogs affected by PF or SP had skin fragments submitted to histopathological examination and direct immunofluorescent reaction (DIF). The blood sera were used to determine the CRP concentration, and also to perform the indirect imunofluorescent reaction (IIF) using canine footpad as substrate. The pemphigus patients (Group II) clinical involvement degree was evaluated by PEFESI, over a period of 90 days, moments in which IFI and evaluation of CRP took place. Comparing the DIF values with the histopathology there was an agreement of 75% (9/12) with a Kappa index of 0.77 (p <0.001) which means a degree of substantial arrangement between the two methods. Considering IIF, the agreement value was 100% (14/14) with Kappa index of 1.0 (p<0.001), showing perfect arrangement between the IIF and the histopathology. Group II showed higher CRP median (37.4 mg / mL) compared to Groups I, with 2.9 mg / mL (p <0.0001) and III with 3.8 mg / mL (p = 0.008 ). There was no statistic difference between groups I and III (p = 0.178). Considering CRP> 10,6&micro;g / mL as a cutoff value, the chance of an animal having PF is 5.5 times higher than not to be, which is equivalent to a post-test probability of 84,6%, giving a 34.6% increase in the PF diagnostic capability. It concludes that determination of CRP is unequivocal asset for the establishment of diagnostic differentiation between the common superficial pyoderma to canine pemphigus foliaceus

Avaliação de exeqüibilidade e da efetividade da determinação de anticorpos séricos pela IFI, em cães acometidos por pênfigo foliáceo na pré e trans-terapia / Feasibility and effectiveness evaluation of the determination of serum antibodies by IFI in dogs affected with pemphigus foliaceus in pre-and trans-therapy

Lucarts, Luiz Eduardo Bagini 12 July 2010 (has links)
O pênfigo foliáceo (PF) é a mais comum variante do Complexo Pênfigo na espécie canina. A enfermidade se caracteriza clinicamente pela presença de pústulas, histopatologicamente pela acantólise e imunologicamente pela presença de autoanticorpos (IgG) tanto na pele, quanto no soro sanguíneo dos doentes. Acredita-se que estes autoanticorpos estejam relacionados com a atividade do PF. O presente estudo visa avaliar a exeqüibilidade da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI), método de determinação destes anticorpos séricos, para fins diagnósticos, além de verificar a eventual queda na titulação destes anticorpos séricos face à melhora clínica devido à terapia instituída. Para a IFI utilizou-se de fragmentos de coxim canino como substrato. Considerou-se positivo o padrão de fluorescência intercelular. Utilizou-se soros de 7 cães com diagnóstico histopatológico de PF, material este armazenado à uma temperatura de 70 oC. A IFI foi realizada, inicialmente, no momento de diagnóstico ou, no caso de um animal, de grave recidiva do quadro lesional. Quando de resultado positivo fez-se também a reação nos retornos subseqüentes. O grau de acometimento dos pacientes foi avaliado pelo PEFESI, em todas as ocasiões em que se realizou a IFI. Acompanhou-se estes animais por um período de 101 a 341 dias. Obteve-se positividade em 5 destes animais (71,4%). Dos animais positivos, àqueles com maior escore lesional ao PEFESI apresentaram títulos de maior magnitude. Houve queda nos títulos e gG em todos os animais paralelamente à diminuição do PEFESI, sendo que, em alguns casos, os títulos de IgG permaneceram detectáveis, em menor magnitude, mesmo quando do pleno controle da enfermidade. A IFI, portanto, é um método exeqüível tratando-se de PF canino, com 71% de positividade em relação ao exame histopatológico. O coxim canino se mostrou um substrato eficaz e a queda nos títulos de IgG paralelamente à atividade da doença útil para o monitoramento da atividade do PF. / Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the most common variant of Pemphigus Complex in dogs. The disease is characterized clinically by the presence of pustules, histopathologically by the acantholysis and immunologically by the presence of autoantibodies (IgG) in patients skin and blood serum. It is believed that these autoantibodies are related to the PF activity. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), a determination method of these antibodies for diagnostic purposes, besides to identify a possible titration fall of serum antibodies with the clinical improvement due to therapy. For the IIFs, we used canine pawpads fragments as substrate. It was considered positive an intercellular fluorescence pattern. It was used sera from seven dogs with a histopathologic diagnosis of PF, this material was stored at 70 oC. The IIF was first performed at the time of diagnosis or, in the case of one animal, at a severe lesions relapse. When the IIF was positive it was also made at the subsequent animals evaluations. The clinical score was determined by PEFESI, all the times that the IFI was made. These animals were followed up by a 101-341 days period. Positivity was obtained in 5 of these animals (71.4%). Of the positive animals, those with the highest lesional score PEFESI showed greater titres. There was a decrease at the IgG titles in all animals in parallel with the PEFESI decrease, and in some cases, IgG titles remained detectable at a lesser magnitude, even with the full control of the disease. The IFI is, therefore, a feasible method in the case of canine PF, with 71% positivity in relation to histopathology. The canine pawpad proved to be an effective substrate and the IgG titers fall, in parallel with disease activity, useful for monitoring the Pf activity

Avaliação da Proteína C Reativa como marcador inflamatório e de seu potencial para monitoração terapêutica em casos de pênfigo foliáceo e de piodermite superficial na espécie canina / Evaluation of C- Reactive Protein as an inflammatory marker and its potential for therapeutic monitoring in cases of canine pemphigus foliaceus and superficial pyoderma in dogs

Júlia Só Severo 19 August 2015 (has links)
O pênfigo foliáceo inclui-se em um grupo de dermatoses autoimunes vésico-bolhosas da pele e mucosas reconhecido em alguns mamíferos, incluíndo os cães. Muitos autores acreditam que o pênfigo foliáceo (PF) é a dermatopatia autoimune mais frequentemente observada em caninos. Muitas podem ser as enfermidades caninas que devem ser incluídas no diagnóstico diferencial do pênfigo foliáceo, principalmente, a piodermite superficial (PS). A Proteína C Reativa (PCr) é conhecida como a principal proteína de fase aguda em cães. Nesses espécimes, a elevação da PCr tem sido observada em ampla variedade de condições mórbidas. A determinação da PCr tem sido proposta como um marcador inflamatório de algumas doenças autoimunes. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se a Proteína C Reativa pode ser utilizada como um marcador biológico precoce para diferenciar o pênfigo foliáceo da piodermite superficial em cães. Esta pesquisa constituiu um estudo clínico observacional prospectivo longitudinal, realizada em cães acometidos pelo PF ou PS. Foram incluídos 59 cães divididos em três Grupos I (Controle) com 31 animais, II (PF) e III (PS), cada um constituído por 14 cães. Submeteram-se, respectivamente, fragmentos cutâneos e soros de caninos, acometidos por PF ou PS, a exames histopatologicos e imunofluorescência direta (IFD) e à determinação de PCr e, também, a imunofluorescência indireta (IFI), utilizando-se para essa última coxins palmo-plantares a título de substrato. O grau de acometimento dos pacientes penfigosos (Grupo II) foi avaliado pelo PEFESI, durante período de até 90 dias, em diferentes momentos em que se realizou a IFI e a avaliação da PCr. Comparando-se os valores de IFD com aqueles da histopatologia obtiveram-se valores geral de concordância de 75% (9/12) e Índice Kappa de 0,77 (p<0,001) e, também, concordância dita substancial entre os dois métodos. Já, na IFI o valor de concordância foi de 100% (14/14), o de Kappa de 1,0 (p<0,001), com concordância considerada perfeita entre a IFI e a histopatologia. O Grupo II apresentou maior valor de mediana de PCr (37,4&micro;g/mL) quando comparado aos Grupos I, com 2,9 &micro;g/mL (p<0,0001) e III, com 3,8 &micro;g/mL (p=0,008). Não houve diferença entre os Grupos I e III (p=0,178). Considerando-se como ponto de corte um valor de PCr > 10,6&micro;g/mL, a chance de um animal estar acometido pelo PF é 5,5 vezes maior àquela de um cão não afetado, o que equivale a uma probabilidade pós-teste de 84,6%, conferindo um acréscimo de 34,6% na capacidade de diagnóstico do PF. Conclui-se que determinação de PCr é de inequívoca valia para o estabelecimento de diferenciação diagnóstica entre a casuística da contumaz piodermite superficial com quadros do pênfigo foliáceo canino / Pemphigus is included in a group of skin and mucous autoimmune vesicobullous dermatoses recognized in some mammals, including dogs. Many authors believe that pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the autoimmune skin disease most often observed in dogs. Many must be the canine diseases considered in the pemphigus foliaceus differential diagnosis, especially the superficial pyoderma (SP). The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is known as a major acute phase protein in dogs. The CRP increase has been observed in a wide variety of morbid conditions in dogs. The determination of CRP has been proposed as an inflammatory marker of some autoimmune diseases. This study aimed to determine whether C-Reactive Protein can be used as an early biomarker to differentiate pemphigus foliaceus of superficial pyoderma in dogs. An observational prospective longitudinal clinical study was undertaken including dogs affected by PF or PS. Fifth nine dogs were divided into three groups: Group I (Control) with 31 animals and II (PF) and III (SP), consisting of 14 dogs each. Dogs affected by PF or SP had skin fragments submitted to histopathological examination and direct immunofluorescent reaction (DIF). The blood sera were used to determine the CRP concentration, and also to perform the indirect imunofluorescent reaction (IIF) using canine footpad as substrate. The pemphigus patients (Group II) clinical involvement degree was evaluated by PEFESI, over a period of 90 days, moments in which IFI and evaluation of CRP took place. Comparing the DIF values with the histopathology there was an agreement of 75% (9/12) with a Kappa index of 0.77 (p <0.001) which means a degree of substantial arrangement between the two methods. Considering IIF, the agreement value was 100% (14/14) with Kappa index of 1.0 (p<0.001), showing perfect arrangement between the IIF and the histopathology. Group II showed higher CRP median (37.4 mg / mL) compared to Groups I, with 2.9 mg / mL (p <0.0001) and III with 3.8 mg / mL (p = 0.008 ). There was no statistic difference between groups I and III (p = 0.178). Considering CRP> 10,6&micro;g / mL as a cutoff value, the chance of an animal having PF is 5.5 times higher than not to be, which is equivalent to a post-test probability of 84,6%, giving a 34.6% increase in the PF diagnostic capability. It concludes that determination of CRP is unequivocal asset for the establishment of diagnostic differentiation between the common superficial pyoderma to canine pemphigus foliaceus

Avaliação de exeqüibilidade e da efetividade da determinação de anticorpos séricos pela IFI, em cães acometidos por pênfigo foliáceo na pré e trans-terapia / Feasibility and effectiveness evaluation of the determination of serum antibodies by IFI in dogs affected with pemphigus foliaceus in pre-and trans-therapy

Luiz Eduardo Bagini Lucarts 12 July 2010 (has links)
O pênfigo foliáceo (PF) é a mais comum variante do Complexo Pênfigo na espécie canina. A enfermidade se caracteriza clinicamente pela presença de pústulas, histopatologicamente pela acantólise e imunologicamente pela presença de autoanticorpos (IgG) tanto na pele, quanto no soro sanguíneo dos doentes. Acredita-se que estes autoanticorpos estejam relacionados com a atividade do PF. O presente estudo visa avaliar a exeqüibilidade da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI), método de determinação destes anticorpos séricos, para fins diagnósticos, além de verificar a eventual queda na titulação destes anticorpos séricos face à melhora clínica devido à terapia instituída. Para a IFI utilizou-se de fragmentos de coxim canino como substrato. Considerou-se positivo o padrão de fluorescência intercelular. Utilizou-se soros de 7 cães com diagnóstico histopatológico de PF, material este armazenado à uma temperatura de 70 oC. A IFI foi realizada, inicialmente, no momento de diagnóstico ou, no caso de um animal, de grave recidiva do quadro lesional. Quando de resultado positivo fez-se também a reação nos retornos subseqüentes. O grau de acometimento dos pacientes foi avaliado pelo PEFESI, em todas as ocasiões em que se realizou a IFI. Acompanhou-se estes animais por um período de 101 a 341 dias. Obteve-se positividade em 5 destes animais (71,4%). Dos animais positivos, àqueles com maior escore lesional ao PEFESI apresentaram títulos de maior magnitude. Houve queda nos títulos e gG em todos os animais paralelamente à diminuição do PEFESI, sendo que, em alguns casos, os títulos de IgG permaneceram detectáveis, em menor magnitude, mesmo quando do pleno controle da enfermidade. A IFI, portanto, é um método exeqüível tratando-se de PF canino, com 71% de positividade em relação ao exame histopatológico. O coxim canino se mostrou um substrato eficaz e a queda nos títulos de IgG paralelamente à atividade da doença útil para o monitoramento da atividade do PF. / Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the most common variant of Pemphigus Complex in dogs. The disease is characterized clinically by the presence of pustules, histopathologically by the acantholysis and immunologically by the presence of autoantibodies (IgG) in patients skin and blood serum. It is believed that these autoantibodies are related to the PF activity. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), a determination method of these antibodies for diagnostic purposes, besides to identify a possible titration fall of serum antibodies with the clinical improvement due to therapy. For the IIFs, we used canine pawpads fragments as substrate. It was considered positive an intercellular fluorescence pattern. It was used sera from seven dogs with a histopathologic diagnosis of PF, this material was stored at 70 oC. The IIF was first performed at the time of diagnosis or, in the case of one animal, at a severe lesions relapse. When the IIF was positive it was also made at the subsequent animals evaluations. The clinical score was determined by PEFESI, all the times that the IFI was made. These animals were followed up by a 101-341 days period. Positivity was obtained in 5 of these animals (71.4%). Of the positive animals, those with the highest lesional score PEFESI showed greater titres. There was a decrease at the IgG titles in all animals in parallel with the PEFESI decrease, and in some cases, IgG titles remained detectable at a lesser magnitude, even with the full control of the disease. The IFI is, therefore, a feasible method in the case of canine PF, with 71% positivity in relation to histopathology. The canine pawpad proved to be an effective substrate and the IgG titers fall, in parallel with disease activity, useful for monitoring the Pf activity

Fogo selvagem, alma domada: a doença e o Hospital do Pênfigo de Uberaba - história e psicografia

Lima, Nadia Rodrigues Alves Marcondes Luz [UNESP] 15 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-12-15Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:07:49Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 lima_nraml_dr_fran_parcial.pdf: 266613 bytes, checksum: 5ccb285694d279c3f0e1c3bd6538513d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este estudo tem como tema central a história da doença pênfigo foliáceo endêmico e do Hospital do Pênfigo de Uberaba (MG), fundado no ano de 1957 e ainda em atividade. O hospital recebe pacientes portadores desta doença, popularmente conhecida como fogo selvagem, provenientes de diversas regiões do Brasil. Considerada como uma das únicas doenças autoimunes com características endêmicas, classifica-se cientificamente como sendo uma dermatose bolhosa, comumente presente em regiões geográficas de climas tropicais, cuja etiologia, a despeito do empenho em pesquisas científicas, ainda permanece desconhecida. No Brasil, seu tratamento vem sendo realizado desde o final da década de 1960, com medicamentos à base de corticosteróides, potente anti-inflamatório descoberto no final da década de 1950. O Hospital do Pênfigo, em Uberaba, é a única instituição remanescente que se dedica de modo específico, com exclusividade, ao tratamento do pênfigo foliáceo endêmico. Instituição considerada pelo Estado como de utilidade pública, o hospital é administrado e parcialmente mantido por integrantes do segmento cultural espírita e oferece, além da terapêutica tradicional, também outras, integrativas, tais como o passe magnético, a desobsessão e a fluidificação da água. Ao registrar a história deste hospital, esta pesquisa traz também subsídios para a compreensão da evolução da doença e de seu tratamento, no Brasil. Destacamos a história da fundadora Aparecida Conceição Ferreira, da peculiar maneira por ela desenvolvida de tratar a doença e da sua amizade com o médium Francisco Cândido Xavier, desde os começos da construção e edificação do hospital, cujas raízes se fundam nos preceitos morais e na filosofia da história que sustentam a teoria doutrinária espírita do francês Allan Kardec. A escrita... / The theme of this study is the history of Endemic Pemphigus Foliaceus disease, as well as of the Pemphigus Hospital of Uberaba – (MG), founded in 1957 and still active. The hospital receives patients with endemic pemphigus foliaceus disease, popularly known as “fogo selvagem”, from several regions of Brazil. Regarded as one of the few autoimmune diseases with endemic features, it is scientifically classified as a bullous dermatosis, usually found in geographical regions of tropical climates, which etiology, despite all efforts in scientific researches, still remains unknown. In Brazil, its treatment has been performed since the late 1960s, with medicines based on corticosteroids, potent anti-inflammatory discovered in the late 1950s. The Pemphigus Hospital, in Uberaba, is the only remaining institution which is engaged in a specific way, exclusively to the treatment of the endemic pemphigus foliaceus disease. The institution is considered by the state as of public utility and the hospital is run and partially maintained by members of the Spiritist cultural movement. Besides the traditional therapy, the treatment offers integrative ones, such as the magnetic healing, the disobsession and the magnetization of the water. Registering the history of this Hospital this research brings subsidies concerning the evolution comprehension of the disease and its treatment in Brazil. We highlighted the history of its founder – Aparecida Conceição Ferreira and her peculiar manner of treating the disease, moreover her friendship with the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier, since the beginnings of construction and Hospital edification, whose roots are founded on moral principles of the Spiritist Doctrine philosophy of the French Allan Kardec. The history writing on this dissertation emphasizes the theoretical contribution of Michel de Certeau and the concept of historical symmetries of Hermínio Miranda as a metho

Análise espacial da distribuição de pênfigo vulgar e foliáceo no âmbito de três bacias hidrográficas presentes no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo e a relação com fatores ambientais / Analysis of the spatial distribution of pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus under three watersheds present in the northeastern state of São Paulo and the relationship with environmental factors

Celere, Beatriz Smidt 29 August 2016 (has links)
Focos geográficos bem definidos de pênfigo prevalecem no mundo todo, inclusive no Brasil. Nas últimas décadas vem sendo estudada a possibilidade de fatores ambientais participarem do desencadeamento da doença. A região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, onde localizam-se três Bacias Hidrográficas, apresenta prevalência de duas formas clínicas do pênfigo, pênfigo vulgar (PV) e pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (PFE) sendo uma importante área para o estudo da doença. Nesse estudo, foi utilizado um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para descrever a distribuição espacial e o comportamento temporal de PV e PFE nessa região do Estado de São Paulo nas últimas cinco décadas e caracterizar o uso e ocupação do solo no município com maior número de ocorrências de pênfigo. Os pacientes foram identificados baseados nos prontuários médicos entre 1965 e 2014. Os mapas temáticos foram desenvolvidos com o software ArcGIS 10.2. Para representar a distribuição espacial do pênfigo, os mapas foram organizados em décadas de 1965 a 2014. Para o município com maior número de ocorrências de PV e PFE, o uso e ocupação do solo, de acordo com a hidrografia, a vegetação nativa, à área agrícola, o solo exposto e a área urbana, foi analisado em um raio de 2 km no entorno da residência dos pacientes no momento do surgimento dos sintomas. Como análise adicional, mapas ilustrando a distribuição dos casos de pênfigo de acordo com as classes hipsométricas, declividade do solo e densidade populacional por distrito do município (Norte, Sul, Leste, Oeste e Central) foram também desenvolvidos. Quatrocentos e vinte e seis casos foram analisados. Os casos de PFE predominaram, com 285 (67%) dos casos. De acordo com a distribuição espacial e evolução temporal, PV não foi reportado de 1965 a 1974, entretanto, os casos de PV tiveram um aumento contínuo nas próximas décadas e ultrapassou o número de casos de PFE na última década. Analisando de forma acumulada os casos, tanto o PV quanto o PFE tiveram aumento ao longo do período estudado, revelando uma expansão espacial. A Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Pardo teve o maior número de casos com um total de 153 (41% PV e 59% PFE). No período de 1965 a 2014 o número de cidades com registros de casos de PV e PFE aumentou de 0 para 49 e de 13 para 60, respectivamente, com Ribeirão Preto e Batatais sendo os principais focos geográficos de PV e PFE, respectivamente. Ribeirão Preto foi o município com maior ocorrência de pênfigo (35 casos de PV e 37 casos de PFE). A área agrícola (42%) e o solo exposto (33,2%) foram os usos do solo que predominam no município. Além disso, todos os pacientes com PV ou PFE moram perto de rios e área agrícola. Em Ribeirão Preto, os casos de pênfigo estão concentrados nos distritos norte e oeste, os casos de PFE estão distribuídos em baixas altitudes quando comparadas com o PV e tanto o PV quanto o PFE predominam em áreas com baixa porcentagem de declividade do solo. No contexto da saúde pública, o SIG se tornou uma importante ferramenta que ajuda os pesquisadores entenderem a ocorrência e tendência de certos eventos, conduzindo nas melhores estratégias de controle de doenças. As análises de distribuição espacial e evolução temporal mostraram que os casos de PV e PFE aumentaram na região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo nas últimas cinco décadas. Esse monitoramento também ajudou a identificar os principais focos geográficos de pênfigo nessa região. A predominância de agricultura e solo exposto em Ribeirão Preto e a proximidade dos casos com rios e agricultura reforça a hipótese de que os fatores ambientais desempenham um importante papel na etiopatogênese do pênfigo / Defined foci of pemphigus prevalence worldwide, including Brazil, raise the possibility that environmental factors trigger the onset of this disease. The northeastern region of the state of São Paulo is located within three Watersheds and is an appropriate site to investigate pemphigus because this disease is prevalent in both clinical forms--endemic pemphigus foliaceus (PFE) and pemphigus vulgaris (PV)--therein. In this study, we have used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to describe the spatial distribution and temporal behavior of PV and PFE in this region of the state of São Paulo over the last five decades; we have also characterized land use in the city with the highest number of cases. Patients were identified based on patients\' medical records between 1965 and 2014. Thematic maps were developed with the ArcGIS 10.2 software. To represent the spatial distribution of pemphigus, maps were organized in decades from 1965 to 2014. For the city with the highest occurrence of PFE and PV cases, land use regarding hydrography, native vegetation, agriculture, exposed soil, and urbanization was analyzed within a 2-km buffer surrounding from the patients\' residencies considering the address where the pemphigus clinical signs and symptoms started. For additional analysis, thematic maps illustrating the distribution of pemphigus cases according to hypsometric classes, soil declivity, and population density by sector (North, South, East, West, and Central) were designed. Four hundred and twenty-six cases were analyzed. PFE cases predominated: they corresponded to 285 or 67% of the cases. Regarding spatial distribution and temporal evolution, PV was not reported from 1965 to 1974; notwithstanding, PV rose in the following four decades and overcame the number of PFE cases in the last decade. Regarding cumulative cases, both PV and PFE increased throughout the studied period, which revealed spatial expansion. The Pardo River Basin had the highest number of cases with a total of 153 (41% PV and 59% PFE). In the studied period, the number of cities with recorded cases of PV and PFE increased from 0 to 49 and from 13 to 60, respectively, with Ribeirão Preto and Batatais being the main geographical foci of PV and PFE, respectively. Ribeirão Preto was the city with the highest occurrence of pemphigus--35 PV cases and 37 PFE cases. Agricultural area (42%) and exposed soil (33.2%) were the land uses that predominated in the city. In addition, all patients with PV and PFE lived close to rivers and agricultural areas. In Ribeirão Preto, pemphigus cases were concentrated in the northern and western sectors; PFE cases were distributed at lower altitudes as compared to PV; and both PV and PFE predominated in areas with lower percentage of declivity. In the context of public health, GIS has become a powerful tool that helps researchers to understand the occurrence and trend of some events, leading to improved interventional strategies and disease control. The spatial distribution and temporal evolution analyses showed PV and PFE increased in the northeastern region of the state of São Paulo over the last five decades. This monitoring also helped to identify the main geographical foci of pemphigus. The predominance of agriculture and exposed soil in Ribeirão Preto and the proximity of the cases to rivers and agriculture reinforced the hypothesis that environmental factors play a role in pemphigus etiopathogenesis

Análise espacial da distribuição de pênfigo vulgar e foliáceo no âmbito de três bacias hidrográficas presentes no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo e a relação com fatores ambientais / Analysis of the spatial distribution of pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus under three watersheds present in the northeastern state of São Paulo and the relationship with environmental factors

Beatriz Smidt Celere 29 August 2016 (has links)
Focos geográficos bem definidos de pênfigo prevalecem no mundo todo, inclusive no Brasil. Nas últimas décadas vem sendo estudada a possibilidade de fatores ambientais participarem do desencadeamento da doença. A região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, onde localizam-se três Bacias Hidrográficas, apresenta prevalência de duas formas clínicas do pênfigo, pênfigo vulgar (PV) e pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (PFE) sendo uma importante área para o estudo da doença. Nesse estudo, foi utilizado um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para descrever a distribuição espacial e o comportamento temporal de PV e PFE nessa região do Estado de São Paulo nas últimas cinco décadas e caracterizar o uso e ocupação do solo no município com maior número de ocorrências de pênfigo. Os pacientes foram identificados baseados nos prontuários médicos entre 1965 e 2014. Os mapas temáticos foram desenvolvidos com o software ArcGIS 10.2. Para representar a distribuição espacial do pênfigo, os mapas foram organizados em décadas de 1965 a 2014. Para o município com maior número de ocorrências de PV e PFE, o uso e ocupação do solo, de acordo com a hidrografia, a vegetação nativa, à área agrícola, o solo exposto e a área urbana, foi analisado em um raio de 2 km no entorno da residência dos pacientes no momento do surgimento dos sintomas. Como análise adicional, mapas ilustrando a distribuição dos casos de pênfigo de acordo com as classes hipsométricas, declividade do solo e densidade populacional por distrito do município (Norte, Sul, Leste, Oeste e Central) foram também desenvolvidos. Quatrocentos e vinte e seis casos foram analisados. Os casos de PFE predominaram, com 285 (67%) dos casos. De acordo com a distribuição espacial e evolução temporal, PV não foi reportado de 1965 a 1974, entretanto, os casos de PV tiveram um aumento contínuo nas próximas décadas e ultrapassou o número de casos de PFE na última década. Analisando de forma acumulada os casos, tanto o PV quanto o PFE tiveram aumento ao longo do período estudado, revelando uma expansão espacial. A Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Pardo teve o maior número de casos com um total de 153 (41% PV e 59% PFE). No período de 1965 a 2014 o número de cidades com registros de casos de PV e PFE aumentou de 0 para 49 e de 13 para 60, respectivamente, com Ribeirão Preto e Batatais sendo os principais focos geográficos de PV e PFE, respectivamente. Ribeirão Preto foi o município com maior ocorrência de pênfigo (35 casos de PV e 37 casos de PFE). A área agrícola (42%) e o solo exposto (33,2%) foram os usos do solo que predominam no município. Além disso, todos os pacientes com PV ou PFE moram perto de rios e área agrícola. Em Ribeirão Preto, os casos de pênfigo estão concentrados nos distritos norte e oeste, os casos de PFE estão distribuídos em baixas altitudes quando comparadas com o PV e tanto o PV quanto o PFE predominam em áreas com baixa porcentagem de declividade do solo. No contexto da saúde pública, o SIG se tornou uma importante ferramenta que ajuda os pesquisadores entenderem a ocorrência e tendência de certos eventos, conduzindo nas melhores estratégias de controle de doenças. As análises de distribuição espacial e evolução temporal mostraram que os casos de PV e PFE aumentaram na região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo nas últimas cinco décadas. Esse monitoramento também ajudou a identificar os principais focos geográficos de pênfigo nessa região. A predominância de agricultura e solo exposto em Ribeirão Preto e a proximidade dos casos com rios e agricultura reforça a hipótese de que os fatores ambientais desempenham um importante papel na etiopatogênese do pênfigo / Defined foci of pemphigus prevalence worldwide, including Brazil, raise the possibility that environmental factors trigger the onset of this disease. The northeastern region of the state of São Paulo is located within three Watersheds and is an appropriate site to investigate pemphigus because this disease is prevalent in both clinical forms--endemic pemphigus foliaceus (PFE) and pemphigus vulgaris (PV)--therein. In this study, we have used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to describe the spatial distribution and temporal behavior of PV and PFE in this region of the state of São Paulo over the last five decades; we have also characterized land use in the city with the highest number of cases. Patients were identified based on patients\' medical records between 1965 and 2014. Thematic maps were developed with the ArcGIS 10.2 software. To represent the spatial distribution of pemphigus, maps were organized in decades from 1965 to 2014. For the city with the highest occurrence of PFE and PV cases, land use regarding hydrography, native vegetation, agriculture, exposed soil, and urbanization was analyzed within a 2-km buffer surrounding from the patients\' residencies considering the address where the pemphigus clinical signs and symptoms started. For additional analysis, thematic maps illustrating the distribution of pemphigus cases according to hypsometric classes, soil declivity, and population density by sector (North, South, East, West, and Central) were designed. Four hundred and twenty-six cases were analyzed. PFE cases predominated: they corresponded to 285 or 67% of the cases. Regarding spatial distribution and temporal evolution, PV was not reported from 1965 to 1974; notwithstanding, PV rose in the following four decades and overcame the number of PFE cases in the last decade. Regarding cumulative cases, both PV and PFE increased throughout the studied period, which revealed spatial expansion. The Pardo River Basin had the highest number of cases with a total of 153 (41% PV and 59% PFE). In the studied period, the number of cities with recorded cases of PV and PFE increased from 0 to 49 and from 13 to 60, respectively, with Ribeirão Preto and Batatais being the main geographical foci of PV and PFE, respectively. Ribeirão Preto was the city with the highest occurrence of pemphigus--35 PV cases and 37 PFE cases. Agricultural area (42%) and exposed soil (33.2%) were the land uses that predominated in the city. In addition, all patients with PV and PFE lived close to rivers and agricultural areas. In Ribeirão Preto, pemphigus cases were concentrated in the northern and western sectors; PFE cases were distributed at lower altitudes as compared to PV; and both PV and PFE predominated in areas with lower percentage of declivity. In the context of public health, GIS has become a powerful tool that helps researchers to understand the occurrence and trend of some events, leading to improved interventional strategies and disease control. The spatial distribution and temporal evolution analyses showed PV and PFE increased in the northeastern region of the state of São Paulo over the last five decades. This monitoring also helped to identify the main geographical foci of pemphigus. The predominance of agriculture and exposed soil in Ribeirão Preto and the proximity of the cases to rivers and agriculture reinforced the hypothesis that environmental factors play a role in pemphigus etiopathogenesis

Morphological and functional aspects of feeding in the freshwater fish louse Argulus foliaceus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Ambu Ali, Aisha January 2017 (has links)
Argulus foliaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) is a member of the branchiuran family Argulidae and has a worldwide distribution, causing major economic impacts for freshwater aquacultured fish species worldwide. In the UK, it has economic impacts for both aquaculture and sports fishing industries. Previous studies observed haemorrhagic and inflammatory responses after Argulus infection, which has been taken to support the idea that the parasite secretes chemicals during the feeding process to assist with the ingestion of blood and epithelial tissue. The present study suggests that the blood-feeding ectoparasite of fish, A. foliaceus, may use similar mechanisms for evading host immune responses to those used by sea lice and other haematophagous arthropods. No previous studies have directly investigated the nature of the bioactive compounds / proteins, assumed to be released from these ectoparasites, and which are considered to contribute to feeding processes and host-parasite interactions during infection. Thus, the work described in this thesis was undertaken with the objective of identifying, describing and characterising the secretory components that have previously been suggested to be secreted from glandular cells associated with the feeding appendages of Argulus foliaceus. The current study applied transcriptomic and proteomic techniques in conjunction with in situ methods to investigate known immunomodulatory genes that may serve a function in parasite-host interactions. Overall, the findings of this project have generated considerable additional knowledge concerning the biology of Argulus spp. and have provided a list of proteins that may be used by the parasite to facilitate feeding processes by secreting these active molecules into the host and hence modulating their immune defence mechanisms. This information can be used as a baseline for developing freshwater lice control strategies to help prevent the spread of Argulosis in aquaculture by applying vaccination as means of control using the candidate antigens described in this study to specifically target Argulus spp. Knowledge generated by the work described in this thesis can also contribute to the development of drugs for controlling Argulus or functional components of feed that may serve to protect fish against this parasite. Furthermore, data from this thesis enhances the knowledge of the distribution of toxin/venom or venom-like substances in crustaceans and arthropods in general.

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